Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 26, 1877, Image 4

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lw t'W" 1 ' IM'" 2m 8m ' CB<*ure 8 8 4.80 t 7 $ il 14 Two Square#.. 5| 7.50 12 18 22 Three Squares 7 1 10.51) 18 24 80 Four Squares. # 13.50 24 80 36 Quarter Col’m 10 16.60 29 35 43 graifc il aa s _£Ui Bins are doe alter first insertion. Local notices under bead of Business No tices. fifteen cents per line; under Preferred laicals, twenty cents per line; other posl- Uy ay n>c*ttied,-ay. and ten cents per Special contracts made for Advertise ments running longer than three months. The usual trade discount for cash. Address SAM. W. SMALL, Atlanta, Qa. iiowiip About Hr. Bennett and the Herald. Nuw Your] Jan* Ik—Th® denature of BcmwtPfor Enrobe is; sjtM, Intended to be a starting point for reformation. It is not expected that he will return in along time—perhaps never. He leaves. as Byron left England, seeking another home. It is now well understood that du ring interval between the knock down apd SJ* departure Bennett, was concealed in his eWtuhknsion on Fifth avenue. The house being connected with the Herald establish ment by telegraph, he kept up an incessant communication with his down-town office. It is understood that the Herald is placed in the hands of the chief editors, who are to pay an annua! rent, not less than $75,000 a year. This will leave them a surpnisof newly *9 much more. The Bennett build ing in Nassau sftreet will be farmed out In a swwiilw maitnw Th will <Hv<>_a wide margin for its agents, who ought to clear ss k **>ayearbytewmtai. a TV/T^ V Callfbrntw WMil Mterjr: Prom the Anaheim Gazette. The large locks of geese that are con stantly passing over tije town are frequent ly shot at. but they >gepafaljy fy at top high an altitude to be reached by the leaden missiles. Sometimes, however, the shots take effect. The other day we were watch the geeae begin to ffiU.shply. The others, perceiving that their eenferaae waeWeuß fl ed. u teredt thrill cries of distress, anefc about a dozen of them flew under the wounded bird, huddling together so that their hacks formed a sort of bed, on which die wounded one rested. They bouved it tip for some time, the others' looking on and manifesting their concern by uttering loud, discordant shrieks. Finding that their companion was unable longer to ac *•* tTi Am|*,4 f Kmw MiwtU wuipatif ciicui tii iiicxr c t xiirr aoait doned bun to his fate, and lie fell info the mins of an expectant Chinaman. Betaliatloa. [Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise, j Skdrtiy after three o’clock, a few days ago, a miner from the Gould aud Curry was walking towards the Consolidated Vir ginia hoisting-works in groat haste. On meeting a brother miner he said; u A you ? Where’ll I see Lamb, the fore man of the Consolidate! Virginia ? ” “ Guess he’s down the mine now. What’s ’trouble? Look wild, you old son.” “Trouble? Trouble’nongh.” w How’s that ? ” “Fvn worked in the mines, you, for las* twenty years, and never had such a thing happ'n me afore. 1 haint swore all day ! You see, our foreman at the Gurry made an order this momin’ that no man in the mine conML awear, ur he'd ha sent an fop, and afore 1 bieak them rules I’m gain’ to get ’nother job. Mor’n that, if 1 ever get boss over he I’ll not let un pray fora whole month.** Thursday afternoon, remarks the Rome Sentinel, a stranger stept>ed into a Dominick street saloon and remarked: “It is snow ing again;” when a man by the stove sprang to his feet and exclaimed: “I am glad of it, I can whip any man who says l am not glad of it. The snow was three feet deep last week, and mure game; then It was three and a half feet, and more eame: then nobody knew how deep it was. I broke my snow shovel Sunday, and I’ve looked all over town and can’t bay another; and the snow semper don’t ran any more on our streets; and my neighbors have complained about my sidewalk to the Re corder ; and my mother-in-law is visiting at my house, and the snow is so deep she can't get home, and I am glad it is snow ing. I wish the snow was ten thousand feet deep on my grave. Keep Awajr tram the Pa:t. A letter from San Francisco warns peo ple out of employment and means against coming to the Pacific coast for relief. It says thousands of people who had been led to look at that region as a land of plenty and comfort are in a worse condition than they ever were in the East. All employ ments are crowded, and many poor fami ne** find themselves in a condition of des titution. Old Mr. Tbadwallinger, who swore off New Year's eve, went home sober last night, and was so astonished when he put in his night-key and opened the front door with perfect ease at the first trial, that he kicked himself off the front steps and out of the yard, and chased himself a couple of blocks, tor a burglar. He says a nujo’s life isn’t safe on ms own premises, tfW- times.— Hawkcye. NO MOKE SENDING Cousuhiptives South 1 This new principle, Dr. J. H. Mc- Lean’s Cough and Lung Healing Globule*, cure alLoas**of Consumption, Asthma and Throat Diseases. Dr. J. H. McLean, 314 (YMstnut, St. Louis. Trial Boats 28 cts , by mail. “A friend in need is a friend indeed." Such a friend is Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, which should be in every family: it only costs 25 cents s bottle and may save many a doctor bill, . . '.*■. As one of the evidences of the hard, dull amwv it is stated that the toy market Is Blamond and Jewelry Mere®****, No. 84 Whitehall Hi reet, . ATLANTA, A. and finest asßortment of Watches. Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Sterling Silver Ware, Gold Guard and Vest Chains, tlt& This magnificent stock of goods will bo offered for sate for the next thirty day •: hardpan prices. , . Now is the tune for BakgaiwS. Call early and buy at hard pan pricey I ityean business. The.qWneis of the money for them, and I want my com missions. Visitors to the Centennial,will save from 25 to 50 per cent, by having "IH? Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Sfrjpgs Iron and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron amk Afotu MrU: Seven Spriflgi Iroh u<f A-lunr For Sale by Thos. For Sale by Thos. Pullum & Cos., Atlanta. For Sale by A. A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. fror Sale by Hiift fc BfoWri,' Atlhuti; Ga. For sale byGhas. H. Mayson,Kingston,Ga. iZ®m.&£3SX Forffcdelryftayerifc ffo;, tkateravillt, Ga. Foe Sale by -fm. JtootjMarietta, Ga. WWI 4.W. ga&U Ga For Salehy Druggist generally. ' , r*\ } /[ Bm it fi|r yopr children. Buy it for yourself It never fails to give satisfaction. 5501 styles with name Zw ISots. Postpaid, 3fß. Hustkd,Nassau, Reus. Cos. N. Y. jan S-lw (|AAA A MONTH uT Active~Men seTluTg f our Letter Copying Book. No press or water used. Sample copy worth kUX> FREE. Send stamp for eUeular. KX OKLSIOR M’F’G. GO-, 9§ Madison and 182 Dearborn street, Chicago. Jan 8-IW. fl/l/l Subscribers for 1877. Every tw elutes. John E. Potter A Cos., Pubhsh ers, Philadelphia. jan 3-4 w Official History of tle k . Cmm l emihhtiiN only authentic and complete history pub lished. Send for our extra terms to Agents. Address, NatioNai, PcbulsKing Co.,Phil adelphia, Pa., or St. Ix>uU, Ma Jan 3-4 W TRIFLING WITH A COI.D IS ALWAYS DAKOKROCS. EBE Weils’ Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for FOVGX and all diseas es o£ the Threat, Loans, Cheat and Mu eras Mein mac. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. Sold by all Druggist. C. N. CRITTENTON 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. jan 3-4 w Active Agents wanted im/antly to Intro duce the Centennial Exposition, LKSCBIBEU AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly 800 pages; only 62.50; rich illustra tions; and utraaeure as the best and eheap* eat History of the Great Exhibition. En dorsed by Officials, Press and Clergy. Is selling immensely. One lady cleared 1350 in four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For full particulars. Address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 733 Hansom street, Phila delphia. Pa. jan S 4w 5000 AGENTS Cliarlej - Hotsg, Written by bis Father. A complete ac count of the most Mysterious Abduction and Exciting Search. With Fac-Slmllc Letters and illustrations. Outsells all other books. One agent took 50 orders in one day. Terms liberal. Also Agents wanted on our Maanlticen#Family Bi bles. With invaluable Illustrated Ala* and Superb Bindings. John E. Potter & Cos.. Publishers. Philadelphia. . Jan 3-4 w HEADACHE. Dr. C. W. BESKOV'S CELERY AND CM AMOXILE PILLS are prepared expuessly to cure Hick Head ache, Nervous Headache. Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, si eeplessi\ess, and will cure any ease. Price 50 cents, post age free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. Office, 106 North Kutiiw street, Bal timore, Md.—Reference; Q. J. LtasTKß,trash ier Howard Bank. Baltimore. JanVlw Important* Business Menu t|\HK Times and Puantek will appear next JL week in a greatly enlarged and improv ed form. It will containn complete Direc tory of the North Georgia Gonserenee—the names of members, and the homes to which motion. I twill also MUato Mai account df H e Id* fa*U org la! Owhtrk*i nstT?£id*3“trtTu wee), written by Hr. JU Pitree, the only surviving member of that body. AN IXMKNBK EXTRA KRITIOX GEORGIA.’ really remarkable opportunity Hof Advents- FOB TEE NEXT IS DAYS. T OFFER my entire stock wf'Millinery JL and Fancy Goods at New York cost , fba &* ■ 5- v- *- w-’ ir II * A nnT A IfcTfTW A fWTiIT t WPdli’ i O A “AM" TANARUS" A IkTT'T A tw’V’' 4 0/* <• 't ■ . f.4 \} - t Atf;. ,;j ■ 1 . -te- -- ■*-*->-, ■„ ■ ‘ \j•' : t t i ■ gp *s} a '• ■ Custom “Partly-Made” - % | fiiiv A ■ JHHOnHHHB | \\ Hr _i- ..1 1 ||g| H , ''M 4 : m 8 Isi o m HR ■JemS mmMsMm:. : ' v.v*>>T4 ' tv +X* J ■HH ttmggfflrn w;;.:, HI SHIRTS! - —..—♦ fpHIS cut repi-sents an Excelsior Shirt, i open back, j n tly made. The boaom is shield Shaped, 4- >!y, vpky neat, fit* elegantly and greatly adu red. The Caffs are 4-ply, 2H Inches Wide, any Alee required around the hand, are atached to the sleeves, and set in 'as represe ted. The shirt is complet ed In the best i orkmanlike manner, with this exception: sleeves and sides to be sewed up, oottoi is to be hemmed, button holes to be madtand buttons sewed on. We furnish tin best muslin for bodies, and good, heavy linn for bosoms and cuffs. We make them to yur measure, and guarantee a good fit For 815 per lb*.j *7.90 per hslfftte. Medium sizes Ity woman oan finish them. We also make to your order, by measure, the finest qualities A Gents’ Dress Shirts, entirely oomph ed, handsomely laundred, at prices from tt 00 as low as 21.60 per doc. WU iON * CKKEKHrn, 2 Whitehell s.reet, up stairs. ®#*Scnd for Ci culars, Price-IJst and In* struetions for *e -measuremeni, HAS NO RIVaJ WORTHY THE N AMK mtsicj CHURCH’S w* bliewMS PMteeid ter hhwidtrte I Elver. The liver bei nl one of the most > taportan t organs of the Julian system, its unhealthy condition is oft* the immediate cause Of Dispepsia, Drop®. Costiveness, Indigestion, Headache, Diseales of the Bladder and Kid neys, Female Affections, and Fever and Ague. The o)idn of all these evils Is cor rected by the SCI on of “J. M. Baroque’s Ain u-Bilious Bitten ” Price in package 25 dte., in bottles ready r rise sl. W. K. Thomtoox, Batimore and H irrison streets, Baltimore, Md. deos. A. D. CLIKAKD Proprietor ■I. IVewllou House, * ATHENS, GEORGIA. •a.®* BOAI 9 A*.®® PEI BAY. Sa.OO /APPOSITE I te University; corner Broad U st. and 00l ge Avenwe. V.x press office in the Hotel. H tel omnibuses running te all railroad train! octSStf Jos. r . \ Eichbnrp: ®0 ihitehall Street, SIGN OF IHE BIG COFFEE POT, Now offer at greatly reduced prices lot ting and Heating Stoves,Tin, Wood i id Iron Ware ; Grates and Mantels. F. M. RIOkRBHON, the great stove man, can be founds! tishh ouse. Call and see him. oct2B2w MARCUS A BEL 4 I’IROMISH. BELL. Attorney at Law. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, by; Marcu* A. Bell & Son. OFFICE No. 1, up stains Centennial Building. i attention given to HwWiNO houses and Utth.Krgt'Ks mils, making prompt retdrms: also, to selling real estate for Owners, MtninWsators, Guardians, As signees, TrMtees, *c„ dtmr at private or ptibllc sale. Strkrt attention given tc Conveyancing, and the Investigation of titles: also, toseenj rlrtr amt wfeoing settlement or fjlatms, V'ithoui suit. f ARCtTN A. BELL A SON, iM fHTJ )*' tatc,Adhts. i ULJ .1 ■ J X. I o 4 ■y# .Ij—- j ED. F. SHROPSHIRE Has removed bis Shirt Factory Wtok 1 f/ ’•. - * KANT AI.AIARA Wf. 1 W ‘ •■n * MCAXimwak %*■ TTTTT TTTTT TTTTT TTTI. TTTTT TTTT : jTt TT i • iS j TTTTT I TTTTTTTTT I llTitd trom'N 'f ICKKKK FKFI-; j , EKKKK Fh* •EKKKK KK EKKEK E K EKKKK KK KKEKKKKEKK KEKKK K* F.KKKK K K KEEKF KEF KKKKK EKES KK EKKIKEKF.EKKEEI?KE Tbejotest news and passtfi|. events, lA-DIAA,I/1.1, LI.LLL TXT,I.I, tij-jjX 3.LLIX IXLLI, h um, id, JLXIAX I.IX LLLI.I, I,IXI, flcct Kt^ zealously advocate their interests against all comers. KEKKK KK I iESteji* M lif , EKKKKKEF.EE J A j WSjk * KEKKK '' y t’EV TCEKICF FFFE kkfkekKfkekkekfkkek zdtea. and madaie <4wwn iefo of the^iai on te inour th; scenes^flrom %<3GGGG GG G G GG GGG GGGG GG GGGGG G tKJGGG v OQQOOGOOC <3 G€ GGG GGGteMWB In our editor!* department vesball labor to present vigorous argument upon public questions without exehsstvc verbiage-r>e dundanejq and commentaries In puugeht, fearless paragraphs, wlxisebrevitynbaimja stitute a special attraction. Our object lo ail expressions will be the excrete* of that Independence which te skint and truly dehv ocrat ic. We are for bur people. RRRRRRRRERRRRR RRRRR RRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR URRRR RRRRR RRRfc RRRRR RRR RRRRR To the Business community WC he**h Itself worthy of attention, md at rx> time shall our hooks, sbowlhg our *Mtl ctrhuis tlon, be closed to our patrons. Our rates ate made in the presence of economic t imes,and weean promise profit to *ll who inThst with s. A AAA A AAAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA ' A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA A AAAAA A AAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAA Our programme tor the AttwYtos TwSs onAk is not r mere experiment. The pb*u is endorsed by some of the best Jourwattats th^stbfmtlor. Address AfwSS*** mm M , , nkm i-fSiTSSfi 1 ASemmlßteteteteC Ilf. CFXTKN'N I Al. 'PR. soowfMß'C#t er sMteercstMt^ t ■~..^*.,^"i.i..—. —......, wTassssasosw^£>Sfifcsfc. >0 SSSSSK;' ttj Sfi 4WL V / J*- * wicfrVwy,' t Jw*ir w%, “ -;■ ; ' mam g nuni wwmwi viwm s I aßte. A. w - _ . toW ! ‘ Cfo^ar —— —w s. i. Jrtsaa. BhanXtUi bj^.u. a, ♦NehbNwefc'M. “-mete*, vhort wbtwe. AIN AV4VN. mwtthOA, 71, 1,, Ya, ”vTllr^HSv. **S><M*t VMVStWk y^tv^tSk. >Tt^ > f^~ r - ■ ftf/A. ■ : tt\ v* <MM %*&*. ,-■>* - us*fcWiii -:4MMak k,m fMU r>L >K TS<.v x 'V T* i. *. ♦'-'•—>'•* M yjiW V.- 1: tw^W-y-