The Georgia pioneer, and retrenchment banner. (Cassville, Ga.) 1835-184?, March 22, 1839, Image 3

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GEORGIA PIONEER. CASSVILLE. Friday Evening, March 22. “Morni Essay, No. 2,” is received, and will appear in our next. The Whijr S of Connecticut, have nom inated Win. W. Ellsworth for Governor, and Chaales Hawley for Lieus. Govttrnori R. K.. Call has been re-appointed Gov ernor of the Territory-of Florida. On the last Sabbath of the year 1838, a Boston clergyman recommended his hearers to pay up their debts for the year just closing—and more particularly their newspaper ones. The l Legislature of New York has re pealed the law prohibiting the circulation Ql'small notes! What n pity: From the Holumbus Enquirer of the 13th inst., we learn that a Creek Indian was taken a few days before in the ha Swamp, Russell county, Ala. “We poor fellow, (says the Enquirer,) was ly ing in his tent in a famishing condition, having only a few roots left, upon which he could at best have subsisted only a short time. He (the Indian) states that he has remained there ever since the war ol 183 d; that there were originally two others beside himself, both of whom had perished with hunger; that he is ow ner of lands in the Nation for which lie is willing to take four hundred dollars.” • »- ■ ' ■■■» I J. Kimberly (Whig) has been elected United States Senator from Connecticut, iu place of Mr. Niles the present incum** bent. Never blame a man for his political o pinions, for this is a free country. proper way to u patronise, ” a PRINTER, is by paying him punctually. V FROM MAINE. List night’s northern mail brought nothing of importance. General Scott had passed through Boston on his way to Miine, where it is expected he will arrive in time to prevent a colli sion between the Americans and the British. A regiment of fusileers it is said, had arrived at Quebec, and im jnedialely ordered to the province of JKew Brunswick; but this is not be Jieved, though Sir Joint Harvey was | concentrating-as large a force as he could muster. — Ga~ Con. - ijsj nFARnt i * .. A post office has been esnffSWSPWTj Erin, Meriwether County. The post office at Leon,. Camdon « Cfounty, has been discontinued. . r« | Josiah Ptrow has been appointed postmaster at Erin, and Daniel H. Hunt *t Huey’s Cross Roads, Harris ( ounty. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. By and zci f h the advice t and consent of * the Senate. David Porter, to be Minister Resi dent of the United States at. Constan tinople. Henry Dodge, to be Governor in and for the Teriitory of Wisconsin from the 3;Pday of July next, when his present commission will expire. Thomas H. Ellis, to be Secretary of the Legation of the United States near the Government of the Mexican Re public. From the. Hamilton (Tenn.) Gazelle. ■ The following intelligence was re ceived by us, through a private letter from a friendof ours at Dogwood Po?t Office, Ga. under date of March 14th 1339. We give it to our readers ver batim. . u. ; ‘‘The remains of a min was found by Mr* iVra. Gray on the Ist instant, when /ira hunting expedition,on the top of Taylor’s ridge or white oak mountain, in a very secret place. Some small pieces of rfotton Nothing, with buttons of different kinds, but of an inferior quality, suspender buckles fish hooks, a single bladed pocket knife of the dirk kind, and a checkudicolton • handkerchief, werfe found on the spot where he lay; also a role of hickory . Dw k bent almost in the shape of n l(orj£ shoe, with a knot ih the mid> consumed by fire, as well as ‘ \he »rticle? named above. Thai ' bL the mountain had been buwv \ few days before this discove the role of bark had beei Jjr; ing a bundle of clothing •#-^£*i r son who hid numlerec i i carrying him to this se as an , instrument ti ■fck&y; c otiecan tell, but the 1 I conjee,tures c man, nr the skol large, it ha in %te tmmediatel mW t Up vi‘’hv had becom fare facta r * Who Ibia hat boon, whether an In dian, Neg o,or Whiteman, or from where he came no one can toll. II you please publish the above fads it may atiord satisfaction to some in-, dividual,. probabjy a widow, who mourns lor her husband, not knowing whether he is dead or alive.—Yours, ' A.G.T. A bill prohibiting the sale of wipes and spirits at retail has passed both branches of the Legislator ol Missis sipi, has been signed by the Governor, and has become a law. It takes < ffeet at (iie expirationjjof sity days from the 9th February. The penalties tor violation are very severe, andtoen-i courage the rigid enforcement of the act,a fee of S2O is to be paid' to'the! prosecuting officer on every convict. Prop sed Suit Lanal across tHi Isthmus o:? Panama —The following resolution, accompanied by a report anc. voluminous <UM|endix,inteispcrsed witli sundry m.ifMnd di igramsAvas presented to the House of Keprcsenta lives frornj the Committee on Roads and Canals, by Mr. Mercer, on Satur day the 2J inst. I lie sesolution was adopted by the House, ajid the icpoi* «fcc. on'esed to be pi ’iited. t Resolved, Phat (he President of lie U. States be r< quested to consider the expediency of opening or continuing negotiations, with the governments of other nations and particularly with those the territorial jurisdiction of which comprehends the Isthmus that connect North and South America; and to which the United States have accredited ministers or agents; for the purpose of ascertaining the prac ticability of opening a communication between the Atlantic and Pacific O cean by the 'construction ol a Ship Canal across the Isthmus; and of se curing forever, by. suitable treaty stipulations, the free and eijual right of navigating such Canal to all nations on the payment of reasonable tolls. A'STV Line of "Pbd(h. \ new line' of packets was advertised n the Liv eiqioolpapers to tlhni place arid N7w York, on the Ist, 8;'l» 16th and 24th of each mqiitli. The ships are part oftltem American, — to wit American, -Chesapeak, TH;X as, Van Buren, Jackson, British, f»'Lon, Roman, Union North Star. 'hey me' 700 to 1020 tons. The- Chesapeak was to sail on thd Ist ‘JJfrnuary. * . .4 r - -.- ; FfTTiu: oi his jweces, speaks m 'ipe Piieanest man tve have hennl of. so stingy,” says Dau, “fhati Avhen he went into bar rooms to sponge for liquor anti read otfier people's newspapers,- |tis nteanness fairly stuck cut so fas that the carria ges coulduTpass along--.the street without turning'dean up to the op posite side Wi^k!” * -r-’ • Hmsie.r OT7ffd.-T!ie Indiana Sun says that wJiecia traveller stops at a hotel in that State,his horse is weigh ed, and when taken cut is , weighed again and the biUvOharged according ly. ' The last case of absence of mind that we have seen is that a woman in iCentucky,iyho p *elf on tlip fire instead,of the tea-kettle, and did not discover her mistake till she began to eiyg. . . me extend to you tlieh-igift hand of fellowship’—as :he Steel trap said to the beaver. ‘Let. me introduce you to the hqs pita) table of rhy friend,’ as the fish hook said to the trout. * i *\Ye are apt to rotrain first impres sions,’as the newspaper said to thb steam press. : - ‘Wo, ato suffering with the drouth,’ as the loafer Said to the cormfielT, > | ‘\Ve live for each, t :<j|----.t.h"ot wolf said Jamb. f'W “Necessity is the mother'of inven tion,” as the cook said, von she used her night cap for a pudding bag. • J “I ifbn’t sland in need of yourtser* i vices/’ as the nigger said t# the cur t ling tongeS. [Franklin Democrat. ti —— -! Hallo. Cuff? you hcatdat de gwine to i hub (1 cpciurytenshee in dis stale,, to put in f all de scamps like you?’ J j Cuff —Oh luish? no I gosh jimMey sar . tin for to git you den. I know** |< 0 g j'. Qo dure! t i . l,n ' de way White folks git <£ich ; | en in dat place, is sin to-'Xirockif, nnd god . knows dey is mighty plenty buekrer in d*s ’ country. 3 Cuff—stop your motif nigger! now you y know dat, you tink white folks gwine to e make place to punish dev selves? no man; 0 it’s all for niggers—bless you srmld it’s all ’* for jest sich black debilsips you. Jim —Kfcj you crazy Ctf l-td.T Caut butl-e nothing otfun die child*olbow. 1 woitkd hard top massy now, ultd ual s alf Joy gwino git cul un dis inggci .iiiy i«w. ft.ean w lute Iblks suit better dare, mrUey never works like mggeis—ami * hero chared— Cuj) —Oh hush jim? no use to nrgue do reasons; niggers babe de work to do any w ay you g-vvme fix it. IwiOITAT DECis it N JPOU pt?RU3H ERS 0F N EWSPAPERS. —J Uilge Thomp son, of Indiana,at a late silting of the Circuit Couit, at which tie piesided, gave the following decision, in a case where a subsciibcr to a newspaper refused to.take ..the paper cut of the post i slice without comply ing with the terms of the publisher: “ I. hat if a subscriber to a pei iodical failed to notify the editor todiscon lii.ue (he * paper at the end of the tei unsubscribed for or pay up the ar rearages, he was hound for anoth* r yea i,” , This selllesn very'import principle. I s Guardian© Sale. . BY an order of the Honorable- the In -5 feiior court of Wilkinson county, fc wlien filing for oiditiary purposes, 1- SOLD,*in Spring Place - ” Murray county, on the fii>t I uesday in June m xh . Lot of Land, Number 5fT, in the 1 Ith dislri t, 3d section, loniser. v Cherokee now Mu*ray. Sold as the properly of the heirs of Wm.“Leveret», deceased. Teams made known on the day qf sale by 1 ■ j . RANY SMITH, Guardian. ! March 22-; 23 tds 'jir OTICE. APPLICATION will be made after tike expiia-j lion of Four Months, ( 0 the honorable I the h f-rior court of Murray county,! when sitting Lr ordinary purposes, for an order to sell all the' repl estate of Miliy Stewart, late of said county, deceased. S PEP HEN JONES, .. Administrator. March 14,1839. 23 4m GEORGIA Cass County. 'I'OLLED before me John Milliean, a justice of the P eace o{ the district, G. M. hy N.i D. Thomas of«Md dist . ONE DARK CLAY BANK MARE, ten or eleven years old, four feet six or seven inches fiigh, dark main and tail, No other marks nr brands pprceivalih’; appraised by Lindsay and^JYyyi1 1 Hicks, to thiny JOHN^ILUGANf^P* A true extract Korn the estra> book. GEORGE B, RUSSELL, ci i. c. 1 ' March 20, 1839. 23 ,St 1 4 ' : j SHERIFF SALES FOR APRIL. « ; FLOYD. « 633 3 4-F Lewis vs S Bettor), ' 163 15 4 Rofle vs E Miller j 285 23 3-R Ligon\sS Monis. 1 gun &c-Officers court v& D Claik • 1 LU.VJFKIN. * ' 22 4 1-J J Putnam vs E B Higgehhot [toms 434 13 1 sh-R Whitw irlh vs M Kemp 193 12 I-I F Cannon vs D Page. G££7 12 1-J T Cun* ingham Bte -1 negro man-J Donelson vs. J Finsley. House & lot in Dalonega-!' Sandusky R S Purse J P Hanes vs 1) Nichols. Jt -•: PAULDING. d -993 20 3-W Mcßride vs E East'. ff 316 21 3-Bowdie & flarias ys J Rally 1232 2 3-D B Mitchell y§ G Briggs. 579 2 3- J Long vs J Cardwell. 580 2 3-R Midiin vs M puts ■ , 809 18 3-R Moore vs B Williams 930 19 3-J N Me lls Vs G Sleen. 753 2 4-J N (Vteßs vs S & H Dunn 1162 3 3-B Bai-ly vs .L W Rail* ITO 3 2'4-T J Andrews vs C W Butler 692 t 4-P Brown vs W Gosdin 953 21 3-W R Shutman vs J . JJumi - [phrees 851 18 3-D HoUin>an vs G FaUsett 753 2 4-1 Roberts vs H&. S Dunn * 930 4 9 3-J NettelsvsG S tee tv/ 'l 23G 3 3-T Street vs L, S, & J-Lo4ec. 279 19 3—Moss $ Allen vs P> N Butler WALKER. 279 26,.3-J Smith vs Rtf Corr.l : No 4 in Latayette-A rl Caldwell vsf [J Grubbs ItJPiv 3-T A Lath rum vs J H Perry. 265 11 4-J Smiths J L Djjl , - . DADE. ’ 45 18 4-J W Robcrtsou v? A W %' ler . 284 10 ' and sundries- ?x nve ‘ « ■ ; . [C Tatum 58 10 4 133 10 4-J &J Vi c Bride & £ T Eddington vs H C. Tatum. .’FORSYTH. 1224 2 1-S R Lowry-vS J Anderson [and other? 762 3.1-Officers court vs A Woolly 95 2 &, Jones vs H Felts. Cards, Horse Bills fe Hand Bills, Printed at this Office. I OCrWfi ate! Authorised to announce |M«j JOHN DAWSON, as a caudi dale to rep resold the people of Cass cmjnfy in the 01. suing election -for .dele gau» to the convcniioTi- to bd.-.held ir tlie city of the-.pur pose .of the coneliUition of the St;>le, so far os relates-to'the Veduption ol the number of the members of the General Assembly, and for other pur poses therein mentioned. Felt. 22, 1339 19 Gt Monroe Rail Uoatl4 Rank-) . iin; Company, Agency at Cassydle, March 14, 1839. ) C IIECKS for sale at tins Agency, on Macon. 3 22 ts JOHN C. HILL, Agent, HAVING hern appointed Sherifl of the county of x\Jurruy, .to fiil the vacancy occasioned by the resigna lion of S;eph C p Jones, Esq., the former bherifl, my advertisements will be made in the£Jeorgia Pioneer, a! Cass vitle. - V GEORGEW, WACASER* N. I). uddiT-fSed to rne as Sheri 11 j must be Post jpai’u, to receive 4 attention,. Maxell 6, 1839. 22 3f ,/1 , • «N\ntC,C. . /' 1; ; 3 I between (he Btli nqd I'fifth of t common calf SKIN POCKET BOOK, wPh : the ; b yiti.e of the subscribe!* 1 written upon J ihe hiside of tl»ie book., -The book tterf i k Oined r wiien lost, a -numbe* <.»{ kmall , pNntes, the mbst of wlvrcK.-wVrfe'.-made , pay able to VYifJjam Hv Johnson.; ah’d S so, ” e <n.» ( R" J><iy> ! l>lc to tl>e suliscilber i | and (haUar'baiik -ijbtd dn the [yNr.Uiei’s ; aL j S.O, a fti wepof Aijocnifiy' executed tq [ - ,f he übscj i|,er ’ frqjm j<*ss^. ,11arRo of - Cobb county, - \ , ; , . 1 1 if : ecredilo rs4he r e so re, of TV rlligtn j FI. Jubtirton, are hereby notified not to , P‘»y (heir notes to any : person- olhei? • than my self, an|J (bdse who! r wereh in debted to me by note,.are hereby npti bed not to the same lo any other ' person thao myself. I believe 'that I lost the book ..between CassviHe and ! s Perry,on. the Etowah riveriand 1 bolitjve that it mtist.have comq ®j] the Imnds ofson>e person before thiVtlme, J AS. MILNER; FITJE SUBSCRIBER, ~ AS just received’fresh from ' Jl-B- Augusta, and is now opening, * A GOOD ASSORTMENT-OF ] Family Groceries, * CotifectionagMgmk WINES,&,c. &.c.,which Wjifl he sold by the quantity, and hot retailed. He flattjers himself, from his former expe rience, that he will be ab’e ,to ; furnish suth articles asare usually, kept,in such establishments, upo'i as> reasonable terms as any i ndiviflual in the country. His confectionary fsnex,tdt»<w,tp Daw son’S.Tavern. The Ladies are partic ularly invited to give him a call. Jusr Deceived,a few barrels o§6 y V rate I'LOUII. which will bo sold by the retM.Uv/Y.evj London Porter^ Just Receive^and fbr Sale, ’ WELOH, £ : Cegsvijle 2,B>b Feby 1839. 20lf f|X 11E Undersigned respectfully inform^their friends and 'the 1 Public, that they have ppened an* \f free on thq North East corner 0 f ‘ G«., Where IRWIN will at a)1 times b*y found, except ab senton busing TUey algo cbn fa ue I tjeir offing ln Cassville, Ga., ‘ wher* a L Underwood wi 11 generally b( .jund, y n d all busmdss addressed ti at either place, will be promptly attended to. ‘ y ' v UNDERWOOD & IRWIN. 11 March 8, 1838. 21 if L aw Notice. , THE Subscribers having associated themselves together in the Prac tice of the Law, wilj attend strictly to any business of the profession Confided to them, in the Cbe»ok?e circuit. At their office in Cassville one of them at least, may he constantly fouU'H C. D. TER 13CINE, •. A. M. RUSSELL. Jan’y 23. 15 vv3m Jt tfie Svprrier Ciurt in tV* Cowt.f, J rlnhury Term, 1339, ON motion of Jfmts Milrer, Es- 1 Homas M was art mitted by the Supeiioi C< uit to Piae tice as an Atton.e), U» ui.sellor ai d Solicitor at Law and Equity in the stv. erM courts of this State. Office Cheiokec, on the Etowah iiv-‘ er, Oafs county, Feb. 15, . 839 SALE OF TOWN LOTS, At the termination of the WeMeri* Tennessee River. THE undersigned will sell at Pub i rsr“tM , r TU , I£Sl)Ay ’«'« six i LLN H day of APRIL next, the Jots in the town of CHATTANOO LA, recently laidoffat Ross’Landing, he.pomt at which the Western lamx hail Road of the State of Geoiv m T' tea °r the Ten «esse,c River. binee the settlement of the Chero , kee-countryby the whites, this place Thas been favorably known as an impor of Fl?m and market for tlle impirt. Last 1 ennessee, and a portion of Western Virginia, and erenunder the embauassments of the times has ac quired considerable character as place of trade. _The sjtuMiqp is-elevatsd and beali- T e 6«We:d as one of healthy, to bq found on the 1 ennessee-River. . Ekrfy in May nexf, cdfifracls fbr the construct.on of the Rail Road to ti e Kjyer ar e evpected to be made, and it s confidently belidved fliat the whole hne will bo completed and in opera ton before the first day of January 1841, which will give a speedy and 1 cheap communication with the Atlan tic by several routes passing through the most desirable sections of the South. ; 7'' -'.K ■ Only three days will then be re quired to perform ajdurney from Chat tanooga to Savannah or Charleston, andthreemore from the latter place to the City F These facilities when once made available, together with those afforded oy Steam Boat navigation on the rjv er,s and tlie convenience of floating’ to us ori the upper Tennessee and its trib utaries, the rich agricultural and min* eral productions of an extensive and nil* /^ egi<m country,give assurance that Chattanooga is shortly to become extensive produce market, [Ke supo©epot for exports, but that \tj- Rmnded. ding country. . 1 To the capitalist is offered a good tucAion his investment*—to the mechanV * icactive employment, and a sureFfe- ’ warjl .for hi« I4bor; and to of leistfftb a genial and salubrious’climale, in a situation surroQnded!ahii enliven ed by scenery the most g?an<i and pic uresaitib; possessing Trbm Vts centra l position, the'advantages of a speedy intercourse with all partx of the United States. _ : .■ ■ -:v V..F r Tbe TBR»s will he made known on the day of sale. 's?'!]< 'a* M. Rawlings, tI.W. WILLIAMS, INO. P. LONG,: ' # ALLEN KENNED Y, A. RAMSEY,:. ' ■,. ' .. Commissioners. • < nattanoog>,Tep. Feb. 2j 3t Ais INFDRiOIt coiiftj. ■ Or^qh/purpdse^MteMs6er Ordlrci ly ihe Co« rt , UmlSufionU-’ sue, recgsring all persons concerned, to show c ause in .terms of the law, (if p ay) wl ) he should not be released and discharged from further liability aforesaid. A true cx - from the minutes of the cduft, Nov. sth, 1838. ' GEORGE B. RUSSELL, c.c.o. Nov. 12. mGm GEORGIA, Dade County. V TOLLED before me Hugh Ker.neda, a jos > * ,ce ie Pbace for fy ts said county, by Lem del Pitman of the 873 d district G. M. A SORREL MARE, with a scar on the left hip near the ’ root of the tail, five y cars bid; apprais ed by Larken Hendrix and-, lsaac Rai ney to thirty dollars, this ?lh day of February, l'£!39. HUGH KENNED A, j. r. > * A true extract from theestray book ; i DANIEL Me COLLUM,c. i. c, February 9, 1839. 19 3t SUBPOENA’*, Jtiet Printed and for sale. :re be to