The Sunday gazette. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-18??, October 06, 1878, Image 4

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Sasette. - I ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, OCT. 13, 1878 ATLANTA CONDENSED. THE LOCAL GAZETTEER. Things Caught on the Fly by the Gaaette Report ers—Bnmore, Gossip, and Guesses. The Fair most here. Mr. H. W. Grady has a dog that carries notes to or from his office. The Markham, under its new management, is more popular than ever. It is filled with Georgia’s best people all the time. A negro rider at the race track at the Fair Grounds was thrown and had his skull frac tured. Dr. W. G. Drake was called upon. Arrangements are being made for a mam moth excursion from Atlanta to Macon during the State Fair, for the purpose of seeing Dr. Carver shoot. It will be a big sensation. A great many persons will go. No city ever had so severe a test as has been given Atlanta this season on the yellow fever question. But she has come through without a single case. Let the cithern be struck and the hewgag sounded! The Piedmont Air-Line is by all odds the most popular route to the North. Its palace cars are crowded daily. The scenery through “The Land of the Sky,” penetrated by the Air-Line, is unequalled in America. Mr. F. T. Ryan has declined to run for Clerk of the Superior Court, and this leaves Jim Collins and Mr. Holliday to make the race. Collins deserves a re-election, and will get it. The county never had a more faithful officer. Lewis Clarke still holds his own as the boss hatter. A man can’t move in good society without wearing one of Clarke’s hats. Mr. H. I. Kimball is back from the North. He reports that the affairs of the factory are progressing properly. Gov. Bullock .will re turn shortly. Daniel & Marsh have the best stock of la dies’ toilet articles, colognes, etc. ever offered in Atlanta. Two better young merchants, or worthier young men cannot be found. Give them a trial. The Perkerson ticket for Sheriff continues to carry things before it It is a combination of strength and excellence that cannot be broken. It is estimated that 500 hats have been bet on the I elton-Lester election. The shrewdest betters always specify “one of Lewis Clarke’s hats. This insures getting the very best and cheapest. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lowry brought back from Europe about twenty of the finest birds they could buy across the water. There are paroquets, linnets and various kinds. They make a pretty show. Mr. James Barrett, one of the leading gen tlemen of Augusta who visited our city in the interest of the State Democratic Com mitte, left for home yesterday. Some of the State’s most noticeable men visited our city during the past week, among whom were Gen. Toombs, Judge R. F. Lyon, Gen. A. R. Lawton and Maj. 0. A. Bacon. R. J. Griffin keeps the best, newest and freshest stock of every thing to be found at a first-class grocery store. Every one who tries Mr. C. once will never leave him. He treats every one in the same pleasant and genial way. Mr. Charles Beerman is spoken of by his friends for the position of Councilman from the First Ward. Mr. Beerman is a repre sentative German, ani no one-would make a better Councilman. We should be glad to see him elected. There is no dentist in Atlanta who has a fairer head than Dr. W. G. Browne. A young man of fine education and training, he is de voted to his profession, and does nothing but first-class work. He has had fine practice since he came to Atlanta, and has won uni versal praise. He is an acquisition to our city, and deserves patronage. Give him a call. His rooms are handsomely finished and he has all the best appliances- The Atlanta City Laundry is an institution that our people should sustain. It will do away with careless washerwomen, with the loss of clothes, with delay in returning them, and with the habit the negroes have of keep ing them over and wearing them to balls, par " ties, etc. The work done by the laundry is so much superior to the washing we have had, that it cannot be compared. The rates are very little higher. BUSINESS MOVEMENTS. Our merchants almost unanimously report that trade will be larger this Fall than ever was known in Atlanta. The demand for goods is simply unprecedented. W. M. Scott, the great Clothier, has already taken this season orders for over one hundred suits, overcoats, etc. His trade has increased very rapidly. His customers have discovered that they save from 20 to 33 per cent, by buy ing of him, and they have spread the news. If Scott cannot show you where you can save from $8 to S2O on a Fall suit of clothes, he won’t ask you to buy. Isn’t this money worth looking after? Lewis Clarke sold a large amount of hats last week, being almost double what he ever sold before in the same time. His long expe rience, his fine taste and square dealing have given Lewis Clarke a hold upon the hat trade of Georgia that can’t be shaken off. The opening of a wholesale store by Messrs. Daniel & Marsh has proved that these ener getic young merchants knew what they were about. Their trade has increased very large ly, and new customers are being constantly added. We advise all of our friends to applj to this house before buying elsewhere. Thev will not be undersold. Mr. R. S. Jeffries made a most brilliant speech in the Superior Court, last Friday, in a murder case. He cleared his man by a most eloquent speech and an original theory. Mr. Jeffries is rapidly becoming one of Geor gia's best criminal lawyers. He has never lost a murder case, and has had several tough ones to try. The passenger cars of the Piedmont Air- Line are crowded daily. The Air-Line is the shortest and best route to the North. It runs through a healthy, picturesque section, and grows more popular every day. “ The Gilded Age,” a new Sunday paper edited and published by Mrs. Whitson, makes its first appearance this morning. It will b< for sale at all the book-stores and news-stand". It will be a bright and newsy visitor. The beautiful manner in which the Gazette is printed, has excited universal comment. It will not be otherwise with two such accom plished young pressmen as Gen. James Dick son and James Watts in charge of the ma chine. The Markham House will be crowded dur ing the Fair week. Engage rooms at once, if you wish to get a place. Solicitor-General Hill has. had a hard week, but has come out with fly ing colors. He has a wonderful knowledge of criminal law for so young man. A prominent lawyer, who is es teemed the best criminal lawyer at our bar, says that Mr. Hill is one of the best solicitors hat ever served this circuit. Mark Berry is receiving new goods every day. Be sure and try Mark Berry before buying elsewhere. He is sure to suit you. I $40,000 PER ANNUM. How the Macon and Brunswick Railroad is Managed. We suppose our pleople are all familiar with the history of the Macon & Brunswick Railroad. It was thrown on the State’s hands by its failure to pay its bonds. It was in a terrible condition, and was of no consequence as a thoroughfare. It had been badly managed, and was sadly out of joint. Capt. John A. Grant was put in charge of its affairs, with Col. Drane in charge of its passenger and advertising departments. These gentlemen at once began the WORK OF BUILDING IT UP. They attempted to make it a trunk line, and to induce travel over the route it repre sented. They succeeded in organizing the best line to Florida that there is anywhere, and one that commands the bulk of trade. They also commenced the work of building up the line of the road. They issued a book on the resources of the pine forests, that is the best ever issued in Georgia. It has brought hundreds of settlers to the State, and built up several prosperous towns in the heart of the pine barrens. COLONEL ADAMS TAKES HOLD. About a year ago Captain Grant resigned his position, and Colonel George W. Adams was appointed to his position. The selection was a very fortunate one, and, Colonel Drane remaining at his post, the road started on a - new prosperity. ' The result of the year has been most satis -1 factory. Two dividends of $20,000 each have ! been paid into the State Treasury. Several thousand more have been spent in fitting up : the road, buying engines, cars, etc. The road i is now in first-class order, and doing a larger i business than ever before. 1 It has become a confessed fact, the I “CUMBERLAND ROUTE” is the best, safest, pleasantest and most pictu resque route to Florida, and we believe that it will carry the bulk of the Northern travel this winter. The local business of the line is increasing very rapidly, and it has literally been a blessing to the section through which it runs. A VALUABLE PROPERTY. At one time the State would have sold the road for one-half what it cost her. The prob abilities are now that, under the excellent management it has had, it will pay a good dividend on the whole amount of cost, and become one of the most valuable properties of the State. In a conversation with Gov. Colquitt, he was more than complimentary to the manage ment of the road, and more than hopeful of its future. The gentlemen in charge deserve the gratitude of the people of Georgia for their conscientious discharge of duty. A FOOL RUSHING INTO PRINT. The Pensacola Gzette published an open letter of W. I). Chipley, Manager of the P. R. R., addressed to the Secretary of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, in which he took occasion to attack his management and indirectly my action — and as the paper wassent to many in Atlanta, &c., I sent to the same paper in substance the following reply which after a time was returned, refused. W. D. Chipley, Esq. : Sir—My intercourse with railroad officers has been somewhat extensive, and I have never known one who misued a trust reposed to long hold the confidence of the capitalist controlling raidroads. When I read your long captious open letter addressed to Wil lard Merrell, Secretary of Northwestern Mu tual Life Insurance Company, based upon a private letter of his address to me, sent to you to read, I was certain I had met one who did not understand the high standard of ueccsßary illti mata siucKtcisjsL in that profession. All I need to have done, was to say your application for a second pol icy had been refused. Would it not have been , fair, reasonably so? for you to have stated that though it was refused because of the liability of that city to epedemics that you held one policy in said Company which in its face gave you the right to reside there, or elsewhere in the United States, or to travel to and over Europe. Indeed, to have further said I made this second application because you had received a first cash dividend of $11.48 based on an annual premium of §42.60, leaving you this year only $31,12 to pay, with almost certainty of its becoming less, and that before you took out that policy, after a careful examination, you pronounced the Company one of, if not the strongest, in America. If you made the second applica tion for more insurance without having con fidence in the Company, your capacity to successfully manage even a small railroad in terest might well be questioned. Sir, your action clearly indicates your seeking a second policy was based on the above returns on your present policy, etc. Now, you say you have lost all confidence in the management of the Company, and that no one South should insure in it. Why so? Because they refused you a second pol icy on account of the liability of the city of Pensacola to epidemics, or the Secretary’s want of knowledge as to the healihfulness of that city ? Don’t you know that it has at certain seasons been visited by epidemics ? The editor of the Gazette, in closing lines to your letter, says, and proceeds to draw a comparison between the action of our Com pany and certain New York Companies upon it, “That they took risks then during the epi demic of 1873.” The Secretary was not ig norant on this question. He had before him the accumulated statis tics of years. His action was based on facts, and his aim, and that of the officers of the Northwestern, is, so to do its business as to command universal confidence, so as to make others do just as you have done —-ask for a second policy. They don’t propose to take doubtful risks. Would you recommend capi talists to make loans on doubtful security ? Your labored and childish effort to bolster up the general healthfulness of Pensacola, at the expense of the management of an insu rance company, can but make thoughtful men look upon the question as one of doubt. In deed, have you not succeeded in making “ a doubtful thing very uncertain, * and given to those who read your letter a belief that Pen sacola must be an unhealthy place ? As to your pompous want of confidence in me, or them, that is a matter of indifference. Why should 1 value the confidence of one who uses my private letter for a public purpose ? And as to the Company’s officers, why, sir! they will care no more for your opinion than the officers of a great ship freighted down and covered with passengers, would for your 5 ideas as to how they should manage it in 3 times of danger. When I read your letter the thought passed through my mind as to what such truly great railroad operators as : Vanderbilt, Scott, Garrett, or, to come nearer home, Gen. Mcßae, Col. Foreacre, Jno. B. Peck, President J. E. Brown, would think of such an effort to build up a railroad interest. Their high positions have been reached by a different course of action. In conclusion, it is due to truth to say that • ifyour letter had sprung from a man of widely known business standing, it could but be re garded as the strongest possible indorsement of the safe management of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. It bears testimony to the admirable care with which it assumes risks, and rejects doubtful business. I feel assured our policy holders will not quarrel with us on sueh a reasonable, sound policy, and that even you can but have in creased confidence in the value of the policy you hold, though a second application under the circumstances was declined. A purely Mutual company like it should be managed as ours is—for the best interests of all its policy holders. Respectfully, Wm. H. White, General Agent for Georgia. I'LTE GAZETTE. SUNDAY MOANING, OCTOBER 13, 1878 STAGE AND GREEN ROOM. The Outlook in the Sity—The Season Thns Far—Gen eral News of the Folks of the Sock and Buskin. Atlanta, Oct 13. The season, instead of improving, is getting worse. 'We had hoped to have some fun with Buffalo Bill and his troupe of real Indians during the Fair, but even that is denied us. The intrepid son of the plains has cancelled his engage ment. The members of his troupe, with a woful ignorance of latitude, absolutely “refuse to come farther South than Augusta.” We therefore go into the Fair week with the Opera House disengaged for every night. Mr. De- Give will of course try ta have the house opened by some good troupe —but he will not consent to lease it to an inferior company. It is hardly proboble that our season will open until the latter part of November—we shall then, however, have a number of good troupes coming is quick succession. “on the road.” The Bill Posters Union numbers 2,000 mem bers. Mr. Johnston, the bill poster of this city, has in charge the Southern States. Among the features is one that places each member under bond for faithful performance of duty—the money to go to the party making and sustaining the charge for the failure to do duty. Nin Crinkle says Mary Anderson wears her garments as if she had been dressed in a hurri cane. Lester Wallack was so shocked by the news of Mr. Montague’s death that for a time ; he was entirely prostrated, and could see no [, one. i j Here is a foundation for another romance | of the Catskills: In a hut in the Catskil moun . tains lives Tobias Van Steenberg, who fell in love with Jenny Lind twenty-eight years ago, and lost his reason soon after. At' that time he was just twenty-three, and just entering fashionable life in New York. Hearing Jenny Lind sing one night, he became her infatuated adorer, attended all of her one hundred and t fifty concerts, and spent SI,OOO in boquetsJo present to her. Rose Eytinge has brought two or three new sensational plays with her from Europe. “Balsamo,” by Sardou, is promised to New Yorkers this season by Shook & Palmer. B. L. Farjeon will give a series of dramatic readings in this country again this season. Mrs. D. P. Bowers is to appear in New York this season. Barry Sullivan contemplates another trip to this country. A London paper says of Clara Morris: “ The word ‘Egypt’ is written all over her form. ” Buffalo Bill will arrive here soon and give a performance the same night. He wears a buffalo head made of gold, with diamond eyes, ears and nostrils, the weight of which is about one ounce. Christine Nilsson has lost between $30,000 and $50,000 on her investments in American real estate. The Philipps-Brignoli Opera Company is fully organized for the season of 1878-9, and will soon start out. Mary Anderson feeds genius with beef steak. She says: “When I come home at night lam awfully hungry. I eat a beefsteak supper when I come from the theatre—a nice underdone steak —and not a very small one at that. But after my midnight supper Igo to bed and sleep with the most perfect quietude.” Florence has a scrap-book to which he is very much attached. He says: “This book saved my life once. There was a railway ac cident out in Ohio. I might have been killed if I had gone on that train. I didn’t go. I stayed at home reading that scrap-book.” An advertisement of “May Fisk’s Troupe of English Blondes ” is headed with the lines: The devil flsheth best for souls of men When his hook is baited with a lovely limb ; and at the bottom is the following: “ Wanted, for the above company, two burlesque ac tresses. None need apply unless they are thoroughly respectable. 1 ’ Bret Harte s play of M'liss, concerning which there has been so much litigation, is now being played at Niblo’s Garden, N. Y. Mary Anderson has closed her New York engagement, in which she had great success. J. K. Emmett, who cancelled his engage ment here, has returned to New York and opened at the Standard Theatre. Bob Stickney, the well-known equestrian, has gone to Paris. The yellow fever benefit in Philadelphia, netted $4,803.42. John T. Raymond and his new playj “Risks,” is in Louisville. Jack Haverly received $9,704.95 for a week’s engagement in Chicago of McKee Rankin and Kitty Blanchard (his wife.) Kitty refused in the first of the engagement to go on the stage with a woman of bad re pute. Louise Pomeroy is in the oil region, under Sam Jack’s management. Mrs- Chanfrau is doing a good business in Chicago. She is to be followed by her hus band. Miss Sara Jewett, the graceful actress, is said to have a beautiful voice, which, had she not entered the dramatic profession, might have been heard to advantage in opera. Here is another society scandal. The name of Miss Jeffreys-Lewis, the actress, ap pears in the passenger list of the steamship Greece, which sailed yesterday from New York for London. She was recently married to a San Francisco broker, and it was sup posed that she intended to remain in that city and to leave the stage. Her husband’s name does not appear in the passenger list. Go to Mark Berry’s and select your winter Boots and Shoes. DAVID H, DOUGHERTY. It is said that “ poets are born, not made.” When we think over the history of D. 11. Dougherty as a dry goods merchant, we feel inclined to say, “ Merchants are born, not made.” From the very first day he opened his new store, Mr. Dougherty has had a won derful trade. He did not build it up ;it came to him full-grown. His store has been crowded daily since the first week of its existence, and a customer never quits him. His wonderful success is due to several causes. In the first place, his clerks are all courteous and polite gentlemen. A lady feels that, no matter how humble she may be nor how small her purchases, she will receive at , Dougherty’s kind and respectful attention. This goes a long ways. In the next place, Dougherty’s prices are the very lowest. Buy ing goods for his wholesale store, he puts ' them into his retail stock at minimum figures. He believes in quick sales and short profits, and sells at the closest margin. His stock is selected to suit all tastes and demands. The wife of the mechanic and of the millionaire shop side by side in Dougherty’s great store, ' and both find exactly what they want. Give him a call this week, and see if he isn't wor thy of your patronage. All the latest styles of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes at Mark Berry’s. A WONDERFUL SUCCESS. Nothing ever sprang into such sudden and wonderful popularity as the fancy brand of Flour, “ The Belle of Georgia,” manufactured by the new mjll of Gholstin, Bowie & Co. The mill is supplied with the very best of ma- chinery. The financial affairs are managed by the excellent firm of Bowie & Gholstin" The milling is superintended by Mr. Kiley, who is said to be the best miller in the South. The “ Arlington Mills ” have a capacity of nearly one hundred barrels per day, but is scarcely able to meet the demand for flour. It is being sold over Georgia, the Carolinas and Alabama. It gives universal satisfac tion, and is sold exclusively by every leading grocer. The handsomest stock of Boots, Shoes, etc. at Mark Berry’s. All the goods sold by Mark Berry are just . as represented. CURIOUS PEOPLE. THE WEEKLY BUDGET OF QUERIES FROM THE READERS OF THE GAZETTE. A Variety of Facts Not Generally Known Concerning Politics. Science, Art, Literature and History, 6 — THE HOWARDS AND THEIR ORIGIN. Dahlonega, Ga., Oct. 8, 1878. Editors Gazette: Where, when and by whom was the Howard Association formed ? What is its support? You may consider this ' a simple question, but some of us don’t know. I like the Gazette very. much. 8. W. M. It was organized in New Orleans, in 1853, by the clerks in the store of Napoleon B. Kenrass. Rich young men soon joined the first small band of devotees, and adopted as the name of their Society that of the English philanthropist, Howard. At every appear ance of the pestilence they meet it as they had mutually bound themselves to do, with physicians, moneys and medicines, establish ing agencies in all infected places. Before the war it had become an organization strong in members and means, but the war crippled them, so that since then it has been forced to accept contributions from outside. There are now Howard Associations in most of • the Southern cities. 7 A PAIR OF QUOTATIONS. Dalton, Oct. 8, 1878. Will you please tell me through the columns of your interesting paper where “God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,” is from? Also, ‘Mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair?” Hurrah for the Gazette! Yours. J. C. W. The first is from Sterp’s “ Sentimental Journey.” The second is from Byron’s “ Childe Harold.” The quotation is: “Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by glare, And Mammon wins hie way where seraphs might despair.” B—A8 —A LITTLE bit of gibberish. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8, 1878. Editors Gazette: Will you please give us the correct translation of the sentence, “Lei non vu,lt fieri desidiosus, amet." We cannot agree, so apply to you for enlightenment. Black and Blue. It is, we believe, "Let him who would not be an idler, fall in love.” 9 —WANTS SOME BOOKS. Smyrna, Ga., Oct. 8, 1878. Editors Gazette : Can you tell me what will be the cost of a full set of the Waverly, and where I can get a nice edition, that is not very expensive ? Subscriber. You can get a handsome set for sl9 from Phillips & Crew, of this city. We suppose they can be gotten for the same price from any other house here. 10—ONE WE CAN’T ANSWER. Madison, Ga., Oct. 9, H7B. Editors Gazette: We have seen a copy of your charming paper, and think it is just the thing the South needs. Success to you ! Will you please answer two questions for some “curious people” down here? When was photography invented, and who was the inventor ? Two Schoolgirls. It is hard to say. The invention was gradual, and many improvements are classed as the invention itself. Mr. Motes, of this city, has perfected it, however I 11 — cost of foreign travel. Geneva, Ga., Oct. 8, 1878. Editors Gazette : Can you tell a subscriber how much it would cost a company of say six young men to take a six months’ trip to Europe ? G. It is a difficult question to answer with any degree of certainty. We know of a party of ladies and gentlemen, just returned from Europe, who spent 155 days going all over the continent. It is an admitted fact that the of ira.v«l in Fnmpo with a party of ladies is much heavier than with all gentlemen. The cost of living in Paris is also one-third higher this year than ever before. Still in footing up the cost of this extended tour they found it amounted to but $946.35 for each of the tourists —about $6 per day. This party say they traveled first-class all the time, stopped at the best hotels, and made no special efforts to economize, but the most strenuous efforts to prevent being swindled. Three or four young men, traveling together, ought to make the same tour for about S7OO each, and with rigid economy at a still smaller figure. 12 — ABOUT THE “ PATCHWORK PALACE.” Rome, Ga., Oct. 9, 1878. Editors Gazette: Where did Mr. Grady get his original idea of the “Patchwork Pal ace,” as used in his lecture? C. From a little house that was built pretty much as he described it, in this city. It was situated between his home and office, and he became very intimate with its proprietor—a bluff, simple-minded old fellow. Upon the pluck displayed by this old fellow, and by the result of his labor, Mr. Grady based his lec ture. THE STATE FAIR. It Promises To Be the Biggist One Erer Held. The Slate Fair which opens the week after the North Georgia Fair promises to be the finest exhibition ever held by the Agricultu ral Society. Mr. Malcom Johnson who has oiganized and managed the State Fair for several years is in charge. His experienced hand is been in everything connected with the Fair, and is backed by Col. Hardeman and his staff, and by Mayor Huffs’ splendid energy, he is BOUND TO HAVE A BIG SUCCESS. The Fair Grounds at Macon are the finest in the country, and are in fine order for the coming exposition. Every department is full, and every feature of the week will be a success. The State Fair will be very heavily rein forced by the North Georgia Fair. We learn that virtually all the horses that engage in the races at Atlanta will go to Macon. Many of the military companies will do the same thing, and the great bulk of the stock, ma chinery, etc., will be carried down also. The exposition that Macon gathers up will be supj plemented BY ALL THE BEST FEATURES of the Atlanta show. It will be a grand dis play—worthy of the grand old Empire State. Among the original features of the Macon Fair will be the rifle shooting of Dr. Carver, the champion shot of the world. His shooting gave New York and Boston a fresh and gen uine sensation. This will be theonlj’ chance Georgians will have to see him. Hon. A. G. Thurman, a prominent candi late for the Presidency, will be on hand, as well as other distinguished statesmen. Altogether, the show will be a grand one. We earnestly advise the exhibitors at the At lanta Fair to carry their goods and stock to Macon. And our people should send a lib eral delegation down, for Malcolm Johnson’s sake, if nothing else. TOWN TALK NOTES. Messrs. J. F. Burke <£■ Co., Proprietors Gtorgia Spice Mills: Your “Town Talk Baking Powder” surpasses all that is claimed for it. I use it constantly, and cheerfully 1 recommend it for its strength, reliability and economy. Chris. Widdersheim, ■ Pastry Cook, Markham House j j THE DAILY FAIR AND REX GUIDE. Merchants and others who desire to place 1 their business prominently before the visitors to the Fair and Carnival cannot find a better 1 medium than the above paper. Three thou- t sand copies will be distributed free on Wednes- f 1 day, Thursday and Friday of fair week. It s , will contain matters of importance to visitors which transpire during the Fair. Office at I Dodson & Scott’s. t HOW NATURAL! h .' I j “The Flood of Tears." Courier-Journal. ( The literature below, which was copied from 1 the letter files of one of our prominent maga- 1 zines, was evidently written by one of that mighty multitude who fancy that nothing is t easier than becoming an author, and who cry ' out favoritism! “rings!” when their pro-;: ductions meet the fate they generally deserve. I 1 fhere is nothing vialently funny about it, but I: it may call up a youthful reminiscence or so in some burly pork-factor or iron-founder who began life as a poet some twenty years ago: I. Pittsburgh, Pa., May 7,1876.—. Editor Mundane Monthly— -Dear Sir : Inclosed please find a poem, the “ Flood of Tears, ” a little thing of mine, dashed off in what I con sidered one of my happiest moods. You will perhaps notice the similarity between the title and IVilliam Cullen Bryant’s “Flood •!' Years,” but, upon perusal, you will find that there the similarity ends. The fact is, entre nous, I am no particular admirer of this mod i ern school of poets to whom Bryant belongs, and I am confident that you will find nothing | to remind you of them in my “ Flood of Tears, ” ; nor, as far as that is concerned, in anything bearing my signature. I have also been ac- | eused of being somewhat Swinburnean, but I that impeachment I deny with contempt. 1 am purely and only Fuggian—simply that and nothing more. I have no loftier ambi tion. I copy no one. But this, by the way. As to terms, we '-shall not disagree about them. Ido not write from sordid considera tions. Two hundred dollars, say. Very respectfully, C. G. Fuggy. P. S. —I, of course, reserve the right of publishing it in book form, and also of ap proving or disapproving the illustrations with which you may contemplate embellishing it. You are to publish just as written. No , changes of yours, remember. C. G. F. t IL , Pittsburgh, May 15,1878.—Ed. Mundane t Monthly —Dear Sir: On the 7th of this month I sent you, per mail, a poem for your magazine, entitled the “ Flood of Tears.’ r It I has now been over a week since. Did you receive it ? If so, please let me. know your ! decision as soon as possible. If it did not reach you I will send another copy. Let me hear from you by return mail. t Truly yours, C. G. Fuggy. 111. Pittsburgh, May 24,1876.—Ed. Mundane Monthly —Dear Sir: I was somewhat sur prised to receive to-day the MS. of my “Flood of Tears,” with your accompanying notifica ■ tion that it was “declined with thanks.” You 1 perhaps are over-crowded, apd the times, I suppose, are rather hard on magazines at present; and I know that editors, especially t of your high and gentlemanly standing, are not accustomed to haggle with their contribu tors about the prices of their productions, but if you thought the sum I named was more than circumstances warranted you in paying t just now, I assure you it would have offended me in no way for you to have told me so. j Bear this in mind in our future dealings, and it will save time and correspondence. I re turn the poem. Take it at SIOO. i Truly, your admirer, C. G. Fuggy. e P. 8. —I am willing to leave the matter of i illustrations entirely with you, as I know that you employ none but the best artists. C. G. F. IV. Pittsburg, May 25,1876 Ed. Mundane— y Dear Sir: I have concluded to make an alter t ation in my “ Flood of Tears,” which I sent I you yesterday. Please substitute the enclosd r stanza for the sixth, as in the manuscript, a Observe the happy and effective arrange e ment of the metre in the opening and closing. It is altogether new and original with me. s Please let me hear from you soon. As , ever, yours, C. G. Fuggy. Pittsburg, June 4, 1816.—Editor Mun dane Monthly— Dear Sir: The. “Flood of Tears ”is again received. You do not spe cify any reason for returning it. The price is immaterial to me. I do not write for money. Send me $lO and consider it yours. Hoping this will be satisfactory, and wish ing your peerless and magnificent magazine the immense and continued prosperity it so richly merits, I return the “ Flood of Tears.” Your most obedient servant, C. G. Fuggy. VI. Pittsburg, Jnne 23, 1876. — Editor Mun dasie Monthly— Dear Mr. Norton: Again 1 send you my poem, which I received with your “ regrets” this morning. If it will be of any use to you, I should be glad to have it appear in your paper as a voluntary contri bution. Thanking you for your kind and uniform courtesy, I ajn sincerely yours, C. G. Fuggy. P. S. —If you think it would be improved by any alterations, you are at perfect liberty to revise it as you wish, or if you prefer that I should do it, please indicate them, and I shall be glad to make any changes you sug gest. C. G. F. VII. Pittsburgh, July 1, 1876.— Ed. Mundane Monthly — My Dear Sir: You say you cannot use my “Flood of Tears.” 1 am very desi - ous that it should appear in the Mundane. If you will insert it, I will pay the cost of type setting, etc., or if you prefer, I will pay you at advertising rates. How much would you charge? Be as moderate as you possibly can. Please give this your immediate attention, and oblige, yours to command. C. G. Fuggy. VIII. Pittsburgh, Julv 30 —R. F. Morton : Your last is to hand. Tou have acted meanly, im pudently, insolently, all through this busi ness. Os all rings and monopolies, I despise and denounce such despicable literary (!!) cliques as yours, as the most contemptible. I am certain that I don’t want to gain its fa vor; no author of merit would. It would bury him forever. Take your little driveling' groveling, puny, trashy pamphlet and go to the devel. I wash my hands of you and your dirt forever. But the day will come when you shall feel my power and feel it hard. I mean just what I say. C. G. Fuggy. N. B. —I will be at the Fifth Avenue, your city, on the 10th of this month. You can get anything of me you want. Every one will find Mr. Mark Berry, at No. 33 Peachtree, an accommodating and square young man to deal with. The Christian Index and Southern Bap tist. —The publishers of The Christian In dex, Atlanta, Georgia, announce in this week’s issue of The Index, that they have secured, as editor-in-chief, the services of Rev. Henry Holcombe Tucker, D.D., LL.D., late Chan cellor of the University of Geo.gia. Dr Tucker is one of the most eminent scholars and writers of the age. His great scholarly attainments are matched by his great force of character, and all the characteristics that dis tinguish the Christian gentleman, in the purest sense of that term. Under his man agement, assisted by a corps of first-class writers and special contiibutors, this time honored and venerable religious newspaper takes position in the first ranks of religious journalism. The Baptists of Georgia and the South are to be congratulated upon the prosperity and power of their organ, and Christian literature throughout the South will acquire fresh lustre. We commend The Christian Index, not only to Baptists espe cially, but to all Christian families, as emi nently woithy of their support.— Atlanta Constitution. OUR FAIR. Everything Booming for the Coming Work. A Gazette reporter paid a flying visit to the Fair grounds on yesterday, and was as tonished to find the vigor and extent of the preparations being made for the coming Fair. Everything is in apple-pie order, and the grand stand is the finest in the country. It will accommodate thousands of people. There are forty-one horses on the grounds in training for the great races. There are trotters there already that can get below 30, md still better horses are coming. It is be ieved that Rarus Hopeful, and others of that trowd will come. The military display will be unquestionably mperb. Companies from all sections are be ng entered, and the grand dress parade will ie the finest sight seen in Georgia since the var. Several crack Northern companies lave entered. The general entries are much larger than lave ever been known before. The exposi ion will be unparalleled in this State. Let verybody come. A week of fun and sigl t eeing is certain. A full stock of the very best white Kid and lack Slippers at Mark Berry’s. HOW RABBITS ANNOY THE AUSTRALIANS From the London World. A plague of rabbits is upon some portions of the Australian colonies. Farmers shoot trap and poison them, and legislatures have tried in vain to rid the country of the evil. Poison is the most convenient and expedi tious agent yet employed, but it can be used only in winter, when green food is scarce. A man on horseback then takes a quantity of oats that have been treated with strychnine and scatters them through the fields and in the woods. In a single night hundreds of j rabbits have thus been destroyed. An ordina- | FJ trap is used in summer, great numbers being set every night, and a man is employed i to watch them, and to reset any one when a rabbit is caught. The animals' skins are all removed and packed into bales for transport to England, where they sell for two pence or three pence per pound. Experiments, it is said, have shown that the flesh of rabbits de stroyed by strychnine is not injured by the poison, and it is freely eaten in Australia by the farmers. The supply, however, is so great that many dead rabbits are left to lie on the ground, where crows and wild-cats find and make way with them in great numbers. AUSTRIA'S TROUBLE. The London News. i Further particulars of the murder of Me ■ hemet Ali, together with his escort, at Jakova, tend to render still more gloomy the Albanian situation. The whole province appears to be given over to anarchy, and the only point on which the people are agreed is in regard to offering a determined opposition to subjuga tion by any Christian power—the phrase Christian power in this instance applying to Austria alone. _ The belief seems to be gain ing ground in Vienna as these facts are becom ing known, that the occupation of Albania ij necessary to the Austrian scheme for a mili tary occupation of Bosnia; and there is much to give to such belief color and force. Apart from the material aid which will come in the shape of men and arms across the Albanian 1 frontier into Bosnia, the immediate proximity of an openly insurgent province will give moral support to the Bosnians, and will render the Austrian attempt at conquest all the harder, and will tend to make it all the more pro longed. Yet Austria has on hand just now, apparently, quite enough to occupy her atten tion ; more than enough to occupy her army, in the field, of two hundred thousand men. To undertake on top of the conquest of Bosnia the conquest of Albania may be a military necessity, but it certainly does not present, save to a powerful eye of faith, any hint of be coming an accomplished fact. After the dis mal failure of Mehemet Ali's expedition, Turkey will not be in a hurry to reduce the rebels to obedience ; in its present paralized condition Turkey regards insurrections as matters of trifling importance. Altogether, the chances favor the continuance of lawless ness in Albania for a long while to come. AUTUMNAL PICTURES. I see the fields where cattle graze, The hills soft meshed in silver haze, The gold-brown brook and ancient bridge, And old, old red mill beneath the ridge, And dim lights on the orchard side, With moss-grown trees low branching wide; The hamlet nestled in the glade— A drowsy nook that loves the shape; The dusty highway, long and brown, Slow creeping out beyond the town To breast the hill-side in its strength, A silent treeless mile in length, Far to the hanging woods on high That with their verdure soothe the eye With myriads dyes of dusky green Tnat wear September’s richest sheen. O’er old stone wall the blackberry twines, Inlaced with wanton gadding vines, The clematis and wild fox-grape, The shad-bush and the feathered brake, That soon shall glow a line of fire; Nor darker could the elder gleam With fruitage dipped in stygian stream. All freaked and splashed with guiltless blood, The sumach flares along the wood; The mullein takes its lonely stand Upon the hilly pasture land, Where slow the cricket’s voice is heard , Plaining some monitory word, ( Shrilled by a small black-coated friar Who preaches ’neath the furze and brier. The golden rod from myriad whorls Its sunny oriflame unfurls, And triumphs o’er the dusty way, Companioned by the thistle gay, That spreads a disk so rosy fair To feed the pretty birds of air. And foremost- with the twittering note. The dainty goldfinch swells its throat. Ihe noontide warms the quiet air With scent of apples spiced and rare, And quinces by the mossy well Feel in their veins old Midas’ spell, ■While clusters on the bronzing vine 1 Breathe out an odor half divine. From thick embroidered, bosky trees Comes now the murmurous hum of bees. Far off the golden stubble land Lies in a warm and glowing band, As if old earth, sunned through and through, , Had ripened to a richer hue; Clouds mottled like the ring-dove’s breast Move softly onward toward the west, ? With rifts of deep and tender hue, A nameless depth of gentian blue. In perfect beauty, flashed and sweet, Dear autumn comes with glowing feet; Her tanned cheek wears a sunset dye, A laughing light is in her eye. About her shapely ankles brown Swells out a modest russet gown— With here and there a color dash— A breast-knot of the mountain ash, Her round arms globed minions bear, And scarlet leaves have crowned her hair. [.dugusta Larned. A GEORGIA MEDICINE. Georgia has never produced any medicine that can equal, in the extent of its sales, the efficacj' of its werk, and the integrity of its record, the Bradfield’s Female Regulator. It has been tried for years, and it has never fiiiled where any medicine could avail. It has indorsements from every State in the Union, from England, France and Germany. Our people should throw aside all Northern and outside quackeries, and take this reliable medicine that they know to be good. It is recommended by nea .ly all of our physicians. It is so cheap and so certain in its work that' there is no excuse for any woman-to suffer a day without it. It is indorsed in the very highest terms. Is there any stained coal on sale in this city? What is the name of the stained coal ? Is it Anderson County ? Where is the yard that sells it located ? What is the man’s name who sells it? Why don’t all dealers sell it ? Did an agent come here and try to sell it to the irresponsible dealers here? Did all the irresponsible dealers here re fuse to buy it, because they considered it infe rior, and because it is stained ? Was a yard opened here because the irre sponsible dealers refused to handle it ? Is stained coal as pure, clean and good as unstained ? Is it not to the interest of coal consumers to look well into this matter of stained coal ? Can you smell clay when you use stained coal ? Is it healthy to burn stained coal ? Make inquiry who sell mud-stained coal. Go and look at the stained coal, as that will be enough for you. You will not to buy stained coal when you see it. If the man that sells it says it is only a little stained outside, tell him “ Let’s break up a lump and see.” What is the name of the best Coal Creek Coal sold here ? Is it not Black Diamond ? Make inquiry. Will an intelligent public buy and use mud and clay-stained coal, when they can buy pure, clean, clear, sparkling Black Diamond at the same price, from Sciple A Sons, No. 59 Decatur street. PICTURE FRAMES. Picture Frames made to order. • Picture Frames made to order. Picture Frames made to order. Picture Frames made to order. Picture Frames made to order, by PHILLIPS & CREW, Nob. 8 & 10 Marietta St. Facts for young men. Actual Business, Students on ’Change, The Business World in Miniature, at MOORE’S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA. The Best Practical Business School in the country. Send for Circulars, Terms, Etc. PLANING MILLS. PHOENIX E 3 LJk KT 13ST G- MILL! i . -afgvwwwh s K O O D O rn >- h § LU . 0 o £5 z go o jbt ■ y o -J zz THE LARGEST and COMPLETES! MILL in GEORGIA. LONGLEY & ROBINSON, No. 18 Loyd street, Factory corner Butler and Gilmer, Contractors ivo pnetors of Phumix Planing Mill, manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc. The PL.enix is the beet Planing Mill in the South, and turns out work of the very beet quality and at prices that competition. They have purchased the latest ihiprovements and best machinery ever brought now guarantee that no home. North or West, shall furnish better goods, or for lees money. Besides their own make, they have a large stock ot Western goods that are offered at prices below comix t tion Kr ties desiring building material. Sashes, Blinds, etc., will do weU to write to Messrs. L. kR. As Contract' they do an immense business, having built many of the finest buildings in the city. They are thorougldv - absolutely reliable, and their estimates are always the lowest. They eau point to scores of huge an 1 buildings put up under their bids, and they have never failed to come up to the very highest mark of their contract. Manufacturing the most of the material used in building, and all of the Sashes, Doors, Blinds etc they can underbid most of their competitors. The firm is also agent for the New York Enamel Paint Co’ The paint sold by this company is endorsed as the best in ths world. ANNOUNCI MENTS. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congress: HON. N. J. HAMMOND, I of Fulton. Col. Hammond’s appointments: Hon. N. J. Hammond, Democratic nominee for Con gress, will address the people of Zebulon, Pike county, Tuesday, October 15th. Hampton, Henry county, Wednesday, Oc tober 16th. (Col. A’s appointment.) Forsyth, Monroe county, Thursday, Octo ber 17 th. Brooks Station, Fayette county, Saturday, October 19 th. Thomaston, Upson county; Wednesday, October 23d. Fort Valley, Houston county, Thursday, October 31st. LEGISLATIVE. For the Legislature : B. F. ABBOTT an nounces himself a Democratic candidate for Representative in the General Assembly from Fulton county, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Col. N. J. Hammond: COUNTY OFFICERS. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. A. M. PERKERSON for Sheriff. There will be associated with him Mr. C. W. Wells, Mr. Matt. Ryan and Mr. H. W. Wood ing. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. SAM’L R. HOYLE as a candidate for Tax Collector of Fulton county. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Mr. JAS. D. COLLINS, the present in cumbent, will be supported for the Superior Court Clerkship. Many Friends. FOR TREASURER. Mr. COLUMBUS PAYNE respectfully announces that he will be a candidate for County Treasurer. For Alderman at Large: Editors Gazette — I have consented to run for Aiderman at Large at the ensuing municipal election. CHAS. PINCKNEY. For Aiderman at Large: We are author ized to announce to the public that D. A. BEATTIE is a candidate for Alderman at Large at the ensuing election. For General Council: We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. J. K. THROW ER as a candidate to represent the Third Ward in the General Council for the ensuing term. For Councilman: Please announce the name of B. F. LONGLEY as a candidate for Councilman of the Fourth Ward at the en suing election. MANY CITIZENS. For Councilman : We are authorized to an nounce the name of JOHN J. LYNCH as a candidate of the Fourth Ward for Council man in the ensuing term. For Councilman: We are authorized to an nounce the name of ANDREW P. STEW ART as a candidate for Councilman from the Fifth Ward. For Tax Collector: For the first time in my life, I am candidate for civil office, and ask from fellow-citizens, among whom I have lived over thirty years, for their suffrages for the office of Tax Collector of Fulton county. ER LAWSHE. COAL. KIMBALL’S COAL BULLETIN CASTLE ROCK COAL Lasts longer, makes less soot, and sells for 75 cents per ton less than any other Coal in market. BLACK DIAMOND COAL CREEK. The best Coal Creek Coal in market, at bottom pri ces. j GENUINE MONTEVALLO COAL, 5 Fresh from the mines, at the lowest rates. t * ANTHRACITE COAL. Best burning Bed Ash Anthracite Coal al wavs on - hand, at lowest figures. NUT COKE, I Jnst the thing for domestic use. A full stock. Pri ces low. ’ Wood, Catoosa Lime and Cement. J. C. KIMBALL, 54 Alabama and 72 Decatur Sts. !■ .... FAIRS. THE GREAT GEORGIA STATE FAIR, 1878, AT MACON. GA., From Oct. 28th to Nov. 2d. $9,000 in MONEY Premiums! An interesting RACING -PROGRAMME each day for Premiums covering over $2,000. The best arranged, most commodious and most beautiful Fair Grounds and the best Mile Track in the South. Liberal Pre miums for every department of HUSBANDRY, MANUFACTURES, MACHINERY, and WORKS OF ART. Send for Catalogue of complete list of Premiums, ' Rules and Regulations, which will be mailed, postage I paid, on application to the Secretary. COUNTY PREMIUMS. To the county which (through Societies or Clubs) shall furnish the largest and finest display, in merit and variety of products and results of Home Indus tries, (except stock, which are excluded), all raised or produced in the county, S3OO 00. Second Premium, $l5O 00. MILITARY PREMIUMS. For the best drilled volunteer Military Company—at least three entries—to have not less than twenty five , men, rank and file, $250. THOMAS' HARDEMAN. Pres. MALCOLM JOHNSTON, Sec. M. J. HATCHER, Gen. Supt. OPIUM CURE. OB.M. Woolley’s I**bit of using Mor- _ . * phine, Gum Opium, Lauda- • rainless num or Elixir of Opium AM ERI CAN cured painlessly by this Im- R I I I remedy. ■ I U IVI Manufactured at Atlanta, Ga., at reduced prices. Test- CI’RK ob ed i n hundreds of cases. A NTTBOTF Guaranteed. Particulars F&ke AIN 1 IVO 1 IS. Ad(lreM B M Wooixey, Ai anta, Ga. Office No. 35, entrance 33; r Whitehall St. DRV GOODS. IDrUST GOODS FOR THE MILLION: DAVID H. DOUGHERTY, 35 FEA.CIITREE STREET, ATLANTA, OCT. Ist. I HAVE WHAT I BELIEVE TO BE THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK of DRY GOODS For the FALL TRADE ever opened in the city of At - lanta. lam certain that I will sell my Goods at prices THAT DEFY COMPETITION. My Stock is ALL NEW, with no faded or out-of style remnants carried over. I have resident buyers in New York, who are constantly on the look-jut FOR BARGAINS and NOVELTIES, ’ and who ship to me CONSTANTLY, having carte blanche orders to buy whatever will be apt to PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS, r _ or can be sold at a bargain. I respectfully solicit a trial at your hands. I am certain that I can give you satisfaction in styles, as sortment, quality of goods, and price. My stock is selected with a view to meet the wants -of all classes of trade. Give me a call. DAVID H. DOUGHERTY. TRUSSES. THE CELEBRATED MRCK TBVHH« Wl / / TRY ONE AND BE CONVINCED THAT IT IS THE VERY REST A Comfort to the Laboring Man, it gives PERFECT EASE! Simplicity of construction, durability, ease and com fort to the wearer. It cures where a cure is possible. THE VERY BEST. _ . Atlanta, Ga Dn. BnowNE—After fully testing the Merck Truss v° P U T-v a 'nvS On “ y P a ‘ ieutß ' 1 Pronounce it the VKKY BESI. It is simple and comfortable and I heartily recommend all who have hernia to bay one Yours truly, J. p. Hammoso, M.D.' THE VERY BEST. _ . . . Gainesvtixe, Ga.. May 28th. 1878. 18 /b " er t>fy that I have used, in my practice, the Merck Truss, which has invariably given tion. I unhesitatingly pronounce it the best Truss I ever Baw - H. S. Bhadley, M.D. DR. BROWNS INTEGRITY. i Fr ™ the chri^fian Neighbor, published in Colum bia, S.IC., and Atlanta, Ga., May 30, 1878: “Judging from the number and character of certificates, and our knowledge of the integrity of Dr. Browne, we readily recommend the Merck Truss to the afflicted.” 43“ Read the following editorial from the Clinical Record, published in Atlanta, Ga.: THE VERY BEST. Fhe attention of the medical profession, as well as an?' w b°may be suffering from Rupture, is called to this, the best Truss we have ever seen. We refrain from anything like a description; it is so simple that an eflort in That direction would detract from its mer its. It is. in every essential particular the best Truss in the market. We have tested it, and do not hesitate to say that nine out of ten cases can be radically cured by it, if properly and persistently worn. It is so sim ple and natural in its every part, construction and de sign, that we wonder it was not the first Truss made ” Address DR. W. C. BROWNE, DRUGS. DANIEL & MARSH, Retail Store, No. 13 Decatar Street. Wholesale Store, No. 3 Pryor Street. DRUGS, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES. We have an unusually large and well aelected stock on hand for the Fall Trade, on which we are enabled to give all the discounts known to the Trade. Our Retail Department ia stocked with new mV DRUGS, EXTRACTS, TOILET ARTItWs Soaps, Brushes, and a superb COLOGNES and to which especial attention is called. The ladies are | inv.ted to give our Colognes a trial. The PRESCRIP- I TfON DEPARTMENT is in the hands of experienced ; Druggists, and is open day and night. Prescriptions carefully and promptly compounded. OUR WHOLESALE STORE. In order to properly accommodate our largeMSff growing wholesale business, we have opened a new store at No. 3 Pryor street, and have filled it with a stock of Drugs especially selected for the Georgia . trade. We respectfully ask a trial, j We guarantee the utmost care and dispatch in filling orders, large or small, faithful attention to the inter ests of our customers, and absolute integrity in all our dealings. Give us a call, or send for our Price Lists. DANIEL & MARSH. DENTISTS. DR. W. G. BROWNE, * DENTIST, 33j WHITEHALL ST., . ATLANTA, GA. The BEST practice St LOW price,. Refers to a targe circle of cuetomerjcß Atlanta and throughout Geor gia. All work guaranteed.