Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, January 07, 1913, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEFJCLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA. GA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1913. MARKET REPORTS (By Associated Press.) NEW ' ORLEANS, Jan. 6.—Cotton op**ne«l jteiylv nt n decline of 1 to 5 -mints on lower -iverpool cables. Leading trade interests were I operate hovers nt the decline while offerings \ere comparatively light and scattered* and ollowing..private cables from RiverpopT reporting Lniprs of a Batten peace settlement, priced 'allied to a ret advance of from to 5 points. I’h's bulge seeired to attract Increased offerings fed the market ’continued quiet, with January thowing an advance of 3 or fi points but with h.teV deliveries holding within a point or two ■' Saturday's closing. ' Tlg» market easy into in the forenoon under UpoTts mV a continued slack southern spot tic intid anti liquidation In’ some of the early myers. I‘rices eased- off to a net loss of about < point on Jnutlar.v. but of S to fl poinst n he later ncsitlhns by midday. The market broke sharply under general sel’- bg during the early nfterhoon. with prices thowing a net Toss of fro A 13 to 20 points. Be- h-rts that tire supreme court had 1 arided down I decision adverse to the defendants in the co la lied Vottnn corner ease apnesred to unsettle ferjeral sentiment but around 12.51 for March he decline was checked by covering anil prices hter rallied 4 or 5 points ' from the lowest. NEW YORK COTTON The following <vprv the rulirg nn- Tone steady; middling, 1.1 20 100c. Last O r np High T'np 1 S^'i* tan.. .. .13 HO 13 12 84 12 93 12 92 13 01 ? eh.. .. . .12 55 12 55 12 55 12 55 12 53 12 fit tlar.. .. ..12 69 12 76 12 51 12 58 12 57 12 71 iprll 12 57 12 72 Hay.. .. ..12 71 12 77 12 53 12 57 12 v 12 72 luiy.. .. ..12 66 12 71 12 47 12 53 12 53 12 fi7 Inne.. 12 53 12 67 Aug.. .. ..12 54 12 50 12 44 12 44 12 41112 55 i*ept.. 11 83 11 04 Dot.. .. ..11 80 11 80 11 67 11 69 11 69 11 80 NEW ORLEANS COTTON (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLEANS. Jan. f».—'The cotton future Jiarket opened steady 2 points up to 4 point* town, compared with the last prices of Satur- lay. Cables wore favorable and stimulated buv- hg moderately. The weather map ‘was regarded is being favorable, low temperatpres. rajn and (now being accepted ns adding to the season h the ground, although bullish traders pointed sit that the time was drawing near when fawn- frs would want ordinary wea:ncr in which to ’omplete their winter plowing. There was little •hort selling in the early trading and at the hul of the first half hour"cT business prices vere 5 to 7 points over Saturday’s close. Liquidation of the long account aud consld- lahle siiort selling were in evidence from the liddle of the iridrning aud prices sagged. The bid and wet weather over the belt, followed y many reports from points In Texas that tinners Were preparing for a substantial in tense in acreage this next season, was one of iie causes for the selling, although bptli fiides I Splayed more op less of a dlspsition to 'even p preparatory to-going over‘Thursday's report b ginning from the Census bureau. At the Iwest of the morning the trading months were ' to 9 points under 'Saturday’s close. At noon be market stood at a net decline of 7 to 8 bints. NEW ORLEANS COTTON The fidlowing were thp ruling prices on the ixehnpge today: Tqne steady; middling, 13c; steady. i.n>ii I’r^v O' f !!"■ S'.’“ •••-.»*» e*««» fan 12'.87 12.06. 12.74 12.80 12.70 12.91 feb 12.79 12.91 Hqr .12.91 12.97 12.70 12.81 12.86 RLOl April / 12.82 12.93 Hay 12.09 13.01 12.73 12.85 12.84 12.04 bine'.. ... .; ..... 12.87 12.07 *ufy.. .. ..13.06 13.00 12.83 12.91 12.00 13.01 Vug.. .....12.00 12.33 12.33 12.53 12.35 12.46 fept .... ..' 11.94 12.00 let.. .. 11.76 11.85 * SPpT CGTTON. Atlanta, quiet. 13c. New York, quiet, 13 20-100c. Liverpool, steady, 7 13-J00d. Ne\v Orleans firm, 12 15-16& Galveston, steady, 13c. Savannah, steady, I2%c. ; Baltimore, oulet. 13c. * Norfolk, quiet, 13c. WUmington, nominal. JRbiiadelphia, steady.- 13 45 100c. Heston, steady. 13 29-100e. Mobile, steady, 12‘£c. Charleston, steady, 12%c. Allgust a. steady. 13c. Houston, quiet, ISc. Memphis, steady. 18%c. little Bock, quiet, 12%C. lfie. St. I firm. 13% c. Macon, steady< l-^p. I •iiiisville. firm. I8%c. Athuus. steady, 13C. COTTON MARKET 0F1N10N8 Morris q;. KothsehtlU &. Co.: We feel that •onseravtive sales on.strong periods will prove iron table for scalps. Llayden, Stone & Co.: The failure of the barket to respond to the better foreign ad- ticea is causing a change in sentiment and toere are more people who think that the liarket has done its best. Steruberger, 8inh & Co.: Think on good treaks cotton can be bought for the time be- ag. A. Norden & Co.: We see np reason to change •ug view that higher prices avill be seen. maud may not be as keen at prices beyond this level. COTTON S£ED OIL MARKET NEW YORK, January jL. Carpenter & Co. say: Cotton seed oil declined under selliug by refiners against crude purchases and scat tered liquidation by local longs. COTTON OIL MARKET. upeu. Close Spots “ 6.30@fi.32 January ' fi.2«@fi.27 G.21@G.23 February ... .fi.25@G.2$ 6.i$@:fi.24 March 6.27&6.20 6.2J@6.22 April. . . . . f (1.30Q16.32 fi.22@fi.27 May fi.3fi@fi.37 fi.31@fi.83 June 6.38@fi.40 fi 32@fi.37 July ti.33@fi.40 0.356,0.3(1 August (1.39@G .43 6.37@G. 43 Tone, easy. Sales. 12,000. COTTON SEED PRODUCTS MEMPHIS, Tenu., Jan.. 5.—-Cotton seed prod- ucts, prime basis, oil, 5.34; tneal, 82fi.00@2fi.25; linters, 4@4%c. HAYWARD & CLARK'S COTTON LETTER NEW ORLEANS. La., Jap. 6.—Holiday in difference has disappeared ‘ and the market again presents a business aspect. Liverpool spot sales were 12,000 at unchanged prices, while futures came in 3 to 4 lower as due. Political news is again more favorable to peace as the Allies have extended the time for Turkey to consider their terms. A cable said, "Rumored peace concluded.” An active demand for contracts was mani fested this morning in our market from the start and selling was far too limited to sat isfy it. Feeling was distinctly bullish in snot circles, also as Europe gives signs of wanting tb buy. Very bud weather over the cotton states with snow or r.*ln throughout Is consid ered helpful tQ the bull side. New York news is that over 30,000 bales of heavy cotton goods have been sold to China by southern mills for prompt delivery. The market eased to 12.84 for March in the second hour ou disappointment over the fail ure of January in New York to show aggres sive strength. It was generally expected that some push would be applied to this position to say and when it failed to appear the idea prevailed as usual that bulls wanted to unload. It is more probable, however, that the present hfilt in professional activity is merely a lull before a census report. SUGAR PETROLEUM. HIDES AND LEATHER NEW. YORK, Jan. (».—Raw sugar steady; muscovado, 3.05; centrifugal, OG-test, 3.55; mo lasses, 89-test. 2.80. Refined steady. Petroleum, molasses, hides steady. Leather firm. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. The following were the cash quotations on grain and the previous close: Close. Prev. Close. WHEAT— No. 2 red 108 @111 109V'2@110 No. 2 hard 88 %@ 01% 00 @ 01 Vi CORN— No. 2 .. . . 4fi @ 47% 45Vi No. 2 white ...... 40 @ 50 40 OATS— Nfl. '2 33 Vi @ 34.. 33 @ 33 Vi No. o white .35 35 @ 35% KANSAS CITY CASH QUOTATIONS ' (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Jan. G.—Cash: Wheat—No. 2 white, 84@91c; No. 2 red, $1.06@1.07. Corn—No. 2 mixed, 47%c; No. 2 white, 49 @50c. Oats—No. 2 white, 34@35c; No. 2 mixed, 33@33Vip. CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS (By Associated Pr%ss.) CHICAGO. Jan. 6.—Cash grain: "Wheat—No. 2 red, $1.10@L13; No. 2 hard, 80y*@96c: No. 1 northern, 89%@90c; No. 2, S7@89c; No. 2 spying, 78 @ 88c; velvet chaff, SGV-*@S9Vie; durum, S5@89Vic. Corn—No. 2, 4S@48Vic; No. 2 white, 49@ 49Vie; No. 2 do.,' 48@48Vic. Oats—No. 2 white, 34@34Vie; standard, 33% @S4c. Rye—No. 2» 63%@64c. Barley, 5072c. Timothy, $3.Q0@8.90. Clover, 810.00@i8.50. METAL MARKETS (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—Copper steady- stand ard spot, 17%@17%c; January, 17%@17%c; February, 17.12@ 17.30; March, 17.00@ 17.25; electrolytic and lake, 17.fi2@17.S7; castings, 17.25@17.37. * Tin dull; spot, 50.4Q@50.70; January, 50.30@ 50.50; February, o0.20@30.40. Lead quiet, 4.25@4.37.F i Spelter quiet, 7.12@77.40. Antimony quiet: CftPksqns, ?10.00@10.50. Iron’ quiet; No. 1 northern, 1S.50@19.00; No. 2 do., 1S.0Q@18.50; No. 1 southern, 18.25@ 19.00; No. 1 do. soft. 18.25@18.75. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Jan. 6.-—Butter, steady; cream eries, 27@35c. Eggs, firm; receipts, 2,741 cases; fresh re ceipts at mark, cases included 21@23c; refrig erator firsts. 18%c; firsts 24%c. Cheese, steady; daisies lfi%@17c; twins. 10%@lUVic; young Americas, 16%@17c; long horns, 16% @ 17c. PoyStry Shows Yet To Be Co mid meted T Potatoes, steady; receipts, 119 cars; Minqe- sotu, 45@fipc; Wisconsin. 45@50c; Michigan. ^8@50c! Poultry, firm; turkeys, alive. 15c, dresged, 20c; chickens, dressed, 15c; springs, alive, 14%c. f Veal steady; 9@14c. KANSAS CITY BUTTER, EGGS AND POUL TRY. (By Associated Press.) - . KANSAS CITY, 'Jan. 6.—Butter—Creamery, !/>gan & Bryan:* Foreign .manufacturers de- 33c; firsts, 31c; seconds, 29c; packing stock, 21c. ‘ Eggs—Extras, 26c; firsts, 23 %c; seconds. #l4@15c. • Poultry—Hens, 12@13c; roosters, 8c; young turkeys, 18c; ducks. I3@14c. NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. fi.—Spfrtis turpentine firm, 40c; sales, 202. Rosin firm; water \yate, 87.45; window glass, 87.3fi; N, $7.25; M,_$7.00; K, $G.3Q; I. 85.55@5.fi0; II, $5.50@ 5.57%; G, 5.5Q@5.55; F, 8o.45@fi.52V-»; E, $5.45@5.52%; E, $5.45@5.50; 1), $5.42%; B, $5.35; sales noue; receipts of spirits, 733; ros in, 3,850. *"•'*•■• BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Jan. 0.—Butter was unsettled; receipts. 7,3<4. Creamery extras, 36%@'37c; creaiuery held extras, 33@34c; creamery" firsts. [ S2@3fic; Imitation creamery, 25@26c; factor) - June make firsts. 24%@28c; current uiako firsts. 24%c: state dairy, tubs, rinest. 27 @ year before last, increasing their total for the 28c; .process extras, 2fi%@27%ct 'factory cur rent make, firstR, 23Mj@24c; packing stock, June make, 24@24%c; cuvveht make, 23@23%c. Cheese, steady; receipts, G21. State whole milk, held white or colors, specials, isc; do. white or colored fancy, 17%@17%c; do. average fancy, 17%@17%c; do. average : tancy, I8c; state whole milk, new, undcrgr&dej?, l4@lo%c; poor to fair, 12@14c; pew specials, ll@'i2c; new choice, 9%@Il>o; skims. UMdeVgraaes, & J /2 @13 %c. Eggs, firm; receipts, 0,834 boxes. -Fresh BIGGER! BETTER II Move Liberal Than Ever Is PurOfferto Agents this Season We Want You to Be Our Agent Our offer to agents this season is »m- and better than ever. It makes order getting easy. If you want our samples, if you want to be our agent, jf you want the iwellest clothes in the wo: !<1 FREhh put )a>ur name on : a postal card and mail to . its. \ye’ll do the rest. k We Prepay tiprm no Everything. _ _ _ _ Amerteaa WooIm Hills Co. g’ftEE Dept. 106, CIlICAtiO HERB are several more im portant poultry shows to be conducted In the south. The next show of importance is the one at Charlotte, N. C„ January 10 to 15. This promises to he an unusually large exhibition and one where a premitim" won means much to the exhibitor. It is unfortunate, how ever, that Jacksonville will hold her show, on the same dates, as many breeders would like to ex hibit at both .places and it'is im possible to do so. Splendid pre mium lists have been arranged for both pf these shows and no one can make a mistake by attending and exhibiting their birds at these two great shows. Both of these territories offer splendid places for business and the business is await ing the exhibitor who is able to hancue it in each of these sections. Next to these two shows will be the one at Chester, S. C., one at Statesville, N. C„ Columbia, S. C., Waycross, Ga., and Lakeland, Fla. All of these exhibitions have opt splendid premium lists and it is surprising the large amount of not only cash that is offered hut a grand lot of cups and' other specials that these associations have arranged for the lucky exhibitors. The South has certainly done her part in conducting these exhibi tions this season and it has been the life of the industry and will bring an enormous amount of business to the exhibitors who attend these shows that they could never get otherwise. ^ Aside from the wonderful quality and the condition the birds are exhibited in nowadays these exhibitions are doing much other educational work by distributing over the country better specimens and more of them than eVer was known before. There is no line of industry that has made more rapid strides in the past few years than the poultry industry of this great 'country and on every hand there can be seen the effects of this great work. Within the next two years if it continues to grow like it has in the past, America, and especially the southern states will see the poultry interest represented in a class to itself where it justly belongs. With the parcel post which will be the biggest thing that has ever happened for the poultry industry it will grow by leaps and boupds from novy on and the breeder who goes out after his share of business and pushes it as it should be done, is the man to reap his share of the money that is in sight for him. There is one noticeable feature connected with the poultry industry different from what it has been heretofore and it is the interest now being taken by the farmers from a commercial standpoint and it is adjusting itself and becoming more staple and more substantial as a business every day and not so much 'of a fad or fancy as it has been in years past. Of course there will always he room at the top for high class fancy varieties who have their admirers and enjoy their part of the game, and at the same time while they are getting their share of honors and money out of the fancy end of it they are helping all the time to build for the commer cial ppultryman a better foundation for his fowls and better prices for his eggs and products by Reaching him the difference in the quality of both poultry and eggs when they are produced from thoroughbreds rather than scrubs. The day is coming when the scrub chicken, at, well as tftp scrub cow, horse and hog will be a thing of the past in every section of the country. The world is fast becoming educated on these subjects and the breeder of thoroughbreds is doing his share of educational work and helping the other fellow to make dollars where heretofore they have only been making cents by distributing and sowing good seed rich harvests are heiiig gath ered where heretofore poor seed sown not only in -poultry but ' n other lines have been bringing small profits ar... even losses to many breeders and farmers. There has been a big change wrought and the poultry shows and the fancy poultry business are doing their share in this line of C/ , Yours very truly, LET HE PROVE THAT YOUfi CATARRH OR ASTHMA Cured CAN BE FREE PACKAGE work. gathered extras, 2S@29c; firsts, 26@27c: fresh gathered dirties. No. 1, 15@17c; No. 2, 15@ Ific; fresh gathered checks, prime, 13.@l5c; poor to fair, 12@14c; refrigerator spepial marks, fancy aud local storage, charges paid, 25%@ 240; do. firsts, 16@20c; dc. poor, 18@20c; <10. dirties, lj@l9e. DRY GOODS REVIEW (By Associated Bress.) NEW YORK, Jan. fi.—The dry goods mar kets have been seasonably quiet in the pri mary division. A noticeable fact is tU-3* firm ness of prices lu a quiet period, and particu larly so n cotton goods. Wholesalers are not expected ip the market much before next ivpek, When they will come here to atttend the aunual metings of natlo,nxil associations and to attend the openings of cotton blankets and napped goods. Brices on these goods will be made shortly. The general conditions in primary markets are that stocks of goods in first hands are scarce, the mills are well under order and the merchants who have goods under orders are calling for them. Holiday trade reports coming tq hapd bespeak a very satisfactory' con dition at the consuming end of the business and there is every hope expressed in primary circles of a contnuation of it. Prices on cot ton goods rule about as follows: Print cloths. 28-inch G4x60s, 3 15-lfic; G4x file, 4%c; 38%-inch 61xfi4s, 5%c; brown sheet ings, southern standards. 8@8%c; denims, 9- puqce, 14c; tickings, 8-ouuce, 13Vie; standard prints, 5%c; 'standard staple ginghams, 6%c; standard dress ginghams, 9Vic. TAX COLLECTOR LEWIS HAS QUALIFIED Atlanta Live Stock (By W. H. White, Jr., of the White Provision Company.) Quotations based on actual purchases during the current week. Good to choice steers, 1,060 to 1,200, $5.25@ 5.75. Good steers, 800 to 1,000. $5.00@o.25. Medium to good steers, 700 to 850, $4.5Q@ 5.Q0. , Good to cnoice beef cows, 800 to uoo, $4.00@ 4.75. Good to choice heifers, 750 to 850, $4.0Q@ 4.50. Medium to good heifers, 050 to 750, $3.50@ 4.00. If you suf fer With- CATARRH, or ASTHMA I want to send yon absolutely FREE, and w 1 t b out one penny expense t< , you, my » “Wonder- fuU.Home Treatment,” which is making so many extraordinary cures of chronic apd acute cases. My “Remedy” will surely cure you as it has hundreds of others but do not take my word for it. Just send for VREE trial and be convinced. r ' <Aitarrh and Asthma ate too serious to neg lect. In the foul slimes of Catarrh and Asth ma the germs of Consumption breed rapidly and the whole system is impaired and left open to tile attacks of dangerous diseases. Horrible suffering results—days are one long torture and nights sleepless agony. My remedy cleanses the system of impurities, stops the dripping in the throat, hawking, foul breath, head noises, hiss of taste and smell, hoarseness, watery eyes, heals the scabs in the nose, prevents gasping for breath and sleepless nights. Do not delay a moment but send now for FREE package and my book, both of which will be mailed in plain wrapper. Mention your disease. T. GORHAM, 323 Gorham Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. (VANTED KELP—Male and Female RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED—$75 month to. commence. “Pull” unnecessary. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. II. 38, Rochester, N. Y. REGISTERED POLAND CHINA PIGS. Choice in dividuals, from lute popular strains. 3 to 4' mos. old pigs, weigh 50 to 65 lbs. each, $10 to $15 each. 8 to 10 luos., 150 to 200 lbs. service boars, of show quality, $20 to $30. 10 to 12 mos., 200 lb. bred gilts, showing safe, picked grade, $30 to $35. T. U. Jones, Orryille, Ala. FARM 75 acres to share crop or rent hhuses: pair mules, wagon, tools, etc.; 3 miles good town, best section Ga.; good chance. E. M. lturnph, Marshallville, Ga. AGENTS! Wake up. Gef busy. Send $10. Get new 36-lb. Feather Bed with 6-lb. pair Pijlowg I’veqJ 'Start right in making money, big money. Everybody buys. All women enthusiastic. Say best bed and pil lows ever offered. New feathers. Best ticking. Freight prepaid on all. Satisfaervm gunraq'tfed. Live agents making big profits with easy work. Write today. Reference, Commercial Nat’l Bank, Turner & Cornwell, Dept, lfi, Charlotte, N. C. ^ Actress FREE 2 Rings S»nd your name and^diWne and we wf)l lend yiui Bekutlful Oriental Kings to s«ll at 10 cents e*cb. All th^YAgo in N’*"' York. When sold return ue $1.20 tod ret these lour Beautiful Aqtresa Kings 1’rce, also big premium list pf nearly 60 premiums andl how to pet them. HOWARD & CO., 100 Rose 8L, Palnyra, Fa, I can use ISO Men at $30 a week to Start Would you like a steady job selling my goods, starting right away, earning $30 a week, with a chance to be pro moted to a position paying $3,OOP year y. No experience is required. My agents hayei steady envployrhent tho year round. I ready to give you a position right now where you can make big money quick. Just write me a letter or postal today sure and say: * Ofail parttoulara about the position you offer” and mark the address Personal for E. DAVIS* President E. M. DAVIS CO., 566 ; Davis Block, Chicago A AR E INTERESTED in doom ? MwEStSTs Send * or a free sample copy of the Sports- men’s Review, containipg many interesting _articles about dogs and hunting. Also full The above represent ruling prices of Shod l^r^ftpoierSsKv!siikv Stf'SaRn- f quality of beef cattle. Inferior grades ’and AddressSgQKTBflEN S RE> IEW, 278 Butler Bldg.,Cl*dmya<i,Q. dairy types selling lower. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) GREENSBORO, Ga., Jan. 4.—Tax col lector Lewis, of Greene pounty, had his bond made out in sufficient time to have sent it in, but on account of the death of Ordinary McWhorter, which oc curred December 31, he was unable to have that official certify to the bond. Judge McWhorter had been ill about two weeks and was unable to. attend to his duties. How Are Your Nerves? Nervousness is often merely an indi cation that the body is out of tone, and entirely disappears w when this fault is corrected. Hundreds who suffered frorp Nervous Prostration, Sleeplessness, Ex haustion, etc., have found Bodi-Tone just what they needed, for its activities in the body are of a character needed to set bad nerves rjgl)t. You can try a dollav box without a penny. See offer pn last page.—(Advt.) i £?M' ^ A01 Caliber Self-I/oading Rifle This is the latest and most powerful rifle of the so-called automatic type. It has more power than the .30 Army rifle. This power, combined with its unequalled rap idity of fire, makes it exceptionally effective for hunting big game. It is simple in construction and operation and all its metal parts are made of Nickel Steel. The name “Winchester” on it guarantees it to be satisfactory in every way. It is sold by dealer^ everywhere. Worth looking into. Send postal to Winchester Repeating Arm CoNew Haven, Conn, for complete, illustrated, catalogue describing guns for all kinds of shooting, and ammunition for all kinds of guns. HITS TIKE THE HAMMER OE THOR - V.nfrr iiiiiliiiillifiMltollijiit,—— Mixed to common steers, if fat. 700 to SOO. $4.00@4.50. Medium to commpn cows, if fat, 700 ta 8<V*», $3.25@4.00. Mixed common, 6Q0 to 800, $2.75@3.25. Good butcher bulls, $3.00@3.75. Prime hogs, 150 to 200 average, $7.40@7.6w. Good butcher hogs, 140 to lfiO, $7.25@7.40. Good butchpr pigs. 100 to 140, $7.06@7.25. Light pigs, 80 to TOO. $fi.75@7.00. Heavy rough hogs, 200 to 250, $fi.5Q@7.25. Above quotations apply to corn fed hog>., mast and peanut fattened hogs 1 to 1% cents under. * Cattle receipts about as usual, with faiflV good ‘assortment A few loads of half fat steers were qmong the week’s receipts. Strictly good steers were scarce, hardly enough to establish a market to quote, prices ruled steady, howeyer, op the best grades, and in the face of a good supply of cattle in the middle class, prjees held strong. Commpn cat tle were not go plentiful, hut enough to supply the Ueinaml, with but little change in place. Hog receipts light; demand good; market steady and stronger. LIVE STOCK BY WIRE ST. LDi'I.S, .Tan. 6.—Cattle—Receipts, 10,000, including 2,80Q( Texans; market steady. Native beef steers, $5.00@l0.00; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $5.00@5.70; Texas and Oklahoma cows and eil'es, $3.55@5.00; calves, 85.U0@fi.50. Ilogs—Receipt’s, 12,000; market 5c lower. Pf and lights, $6.75(0.7.50; mixed and butchers $i.30@'7.33; good heavy, $7.45@7.55. Sheep—Receipts, 3,500; steady; Native mut tons, $4.35@5.(H); lambs, $6.50(a 8.75. CHARLESTON MILITIAMEN WANT TARGET RANGE to reduce it simple way. It reduced Miss Anna “Crayten’s weight 12 lbs. in 10 days. Information aieot free in aplain.sealed packagetoan7 address. Hall C. Co • 1421 Olive 8t. Dept. B-40 St.Loyls.Mo WATCH. RINC AND CHAIN FREE ALL and penta* to anyone, for Beilina: our art pout carda nt 10c % packet. Order 20 packets DOW. when sold send $2.00 and we will send you FREE MW' stem-wind, 5-yr. vuar- rintced watch, hurhly cn- net rintf and handsome P^LaCE MFC- CO.. Deo 76 CHICAGO FREE iVe c»vq to c^yone a highly Bteii wind G-jr. ensrsfttetd watel size: alsd 8-stone sparklirr B- lfirtf 20 jcwejry nrti- -ieff ht lpc each. ^ ' AND CHAIN israved, .proper mar, for Ordi rdcr 'pld DALE WAXCR CO., Dept. ff T, ftWS.W. and complete outfit, plates, Chemicals, etc., with full instructions. Just send your name and address, w? send yoq 24 papers Gold Eve Needles. Sell 2 papers for 10c., giving a Thimble free. When sold send us the $1.20 and the Camera and complete outfit is yours. Address GLOBE CO., Dept.;jp .Greenville, Pa. • (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) CHARLESTON, S. C., Jan. 4.^Adju- tant General Moore has the hearty sup port of the Charleston national g-uarcls- tnep in the movement to th e leg islature appropriate money for the pur chase of a mobilization camp and tar get range site near Columbia rp K „ i Write for samples and arents outfit free t he Charleston militiamen have made PEERLESS shirt MAKERS, Dept. a personal appeal upon the Charleston delegation in the legislature, and it is understood here that a systematic cam paign fias been instituted over the state by the military people who are working on the legislators to vote for the legis lation which is wanted. * 3 SHIRTS for YOU Made to your measure just as you want them—any style. Show our samples to a few 1 friends,take orders easy and inake profit enough io get yours FREE. No trouble— simply show our beautiful samples and styles. 0n6 good agent wanted in each town, spare time or all time; higtn> class business, good profit'. We ship on approval, prepay express and guarantee perfect and aeent.s outfit free—special inside prices. - ‘ 11 ChlMfp TEN-YEAR-OLD LAD NAMED SENATE PAGE FREE mV Our fully (ruaranteyd, stem wind end ««t, richly engraved watch, proper Bilie: and . brilliant 8-st6ne ring, ore -^ngjaaBaiSa^. given FREE to anyone tor 8elling-20 jewelry i articles at 10c each. I Order jewehy now; when sold send $2-00 ind w« wilt Bend itch, ring- and handi handsome chain CHICAGO 14 (By Associated B.-ess.) FISHINGTON, N. V., Jan. 4.—Douglqz A. Seeley, a ten-year-old Washington boy, has bgCn appointed' by Senator ® Works, of California, as a page in the United States senate and he is said to be the youngest of the group of lads that wait on the beck and call of the statesmen of the upper house of con gress. The boy is an orphan and con tributes to the support pf an aged grandfather. Young Seeley has been at tending night school and the senator has said that he will see to it that liis future education is not neglected. WOMAN IS KILLED; TRAiN HITS AUTO (By Associated Frees.) WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 4.— One person was killed and two seriously injured when an automobile in which they were riding was struck by a Flor ida East Coast passenger train near here late last night. The body of Mrs. C. W. Carlin was hurled under the train and ground in two by the wheels. Mrs. S. A. White and O. A. Harding were seriously, but not fatally, injured. It is said Harding, who was driving the car| did not hear the approaching train, and attempted jo cross the tracks. WESHiMppROVAL without a cent deposit, prepay the freight and fallow 10 DAYS PREK TRIAL. ^1T ONLY COSTS one ceht to learn our unheard 6/ prices and marvelous offert i co highest grade 7913 model bicycles. iFSCTORY PRIQES3&& a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you write for our large Art Catalog and learn our vonderpulproposition oa first sample bicycle going to your town RIDER AGENTS S'rff.Tb” money exhibiting and selling our bicycles. Wo Sell cheaper than ahy other factory. TIRES,Coaator-Brake roar wheels. lamps, repairs and all sundries at half usual prices Do Mot Wait; write today for pur special offer. ■HEAD CYCLE CO., Oept. C ; 180 CHICAO0 WATCH AND RING FREE MB Moving: Picture Machines, Bibles, Lace Curtains, Lock ets ami Chains, Cameras, Bracelets, Dinner Sets, Sil verware, Rifles, Violins, Accordions, etc., given for Belling hiffh grade Art and RELIGIOUS PICTURES at lOoeacb. Famous wnrlrt Of art, such o’s ‘‘Christ S3 Head of this House,” “Illrth of Christ,’! “The Lord ia My Shepherd,” “Faith, Hope and Charity, “Guardian Angel,'* “Christ Blesslm* Little Children, “Lord’s' Supper,” ‘•TuUng Mother and Babe,” “On Guard,” and otffer beautiful pict ures in natural colors. Originate OoBt thousands of dollars. Not o tt-sshy picture Sn the lot. Slie 12x10 Ins. You Will Sell Our Fnmoue Pictures. "There You Failed to Sell Others. Send for 2') of our handsomest pictures, specially setwted, and large illust rated premium list. Toucan sell ^ thorn In 10 ff lnu.'os. Send us #2, and premium will'be sent at once. MONEL sistffsfrwusnm ALTON WMCil & MDSE. CO., I*. !*»««■» WANTED—Railway mail clerkt?. Many uveded for parcels post. Entrance salary now $75. Rapid promotions. Write Ozment, 30, 8t. Ixmls. $30.00 TO $100.00 A MONTH FOR SPARE TIME—Experience not needed. Want active inau each locality. Introduce us to ffi'ends. Benefits for sickness, injury, death. Write for Cash Conus offer. The I-L-U 13, Covington, K.v. 500 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for electric railway motermen and conductors; $00 to $100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike"; write immediately for application blank. Address H. C. F., Box 207. care of Journal. RAILWAY MAIL’ CLERKS WANTED— $75.00 mojith. Thousands panels post appointments. Write immediately Franklin Institute, Dept. J-38, Rochester, N. Y. COLORED agent wanted in each locality. $100.v)0 a month. All or spare time. Write quick for particulars. Box AD-409, Cinclnnnuti, Ohio. TOBACCO FACTORY wants salesman; goou pay, steady work and promotion; experience unnecessary, as we vyill give complete Instruc tions. Piedmont Tobacco Co., Box E-17, Dfiu : vllle, Va. GGOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN To MEN AND WOMEN. $90.00 month. Annual vaca tions. Short hours. Nq “layoffs.” Parcels post means thousands of postal appointments! “Prill’ unnecessary. Farmers eligible. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. J-38. Rochester, N. IF YOU WANT positjoq as fireman, brakeman, electric motormah. Conductor, colored train or sleeping ear poster, firstclass Georgia, Ala bama, Kentucky roads, $65 to $160 month, steady work, winter and siimmer. No experi ence necessary. No strike. Write immediate ly. Name position Wanted. Enclose stamp. Adddress Railway Institute, liept. 24, Indian apolis, Jnd. WE PAY *36 A WEEK 55SKS Mfo. co„ PEKSONAJ, WEALTHY merchant, 57, unencumbered, would marry. V-Box 35, Toledo League, Toledo, Ohio. MARRY—Many wealthy members. Will marry: All ages. Description free. Reliable Club, Dept. 59; Box 2fi6, Oakland, Cal. MARRY Wealth and Beauty. Marriage direc tory Free. Pay when married.' New plan. Box 314 E. G., Kansas City, Mo. IdARRY—Thousands, wealthy, Will marry soou; all ages, nationalities. Description free. West ern Club, Dept. 2G8, Market, San Francisco, Cal. MARRY—Many rich, congenial and anxious for companions. Interesting. Particulars and photos free. The Messenger, Jacksonville, Fla. MARRY Wealth and Beauty. Marriage Direc tory Free. Pay when mfirrleil. New Plan. Box 314-D. H., Kansas City. Mo. MARRY—Many rich, anxious roc early niar- descriptions free, sealed: pay if suited. New System, Box 525 $LH., Kansas City, Mo. MARRIAGE' PAPER free. The" most relinbhS published. Send for o«e. Eastern Agency 22. Bridgeport, Confi. MARRY RICH—Matrimonial paper' of highe^r | character, containing hiiiidreds of photos and 1 descriptions of marriageable people with 'menus: mulled free; sealed; either rcx. Write today one may be your ideal. Address Standard Cor. Cltlb. Box u07, Grqyslake. ill. II R H nv P* 80 P® *ent free. Pho- M |1 U |(i ton of every lady member. The m nil III Pitot. Dept. 67. Marshall. Mich. MISCELLANEOUS NORTHERN BUYERS want sputhern farms; di rect dpulifig with owners; no commission. What have you to sell? Write Southern Home- seekets’ Bureau, Box 1454, Atlanta, Qa. FOR RENT—A four-horse farm, near Albany, Ga. Gpqd buildings, wfiter, etc. Want good tenant at once, who has stock and tools Jo take the farm. Write W. D. Hart, 88 N. Pryor st., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—Partner by widow to take interest in paying business. Steady employment. Some thing new. Nped reliable assistant. B. R., Bqx 10, care Semi-Weekly Journal. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn from lllW) to $800 p?r montli; travel over tlie vrorWr jVritr C.' T. r.udv.lg 1-201 Starrltt Bldg., Kansa* City. ifo. BIG MONEY WRITING SONGS. Hundreds of dollars have been made by successful writers. We pay 50 per- cent of profits if successful. Send us your original Poems, Songs or Melodies today, or write for Free Particulars. Dugdale Co., Dept. 21 fi. Washington. D. O. Aluminum Cooking Utensils DELIVERED by Parcel Post right to your door, at one-half the cost anywhere else. $5 com bination Roaster set $198, guaranteed for ten years. Write for bargain list and descriptive catalogue. Atlanta,Aluminum Co., Atlanta, Ga. BIG MONEY WRITING SONGS—We pay Hun- 11 dreds of dollars a year to successful writers. Experience unnecessary. Song poems wanted with or without music—will pay que-baif of profits 11 successful. Sept} us your work today. Acceptance guaranteed if available. Largest con cern in tbe country. Free particulars. Dugdale tk>.‘, Dept. 216, ‘ Washington, P. C. FREE—INVESTING •FOR PROFIT MAGA ZINE. Send me your name and I Will mail you this magazine abfiplutply Free. Before you%ln- vest a dollar finywhere—get this magazine—It is worth $10 a copy to any man who Intenda to invest $5 or more per month. Tells you how $1,009 can grow to $22.00©—how to judge different classes of Investntentfi, the Real Earning Power of your money. This magazine six mo’ntha Free If you w^lte today, fl. L. Barlier, Publisher, 410, 28 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. v (Advt'j patents PATENTS WANTED—SALESMEN SEI.L FRUIT TREES. M’ANTED—100 salesmen in Southern States. Easy terms. Prices right. Write today. Up son Nurseries, Yatesville, Da. S^LL TREES. Fruit trees-, pecan trees, shade trees, roses, ornamentals, etc. Easy to sell. Big profits. Write today. Smith Bros., Dept. 20, Concord, Ga. * . SALESMEN WANTED Who Can Furnish Team and Wggon To sell on commission to farmers, the best and largest tine of Medicines, Stock Foods, Flavor ing Extracts and Toilet Preparations on thp market, and under the most liT:-.n-nl contract— sutesmpn making from $100 to $300 pet month clear of expense. We start you in a paying business without your inventing one dollar, If yon can furnish a team and wagon. Write ns today. Address, EDGAR ROBERTS MANUFACTURING CO., Sti56 Walnut Street, St. Louis, Mp. WANTED—Salesmen and saleswomen. Hun dreds of good positions now open, paying from $1,000 to $5,000 a year. No further ex perience required to get one of thfim. We will teach you to be ai high-grade traveling sales man or saleswoman by mail in eight weeks and assist you to secure a good position where you can eai*n good wages while ypn are learning practical salesmanship. Write today, for full particulars and testimonials from hundreds of men and women we have recently placed in good positions; also list of good ;iositions open. Address (nearest office), Dept. rl9-A, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, Seattle, New Orleans, To ronto. WANTKD—AGENTS OUR Household Specialties, fast sellers; best on market. Circulars and terms ,-n request. Big profits. Don't delay. Either sex. Standard Novelty Company, Box 84, Tuskegee, Alabama. AGENTS—Best business ever offered. Sell our seeds and be our reporter. Sample and full particulars fifteen cents. World Commission Company, Box 143, Riberton. Ga. A aii*T«JT*q PORTRAITS 85c, FRAMES 15c. , Sheet pictures lc, Stereoscopes i5c. Views lq. 30 days’ credit. Samples and catalog free. Consolidated Portrait Co., DePt. 5188. 10?7 W. Adams St.. Chicago. FOR SALE FIU’IT TREES FOR SALE—I’enches, 6jipi<-?. pears, pill ms, privet and others at closing out prices, Upson Nurseries, Y'atesvllle, Gy. FOIt SALE—Two trios of White Orpington chickens, at four ($4.00) each trio. Eggn $1.50 for 15. T. H. Traylor, I.aGrange, Ga. OVEItSTOC’KED—Reduction sale: Fine breeders, White, EMek, Ruff OrpIUgtons, White Wyan- dottes', Runner Ducks; trios $fi, $10, $15, $25. baby chicks, ducklings, White Runner (lucks, Duroe-Jersey hogs. Write for bargain list No. 53. Woman’s College, Meridian, Misg. BED wrrnMfi Anjigo. 9V E. I I I rfi U Get our advico and Box of Ponine, FREE. Address, MISSOURI REMEDY CO., Offlee 11 St. Louis, Mo. raoTet swelling and short breath in a few nays, usually drives entire relief 1 > to 45 days and effects cure 20 tdflO day8. Write for trial treatment Yreo. I Dr. If. IL GREEN'S SONS, Box X, ATLANTA, 9A. ORPHI Opium. Whiskey and Drug Habits treated at hove or M Sanitarium. Book on subject Free. DR B. M W’OOI LEY, lt-N. Vlcto^ Sanitarium. Atlanta. Georgia LEG SORES Cured by ANTI-FLtxMMA Poultice Plaster. Stops the ifcchini around* eorc. Cures whilo you work. DESCRIBE CASE and get FREE SAMPLE, Sayles Co. i825 G rftfr<l Ave., Kansas City. AIo. ITCH CURED In 30 Minutea By On, Application DAVID’S SANATIVE WASH We guarantee to enre any case of Itch, If used as directed, or Money Refunded. Scratches and Mange *n Dogs cured at once. Cannot be mailed. 60c. at youf ealers, or express prepaid on receipt of 75c. OWENS & MINOR DRUG COMPANY. Ud.. JJept A R ir ’ hmond * Va * rrTTU’CS Odd Stock at job lot prices. UrUAYO Send for list. For Bargains this is your chanoe. BOURNE & BOND, 313 Market, Louisville, Ky. BIG BOLL KING COTTON GETS AHEAD OF THE BOLL WEAV)L Stands dfoutb, rust, and diseases. Best Cotton on Earth. Write J. E. Butts, Ethelsvllle, Ala., R. 2. Mf E PAY$80 A MONTH SALARY and furnish rig and «!9 expenses to ln|re J Intreduoe our Address ILLINOIS When sold send money and we’U send 4 riiigs or onoioe from our premium list. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO- BOX 27, WOODSBORO MD, ^ fitmlelet , r Sell la articles at 10c. scud us the jnoney and _ \yo Win give you 4 rings ^ufuiiaj^ and hr Ac let. We trust. GEM JEWELRY Cp. DEP.6 PRCVI3EMCE. R.1. .SOLID GOLDSiSss I ENORA VED NICKEL-Finish _WATCH end SOLID BOLD RING; (jive/l for selling 121 I 25c boxes MERITBLOODl \TABLETS and returning W us S3, oo i n 30 Dags. Yout 1^ 3 t cai I will send a hanfisoim* 1^13 F_. gold, and a big dssorimcnt of Xmas and' oilier post card nov- glti^s fj>x 4c postage it you will show my cards to 6 friends A. YT Fogelsangerr 233 South 6th ‘ St., thila- del^hie,, Pa. SANA S(WING Awl segs shoes, harneu, canvas; 40c. postpaid, two for 75c., $3 perdoz. Bo stamps. W. B. Stephans A.I Mfg. Co., 801 N. Cardinal, 8t. Louis, Me -A. MR. TRAPPER Ship your furs to J. F. Corley and get the best pvlceg for them. Will hold your shipment separate until hear Mrotn you, If requested. Write for my price list. J. F. CORLEY', LnGrange, Ga. AGENTS—$24 A WEEK New Patented Automatic Curry ' ‘ is. No t . Comb, Cleans Horse in half the time. No clotting with hair and dirt. Every horse-QWner buy*. Big profits—-Sworn proof. A. R. Pstt says, ”It*s a dandy. Sold 14 laat nfghf ” Free aampls to workers. TMOMmS MFG CO. 85»2 Home St. Oayton, 0. i n tl $ e off . er <ull 36 lb New Feathei ■ r d n No , w feather Pillows $1.20 per pair, 1oS feSt?A*n* T'Sfi °L. r , dor - J 111 , Now I,lve Heath: era. uestyoz. A. C. A. LipkinK. Satisfaction Guaran. “ *1t£ed °r money back. Prompt IHliipmont. Order to-day o« ■write for free catalogue. 1 We glvq hank references. ^ .SOUTHERN FEATHER Agents Wanted, dop*,- ,^ NI cREENSBOR < ofN. c. r ’ These 14 RINGS Send your name and address we Will tend you 12 Deautiful Oriental Kings to sell at 10 cents •aoh. All tbs rage in New York. When void return us If 1.20 and f'tt these four Beautiful Rinyii Ires, also big premium Hit « neatly 60 premiums and bow t get mem, SCIINFIUKR CO.. 409 hflrnt su Palmyra,Pa. WANTED—Mon in every locality to demonstrate find take orders for the Melrose Convertible Wagon Bed, new invention for the farm. 15 boxes and racks in on£. Can lie changed from any one position to any other In two minutes or less time. No tools needed—Just your hands. Others are filing them every day. So can you. Every farmer Interested. Good men wanted to represent us. Big money-making offer. Work all or spaye time. Start now qnd pocket the profits. Write us today—get our big finely iilus- trfited book anil money-making terra§. Address American Wagon Co., 125 Lincoln ave., Dix on," 11L ' This Beautiful 20 Year Watch $3.78 Bsgantly tnerarsd THIN HODEL, GOLD FINISHED doubls Hundi.g ooss, Tj J»«l American Isrsr notement.itsm wlod and sum let. 20yearguarantss •s|t with each waicb. Lope gold finished chain for Ladles, fob or rest chain for $3.75 a ” 1 ’^ — ' "• |l,,lil MODEL rest OSes, alter SO Yesr Guarantee! " ' EXAMINATION FREB. Let us send it; to yourexpr. yon examUwlt, If you think It Is abstain and equal to ahyIlf- tb^Moraaaetentour Spe«t< ) «rlc«^3.?&, Jdsntion Ladl#sVM«n’ Hunter Watch Co., Dept. 127, Chioago, Ill. eczema,catarrh, colds, croup,etc. Wheneold re turn the $1.50 and we will promptly forward tho ad j tut- box, a great remedy for burns, cuts, sores, piles, »/»lebracelet.brightgoldfinish I and the gold filled wedding^ingl pr choice from our premium I list. Send No Money. Wetru.t^ BOX 2 I 3, wwoosooro, Mu, $30 a Week starting now $3000 a year if yon make good Would you like a .toudyjob aellintt my roods, right away, earning $50 a week, with a chance to be pro moted to a position paying $3,000 yeariy. No experience is required. My agents have steady employment the year round. I am ready to give you a position nght now where you can make Mg money quick. Just write men letter or postal today sure and say: Mail particiuani about the position you offer” and mark the addreSB Personal for E» DA.VIS, President E. M. DAVIS CO., 466 Davis Block, Chicago Elegant Thin Mode! v a e ? R Watch $3L° Hunting cats b*auUIully shgtased.- gold finished tbrinebout, triffl wind ahd stem set, fitted with Jeweled American lever morcnient, guaranteed 20 rears, with long gold finished eboifi for Ladles. rest chain or fob fsr Uoata. $3.50, _ Gunraulocd 20 IF T'CfC SEE IT YOF WILL Bl'Y rr.LettisesfiditC.O.D. forerun Ido. ticn at your nearest eztiress office, and if you think It a bargain and equal in appearance to any 915.00 gold finished watch pay the express agent our Special sales price $3 50. Mention if you want Ladies’, Men’s or Boys’ site. Diamond Jowoiry Co.,E 38, ISO Yl. Madison SLChlcogs^Us 1