Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, October 10, 1913, Image 8

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THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. COTTON EXCHANGE ACTS T01 O'SHAOGHNESSY BRINGS ASSURANCES OF PEACE Committee Appointed to Con sider Question of Changing Existing Type Standards (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Oct. 9.—That the New York cotton exchange is considering some action with reference to the grades and contract methods which figured so prominently in recently proposed legis lation at Washington* was made appar ent today through the publication of resolutions passed by the board of man agers on October 2. The resolutions provide for the ap pointment of a committee of seven by the president to consider the question of changing the existing type standards, the question of making such changes in the contract as the committee might deem advisable, and to inquire into the condition of trading* in this market and report back to the business at a special meeting to be held not later than Oc tober 20. The committee was also em powered to call witnesses. But His Stories' of Present Conditions in Mexico Are Not the Rosiest Boils Are a Bad Indication No Time Should be Lost in Purifying Your Blood. (r JT Many people believe boils are a sign of . health. It Is a sign of sick blood. It is an indication that the circulation is slug gish or loaded with acids and impurities to cause breaking down of the tissues. At the first appearance of pimples and boils the blood should be given a good searching internal bath with S. S. S. the greatest blood purifier known to man. This remarkable remedy has the peculiar action of soaking through the intestines directly into the blood. In a few minutes its influence is at work in every artery, j vein and tiny capillary. E^ery membrane, : every organ of the body, every emunctory becomes in effect a filter to strain the j blood of impurities. The stimulating prop- ! erties of S. S. S. compel the 'skin, liver, | bowels, kidneys, bladder, to all work to the one end of casting out every irri tating, every pain-inflicting atom of poison; it dislodge^ by irrigation all accumulations in the joints, causes acid accretions to dissolve, renders them neu tral and scatters those peculiar forma tions in the skin that cause boils and other skin eruptions. And best of all this remarkable rem edy is welcome to the weakest stomach. In a very brief time S. S. S. has the re constructive process so under control that remarkable changes are observed. All eruptive places heal, mysterious pains and aches have disappeared, and from head to foot there is a conscious sensation of renewed health. That strange moody, morbid feeling of depression is lifted and the entire system responds* with surpris ing energy. You can get S. S. S. at any drug store. Beware of any effort to sell you something claimed to be “just as good.” If yours is a peculiar case and you desire expert advice, write to the Swift Specific Co., 112 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. '"Rv Afterdated ) VERA CRUZ, Oct. 9.—A report on af fairs at the Mexican capital brougnt by Nelson O’Shaughnessy, charge d'aff aires at the American embassy, was laid before John land, personal representa tive of President Wilson, in an over night conference. It was said that the charge brought no roseate picture ol conditions at the capital but reported as surances from the national palace that fair elections would take place and early pacification of the country accom plished. Mr. O’Shaughnessy returned directly to Mexico City. Mr. Lind will remain in Vera Cruz. Unless invited by the Mexican govern ment or instructed by President Wilson he will have no direct communication with the Mexican administration. If he has any representations to make prob ably he will communicate them to the embassy. Indications are, however, that there will be no iurther communication of any nature. Mr. Lind will continue in the role pf an observer until results of the elec tions are known and possibly until the effect is to be seen. Recent informa tion brought to him had not apparently convinced him that the military situa tion has been left largely to Captain Burnside, military attache of the em bassy to report directly to the war de partment. and Mr. Lind is more deeply interested in the political phases. A number of mining men who arrived here* today from the state of Durango assert that federal troops there have been acting with far more inhumanity than the rebels. It is declared that in pursuance of their instructions the fed eral soldiers kill all wounded rebels, and that one man was dragged from a hosptial immediately after one of his legs had been amputated and was ex ecuted. In the coast country south of Vera Cruz federal soldiers have been ordered not to take any prisoners, and it is re ported that this order is to be extend ed to the state of Vera Cruz today. Rebel activity is reported to have greatly increased in the vicinity of Teziutlan in the state of Puebla, where an American mining concern has its. headquarters. A. force of rebels who lately attacked the town and were re pulsed are said to have received fresh supplies of ammunition from other por tions of the same state. Minor uprisings are reported. NO KICKS AGAINST SUPREME COURT JUDGES CARTERSVILLE, Ga., Oct. 9, 1913. Editor The Journal: An Atlanta paper, referring to the fact that' the supreme court had that day reversed me in four cases, but failing to state that a few days before the supreme coiirt had af firmed me in five and reversed me in two cases, wants to Know what I think of the supreme court. Well. I will tell you. I Know the judges of the supreme court personally, and I think that, while they are not infallible, they are able lawyers, upright judges and conscien tious gentlemen, and I have no cause of complaint -against them, or either of them. Respectfully, A. W. FITE. ENGINEER IS KILLED IN PASSENGER TRAIN WRECK (By Associated Press.) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9.—Baltimore and Ohio westbound passenger train No. 3, New York to St. Louis, ran into the rear end of a freight, train which was taking a siding at Summerfield, Ill., twenty-five miles east of here, today. Engineer Alberty was killed. None of the passengers was hurt. Bat Into a business that will pay L you better than any work that you/ can do. The PROGRESS line is the i most wonderful profit producer for agents in America. Hundreds of our agents are making $10 a day in their spare time. Many are doing that and getting their own clothes FREE. We are dead sure you can do it. Such a thing as fail ure is utterly impossible with our new and com; Jte outfit which wo send you—all 'barges prepaid. Our fine line of stylish, well-made, care fully finished clothes guaranteed to fit— beats everything ever offered. Lowest prices. Our Outfit is mag nificent—our styles and fashions sim ply wonderful. Strong selling plan3 that bring the orders and big money for you every week in hard cash* MAGNIFICENT OUTFIT FREI The greatest ever—contains - ■* unusually attractive assort* ment of woolens; also order blanks, stationery, tape-line and everything necessary to make big money. No experi* ence necessary—you Big Money right from the start. New and attractive special offers. Cenfidentlal selling secrets. With our help success is sure. Write todav. ready for the largest fall business ever known. Land 'of early orders in bunches. Progress Tailoring Co., Dept, hmo Chicago NEW YORKERS OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION DAY (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Oct. 9.—New Yorkers are being asked by Fire Commissioner Joseph Johnson to spend next Thursday observing fire prevention day, attef seed ing that all dangers are removed so far as possible in their district. Another feature of the day will be lectures on fire prevention by teachers and principals in every school in the city. GENERAL LI YUEN HENG CHINA’S VICE PRESIDENT (By Associated Prsss.) PEKING, Oct. 9.—General Li Yuen Heng, provisional vice president of the Chinese republic, was elected vice pres ident today for a term of five years by the united house of the Chinese parlia ment. He received 610 votes out of the 19 cast by the representatives and sen .itors present. WORLD’S CHAMPION COW COULD SUPPORT FAMILY OF 5 Her Milk Alone Sells for $130 to $140 a Month While Her Calves Bring Fabulous Prices—She's Over Ten Years Old and No Cow Has Ever Touched Her Record for Milk Pro duction y RECORD OP PRIZE -+ MILCH COW OP WORLD + Seven days—-920 pounds, or over 117 per day. Thirty day 4—3,735.6 pounds, or about 416 quarts. Two years—54,808 pounds. Ten ♦ | thousand pounds above next con- ♦-[ tender. if cows were given to the “swelled head,” Riverside Sadie de Kol Burke, blue ribbon Holstein cow of the fa mous A. W. Morris & feons’ stable at Woodland, Cal., would require an enor mous halter. She is the world’s champion milch cow, having held three production rec ords for several years. Savannah Couvle Weds After Trial Before Recorder (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. 9.—In the re corder’s court this morning Joel A. Dickinson proved to the satisfaction of Recorder John E. Schwartz* that he hasn’t a wife in Pensacola, Fla., and expressed a willingness to marry Miss Carline Bartee, a fifteen-year-old girl. Dickinson’s detention by the police came as a result of the row raised by the mother of the young girl yesterday morning. The mother's name is Mrs. J. E. Johnson and yesterday morning she phoned the police that she had Dickin son in her home and was detaining him at the point of a revolver until he con sented to marry her daughter. She in sisted that the police go to the scene, accompanied by a iptnister. The min ister was found, but when he got to the house there was no license. The or dinary’s office was willing to issue one. but somebody said that Dickinson had a wife in Pensacola, so the authorities locked him up until there could be an investgation. This morning it was de cide dthat if Dickinson married he wouldn’t commit bigamy and so the knot was tied. Now everybody seems con tent. German Kaiser Now Owns a Restaurant (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, Oct. 9.—Emperor William is revealed as a restaurant proprietor for the first time by the Vossische Zeitung, which credits him with the ownership of a small cafe and restau rant near the historic mill of Sans Souci at Potsdam. A former restaurant keeper at the same place had been removed to import the gardens of the palace, but the em peror, upon the protest of Potsdam people, had a new restaurant built near it, renting it to the’ former steward of his donietsic staff. The Imperator is charging only $1,500 yearly rental with the stipulation that if the cafe proves paying the rent will be raised. The emperor emphasized one condition, namely, that the place should serve “the best coffee in Potsdam.” In his early morning walk the em peror often enters his own cafe to get a glass of sherry and biscuits. OLD PICK Bourbon ^SAiGftfrv/W# 1 **athewson 0t °F/pf cOPP t * S,, R F D "tNfPORT, HONEST NOW, DID YOU EVER ACTUALLY'j TASTE ANY REAL OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY—NOT IMITATION BOURBON, BUT beat. BOURBON, THE OLD KENTUCKY KINDT Also, you men who like a fine, old-time corn whis key, rich, smooth, mellow, isn’t It about time you treated yourself to some real whiskey? It Is. Then get some OLD PICK Old Pick BOURBON or Old Pick CORN It’s $3.00 for 4 honest Quarts, express prepaid. See that old still in the picture. That’s the right kind of still that makes the right kind of whiskey. Old Pick is held and aged right here by me, and is made from the choicest, plump, ripe grain. > Now, if you like cheap $1.67 stuff—faked up, doctored stuff, the^squirrel kind, don’t come to me. I don’t make that kind of stuff. I DON’T SELL ANY $1.67 ROT. I sell only good whiskey. I know how good it’s made and it goes right from me to yon. What do you say? Want to try some? Send $3.00. I’ll send you 4 honest quart bottles, express prepaid. If you don’t find it the best whiskey you ever tasted fire it back at my expense, keeping a bottle for your time and trouble and I’ll refund your $3.00. Sit down and order now. Address me R. MATHEWSON, NEWPORT. KILMTI IjCKYI f $13,000 GONE FROM MAIL SACK THEFTS (By Associated Press.’» SPOKANE, Wash., Oct 9.—Thirteen thousand dollars has been stolen within the last eight days in Washington and Montana from registered mail pouches, according to information given out here today by postofflee inspectors, who ad mit they have no clues to the thieves. The first theft occurred at Havre, Mont., when a mail sack was slit open on the station platform and $1,000 taken. The second took place somewhere be tween Seattle and Wilbur, Wash., when $10,000 in small currency was stolen. The third was committed near Great Falls, Mont., when $2,000 was taken. MACON MILITIA TO ESCORT GOVERNOR (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) MACON, Ga., Oct. 9:—When Governor “Jack” Slaton visits the Georgia state fair, on governors’ and legislators’ day, October 23, the .Macon militia, under command of Major W. P. Wheeler, will act as escort £o the governor and his staff. It has been decided by the fair asso ciation to invite the three Macon com- paines, the Hussars, Volunteers and Floyd Rifles to turn out in the ca pacity of escort on this day and it is believed that the militiamen will ac cept the honor. Her nearest competitor in the two- year period has never succeeded in get ting within 10,000 pounds of her out put. Riverside Sadie would entirely sup port an ordinary workfhgman’s family of four or five. In milk alone she pro duces from $130 to $140 a month, and her calves are eagerly sought by west ern dairy kings. They command prices which seem fabulous to the uninitiated. Ten years ago Sadie was fust an or dinary, raw-boned calf in New York state, with a huge appetite. But she had an extraordinary pedigree. Pier sire was De Kol Burke, one of the greatest of the Holstein line, and her dam Pauline §adie de Kol, a queen of the pastures. \ it was a few years afterward that A. W. Morris picked li»r out from un der the noses of some of the world’s most famous blooded stock owners and brought Riverside Sadie to California. She was petted and pampered. From all over the country judges of stock who were beginning to hear of her rec ord came to pay her court. They said she had the most remarkable mamma ry system they had ever seen, and many other pleasant things, while they stroked her sleek sides. Riverside Sadie kept right on chew ing her cud and filling the milch pails, as any thoroughbred Holstein of the famous de Kol line should do. And the size^of her halter didn’t increase an inch. - Riley, on Birthday, Sends Children Love Of an “Elderly Child’ ■‘O child so mild In pure worth, and so wild With delight, take the love of An ‘elderly child.’ ” INDI.ANAPOLIS, Oct. 9.—The above verse was written by James Whitcomb Riley especially for the school children of the state as a token of his appreciation of their interest in his birthday, which is being t ceelbrated in practically all the schools of Indiana today. . ...... The exact year of Mr. Riley s birth is not known definitely, but it is gener ally accepted that he was born in 1852. He spent the day quietly at home. BOLL WEEVIL INVADES DOTHAN, ALA, DISTRICT Weevil Is in Small Number and No Alarm Is Felt for Cotton This Year DOTHAN, Ala., Oct. 9.—The boll wee vil has officially been declared to be in the Dothan district. Mr. J. A. Dew, of the state entomological department at Auburn, who has been in this section on a tour of inspection, states officially that the weevils are here, though not in large numbers. He has found them in fields west of this city, in Geneva county, and in Dale county, near Waterford. They have done no great harm this season and no great alarm is felt over their coming. An educational campaign has been car ried on for some time to prepare the farmers for the emergency. RACE RIOT NEAR JOLIET, ILLINOIS JOLIET, Ill., Oct. 9.—A race riot broke out this afternoon whtn hegroes tore down the jail in the village of Romeo, seven miles west, to rescue one of their race. One negro was killed. Six deputies were sent to the scene from other parts of the county and they, upon arrival, telephoned immediately for re inforcements. _J HAVOC LEFT IN WAKE OF ALASKAN HURRICANE (By Associated Press.) NOME Alaska, Oct. 9.—The storm is abating. Three unidentified bodies hav e been washed ashore. Five hundred per sons are homeless. Help from outside will be necessary. The steamships Vic toria, Navajo and Corwin are safe at anchor seven miles out. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Aiways Bought Bears the Signature of Relief For Rupture Without Operation Onions of America Imperiled by Eel Worm Invasion Soon (£y Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Oc-t. 9.—The depart ment of agriculture announced today tftiat the tylenehus devastatrix has invaded the United States and the fu ture of the onion industry was in jeop ardy. The invader with {he imposing name is known also as the onion eel worm. Hitherto it has confined its operations to Europe, Africa and Aus tralia where it has wreaked havoc. Government experts, in warning growers of onions, did not minimize th e gravity of the appearance here of the eel' worm. It seems impervious to chemical remedies that have been tried for its eradication and the eggs of the insect, experts declare, will survive two years of complete dryness. The pest attacks all floral and vege table bulbs and is regarded as highly dangerous. In view of this the depart ment urges that all infected plants be sent to it for microscopical examina tion. Shoots at Random; Kills Safe Robber (By Associated Press.) TROY, N. Y., Oct. 9.—Frank Stumpf, postmaster at Stillwater, Saratoga coun ty, was aroused at 3 (♦clock this morn ing by the sound of an explosion in the postoffice about 100 feet east of his residence, took his rifle and fired at random through a window by the side of th§ safe, instantly killing an uniden tified ’man who was attempting to rob the safe. One of the burglars stationed outside the postoffice was armed with a repeat ing rifle and fired three shots at Stumpf. Two men then ran from the building and made their escape. The third was found dead by the safe, a bullet having entered just behind the left ear. Granulated Eyelids Curod The worst cases, no matter of how long stand-2 ing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. Relieves pain and heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.00. U. S. AMBASSADOR TO GERMANY ARRIVES BERLIN, Oct. 9.—The new United States ambassador to Germany, James W. Gerard, of New YorkT arrived here today and informally assumed the du ties of his office. He is not qualified to act officially until the presentation of his letters of credence. No definite arrangements have yet been made in regard* to the acquisition of an embassy building, but it is under stood that a house near the imperial chancellor’s palace and the foreign office is under consideration. AMERICANS RELEASED AS PRISONERS IN MEXICO WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.—James Ben nett .and son, Americans, held prisoners and charged with political activity against the Sonora state government, have been released through the efforts of American Consul Simgnch at Ensenda. We Allow A 60-Day Test— Entirely At Our Own Risk —To Prove It No longer any need to drag through life at the mercy ot leg-strap. And spring trusses. Nb“easoii In the world for letting them force you to undergo a dangerous operation. NO PERIL OF FAMINE FROM ALASKAN STORM R. F. D. No. 9. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.—Reports from j Nome say there is no danger of famine 1 there because of the recent tidal storm, Reindeer representing 750 tons of meat are within driving distance of the ! stricken city. The Red Cross today authorized May- . or Jones, of Nome, to immediately draw j upon it for $500 for relief work. V Away With Leg-Strap and Spring Trusses So far ns we know, our guaranteed rupture holder is the only thing of any kina for rupture that you cau get on 60 days trial—the only thing we know of <jood enough to stand such a long and thorough test. It’s the famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging Truss—made on an absolutely new principle—has 18 patented features. Self- adjusting. hoes away with the misery of wearing belts, leg- straps and springs. Guaranteed to hold at all times—Includ ing when you are working, taking a bath, etc. Has cured in case after case that seemed hopeless. Write for Free Book of Advice—Cloth-hound, 104 pages. Explains the dangers of operation. Shows Just what s wrong with elastic and spring trusses, and why drugstores should no more be allowed to fit ti asses than to perform operations. Exposes the humbugs—shows how old-fashioned worthless trusses are sold under false and misleading names Tells all about the care and attention we give you. Endorsements from over 5000 people, including physicians, write to-day —find out how you can prove every word we say by making a 60 day test without risking a penny. Box 672, Cluthe Co., 125 E. 23rd St. Sw York City. EX-COLLEGE PRESIDENT PORTO RICAN GOVERNOR WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.—President Wilson today selected Dr. Arthur Ya ger president emeritus of Georgetown college, Georgetown, Ky., for governor of Porto Rico. His nomination will be sent to the senate this. week. NICKERSON NAMED SECOND LIEUTENANT WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 9.—George Payne Nickerson v/as today nominated by the president for second lieutenant in the cavalry. Dalton Pastor Honored (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) DALTON, Ga., Oct. 9.—Rev. J. E. Russell, of this city, who is chaplain general of the Georgia division, United Sons of Confederate Veterans, has been signally honored by being appointed as sistant chaplain general on the staff of the commander-in-chief of the United Sons of Confederate Veterans, having yesterday received his commission. Rev. Mr. Russell is pastor of Hamilton Street Methodist church of this city. SEARCH FOR GARROTER OF GIRL ART STUDENT Mysterious Death ' of Ida G. Leegson Baffles Chicago Fore Police Foi *ce (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Oct. 9.—With the finding of an abandoned automobile in Palos park the police today redoubled their energies in the search for the myste rious “Wilson” whose promise of a po sition drew Miss Ida G. Leegson, an art student, to the prairie near Clear ing, where she was garroted early Sun day. The automobile was stolen before 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon from Jack- son park. It was shortly before this hour that "Wilson'’ telephoned the resi dence where Miss Leegson roomed. The call was in response to an advertise ment for work which read: * “Practical nurse—maternity cases pre fer ned.” Miss Leegson was told to take a street car to Seventy-first street and Western avenue and to walk west. The street address she was given does not exist. The police have ascertained that Miss Leegson was met by a man in a black automobile when she alighted from the Western avenue car. The tonneau of the automobile recognized in Palos park, west of the scene of the murder, indi cated there had been a violent strug gle. Coroner’s Physician Jacob Springer is of the opinion that Miss Leegson was tortured by the man from 6 o’clock Saturday until 4 or 5 o’clock Sunday morning. He asserted the woman had not been dead more than four or five hours when the body was found Sunday and the police believe that they are con fronted with a mystery where the victim may not have known the person who plotted her death. A study 6f Miss Leegson’s career in dicates there was not a hint of im propriety and she seemed devoted t6 art. WHO CARES? LISTEN! “Pape’s Diapepsin” makes sour, gassy stomachs feel fine at once Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, • no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or head ache. Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most cer tain indigestion remedy in the whols world, and besides it is harmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear— they know Pape’s Diapepsin will save them from any stomach misery. Please, for your sake, get a large fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin from any drug store and put youf stomach right Don’t keep on bein$ miserable—life is too short—you are not here long, so make your stay agree able. Eat what you like and digest it5 enjoy it, without dread of rebellion in 1 the stomach. £ Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home artyway. Should one of the fam ily eat something which don’t agree with them, or in case of an attack of 2 .ndigestion, dyspepsia. gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night, it is handy to g-iva the quickest, surest relief known. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY OF KING’S MOUNTAIN (9y Associated Press.) KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C„ Get. 9.— Visitors from Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and North and South Carolina are here today to celebrate the 133d anniversary of the battle of King’s Mountain, in which the American col onists administered a stinging defeat to British troops. Secretary of State Bryan, Governor Ben W. Hooper, Tennessee, and Governor Locke Craig, North Car olina, are on the program as speak ers. The battle of King’s Mountain follow ed the defeat of the colonists under General Gates at Camden, Sumter and Pishing Creek. Major Ferguson, com manding the British troops, was pro ceeding to Charlote, N. C., to join Corn wallis. In response to calls for aid, citi zens of surrounding states rushed to the aid of the broken colonist ranks. Uqjler Colonel Campbell tile colonists surrounded the Britishers and killed hundreds of them, Including their com mander. It has been said that the defeat at King's Mountain paved the way for the final defeat of the British in America. OUR SPECIAL 1 Suit Made to Order >60 tunings Guaraniaed (or Two Yoars Made to your individual measure A from any selection of Oloth, in any i style and guaranteed to fit you per- r fectly. Oursuita are made by the only J system in the world, which insures/ perfect fit, and are not approached £ in price, variety of style, quality of ■ materials, trimmings and workman-! ship by any other house. We save f you half on any clothes you buy. AMAZING AGENCY OFFER Write u> and we will send you abeo lutfily free, complete sample outfit, and 1 large selection of cloth samples, latest fashion Illustrations, order blanks, tape measure, complete instructions how to 1 take measurements. We will show you how 1 easy It is to get Into well paying business. 1 Hundreds of our agents are making $5 tofilft a a day. Yon need no money or experience— B we furnish you everything to start. You can ] make good money using spare time only. Profit on two orders pays for your own snit. . THE CAPITOL TAILORS" ^D«ipt, Monro® & Market Sts, Chicago Q American Thin Model v!°* Watch$3Zi? Sant C.O.D. by EXPRESS or INSURED PARCEL POST 8TER WIND 8TI* HUNTING CASE SIT To advrrtlse eur boslmess and Introduce our catalogue of ELGIN and WAL. THAS SOLID GOLD FILLED WATCHE8,«ewmseu4yoaUUS0year WATCH C.O.D. $8.75 OT MAIL OR XXPRE88. Tbeeaae ledooblehunt ing Style beautilully engraved, gold finished throughout, stem wind and stew set, fitted with a etandard thin model American made movement, quick train Wrereecapoment, steel pinions,jeweled balance, enamel dl»l| a oorrect time keeper and fully guaranteed for 80 years; with long gold plated ohain for i Ladies, vest ebaln or fob for Gente or Boys. Mention If yea wish Ladlee* Gents or Beys site and If 0. 0. D. by nail or eiereea. dddresa 1 Diamond Jewelry Co.,B£7, 189 W. Madison fit. Chleago,III. CHICAGO PROFESSOR TO WORK IN THE SOUTH URBANA, Ill., Oct. 9.—Dr. 1 Cyril Hopkins, head of the ^depart- ment of agronomy at the Uni versity of Illinois, has been granted leave of absence for one year from No vember 1. Prof. Hopkins has been call ed to the post pf director of agricul ture with southern settlement and de velopment organization, made up chiefly by governors of sixteen 'southern states and the presidents of the important rail roads entering those states. The pur pose of organization is to encourage set tlement or colonization in south, and to bring higher development of southern agriculture and industry. YEGGS CRACK SAFE AT MOUNTAIN CITY (By Associated Press.) MACON, Ga., Oct. 9.—Yeggmen blew the office safe of the Mountain City Supply company Saturday night and se cured $115 in money, and departed with out leaving the slightest clue to their identity. About $1,000 worth of checks in the desk of B. E. Miller, manager, were not molested. Apparently nothing but cash was taken. The heavy tools used in cracking the safe were stolen from a tool oar In the Southern railroad yards. Nitroglycer ine was the explosive. Special detec tives are now working on the case. CROUP RELIEVED IN FIFTEEN MINUTES No n«*ed to dose delicate little stomach* with internal medicines—apply VICKS feSitSALVE Well over throat and chest. In five minutes the breathing is easier and in fifteen minutes the worst cases are relieved. Croup can be prevented absolutely by an application of Vick’s nt bed-time covered with warm flan nel. Absolutely harmless. Samples on request At wall druggists, 25c, 30c and $1.00. Vick Chemical Co., Greensboro, N. C.—(Advt.) YOUR HEART Does it Flutter. Palpitate or Skip Brute? Have you Ishovtneaa of Breath,Ten- jflerneaa.N umbueaaor Pain 111 lelt side. Dizziness. Fainting Spolla, Spots be fore eyes, Sudden Starting In Sleep, N e r vo uaneis. Nightmare, Hungry or Weak Spells, Oppressed Feeling In chest, , Choking Sensation in throat. Painful to j lie on left side. Cold Hands or Feet, DUB. j cult Breathing, Heart Dropsy, Swelling f of feet or ankles, or Neiirnlgla around heart ? If you have one. or more of the above symptoms, don’t fail to m Dr. Kinsman’s Guaranteed Heart Tablets. Not a secret medicine. It Is said that one person out of every four has a weak heart. Three-fourths of these do not know it, and hundreds wrongfully treat themselves for the Stomach. Congo, Kidneys or Nerves. Don’t take any chances when Dr. Kinsman’s Heart Tablets are within your reach. 1000 endorsements famished. FREE TREATMENT COUPON Any sufferer mailing this coupon, with their name and P. O. Address, to Dr. F. G. Kins, man. Box S«4, Augusta. Jlnlne. willie- eelvea box of Heart Tablets for trial by return mail, postpaid, free of charge. Delays are dangerous. Write at once—to-day. $3.50 Recipe Free For Weak Men 1 —v— Send Name and Address Today—You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vig orous. We have in our possession a prescription foe nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened man hood, falling memory and lame back, brought on by excesses, unnatural drains, or the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn and ner vous men right In their own homes—without any additional help or medicine—that we think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and virility, quickly and quieOy should have a copy. So we have determined to send a copy of the preparation free of dbarge In a plain, ordinary sealed envelope, to aqj., man who will write us for it. This prescription comes from a physician who has made a special study of men, and we aro convinced it is the surest acting combination for the cure of deficient manhood and vigor failure ever put together. We think we owe it to our fellow-men to send them a copy in confidence, so that any man anywhere who is weak and discouraged with repeated failures may stop drugging himself with harmful patent medicines, secure what we believe the quickest acting restorative, up building, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever de vised, and so cure himself at home quietly and quickly. Just drop us a line like this: Interstate Remedy Co., 3771 Luck Building, De troit, Mich., and we will send you a copy of 4 this splendid recipe in a plain ordinary en- velope, free of charge. A great m:uiy doctor* would charge $3.00 to $5.00 for merely writing out a prescription like this, but we send it en tirely frcD.— (Advt-> , * Tailoring Salesmen WANTED We want live, energetic hustlers, men who can make good; who are ambitious to start H in a business of their own. No canvassing; no experience required; no capital necessary. We furnish everything to start. Hundred® are making from SlOO to $200 per month and ax/ snsst. We guarantee absolute satisfaction and take all the risk. We are one of the largest woolen mills in the country and positively have the only ap-to-date, high-quality, low-priced tailoring on the market. A.y:r. t r l ,". y na 0, «r 0 .l r $25 to $50 Every Week We furnish a complete agents’ outfit, consisting of large aamplo book (not a folder), order blank®, tape measures, advertising matter— m fact every thing essential to the conducting of a high-class tailoring business. Write today for this big outfit and say 11 Send me your agents’ outfit.” We will stare you at once on the road to Success. Be sure and write today. DANIEL WOOLEN MILLS. Dept 8 300 Green St.. Chicago swiaw—MWHWWMBMM^—awiil e mn r..-: STRAIGHT Order by ! Mall 1L _ UNEQUALED Kentucky’s Great Whiskey Express Prepaid from Distiller to You & 2 gallons for $5. matured, in Myers patent 1 gallon demijohns. To prove Fulton is best you need send no money Wg eMp on 30 day's credit, ff you have your merchant or bank write un guar anteeing account. NoC.O.D. Tull Ouert Lotties of Rye, Bourbon or Corn w expressed prepaid in plain boxes, either 4 for S3., 8 for $6. or 12 for S9. FREE—4 miniature bottles of Selected Fulton with every 2 arallon order, 6 with 3 ral)on orders, accompanied by cash. If not satisfied with whiskey return; and, if paid for, all yonr money will be refunded by first mail, “MYERS & COMPANY, H £ r <5teS&'RT° GoL»OwxEB3U.fl.S*o. »'i8i*vi'/o.22,6Tx Out.. Kt, Orders from Mont., Wyo., Crlo.,N.M«x.sndWe*t thereof, moat e«Il for citb®r*u tah «juarl bottles,« sallonsfa demijohns,oraeofiJc,#. $15. byprepaid freight. YTrit# for ®xpr«M termi - ' Write for our hook, A Fair Customer, and price lit sealed. 4