The Georgia pioneer, and retrenchment banner. (Cassville, Ga.) 1835-184?, June 04, 1840, Image 3

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PIONEER <fc JiANNER. CASSVILLE'. Thursday, June 4, 1840. A* 31. ItINSKIJi, Editor. mi .in i T —-.-a.isnr j ra FOR PRESIDENT, MARTIN VAN BUREJY. TO THE UNION PARTY OF C iSS COUNTY. For the purpose of nomina ting a suitable TICKET to rep resent us in the next Legislature, in such a manner as all parts of the county may have an equal voice in the selection,it is propos ed that each, district appoint two 1 persons to meet at Cassville, on the first Tuesday in July next; whose duty it shall be to make such nomination. We urge’ it most earnestly up on the Union Party of the seve ral districts notlcQpl sending their Delegates to this meeting, as we deem it of serious impor tance that every district should be represented. MANY CITIZENS. May 20th. the letter of Gov. Duncan which wilt he found in uuolher column of to day’s paper. THEATRE. Just in good time, Mr. Hart’s corps, so j favourably known to many of our citizens have agreed to perform a few evenings in this place, for tiie amusement and instruc tion of those whose heads are not too soft to enjoy the scene, some entirely new and fashionable pieces. The company have been furnished with a first rute room to play in, comfortable in every particular for a large audience. Geueral iiamsun the Poor Man’s Friend. The many appeals which have been raade to the yeomanry of the country to support Harrison, on account of his devo tion to “log cabins,” “hard cider” and ‘‘farming uteusils,” are beginning to be pretiy well understood. We copy in to-day's paper some ex tracts from the Laws of Indiana, which we hope our readers will read for them selves. Who voted to HELL poor white men for fines and costs, before the court house door in their respective counties in the State of Ohio, like bullocks, to the “"•lighest bidder? General Harrison. Whut Governor sanctioned the same kind of a law in the ‘Territory of Indiana? Gener al Harrison —who we are told is the poor man’s fuibnd. Who sanctioned a law as Governor of the Territory of Indiana in the year 1807, prescribing NINE STRIPES! upon the bare back!! as the penalty to be inflicted upon airy poor white man who should abscond from his MASTER after being publicly sold by the Sheriff? General Harrison—the Poor Man’s FRIEND. The same Gen eral Harrison, who the very same year gave his assent as governor of the Terri lory of Indiana to a law PROHIBIT INtr “any free male white citizen 1 ’ from voting for any state or county offi cer, unless he was possessed in his own right of FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, free of any incumbrance. These are some of the acts of this POOR MAN’S friend—this Soldier’s father—this charita ble farmer of North Bend. He is the man that is now held up by the Federalists and Abolitionists of the North, as being wor thy of the suffrages of the honest yeoman ry of the South. Let his own acts speak for themselves. They are sufficient to carry truth homo to any man’s understan ding—he is his own commentator. , -- - asaas From the Mad it on (Indiana) Courier. SELLING FREE MEN AS SLAVES IN THE STALE OF INDIANA!! Blue light laws of the West—Gmeral H irrison in favor of selling Free Mm • n Indiana —against allowing the, right of suffrage to ihe POOR MAN unless possessed of a property qualification ! ! &c. fyc. Much has been said in the defence of the charge against General Harrison of voting in the Senate of Ohio to sell free white men as slaves; and General Ha rrison’s own letters of demhl and ! ex ulpation,have been extensively pub lished. The charge, however, re mains well established, and as long as the records of the senate of Ohio shall continue to exisl, so long must the tes tnrnny to establish this charge be per petrated. (See journal of the Senate of Ohio of January the 20lh, 1821.) But we have resumed this subject to show, that tins section of the Ohio Le gislature, with all its odiousness, was an old acquaintance o( General Ilarri son, and had no new honors to present to his mind; for while Governor of “the Temtory ol Indiana,” he approved & signed “An act respecting Crimes and Punishments” containing sections mor< odious than the section for which he voted in the Ohio Senate: more odium inasmuch as it made an escape from this most degrading and humiliating servitude, a CRIMINAL OFFENCE, punishable with (£rWHIPPING i in the full measure of OCrTHIRTY i NINE STRIPES!!LCO and with a DOUBLE seivitude as to time. (See Territorial Laws, revised code of 1607, pages 39 and 40 —sections 30 and 31.) j “Sec. 30. When anyperson, or per sons shall on conviction ot any crime, or breach of penal law, be sentenced to pay a fine or fines, with or without the | costs of prosecution, it shall and may be lawful for the court before whom such conviction shall be had, order the Sheriff to SELL or hire the. person o • persons so convicted, to service, to any per son or persons who wit l pay the said fine and costs for such term of time as the court will think reasonable. And if such person or peisons,, so sen tenced and hired or sold, shall abscond from the service of his or her {£/*MAS iTER or MISTRESS,before the term of such service shall be expired, j he or she s j absconding,shall on convic tion befoie a justice of the peace, be CO-WHIPPED WliH THIRTY NINE STIPESL£O and shall moico ver serve two days for every one so lost. i Sec. 31. The judges of the several courts of record in this Territory shall give this act in charge to the grand ju ry in each and eveiy couit m which a grand jury shall he swotn. JESSE B. THOMAS, Speaker of the 11. of Ueprsenlatives. Li. CHAMBERS, President of the Council. Approved Sept. 17, 1807. ; WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. But was Governor llariison at this time clothed with the veto power? his I friends will ask. Aye he was; lie wa3 more amply than the Executive of an) , State in this Union was. See the “Or dinance for the Government of the Ter ritory of the United States, Northwest of the river Ohio.” This ordinance may be found in all of our revised laws from 1794 inclusive to the present day. We quote from it, the following words: “And all hills having passed by a majority of the House, and by am; joi ity of the Council, shall be it foiled to the Governor, for ins assent , hut no bill or legislative act whatever, shall he oj any force without his assent .” His vote was absolute. No law could pass without his “assent,” tho 1 every person in the House ot iepre sentatives, and the Council might de sire it most ardently. Mi Van Buien has been, by the whig press most grossly misrepresented and slandered in relation to iiis votes ftnd opinions in <he New Yolk conven tion iii 1821. He has been falsely sta led to have favored a properly qualifi cation to entitle while men to vole. Let us see what were Governor Han i son’s opinions on that subject in 1807. [See levised code, pages 236 G,j “It is therefore enacted , Thai every free male inhabitant ot the age ot 21 years, resident in the Tei i itory, and who hath been two years lesident in this Ten itory, (£rANI) HOLDS A FREEHOLD IN FIF i Y ACRES OF LANI'£O within any ctunly >f the same, or any less quantity in the c oun ty in which he shall reside, which, with the improvements made (hereon, shah be of the value of 03”ONE’ HUN DRED DOLL A Its,-30 or who has paid for, and in virtue ol a deed of con vcyance for further assurances Torn a peison vested with the lee, is in actual possession of FIF 1 V acres o.’ land sub ject to taxation in the county in which he shall be, are hereby declared to be duly qualified electors of repre sentatives far the counties in which they are respectively. JESSE B. TIIOMAS, Speaker of tiie H. of Representatives. B. CHAMBERS, President of the Council. Approved—September l7ih, 1807. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. And did Gov. H arrison approve and 1 sign this? And do his friends still cla mor about any thing Mr. Van Buien ever did, or could have done on this subject ? “Oh, Shame!!! where is thy blush?” j But Gen. Hairison is the poor man’s friend, though he would not let the in dustrious pioneer vote unless he had the requisite number of acres; though he sanctioned a law to sell the POOR man to the highest bidder as a SLA VE! —a state than which none is more hot - lible and degrading, to which death would be preferred by every American freeman. General Harrison, is how ever, the “log cabin and hard cider” candidate for the Presidency.—This will do. Mr. John C. Wright, one of G n. Harrison’s Committee, is Ihe same in dividual of whom an i x •( 11. r.t story is related in connexion with Co’. Crock et I. There was a large animal show in Washington, at winch many of the members of Congress were present*] Col. Crockett observed a monkey, and calling to one of his friends, said, don’t you think that monkey resembles very much Mr. Wright of Ohio? All he wants is a pair of green spectacles.’ Mr. Wright was unperceived standing near his elbow, when some man re marked, Mr. Wright is present, Col. j and you ought to apologize. Col.j Crockett turned round and saidi yes, certainly I would apologize, but d— n | me, Wright, if ! know whose pardon to j ask—yours or the monkey’s.— Cahawba Democrat . ‘*■ Some of the moat candid of the Whigs, we understand, are beginning to come out and acknowledge that they wish the Abolitionists to vote for Harrison,and want to get all the help from them they can. Well that’s fair that’s right: we like to see people acknowledge the corn, though we con demn the principle upon dhich they act. For our pait, we Democrats want no help from any such a gang. If we can’t elect a President without having him laid under obligations to such characters,we say, let him go.-//> E 2 R „ ES..O. Il 7-'' Si DRAMA TIC CO MPANY. VV ill pei form in Him village a few eve nings. Thursday 3a3vsuing June -CLtli, ‘The Comedy o’ the I> U 35 15 55 ELS; Et VIVIAN, - - Mr. Baii.v, ELIZA, (the Dumb Belle) Mrs. H art. The 1’ n ivwd'. ol the TW© CaaGOJIES;. GREGORY, - - Mr. Hart. FANCHETTE, - Mrs. Hart Mrs. GREGORY, - Mrs Bailv. WjW, JC. AUGUSTA , (/A., Wholesale Dealer in Drugs, J&Zcdicincs, faints, ©ESS, Dyestuffs, Window Glass, <£/.Ca, u*c> AS on hand, and is constantly re 3. iL ceiving Fresh Supplies of all ar ticles in his line, which he will sell hi low rales for Cash or Scrip of the IV. & A. Rail Road Commissioners of Geo. june 4 34 9t WOTICE.“ ff hereby forworn all persons from u trading for live promissory notes given by the subscriber on the 14Lit day of April, 1 840, for twenty .five dul larseath; with a credit of fifteen duL lai's oil one of the Holes; payable to Matilda Ann Teasley. As I was forc ed to give said notes when a prison er, I am determined not to pay said notes,nor any part thereof, unless com pelled by law. WILLIAM BURK, may 23 1 840 34 3t A DAI IN iSTUATURSfcJAI.i;. & GRRf.EA RLE loan older of (he A honorable-Infei ior court ol Mur ray county when silting fur Ordinary pin poses, will he sold, on the first Tues day in August next, within the usual vouis of sale, before ihe court house door in Van VV crl, Paulding county, the following Lots of Land, to wit: No. 183, in the hist district ol the foui th section; Lot, No 448, eighteenth dial, third section. Also, l/ INo G 23, twenty first dist. thiid section, origin ally Cherokee now Paulding; contain ing forty acres each. ALSO, A T THE SAME TIME, In the Town of Cassville Cass county, Lot, N[p. 269, in the sixth dist. of the third section, containing 160 acres; as (he property of Richard Butler, lase of Mui iay county, deceased, lor itie ben * tit oi ihe heirs and creditors of said deceased; terms made known on the day. JAS. MORRIS, Adm’r. may 28th, 1 840 31 Ids Cobb Sheriff sales. FM/ ILL BE SOLD, on llie First * * Tuesday in JULY next be fore the court house, door, in the linen of iMaritUa ) Cobh county, within the legal hours of side the following property viz. i Lot, No. 1 18,20 th . 1 i-1 21 -er-b vi ed on ai the piopurty of David Spaiks, ! to satisfy a ti fa issued out of Carroll Inferior court tin favor of Daniel H. Head, Leioy M. Wiley &. Parish # Cos. vs David Spat ks. Also, Lots Nos 1310,19 th di-t 2d sec. 4’ 210, 18th did 2J sec; levied on as the property of George VV. Foot, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Cobb Supe rior court in favor of Iv. mis Hope v> George VV. Foot &L James Foot; prop erty pointed out by George VV. Foot. : Also, Lot No 277, 20th dist 2d sec; levied on as the propei ty of James C. Dun :th, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued Bsued out ol a justices court of Butt j county in favor of John Hall vs James C. Dunseth-ltvied and returned by aj constable. JOSEPH CHASTAIN, Shff. GILMER STIFF'S. SALES. to %/ ILL BE SOLD, before the court ▼ V house door , in the TOWN oj ELLIJA V, Gilmer County , on the first | IULSUAY m July 1840, within the usual hours of sale , the following nroperty, to wit t 1 bay horse, 1 soriel horse & 1 road w? *gg (>n ) levied on as the property of Robert McCrarey, to satisfy a rt fa in | favor of John R. Stanford) issued from Habersham Superior court vs gal j Mc- Crarey; property pointed out by de fendant. Also, Lot No 232,25 th dist 2d sect; levied on as the propertj of Jesse Bell, tfesatisfy a fi fa issued Irom a justices coifi t of Jones county in favor of L. J. Grace vs said BelWeVy made and re-! turned to me by a bailiff. Also, Lot No 140, Gth dist 2d sect; levied on as the property of Siam) Faubus, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Edward Danel, issued from a justices court of Hall couniy-levy made and returned to me by a bailiff. A.’so, I sorrel mare-levied On as the! property of William Moore, to satisfy a ti fa issued from Habersham Superior j < ourt, in favor of J. & S. Bones; prop erly pointed out by defendant, JOHN W. GRIFFITH, Shff. CASS SHERIFF MALES. B,£/ r UA BE SOLD, on the First Tuesday in JULY nrxt, be fore the court house door in Cassville , Cass county, within the legal hours of sale , the following property , to toil: Town Lots,Nos 11,12 and 21 ih the Town oi Cassville,on which the Globe Hotel is situated; Jenny, a negro wo man, 24 years old; Mayka, a boy 8 years old ; Green, a boy, 6 years old ; I Albeit, a boy 3 years old; Willis, a I hoy, i 7 years old; Sealy,a woman, 24 years old; 20 beds and furniture and I bed steads; Four work steers,young & likely; one lx waggon; Two boxes of Di) Goods, containing from a thousand J loliileeu hundred dollars worth at cost Lot of Land, No 120, sth dist 3d sec. loimerly Cherokee now Cass county levied on as the property of the defend ants in the following slated fi fa’s to wit: I lie l\ eslern Bank ol Georgia vs Jacob O. Dyer, maker) Elias Pitner, Alien Dyer, Daniel R. Dyer,and John Biown Indorsers. The Western Bank of Georgia vs John Brown, maker, Samuel G. Hamilton, Jacob O. Dyer and Daniel R. Dyer Indorsers. The Western Bank of Georgia Vs J. O. Dyei V Cos. makers, and H. M. Cun ningliain Indorser. The Western Bank of Georgia vs Brown and Dyer, nifk rs, Alien I)ypr, I )aniel R. Dyer and David Lowry Indorsers, The Weslern Bank of Georgia vs John Brown, maker, Daniel R. Dyer and il. M. Cunningham, lndorsers. Wash ington It. Grubb vs Jacob O. and Dan iel R. Dyer, and Lewis Tumlin vs Dan iel R. Dyer, a'l from (lie Superior com to! Cass cou ty. Kerrs & Hope vs John Brown, Jacob O. Dyer, and Daniel R. Dyer, from the Inferior com l of Cass county, and The Central Bank ol Georgia vs John Brown, prin cipal, David Irwin and David Lowr) Indorsers; from ihe Superior court of Cobh c unly. Properly pointed out by John Brown, one of the defendants in said fi fa’s. Lot of Land, No 2GG, 7th dis 3d sec —levied on as the properly of James E. Moi i is to satisfy three fi las issued from a justices couit of the 35Glh dist G M Cass county, two in favor of H. H. Dobson and Lai ken Bennett, and one in favor of A. M. Russell vs said Mor ris-levied on and returned tome by a j constable. JOSEPH BOGLE, Shff. Also, at the same time & place, 2 horses, one a black blind horse, i iue years old, the other a bay, seven years old-levied on as the property ol Jonathan B. Jones, by virtue of a fi fa Iroin Cass Superior court in favor ot A. 13. Cunningham vs J. B. Jones, WESLEY KIN MAN, D. Shff. june 4 ALSO, .T the same place, on the first J'uesday in July next. Lots of Land. Nos 919 Ac 920, 4(h dist 3d seel., of originally Cheiokee now Cass count)-levied on as the prop erly of VV iiiiam Parlier) by virtue of a moi fgage fi I >, issued fiom Cass Supe— I rior court, in favor of Rufus R. Grave*, vs said Parliei; and served the tenant in possession with a notice of said levy. JOSEPH BOGLE, Shff. april 30 WOTIGE. k LL persons indebted to the estate /vL of Richard Butler; late of Murray county, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those having rnands against said estate, to present them in terms of the law, JAS. MORRIS, Adm’r. Spring Place, 28th May, 1840. 34 6t ATTACHMENTS for sale Paulding SJlicrifi’ Salc3 for TJuly, ILL HE SOLI), before the Court House door in Van It 01, m said Iniinty, on the first Tuesday i/i July nr < l between the usual hours of sale , ihe follow ingpropirty lo wit i One black horse; levied on ns the property of diaries Garner, to 6ati?fy one fi fa issued out of Paulding Suj t* rior court, at the instance of Jv! :r Lyle vs said Garner, Also, one bay mare and one gig; levied oh to satisfy two fi fas issu and from Paulding Superior court at the in stance of James W* Y. Waltan aid lamer J. MoCartin vs James Cleghom Property poiuied out by plaintiffs at torney. Also, one cart alid cXcn; levied on to satisfy afi fa from Cass Superioi CcUrt at the instance of Allen D\ er Y a William Shipley. Also, Lot of Land No 274, 19th di.-t 3d section; levied on to satisfy one ti In from Morgan county Infeiior couit sued out at the instance of Edwaid i Thomas vs Reuben Clark and Nath: n Fomby. Property pointed out by Thomas C* Dunlap. Also, Lot No 11 56, 21st dist. 3d levied |on to satisfy 2fi f liß from Ja< • son county justices court, in favor,.” James Millican vs Gabriel B. Church ; and have notified the tenant in pos sion of the levy. Property pointed out by lbe plaintiff; levy made and returned to fine by a constable. Also, Lot No 431, 20th dist 3d see; levied on to satisfy one fi fa from a jus tice court of Morgan county , in favor of Johnson & Robertson vs William H, Burk. Property pointed out by plains tiffs attorney; levy made aad returned I lo me by a constable, j A Iso,* Lots, N s 1072, 1073, 1001 & 1000 all lying and being in the 2Lt dist. 3d sec; levied on to satisfy two fi fas issued from Paulding Superior cou. t in favor of Erastus Graves vs Josiali C * York ; Property pointed out by defend* ant. Alsd, one town Lot and house on said lot,in the town of Van Wert, No 9 and four acres of land, more or lees, and improvements tht reon joining the TOWN of VAN WERT, North whereupon James Cleghorn now re sides; levied on to satisfy a fi fa from (he Superior court of Paulding codnty in favor of Thomas J. Parmalee vs said James Cleghorn. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney and have served the tenant in possession with a notice of ihe levy. Also, two bay horses; levied on to satisfy one fi fa horn Paulding Supeii or court in favor of A. B. & VV. Cun ningham vs William J. Putman- and Koynston W. Pollard, security on slay. Also,one house and lot in the town of Van Wert, No 8; levied ontosal isfy one fi fa fro n Paulding Superior court in favor of Robert S. Cowen vs Ed%Vin R. Morrison. Properly point ed out by defendant. Also, Lots Nos 701 & 706, 21st dist 3rd sec; levied onto satisfy one fi fa from Paulding Superior coi rt, James F. Johnson vs Overton Hitchcock. POSTPONED SALE. Lot No GO4, 18lli dist 3rd sec; lev ied on to satisfy one fi fa from Haber shem Inferior couit issued out at tho instance of J ones Hamilton vs Isaac N. Moreland. STROTHER F. BURGESS, Shff* Also,'At the same time and place, 1 grey horse &i 1 buggy-levied on as the propeity of Jacob VV. Parlier, to satisfy two fi fits issued from Paulding Superior cdurt in favor of Edmund Russell ve said Parliei -property poin ted out by plaintiffs attorney. RICHARD CROMPTON, D. Shff* Also, at the same lime and place. 14 head of hogs, 1 cow and yearling and 1 small steer-levied on ns the pro perty 6f Samuel C. Hannon; to satisfy a rt fa issued from Paulding Superior court in favor of Asa V. Mann vs said Hannon. Lots, Nos 374, 420, sBo 728 & 445 Jy ing and being in (fie 3d dist 3d sect, of originally Cherokee now Paulding county, containing each 40 acres more or less—levied on as the property of Ja cob VV. Parlier, to satisfy two fi fas is sued from Paulding Superior- court in favor of Edmuud Russell vs said Par— Her. Lots of Land, No 647 # 508, lying and being in Hot 3d dist 3J sect, of ori ginally Cheiokee now Paulding county containing each forty acres more or less-le.vied on as Lie property of James H. Byson, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia vs said Byson. Also, 25 head of hogs &, 10 heaj of catlle-jf vied on an the property of J<\- l cob VV. Parlier, to sr tisly two fi fas is j sued from Paulding Superior court in favor of Edmund Kusseli vs said Par lier-property pointed out by plaintiff, dtorney. LEWIS M. MAT l HEWS, D Shff.