Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 26, 1877, Image 3

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Ist district—R E Lester, of Chatham 3d district —D G Hoppe, of Pierce. sth district—G W Newborn, of Clinch, ’th dktticfr-d McDonald, of Thomas, pth district—T J Perry, of Calhoun. Itb district—W A Graham, of Clay. 3th district —L M Felton, of Macon. 6th district—T D Wilcox, of Irwin. ?th district —G R Black, of Screven. \9tk district—C S Daßose, of Warren. ..'lat district—W O’Daniel, of Twiggs. 33d district—W Rutherford of Crawford. 35th district —WI Hudson, of Harris 37tb district—H D McDaniel, of Walton. J9fck district—W M Reese of Wilkes 51st district —J M Freeman, Habersham. 53d district—G E Deadwyler, of Jackson, loth district—E P Howell of Fulton. 37th district—J T Slaughter, of Carroll. 39th district—B C McAfee, of Forsyth. 41st district—J P Chastain of Gilmer. t£d district—R K Wilson of Murray. M district—J. H. Clifton, of Tetnali. 4th district—J M Maddox. 3th district—J. W. Staten, of Echols. Bth district—L A. Bush, of Miller. Via district— C&tMlmMki. 12th district — W. H. Harrison, of Qtut- IkAJL l4th district—Drury Reid, of Wilcox. 10th district —Neil McLeod. 18th district—J. T. Sbewiaake, of Rich and. 29th. district—F. C. Furman, of Bald en. 22ri district—'i. B. Caban is*, of Monroe. 34th district —D. C. Cody, of Chattalioo ee. %th district—T. M. Harkneas, of Butts. 38th district—Dr. J. E. Godfrey, of Mor gan. 30th district—R. H. Bullock, of Madison. 33d district —R R Asbury. 34th district—G. W. Bryan, of enry. 36th—P. H. Brewster, of Coweta. :58th district—W A Ragsdale. 40th district—John S. England of Union. 43d district—J. G. Gamble, of Chattooga. 44th district—J. W. Cureton, of Dade. IcgnMatatiTW Hedat. Appling—J J Roberson. Baker— Baldwin—G A Green. Banks—J J Turnbull. Bartow—Thomas Tumlin, D V Stokelv. Bibb—A O Bacon, L N Whittle, W A Davis. Berrien—Jas H Kirby. Brooks —H G Turner. < Bryan—L F Cox. Butts —S F Smith. Bulloch —R W IX'Loach. Burke—W F Waltou. Calhoun —Dr O H Paul. Carroll—H Hogan. E Phillips. Campbell—J M Wilson. Cantdea —G A Maiiette. Gatousa—J W Owenby. Charlton—Felder Lang. Chatham— W W Paine, P M Russell, ratt Adams. Chattahoochee —A Woldridge. Chattooga—W H Penn. Cherokee—W B C Puckett. Clarke—Dr H H Carl too. day—& £ Kenuon. Clinch— -Lewis StmckiAin. Clayton —Rev A E Clomd. Coffee—J Pearson. Cdqoitt—James Vick. Cobb—W Phillips, W P Harden. Colombia—J P WilKams. Crawford—S H Causey. Coweta—W W Thomas, Dr R W North. Decatur— W W Harrell, Hiram Brocket*. Dodge—Nicholas Rawpiks. Dade —James A Case. Pawaou—Joseph McAfee. Dooly—Dr L W Mobley. DeKalb-M R Ragsdale. Dougherty—A M Welihin, H Bunts (col ored.) .J ’..''[l . ~, . Douglas—C R Bowen. Early—W C Sheffield. Echols —J D Smith. t . Effingham—H P Brewer. Emanuel—G W McGar. ± I’mnkiin—D J M MeElltyre. Floyd—J R Freeman, J H Reece. Forsvth—Thomas Willingham. Fultou—J H James, G T Fry* H Hillyer Franklin —W C Mclntyre. Gilmer—Joseph Pickett. Glasscock —E G Scruggs. Glynn— James Blue, (coFd). Gordon —MJ Dudley. Greeue—W H Branch, V D Gresham. Gwinnett —N L Hutchins, W J Born. Haralson—A R Walton. Habersham—J H Grant. Hall—A D Candler-. Hancock —W J Northern, J T Jordan. Harris—L L Stanford, GA B Dottier Heard—M T Aiuiou. Henry—Geo E Wise. Houston—A L Miller, B M Davis, J F Sikes. Hart—J B Benson. Irwin—J B Flenfopr. Jackson —G R Duke, A T Bennett. Jaspoc—J C Key. Jefferson—M. A Evaus,J C Polhill. Johnson—S W Fortner. Jones —N S Glover. i^aurens —C S Guyton. ' Lee— Adams (col’d). Liuccuu—Dr J L Wilkes. Liberty—lF C Bacon (a-I’d.) irownaes—W A Carter. Lumpkin—W P Price. McDuffie—J S Jones. Mcinhwh—WJi Atwood. , ~ Madison—a W Cotwwr. Meriwether—J B Roper, J W Taylor. Miller—H U Sheffield. Mitchell—C W Columb. Milton—J M Stewart. Montgomery—D J Mcßae. H Wd£ J D Frederick. Marion —Howell Hollis. M Blood worth. Musoogee—R J Moses, KOOattk. PStr-ims, L B Anderson. • ♦.'LL. . lgL_ J *U: Lii;Laft.jg-/ J lL_ ATI4¥TA TBIT JfitiltAMraAXl A&I SU, ISS7* Richmond —J C C Black, Pat Walsh, W Ewing Johnston. Rockdale—W L Peek. Schley—N J Wall. Screven—W P Wade. Stewart—C C Humber, B F Davis. Sumter—Allen Fort, W H Davison. Spalding—J D Stewart. Tatnall — Jas B Smith. Thomas —WM Hammond, R S Burch. Troup—A H Cox, JF A wiry. Talbot—J C Maond, J M Mathews. Taliaferro—B F Moore. Taylor—Bennett Stewart. Terrell—G T Marshall. Telfair—J Wilcox. Towns—Josiah T Kinsey. Twiggs—J T Glover. Union—T J Haralson. Upson—Dr J W Brown. Walker—J M Shaw. Walton—W R Smith. Ware-W A McDonald. ' Warren—Dr W H Pilcher. Washington—J A Robson, G W Pea* cock. Wilcox—W T Fairclotli. Wilkinson—N C Hugh®. Wilkes—F H Colley, W R Callaway. Worth—J W Rouse. Wayne—James Knox. Webster —Dr W C Kendrick. White —W G Goodman. Whitfield—Rev W C Richardson. Democrats in Roman; Radicals in Ital ics ; Independents in Small Capitals. ATLANTA ENTERPRISE. it GAUD PRINTING HOUSE! Jas P. Harrison & Cos., Premium PUBLISHERS a* d PRINTERS •f CJ fOF|(la, io eOOB AND SUBSTANTIAL REASONS WHTTHGmiKUX ‘LEADS TA’ IX UEXKKAL AID FIXE PRINTING AXE BLASE BOCK MAKING. Ist. Because it is an establishment fitted especially for Printing In all Its various and intricate ramifications. M. Because It employs only such work men as are thorough masters of the art. U. Because It embraces in its printing .material all that's new. useful and beautiful! 4th. Because its paper, card and stocks are purchased from first hands, selected by competent judges, possessing the two quali ties so desirable to the consumers —elegance qf finish and durability. sth. Because Its propi fetors give their personal attention to the execution of every order, however small. 6th. Because it will not be underbid in prioea, will duplicate bills of any first-class bouse, North, Booth, East, or West, and give tne customer in good work and ftall count, a quid pro qua. 7th. Because It will not be excelled by any other house. South or elsewhere. In the exe cution of its work. B*h. Because It Is prompt, reliable, and fully prepared, t all tunes, for large or small orders. 9th. Because it is a home Institution; owned and operated by practical, enterpris ing, public-spirited, safe men—employing artists noted for their accomplishments in the profession; and, loth. Because you cannot do better in* prices, promptness, or quality than at The Fbaskun Steam Pkiktxxg House. 77 THE PEOPLE’S WEI. 77 THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY Courier-Journal. The Great National Family Newspaper, Combines >be experience, ability and mate rial resources of three old-time LontsvlUe newspapers of national repu'e—the Louis ville Courier, Louisville Journal and Louis ville Democrat—and is fortified in the res pect and confidence resulting from nearly half a century of their individual and com bined success. Tne Weekly Cocrirx- Journai. is not a mere hasty hotch-potch thrown together from the daily edition, but a complete, able, spicy family newspaper carefully and intelligently edited in every column and paragraph. Choice from 223 standard books, or any one of the leading magazines or illustrated peri odicals for a mere pittance in addition to the price ol the Courier-Journal alone. Prentice’s Poems and the Weekly Court er- Journal one year for OS.OO. A splendid Map of the Booth, rise 3t%x32 inches, handsomely colored, varnished and hung on rollers, retail price sU WL will be pre sented to every subscriber to the Weekly Courier-Journal who sends us KA Terms, t&OO a year, postage paid. Liberal ofibre to clubs of five or more. Specimen copy mid descriptive circular free to any ad dress. W. N. H ALDEMAN. Pres. Courier-Journal Cos., Louisville, Ky. FOR 1877. AN UNEQUALED VOLUME ML-3A jPQ I!! 0 w Choice of megant Volumes of Music: ‘8056 PRI HIV*,” “CLASSIC PK& XICM,” “PIAOB PUWCa,” I “CENTENNIAL BKENItI,” 61.30 a year. Send stamp for and frill particnlarsf^ OnaKHAXi, (X nvrVfit " * GKORtaA kULIOAD. DAT TRAIN. Leaves Augusta - tt) a. m Arrive* at Atlanta - 4.-00 p. m Leaves Atlanta - >- - BeOß Arrives at Augusta - - - £4O p. a. Kiosrr train. Leaves Augusta - fcOO p. m. Arrives at Atlanta. ... 535 a. m. Leaves Atlanta ... MeMpm. Arrives at Augusta - -7:35 a.m. Oftagti" Aieim—AaOfiaau Leaves Atlanta - fieri) jam. Arrives at Covington - - Leaves Oovingtonn - Mfia m Arrives at Atlanta ... 7:5# a. as fJIHK -LIKE KAILKOAD. TIME TAILE. TO TAKE EFFECT JTNE Ora. ISO. north: Leave Atlanta, - - - - 3.00 rjL “ Gainesville, - -LU “ “ Mount Aliy, - - BJ3 “ “ Tocooa, - - - - 6.45 “ “ Greenville, - - L 44 ~ " Spartanburg, - - LOS “ “ Charlotte, - - -UO a.m. “ KunnaUy’s - -U4 “Brea ktou Arrive -* “ Baltimore, - - HOD “ “ Philadelphia, - JS ajl “ New York. - - (.18 - kawtu: Leave New York. - - - (.OOe.H. “ Philadelphia, - -l£ ajl V “ Baltimore, - - - .40 “ “ Washington - - V3O “ Leave Daville, - - *- - impjl Arrive Charlotte, - - - .10 ax. : “ Central, - - - - 7.40 “Breakfcst “ Seneca, t* Tocooa, ----1.6“ “ Mount Airy, - - M 0 “ “ Gainesville, - - L3O “ “ Atanta, - - IJO P.R. yy esters railr* i> or ala TIME TABLE to. A TAR* -IFFECT SUNDAY JULY Set, IKS TRAiirs sours cast. No. 3 No. 1. Mixec Psasnign li'y.exjnn Dully, are. la. are. lea. Selma man M am tfi Wilson's *l7 *9 *44 Beaton, Bc4t SiO *36 Whitehall, I*ll IDJ3 5:15 Lowndesboro 10:38 Ml 5:83 Manack IL-66 11H) 5:48 Stone’s, IL3B US *M Junction, 11:53 ISO 628 Montgomery, I*lo *3B *93 Seven Mile, 3£ 7:17 Mt. Meigs, SS —-a *34 Browns, IB 7:45 Shorter's 356 43 7:54 Hayden's, 4K ; 832 Cowles', *33 fig *ll Franklin, <3 830 Clough’s, m 835 Chefaaw, Sclo 06 8:32 8:85 Notasulga, 5:50 156 *53 Loachapoka, 630 35 *O7 Auburn, *sl ’32 333 Opelika, 7:30 (45 *33 *43 Rough 4 Rdy 30 *55 Cusseta, fett I*lo Wert Point, \ 930 yua MAI a.m TOXIN* MBS WEST No. t No. 4. Paasemnr. Mixed. Daily Ex. Sun. Wert Plnt, 536 sum 750 Cusseta, 683 827 333 Rough* R'dy 613 8 55 QpeUka, 333 344 310 910 Auburn, 733 701 10131017 Loachapoka 717 10 46 M 45 Notasulga, 732 1107 Ul2 Chehaw, 743 752 11341145 Clough's 8 DO 1156 SM?’ 3L- *u. Hayden's, 88l 1244 Shorter’s, SB2 1256 133 Brown’s, sll 114 3DH-3-lIS Montgomery, 038 915 216 315 Junction, 95 * 325326 Stone's, 105 348 350 Manack, 16C 410 416 Lowndesboro 10 5 440 430 Whitehall. U 513 slf Benton, 116 537 348 Wilson’s, U 608 6IS Selma. 11A5p. < The Illustrated Weekly. Chas. Cluc&fc & Cos., Publisher.- 14 WamnTSt, Sew York. FOrR SA FER* CHUMB fiIVEITO BCBSOKIBEIB. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Weekly, one year, with tfo moan ted Chromos in oil - 94.06 Weekly six months with cre mounted Chromo in oil .... J 6 Monthly one year with age mounted Chromo in oil - 4 - - AS Monthly two years with fa ir mounted Chromos in oil - - - ' - 630 % JP ? j - r , AGENTS WAS TED To cauvazji ooaatyimlbe Best Paper. Ft neat Pis—luaaa. Lar* cert (rturirims. Particulars on appplicau n to D. a MTJLFGRD, Manager Southern Branch Office, oetl4eoßSm Furniture Enponum, CASTLEBERRJ & Co.,i WHOLBSALB AND RETAIL MAX IT F ACTE KKKfi AI MKAUHBfi! IN . ' FURNITURE. 4* aafifit WHtadfaidl Strew*, dec 21-aw ATLANTA, A. Visiting Card to a View of a Building, poster * afiKMO ¥CWIW.I) LOW PRICES. PatnmtM ns aad keep themony at home. Ducats sent to DeMolt, New York, or Phila d cS t liKBR3MfiL At>,a * > CH RISTOPHKK A BUDDKNS, dcaMMh 37 Bread awest, AUanta, Oa. MISFIT CARPETS. ENGLISH, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN ALSO, STAIR CARPETS, VELVET RTtSK, CRUMB CLOTtfcC OIL CLOTHS, alt A* OLD PLACE. 112 FUITOK STREET. HEW TORE. 19* Carpets carefully packed and seat to any pan the United Sue at FREE OF CHARGE. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. J. A. BENDALL. tonet-ly SPENCE & JARVIS, Manufacture Carriages, Wagons, Eta 44 Line Street, Opposite Street Car Stables. JOHN LAGQMARSINO, CONFECTIONER AM) MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF CANDIES, —iAKD*— WHOLESALE AID RETAIL DEALER IH FOR EIGN FRUITS. HUTS. ETC. Fruit Hatrti of all kinds; of Rants far Christmas fuMan Irina gmtkaam to ladies; all kinds of Not and FVnii Ckad&es. A Ux*v variety of ail kinds ' Outcb® far retailers, in fitocr pasteboard boxes. Croat one to (five pounds, tbe duj*SM Fremch Fmits, debaons Chocolate Cream Drops, Citron. Bon Tons, detkaons Goooanat Cream Drops, Mash Mdlow Drops, Frisch Nsrau Atlanta Chips also Figs, Ram. Son of a* kinds. Chfifatnia Bears and Apples, awn Gtapesrfevety variriy. iinri i y 'Successors to Mead A CM.) DEALERS IN- Sewing Machine Supplies, Machine Needles Oil, Attachments aad farts. REPAIR AND ADJUST. lake OLD MACHINES s GOOD n NEW. Repair Gnus, Pistols, etc. done in thMtaost approved style. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Room No. £, AasWTs BniMla* WWfrise tiee in all the Courts. HOLIAAB * OtFANHIW. 4 DENTISTS, Office: £ Whitehall 'tree* Atlanta, Gertgia. J—i|y - ; ! * SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aaum, G ■>>*_ Will prereshe in thfe Fcdml and State Courts at Atlanta, and hy special owraa in tiae Superior OortsoftheSta^iws^e ATTORNEY AT LAW, No 2LJS Pryor street, Atlanta Geer. xa. Practices in all the O-urts. Uon gives to aailectiaats. uddUy Two ions OoHier Col’s hraa*d. Two sons Southern Oa.'Shoand. Twu teas Mlsmart Ch.'s hmad. John Lncas A Col’s perfectly pare. Wadsworth, Martinee A liongtaan's yertirt- LenjljQa.’* pare. Lead Oa^Hirt. All above warranted as represented aaler window Glass and 196 barrel* of oils af nil kinds whkfaw* guarantee taseD at juann- SEITEHttL SBIIEI. B 4 1 syarysys foh“sale; ! Atom. fewtawasaewJCme jgHha.’idfc Mfcffi euatalfertfynap ? ean iriiili -mTir — anwnfo. or aathefataagp ex dtatagh AfißMrt F.JAAMBS ' pfiffiiKU ASM sssnsn. fe Published Daily. Trs-Weekly and Weekly AT ArSTSTL GEORGIA. By WALSH 4t WRIGHT nwa aaipnrt! Washingtea CSly. CraEgfaL ■ ranHua 36euuMpM4rtty i hULT-OmTurill •: Six Monthsss 4* l Tni-WESJCi-T—OueYe&rSi; tTxMenffiaTt 39 Fkbcit—On* Years 4M; Six Mantas SI M ‘ ' -*T M *)*_*— ea. er ATTENTION ALL! Ob receipt fiifiy cents we will rend Iff I e eii Fwnts? V^J£tSK>l£;*SS 4^nSf*TSsrnnoEi^l2S®rLwS vine. IC. *s 'Srer Qrtwn Hn>ny. ! PetorinayS. i PatlnttßCwi wt wewlirt; iwinn!- Le^terereof :hcSjter Sdw- Tlmre" iwnw i JMK vWk I ttptts OkV ii •***' eWrttWWfß i fr,. ,a ii, -■- ; iTLrer reLreeT l£* vy, T t i fWi h.NI I ! I S %=:rzr_r=rS jmIS g - jg 1 .% m&m