The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1880-1881, August 16, 1881, Image 4

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C|tlftttchlg fainter. Athens, Ga.. August 16,1881. l.OCAL. INTELLIGENCE Prohibition in Jackson. W e learn that a .-ote on prohibi tion ol liquor was had in Newtown dis trict, Jackson county, the other day, which was 145 for prohibition and 46 against it. Ths country is going for prohibition if the towns do not. Death or lirJE. II. Ware. Yesterday afternoon Prof. L. H. Charbonnier received a telegram an nouncing the death of Mr. E. H, Ware which occurred at Milledge- ville. lie had been in feeble health several months and about two weeks ago he was stricken with pa> ralysis from the effects of which he died. Mr. Ware was well known here and bad a great many friends. He ouly moved away last fall to Augusta. He had many coni' mendable traits of character and was generally well liked by those who knew him.^He was about thirty-six years old at his death. His remains were brought to this city, arriving this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and his funeral took place from the Georgia railroad depot . A Congressman at a Turkey-Shooting, i While the dashing young Con gressman from the Ninth was ‘ming ling with bis constituents’ in Jack- son county, tho other {day, he was invited to a turkey-shooting. The prise, a very fine gobbler, was put up at a distance ol 125 yards, and the shots were ten cents each. Out of resjiect to the Congressman, he was invited to make tho first shot. He raised the rifle, ran his eye alone the barrel, pressed the trigger, and the turkey's neck was cut in twain. The boys raised a whoop at the splendid marksmanship. The manager, how ever, was somewhat chagrined when lie remembered that the turkey which had cost him SI.50, was killed at the first shot— leaving to him a clear loss of 81.40. There is one thing you may have notieed about the Hon. Emory ; lie generally hits what he aims at. Tile Ruslncss Outlook. The prospeets are encouraging for a splendid business this fall and win ter in every department of trade in Athens. The merchants, bankers, manufacturers and cotton men all seem to feel it and are brushing np their business houses, straitening out their stocks and preparing all availa ble room to accommodate the larger order of things and be prepared for a rush. There is scarcely a vacant place in the city and anyone desiring to start a new business here would have difficulty in finding just such a place as would suit. There is a need for new business houses and we are told some will be built. Tho recent rains have brought smiles to the faces of the farmers and on all hands there is a hopeful cheer fulness over tho signs of the times. We rejoice with the rent, at tfio Indi cations of increased thrift and larger prosperity in the city and country and shall endeavor to keep the Banner up to a standard commensurate with this growing importance of Athens. Health and Beauty Combined. Woman’s Rights.—One who has long studied this subject now presents the result of his investigations. He is happy to say that he has discovered Woman’s Best Friend.’ It is adapt ed especially to those cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure any irregularity of the ‘ menses.’ Brad- field’s Female Regulator acts like a eharm in ‘whites,’ or a sudden check of the ‘ monthly courses,’ from cold, trouble of miud or like causes, by restoring the discharge in every in stance. In chronic cases its action is prompt and decisive, and saves the constitution from countless evils and remature decay. Prepared by |Dr. . Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga. For sale at $1.50 per bottle by all druggists. Milltown, Chambers Co., Ala., July 13. 1877. I have used yonr Female Regulator extensively in my practice for a long time, and with entire success where there was no complication of disease. If it is not a specific, it is, in my opine ion, the best known remedy for the diseases for which it is recommended. Tar4-lm. J. H. Davis, M. D. BRIGHT"8 DISEASE and other affections of the Kidneys and Bladder are sometimes brought on and ollen aggravated by the neg lect of the symptoms, which, if taken in time, would no doubt in a majority of cases yield to treatment. No med icine is so well suited for this as Ran kin’s Compound Extract Buchu and Juniper. It is a reliable healing tonic to the parts, allays irritation, and restores healthy action. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, Druggists, Atlanta, Ga., and for sale by all Druggists. Forsyth, Ga., Dec. 1, 1877.—I have sold Rankin’s Buchu and J uniper for 10 years, and it has always given universal satisfaction, proving the most valuable preparation of tho kind on the market. F. O. Mays, Druggist. jau-4-lm. G. H. U. N UMEROUS testimonial* '’and larac ?*»!<»* prove that price* of Pianos ami Organs, foT name make ami style, are from 20 to SO per cent, loss at “The Music House of the South’ * than elsewhere. G. O. ROBINSON & CO. Xj. X 3 . Q,_ S. L ARGE Cash Contract* with the best manu facturer* ami Large Sale* at “The Music House ol the South,” enable G. O.BOBINSON <fc <X)., to sell Superior Piano* and Organ* at lens price than i* paid by small dealer*. “A (15!svn,Every Way.*’ ‘'Speaking about good men,” said one of the mo.-t prominent business men in Athens, to us the other day ; ‘Til tell yen who is one of the best men I ever knew. It is Rufe Reaves.” To this we gave mi assent, that to tho best of our knowledge and belief that was the truth. On: ,fiend continued: “He is a good man every way. It is the rarest thing in the world to find a man who is so strictly just in all his dealings. If you want to find cut what a man is made of, have business dealings with him. If lib has a particle of mean ness or dishonesty in his composition, it will show itself when there comes a matter of money between you and him. But Bufe Reaves is a clean man throughout. I’ve hail $50,000‘worth of business transactions with him, and liavo never found an unfair thing alout him yet. I would as lief risk my rights in his hands as in my own. In fact, when there comes an issue between us, in any transaction, if I leave it to him, he is generally apt to do better for me than I would have claimed for myself. He’s a true man, sir. Ilis principles are solid and gen uine, and his honor is so bright that it will never take a stain.” And so our triend'pessed on, leav' ing this reporter thinking how good and pleasant a thing it is to be so well spoken of by the se who know you best. Grand Lodge. I. O. O. F. Savannah, Aug. 9, 1881. The Right Worthy Grand Encamp ment of Georgia met in annual com munication to-day at Odd Fellows Hall at 9J- o’clock a. in. Large session and important busi ness transacted. The following grand officers were elected and installed to-day : Kmmett A Heard, of Griffin—M. W. Grand Patriarch. CharlesjH Dorsett, of Savannah— M. E. Grand High Priest. Geo A Merrifield, of Brunswick R. W. Grand Senior Warden. John F Howard, of Barnesville— R. W. Grand Junior Warden. John G Dietz, of Macon, Ga.—R W Grand Scribe. John 8 Tsyson, of Savannah, Ga —R W Grand Treasurer. James E Mann, of Atlanta—Wor thy Grand Marshal. George G W ilson, ol Savannah, Worthy Grand Sentinel. • Henry J Simonton, of Griffin— Worthy Grand Messenger. Mr. C A Robbe, of Augusta, was elected R W Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand, Lodge by a handsome majority. Columbus, Ga., April 12,1878. Dr. C. J. Moffett—Bear Sir:— My wife and myself are satisfied that the life of our teething babe was saved by tho use of your Teethina (Teething Powders), when other remedies had failed to relieve him. We have been delighted with the speedy and permanent relief given one of our children from severe at• tack of Cholera Morbus. Teethina is indispensible to us, and should be kept by nil parents having small chil dren. Respectfully, etc., JESSE B. WRIGIIT. Foreman Enquirer-Sun. Mareh8«lm. Set your hens in the evening if you have to move them from the laying nests. They will be more sure to stick to their new nests ; and take Gilder’s Liver Pills for your bilious ness. dc.21.lm. In A , one of Florida’s sea port towns, there lived in antebellum days, a. wealthy but very eccentric old gentleman, who at one occasion being quite sick, awoke his wife in the mid dle ot the night, with a tremendous uproar. To her anxious inquiry as to the cause of his excitement, be testily replied that, ‘ he had not thought much about his illness, until tic had just happened to remember that, in case he should die, the town could not afford a decent coffin in which to bury Aim.” That man was bilious. A few doses of II. II. P. would have cured him, and caused him to forget that there were sueh things as coffins. tf. Smith’s Scrofula Syrup and Star Curine are purely vegetable. Why will you suffer with Cancer, White Swelling, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kid ney and Liver Diseases, when a few bot tles of these two great remedies will cure you ? From C. D. McCurrt, Newton county, Georgia—I take great pleas ure in recommending to the public Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant and Croup Preventive. My little son had been a great suffer from Spasmodic Croup, during the night. Dr. Cheney, about two years ago, prescribed for him his Croup Preventive, which has most miraculously cured him. I find it equally beneficial in all cases of Coughs. I consider it a blessing in my family. Every one should keep it in their houses. Try Smith’s Scrofula Syrup for your blood. It removes all skin erup tions and will give you a beautiful and clear complexion. nov9-tt T. M. H. O. T. S. G O. ROBINSON & CO., sell in Texas, Ar- • kuuaas, Louisiana, Misaiasipi, Alabama, Florida, and in every Southern State north of tioorgtia. Augusia can justly claim to bare “The.Music House of the South.” E. I. O. M. T WENTY to’thirty por cent. * saved in m chasing Superior Pianos and Organ*, M Meal Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Book* and best Italian String*, at “The Music House ot the South.” Tuning and Repairing B Y C. IT. TAYLOR, the only authorized Tuner of the Music Iloum ot ‘the South. Augusta, Georgia. G. O. ROBINSON & CO., Perry, Houston Couxty, Ga., Jan. 28,1880. In 1878, there were two negroes confined in iail badly- afflicted with Syphillis. In my offi cial capacity I employed fc. T- Switt, to cun them, under a contract, “no cure, no pay.” lie administered his “Syphillitic Specific,” and in a few weeks 1 felt bound to pav him out of the county treasury, a* he had affected a com plete and radical cure. A. S. Giles, Ord. Houston co., Ga. CTiattano xia, Texn., Feb, 14., 187t». The S. S. S. is giving good satisfaction. One gentleman who had been confined to his bed six" weeks with Syphillitie Rheumatism lia* beeu cured entir/ > and speaks m the liignest prnise of it. ;Chil*s A Bkurt. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Propri etors Atlanta, Go. Sold by nil Druggist*. Call for a copy •* Young" Men’s Friend.” March 8tb* S510IIEW1D Over a Billion every one of which has given I»erfect satisfac tion, and has per formed cures every time when used according to W. J. NOS. 734 AND 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AXTGHj STA.. GEORG T A, COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. —AND DEALER IN— IMPORTED MUSICAL MERCHANDISE We import direct from the best manufacturers in Europe, i Guitars, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Strings, JL1T And all ktod 8 of Musical Merchandi*e. ^NOBODY CAN UNDERBUY US—NOBODY UNDERSELL US. , CHEAP SHEET MUSIC. ... ... c——v- _ Wetndke a specialty of Live, Standard and Popular Sheet Music. All Grades—Best Authors— an 5* Uri.5oQBtnctod bg^pri- lowest Prices. Send a three ceut stamp for our Catalogue containing over 8,000 different sub jects ; the best Catalogue in tha country to select from. PIANOS, Vi 6 arc Southern Agent* for all the celebrated New York We now say to the afflicted and doubting ones that wo will pay the above reward for a single case of BACK That the Pad fails to cure. This Great remedy wll POSITIVELY and PERMANENTLY cure Lum-, bago, Lame Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diadetes,Drop- , sy, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys,. Incontinence and Retention of the Urine, Inflamation of the Kidneys Catarrh of the Bladder, High Colored Urine, Pain in the Bae-. Sid©or Loins, Nervow 3 Weakness, and in fact all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organa whet* ▼ate disease or otherwise. LADIES, if you are suffering from Female v/eaknesa, Leucorrohu-a, or any disease of the Kid neys, Bladder, or Urinary Organs,! YOU CAN BE CURED! Without swallowing nauseous medicines, hr sim ply wearing IJi-.m! i* PROF. GCILMETTE’8 FRENCH KIDNEY PAD' WHICH CURES BY 4BSCRATION.; ^ z your druggist for PROF. GUILMETTE’8 tfCII KIDNEY PAD. and take no other. If he ha* not got it, send $ mud you will raceave the Pad by return mail.” Pbof. Guilmette's French Liter Pad. Will positively cure Fever and Angue, Dumb Ague, Ague cake. Bilious Fever, Jaundice, Dys 'a, and all Disease* of the Liver, Stomach am 1. Price Si.50 by mail. Bend for Pjrdt. Guil s's Treatise on tut Kidneys and Liver, free b’ mail. Address FUKNtll PAD UW. Toledo Wo. R. T. Brumuy A Co., Sole Agents, Athens Gj* New York Pianos lead the world, makes, viz: STEINWAY & SONS, A. WEBER. ' DECKER BROTHERS HAINES BROTHERS, THE GATE CITY PIANOS. New and Second-hand Pianos from $f>0 to $1,200. Send for our price* before you buy. ESTEY OFtC3-^.IsrS All the wholesale^ Estey Organ business in eight Southern Stctes is transacted by the ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY at Atlanta. At our waroroom* may always be found a complete assortment ot these __-*.■ DTCOMPAHABLE X2TSTH.TJME2TTSJ Including all the newostlstvies and latest improvement!.. ORGANS new and second hand from *20 to <500. ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY, nov30-weow Corner ol Brood and Alabama streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. [ESTAH1.ISHED XPPIM WINSHIP’S IRON WORKS AlnolDDston’a Circular Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting. Steam Pipe. Water and Steam Guagea. Connections. Whistles, Oil Caps. Pop, Globe andCheck Vulvas, Gov ernors, Wrenches, etc., together with every article of Steam and Water Fittings, Findings, oto. GENERAL AGENT FOB-* i' TALBOTT & SONS. Talbott's skids.) Locomotivo Boilers. Talbott’s Turbine Water Wheel. Ifibott’s Corn and Wheat Mills. Talbott’s Saw Mills, Circular Saws, Shafting Palleya, Boxes, Hangers,Belting*,and patent Spark Arresters. Watertown Steam Engine Co. Wat»rtown Agricultural Engines (on wheels.) Wateitown Portable Engines (on skids.) Wa tertown Dairy Engines (for small buildings.) Watertown Vertical Engines. Watertown Stationary Engines (with and withont cut off.) Watertown Return .Tubular Boilers. Watertown Tubular Boilers (with two dues.) Watertown Locomotive and Vertical Boilers* -Watertown Saw Mills, etc. <C. & G. COOPIM & CO. Cooper 1 (with pon iocs. Cooper’s Dnatlea* looper bolt attached.) Cooper’B Smut Wheat Seperator. and Oat and Weed Extractor. Coop er'- Eureka Flour Packer. Cooper’s Saw Mills (double and single.) MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED WINSHIP COTTON GIN, SELF FEEDER AND CONDENSER, Cotton Presses for Steam, Hand, or Horse Power, SHAFTING, BULLIES, HANGERS, Saw Mills, and Mill Clearing of Every Description. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Correspondence solicited. Address PENDLETON & B1U)., FOUNDRY —AND— 5 Machine Works, Nos. Cl6, 617 and 619 Kollock Street. AUGU8TA.GEORGIA. O UR Foundry,and Machine Works, which were destroyed by fire in July, have been rebuilt, enlarged, and lurnished with new tools. We can ATLANTA HEALTH INSTITUTE, Hygenic and Electric Water-Cure, NO 178 WEST PETERS ST, ATLANTA, GA T HE only Medical Institute South where Chronic Disease* are scientifically treated by regular qualified Hygenic Physician* ot both sexes, and where all heathful and invigorating ^BATHING PROCESSES are in exisU-nse, to geher with A! AC HI N E-VI BKAi IONS,MOVE MENTS and ELECTRICITY are successfully applied, according to DISEASED CONl>* iTIONS of each patient. The only’ place in Georgia where no EMPIRIC or routine practice 1* pursued, and where no DRUGS or POISONS UNDER NAME OF MEDICINES are used as remedies for the sick. RHEUMATISM. NEU RALGIA, HEART, LIVER. KIDNEY, and SKIN DISEASES, INCIPIENT CONSUMP TION, SCROFULA, PARALYSIS, and all june21 WIST3HIP <& ERO., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. J. W. OALliWEIIdL A DO. Cardwell’* Wheat Thresher*, Separator*, and Cleaner*. Cardwell’* “Ground-Hog” ■Thresher*. Cardwell’s Hydraulic Cotton Presses. Cardwell’s Horse Powers—double and single geared—(Mounted and down.) Cardwell’s Power Corn Shelters and Feed Cutters. Jolmston Harvester Company Emerson, Talcott & Co., Reapers ami Binders. Reapers and Mowers combined. Single ;Binders, Reapers, and Mowets Cultivators and Grain Sowers. Fairbanks & Co., Fai'banks’ Standard Sealed, all sires and patterns. Alarm Cash Drawers. Maaaufac-btarer of tTae Pollo-ctring Machines = NEBLETT & GOODRICHtlMPROVED I. X. L. COTTON GIN. BEID’S PATENT AUT MATIC POWER SCREW PRESS, STEAM OR WATER POWER. SMITH’S IM PROVED HAND POWER COTTON AND HAT PRESS. COTTON GIN FEEDER. COTTON CONDENSER. NEW VIEGIN1A*FEED CUTTER. Engines, Cotton Gins, etc., Repaired in a workmanliko manner. Orders solicited and promptly executed. For farther particulars, circulars, general infjrmation etc., apply te ■W. O'. POULARD. J~. IK. Jk.3sTIDEI?,SOI<r, AGENT FOR Agricnltaural Implements -AND— MACHINERY. DOWN, MOUNTED AND DETACHED B3XTGI NE S. Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Separators, Fans, Sor ghum Mills and Evaporators, SHI2TG2U3 XA.&CZXZXTSS, Smut Machines, Wood PLANEKS and Match Surfacing Machines, WATER WHEELS, COTTON GINS, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS, TANITE EMORY' WHEELS, HEATERS, MOWERS, BRICK MACHINES, WOOD PUMPS, Etc., Etc. 09 Broad Street* - - (meh22) - - ATLANTA, On. invriivriHiisrsiH} stock oif 1 NEW CARPETS! PURCHASED FROM The Leading Manufacturers and Importers of the Country, And effered to*die Trade, our Friends and the Public ut ROCK. BOTTOM PRICES ! Kody and Topesuy Brussels, Moquet’s Velvel hs. Door!' Ivet, Three Ply and Ingrain Caapcts, all qualities Mats, Hearth hugs. A full line ol New Chromos, Hair Cloth aud Uphol- terera’ Trimmings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, lace Curtains, Cornices and Bands, Window Shades, ail sizes; Piano ami Table Covers, Wall Papers and Borders, French Terrys, Curtain JAMES G. BALIE, (Not Limited) Old Original Carpet Store, 713 Broad st., AUGUSTA, GA. FRESH Stoch of GROCERIES I have in store anu urrivinj variety. New Preserves, Jellies, Crackers, cuiarKcu, aua lurnisnca wuu new iooin. wecu uu.i, i .mauntio, uuu uu furnish IRON AMI BRASS BASTINGS AND 31A- disease* peculiar to the REPRODUC TIVE OB (II IN LILY of all descriptions at reasonable prices | GANS, are by our method of treatment restored and of the be*t quality. We would call attention 1 witli greater success tlian by auy other processes tag aud Balcony Rail*, Iron Store Fronts, Water ^dies. Exclusive Ladies Department, in Wheel, all kinds of Cast!Gearing Mill Work, charge of experienced Ludy Physician. For Shafting, Lathes, Pulleys aud Hangers. Send for urther information address ~ rices. mch29 eb>2. DK. U. O. ROBERTSON. Descriptive List ami Pm CARLTON & SON (Successor, to Carlton & Bro.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, SUGARS, MEATS, LARD, COFFEE, TEAS, Spices. Etc. FLOWER A SPECIALTY'.—We keep constantly on band the very best grades of Flouts, from our own mills, manufactured expressly for us, and which we guarantee. Dealers and consumers are re spectfully invited to try our flour*. Fair dealing, close attention to order*, aud the lowest possible price* are what we aim at. CARLTON A HON., 134 Marietta fctreet, ATLANTA, U A. Wadlky, Emanuel Co., Ga., Octo ber 10, 1879. Gentlemen—While attending the General Assembly ibis summer, I tried your Star Curine on nty leg, it being affected with an old sore caused by a wound received during the late war. After having thoroughly tested it I am compelled to say that it is a success, lor I have bad experience with different physicians and remedies, and found nothing to cure me, until I used your Star Curine, which has cur ed a remarkably bad case. Wishing you success, I am Yours, respectfully, John Bell Do not foil to call on your druggist for a bottle of that pure, Bweet and delicious blood purifier, Smith’s Scrof ula Syrup. Star Curine cures all chronic Sores and is a sure cure for 1‘iles. Call on your druggist before it is too late and get a bottle ot Smith’s Scrofula Syrup and Star Cnrine. From B. F. Moore, A. M., Pres ident of Moore’s Southern Business University, Atlauta, Ga—This is to certify that I have used Dr. Cheney’s Expectorant in my family for several years, and can recommend it as an in valuable remedy for Coughs, etc., and have found it superior to any other remedies that I have tried. nov9-tf Loauhapoka, Ala.. Jan. 12, ’78. Salem, Ala., April 8, 1878. Mr. J. D. Goodwin, Agent—Dear Sir: I take pleasure in staling that I have used yonr Medicated Stock Feed on a very poor cow, with great success. She looks much better now, and gives a great deal more milk, and is much superior. I therefore recom mend this medicine to all who wish to improve their slock, cattle and horses, as it is truly wbat it is repre sented to be. Very Respectfully, A.KAYSER. Eufaula, Ala., July, 1878. Mr. L Shocnfeld: 1 used one sack of your Stock Feed on my cow, with very satisfactory results. Sho had recently dropped her calf, and was in a poor condition, and by the use of your Stock Feed she was rapidly inr proved in flesh and milk. Very Respectfully, GEO. H. DENT. Sold by all druggists. MarchS-lm. 33 Marrietta Street, Under Opera House. REPAIR ALL KINDS FURNITURE AND Do all Kinds Upholstering. And mate carpels without removing from the floor. ssr \yE are the sole proprietor* of the Carl** 1 Renovating process used in this by E. P. Myerson, and hold hi* receipt for the purchase of the original London Carpet Renovating Recipe, and we call it by and name we like. Rkkkrrncks—Dr. Westmorland, Dr. Sell9, Mr*. B. H. mil, Mrs. Wm. Henry Peck, Mr*. H. T. luwati, Mrs. H. V. M. Miller and others loo numerous to mention. OTTrtn^Lisr «*5 o<o. 38 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. THENSrOUNDRYn UACHINff IHORKS |— IRON&BRASS : Georgia castings. ( MILLGEARING. Carter & Solomon, ATLA3XTTA, GESOR.GIA, Invite an inspection of their immense FALL stock ot UT CARPETS,.#! Moquettes. Brussels, Velvets, Ingrains, 3-Ply, Etc., MATTING WIUBOW SHADES, YVAJLL PAPER! And every style of J2TTEHIPR HOUSE DECOHATIOHS I OUR STOCK is nnsnrpasseo in Extent and Elegance. * CARTER & SOLOMON, Angt> No. 50 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. MINING&MIlLL /\ SMITHING MACHINERjf, U \ REPAIRINC SAWMILLS, f PAT^WORH STEAM ENSINES AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, IMPROVED SOUTHERN FAN MILLS, EXCEL THRESHERS, ATHENIAN AND BILL ARr HORSEPOWERS, BARK MILLS,CANE MILLS, COLT’S-CELEBKATEDPOWER & LEVER, BROOK’S REVOLVING COTTON PRESS’IRON FENCING, &e. ALSO MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR Portable Steen. Engines,’Turbine Water Wheel*,Cooks’ Evaporators, Victor Cane Mills, Combined Threshers and Separators, &c. |W~ For Descriptive Circnlars and Price Lists address septl TL. XTXCXSJ=Lkt20XT„ Agexrb. COTTON GINS I I have on hand, and on the way, fresh from fac tory au immense stock of GINS, Feeders, Condensers, Etc., Of various makes. I SELL GINS AT $2.25 PER SAW! Equal to other Gins sell ing at $3.00 to $3.50 per Saw. I CAN SAVE YOU MOIEY On ENGINES, BOIL ERS, SAW MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES, SAWS, BELTING, &c. Send in your orders at once for COTTON GINS, FEEDERS, CONDENSERS, &c., that I may supply you in time. Every Ma chine I sell is fully warranted. Give me a trial. Address S. F. PERKINS, j25 32 and 34 W. Mitchell street, ATLANTA, GA. Tin "STOTT -W'-A-TSTT FIRST CLASSCIGARS —)uO. TO(— lELEGANT CIGAR AND TOBACCO EMPORIUM! asrjarwroisr hottsbj oonisrEiR..: There you will find a large and choice selection of Tobacco, Cigars, Snnfls, Pit*!*, etc. My Cigars are of my own make, and I warraut them as good as can be had in the (Jutted Prices always reasonable. Give mo a call. MARKWALTER, MARBLE.® WORKS- Broad St-. Near Lower Market, Monuments, Toombstnes and Marble Works, GENERALLY', MADE TO ORDER. A Jargo selection always on hand, ready for lettering an clivery lowest prices for cash. novR-dtfew Canned Goods, Meats, Vegetables and Fruits ot every rs, Mackerel, No 1 and in mess; Salmon ami Boneless Onions, Cabbages, Potatoes, 1 Short Handle Hair Brooms. All of which I offer at the JAMES a. BAILIE Old Stand .Tames G. Bailie A Bro.. US,Broad st., AUGUSTA. GA. HOLMES’S LINIMENT -OR THI MOTHER’S FRIEND. OHE OF THE GREATEST COMFORTS TO THOSE LLXL’LYCTIYSl U TO BE CONFINED I* a remedy upon which implicit confidence can be placed—one that will prodace a safe and quiok delivery—one that will control pain, and shorten the duration ot Labor. Such is •’ THK MOTHER’S RELIEF.” Tty it, and ice what A BLESSING IT IS TO SUFFERING FEMALES. o Tlii* Liniment, when used for two or three weeks before confinement, produce* a wouder- ful effect, causing a very easy aod quick labor, with comparatively little pern, and leave* tlio moth er in a condition to recever quickly—or, in other words- to have a good getting np. Under iu use, ludor will ordinarily occupy much less than the nsnal time, and tlio tuffering be dismissed beyond expression. The condition for wl ich this remedy is offered is of such a character a, to forbid a long array of certificates. Those interested in its use are respectfully referred to the hundreds who hare used it. BEAD THE TESTIMONIALS! I moat earnestly entreat every female expecting to be confined, to use “THE MOTHER’* RELIEF.” Coupled with this entreaty. I will add. that during a largo obstetrical practiced lor- ty four years) 1 liavo never known it to fail to produce a safe ana quick delivery. , H. J, Houus, M. D. Atlanta. Ga. A lady from one of tiie comities of Middle Georgia, who has been acting Midwife tor many year*, writes : “ I have been disposed of all the Mother’s Relief you sent me aud I AM DE LIGHTED WITH IT. In every instance where it has been used, ita effects have been all that I could U*k. I OONKI1XE IT K GREAT BI.S«*TS».” A Gentleman writes: ‘My wife used a bottle of ‘Mothers Relief procured from you. She was considcrbly advanced in liie be I ore this, her first confinement, and she move it was the means of very greatly lessoning her suffering iff indeed, it was not the mean* of SAVrao her live. Another gentleman write*: “My wife nsei your ‘Mother’s Relief’at her fourth confinement and her testimony is that she passed though it with one-half the suffering of cither of her former tnend who was about to be confined for the first time, and she say* : I have never keen any ONE P.*.ej THROUGH THIS GREAT TRAIL WITH SO MUCH EASE AND SO LITTLE SUFFERING.” Tae names of these, and many others, can be hod by colly at my office. Having had the foregoing remedy Thoroughly Tested in Atlanta and viciu to my patrons as possessing superior merit*. Preparedby J. BRADFIELD, Sole Proprietor, ATLANTA, GA. Sold by Druggist* generally. Price $1.80 per bottle. If not kept by your Druggists, or fu thcr information on or particulars are wanted, address the proprietor. m.30. L vicinity, I now ofici LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ? SEND YOTJR Saw Mills Grist Plantation. MmsTnr Mills. Maori tnery And Engines and Boiler*, Cotton Screws, Shafting Pulleys,JHsngcrs’ Journal Boxes, MilipGtar- ■, Gudgeon* Turbine W and BoUel-, ^ r „ . ,. ing Gudgeon# Turbine Water Wheel. Gin Gearing (cheap), Judson’s Governor* Diston s Circu lar Saws and Guinmers and File*, Belting and Babbitt Metal mid Brass Fitting, Globe andJCheck Valves and Whistles, Gauges, etc., Iron and Braao.Castiugs and.Gin Ribs, fromj GEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY nND MaCIIINE WORKS Near tho Water Tower,.1T0 Fenwick Street, AUGUSTA,.GEORGIA. HEPAIRINGjwom£tlyjione^*tJLowee^Pnce(L^^ >> ^ > ^^^^^ M ^ i ^^^^ (<<<ii( Jjohl^ 0111 SHIM A1TD.HA.VE THEM S7ES It So that they will look a* well a* NEW no matter of what material, SXXiXS, WOOLEN OR C0TT02T GOODS ! Try me and ace whether I can be surpassed cither in work or price. I defy competition. ■—* JACOB KREIS, PROPRIETOR OF THE PREMIUM STEAM DYE WORKS, ichfifi W. Peter* Street. Opposite Trinity Church, ATLANTA, GA. rnR Nervous Weakness, Deafness, Lose of Voice. I u Sense of Tastp and Smell, Neuralgia, Faint Feelings, Disgusting Odors, Weak Sight, Sore Throat, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Din- eases of Respiratory Organs, use „ Eureka Catarrh Cure, A SURE RELIES* AND A SPEED*** CURE. Scml for Circulars Terms, etc., to o' J. W. GURLEY, M.D., Atlanta, <&,. X. L. Mattress Factory. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. PRICES Furnished Ol Application. HIGHEST CASH PRICE for SHUCKS anfl STRAW! j-. "w. nxnsriMC-A.isr,, nov30 318 anti 320 Decatur Street, ATLANTA, GA. STILS03ST % s {LARGE assortment of the latest design* in Jewelry and Silverware just received. A (LARGEST STOCK of CLOCK8 in the State. Prieee lower than’erer. We Wl BF-UNDEKSOLD. S3 ATLANTA, TTHITEH I.L STREET, GEORGIA . 'W.- 3kIOEK.I3Sr3>a-C>T«-. Jnokaon Street, Next to R. B. Allen, Athens. <fi .’ All kinds of SMITHING and REPAIRS done et short notice. Only the beet Workmen ere cm. ployed’here. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in every* instance. ' ■ * • i«g* mm m t mmit. GUNS and PISTOLS ot all kinds tbe^bee manner, ’ apriilk