The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1880-1881, June 15, 1880, Image 3

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il'B BJIMCr. Tuesday, Junk 15, 1880. Oilidal County and City Prink Jrgan for Qconte and Madison Counties. Wanted. In litis office ;ts an «|>|iiTntict , I • bright Imy llliiteec. or tu«r.eeii years of v.-jy. Pay liberal. Mr. V W. Skill. Th u gentleman has only been iu inidnl a short time, hat by I is gentlemanly deportment, good goods, s> k ill I ul work, lair dealing, ami the Iree u-e »l printer's ink, has built tor him-clf a good name an«l trade in our city. He is beyond doubt one ol die be-t jewelers in the State, ami vv.- ean recommend liim to onr read* er*. This is no paid tor putt', but a couinlimeiitary notice ot one who m iii» it. (live hint a trial. Ilrath or Nr. T. J. Allen. We are pained to announce the death ol ting gentleman which occur* led on Tuesday at 74 o’clock, at the residence of his brother, Mr. Jesse Allen. The deceased wus a native of Ang.isl: , and in* been a resident ot Atll^i son liiy.past ten lilivlitll*. y III* disoase was consumption of the lungs He was liichly esteemed tor hisnininy Virtues and his warm, social tempera* nmi'. scralrlml fruiu I lie List of Athens Uurliriorx. Our esteemed Iriend and fellow cil- i/i n, Mr. li. N. .Snead, left Athens lor Viigimn, via N. E. H. H. on Wednesday alieruuon at 4o’clock, ae* company mg him, however, was liis charming bride--nee—Miss Emma Hutcherson, ol ibis city. We extend to both our sincere congraliihilioiis, nml wish them not only a delightful journey to Virginia ^ (where Mr. •suoad’s relatives reside), but through- ■.ui their triii i e pilgi image of life. fill k ft*A SOCIETY UNIVERSITY OF 6EOKU1A. Iiilrriiu-iliulc Itrentr. Friday, June 1 lib, 1880 at 8:30 SHOUT MET Ell JIEATIO.V-, ill And ITersant, Pmlnrnt anil I’n.uilsru ius Parairrsplis Picked up From the Pave ments, Pocketeil and Penned liy Our Peranihulatin.!; Poser. St i ik.-—tor a lenionad: stand. A green grocer—one who c-redi’?. Keep nml—if yon can. Athens has the military fever bad ly The baseball fever has struck Ath* ens. From tight shoe*, good Lord deliv er us. Di 1 smie one remark that it w*s warm? What hat Mfcome of the calithuni- pians ? t The Colored serenaders make ex* collent music. Remember the grand excursion to Atlanta in July. , Subscription to the Pioneer Hall continue to roll in. The Cap'nin of the Lazy Club can occasionally be seen on the street*. Anything in the hook line can lie found at Fleming &, Anderson’s. The dre-s makers nre doing 3 good business—Commencement close by. The Plume Drill of the Guards will como off the l 'fer part of next week. a # C Morris lW turned politician !!«• savs that Field and Bayard can 1«m Garlield. • Willie Dorsey will “take in” the Baptist. Seminary Commencement at Gainesville. The “royal’’ dance of the season will be given at. Hminfeiil Hall Ffi- day night, June 18th. Who will wear the plume? is the qnes inn that is now agitating the minds ol some of our boys. Ge Tgo McIntosh our friend, remarked upon hearing of the nomination tltgl ‘Mr. Baroots is elected.’ He said lull little, yet, as lie gazed on the mutilated edge ot li.s best ra zor. lie mentally vowed never again to marry a woman with em us. We graduated onr 51th printer yesterday aud sent him I is way Le is now a candidate . LOCAL. PENCILING*?. Cony i J "5Ye*ld}i: Tl.u ■. J.'us, aie boiling ove-' »i'h tadigliafovi because a woman lu.s b- eu app-m.'ie I census laker in tin- town district. N<-1 I,.— cause they do not like her, for a nicer one we have not, but lieeause they dou’t vvftnl a woman prying into their affairs. Several havedeclaied in favor ot paying the $10 hue and going without a now bonnet. On-: ot our census takers is a ven erable gem iemaii who finished the 1st Ward on Monday. He reports some ii.dignaiit colored damselsjust as jmr- lieular in regard to their ages, | as were the Couyers people in reference to ye feminine 'prying into their afs fairs. A younir man having been request* ed at a dinner lo repty me to time- liouored toast ot ‘Wouiau,’ eluseU his remarks vv UU liie tainuiar quolaiioli irom ftcott: O wciiiau. iu our iiour* of ut«c, tbccriwu, c*j„. , utiii DHrulo picuac. tide ino memory lai eo him ; but at- ler a iiesnalioii ue ouulinued in li luuipu: jsu. seen loo ois, lvtuitiiur wiiit iu.r i*ue, »• v uroi culture, lucu pil.- , Uicu «ui*imx* Truthfulness is li.e clilei corner stone ol diameter, wuuout il you uuuu vourseil ouiy lo iuu iu pieces- it is true mat ftMtl is e-mug lue celebrated Ulamuiiu ftpecuicle*. .deceives oruers lor ruoliei siauqis lor marking iineu, cauls, etc. iiuya old gout anu snver and lias a variety ol Clocks, Waldtes ai.O -IcHeliy lor sale. Miss Gussie King, of Atlauia, is on a v 1311 lo her lui rner iiunie and is en • joying llie society ot her warm p fcr , c*--u.ii li lt nils, and tlu-y are legion. 8nc is ever weieome lo Athens and its aliraeuve soettly. lien While and Cicero Billups, two I ‘""•P 1 ? '•*«» *"> ***** >»“ o: Ga.Held’s supporters had a ot ,i,e : ,>ul 1 h,,vo c * ,,,se,,,e “ 10 dislurhaiice -Saturday evening, HON. RUFUS F. Ll>Ti:U. Invitation of «;»tizviXH of Clarke Comity .Hetiuest* ing Him to Address Them oa the Polit ical Itsues of The Day. •. ' I ’ — ■ \ His Bespouse. r * -i — Athens, Ga., June 1st. 1*80. Hon. Rufus E. LrstBr.—Dear Sir. —We have noticed nilli pleasure that your name is so prominently mentioned as a candidate tor the Democratic nomination tor Governor of Georgia at the ensuing election. Though many ot us have not 0>e pleasure of a personal acquaintance with yon, yet through ymr public acts .t« a faithful and pal'iotic sou ol Georgia, you are known to ns all. Il seems that the Gubernatorial cinq aign has already ofiened, and as Gov. Colquitt has beeu invited to ad dress the people of this county on the 12th inst, we, tiie uudersigu- d citizens ol Athens and Clarke county, respectfully request that you lie pres* cnl at the same time and address us on the political issues of the day. An early answer signifying your acceptance of this invitation is earn estly requested. Kesiiectlully, W. B.JBurnktt, T. W. Ricker, and seventystliree others. Savannah, June 5th, 1880. Mii-sRS, W. B. Burnett, T. W. Rucker, aed others, Citizens of Clarke Co,— Oentr. I am iu receipt oi you: invitatinu lo address the pen* pie of your couulv upon (he political issues id ihe day. ; 1 thank you, gen* llemen, lor your kind aud generous expressions of regard and confidence, aud feel that* I should endeavor to McNutt Dot*. Mr Cl.iyhm Sims wi>i have hi av* j erage clop of fine peaches* j There will lie a large eiop of An* ' Iiiiuii apples Mr. Jesse Daniel has a hog, which lias six natural lee*. Mrs. Blatou Duke is quite ill with consumption. M-. Garland Sims says that he in tends lo hear ihe Commencement sermon at the Universiiy. So the belles map lookout for him. THE PALACE BARBER SHOP. Sapp A Brville, Hrocul Street. This laslii-mahle Tonsorial Empo rium, over the store of Mr. A. S. Maitdcville, Inis beeu elegantly and tastefully arranged for the summer campaign. They are supplied with six splendid chairs, each presided over by a first-class artist Attention promptly given, and no waiting re quired. They areconstsntly in receipt of the very latest New York fashions, for ciitliug and dressing hair, shaving, etc. Ladies will be waited on at their residence. Give them a call and you will meet with prompt, courteous and skillful attention. Democratic CouvrnUuu, Cincinnati, Oblr. Excursion tickets will be sold by the Agents of the Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Railway as follows: To Cincinnati and return, from j joining. lie is now a camlulatc for President, Howell Cobb: j htjd aiat :,t :l bee-luueu table. Secretary, \\ . tl. Malone. | Mr. L. B. Snead ha* relurned to Question— Is there mure to approve j Athens, and proposes to make onr tlie charade lit in condemn O.iver Cromwell Debaters—Aflinuaiivc, Uobt, Russell, Athens; J. R. Siatur, Ivan lux-; (i. li. Brown, Canton. .Negative, D. W. Meadow, Dauieh- v lb- ; II. N. Washington, Macon ; H. Tuck, Athens. llllie Cic* ero got lit a blow over Ben’s eye wheu a claim ol foul was called winch was not allowed, owing to a detect in the new rules. The police who acted as colored | reffei'ence, give it in as a draw battle. Gentle le.-.dcr, • ur edi orial staff can, of course, woiklor nothing, yet you can not deny that our composi tors must be [taid. One or two dol lars placed in an envelope and direct ed lo Daily Banner will reach us through the hands of Dr. Orr, our clever |K>slmaster. We wills.ndyiu receipt pr. postal card. The preparations of Iron and Calis* aya hi ers of teemed by Phosphoric Acid to Iron and Caiisaya be a can dilute before the Democrat ic CuU' ealiou fui|tlie office of Gov ernor. 1 know ol no political issues of principle or policy that need dis cussion uow, unless it be those which arise out of a personal contest tor the nomination. My subject would nec essarily, at least in a great measure, he myself. X am not sufiicit n ly in love with that subject to try to com mend myself upon the slump or else where as tiie fittest of all men for the hi^h office of Governor. t-hould l I-e honored with the nom ination, then il will become my duty both to speak and to work, for I i should then have greater and more my keeping "’ben iu well known to .1! practilion- I J , “l lorl “ ,,! . ».Urests m my keepm, f medicine, and are idghly , s-' h!,n |*J y , " d vldu , a , 1 «»•***»'• hel •d by the san. Dr. IlaTier adds c,,ul ' 1 ll, “ " . . , ,, ,. heiiii: sill -led to criticism and to to- Air ol j cii v bis permanent place of re-idence. ^ Aud to Iron and f ahsaya , J V!lllitl 1: , i ievillg N0 ,i A cordial welcome to you friend Snead. “ ,,d ' ,,aU ‘ s a ' n f ,e . c " , "l*; u, ‘ d - r I «ill agree will,'me in the pfopne.y ol l.t 1 the name ol Dr Harters Iron I’onu*. .. r, . : , , .. „ ... ‘ ^ J j * Tiie beautiful ami aceompli-beil ubieli lias become a very valuable use v e> s, eg 1 J ' The New Synagogue. The Israelites of our nity have pur chased ol Capt IS rum by two hundred feet, tunning the length of Jackson street, lor lue purpose of erecting a Synagogue ami Parsonage. This ac- iioii is very liberal, as Athens contains scarcely more than one hundred and twenty live Jewish people. Dr. J. Gnick, the Rabbi ot the church in deservedly popular, not only among ' j M iss Mamie I will, of Augusta, is now „ at the Lucy Col b Inslilnlc, and will remain there during Comiuencemeut. The citizens of Watki-.sville are happy in having a daily mail. Tne Daily Banner will now have a good ly number ot subset ibers added to its list. I he equanimity ot our devil is lost only, when a dog fight occurs on the street. He tbeii drops bis ‘slick’ ..nil throws ‘a quod’ with the unerring certainty ot a rifle ball. Our city contemp'ates erecting a system of water works. The City Council have appointed a committee his own cut grcgatiou, but among all i on the subject, and we await their re llie ciiiz ms ol Alliens. The design ; port with interest. tor the .Synagogue and Parsonage is j , , troiu the liauii ot our accomplished leliow citizen aud architect, W. W. Thomas a graduate (of several years Hiandilig) ot Col. Charboniiier’s school of Engineers, ft tale College ot Agri- ciillure and Mechanic Ar.s. Albons is growing. Lury Cubit la-lltutr Exervl-es. I’se a hundred years old and dare’s a family ob snakes up in dat ar cave- box dare, said an obi colored woman to Curtis Davis, a Carolina county census man. anil the c. ill. seized his hat and fled. . (’•omnience on Sunday by asermon by R v. Morgan Callo vny, D. D., iu tl • First Methodist Churcb. Monday morning the Primary French and Sophomore exercises at j the Institute at 12:30 o’clock, We acknowledge llie receipt of an iuvitnlion to attend the Commence ment exercises of the Georgia Bap tist Seminary fur Young Ladies at Gainesville, Ga,, from the 18ih to 24th inst. We regret our inability I to attend. An accomplished chemist nml phar- cry prescription l--r Dyspepsia, General Debility, Female di-ea-es Want- ol Vitality. Athens has two brass bauds aud { several of tbe members of each organ ization live near onr office and prac tice day and night. Oh, yes, we are very fund of brass music, especially llie struii s of the comet. An inde fatigable player is just op|osue the window- ol our office, by tile way be opens on u* now ! Stop a moment and we will tell you how il sounds (on paper: T-a-a-h T-a-li Te T-a-a-h Te T- a-a-li Ta Te Tnli-T-a-a-a-a-a-a-h Te - To be cintinued in our next, as a troublesome fellow has ju-t stuck a twenty dollar adverti-ement tinder our no-e, aud we always desert music foi^biz.* It is true, that next to Godliness is c'eaiiliness. We call the special aU tention of all of our citizens to the card of Capt. H. Cobb Davis, our efficient Chief of Police in our local Columns. Gentle reader, j<ni may think this a trifling matter now, but should you be Killed upon to follow to Oconee Cemetery some loved memlier jofyvur household, on account your ' neglecting the suggestions of our hoard ot health, it will be a sad reini- cu.-e me from complying with your request, w hich, 1 assure yon, 1 regret lo have to decline. Yours Very Truly, Rufus E. Lester. A Charming Picture. We s iw at Davis’s Pr<- uiiuin Gallery a mo t exquisite group picture of the children ot R K. Reaves, E-q It was a capital r- pre sentation ot every day child life, aijd looking at the b'ighl, cheerful faces oi A rnlcw, medium six-*. Imres grow with the [Hums nluio-l touching e; o. iv her, ighl or nine years obi. A 1 suitable reward will Im paid for ler;' return to H. B. Hi'iihk*. Milledgeviile Ave., Allien*, Ga. ATLANTA Haase to Heat. A desirable residence, for a small family, <>u Broad Street, below Mrs. Dorsey’s. One story, four rooms. For Itirtlier information apply to W. M. PITTMAN, Clay tout Street. Want's! Immediate!}-. Two good milk cows with young ctlves. Apply to F. PhTNIZY. Fields nnd Putter. The rush for those beautifal Sandal Slippers, Sandal boots and New'port tics still continues at the old reliable •hoe limi-e of Snead oc Co. Charlie Baldwin brought out a pair of Maltese cats from the North. They nic now on exhibition at the boss Shoe S'.or.. _____ The splendid Piedmont Hotel at Gainesville is open for the summer guests. Billiards, Ten Pins, Archery, Croquet and Dancing all free to the guest* of the House. This Hotel and that at Porter Spiings are under the same manages jinent. Iu its relations to the watering Gainesville, 820.81); Seneca City, , lu $23.05, Greenville. $25,00; Spartak j &*». :,,:d s “ m,, ‘ e r. r « sorl8 of >«►. »«!. o—k &.w - i iSTdSTSS *« wrl)r * Charlotte, $30,95. Tickets will be sold itCKets will lie sold to delegates::: VT 'W r .■ ' ... n .i - Tallnlnli Falls, and last but nut least, the celebrated Porter Springs. All Killed tbe ‘Gateway to Resorts,’ as it is the starting point to any and all of ciatio Convention, by either Ciuciii nati Southern Pailway. or via Louis ville and Cincinnati slioi t line. i . . . r . . „ ■- , j. „ Good to return within twenty day. | other points of mterett, including the m. dare ot sale. Salo i„ « old *"' 1 of ^0^™, are approached from dare of side. Sale to commence June 17th, aud close on 21st. W. J. Houston, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent. An KIrgnut Specimen of Art. through Gainesville. Terms: Piedmont Hotel—Per day, $2,00; per week, $10,00; per month, $30,00 to 40,00. Porter Springs—Per day, 81,00; per week. $10,00; per month, 830,00. June 11 dtkw 1 m. FOR STATE TREASURER Th • frieii*!* of D. N. SPEER* ol 4/ WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GEO I. DALLAS, - - - - SUPERINTENDENT The largest Slock of READY'-MADE CLOTHING south of B. ii more. We sell for • CASH QNL.Y, And our prices are twenty-five per cent, lower th:iii any house in the city. ONIaY one price. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Merchant* will .1. well to examine our stock when in Atlanta, or wc wiil-end Clothing on ap* E ruval. Orders filled promptly, and we will duplicate any New 'York or iallimore order at less prices. Givens ait opportunity and we will try and convince you. Address GEO. I. DALLAS, Sup’t., 41 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, On. 5 Many of our citizens have p :rh ips noticed of late, a gentleman on our streets who Inis been so unfortunate as to lose that prominent feature of bis face, the nose. It was eaten off about ten years ago, by a species of cancer, ,,, announce him as acan- I known ... medicine as lupus, winch ( d • - ffi ofState Treaslir , , also disfigured bis iqqier lip. In ad- j ditiou .o the general irregularities ot j the gemleinau’s face, one nostril othis : nose is dosed ; but, ill spite of so many j difficulties to contend with, Dr. J. A. • Chappie has succeeded in making an artificial nose, and fitted it on with the d earest preei.-ioii. The nose is made of vulciuiiz- <1 rubber, painted flesh color, and is adjusted to its proper \ place by means ot a rubber appendage ! wliieh is inserted into the remaining : nostril, and this with the assistance ot l a piece ot slicking plaster placed at I the upper junction of ihe artificial, ; and ilie remaining pan.-.1 the natural . nose, holds it s« enrely in ils proper place. The workmanship is of the fin est and most delicate order, and at a little distaneo il would never be rec* er, subject M the action of the Demo cratic convention. d&wtdp.^f 31A HKET__REPORT. Correct et! Dnlly by ltenvex, Nicholson & Co. COT ION. ATHENS, .June 14 , > ArilK >8 MaRKKT—l-voutl Mitltllil’i; Uiddliuv' 10 :v-h L**w niid-Mlnt: lo New York Market.—12 CiiALKSToM Market.—11 Savannah Market.—11 Augusta Markkt.-10 7-m Livkmiooi. Market—0 7-Xd. Market closKi quiet VACTOBY good*. Cotton yarns, ehulint? -4 shiniu«, LARGEST ASSORTWERT OF CROCKERY IN THE CITY. Housekeepers and Merchants can save * w* ^Inoney by buying their ^. China, Crockery Lamps, Glassware, Tin, Wooden and Willow- W a re, from & FiLANIGEN, Broad Street, Athens. ha* .ng pulled prices down to the pres ent level, LYNCH & FLANIGEN are now selling lower than most and as Vw any merchants in this section. Agents for the celebrated Van Dcnsen Whips ami Ihe LewisJChemical Company’s Ink. Hats per bush. 7ic(i|—. W’licat i*er littwh. . Meal |*t;r hus.t. ILiCon-lilted—7^4 7*4cto—: s’.ton.tier* —; hams Uc(n-. Ijtnl Sugar—erushed ll%c(^—; A llK2(j$—; Biuc^—; «xCH(u!i l 4—. Coffee—hio I.V(i»Ih; Java 28^% 30c Ten—uieeit oV(&—; black SofatS. Syrup 40c(J565. ognized ns a rtiniulaled member. This j chro^‘.‘ si»i» i;**,—'* ^"* * > i-^**r is certainly a grand -access in tbe way | » of substituting nature nv an, most creditable to the genius aud the the children, wo thought they wore I professional gentleman who aeen.n *u happy, so care nc«-; il rests the worlo’s weary bean n watch them at play, white iluir dear voices are the sweetest music to our ears. u Let them exult 1 Their limitli umt sou^ Are rurvly Riiown to hest too louj*. Why should we strive, with cynic trow Tokuoelc their fancy castles down. ’ plished the work. Uuard Against Coasiuiiiitlon. That life-ili-Mmying scourge. promiitly-uliduiiig with the aid ot c--' 1 : haml.tot | Barker’s Ginger Tonic every attack I of Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat. I There is nothing like it Acting pow> W0t)l'.illU|; sscr— cretin 14V«c(&J—. Klee 8c kit« .sOic* No. *2 kiU .'•alt |.ei hack $1.00&1.10 1LBATIIEU. llt-uil’M’k 2iktt|-h». Upper SCc(||—. HarnoM 45c (Sl-YO calf Skint*, per dt»z. R’2l U0&50.U). Dry bideti li.-f,*—. (Jreeit hides Cc<^—. HaGUINO, Tlfij AND KOPK. IbygiiiKi pvt yd. 10!-’2<<%ll. Tins i*«r liito.jli.4 Aupe—cotton •2**C(;«f—; gratis 15c@—. TOBACCO. by l ‘?lD**r»ujr N-V^fl.llO; smoking inuttCiS AL7 GRADUATED DRUGGIST IS THIS SECTION IN CHARGE. mTHFNS tPHARMACEUTIGAL GO., :MA\t Fl(Tl'RWtS|A\Il;llEU.EitS IV roacisti* a jewel in the crown of any ! niscence ofyotit life. Tuvsday morning, the Junior eg. i community. We have or.e in Allied: ’ I in the person ot Jos Jacobs, cultivate I him when you need the advice or :n- j sistance ol a first c'as.s druegi-t. lie i never ’makes a mist ke.’ i The grandest excursion of the sea* | son will leave for Atlanta via Georgia i Railroad, Finlay the 23rd of July, ! Commencement, week. Four roaches | for our white friends. Fare round l trip 82,00. Cali cn Sapp, lJrydye «fc I Morton tor tickets, d&w till23 I’ipc Talniadge says that fur ‘live bihiiion ai It :30 o’clock Tue-slay evening the concert by the -Music C ass at. 8:30 o'clock. Wednesday, Commeiicement Day. In ihe evening Young Ladies Recep tion at the Institute irom b:30 to X2 o’clock, .i/atrji. I'utillr SrliMil Not Ire. Airangeinciits have l»een made to . pen and continue the,free schools in L farkc eoiiiny tor three mouiiis. All teacher* of color interested will meet the Secretary ot the Board of In this litile grou]> of heart winners ; ertullv upon the blood and skin, and j Mr. Davis has made a picture that the nmcuous surfaces of the throat will attract everyone, and ot cour-e j am j lungs, it speedily overcomes these LIQUOR*. corn wtilskr »l.S0« Fcacli bran.l* -*2.7S^ A98.OO. Apple bmudy $2.75<«;3.0iJ. Wine—Ma- •leini |20**tu:b0M; Claret, per case, $4.60(a6.00: Sherry f‘2.00^)6.00; Champagne, per ca*e, $12.06 very mother will want her group ol darlings taken similarly. Convmtlim of A merirun I'kutograplirrs. By the photographic journals w: dangerous disorders, prevents the de- I velopraent of the dreaded cousump- | lion, and removes all pain and sore. | ness from the lungs. Il is wonder- j fully efficacious iu Dyspeptic afflic- sec that the American Photographer's j lions, and gives the most contorting Association have a convention ami ex position at Chicago in August. Mr Davis will not only attend, but with his u-iial enterprise w ill send on. a EVERY MAX HIS OWX MUSICIAN! “Wliat’v the good ot me buying a Piano or an Orttau! I can’t even play a jew,harp, tho’ I love music inity well. I wish to troodnesasome- bo-ly would invent an instrument that I could play.” So say thousands oi genuine music lov ers, and at last a musical genius has given them their heart’s desire. This new musical wonder. The Orgnlnette, is no toy or humbug, but the lues, marvellous musical instrument of the ngc. reliet from Headache, Distress in the r ii v ‘m„;, Tunes, Quadritlea, WaltSs, Stomach, Nervousness, Low Sjnrtts, J operatic selections, or Pojular Songs wltn per Wakefulness, Palpitation of the - *«••■«»»»»•-.»•» Has full feet aeon racy. A CHU.I) c.s slay ti Has full sweetttoue; durable; not liable to get out of order; weighs only 12 lbs. PHee,_ with six Kdueatiun at the Court House in Ath- stock’ he Kin beat anybody in Clarke mm on Tues.lav, June 2‘Jib 1880, at 9 | comity. His herd consists of a inagnifi- .•Ylnr.k a . ni. ; cent Corse, a member of the swine The while t-. acliers wil* meet me at family, a representative of the genus ihe same place on June30lh 1880, at I ‘bovine,’ aud a distant re aiive of the 5) o'clock a. in. Athens, Juno 4th, 1S80. II. U. Bernard. 8'eeretary Board Education. The 4irent Shm* Depart mi nt. L. B. ol* the firm t*f Sne.uJ .t Co , alter an absence of 12 months Ims returned to All ens to locate per- manently. lie will add another stock of slow* next week to the present siock, then you will sec one grand, ruainninih department of shoes, some* ilnng that will astonish the natives, and don’t von lor get it. The Alkrns tlislriel Conference. Abel* ai Watkiusville, Wednesday 1 ni jilt, Jill' 7th. Will include second .Sond i v. More than t>0 eliurlies and | animal ujioii which Balaam rode, all of these are ot the male |>ei>uasioii. M. It. K. Reaves and wife are now on n visit to relatives in Pike e jiiiii v. Rufus needs recrcaiior from his labo rious duties as bu-iiiess manager of the colossal bou-e ot Reaves, Xichol- :on & Co. We vvish iiimselt and vvite adelighllul trip and n safe return to Athens. A commercial tailnre—A firm up town di-n'ayed iheir sign a few days ago as F iscb <& Remington, a-lirli- sale ai d bobtail. As soon ns they luard that hard pan Sherman was defeated ai Chicago; they ap|Niinted .hi assign,.,.. They will r« siime, how ever, as soon as thd next peanut cop come* into market. A decided success. Wlial tu wear, and how to obtain it economically. Ridleys’ fashion Magazine, summer, contains stories, sketches, poems and home articles, by tbe most popular authors. A delicious song, (vvotdsaiul music), of ‘The Glorious Summer Time.’ A gntfd march. The latest ta-hions, profusely illustrated and grapliiKilly described, with shopping information, worthy many times its subscription price. 50k per year 15c. persilicic copy. Address: Rid leys' fashion Magazine. 309, 311, 3114 Giand street, aod 58, 00, 62, 64, 60| 68, 70 Allen street, New Y'ork Ciiv, X. Y. Free Shade, Middlesex Co Ya. Having used Dr. Hull’s Baby Syrup in mv family with the greatest degree of satisfaction, I unhesitating ly recommend it as the bes„ remedy that l know oftor children. Tims. Y. Lawson Heart, Heartburn, etc. It regulates lai-i'o exhibit of his fine productions. I the Bowels, correct* both unnatural ! Tuuii, $lir“extra tunes 25ct8,cach. Gaarmntecd * j looseness and constipation and stimu- j “r^M^rSiuW hues the Inver to healthy action. 1 - -• - - — -* -’ j Buy a 50 cent or 81.00 bottle and try j it. Sold by K. T. Brumby it Co. Tribute ur Respect. (Golden Rjle Lodge, No. 211,') Knights of Honor, -- Athens. Ga., May 26 1880. ) Whereas, it Ims pleased the Su it! thl An extraordinary chance for can- as-ing- ugents. Write for special • ul tr end great offer for 1880. lo liion M* 'az’tie, New York I ineut in the world. , (Invs trial If not satisfactory. TUuar.ends al ready sold uud not one returned. Xaxad Agents wanted in every Southern city and village. For lllnsjmtcd Catalogues und full particulars ad dress Lrnlden & Hates Savannah, On., Manu facturer’s Sole Southern Agents. Vtw. prenie Dic*.u!«r of the Unir- r workings ol His inscriitnlfo and ail- Ri Ifiy-’ wis Ptovidmce U> allow 'fie Angel ol Death lo again enter our Lodge room and snatch Irom our ni'd-i our lx loved brother, Liutou V\ . Sle- hens. Therefore, be it Besolefl, That in the death ol lwll , la r „, llc . lllu{ . Rrother L. A\ Stephens, Golden : j on; , ncndcd. They have the largest; ge, No. 211 Knights of lion- an j baiidsomesl line of Boots and I y. N. Y. HALIlWh A liffiXETT. liOOTS AND .Silt EA. The new shoe store ot Baldvv : n A Burnett’s is tomethiug Athens lus Wanted, Elegant Pharmaceutal Preparations TOILET REQUISITES. JOSEPH JACOBS, 3?h- Grad- Superintendent* Cor. Clayton Street and College Avenue, PRHSCHIPTIONS A. SPECIALTY. It id certainly v> ry fimni'ia-.ii g lo 6,000 meinher* will W represented, ] who followed the fortunes ol 1 h»* iJe egates by train should buy round j 'Rod (£Jros*’ from Manassas to A|'|*o trip tu-kels and will be met nt Alli ens, Wednesday, July 7th 34 p. tu., and convey d to Wulkinsville same evening, and returned Monday to take 0 a. in., train. Delegates by private conveyance will be me! by committee un arrival in Wulkinsville nnd assign ed home-. The citizens are prepared l,. welcome a full runlereuee. U. W. Bigiiam, P. fi. U i* not true that a man can’t do liii-iiie*u honestly and live. The prov- .•rh still holds. Honesty is the Inst It is better for :i man, if lie i-.-onida only his tempernl interest to f»e liniiesl. than not to lie. He will si end liet'i r t -r hi* integrity and o rightnc-s V. W. S-iff dealer in a d lepaiier ul fine Watebes, Cl sk*, J welrv it.’. Aib'-n*. Gil, . W eiu-v'er y.iii Hire' an “Id lady on ife -* e i «iro • («>.•! g'in yni may k-nov -fie ba-jusi (•■••lie o it olSiVeaifs ."-...I .-lee. Tin* veuilg billies ot ti*e fioiuesc: Onl el on ihe ewe«-t -c«-iiD-d c»Ver • n S li lav • veiling-. mat'ox, atid who reliienihero wi'li in tense disgust, all of the horrors and iota iea ot Kecoustrnclinu. to ls> eoni- pelled to listen to a eulogy Joe Brown, and that from tlm lips of one of Lee’s Paladins, and llie ‘Hern of Olus'ee.’ Lucy Cobb Instiiute—Mi n lay morning Primaries and Fre-h exer cises nt the In-titute, at 104 o’clock. Tuesday morning Sophomore aud Junior exliibitiou at 10 1-2 o’clock. Tuesday evening the concert by the music class 8 1-2 o’clock. Wednesday, Commeiicement Day. Iu the evening, young Inins r-ce]i- tion at the Institute. No one nerd hope to rise nlwve their present situation who suffers small things to pass by, iimiuprovt il nr who iiegb-cts lo jerk up a niellle t «v »rill*e it I- lint n dollar N i efd fails: to find a In-tter plaee 'o In; Jewelry", Spectael «. .te . tl A few -treet sprinkl -rs during the summer months would prevent dam age to a great many nice dry good*, nnd other wares, from the living Sili- eo«Ferrnginons particles which fill «ur street* and invade our stores. Then how about a fellow’s lungs! They are of more importance than anything els.*, let us have a few sprinklers now, then we will talk about city water vvoiks afterwards. Our merrhanls ami business men generally, fiave now during the sum mer months a fine opportunity to advertise at reduced Kites Will give you a fir t class displayed nd. ti r three mouth* on very liberal terms advertise now while the |ieople have plenty of time t > hear yon have to say. ’Ads’ in the Daily w : !I he transferred to the Weekly without extra cliarg The following gentleman have heen awarded Junior s|>eaker’s places, ul the approaching Commencement of the University ot Ga : FOR SCHOLARSHIP. E II Calloway. Wilkes Co.; A C I owe, Wilkes Co.; A L Mi-Crne (Chiphi), Tellair Co.; G H Nixon, (s8 A E). Richmond (ii.; M CPoiic, (K A), Wilkes Co ; W L Radnev. t.ATO), Tn.-ip Co.; II C Tu.-k, (P K 8), Clarke Co. FOR COMPOSITION. I A P Person*. (D S). T iffin* Co. J»J : B 8’amlers, (1* K S), Giesn Co ON liu'l. 'M.VTION. j J P Map h vvs. (P K S ; . Wilkes i Co ; .1 It -Sander-.. (P K S), Gieen I : Co. ; .1 G Cam .. (D S), Douglass 1 Rule Lodg< oi, has suflered the loss ot one of its most active, consistent- and worthy tnemfierg, aud oneVlio having llie in- j aav otheHmusc iutown terests of the Order fully at heart, hrd | a „;i Sl . e t |, en . also its prindples aud teachings iu ail their Polity, Truth and Beauty cii- c'e'ibly e' gnived ibereou. Jiet'jlved, Tliat tiiis Lodge lender ils heartfelt sympathies to the striek | ft'fines ever brought to Athens, and ! ore ottering them much lower than ' Go at once | 6niw. Ailju>'.ilili‘ Trusses. A full line of Sab-y’s Hard Rubber Trusses, double and single, just n Everylhidv in buy their (J Summer Slioes BALDWIN & BURNETT. Lost, • A Golden t>pportnnlt3’ if yon don’t buy your MW CCTT S»OBS en and l« v of our Brolfi- i eeived. Made in every Jesirnble er, and pray that the a'l mercilul pattern, fitting perfectly to form of body; light, Cis.l, cleanly, (fine springs coated,) free from all sour, rusty, chaffing, padding nr strapping un pleasantness. Used in hntliing; al ways reliable, and good as r.ew. j With the Pads so constructed, ana- : Geo. H. Palmer. John Gerujse, J. A. Grant. Power who tem|>ers the wind to tbe shorn lamb, may eourort and sustain them in their afflict i> m Jiesoleed, That n page in oar rec ord IsHik be inseiibed to the memory of our departed Brother, and that a copy of these resolutions lie furnished 1 lomieally, as to suecrssfully meet the to the citv papers for publication. : various and most Difficult forms nt ■■ ’ - * Rupture, affording comfort, safety, cleauliiiess, and durability, as the many thousands Radically Cured bv 1 their use will bear" witness. Also a full assortment ol Ladies’and Gents’ Shoulder Braces, Supporters, bandages, <&«., &•-. We will adjust nil trusses, if so desired. Athens Pharmaceutical Co., Cor. College Avenue andJCluytun S’j» m-9.wlf. Commenmnrnt Exercises or MLss Julia Muss’s Primary School on Frittny Last. Programme—Speaking and reeita t o i—Ernest Schirniaelier, Salutatory; James Barrow, Two Sqirrels; Andrew Green, tfieNew Pisket; Lamar Cobb, Jr., Speak i he Truth ; Yancey Hairis I Can’ and ‘I Can’t; ’ Sallie Hunter Mo**, The Minuet; Ilonry Howze, Piutmes on Memory’s Wall { Bolling Stovall, Fuss at Fires; Ilunter Gold ing, Thu Village Blacksmith ; Wav- land Yarlsirough, Men who Never Die; Pauline Hairi., The Dead Doll; John MioD. Eiilogy un Debt; Gerald Green, TheGeogra|il y Demon; New ton laiwralice, Hallowed Ground BirdVMoss, The L:i«t Hymn. Athena June l tUfifrom 12 to I o’clock. An Urgant Preparation. De-igned to meet thu public want for a harmless hair-dressing and restora tive, is found in Parker’s Hair Balsam It acts like inagic, commencing at the j very root*, removes Dandruff and all i 1 Immor- from the scab', and never 1 I fails to restore gray or faded hair to j j its original youthful color and beauty, j _ fi'alling hair is immediately checked : | by its use; and it pro-lure* a growth 1 j of beautiful you -g hair, soft, glossy | BALDWIN & BURNETT Found, A Mammoth Stock of Stylisk Goods At I*ottom Prices nt BALDWIN & BURNETT'S. m.iy 25-d&wrSin ^ s UNIVERSITY BOOK & JOB OFFICE, WALL STREET. ATHENS, GA. Book and Job Work Co College Avenue and Clayton Street, , A.'EEL'ElTSs GEOE.GIA- SIANUFACTURERj OF AND IlEAbERS IN Single s.iicl Double Seat Buggies, Top Carrt r es, and One and Two-Horse * v ’igons and fine hand-made Harness. C.i*r»*£e repairing »’id pnintintr done in the nettenf and most dnrnble manner, n* *1 i t ’ prices. Having^^ntlad up additional buildings for my Paint ard Hrimcaa worK. «»*d ' a*!* workmen in evory department, I am well prepared to I'airiuire " ork r.t Aclcamitltiii^. Uain^ the beat of material and everything bejnv und«*i out, I jruuntutfeo my work iu cveiy particular. BE FOUNDS Ihe Celebrated wheeler & ^il SIf HE- son Promptly Executed. is & A_3 _ . BR.OKJBR, ^ Mr. and Mr* A. B. Ili.ward'aud j »*"• bixuriant. that surprises every ATHENS, • - - * GEORGIA. w ILTsbnv and «tdl on_Cotmiib*ion a SecurT- Mi- Mattie Tramm-*. ai rived in nur I Ihesepmp rties mlde 1 lo its, city Saiunlav Mr. llmvsr i ami Mr. I «xqn»-U.- i^rlun.e an I purity «d com- J„ i. G. I’ramm.-l - ill lake cnarge ul i l"^ 1 *'*' • 11 *““ e«'Wliig lavnis the S.. James Hulel. table evi-rv « here. Shift’s if ynn cn in.t pic- up the uiek* j Co.; W W Hardy, (D S), C-owere el., vuu e»n nv- i hem Miss Cura Brown, of Atlanta, veiling relative- and friend, in i tie of the t ile , „ , , . , .tjufil in large Ihi tie*, ai 50 ceiiVs Harry Ja k-.m, ol A’liina. j re. R T.dfrumby. ■ml; r ties o. aU kind-. Office: ai the Hank of tl** OuiVttwi >. Helen* to Y. I.. «. Ifurria, i o diu.ui . l’iiiulzv, StcveuA Tliuma>. s mu vol.'ll m r.. is | Capt. J. M. Edwards, Supt. Mao >h ■ur df Brunswick Railroad, is in the oily, , un a -li.irl visit !■• hi* taimlv. The Daily uamikb at Feming ha- kuidiv e.'iuseut'al in delivei the! anuiiul ad-lres. In line tbe Alumni Sm-iety ••f tiie University <>f Georgia, j & An 'erson’s Bimk SloD. at llie appuittchitig Co.nnieueemetit. ‘ Rem I Hkiffs silverliseinent. DRS A.F1WJ DURHAM SgSOIAZsISTS, SIIRIIKUV. ellROMC IUKE1SKSIIF MALK AND | 1 #i dtle. and VwimtiL WiH tI4I palipat* la u| Sum-of the Athens girls donne.1: "rtm^ro!'r‘.-r»v.o n Mvtta.i.pktn ! thetr first “trail-” tiiHidav • - - — THE BEST IN THE MARKET^ Als he Davis!,Vertical Feed Machine, which is <-mi-i<lere.l as good fi chiue lor tl e money as any ip thc.Markct. 1HE HENRY8T&WARTMACHINE, which will toitipare favm-s ablyivi th any maebim* offered. Ami last hut not It fret, THE AMERICA* SEW1STG MACTIINE, which alnady has a wide reputation. AU ’he above Maclinos arc for sde at The WHIICLEli & WILSON Serving Haeliinu Ofli OH TISOMXR STREET, f>PP. REAVES & NICHOLSON'. LY JOHN -wiaxnxr, .pl 27.. t TH IXIA.S STI.KET ATHENS,,UA. •Vt nnpO*.