The Georgia pioneer, and retrenchment banner. (Cassville, Ga.) 1835-184?, March 29, 1839, Image 4

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I’l BL 1 CHALKS. Guardiau’a bale. WILL BE SOLD, before the court house door in the town of Mari etta, Cobb county, agreeable to an or der of the Inferior court of Murray county, when siding for ordinary pur poses, A Lot vs Land, containing Forty Acres, more or less, drawn by the or phans .of Joseph Harris, deceased. Number not known, in the seventeenth district of originally Cherokee now Cobb. Sold for the benefit of the heirs ol said decased . Terms of sale, one third cash, the balance small notes with approved security. \\ m. B. MALONE, Guardian, j my 30. 16 Ids Administrator’s sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the .Court of Ordinary for the county ‘of Wilkes, will be sold, at the court house door in the county of Cass,on the First Tuesday in April next, two-thiids of fractional Lot ot Land, si tuate, lying and being in the fifteenth district of the third sec., number Twenty, containing Twenty and 'Two-Third Acres, as the property of Aran Crim, late of Wilkes county, deceased for the ben fit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. . - 7ACHARIAH AYCOCK, Adm'r. January 7, 1839. 14 tds Administrator’s Sale. ILL BE SOLD, on the FIRST V v Tuesday in J UNE next, before the coutt house door in the towQ of BLAIRSVILLE, Union county,agree able to an order of the court ol ordina ry of Pulaski county, the following Dots of Land. Sold as the property of Delaftjar Clayton, deceased. No Dis. Sec. 334 9 j 213 9 1 224 9 1 134 9 1 221 9 1 Undivided half 112 17 1 do do 260 18 I do do .251 10 1 Terms of sale, Cash, NELSON CLAYTON,) A . m k F.D. CLAYTON, Feb’y 16, 1839. 18 tds Guard ( . TT7ILL BE SOLD, before the ' ' court house door in the town of Blairsville, Union county, on the first Tuesday in April, 1839, agreea bly to an order of the honorable the In ferior court of the Stateof Alabama, & the county of Chambers, in said state, when sitting as the court of orphans,for said purposes, v -. Lot of Land, No. 920, ISth district. Ist section; sold for the benefit of the orphans of Joshua Pem berton, deceased. Terms of sale will be known on the day. JOHN PATTERSON, ~. Guardian. January 26,1839. —17 tds. Extensive Sale of Real Estate. "IMZILL BE SOLD on the First ’ ’ Tuesday in MAY next, within the legal hours of sale, at SPRING PLACE, in Murray county, by virtue of a court of Ordinary of said County, ail the real estate of Richard deceased, which lies in said county, consisting of the following sOte of, land, viz: Lot No. 262, 10th district 3 1 sec tion; No. 80, No. 263, No. 277, No. 299, No. 293, in the 9th district of the sama section; N . 37, No. 50, No. 182, 192, No. 281,N0. 296,and No. 44, in 25th dist. 2d sec., and in the 11th dist. 3d sec. No. 294, and in the 7th dis. 3d sec. No. 29, and in the 1 4th dis. 3d sec. No. 69, and in the 13th dis. 3d sec. No. 16. > And on the first Tuesday in JUNE next, at Cassville, in Cass county, the following: In the 21st dis. 2d sec. No, 623; and in the 14th district of the 3-1 section, No. 174; and in the 6th dist. 3d sec.,No. 259. And on the same day, at Van Wert, in Paulding county. Lol, No. 443, in (he 1 Sth dis 9 I ?np. f No. 15, in the 3d dis. 4th sec., and No. 188, in the Ist dist. 4th sec. These lands comprise some of the most Valuable Settlements in the Cherokee country, and was s iected by the deceased in his lifetime, will) great care and judgment. The terms will be liberal and accommodating, and made known on the days of sale. Persons wishing to procure lands in this section, will seldom have so good an opportunity of procuring valuable . Settlements. Many of the tracts lie adjoining, so that persons wishing < x tensive tracts can be suited. The Chronicle &, Sentinel, August;; the Southern Recorder, Milledgeville; the Columbus Enquirer, and (lie Ma con Messenger, will each inscit the above for three weeks, and forward their accounts to this office. WILLIAM 11. UNDERWOOD, t; ASTON M. UN DERWOOD. ! Administrators.; fubrtfnry 28, 1839, 20'Ids ( Administrator's Sole. WILL BE SOLD,.on Tuesday, the 23d April nckt, nt the late residence of Col., Robert Brown decea sed, of Murray county,, All the Perishable Property, belonging to the estate of said deceas ed, consisting of Stock, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation 'Pools, i some Oats and corn, And many other articles too tedious to mention; and a . x NEGRO MAN, <o hire until the first day of January next . 'Perms of sale made known on the day. JOHN WOFFORD, DENNIS CARROLL, Administrators. March 5, 1839. 22 tds ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Wilt. Bk Sold, on Thursday the 2d duy of May next, at the late residence -of .loci Swinney, late of Cobb county, dec’d, all the Personal Property of said dec’d, consisting of Horses, Cattle. Hogs, Plan, tation Tools, Household and Kitchen bur. niture, and other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to dav until all is sold. , JIENR Y COLLINS, Admr. March 11, 1839. 22 Union sheriffs sales for April. & ILL BE SOLD, before the court ■ ▼ 'house door in the Town of Blairsville, on the first Tuesday in A pi ii 1839, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: POS I PON ED SALES. Lot, No. 196, 18,7-levied on as the property of 'Thomas Keys and John D. Keys, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior court ofElberl county, in ia vor of Wm. White. | Also, Lot No 9, 10, 1-levied on ns the property of Jonathan Pruitt, to sat isfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of Madison countv, in favor ol David Cunui’Mham—levy made by constable. G. W. G ADDIS, SLIT. ( *"7 ILL BE SOLD, before the court. house door in the town of Can ton, Cherokee county,on the first 1 ues day in April next, within the usual hours of sale, the following preperty, to wit: | Lol, No. 551, 15th disk 2d rec.-levi ed on as the property of. . Thomas to satisfy his tax for the year 1837-tax due 37 1 2 and cost. Also, Lot No. 196, 22d dis.’2d scc.- levied on as the property of VI illiannrfK King, to satisfy his,tax due for the year’ 1837-tax due §2 2 2 and cost. Also, Lot No 335, 3d dist. 2 I sec,- levied on as the property of George Hinkle, to satisfy his tax for 'he year 1837-tax due, 37 1-2 and cost. - Also, Lot, No. 112, 13th dis 2d sec.-] levied on as the property of Seaborn J. Roland, to satisfy his taxes for the year 1 837-tax due $1 17 3 4 cents & cost. Also, Lot, No. 1117, 3d dis 2d sec.- Jcvicd on as the property of John Jen kins, to satisfy his tax for the year 1837 -tax due and cod. LANGSTON WORLEY, D. S. | Cherokee Sheriff Sales for April. 1 VffZILL BE SOLD, on the First rr 'l'ue'sday in APRIL next, be fore the court house (Lelhr ,in the Iqwn 0/ ; Canton, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot; Vd- 178, 21st dis. 2d sec. of Cherokee county—levied on as the pro perty of William Tillery, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of Mer iwether county in favor ot William Burrow vs said Tillery Sion I|. Bul lard-levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot No. 175,215 t dis. 2 t sec .- levied on as the propes ty of Jehu Jack son, to satisfy a ii fa ii-sued from a jus tices court of Ha,be.rsham county in fa-, vor of Andrew Dorsey vs said Jackson principal, and Elijah Chaffin, security, property pointed out by Elijah Chaf fin levy made and returned to me by a constable. ■ Also, Lot No. 1 100, 2d dis 2d see le vied on as the property of Henry Mann, to satisfy 2 fi fa’s issued from a justices court of Jackson county in tavor of ! William D. Ma! (in vs said Mann—levy 1 made 4” returned to me by a constable, j Also, Lot No. 182, 2d dis 2d sec-le vied on as the property of Burton M.l South, to satisfy afi fa issued from a' justices court ol Gwinneit county in fa vor of Micajah Mayo Vs said Burton M. South & William South-levied on and returned to me by a constable. A’s - ), Lot, No. 743, 3d dis 2d sec, : .- I vied on as the properly of Robert P. Pool, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a jus-1 ticescomt of Newton county, in favor of I. J. 1 lai t.-fiulu & Co. vs said Pool-j ievy made & retained to me by a con i ble. A 1 so, Lot No. 315, 4th dis. 21 sec. levied on as the proper ty us l-anc N Moreland, to satisfy a (i fa issued fror, the Infeiioi ecu. I of [Libercliam coua ty in favor of Janes V Hamilton vs said Morelapd. Also, Lot No. 151, 3d dis 2d sec-lo vied on as the property of Jchnson Am m< ns, to satisfy n fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Upson county in favor of T,» &. J. Beall vs said Ammons,.Will iam Brown and Young M. Wilson.. LANGS'I ON WORLEY, D. Shff. j Cass sheriff sales for April, i TJ/ILL BE SOLD, on the First ' ' Tuesday in April next, before the court house door in Cassville., Cass county, within the legal hours of sale, the 1 following property, to wit: I Lot of land No. 848,215 t dis. 2 1 see -levied on "by virtue ofa fi fa from Cass Superior court as the property of Will iams Rutherford in favor of the officers of court. . Lot No. 169,15th dis. 3d sec .-levi ed on by virtue of sundry fi fa’s from i Cass Superior and Inferior courts as Ike property of David C. Wallace, in favor of Chapman & Hill, igdaliah Wood,<V sundry others,and served Wi -1 y Bearden, the tenant in possession, with a notice of the levies. t .i • Lot No. 498,17th dis 3 1 sec-levied on by virtue of a fi fa from the Superi or court of D< Kalb county, as the pro perty of Stephen S. Simmons in favor i of Thom is Barrett & co. I Lot No. 311,4th dis. 3.1 sec—levied on by virtue of afi fa from a justices couit of T diaferro county, as tiip, pro perty of Richard Reynolds in favor >f William IL Brinkley—levy made and returned to me by a constable. j Lot No. 132, 14th dis 3d sec-devied on by virtueof a fi fa from a justices court of Bibb county, as the property of Patrick Cunningham in favor of Moreland & Townsend —levy made, and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 546, 17th dis 3d see- levied on by virtue of four fi fas from a justices court of Newton county, as the proper ty of Robert G. Welch,in favor ot Sam uel Catlin-levies made &. returned to me by a constable; and served George W. Underwood the tenant in posses sion with a notice of the bevies. Sundry shovels & picks, 50 lbs o cofE-.e more or less, 75 lbs o sugar more r less, 2 busfiels of salt, 1 barrel of tin ware, 1 oven& lid, 8 blankets, 1 pine table, 1 pided bull, 80 bushels ol corn more or less,l stack fodder, 1 cow &L calf, ! cow, 3 small yearlings, the woodwork of 2 cart wheels, & the chi I. lyre —all levied on a$ he property of John McLeod in favor of Groom K. Cesi’iia and others, all of said fi fa\, Trom Lumpkin Superior court 4 cows & calves,2 yearlings,26 head pf stock hogs, and 1 sorrel horse 10 er II years ol'd- ill levied on a? the prop erty of Andrew Massey, to satisfy a ii fa from the Superior, couit. of .Cassi county in favor of Major Campbell. _ LEWIS TUMLIN,SMr. Cobb sheriffs sales for Apr J. J J/ILL BE SOLD, on the First Tuesday in A PHIL next, be fore the court house door, in the town oj Marietta, Cobb county, within the legal hours of sale the following properly viz: - feather beds; I bp ster, 1 quilt, 3 bedsteads and cords, 3 mats, 1 clock, 1 folding table, 10 head of hogs. J full of candles, 6 other jars, 1 bottle castor oil, 1 bottle spts. turpentine, 3 boxes, I cloths tub, 1 large glass jar <sr full of vials, I gallon jug, 6 p?ates, 1 dish, 4 bowls, 1 decanter, 1 tea pot, 1 salt seller, 3 fl tsks or bottles, 1 dish, I ccflTee mill, 1 spice morter and pcssel, 1 sugar dish,l lot of books, peck mca sure, 1 grindstone,! kitchen cupboard, 1 pine slab, I cow hide, 2 stacks sod r der,and some other small prirclcs, 1 washbasin, I man’s saddle, 1 ron pot rack, 1 high chair, 7 common chairs, 4 cow bells aiid collais, 1 iron bound tub and fullofsoap, 1 can and some soap, a small lot qfporn.iinshucked, a small lot ofshort corn, 2 slacks or i Is of potatoe seed, and one long handle shovel—all levied on as the property ot Aulscy Beavers, to satisfy a fi fa ob tained in the Inferior court in favor of Wm. Green vs Aulsey Beavers and Thomas G. Baker. A Iso,* lot of land No. 102, 17lh dis 2d : sec—levied on as the property of James Partridge, to satisfy three fi fa’s in fa vor of H. B. Mabry, issued out ofa justices court of Upson county-levy made returned to me by a constable. AlsQ;One Ba" Horse poney, roach main and swab tail, one red brinfile fio horned cow & calf, 6 head of iiogs levied on as the property of James Ma horn, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued out of the Inferior court of Cobb cuun ty, in favor of Dudley Ayres , f i Apple ton Mandeville, late copartners using the firm of Dudley Ayres &. co. vs James Mahorn., Also, One Negro Woman, abcu twenty five or thirty years old-b vied on as the propr rtj B. Waller, to satisfy two fi fa’s issued out of tin Superior ®our! of Cobb coimtv. < ne i: favoi of 11. R. Foot and the other io .av./i of the Ccntial Bank us Georgia, vs J. B. Waller, William Morris prin- I cipals,and William Dobbs, Enoch Mor ris and Josiah Massey, security on the appeal. . j Also, One lot of land, No. 56, 19th dis. 2d see.-levied on as (he propeity of Joseph Cason, to satisfy a fi fa issu ed out of a court of Cobh coun ty in favor of James Akin vs Joseph Cason-levy made and returned to me by a constahlo. ... Also,Dot No. 230, 17th dds. 2d sec. -levied on as the property of Abner , Willingham, to Satisfy two fi la’s in fa vor of J. C. Rolls, issued out of a j usti | ces court of Gwinnett county-levy' made & returned to me by a constable. | Also, Lot, No. 7092,5-. I dis. 3d sec.- levied on as the property of Elisha Tally, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of a justices court of Newton county, in ; favor of David Hambey vs Eiislia TaF ly-kvy made and returned to me by a constable. .. POSTPONED SALE. ' Lot of Land No. 224, 20th dis. 24 sec.-levied on as the property of Ben jamin Jenkins, to satisfy afi fa issued out of the Inferior court of Jasper' ■ county, in favor of James Whitfield vs Benjamin Jenkins principal and Arm sted Dodson, security. S. N. MA LONEY, ShlT. Feb. 25. Also, At the same lirne and place. POS'l PONED SALE. , c 3 boxes of Dry Goods assorted, bnc . box of shoes assorted, one box of hats and bridles and girths.and circingales, I one box of cutlery, and various other i articles too tedious to mention, and one bay mare-levied upon.ns the property JofThomas G. Biker, io satisfy a fi fa is-ued out of (he Inferior court of Cobb county, in favor of William, Green vs Ahoy Beavers and Thomas G. Baker. Property pointed out l>v the plaintiff. JOSEPH CHASTAIN, D. SME. Feb. 28, 1839. Murray sheriffs sales for April. BE on the frst " Tuesday in April next, at the court house door in Spring Place, irithin the usual hours of sale, the following pro oeity, to nil: . Lot, No. 281, 10(h dis, 3.1 sec .-le vied on as the property of Aaron Dadd to satisfy a judgment issued from a jus tices court us Warren county, in favor of John L. Burkhalter-levy made and returned to me Ev a constable. STEPHEN JONES, SME. SHERIFF SALES FOR APRIL. FLOYD. 533 3 4-F Lewis vs S Betton. 163 15 4 L ivi Ruffe vsE Miller 285 23 3-R Ligon vs S Morris, 1 gun &c-Ofliceis couit vs D Claik LUMPKIN. 22 4 1-J J Putnam vs E BHiggbtlhot i i ■ < • [toms 434 13 1 s h-R Whitworth vs M.Kemp 193 12 1-1 F Cannon vs D I J age. 687 12 I—J T Cunningham v? K Ste -1 negro man-J Donelson vs J Tinsley. I louse & lot in I )aionegn-E Sandusk) R S Pune J P H mes vs D Nichols. PAULDING. 993 20 3-W Me Bride vs fc East. 316 21 3-Bowdie & Harris vs J Railv 1232 2 3-D B Mjtchull vs G Briggs. ' 579 2 3—J Long vs J Cardwell. 580 2 3-R Mullin vs M CulE 809 18 3-R Mooie vs B Williams 930 19 3-J N Mells vs G Sleen. 753 2 4—J N Mcdls vs 5 Il Dunri 1 1643 3-B Baily vs J W Rains i I 03 2,4-T J Andrews vs C W Bullci ■ 692 1 4-P Biown vs W Gosdin 953 21 3-W R Siiutman*Vß J Hum-j [ohrees Bjl 18-3-D flollimpn vs G Fausett 753 2 4- J Roberts vs H & S Dunn 930.19 3-J NuttelsysG Steen 1 °36 3 3-T Street vs L, S, &. J Lodge 279 19 3-Moss& Allen vs P Butler WALK'Er. 279 26 3-J Smith vs B J Cornl Nd 4 tn Lafaycttc-A H Caldwell vs [I Grub.! e 160 27 3-T A Lithium vs J H Pdrry 26 r ’ .11 4—J Smith vs J L DjJ I DADE. 45 18 4-J W Robertson vs A W Mer- P el i 284 10 4 and sundries-A Rowe vs II [C Tatum 98 10 4 & 133 10 4-J J Mcßride &. [T Eddington vs II C 'Tatum. FORSYTH. 1224 2 1-S R Lowry-vs J Anderson [ tud others 762 3 l-O,'Heers court vs A vVOO fly -95 2 1-Cooper & Jones vs II Ft its. MON I’HS alter date, ap- 1 plication will be made to the i honorable the Inferior court of Union < county, when -itting for ordinary pur- 1 poses, for leave to sell <he L ind belong- i$ ng to (he est.ile 11 mry Jincns de- t 'cased, Lite of (he county aforesaid. I GEORG! 7 , ill.I) \i<ICK, Adm’r. t Februuiy 11,1839. 19m4m t job NeatlycACLUtvd at thL Office. OUR months after date applica tion will be made to the honora ble Inferior court of Cass county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell one Lot of Land, belonging to the estate of Vincent Bow'm in, dec’d. SHERQD.BOWMAN, Adm’r. Fe by 21, 1*33?. 19 < . , Notice.— aw •i.ication will be made after the txpiiation of four months, to the honorable the Inferior court of Murray county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for an order to . sell all the real E-tate < f Richard Bui ' ler, Ijjte of said county deceased. Wm 11. UNDERWOOD, & G ASTON M. UN DERWOOD, A Adm'rs of.said Esjate, January 12,1839 14 4m 1 OTICR AWI JCA.TION will bq made after the expira (ion of Four Months, to she honorable c the Inferior court of Murray . county, when sitting for. ordinary purposes, ; for an order to sell all the real estate ot Milly Stewart, late of said couidy* deceased. STEPHEN JONES, Administrator. March 14,1 839. 23 4m NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate J’a o.f Robert Brown, late deceased, of Murray county, are required to make immediate payment; ar.d those 1 having demands against said (he suiyl , estate, are notified to present them, • duly proven, in terms of the Law. ‘ Given under out hands, March 51b, 1839. 22 40d , JOHN WOFFORD, 1 DENNIS CARROLU Administrators. v NOTICE. . HE booksol the firm of Cantrell H At Smith, are in our hands for collection; those then ft re, who qt t e indebted to said film, will pall and selj ■ tie without delay. Also, {he bonks of the firm of Puckut & Smith, are incur hands for collection; those therefore, who are indebted to either firm, will please give us a call immediately. R. A. & JAS. MILNER'. March 11. 22 if GBORGIA, Cass County. , ( before me John Millican, a justice of the P eace of ,he 827 distl ic U G. Al. by N. D. Thomas of said dist , ONE DARK CLAY BANK MARE, ten or eleven years old, four feet six or seven inches high, dark main and tail, d.Ark legs. No other marks or brands perceivable; appraise,d by Lindsny Johnson and Wyatt Hicks, to thiity seven dollars and fifty cents, this 7th d«,y of March 1 839. JOHN MILLICAN, j. p. ♦A true extract Com the estra-, booh GEORGE B. RUSSELL, c/i. c. March 20, 1839. 23 31 CASSS LYFERSOR COURT. Silting for Ordinal y purposes, .Voiembcr' Term, 1838.. t appearing to the Court, that .Ja, James Eurr, administrator on the estate ol W illiam Lanier, deceased, has fully and fairly administered said es ? tale, and praying to be discharged fr< m liability as aforesaid. Ris therefore Ordered by the Court, that cita’ion is sue, reo”iiring all persons concerned, to show duse in terms of the Jaw, (if ; ;;ny) wl ) he shoijld hot be released I and discharged from further liability ;as administrator aforesaid. A true <x emplijjeation from (he minutes of the count, Nov. sth, 1838. GEORGE B. RUSSELL, c. c. o. Nov. 12. mGm Law .Yolice. 'FILE Subscribers having associated themselves together in the prac tice of the Lavy, will attend strictly to any business ot the profession conlideo to them, in the Cherokee circuit. At their cilice in Cassville one of (hem at leaH, may be constantly foutn’. c; D. terhune; A. M. RUSSELL.' Jan’y 23. 15 wSin 3D 3c v/ q nppHE Undersigned rcEpcdrftifJy Jsia_ ioiQim tiicir friends and 'the Public, that they have opened an ’ of. hce on the North East corner of the Fubhc Square in M \RIE T l'A, Coiib county, Ga., u here I)A VH ) JR »VIN will at a!l times be found, except ab. senton business. They also continue their office, in Cassville, Ga., where. Wm. H. Underwood will generally le found, and all business addressed so them ;.t eitrier place, will be promptly •attended to. UNDERWOOD & IRiViN. March 0, 1839, o < .£