Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 23, 1877, Image 4
..... , AHtyarHtiino Rates. SFAC*. ' iw 2w |l*| 2h 8m Two Squares.. 5 7.60 12 18 22 Three Squares 7 10.50 18 24 80 Four Squares. 9 13.50 24 30 86 Quarter Col’m 10 16.00 29 35 43 Half Column.. 18 30.00 50 65 89 Oiie Column... 30 50.00 80 115 150 Bills are due after flrst Insertion. Local notices under head of Business No tices, fifteen cents per line; under Preferred Locals, twenty cents pe l- line; other posi tions not specified, five and ten cents per line. Special contracts made for Advertise ments running longer than three months. trade discount for cash. SAM. W. SMALL, Atlanta, Qa. Unreeling 1 a Pullback. [From the Washington Chronicle.] A most amusing scene was witnessed on K street, the other day, A lady with a vig orous pullback skirt and an elaborate pol onaise was walking up K from Fourth street. Jfi that unaccountable outside, pocket which the fashion prescribes shall be trained to the rear and hung as low down as possible upon the last-named garment, she had anew, full spool of thread—just purchased evidently. An end of this, es caping from the open pocket, caught the eye of a K street gamin—a sixor seven- specimen. He deftly caught the end, arid, holding to it. found that it fefled off without the promenader being aware of it. He at once squared himself, sailor-fash ion, in the middle of the walk, and as she “pgid off” he “hauled in,” hand over hand, to the infinite amusement of half a hundred men who witnessed the operation. In a brief time the line reached cleai up to Fifth street from near Fourth, and as the lady stepped out on the flagging to cross the street the end ran off, and she went on with the empty spool, blissfully uncon scious of the merriment behind her back at her expense. The cruel men—and by this time a hundred had seen the unreeling pro cess—then began to speculate upon the look of blank astonishment which must have overpowered her countenance when, on reaching home, she found the spool empty, which she could assert was full when she purchased it. Opinions of the Press. THE BEST. Sam W. Small, the “Old.St” of the Atlanta Constitution, and the best “nigger-talk” writer this country ever produced, is now connected with the Sunday Morning Herald.—Louis ville Conrier-.Tonrnal. INIMITABLE! The Sunday Morning Herald is a bright, Crash paper under the charge of an experienced hand, and has several speeial featnres to recom mend it, not the least of which are those Inimitable “ Old SI ” sketches, by Sam Small. “ Old Si” Is a charac ter that will interest everybody.— Detroit Prjss. f NO SUCCESSFUL RIVAL. Sam W. Small, well-known through the country as “ Old SI,” becomes one •f the editors and proprietors of the Snnday Morning Herald, In which, perhaps, he will hold forth as Profes sor of the African language. As an •xponent of negro dialect and hu mor he has long stood wlthont a suc cessful rival. Louisville Ledger- Globe. RACY PARAGRAPHS. Sam W- Small, the spicy writer of sketches and negro character dia logues, Is now wttri the Sunday Her ald, In which paper his racy para graphs will hereafter appear.—Knox ville (Tenn.) Chronicle. LIVELY SKETCHES. Sam W. Small, whose racy pencil for a year or more has contributed so many lively sketches to the humor ous literature of the country, has be come interested in tbe Atlanta Snn day Herald. He is one" bf the most prominent young journalists in tbe country .—Knox ville (Tenn.) Tribu no. WINNING FAME. Sum W. Small is winning fame as “ Old Si,” in tbe Atlanta Sunday Her ald.— Ansiin ("Texas! Statesman. STRONG HEART AND STEADY HAND. A splendid Xeiv torv by !>. U. Locke„ftec. _lv.. urn j.\ > iml> i i.-t I'oi.u'iionced in The Llads, uiu iai'Kcs. and trie best Family Paper In {hr world. Specimen copies sent free to a„y audiuss. Send for a copy eon t.alnlnsrthor.pp.Mnfy of this Great S|.oi \ . and s-iai . lie names of a dozen or so oi your ii Haul.- at different Post Offices, to whom we will send copies tree and postpaid. THE NASBY LETTERS Arc written exclusively for the, and are published regularly in Its columns. The Bladk contains a greater number of Special Features of interest and value to the general reader than any other paper published. We also publish monthly the AMERICAN FARM JOURNAL, at only seventy-five cents a year, a practical publication for practical people. It ought to be in every home. THE BLADE—Postage Paid. Single copy, per year, $2 00; Clubs of five per year, $1.75 each and bn extra copy to the getter up of a club of ten. The Bladk and American Fabm Journal, one year, for $2.36. GOOD BOOKS. We have Just carefully revised our Book List, aud now offer to every subscriber the best works of the best authors for almost nothing. See our New Book List In the Blade. • Agents wanted everywhere. Ad dress THE BLADE, Toledo, Ohio. an . M . Business Notices Just received from menuf;. : irere and importers, who are bound to have the goods sola, the largest and finest assortment, of i Watches, , Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, . Sterling Silver Ware, Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Gold Opera and loontu.e Chains, Lockets, Seal Rings, cV. etc,. This magnificent stock of goods will be offered for sale for the next tLiny day nt ■ havdpan prices. Now is the lime for Bargains. Cal! early and buy at hard pan prices. 1 mean business. The owners of the goods want the money for them, and I want my com missions. Visitors to the Centennial will save from 26 to 50 per ceiit, by buying from me. GHeo. Sharp, 'Jr. inne2B—-dfcf Seven Alum Muss. Seven Springs Iron and Ai'up Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Hass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Sevan Spring's Iron and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Foi; Sale by Thos. Pullum & Cos., Atlanta. For Sale by !3Eh*fc BuHiffri A Cos., For Sale by A. A. Taylor, AtlahM,*' Ga. For Sale by Hurt & Brown, Atlanta, Ga. For sale by Chas. H. Mayson,Kingston,Ga. For Sale by M. G. Williams, (Jartersville. For Sale by D. W. Curry, Cartersville, Ga. Fbr Sale by Sayer & Cos., Cartersville, Ga. For Sale by Wm. Boot, Marietta, Ga. For Sale by G. W. Williams, Marietta Ga For Sale by Druggist generally. Buy it for your wife. Buy it for your daughter Buy it for your children. Buy it fbr yourself It never fails to give satisfaction. New (j) r FANCY CARDS, 11 styles with name Sit) 10cts. Post paid, J. B. Husted, Nassau, Rens. Cos. N. Y. . jan 3-4 w A MONTH to Active Men selling qptIVJU our Letter Copying Book. No press or water used. Sample copy worth $3.00 FREE. Send stamp for circular. EX CELSIOR M’F’G. CO., 99 Madison and 132 Dearborn street, Chicago. jan 3-4 w, F\Ci Ann Subscribers fob 1877. Every- UIM HJU body Is getting POTTER’S AMERICAN MONTHLY, a richly illus trated, ably edited Family Magazine at only $3 a year. Specimens 25 cts. Great terms to clubs. John E. Potter & Cos., Publish ers, Philadelphia. Jan 3-4 w —Official History of the _ . Cejitemtl exhibition It sells faster than any other book. One Agent sold 34 copies in one day. This is the only authentic and complete history pub lished. Send for our extra terms to Agents. Address, National Publishing Cos., Phil adelphia, Pa., Or St. Louis, Mo. Jan 3-4 w _______ - - WITH A COLDjIS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells’ Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseas es of the Throat, Lungs, Chest and Mu cous Mem trane. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. Sold by all Druggist. C. N. CRITTENTON 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. jan 3-4 w Active Agents wanted instantly to intro duce the Centennial Exposition, DESCRIBED and illustrated. Nearly 800 pages; only $2.50; rich illustra tions; and a traasure as the best and cheap est History of the Great Exhibition. En dorsed by Officials, Press and Clergy. Is selling immensely. One lady cleared $350 In four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For full particulars. Address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 733 Sansom street, Phila delphia. Pa. Jan 3 4w 5000 AGENTS Charlej Boss, Written by his Father. A complete ac count of the most Mysterious Abduction and Exciting Search. With Fae-Simlle Letters and Illustrations. Outsells all other books. One agent took SO orders in one day. Terms liberal. Also Agents wanted on our Magnificent Family Bi bles. With Invaluable Illustrated Aids and Superb Bindings. John E. Potter & Cos., Publishers. Philadelphia. jan 3-4 w headacheT 4 Dr. C. W. BENSON’S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, and will cure any case. Price 50 cents, post* age free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. Office, 106 North Eutaw street, Bal timore, Md.—Reference: G. J. Lester, Cash iet Howard Bank. Baltimore. jan 3-4 w Important, Business Men! THE Times and Planter will appear next week in a greatly enlarged and Improv ed form. It will contain a complete Direc tory of the North Georgia Conserence—the names of members, and the homes to which they have been assigned during their stay in Sparta, and much other valuable Infor mation. It will also contain an account of the First Methodist Conference Ever Held i Georgia, (which met in Sparta in 1806), written by Hr. L. Pierce, the only surviving member of that, body, AN IMMENSE EXTRA EDITION will be printed, and It will be circulated THROUGHOUT GEORGIA, rendering It a really remarkable opportunity for Advertis ers. Advertising rates moderate. Address TIMES AND PLANTER. n25 Sparta, Ga, FOR THE NEXT IS DAYS. f OFFER my entire stock of Millinery JL and Fancy Goods at New York cost. The stock consists of Celluloid Sets Scarf Pins, Necklaces. Coral Combs, latest style Ties, Bustles,, Braftts. Curls, tdee'S-lw ATIL.IKTA TELEGRAM-JA> lAHY 23, 1877. r ——— —— —-- —— I [v l a ■lijure' ■ ntniffiifry -nrn'rH'T''ii'Y 's.'”***#- • **:*< i| i -—- i Custom “Partly-Made” v \\ ■■ ’ *? if I't Yc j) if j:- u ;j i wp . Ihi ? J l 'ljll m m \ 11 # m Hf mm \ j 'W'’*-' fjljl J. ? K S IS Ilf ' vVf m m Swe atrwi ■ • ■ i|!M rn 4||p BhHßhullh If ’ - *■! per Dozen. ritHlS cut represents an Excelsior Shirt. L open back, pa>tly made. The bosom is shield shaped, 4-ply. very neat, fit.- elegantly and greatly- admired. The Caffs are 4 ply. 214 Inches wide, any size required around the hand, are attached to the sleeves, and set in as represented. The shirt Is complet ed In the best, workmanlike manner, with this exception: sleeves and sides to be sewed up, bottoms to be hemmed, button holes to be made and buttons sewed on. We furnish the best muslin for bodies, and good, heavy linen for bosoms and cuffs. We make them to your measure, and guarantee a good fit For sls per Dos.; $7.50 per half Do*. Medium sizes Any woman can finish them. We also make to your order, by measure, the finest qualities @f Gents’ Dress Shirts, entirely completed, handsomely laundred, at prices from $36 00 as low as 21.00 per doz. WILSON & CREEHMUR. 25 Whitehell s.reet, up stairs. fl**Send for Circulars, Price-List aud In structions for self-measurement. HAS NO RIVAL WORTHY THE NAME. MUS!C] CHURCH’S Diseases Produced by Disordered . Liver. The liver being one of the most important organs of the human system, iis unhealthy condition Is often the immediate cause of Dispepsiu, Dropsy. Costiveness, l udigestiou, Headache, Diseases of the Bladder and Kid neys, Fjmale Affections, and Fever and Ague. The origin qi ail these eviis is cor rected by the action of “J. M. Laroque’s An ti-Bilious Bitters.” Price in package 26 cts., in bottles ready for use sl. W. E. Thornton, Batimore and Harrison streets, Baltimore, Md. decs. A. f>.~ CLIN AR D, PROPRIETOR Newton House, ATHENS, GEORGIA. SB.OO BOARD $2.00 PER DAY. $2.00 /"APPOSITE the University; comer Broad IJ gt. and College Avenue. Express office in the Hotel. Hotel omnibuses running to all railroad trains. oct23tf Jos. T. JEiolit>u.i:*g -90 Whitehall Street. SIGN OF THE BIG COFFEE POT, ■Now offers at greatly reduced prices Cooking find Heating Stoves,Tin, Wood and Iron Ware ; Grates and Mantels. F. M. RICARDSON, tbe great stove man, can be found at tishh ouse. Call and see him. oct2B2w MARCUS A. BELL, PIROMIS H. BELL. Attorney at Law. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, by; MarcJus A. Bell & Son. OKFIOK No. 1. up 4:>;rE, Centennial Bnildiag. d®-Special at.ionMon given to Hunting houses and CollwiTing rents, making prompt rei urns; also, to selling real estate for Owners, Administrators, Guardians, As signees, Trustees, etc,, eitlu-r at private or public sale. Strict ;it ten Mon given to Convpvnncing, and the Investigation of titles: also, to secu ring and el reeling settlement Of Claims, Without suit. MARCUS A. BELL A SON, dec 16 ) w Real Estate Agents. Removal ED. F. SHROPSHIRE Has removed his Shirt Factory FROM at M • • - EAST ALABAMA ST. ' 1 to"r:" v ,, t 4a% • * PEACHTREE T. ■ -i-.:.* ~Vr i'q TTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTTTTT rcTXT/} TTTTT TTTTT T TTTTT T 1 TTTTT ! TTTTT : y ! TTTTT ' :'v- : TTTTT i TTTTT i TTTTT TTTTTTTTT j ! The Atlanta Telegram will be pub i Hshed from No. 11 Broad street, np stairs, i every alternoon, (Sunday excepted) at four ! o’clock precisely. It will be delivered to city subscribers immediately by promptand ; reliable carriers, and sold on the streets by ; newsboys, and at all hotels and news stands. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEE EEEE EEEEE ■ i ■ i. IEEE 1 EEEEE EE EEEEE E • I-- !, E EEEEE EEr it EEEEEEEEEE t v t'WPTi' I,- v I. r. "j r, ii. r. r, EEEEE E E EEEEE EE EEEEE i EEE EEEEE EEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE The latest news from all rioints will be condensed in terse and readable style, giv ing to our patrons the fullest Information in the shortest form, Our news columns. State and generaLwill be carefully edited and found always to be a miri-or of passing events. LLLLLLLLL 1 LLLLL LLLLL . ■<i i LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LL LLLLL LLL LLLLL LLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL We shall labor to make the paper accept able to the reading public. Quality, rather than quantity shall be our object, in what ever department. It will seek to fully re flect the will and wishes of the people and zealously advocate their Interests against all comers. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKEEEK E/aUdJd.E/ iliiZiHiilf T4 , T?TT , I7 , TP T?T?IT Jc/HfH/Jn/Xl/ C/Jj/Jl/ T?I7TPT?T? Tjvp XT' ‘ TJ) n Pi Pj Pi ri JGi ; JJj Hi 1?/XL Hi ill Hill 1? 4j’ ii' |j' tiVl,’) Li' lji li' iji Pi Pi Pi lb r. pj pj pj Pi I’i T?T?T7T?T? 'LI Pi Pi Pi id Pi Pi Pi EHEEE E E E&BEE EE ili ±Li Hi Jl( 111 XLiliJli EEEEE EEEE iSitiiUjiSjjtiiyujßiyiUjMiefiijEiHitiiJiiUjtii We shall labor to make our local columns decided features in the dally life of our cltis zens. Fresh, spicy and readable ehronicle of the daily events In our thriving and pro gressive city will form a specialty of our Journal, and In this department we fear no rivalry. Our camera shall photograph local scenes from every quarter of the city. GGGGGG GG G G GG G GG GGGG GG GGGGG G GGGGG . . QQQyiQ. GGGGG GGGGGGGGG GGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGGG GG GGGG GG GGG • GGGGGGG In our editoria department we shall labor to present vigorous argument upon public questions without excessive verbiage or re dundancy, and commentaries in pungent, fearless paragraphs, whose.brevlty snail con stitute a special attraction. Our object In all expressions will be the exercise of that independence Which is alone and truly dem ocratic. We are for our people. RRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRR RRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRR RRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRR RRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR KRRRB, RRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRR j To the business communiiy we hope to furnish a medium tkirdugli which' they can cheaply and efficaciously ) each the purchas ing thousands. We start with a circulation itsell worthy of attention, and at ru> time shall our books, jib owing onj' actual Circula tion, be closed to our patrons. Our rates are made'in trie presence of economic times, and we can promise profit to all who invest with us. A AAA A A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAA Our programme for the Atlanta Tele gram is not a mere experiment. The plan is endorsed by some of the best journalists in the South-, who understand the situation and appreciate it* difficulties. But, wriile doctors may differ, labor will produce often er than prove fruitless, and with labor, ener gy, enterprise and economy for our guides and motors, we confidently look our future squarely In the face. We need and ask the public favor, believing we shall cheerfully receive it. MMMMM MMMMMM 1 MMMM MMMMM M MMM M MMMM M MMM M MMMM M MMM M MMMM M MMM M MMMM M MMM M MMMM M MMMM M MM M MMMM M MMM MMMM MMM MMM MMMMMM Addrewr • :■ .tfui * t, Vsn.M r>:< ttM. W. SMALL - ATUA.VW.Oi Mason & Hamid CABINET ORGANS*! Hf Have been nnanimoneljr aaaiffnel H “FIRST RANIe THE Several Fequisites” of aueh Instruments, at tbe U. S. CENTENNIAL, ’76. containing 8,000 newspapers, and estimate showing cost of Advertising. Of=> FANCY CARDS 11 styles with name O ° M ete. Postpaid. J. I). Husted, Nassau Reaa,Co., N. Y. oct274w TVm We will start you in a business it you can make #so a week without MmVn?V c ?? italeas y and respectable for JjIUJLi JGi I either sex. AGENIw SUPPLY CO., 261 Bowery, New York, oct27-lw- In If you want the best selling ar \ UhrnN.T Wcje'n the world and a solid riULII I U gold patentiever watch, free o cost, write atonce to J. BRIDE & CO„ 767 Broadway, N. Y. oct2f7-4w —— :■ . - I ’ 160 A WEEK capital. We glvesteady wi>rk that will bring you *240 a month at home day orevenlng. Inventors Union, 173 Greenwich st., New York. oct27-4w The Cheapest Property IN THE-- VICINITY £ ITIMI! A FARM, of sixty acres. Just outside the cor- I\ porate limits of Atlanta, suitable for gar den, orchard, vineyard or dairy purposes, or tor all of these. Price very low incomparison with like property so near the city, and terms easy. For further information apply at the office of The Telegram. foctl7tf C. H. SWIFT, Agent (FOB 0. H. JONES AND W. D. LUCKIE.) rTNMRIAKI.Rand dealer in Metalie and Wooden Burial Caskets and Cases. Fully prepared for preserving bodies by the freezing process. Orders from abroad by telegraph, day or night, promptly attended to. No. 47 Loyd street Atlanta, Ga. aug9-3 AGENTS WANTED for the Centennial n a 7TS'TT"C , "R , T? oir THB VjA4iJCiIIJjiJ!iXI united states, showing the grand results of our first 100 years. Everybody buys it, and agents make from *IOO to S2OO a month. Also for the new historical work. Our WESTERN BORDER KSTS eiaphic history of American pioneer life 100 Years Ago—its thrilling conflicts of red and white foes, exciting adventures, captiv itjes,forays, scouts, pioneer women and boys, Indian war-paths, camp-life and sports. A book for old and young. No competion. Enormous sales. Extra terms. Illustrated circulars free. J. C. McCurdy & Cos, Phila delphia, Pa. n24w2m 1 ( , a-L— --■ READY FOR AGENTS—THE Centennial Exposition! DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATEdM A Graphic Pen-pictore of its History, Or and. Buildings. Wonderful Exhib its, Curiosities, Great Days, etc. Pro fusely Illustrated, Thoroughly Popular and Very Cheap. Is selling Immensely. 5,000 AGENTS WANTED. Send for full particulars. This will be the chance o/ 100 years to coin money fast. Get the only reliable history. Hubbard Bros., Pubs., 733 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. H A JFTTOAT Bc no * deceived by pre- GYu 1 1U1) . mature books assuming to be “official” and telling what will hap pen In Aug. and Sept. n7 4w A FARM AND HOME OF YOUR OWN, NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE IT I 'i he best and cheapest lands in the market are in EASTERN NEBRASKA, and on the llneof the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. The most favorable terms given, and very lou -ates of fare and freight to all settlers. Tl" best markets rSIs’.E PASSES TO LAND BUYERS. M:il s descriptive pamphlets, new edition* o’ •• i’HE PIONEER,’ ’sent free everywhere!! Address, O. F. DAVIS, * Oand Comm’r U. P. R.R. Omaha, Neb. m oi l 27-4 w S. L. SOLOMON SGWI Dealer in Clocks, tofltcljcs, Jcfficlrp, G4S,D PENS AND SPECTACLES. Also agent for Morton’s Celebrated Gold Pens. Repairing done in the best of style and at short notice. No. 43 Whitehall Street. ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA, and <-.19-d2w. 70,000 BONDS. The city of Atlanta has Seventy Thous and Dollars In Eight per cent. Twenty Years’ Bonds, now ready for sale at the of flee of J. H. Goldsmith, City Treasurer, and at trie Banking office of John H. James. These Bonds have been Issued strictly by authority of a provision in the New City Charter, which authorizes the City Council to Issue “New Bonds” to take up maturing Bonds only. The financial condition of the city was never better, and must continue to Improve, as the debt must be reduced every year, and cannol be increased. These are the last Bonds that Will be issued until July, 1887. There is no reason why these Jtenas should not be worth as much as Georgia Eighths. There is no better invesment for fuardians and bdminlstrators, and should e all taken by our own citizens, as they area non-taxable and a first-class investment Some of these Bonds are of denomination t $500.00. " The old Bonds, ■ Which fall due on the flrst day of JahuaH will be paid promptly, whether the newont are sold or not, as this hasever’been the ctl tom of the city. R, F. MADDOX, 9 decl6,U2w Chairman Finance Com J