The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1880-1881, September 21, 1880, Image 1

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The dentil ol Lord Stratford places a part or :tt Mr. Gladstone’* disposal. Cologne Cathedral, as it now stands, represents nn expenditure of ten mill ions ot dollars. An early winter is anticipated in Germany, bee mse the migratory birds there havo this year stated southward sooner thart nsual. Several nndergraduates ot the Ger man University of Marburg have been 'sentenced to three months’ im prisonment in a fortress for duelling. A prise of forty acres of land is offered to the counlo who will be married in front of tne grand stand at the Michigan State fair. A New Orleans actress put what sho supposed was arnica on tier face; in the dark; but it was iodine, and she will not go on the stage again for a while. Digs chased the murderer of their roaster, at Navas ita, Texas, but only held him last when they caught him. Tho human pursuers were less'merci- ful, for they hanged him ton tree. Captain Howard and GArt-ett of the British navy have had to pay $21.75 tor letting their dogs worry a cat for the diveision of the officers at Ports' mouth. Thackeray was an original • Member of the Reform Club, and many of his writings were penned there. His p'oi>. trait is to be placed as a pendant to Macaulay’s. Patrick & Simplon, the London literary auctioneers, lately offered for sale a poem by Burns, written by him on two panes of glass, which once formed part of a summer house. Moon after the death of Baron Lio nel do Rothschilds it was contemplated to establish a memorial in his honor, hat tho movement has not been per severed in, and the donations have been withdrawn. The Crown Prince of Austria will receive from the aristocracy of Vien na a wedding present of an albnm, each leaf of which will contain draw ings and water-color copies of the most celebrated paintings. The first stone of the Temple Bar memorial has been laid in London, It will he thirty seven feet high, and in the niches will he life size marble fig ures of the Queen and Prince of Wales. “ How under heavens am I to along now?’’ was the regretful mark ot shiftless Hank Munroe of Lebanon,- Mo, after he had, in o mo ment of anger, kilted the wife who had long supported him. Two Iowa hojs were mousing them selves by throwinara heavy ramrod as high as they could. One of them met his death by the missile descending with the velocity of a bullet nnd pen etrating his head. Among the Sisters of Mercy who seewnpany the Russian array are two Princesses and a beauty with a fabu lous fortune. These women maintain out of their own means the well ap- pointed ambulances to which they are attached. The French Minister of Justice re- ports no increase of thirty-eight per' cent . In cfTme.s'of 'vidlenceTihtee 'lSTR Volume LXIV. GEN. GORDON AND REV. D. ' E. BUTLER. get (From the Milledgeville Recorder,] So many misstatements have gone abroad in relation to an unpleasant disagreement lietween Gen. Gordon and Rev. D. E. Butler, in the discus sion in this city, that we publish the following, from a gentleman who was present on the stand at the time, which may be accepted as a truthful account of the whole difficulty: In the course of the joint debate between these gentlemen on Satur day, 4tb inst, an unfortunate issue arose productive at the time* oYIT gooff deal of feeling. Gen. Gordon in his speech charged that a large proportion of the opposi tion to Gov. Colquitt arose from dis appointed aspirants. Mr. Butler in reply denied this charge, and turning to Gen. Gordon remarked quite ex citedly, “I hurl it in your teeth.” Mr. Butler immediately proceeded to as sert that during Gen. Gordon’s term as senator, just before its close, an anomalous spectacle was presented in the United States Senate, in this, that Georgia was at one and the same time represented by three Senators on the floor of the Senate, and that the at tention of the Senate was directed to the si range condition ot affairs by some senator, whose name, lie, (Mr. B.) had forgotten He was proceeding to dwell upon this fact as indicating something 1 sus picious in tho manner of Governor Brown’s appointment, using these words “tellow citizens would this have excited your suspicion When Senator Gordon arose (as he had a right to do by special agree ment for the correction of any mis statement of facts,) and said, “that he could not suffer himself to be misrep resented before his people as to any A FIELD FOR PHYSICIANS TO \EXPLORE. ' [From the New York Son.] ’ 1 Of all scientific men in these days, the most interesting to talk with are physicians who keep up with the ad- vauCe of their profession in the many directions whither its explorations are now tending. Medicine inclndes at present a very comprehensive field, is growing to be more of a science, and stands ready to contest'with the old mataphvsictans the right to occupy ahd hold ta' its secure possession the ground they have regarded 1 as theirs alone. The physician is the' modern philosopher, and gathers the facts from which be diaws his conclusions by the dissection of the brain and the study of the nervous system, whereas the metaphysician only looks into his own consciousness for the proofs to sustain his system of psychology. Physicians of a wide and varied practice are now called on to treat so many morbid developments which once were deemed to be curable only by the doctors of sonls furnished by the Church, that they are getting greater opportunities than ever to study the peculiarities of human na ture. Tln-y are, moreover, the father confessors of the people, and that priest wa9 right who said to a distin guished physician, “You and I are the men wfio see the world from be hind the scenes. If priests and doc tors should violate the oaths to secre cy which gain for them bo free and wide confidence, what an uproar there would be in all pans of society I” At the meeting ot the Social Sci ence Association in Saratoga on Wed nesday, Dr. Walter Channing of Bos ton read a paper, in which he urged the importance of greater and more E cneral study of psychology or psycho- igicnl medicine by medical men Miss Flora Sharon, daughter of Senator Sharon, is betrothed to Sir- Thomas Hesketh, a wealthy English man, who, in the course of a tour round the world in his steam yacht, has been making n stop at San Fran cisco. Continental nobles often carry on large on their estates hut large liritish and Irish land-owners seaie.ely ever do so. Many quarry stone and slate, and raise coal, but, except brickmnking, scarcely any en gage in manufacture. Mrs. Hutchinson lias sued President MeGhimphy of tho Lincoln (III.) University for slander. She , under took to keep a students’ boarding house, but the President turned the boys awsy from her by speaking dis paragi.ngly of her character. Tho practice of snake-fpeding with live animals at the London Zoological Gardeus is complained ot Special stress is laid Cn the case of an unhap py Gninea pig with a young family, who tried to shield them with hi body from the pitiless reptile. Dr. Legge, the Professor of Chi nese at Oxford, England, says if the present rat* ot conversion of the Chi' nesc to Christianity continues, by the year 1913 there will he 20,000,000 of church members, ahd 100,000,000 of profesting Christians In the Chinese empire., , Fi re Prussian officers of the general staff—the infantry, cavalry, artillery and gendarmerie respectively—have, with the sanction of tiie German Gov ernment and the War Office, accepted the invitation of the Sultan to enter his service for the purpose of attempt-, ing reforms in the Turkish army. - ‘ Arundel Castle is being almost wholly rebuilt One wing is already renewed, and on its completion the other will be pulled down. When this has been done, the centre, wliivh » of the gingerbread order, will look so poor beside tbs new work that it will probably be razed. The cost will be 81,250,000. . i John Sweet of Buena Vista, Iowa, grew tired ofhis old wife and gave her half ofhis property for a release from his matrimonial 1 bond. Then he eloped with a younger woman, who speedily stole Jiis remaining money and deserted him. Disheartened and penniless, he returned to his wife, and she took him in. of his official a-ts, and that he was Medical psychology treats the mind surprised at such a statement made as a function of the brain, and there by Mr. Butler, for that Mr. H itler fore it proceeds upon facta of obser- ought to know that “that statement vation, and not upon pure reasoning, was not true in fact.’’ It proposes to build np its philosophy Mr. Butler turned excitedly to after the scientific method of indue- Gen. Gordon, and bringing his right tion, and to make of it a thing of hand down violently in the palm of substance and of practical use. his left, said with great excitement, Dr. Channing therefore, sees in the “but it is true.’’ Gen. Gordon, with development of medical psychology emphasis, but coollv,replied, “Sir it is the prospect of more certain and ef- false.” Mr. Butler called out, “Sir, fective methods of treating mental take your seat,” whereupon Gen. disease, something about which wo Gordon replied, “I will not take my are now hearing much oftener than seat and allow my official acts to be ever before. Physicians have great misrepresented by any man, especial- opportunities for studying and under- ly a disappointed office seeker like standing mental and physical peculiar- yonrself,” Mr. Bntlcr replied, ••pro- ities, and therein are the most power- ducethe proof.” Gen. Gordon an-1 ful weapons lor combating insanity, sweretf, “the proof is that I myself If they improve these opportunities, endeavored to obtain an office fob you we shall gradually advance to a aei- from Gov. Colquitt, fit your own so- j entific treatment of a form of disease Imitation.” Mr. Butler asked, “what I which', in time* past, hah been regard- office?” Gen. Goidoti said, “tlmt of l ed ns beyond the ken of man, as, in Railroad Commissioner.” fact, si rooladv mysterious and of ;dc- Gen. Gordon then went on to ex- I raoniac origin. . plain that he did not hold his office as - Dr. Channing asks tho question Why Senator one moment after his suocefe I one out Of every ■ 200 or 300. • persons sor was elected and qualified, and become* insane. To get the trite and took his seat. Mr. Butier proceeded defimte answer to that, is the business With bis speech, admitting that Gen. I of-life 'psychological physician; and Gordon’s charges wet* true and I the'xnawer will be of the most mo- thought that he had been very badly j teentoasimfrortanee, because insanity treated by Gov. C., and had a right goes on accumulating by transmission to havo bad feelings towards him. | from generation to generation. If ire. And as he closed, Gen. Gordon ap- can find the origin of the disease, we proacbed him on the stand and said i I may go farto eavs-fiiture generations •‘Mr. Butler, I desire no feeling in from the roost terrible linfliction .► hu- thia matter, I think we each owfe the I inanity has to bear. To understand other an apology.’’ Mr. Butler, re- j thediicase, we must know tho laws of plied very excitedly, “Sir, I owe you physical and moral hialth Yet* of all no apology and this must not occur the many brandies of the science of a<»ain.’’ Geu. Gordon said soothingly J medicine; psychology is least Innght A special guard of fifty halberdi ers is now 6n duty, day and night, In the old palace at Madrid. A medi cal staff, sufficient for an army corjfs in active service, is stationed then*. A company of female nurses sufficient' for the wants of a foundling hospital, 'pd there. Orders have been to the representatives of the mos( ancient aristocratic families of the realm to appear there at a mbs meat’s notice. With theta will contei —in obedience to W similar summons* —committees of th^ ' National Legis lature, deputies from tho historic provinoe of Asturias, delegations from the various orders of chivalry, the chief officers of the army and navy, the prime minister and the minister ct justice, the patriarch of the Indies, the arohbishop of Toledo, members of the venerable and sacred Tribunal ducalas Ko'a, and the entire diplo matic body. The event which de mands such extensive and elaborate preparations and snch an illustrious convocation of spectators, is the birth Of an heir, or heiress, to the once splendid Spanish crown. The cere monial which is to follow that event is as grand and grotesque as the pre liminary arrangements. The first lady of the bedchamber—the Marchioness de Santa Cruz, whose lineage stretches beyond the Crusades - WiU announce the arrival to the prime minister; the prime' minister will make formal proclataiition to the assembled multi tude; the king will then appear bear ing the’’ child upon a golden salver blazing with precious stones; the prime minister will raise salver and contents so that all may see; the minister of justice will solemnly re cord the birth and certify to the same; twenty-five cannons will belch forth thunderous congratulations it it is a son, fifteen if it is a daughter; the national ensign will be raised if it is a son, a plain white flag if it is a daughs ter; and, after the proper interval, the son or the daughter," as the case may be, will be baptiz d by the pri mate of the kingdom m water brought from the river Jordan, contained in a priceless vase of Bohemian crystal spangled with silver. Then, it is to be hoped, the royal baby will be per- mitlted to rest in pea-ie. If that baby were the destined em« peror or empress of the earth,its advent could not be hailed with more pomp and circumstance, more of that stupendous show we read dream of in Roman and > Byzan* ttae'palaceswhfetf the Cromre nailed the world. And yet the bab*!#itt be uncommonly fortunate.'if it cut its teeth in exile, and siteftd 'boy hood or girlhood, manhood or* Wo manhood wandering over Europe as the father did.* There is scarcely a remote probability’that when ready to mount the throne, the prince or prififcfess ' will 1 have any throne to mount. The beat possible monarchy would have e very insecure footing jo Spain, but a monarchy of the Bourbon sort, whose \wesent representative is the sonoftfre notorious ' Isabella, is liable to disappear between sunset and sunrise. Alfonso’s authority reels upon mere sufferance.- The people endare him until a favorable oppor tunity Offers tegit rid ot him. “ He is the cTOtiture of accident, and may ‘be ttfmade as-easily as made. He is , ;•*! *»!! oliUq»r Albany,i, 'jirue! have an organization which, .they call ilqnitt Tbnoder Club.’’ Gbrdott spoke in Eatonton iy 1 ,-andWas received [• with en- rdombs has spoken in Wash-' * in-Habetsbatn county, for ! ««l -<U ■'} ,r; dALlNTES AT WASHING- -i .siimy TON. ’*• - !i • “ «*-d .(liii bitaii-u- vi • iiii .1.1 }; dependent pained McDonald ; for Congress in the first (on the principle of a : ghiet answer, and leOstundereteod, even by the moa Ac.,) “ we roust have unfeeling and j learned: professors. 1 i i '■•- ■> if you think I owe you an apology, T| Of teveq persons who become in. you think 1 owe you an apology, it Of deveq persons will make it, for I am sorry it. nap-'| satie, according to the' _ pened.” ' ‘ '- “'“'Tax recover and tivh die The parties theft left the stand and { tack. 'Of the sfre who afterwards at the Hotel, Os Get.-Got- | more thari tWo remain wcQ daring the their lives—tbef , 'athek don was leaving, Mr. Butler CMM I remain' lowed attacks, from and shook hands with him and Gen. I foi Gordon said that v te thought' Mr. I w [ Butter was making a phrsbnal attack |HoIv to reduce thenumber of 1 ''we apon his integrity "winch Mr. Butler I son g attacked, how to if— 1 -— disclaimed, and the gentlemen parted sma u proportion of clues, on friendly tertas, with a hearty shake treit those whe' TwVtaie, rT of the haiid. {lunatics, pre questions of the p importance. Tire well being pf Sodei In nf nvnaaiil’nnl) anniatat In /tnfnik sfitl' MAINE. yli: ’S: <|*v There rooms little >oom to'Apiibti which shill furmsh tbetadsnh Of pro. iSwaS: publicans. Mr. Blaine himself, in *| • ■ '■> r , '■ -r i >■ 1 telegram to Mr,■'Garfield, says! ‘ *’ ' te -W-L-af" ’ I -ressional disteicta, while tho Fusion-1 ap( ] the most vivid lightning, sts have earned the fourth "d fifth. I iollowuw flash taiqu'ck succes- Tiic Repuhlicapa hayo^carried both There ha* been .*i. poBtioM branches of the Legjslaturo bjj »|meeting’her© that evening, sod.the vifisgdfc San Francisco Society isdi terested in a report that Mi S.Grant,' Jr* was • ei gaged, has jilted the young man. He appeared in public with a girl described as “not over nice,” and when Misi Flood heard of it she terminated the. engagement. The property loss to vouug Grant iseomethirg like $2,500, 000. A funeral pmoeesiin at I Oxford, Ind., found itself without a minister when the grave was reached, After aii embarrassing delay, a ragged tramp, who was passing by on a rail road track, stopped, announced that he was a clergyman, and, the mour ners consenting, proceeded with the services, conducting them to the sate tsfjclion of all. The wifi Of Sir Slephsn Cave, one or Lord Bcaoonsfield’s Monsters bp > been proved under $1,750,000 person ally, Uia realty was about $100,000 a year. Ho was formerly of the banMnrfiftn of Prescott, Grote&O^ in woich Grote, the historian, ,wai a partner. The will of the Lord Belper, vhe cotton lord, has been proved un dor $1,000,000 personalty. A8 >cjl i ...... ,»Ai.u^i« , About midnight of.Saturday; Ca 1 ^ ■T-r-.-7 7T-; - j-- I doom, Marion county, was visited by ried tue first, second «id third con- a wrr jfi 0 thunderstorm, accompanied the last valuable relio of her mighty >1 : . arohs of Europeand crushed into abject eubmiswon the* most powerful naiwum' nf A mnnin ii , : TliAn . ! Am *nm Davis' iiid Plaisted have «ch | ^rS'i’bri^bi^^^'in taSil krep down rebellion_at 8iona ] Hfoe?' ’ ’ „ w „ over seventy-two thousand, vptes, fiKht wlSwK??W»S ^ ^ > ? OT ^? t,on >n * wn * ' ™ « with the probabilities in favor. of j k, gle lriand.—Spanish eoffereoncaeveivi aea?!5t!l!t*!S*arE!5' cratioparlyihMaiuo. Ou{ reiovam Was tp loudcr aa.the light became A<M “3L ,ta •™P 9 nevermore accurately tidjen, and !t I brigbterT" Grads^y”*Vbq’ roaring pompoW pertormanereat owed on Wednesday Itait the total a hissing^ spari^ngsonn^ Madrid only serve cd remind m forget- vote for DOvis of a trifle bffer 76.0001 firt generatioo of fihnnish glbiy^lhet with an assured majority, of 6000 a* LhK anATpo^ SSng.lnto ^PoW^ 8 * ,d the mmjmnm. jVtte.four days pi«- the street,; « ma,n ceding the electic^jje los^over 8,000 mow j,,g tbrqugj|«the...aii]teen|, the votes b y porifceasu The teTap.-M managers of tiie National DwpOferh^ least twentyifive |(*e> m.d»w®tsr..r^f campaign, and wl^h db pot roll Tbr U o eared tifo earth., qould; urther specification frotafie The pUWK’bfllWU ,Tho body struck t& total cofc weeudbledntftotaftS.QOO AftrtAqf the viUage;.end bnriefloverdone-half otitscU iq ' ground. GftqA dudg|*.wirimatq 11 l • weight*!,; three tnAy* tww,,l»t|,._.. .. I beat M jretjaOjgTeat tha%^t,» !tll>COlq^ The wife of Gen« ~ Ohio, drew the plane She is small of stator-^——- ..—- ty of look that is a kin to shyness, terday. wlm, ^ and batthb opposite **-that wwoer the tepd On wb** if W^.hps bemt which would attract Attention in a tered $300,feriit, iw> ‘,, -u ^ a a L.In fimt, you la*oold bardly I .,j tnrro tervrmncrr .niMj her in a crowd. At all,'bat rather | The profit ofSing Sing prison forthe atafireside. 'i'-v i’ ’Iteih to $100,000, and. tile from beyond the were A.oorrctponderifo of; the Baltimore Sun, whq says there » some dispute about the repeal of the ^salary-grab” biH,1iaa elicited information '• lor thW sun o* the subject of the ‘•salafy-grat*’ and salaries at Washington. ■ Tho editor says: “The so-called “sajar drab” bill tacreased the salary of ti President j ■vic'e'Picsld'ent and men hers of the Congrem, but the '“grab” part'of it was -the!.retroactive clause by wbteh wmbem, voted theowel “back pay” at the increased rates bidary from the beginning ot the Con vict catechism” teems toi gress for whrelr' they ’ wero blectedi ' of living bootaer- When the reaction came- members, put back their salaries to the old fig ures ; they could not, however, com pel a restitution of the back pay, and contented themselves with providing that any money relunroed by mem - bers might be covered back into the Treasury. The salary of tho Presi dent is now $50,000 a year, that of tho Vice President $8,000, those of Senators and members of the House of Representatives $5,000 a year, with twenty cents per mile mileage, payable each way once each annual session, and 8125 per annum for newspapers and stationery. The salary oi the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is $10,500, and of each of the Associate Justices $10,000 A member of Congress who lives iu Salem, Oregon, would receive $6,925 per year, or 813,850 for each Con gress, while a Senator living in Bate timorc only receives $5,141 per year or 810,282 for each Congress.” Illustrations now add io the scur rility of some el the political papers of Georgia. Chatham county will present the name of A>. Pratt Adams, as a candL date for the nomination for Congress. The Milledgevillo Recorder thinks Baldwin county will go for Colquitt by 700 or 800 majority. Col. R. E. Ksnnon, elector tor the State at large, lias gone to Ohio to enter the canvass. The strangest thing in the guber natorial canvass is the. position of Judge Warner; the ugliest is that of James Milton Smith. There is some prospect of the elec tion. of Judge Fou, the independent candidate for Congress in the fourih district. Union county is said to be solid for JocKBrown to succeed himself. We haVe jet to find, in reality, any coun- ty fliat'is solid-on any question. A note to the Constitution says Ha)mr*ham will give Emory Speer 800 majority. Emory is a young game- oock, and it is hard to tell bow big a majority he is going to gut. Gfiv. Colquitt and Hon. Rufus E Lester h?d a discussion at Louisville, Jefferson county, Monday. Both wofi a decided victory, as is usual in sucb'ffltes. CoL ! W. S, Bassinger, lawyer; Capt. Geo. M. Nichols, workingman, and Maj. D. U. Bacon, merchant, were nominated for the legislature Cbathamcounty. / - JudgeLochrane Is giving advice as to “what the South should do,” in jegardtetl -- - ......: although she hasn’t said n Word Ouy old home, Macon, is'getting-a severe lambasting from the press of the state for the disgraceful manned in whtcH Gov. Colquitt was treated in fhe discussion between himself and Mr. Norwood. ' • •" f Hon. Judson C. Clements ia can vassing the seventh district: Mr. Clements evidently ha* as mnch pluck as the DOinocrttts in Maine, but not quite so godfl a chance for success. •' e ! ■ Hon.. A. O. Bacon bar_ been' re nominated fpr the legislature from Bibb county. This is as it phould he. Oapt. Bacon, like Mr. McDapie), qan- not he sp^red from our Stale legisla tion. . ; ’ ’ / j* .. Hon. H. P. Bell spoke at Blairs- NOR WOOD'S BLOW. DEATH ONE IJIPORTAXT Ttlt.VG. We have seldom seen more good sense in the same space, than is con tained iu the following brief editorial, taken from the Macon Telegraph and Messenger; The only very important thing in these elections in Georgia, we can think of, is to vote peaceably and on good behavior. Both sides having, by failure to settle their own difficul ties, virtually invited the colored brethren to come in as arbitrators, should recognize the claims of the latter to respect and the fullest suff rage—so that they will be able to set, tie .this small difficulty between the whites with due regard to the rights of all concerned. Any attempt to storm and bulldoze will be verv dan- 1 ; a (Atlanta Conrtitution.j .. ;; The camlidacy of ,Mr. Norwood- condemned to overwhelming defeat from its inception—received its death blow In the failure’ of the attempt to secure for it the endorsement of the Republican Convention. It has been known: for some time that a desperate attempt would be made to have the Republican conven tion indorse Mr. Norwood, and that - prominent men have been working to that end. All intelligent observers have known from the first that with» ont'lhis Indorsemrert • Mr.~*N or wood’s candidacy w^a a dismal farce. Gov*, ernor Colquitt had already demon strated that he waa the overwhelms ing choice of the white people in the Democratic primaries. He carried nearly two-thirds of the primaries against the combined strength of four men, either one of whom is stronger and more available than Mr. Nor* wood. It was not to he hoped, therefore, that Mr. Norwood, weaker than either of the four, oould reverse an overwhelming verdict of the Democrats already recorded in favot of Governor Colquitt against the four combined—especially since Governor Colquitt lias been greatly strength ened by the remarkable occurrences since that race. Clearly, then, the only hope for Mr. Norwood was that the solid Re publican vote might be secured to him. The plan to capture this vote culminated in an open attempt before the Republican Convention, led by the venerable Mr. Norcross, who, re membering his own fate when oppo sing Governor Colquitt four years ago, felt a sympathy for Mr. Norwood. The result of that attempt to bolster the failing cause has been written in these columns. It wits received with shouts ot indignation and laughter— was opposed by every sjteaker who followed, finding not a single advo cate, and was finally tabled by a vote of 72 to 6. Thus ended the attempt to bag the Republican vote’for Nor wood—and thus perished the last ray of hope of a candidacy conceived in blindness and folly, headed by a weak; ambitious man, and doomed from its birth to sorrow and tribulation. The Yale of Tempo is included in the territory, now . proposed., Jo be ?TW The Boston Common Council have r.efused permission to-the Orangc-m- n to display their regalia in a municipal procession. ’ In Naples the bathing and swim ming establishments have been desert ed because a shark, 24 feet !ocg, J had’ been seen entering the bay. The German authorities are pur chasing largely io England for cavalry mounts. At the great horse fair of Horncastle over i,200 were booght. Among the successful candidates in this year’s class of the Cambridge University Higher Examinations is Mias Helen Gladstone, 'daughter of the Premier. A recent thunderstehn in the Sltef- «4d dtotefctr (Ofi-EogUed, *d ig re*t damage at Wentworth Parle, belong ing to Earl Fltawilliam, where six stags and three buffaloes were killed by lightning. A circas was at Lancaster, Ky., and during an Indian scene, when many pistols were discharged, a young man arose in his seat and shot a po liceman dead. There appears to have been no cause tor the deed except ex citement. , v . ,., .. ., , gerous to the public peace; and since we see in the present situation how o the presidential race. .The.-very-easy it will be to make this ar- jpHymdWB slfigal; wo knout rangemcifl oia colored'arbitration of Democratic quarrels a permanent in stitution of ttid State, we ought, to set about at oope and practice for it, so as to bear it philosophically. We have ionly to say I. will and I won’t strong Chough, iiftf'push 'things “at all hai* ards anitete' the last extremity” al ways, aod.the i respected children ojf Ham will hereafter always settle our disagreements, and, in no great time will give ns the shell, while they take the oyster. We are in a fine way for white men, and.must see it; but the more we rsYP the ., worse it will be, & toy kidg.-lolmted until- the nation is ready! to govere itself. Some fine v^orntbe' Sir'^corresp^eni morning wo will refttl fit our breakfast that he usod up Sp^er. /&». tables tfetTherojmlpipa, mam. and ^ 8tnte mente should alw^a here- baby hayeflitted across 4he Chived with due allowance, whether find rtfla-efn* French-or Italian bos lhey arc niad<J by your c , tbe tel, and that SpSin haa undertaken man » 8 another republican experiment. “ I' ' _ _ „ If AlfoasO’s sceptre_wa9 tat *"««te{ ( . Tl^Coffee Comity (^zetto aslts: nettrated THE XERBY, CHEERY WHISTLER. Fabulous Fun.—“The Credit Moblier scandal has given much pain. * •* * Let us pray to be delivered from that conditioo \yherp life and nature have no fresh, sweet sensations for us.”—Gat-fiekPi Letter to IS. ‘A’ ffindsdale, December 31,‘1872. While a fox who had just stolen & fine goose was running away, with his booty thrown over his shoulder his tail was caught in a trap and cut off pretty shaft, which gave him much polo. ' Soon afterward.,in moralizing with his friend* the owl, over the in stability, of earthly tails and the pain .which sometimes comes to foxes through an inordinate appetite for goose, he said, 'sitting down upon his aterapforahe [sake of appearances: “ My dear friend* let ua pray delivered from that cop'dition' (oucb 1); where life and nature have no fresh, sweet sensatioiA for Us.”—-New - York World, .ul.. . . :. 1 1 I, wonder frow, many of us realize wfiat a pleasant thing a man's merry °niy r ;^ ttle?”„ To which the Mi- pass to Ms child as Victories is. tei j pass to the Prilf edef Wele^ eben%liei* I it would be'a worthless bauble' com-*-1—.— - pared With ’ tie Spanish sceptre of fomght. bettL . — foriner times. The power which; an taouTel^raph -rejfoes: “ He • 41 the 'Gihion'says,' once Khfeatened the :onRi mira now.rtttanng for Governor, liberties'Ofthe Old>-World and -»-< wKS ever fonght pnO.” /• vaded thh (freanres bfthe-NeW;”-has' A meeting of tho Demoerals of shfufik ‘ into'‘ rignifiaince.' The do- Gltathaih county recommended Hon. minion -which'wide included tie fahv A. R. Lawton as .candidate for the eitportioita 69• Italy-end ■ Germany,’ United States Senatj % Gen. Lawton all of what is now Holland and ‘Bel- fr a true and wpr(hy man, but his po- ginm, nearly'all of Soirth' Amerioa,- . sitiou on tho gubernatorial question urge part of Nhrtb'AtaeriCs and the will hot help him' any. He plated choicest islands in the gulf,: hasd win- himself oh the weak side. ,wq , ‘- f died to almost nethipg; apam herself K Constnutior. ' derMtiDdttdent remains unmutilated Bare by the lose whSdte'ra around the house? Show me* than who whistles at his work, unconsciously aa a bird sings just be cause foe healthy goo^spirits that are In him must find sqraq vent, and’' I know at once that there is_a happy cheeiful teinper.that makeslight thi burdens Of life; ha3 a itierty word and a kind deed foi every me, is a good, considerate husband and companion- ;use he fbught a battle at Olustee? able.father. .r--i a the oply General that eVOr -?Th*t’si. ffaiter,” ; said I J. JPtalg wlbM u aha U* -laa J*-* her work to' run and meet W .^d »P«n4 . $2,000 out at JuA own flippy, wife, whose; husbmjd’sr com-, P*P««hpvo taken tag u always be raided so, merrily. . ?.Pirl? l*° weV8 i'» the .next Sfckenssays tita? Ahere is “W 8 so full of associatiobs as a smell,” ’cu I think a Bound is at least equally so- ];e : swnd of a whistle. Why, (iveq ■ the dogs know that, and start up alertly at the cheery sound ' An old negro woman Was once tfelt- of Gibraltar, and'efings to Cuba _ as lion j q county; n’VUi pqpgjee* .. . .. ^ ng me of t’Auld Limg^yne^’ and the “Sear young mare’if’that she nujsed —-*. . w . sional election is looming, up m the possessions. 11 ’ i' 1 ‘-J.* backgroniidandthvorgaiiize'rfDi’m- ‘ A word from Gharies V. or PhilUp oteats are leavifig ^i ¥ta»ka*‘tff : Mf. II. ebook Awo hemispheres. _ A proo- -g™ ^ ^ 8tand ^ ne g ro Jn . lamation from Alfonso is of less con*, tforseraent he received at thp.iraodP pf sequence than one from the mayor of tbe republican convention lately held NeW York. Bpantsh -astdiert once a t Athena” Uow is it, while botli dictated terms totbeproWrot a moo- 8i dfes ate iryihg to getthh iiegro vote! in the gnbetnatorial natter, that there- who went for .-vsoldier and. was kijle long yean, sgo, and in recalling hii she made this reihnrk ’’It ’pears to mlg-Misti*, dat‘*410 thing wbar holts me rote’ de wosest ’bout de- boy was dat J wa’nt gwtae to Jfo ir him come vhi8tling fra. de haute no, mo*. lie md de clearest, prettiest whistle' ybd eber heard ’, jus’ shine tea' moekin’ bird. “ ye seen 'a tall thle tide, as it?- IHu 1 P . it bravely on. And I ki if the'liitle Iteaiii tug hntwi taonthofAuguatwM$Sj)8fol2., :. of Opm^pos na 241’ men who had no seats in ftefwAiBhg.nterehantsiRtid m*nq-. « foeterera BVMdtMMred from 91 .tolor. wave , and have gone down ‘ wi r t , fffin&f arihs-'and lift tbeahip, it wdSld Wallow and roll, away, anddiift hilhab and, thither^ and go pftjyjth ^e efflu highlideckedi* fafl'fpiigfittMV wl_ sailed, gny-pennoited, hit for the bare tolling, arm amid-brute waria nestleS elosti to t ^» Jl ro tSat go wim' he would _ , stream tutd 200'been, hevrdnof mo >more.-irf?. i SfY* i),. Holmes. 0 ,, ti j umea' , ‘I fab invisible tow. line with a hundred strotig artiiS 1 , , .. . H piffling it “Her - ti&n unruled, ' her ^“souha 1 df\he ’voictf rtal ih-'Biifor streamers drooplh^, slje' had neither Let' tbe hey« W-hBtle, therefore, moth- side-whetl, horstera-whfcrf.'slHl she era, and j rest, assured., (hat, even if ihoved bn, raateljr,tai*erenetriuraph, foqy $ye,p«#y. qrquqd, (he hoirae, It is as with her own life.' But I knew happy, harmless uoise,and will help that, on the other side "oT" the ship., to keep'them chteiy hud siinny-teiil- hidden beneath the great Mdkihat pfered, so that ihe^ Will grow into swam so majestically, there waxaiit* healthy, geural men, Mid the. woman tie toilsome steamtsg.With a heart of, they-m«ry,»iH^ tisteii, wjth Ipvtag - hearts, for, the , merry sound whjc i merry ^nd^whfc Wo Lmoi-,1 •cbtalig. A m.igistrat^ of. Galway, Ireland, is qeen ecu t to jail for . a month 'for Japan has trade unions. Owing to the recent rise in tlie price of rice, all the laborers in Gifu successfully com bined to force up wages 25 per cent Another relic of the-Spanish Arma da has been secured at Slains, in Scotland. It is a large gun raised np out ot the place where one ot the ships belonging to the Armada was wrecked, and, though it has been in that place 290 years, it is as good as ever. 8TR05G HITS. We give, from the Columbus times, the concluding paragraphs of Got. Colquitt’s, recent speechin that city: After referring to the salary grab, the fraudulent bonds and the Presidential Salary, he said : “Some cry Norwood and Reform ! Norwood and Reform 1 but the people are inditing inseri|>- tions for transparencies: Norwood and the salary grab! Norwood and the repudiated bonds! Norwood and $50,000 Presidential salary 1 Nor wood and the disruption of the demo cratic party ! —Norwood and defeat!’’ He said he learned that there was a, political, undertaker setting up the coffin tmsiness iu Columbus. Flic was making a .coffin for mo. Let him complete the. job; tho coffin will be needed. Let the grave ho dug, and when it is ready I will turn to Hon. Mr. Norwood and repeat tho solerau. lines of the good oldjtaymn: Ye living man come viow tha ground Where you must shortly lie." •Who will be the pall bearers ? Tlu^cpmmittee pf nicy ? They: will l*o followed by a long procession of dis appointed applicants fpr office. They will not bear flowers, bright flowers for the new made grave, hut they will bring' passions and prejudices and scandals to be laid oi» the coffin and to be buried lrom.sigbt.with the polit ical corpse. Then will ring out from the Democratic hosts, .-the song of the angels, ‘I’-.-ace on earth and good will to man.’ .' ' / ■ ■ —... / in- Kim’s MOUSTALN CESTEHMAL. IU, An IuiuGRATioirM attRr.—With money in- its pocket, the whole south is turning iu attention to the subject of immigration, iu which there, has always l»een a die -away-iirterest in some States. Louisiana’s success- in getting 700 laborers-ta southern Eu rope has shewn what can be done and maves Georgia, especially to envy, as she brags on being the most thrifty ofthe southern state*.’ Georgia has stih-iiig immigration commissioner, At King’s Mountain; on line of Atiacta Jh Charlotte AJrdtee Rail way, on the line between North and South Carolina, 234 miles northeast of Atlanta, Ga,; 33 miles West ot Chtprlotte, N, C„ commeooes Octiiber 5, alnd ending October 8,’ 1$80. ' 1 Newspapers desiring the success of 1 this grand re-union of old fnends scattered: throughout the, Bouthwjest, can insure it-by inserting in their col umns tbe intelligence that tho -Traas- portation Committed have received the co-operation, of all tr.oiqiortaiion lines in tlie Southwest^ embraced’ in the territory firoini the borders of Texas to the northern boundaries of Maryland, abdlhat' rickety to King’s Matin'ted return will to roH oV, Georg 1 * K “ J btese'.his outlay; hut also"' give hint enough tui work. with- anothen year.- Springfield Republican. ESSAY OS WOMAN. R, f i i| »! !■ -J|{j iT- After man. came woman And she has been, after him ever since.' ’ " ' ' ‘ *' J, t She is a pe- son of free extraction, being made of man’s rib. • u. : I don’t-, know why Adam wanted fool away his ribs in that way, nut., suppose he was hot accobntable for all be did. < 1 • . ■ .< ■ It. costs more to keep > a-woman' than three dogs and a shot-gun. She is handy to swear at, whenever. sale Comtaenetag October, and conjtaue tp 5jth, at a rate of one and one-fourth cent* per mile each way. This is the lowest excursion rate ever offered to the public; embracing such an extensi ve area of territory, ana all should tarai! themselves of this oppor tunity, a's it may d>e-the last for this generation. For,-further particulars address, , W. J. Houston, Ch’man Trans. Com., Atlanta, Ga. : > - . -.1'J i' -y> - ') i • ’Pears like I kin hear him now y 0 h"eut yonSti?* with* ^itete ^ hS dob’t feel like blaming'yohrself.' 5 Woman is tlie. superior bring in Alap8acbuM.tfa*. ?j tf; t There are jxbout 60,000. more of her sex thag males in that sipte. .This accounts for the, terrified hunt ed-down expression of )he single man wlio has emigrtaeti from the'East, wi .-J':.. ..J. ■ I.-J Woman is not created perfect. '-JJhe liaa hfyr < faults—such as fhlse Is a foreign railroad to -Cwn Geor* be Louisville nnd,. Nashville ... MteKfeeMMs ington’s Pacific * monopoly- ' own in ..Georgia?: . We will answer the EqqW^lVfhileGpyeroqr 0“ DemoprffW. cptftml flVfirtlffifi^t j .neitherJforeign. railr- udulent bonds shsll ev«v.control tf otGeori og to kee^ , ji-PpuldoX gp^^aewmg ” - latrftermloruratiqu ^bputjpvery-, KM WIVW. (fWlHisWftiMjf, >er, N^^nug^ W q<tw . flef .wr •ffiteSerlsafo noba-dh .J“ -bsfod-.i JWi ym. poor—-.j.-o' , )«1 fduq n »itJ imli TEaco ; peftj^nftdly’ * tees fourth nf an'krabSn lenght,! Which Will make the, aggregftta:length pf ithe whole ahput niflPjtnUw^ii i The HidnTEST_BBiDpE in the World r^One -hundred miles . south of Cincinnati'tlie hei|t fJoufhferij road spans a chasta eiit through the lime- ' stone by tbe Keautehy. river a thoa- sand feet in depth,. The bridge center rests on two trestles of iron, haying stone foundations ns a bate. The ends are made fast to pillare imbedded ii' the solid rook, and all secured iritis cable* binding the entire structure,! and capable of upholding the bridge if, % accideuti the treaties should give sway.;. Jt Isa fi«e,*peofoteP[Qf engi»y eering,skfll, ate,cost.a huge tern,, of moucy.hnt it is ’fhnilt for postetity,** and not fo? '“dividends.”'’’ AW the* bridges tei the Cincinnati Southern i are of iron, and constructed after, the, most approved models. ,Tbe track is laid with steel rails; and the entiro line haflabted with broken rock. It is os complete for n new road aa it can be.nrate,.!:'-/>-> iris hair, false cpmglex'on and in on. •’ But shew a great deal better.than her neighbor, and she knoWit. 1J ^ Quo of Ole BuII’b tritea was,’ when "JS wa8 u'fotpaf)/- be had diminished his tone to n‘ neate m U s t h^ v e he9n a rnodel wife, |y inaudible pianissimo, to contiaue entirelyfromUta violin boldtagitin tite «$r, nqjl producing tooe, sites'"made ' riihithul handa and 1 bent oaU$h ^ sound ,ivl)jch VwyiiHiWwsk y». awakccmg from .a tile ete. _ I taia^hiS-.q »dl gws ;ures intediblC of their eager J-to hi .imff: vimwiHur* England WflFnllow a hitherto flourishing watering place to hecoraf a rival of Monaco. .. hn nn