Southern federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1861-1862, June 25, 1861, Image 1

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“3 m Bill liHTtH'j SlSBET A IUKAES, pobiisiers aa 1 Proprietors. rt.m*.BET. (T|jc ^oiifirrir fcbcnl ilnion j pthUshed Weekly, <n Mdleilgerdlc, (.in., j C>r»‘ r °f // ‘nrtK'k and ll'dkin&bn Sts.,! appetite Court House J A! 82 ;t year in Advance, ! fvLcss in Auvajm e, Per Annum.) "A VOLUME n ( J L L EDGE V i L L E, GEORGIA, T 1 E S D A Y. J l N E 25, 1861. [NUMBER k.ites of auvektum^;. /', r trinnrc of hceluc Unzu. insertion #i *RL *iu«J tiity cents fur each subvequeoi COjlWllAlK’a. - 1<lC , ,t writhont the specification of the number oi I, ,.,,,, u-iilbu publlH.ieil nil turbid aud eliargec j.-ourJunry. . R . I'ntfeiwional Cards, per year, where the} *U, „a excewl Six Line. - - - «lu in j Urn! rant met gill be made irit h /base ’-ho k ti ddrsrlier by tiit year,-occupying a specified upon LEO A I- ADVERTISEMENTS. ot L Hid and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex- r« ..r Uaar<liaus. arer.-qmred by law to be he!. ,i, e irst Taesdsy in (he iii.intli;between die hour. , u | and three in the afternoon, at tie ( . ni i«>ose in the county in which the property is e |t- “^rtice of thesesslea mns» be <iven in n publieira- Jj. j l (js vs previous to the day of sale. Voices (orthe sale of penning! property must bedr- „„ in like manner 1 • days previous to stile day. V .tiers to 11'*- debtors and ereditorsof an estate mum . j, ; K . puMished 41* days. * V .tic. tli 'l application will he madetothe Conrt 01 rtrlinarv forte ivet"sell Land or Negroes, most b. oohlbhed for two months. 1 svifirleitersof \<1 nt<list rat inn Gitarriiansliip vf . n -t!> - pnWished 3<> days—for dismiss!,a. f r .,{, ..i ninistrsti.m. monthly sis months—for dismisstot .. „n IJnardiansliip. 41* days. I’ n t,-f.« f irecl.sinre of tlortgnge tnusl be publisher - ,.M*r fir f-nir months— .■ lost papers ... ih/f‘iH 'P'cr of three months—for compelling tit],., . n Kiecutor- or>td iiintstriitora. where bond has beet p re * l,y the deceased, the full space of thro. "pu'ilicationH will always be continued according t< the legal requirements, unless Otherwise ord**rci ,. ,\ e following RATES: f ation«. on letters of ailministratinn. Arc ?•] 77 .. “ d.smissory *rmn /tdmrn. ’■ Guardianship. I,, .vetosell Land or Negroes v-tice to debtors and creditors. g.'emtf personal property, ten days. 1 eqr. g,-, m' land or negroes by Executors, Arc. pr sqr (taravs. two weeks ... . F„r« "tan advertising Ms wife (in advance.) ti. (Texkral anvkr t jsem mxts. J. A. & W. \Y. TURNER, attorneys at law, Eaton ton, Ga. firtnher. I**. ISM. 21 tv. 15* :4 ic 11ll 3d* ) .V 5 0* 1 5* C'LlfliS it W00LF0LK iMartljmist anil Costmission BAIKRCIIANTS, ARK now open nhd p r ^pH**ed for tin* r<* option oI Cttfonot their NKVV KIKE PKOOK \\ \REHOI SE fnptnir# llnrdcinnn A: Sparks. \W will endeavor t« pr*ovour«'!ve* irorthv <*f the pahoiour** of throe trio rill 1*4vor n?* with their hu*<ineM. Liberal advance 1 * nr t 4e«mcotton when desired. Miron On.. Sept. *21, f«5&. IS tf. JO Ihl T. SOWtoUia, ATTORNEY AT LAW, v. wonton, t; v. E.*itn:itrn Ga.. Fob. 14, IHfitt. P. 3 if. Encourage Hume Lile ratine l! THE SOUTHERN' FIELD AND FIRES'I)E. D EVOTED f' LUorntiire, Agiicnltnrr. and Hor*i Ciiltur** edited by geulieuien of eminrti/nbility .n ti:vir Ni-verul departin publiahcd evciv saTL'KDAV. at AUiTti^a t?**orgin. L\t»ttES.*IO?H OF HIE PRESS. “Itf* wiio-fx arc the most dwtinjm’Hhed in the South.* Dr!fa, A' tc (J leant. Stands in the very first rat k. ,f P -e •.bn't'rinn. (?h'irfe*/on. “A paper, indeed, for the i^mth.”—A etrt, Sara tinuh-. “A oiin*t acceptable paper. ’ Chritlian Jnu»:r, Mat on. ‘‘Equalled by few. Hiirpoasetl by non**.’’ Time*, Columbus. “The beat investment of two dollars that Cv»u!d b« | made ”—Mutton nan. St. [yntt. ’ Deserve* ttie most liberal patronnpre.’’ KstAtlanta. ■ We cord i illy commend it to S »ntliemciH Kn/mre.r. Richmond. 4 Its contents are varied and mnveable." Ch , ‘t<fain A loncate A etc (Jrleonr. “C ilculnto L eminently, to improve the soil an i th mm Mempbtt. • Filled w»tii tne ch »k« at reading matter.” Jrt ’H if 4* Umemres* Mtcan. Go. “An excellent j »nr «al.edited bye »mpetenttfeiitleinen. C'lronicR 4* Srrtlinr/, Augusta, Ga. • Br>t Literary journal in t:;c country ” Journal IsOnisriflc. A Southern Sarfnlk. Every reading mail iutiu cotint r y'**!«outd take if. R-’purj/fc, Augusta. ‘Gives f.ill value for tlie money/’ Southron, Jackson Miss. \Vt.r;h ten ti»ne« its subseripuon pri«-e.” Gazed* Chattanooga. Without a rival—the b^st that c o es t«» u Erp e**, VirkJtur'jh, Mi**. Invaluable to everv man of literary tu-te. Rrgittler, Mobile. ! r T Tin TV t * Al WOliD'!$ i El V ER 1RVIG0RAT0 R r, *-.«*«! SfS! anaisuuw^'i .if^7 d ullthe rupases f-rwlm h t3 *? ”* wrt b nu.fldeLb^ tt iias eureil tl 1 *** 11 !'* tecouiineiic^d. Who hud given' up"aUi ’ Vl ' 1 "" ,,lfc la ^' *»*'years nume. ous tins elicited cer- ^ titicau show. i uncates in my pOBSeas.oi 'C iUllW.du^ K S”*" 'he.en'pcra in the use of the Live! invlm^T"' y R U Z r - M" " r '-'""h'umt-. ^ sent, i v'" >, lV, ,,1 ' U!l ’ u;H ' > Quinine, Comnl«;i,| N J)! . I,. F1 u t u I e n e e . - .LulSe ^ rvv;,;;>'">-«*■ o„i,S! ; r o;; r rtiu;r’ u “ fui - ^ ^n. r .^ wt ’ il are e> v - |m ing their testimony in its Mix icaicr in the** mouth trith the In- vigor at or, and sical/ow both together. Price one dollar p«r bottle. —ALSU- SAN FORD’S KA.WILI Catliarlic Pills, COMPOUNDED FltOM Pure T egetob/e Extracts, and pvt up in (Hass Capes, Air Tight, ai d will Icetp in any climate- 1 l.e family Cathartiei jPiil it* ageutle but active 0u*hnrtic, which the pro- iprietor has ured in l.i pratMice more than tweii- . .y years. i he coiislnntiy iucrens-|CQ 1 mg demand from win. have long used tin ^ ! Puls, and the satinfafiho winch ail expiesH in r»* . jgard to their u.^e, lias in duced ine to place then. j within the reac h ot all. The Profession well j** ! anow that diftereut Ca- tharticMact on different portiui.a of thr btiwtls. The Family Cnthaniej | Pill Uas^ with due refer- enco to tliiM well e-tab j >!:>hed tact,been compoun ded from n variety of tin O Lmre^ Vegetable Ex tract.-. which act alikeoniM every’ part of tliealiuien- tary cima! and are goodie^ md safe in all casef* wher** a Cathartic i.-J needed,Mich a» Derange- incuts of the % |Sleepiness, Pains in Tin Hack and Loins. Costive- ^ ' ueas. Pain and sorenest* over the wtiole t»ody. jfroin suddeu cold, which frequently, if negheted ’end in n long course ot fever. L«» J of A ppofite. , a Creeping Sensation ot Cold over tlie body. Kest-j 1 less ness, Headache, oi weight in the Iliad, al! ^5 j Iriflainntory Diseases. Worms in Cliildr* n or ! Adults, KheutnaHsm, a great Purifier of the |blood, and many disease?- to ?c/nc/ Jfcsh ist/cir J J to, too numerous to inentiou in r hiri advertisement, Dose, 1 to 3. Price Three Dimes. T ie Liver In vigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed bv Diuggwts generally, and sold wdiolesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S.T W. SANFORD, M D , 50 ly. Manufacturer and Pmpnetor 208, corner of Y ukon st , Bn>Rdw av. N. Y’# “The best family paper published. * • Con fie, Jonrter Charted an. “Equal, if notsuperior, in literary uieiits, to any joui tia pub.iidit'd.”— Standai d, Raleigh. 4 A welcome gu^?t at eve y Hruhitli* Advertt* 'r, Montgomery, Ala. TERMS OK SCBSUUIKTION—PAYABLE AL WAYS IN ADVANCE. Single cop\, )»vr til.limn ^ *■ .Six copies, * 4 - - Ten copies, “ Twenty copies. “ — Sp cirnen copies Mint grati-. T..e FIELD AND F1KES1DE will fl'mllv rnter •jto*ii it.-third volun.c, and i.-m w HIMIIA ESI A B I.ISHKD. It i*hai.dM.ii ely print d, hi folio form, foi bimiing. mi fine piper, mid w.tti «■ ent tv)e. Every ex- mi-.ii ininnde t.» rhidic iteitn el" iir. t ■ l.e TitEFIKST WtEKI.Y I’.M’Ei; IN THE SOI Til JA.tfEN l’loprietur. Anguntn.Gn.. April. 1 Dli, tsr.1. 1«> 15. •55. D 1 ivi t oi.s o a*i vx A.i,ia IRON AND BRA-S FOI NLR1! kUFFLEY FERROWS would respectfully in- _ ’ f.inn the public tlu.t they me now prepared ti execute anv work in tlieir line with neatness and <•'**“ patch, su-has SUGAR MILL ROLLS turned or un torned, of any size, trom goto 120 dollars per sett. SUGAR KETTLES from 30 to I-'0gallons ; Saw am Gri-t M ill Machinery; Gin Gear of any size. F<*n:ing tor House, Harden. Balconies, and Cemeteries, at Eastern Prices. Smh and CUk Weights, Window Sills Caps. Mdl -pindle*, and Fanning Mill irons of all desc-rip- *io ;s, made o* th:- iiest imiteriald. Work Warranted. Mille.lgeviiV. Ian. V.1« r >0 3o tf SLATINli—SI.ATl N L. M. E. KLhtoTT. PRIfTIflb SLiHR *¥.» 0SII.ER Ilf X3 in St *T* SS T~ . A. T T*! S j RECENTLY FROM RICHMOND. VA., 1 8 now ready to do any work in his lino <>i hnsi- J nes,—Slating, and warratt ejfi e troin Leak- h%e. Repair* lo old wlntr Rnefs allrndc.l to Promptly. W. E. E. is Agent for an extensive Manufactory of Iron Railing. Ver.-iii.iab, Bilc.ntios. Itnii Stairs. Fountains. Settees, Cliaiis, raid**, lice Boses. Figure-. <Ae.&c, and all other lion Work ot a decorative elia’acter. Enclwning Omelcry i.ol» wi!l receive hi* par- ticnitti- AltfBlian. W. E E. is Agent for an ext-nsiv* Marble Monument Works, likewise f<tr tlie Steam Marble Mantle Works. Designs ot all. with prices, can be seen at Ins office, up steirs, over Morning News office, Bay Str-et. Savannah, Ga. A sreciiiieiioif our work inay^be seen on tlie Depot building in Milledgeville. Reference—G. \V. Adams. Superiotendent C. R R. ,-svann.ah. - dds&ivtf. ~ Blackberry Wine. \ PUUE article of this Wine, .-an be liad nl41i« A Store of Grieve A. « InrU, a‘-i «' tic V rietv Store ot .1. fOB.H A- SONS', Tm- '• **" U four ye irs old, and in taste, much resembles the v -rv best Old Uort. A few dozen ot this age etui be ahtiineil. [V" i’riee *1 ‘Si per bottle. <1 tt- DRESS AND UNDRESS SVl I I, I ry A R V CAP MANUFACTURER. \| JiSN? !2i Milledgeville, Ga.. has J Js . now on timid, and is prepared to make, ?• all kinds ci the above articles. Also, S\vor<*s. Epaulette. Flume-. Fontpoons. Burtons, and i Mil'taiy ftiltiislfiig guods generally. Mill. Pf-. viHe. A| r : l fitli |s*li|. dfi tf .1 X-y Ali W 2 PLANTER'S HOUSE. Cherry Street, Macon Ga. rpms HOUSE i- Two Bloeks from I the Rail Rond Dep.4 IN'TDK BUS INESS PART OF THE CITY, mid DROPSY CURED! xVO V 45 It EE III Ml EG! yi^Gn f girt vjt vvtil yt.v inf IWootn's Anti• lhfdrfqnc Tinc/vrc / TPHE underbid ti*<i u«*ulil it .«•»*c*fully call th* A a Pi I* lion ot th** |»*: b ic to tin 11 c-h hr: »tii AN! I HVDKoriC TIN( TVKK. A U it tri:.. '» a'l we ask to c«»ti\ itice the n»- st iimefiuh n* tlu: • •tir treanieiit is no humbug, Mat y w lio I ave df **paiieil «»f ii cnv» ly have b* er rutin h, i* li< v* <1 m •ier cur tti ii * it* m, \\ e w t>u!d t«# ihcbe ; ffiu-ti • with that b>atlMme (IjseHbe, tl t* Dh>|'M . to c 1 » !a> no time in living us a call. K»n><nbtr tie ul* provtih, * lhi cia.-tirivtii n is ?l»e th/t of time’ We will visit ms w I on fh biit H anil nanna bly ceni|»* hsauj f«»r <»ur in nhle On ihe r c* ij » ^ «»1 fen dollars we will (<>rw urd tu any Ii^iln ad d« i pot its value in mii medh ii e. M A J. TI BLOOM. P. S.—Ail cnimrKtuVjiijHi.* n iibt be ?»ddn ssef *o the u mb d t« m* • i with pi« nij't a to nrimi be can be c» l.siilit <! 1\ ealling at bi^ t fiii e ill tin Nottb side ol jMiblic sq« an . JO^KMI H. IP COM ( arrcMton, Uiorgia. CEBTII I( AT I S. Powelfer. Hi i <«< I* c« in * a (ot.. Jr n. 1 f, •T< j»h H Urccm. E»q.— I • m Sii : Tl i> is t*. cev tity tbi.t in tlie year D. r ,< , l l.nd m <b r n a < are n cum •t Dr< |».*5’, w l.u-1. I direct*d to be placed under v« in treutmu.t. r \ I e ab< ve <-a>e wasj'lj.ced wider y*.m care and treatmei t. and in tlie *pi ce of pis «,i n*ver weeksyou madea final cure. Ti «- above ppeeified <•«>» mis > ljeen under inv n«»ti«*t , but no sign e,' |)n j mis sii 1 e bt en visible I wn»ddttier« foie din t'l all w h« nave tbe.Dn jw-v to give\« n a trial, tor I ibii k >«ui medicine tlie giealu? t evi r dirc< m n d fi i Ditj.-v. Y'e»jrs rerpectlnllv. K. F. Stay, m. n. Sandersville. Ibi.. Jan. 7, I Oentlcrnen : Thi8 is t<» etilify M.i t n-y* lmtherwa' ftiieled with Dr« p>y f«*r a lntg tine, aid that al • lie medical skill wldeli ct uldlre )»t« nued was « xlu.ii.-t < j d, and her recovery was r ganfeti as boneless. Shi was in« i cj d to tt-t lie virtue if Biein.s At ti-Ilv dmpic Tirdwe, a»i»4 GuJitia f« w d%v*» g)« giev better, aid tl icr^li its use a peiitcl cuieVas ♦ lT« tti d. and gbe lived seainil y« »-n» afteiwaida. 1 eheeifulh reeon n end ll.ote afflicted with l>iVp?y a fair trial. Ke;?M etflllfv, JNO. W Kl DIS LI E. Oreersboio, On., Jan. 30,18*0. Gentlemen : Tbi- i> to ceitifa t! at in the year D53. I bad a negro man affl*<*te<i will Liojisv. I*gave bin Bro* mV Auti-Ilydii'i ie Tbcliii. vl i! I Ulnae ef fected a peiu fiM i>t cure. 11 is wrs tmtidba otli* r pi ysicii i.s. I ut to no t fii / r. m d I (1 < 11 hil'v re- commei.d ai y one who lias the ]>iojr f } tutiy Bi/on/ Anti-Hvdrepic Tii>«*tnre. [:*•* 1 v 1 K—1>. (-■fully-. y\NTV BH KKRS. Dr. w. IT. Bffci:FAf8»S STRENGTHENING (< lDi ’L BIOOD 1 UKIFilR! The Gr^icst ruis-.D In the 4Yorld. /) AND THE 'tjfXf' Most Deiicicns AND Ce’.ightliil Cordial K\'F.r. TAKEN’. THE t.iotfsoiids npyn t.'ioii- SrrvitjiPM iiaig ail .be ‘ n.'.lflcr taRiii g. s!i k m car the Ware Houses and Wlmlesnle I j a j I tores. A Dorter w*fll be in attendance f the Depot. J. O. GOOL>ALE, Propfieior. Jnnnaiy l« c fJI. 3o 3n/. DU A R DUNG. Y IIOPSK w i’l be open for transient «i <i r«-gu- I 1mr boetders. JAME.S E. IIAYGHOD. Alilledgeville, Jan. lFtli, D6L * 3;>if. Tl V IIOU.SE will be open for the re- i>i i-ep i ,i . ! MEMBKKS lO THE t'ONVLNTIO.V ALL \\ LOCALLON ME will be made comfortable. E. SCANDLER. Milledgeville, January, -Itli, 1M>1. American A«iicullurihl. O f or the i’:iriii Gantrn, mid fioii«< bold. A Tmoim(.h (ioixc., RELIABLE, and PRACTI CAL Journal, devoted t« thedifi’ereit departments of SOJls Cl’LTLliE, such a» gr* wing Kixi.n ( KdPbi orchard ami gakdrr PklHTH; rardka VEbKTAhlJ.s and FLOWERS; Tiees, Plants, and Flower* for the LAW A or YARD; care of Do mestic Animals, ike , A c., and to llmis*:bold Labors. It has also an interesting and instructive department for children and you*h. TERM5»— INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year #1 I 0 Six ci pies, one year 5 00 Ten or more c« pi^s <»!»e year 80 cents each. g^gr'Add to the above rates; Postage to Canada f cenU; to England, France or Germany, 24 ceuts per anni'-.ii. Postage anywhere in the United States and Terri tone* must be paid by the subsetiher. mat is only su cents a year, if paid in advance, at the ortiee where rec* iveii. All l»i!sinr**s and other cemmunientions should be nd- dressed to the Editor and Pn»prn*tor ORANGE JUDl), \[ Park-Row, New Y’oik City. BULiK-binding THE Subscriber i* i , '" , T rp - paretl to do BoOk'IiHw* iog, >" »" >"* Oirt Hoi k»'l. &c. MU.--IC hound in Urn b«n*l style Bla>K tnxnn art it red to Prompt Rttvntiou will he S*veu to all wotk ennust.d to me. ^ KIPO Blalery la Saalbera fnlrtnl Cr * r ’ __ Millulgeville, M.nb 19th, IHfl r^-Qaer Hvve you-een that Bio lsnt*5 it ar othiro^n or ofthiapaner Hoiiline. Hm T9, 1JAHK9 »•*» I.SAVM Ol th* CuEKOKkl Hl£JU.D». SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. FREI! gBEDN FOB THE HO ITT II. \V,. have emr ready fur distribution the following Sevu.s uliM-ll will bo li.lll.oi! fits tllttliy of <'Ut- rub- M-ribors for 1861, who will’ send us the necessary stamps for postage; Cotton Heed—Dickson’s Iirprovetl—1 oz. package; G wuts. J{ ( .c—Premium, from Atlanta Fair—I oz. package: postage G cents. Wheal—I’remium wliiti—I oz. package: postage 6 ctii. j 1lye—1 oz. package: postage 6 cents. D,ts—Black and white winter—Frcmiuni at Atlanta I Fair—1 oz. package; *j i ts. postage. [State which j kind isilesited.] I.urerne—I--, oz. pkge: o cts. postage. 11V,iie Clover—do. no. J l!cd Closer— do. do. (Jrrhnrd Cimx*-do. do. Kentucky 11 hit'.-do. do. lied Top— —do. do. Ifnnyatinn Crass seed—1 oz. package—6 cts. po-tnge Stanford's Wild Crass—1-2 oz. papers; 3 cents postage. Em/pUon M.llfj— I -2 oz. papers; 3 cents postage. Kncli sunsetibtr. for 18* I, who sends-tali p». is entitled to one oi two paj ers ot seed, us above; auu those who get ttpe.niis, may draw the same propor tion tor cacti name sent. Other seeds will be constantly added to this list; and »< che-eilolly send tloin on the atiovc terms. \\ e shall have n huge astoitmi lit ol V( getuble anu Flow*,*! Seeds, especially ndfJ/did to the tiote/t. ready lor nv ti.e mtudle of January, loose Utile packets of seed, sentteied far and wide, through remote Motions of the Soul hem States, may belli* means of* *V. * :ii gint.cli o, H .d; and will probably save many readers the expenditure of H oney toi articles not adopted to tlieii wants. This will be found u very ehetvp mode ef test in ft the valve ot thediffelel.t \ eg- etabh s, Grasses, &e , Ac.; and short reports of eitliei III* success or failure <d these experiments will be highly interesting t*> < ur readeis. Ti.e niore widely the Cultivalor is cireulaled, the greater wilt be the • listnlmtii ! of ,-1 and agricultural information; and ns the ngrieulturei t lh» 8outt. is th*- basis ij allpros- perile, no true patriot ran do his section <*i people a jjj-etitet service thiiti by aiiling US iu eiiccesbtully car- ryiigout of this entertnize. Tin* Somlitrn (’ultivattu - t* pub!i*hed in y\ugusta, (la., at $1 per year in advul Ce. NEW HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP. TY'IIE undersigned re- pectfuily informs the Ci'i I zens of Milledgeville and vicinity, that he URSESS AND SHOE SHOP, nt Hugh Ticnuc.t’s old Stand, corner of Uancock and Wayne Streets— Ami solicits a share of public |mfronage. Harness made to Order —Repairing ot old Har ness done promptly and on reasonable terms. Boots and Shoes made U> Order. Give him a tiial. E. J. HOGUE. Milledgeville. Ma* 11th. l-fil Ut tf i 5U >avv LdiioD oiii lur SiUe. ONE of WATSON'S best 50 Saw Cotton Gina, i* offered for sale. This Gin is new, and i* equal t ■ any in use. Sold for no fault, the present ow n-re having no nse for it. Any planter wanting* g .nd (iin, can have a chance to get nns at a r* - d iction ou the regular price. Apply at this office, , , cl N. Tift, or J. U. Watson, at Albany. <u»M ,«1, f*»lutvly _ fur ti»*‘ rt-’iuvat d^ aini n m —— ,-v \ Kiult AT IN(i Hit- -Butt More taAifl? ana ^ > } >tvu.. .ityliit: and enricl.iiig tl»« Jilcoi.—umliiig ti aiifiV;riiig invalid to 11 K A Is T II A IV I> ,1 T R II N Ci T II . THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. IT will cure Liver Complaint, Dj>pe|i*ia, Dinrrl <ea Dy*ei ter), Headache, lnq Uh>ii l i l Spiui*. Fevn •Hid Amu , luwtiiu Fever, Bud liieatli, «»i ui y dioeUM. •jf the Liver, StoU hc!i, <*i B* \vel>. GEN1LEMEN, do ymi wibh lobe Healthy, Str«*i £ ana vitr(.iei»*f LaDiES, do you wai t the Muoin cl Health t» moutillu your <*!»••♦ k*- ngaii.?— tht u at oi ee and tr« i tli'LrnuS Stren::llu niiitf Cordinl aiul Rlc>o« ?urifirr> Delay in t nnncii.i i.t: it i> v arrai ti r n yiva utkdaetinii. It will cuieaii) uWa*et.t the Kidi e) \ Blaxtder; FniutiiT', Obatiueti d Mei.ttiua riini t Kalliup «»f the Woiub. Ikireu»»e» fl oraua dtoea^ rtii>iii^i frum Chn uic or N# i y» u> D« bilii \, it is i.u In laliible Reu.edy F O R C IJ I I I)Jc EX. Di> vou want yt.urdelieate, sickly, jiuny Children. t« i»e healthy a and r* lm.-t!— Ji.ei. ^:v«* tnein ilcLEaX S >TI»HAG1 HIDING I URI JAL, (se» ineduectluli* «»u each b«*ltu ) ii is* deliei* u toi. K One tMbie-'pot iiiui, taken eveiy iimriiii ^ fast-, is a *ure preventive c^anift Chill* and I* ev» i, Y« l- ( ,w Fever, Cholera, ur any prev.ulii g dn« m»e. (JAI TIOV—Be wme ui lh« ^prt* <>r Denleis wi.o n.a) ti a 1«» |.*» »n i.|- i» >t u a in tile * i Hilltinm Sai'Bapttiilia*, (wl n h tl» ) < tl. I D) i I t n ) l vu yn ^ i i* ji at hh giMjd Tin re aie ev« n ti i n liA*' h en« iix.1 •o steal pa»t ot my name to i ub their \ 1LE d» e« i tiou*. g\void M.cli iMun • u.n l‘lhA'l I S aim ti.< ii v;* niuoiiH coinnosUndt! Ask tor In. J. II AlcLtan'. >tienjiUienii yT’ordial and Bh «<1 1’niith r. 1 «.he 1«tli ii j; else. It Is the «»nl> reii e« y that will Punt' yon; linHjd rl • || rphly. and. at the*aiue time. S r J n I-.N4 .Til EN and I^VIGOKaTE ti.e wholeoipuuzat.on Hi? put np m Large liottlei-— per b »tue, «*r six botile: Dr. McLeans Universal Pills. For Li/er Ccm,LiDt, Ei.lourr.6S?,, h. There hu* nevei bem a ( A l IIAR l IC n,< dieite. of- fere<lto thepublie, »h«t h 10 given • lie!, eiture saiisfnc ikm a* McLEAK'S IMYtnsAL I il Ls Beit g ci.nreh v» getat»!e, tin \ aie pciAcfy imiti cent nliB can be takeh by tne 11.«w-1 •* n\*ei ii.lanl: )« i prompt and [H.aveilmin J« m«.\ing ahBiiiuu .hficId if. Acid ox lu pute, FeleU MatU i in in >!•» Sh n.« cn. it met, they are the on!) I ILLS that be d it .natnriouo «ti*triet*. They produce in* Griping. S’.cknep* or Pain m tin Steinach Ol Bowel*, tln.ugii veiy active itliil *enlchlt i ill their operation J4« in‘ ui i* l.ralti V m cut;*-! s • I r t*» Liver tun. Kitin* )’.-. W i*v vailir'i lit 1 tioin Bdi* ti«*i c>s Headache and l* ul Stomach, when mi ch* i p a r* im - iy Can be obtain^*.! Iv*-« p th*.i»i camlnii'l) n l»a:*< ; t single d<»*e, tiik«ii in *eM*« u, mav pji-A » nt ht.uis lavs, and months i t sicklier*. A:kt*i Ik J. Ii Me Lean’s Univeisai Pills. Take Beil g*. they arc lasfejt-ss. Price only io cent* j»« r C4Q be went by mail to any pai t « t the United StuXea. Dr McLean s Vulcanic Oil I inin ent. Tlir Cesl liilrrnn! iu thr 4Vor!‘l tor ruiiti or B* »>t. TlinusanJs r>f boil gs Imvi- bti n saved n lif* of deerepituile and u.iseiy. by tne u*.e**l tins invalua ble Liniment- It will re i’ll V,' 1’AlN nlnmrt in-tat t«-, and it wilt eleause. purity and l e«! II e f* ule-t SORh in un incredible abort im e. SleLKAN 8 \ OL- CANTU OIL LINI54 t-NT w ill relieve ti.e u.i.-t in- vetei ate eases ot Rlieuu.fttisni, Gent nr Ntuin'gin l*oi Faiaijaia.c* etert ti toe * a. sl.fti * a* w«all.* o il. i lie Ji it t-, Sit tel** t l.ifi nut*, itwii i.\ii Jail.— Two application*, will eureSofe Tiimat, Iteadm-lie ot Earnelie. F* 1 But na or Sealria, or rni> Pain, it i» ai infallible Kemeriy. Tiy it, anil y< n w ill timi it un iti- .lisperiaihle reme*!y. Keep it ai'.VrV- i u l itnil. FLaNTEKS.FaKMEKS. or any one liar ii g elinrge of lioraea, will save moil* y by usii g MeL«*ati e \ "!e ... ie Oil Liniment. I* ia a rpeody and intnliible eure 4*.r Galls. Sprains, Cbafea, Swellit g, Lan eneaa. Sweetiey, s,,res, Wounds. Serntelies, or any extenml disens*-,— Try il, and vou will bebonviner<i. DU. J. H. MvLEAN, .'■■l* rt<pti*»fr, SAINT LOUIS. Mo. The nbove preparation, will be nmirnfai tni* d ii New Orleans. Ls. Solo by GRIEVE tk CLARK, Mid edge vide, and by Druggists * verywl ere. 47 ly St'liliNG AiND hUMMEK HI ^ 3a I IT '3 3 MISS CAUB. itvi^ has on bfli.d a laige bcaurv- tii 1 asportniciit <»f rt'IHM, AM) Consisting of all the LATEST S;fi and most desirable sty les ot f) ’ i Fienrb Hats of every variety. Also, mnny rich and fancy articles, beauiitui Km bruidery, elegant Laces and Velvets, Head- Dreases and Dress Caps, Bead Netts, liair Fins. Bonnet Fins, Fancy Buttons, Lace Veils, Kuehes, French and American Fleners, and a verv large and well selected stovk ol MARSALA1N SILK>, HOOP 8 iv I RTS. Ac., Ac Call and examine b*r yourselves be ft. re pure has ing, hs it will be much to )our interest. She is thankful for past favora and solicits a liberal pa tronage from our city and surrounding- conini* s Mi!Mtri‘vir.e. ApM» ^tn. 4b tf S1IDFS! SHUtS!! J UST received a very large lot of— siloes, for Ladies, and CbiMrer, lo be l. sold cheaper tl an ever lieardol bi foie. J. ROSEN HELD. March 2 IRfil. ti tf. CJIKAP FOR CASH! Alillrilgrrillr Clolbing Slore, HOTEL No. 1. T HE Subscribe.' having just retunn il from tlieNortii is now prepared to furnish bis old friends and cus tomers (to tlieir advantage) ClttMay of aay Description. The Lhpi'g Words of Scholar Douglas — For a U Pfr time jnevi* us to his cleatU. Set ;,tnr L'nrg'as lnd l-eon in a serni-can- ci*.us roiiflilioti. I'utiig (| l( . mnniing ot tiis i catli liis ihiiid and encigips rallied -ontew liat c\s I is devoted and lox inp wile sat at liis Ited-side, siiotliii w and rns ijr liint with those tender wotds and ac- •iins « liit-ii only a great-heat ted womat can eni|ili>3'. site asked tlie dxirgstatesma; t lie Itatl any tt.essages to send to liis lays Stejdien anil Ilol.ett. lie seemed at iiist not to li*‘ar tUe question, and she tepeater 1 • t. Ih.ryit;" liis strength, liis eye kindled ip and Ins «\ hole tii.nie seemed to dilute, us lie flltsweipd; " 1 es ! 'Jell than In tht >/ the Lairs and Si'l f i t the t cnst.tutti.n of the Tinted states.” A slmit time after lie desired to Ue rais ed, and liis wish was c< inplied witli, m liat lie might ]*.. k out fit in liis window oi ceijtoie open iliat city wliivli had loved and hot.oted him so lot <r. One r f liis iriends ex jnessi d a drul.tasto the ease oi iis |usitioi , he simjily tejilled -he ii-—crinlditahle.”’ in his d_\iiq; moments lie faintly aiti ulated, “lleaili, deatli. leatlt,.” at d his great soul had jiasseu away —Qhiraga Jou/nul. Position of lb n. John Pell.—The Knox ville Ik I g/.ster. (f the: Till rn&t, COlUniio a u [toil i I the speech delivered on th« pte\ i* us d»y ly lion. .lohti Hell, l.efoie a my huge iininl er of peojile, in Knox ville, Tenn. lie said among ether things ihat. for lirmFelf, lie lia*l taken his position. The noose was probably mound bis neek. lint he was fiank to declare hitnself a Kelt el! He had counsp.en tesistanee i<> the in- j vnsive policy oi tlie Federal (j!overtime!)!, j and that made him a Del el, and if then | was any punishment t<• follow it, l.e was I w illii g to incur it; be did not seek to evade I either the chatge or tt c responsibility. I s * ot u i> hstanriii g the eagerness of the j North to engage in and prolong this wai ! for miliiaiy glory he did not believe it j would he of long duration. He thought j it would be ended iu a year. England and Fiance bad an interest in the mattei and they would not permit it to continue. As T7NP.XPiiCTKD UIcktim;.—A singu- v yet affecting incident occurred at the Uiehimmd depot on Friday last. Sevtral eompaoits iimi Geoigia, w hich came in fioticthe Fonth, had just leached ihe depot ready to end ajk ior liichm* nil, when one • f the piivates in the‘-Macon (miauls.” loTikiug among the passengers in the long ciniiihus, which weie. bound S : ' fj-oni l»iclimot>H, riiscoveied and i nizei! sister, w horn he had not seen foi . t Of course, he was r.verjoycd, as was the lady, atsueh an unexpected and fortunate meet ings. Heiminri i itely obtained a short leaveof absence and acc-otr j aoicri his sis tei to the Sonihein depot, wheie I e learn ed that she hail lieu irmly thice weeks gettii g this fm fiotuKew York. I eing c< lit- pelled to tfjnain one weik in Washingtot bc-foto she. was allow* d to proieed; that her httsland, w In m she l ad inauied it (leoigia a lew years ago, hail j insisted it volmti erirg to fght agaij st her nrtiti *outh, her lelaliies and friends,and hat joined tbe lamons Seventh Keglnent against all het elitiearii »atul piolestatioits; that till his friends lm.d acted iu tbe s. mi maul-e*. and that she c nld do nothit c i . e | else, alter wi nessti g iheir cepnrtuie foi j ^oiul.ein soil, peilnps to minder thost rest es! and dealest to her, but to leave lot- { ei er the community whose passions weie so inflamed, and join once mote those whim the knew would be bet protectors Durit g her stay in Washington, almost it ibe wry piesence of her husband, slu positively infused to ste 1dm or have my- i hi) g ii. do wit Ii him. Airat gi ments were m.-de here for liet mtnebiate .-md safe passage In me, w lieu iu all pi oha hi lit y she will k main till lei life’s ei.'d. r i lie scene let ween this nt 1>I< woman and her lnave biother was pail ful iy * feeling. And smely the ueaMnent she riceixed it 11 ■«r hands of her hus- liai.d — bis desei tii n of her, to subjugate and < lislax e, if possible, her very patents., sisteis and fiiends, not to, say I er whole c< untrv. were sufficient to an use the fer lirgs of all against him. ’i bex par ted heir, Lift whether the biother and the l.usl and willetpi n eel up* n the field of IniVtle, and xxith what n suil, leuiains to be seen.— Peters!.vrg Exj. rets. A Gjilaxt Ai t.— It is reported that t'apt. Wm. H. Wert It. of J'ittsy Ivania. while on a solitary scouting expedition, a day or two since, in the neighbor hood of | Y'oiktoxvn, unconsciously got inside of the eiumy’s pickets, and xvas Mil prised by two men in ambush, who started up iu his run and con manded him to surrender, (’apt. W. tinned hishoise and approached them, which led them to heliexe that he was about to obey the ei mmand. This hoxv- ever, lie*nevei dreamed (.f; but suddenly rltaxvtt'g his pistol, shot first one and then the other, dead. Jt is stated that the two itickh ss Yankees xxere mounted upon | mules, ’i'lie report seems to be xvell au thenticated. and those xvhnare acquainted with the htave leputation of Capt. \V. can readily beiieve it. A coriespondent gix-es an account of another gallant scouting enterprise pro jected anil carried into effect by three of out men at Y’oiktoxvn. [Richmond Dispatch. Subscriptions of Cotton—Convertibility of Coeftdirate Praids.—The Saxannali lit] ltbhean says: We are inclined to the l.elh f that a very material eiroc exists w iihregmdto ti.e Bonds to lie received by plauteis on t he tiatisfer iu lien of the pro ceeds i.t tlieir ctops, or so much theieof as shall be subscribed to the Confederate* Slates. I’eriiaps xxe have done our share towatds causing the mistake. A11 subsetiplions of crops stand in the light of a loan to the Unveinment, on Bonds to tun for twenty’ years and beat inteiest -at eight per cent per annum. '1 l.ese Bonds a e not convertible into Ticasuix' Notes, ns some sk m to suppose. ‘Tioluers <if Tieasuiy Notes may con vert them into Bonds at will, and these i inn's again into Tieasurv Notes if desired These convertible bonds, however, ate a ! ditii-iei.r security ft out those issued to ciop j stibsciil.eis,and ate the only Bonds, which, | together with Trca-uty N..tes. tlie Banks j | have lesoBcd to receive on deposit.” Why do animals need Sa il—Prof. .1. E Johnston, of !?cot!aii(l, says: “1 pwatds of half tlie saline matter of the bbmd (t)7 j er cent.) consists of common salt; and as ibis is partly di.-chaiged every day tluough the skin ai.d kidi.ex s. the tietessity oi ci ntini cd suppl es i f it to the healthy bidx become sutl c ent ly obvious. I I e bile also contains soda (one of the ingredients of salt) as a special and indispensible cm- from a verv lares asm of tie bi rt quality ever I si it bent. ali(i so do all the cartilages of the brouKlam^City. Ail mude to order, ami ti.e wuik b ,, (ly Stint the supply of salt, tl.e.efore, - — J - ' — ’ and neither will the btie he able propeily cartilages to be built np again as fast as they naturally waste.” It is bet let to place salt where stock can have free access to it, than to give-it occa sionally in large quantities. They will help themselves to xxhnt they need it allowed to do so at pleastite; otheixvise. xvl en they becom*- salt hungry they may take mote than is wholesome. A youeg gentleman—the modest man of his sex, and no less polite than inoHest was sitting in a pew rather remote fioni the light. A pretty lady sat next to him i.onkii gon the flout duting the lectute. be espied what he thought was a lady’s hand- keidiief. the lace trimmed edge just visi ble from under her dTess. 'ruinitg to pexv mate be gallantly xvhtspeivd. "You’ve i.ri pped your hannkeicldef, madam!” and befdie she could reply, he proceeded to pick it up. Hot rot! lie-bad seized tlie! -shirt and did not discov- xvhnle doctrine upon which Atnercan in- sfitntions xvpve founded. This jrient fun damental principle xvhich nndeilies Anter ican I'onstitntional l.ibeifv was denied by Mr 1 incoln even before be was formally seated in bis present position. We sent Commissioners to settle a'l mat ters bi tween us a"*l our old confedcrate- npott tlie principles of justice and good faith. We xvished to have no strife—we wished peace. We never wisherl to int* i fere xv th them or ri eir institutions. It they thought theirs letter than outs, we were willing that they- shot.Id enjoy them. We weie unto determined ti nt they should not interfere wit It outs, or rule over 11s We believe our insti’utions .-ue best for ns j i iex* ate in accordance tort only xvitl iiatuip, lint the lead i' gs ef Holy Mii' and ate most wisely instituted for the ben efit of bo-li white and black ’I In* sfatis tics and bistoix - of the world show it. But fop boot started him in the face, and a faint sound of a laugh just nipped in the bud bv tbe aj plication of a teal handkerchief warned him of his mistake. ’1‘hancy feelings.’ Moral—Don’t attempt to pick up any thing with lace to it before you know what it is. edge (if her pet stun, anu mu ion Uinvn, - n a . . . . i „ i q . . 1 , . . all our efforts to maintain teaceableanc et Ins mistake 1 nt.! rte top of a gatrei • , , , .- . 1 1 amicable telattotis w eie vain. It tever w as our object to make rg- gressioti on any State not inclined to con e with us. We think Missouri. Kentucky. Maryland and Delaxvnte ought to come with ns. We thick it is l est for 1 bem: but it is a question fi.rtliem to decide. It is out inteiest to be at peace with iln North. It is tint to our inteiest that they -liould overthrow' the institutions tf then fathers. Wars ate itjurious to all peo- p e. We and they fed it, and will con finite to fad it more, as bu g as it lasts lienee, this war is nt.natuial md suicidal on tbe jiait of the North. ’1 hey say wt begun it; ilia) we first fired on Fort Smo te'. We did fire on Sumter, but it ms not until after we had asked them to vacati it—legated, ns it xvas, on our own s.ul— over xvhich ilie lesun.ed soveicignty of one of our m-w confedeiates ^extended, anil after we bad been notified flint teinfoice ments would be f> sent to it. and after these reiiifoicementa weie on the way 1 , and almost at tin* place. r i lie wa* xvas virtually begun—not by- the flistgnti that xvas filed, but by the announcement that Moult 1 ie and all tlie oilier l’ottsin our possession should lie captmed. seized and held by* Mr Lincoln's Government '1 bis was the l eginningof tlie xvar. Tl.i- was its declaration, and frrm this has sptuugall that has or may ensue. '1 lie taking * f Sumter xvas hut the meeting d ibis proclamation as it ongl t to have been met 'i he next step was Mr. 1 incoJnV proclamation of tbe Drill of April, callii g • nit 75.000 of the, militia, without 'l.e shauow ut legal or Constitutional authori ty, xviih a view to our c.ietcion and sub jugation—a put pose which could luixi been conceived in t otbirg short if tin most Ntn{ et dens folly, as w ell as the most suicidal 101 klesMiess. 'Ihe olject cat . ’ ; 1 attained, x\ hile t he conseqii.elici s w ; I -• wL>t undertake if 11 1101 be (.nr '■ . , from the merits, ti.e chaiucter. pi. a,.<. 01 power of tbe people if tlie North, ol any other pe* pie * 11 earth; 1 ut it may In justly said, that the most i.f the wealth of which they l.oast, has lien acqtiiied firm 1 l.eir c"tn ections with the South. ’1 heh wealth is not iu the ptoFuctb its of tl.eii soil. Ii consists mostly in t he ii c* 11.metre tl.eir shippii g, their Hade, tl.eii niai.ti- a-tines, tlieir fotges. tl.eir inventions, am tl.eir tin us; ml and (1 e contrixaiu es foi - PI I x ii g the wants and the maiketsit tbe iSouili ’J'hey sold to the S* 111I1 an nually not less than £2-7ll.COO OHO worth ol iiuini.tactuies of xarii us kinds, besides tin enoiiiioits pint ts accitidiig to their shij mi 1 eis Ij* m 1 eit g * ur eniiit is; x\ldleth-y exj oiled to all the wnrid besides not ex ceedit g $40.000,000. Wlu.t xxitl In conn ..t tin 11? 'I he party tioxv in p. wer then have always said ti.e South xvas accur-ed I heir m eliiuery is titty d only to mai n fact me sup) lies suited to our wauls — They knew our wants and weie jnej arit to supply them, and weie not pwpaied t. supply 1 hose i f any other ptople. Most *.f what liny made for us xx ill suit no otl.e* people. '1 xvar ou their part isafmei tile lllusti Dali* 11 ol the <>!d adage o’ 1 man “cu'ting off iiis nose to sj.ite Ins face ’ Met ce the teinaik that it is a war alto- getl.ei iriatiotal and alti get her suicidal «*i 1 Inir jait. When, lioxxexer, leasin i; blinded and passion hears sway, tbeie is m lenii g wheie a pe*q Ie w ill I e led to. But theie is another icnuuk alotit this xvar w liicli cot.eei ns t.s ai d all friends ot constitutional liberty eveiy wheie. I pot our success in it. di pendscotisiii utional g**v- eintiieii!. Nothitgless is itivolxed in lh»* issue. ’1 he L lilted *tatcs hay e I 1 en loo- - ed to by ! he dow n-ti'i eden of earth, as tin pole star of hope, because xvithin theii limits eveiy freetnar—every citizen sfooo on an equality. 'J l.e x> hole fabric tested upon restiaints heit g tluowti about mlets No other government in the wot Id seemed such ptiv.lges. 'i lie will of a man ot of a few poisons, governs most nations Of all the goxen nients in the word, ii this al*.l.e, xotir I’lesidetit, the highest From the Southern Confederacy. The Produce Loam Great Speech <f Viee-Prfsidrnl Stcphuis at Washingtcn. Enthusiastic Response of the people of Old II ilhes the horn inn ent Must and Shall be Sustained— Tiro Thousand Bob s of Cat ton Subscribed on the Sjiot — Our Trip to Washington, ip:., f\r., Having learned that Vice-President Stephens xvas to addiess the people of Wilkes county on Satniday last, on the Produce Loan, and wishing to hear the plans and purposes of the Government more fully on this sulject, ami lay the same hefoie our leaders, we attended tlie meeting, and made a report of the speech. 'I lie G<.iii t House, in which the address xvas delivered, was filled to oveifloxv—the assembly being graced by the presence of many ladies. Hon. Garnett Andrew^ xvas called on to Tneside, and Dr. 11. G. lloberstou Secre tary. Air. Steplien then arose amidst loud ap plause, ami said: M il Ch a in man, Ladies ami Grntlk- men: J appear before you today mainly in business. ’1 lie subject is of no liitle u It is of gieat magnitude. It chi . • ••Ii as any upon which 1 ex er addies.-t 1 ■ <1 r count i\ is at xv at—tbe mon • w . x«*. xv,-re engaged in before—not e.xcen i. tliat of ihe tevolutii.n which residted 'lie achievement (if our independence. To provide means to carry 011 the xvar. and sustain onr country in this exigency, is the object of my appeaiauce hole to-day. Our cause must be sustained. Otiitssuc- c« ss eveiy thing that concerns us in life de petids. Time reed not be taken up in rehearsii g at lei gib the cause of the xvar—its origin or history. Allow 11 e to ptetnise. how ever, buefly a few 1 hii gs in lelatioii to tiiis contest. In the first | lace, if is a most unnatuial and inational war*.11 tlejuiri ot our foimer Noitl.ein c* i.fedeiati s. Jc- success on their junt would end in an en- ti.e oveithiow < f the priitviples upon w liicli our common int epem et ce xvas achieved. ’1 hose .States at tlie North now erg; god in this war against ns, «-ccujy tin positmti towaids us that that llriti h G<x- eiiiiiient did towaids the cMonies in the hevoiiuioitaiy stmggle. '1 hey aie en deavoiiigto goxem us against our con sent. England claimed the tight to tax artl govern on ti.e same principle. '1 his right < ur fa bets denied. On the fourth * t .Inly 1776, eat h 01 e of the colonic*, tluot gh their hgal ti piesentatixes—each lMat» for itself—dedal ed* their and prt.cla.ined the gieat truth .that all governments dot i\e tl.eii just poweisfrom the consent of the gox'erm d.' ’1 his di c iniatioti xv;.s not made ns a nation, l ut by tlie irpiesentatives of each one of tin soveteign and indej endent States. Whet, the xvar closed, England acknowledged the independence of each one of the states sepai.itely, of Massachusetts, o* Nexx ^o;k, of Viiginia, of Georgia, and all the other S'ates individually. On this same pii 1 eiple tlie Conlederate States now stand. In this most unnatural xvar, Mas sachusetts, that was lepieseuted by the patriot .John Hancock in 1776. tioxv oc cupies towards us the same relation that England did to ns in the revolution. It is a xvar against the whole principles upon which the levolution was fought. What ever may l.e ihe dangets ot the future, let exery son of teVolutionary sires reineinbei that tbe same principles aie noxv involved We never sought to iuteifeie with their "Ah-er. was hound by law the tame as the internal affairs. ; humblest citizen. After the acknow-edgment of the inde- j 'J he men xvho made the Constitution pendence of each of the bates separately were mostly Southern men. 111 the North, •and severally by Great Britain, a Fnion between all of them xvas formed in that compact known as the Constitution of the United States. This related to extra ter ritorial or foreign affairs, and extra State affairs. ’The relation of all matters of domestic and internal policy within the States re spectively, xvas expressly reserved to the States or to the pe qde. State Sov ereignty xvaa never parted xvith in that Constitution or compact of Union. Sov ereign powers to a limited extent Were delegated, hut sox eieignty itself xvas siil. resetved to tbe people of tlie Rtutes re spectively We claim tbe sames*ixeieigiitx that our fathets did—ilie same inalienable right to self-government which they as serted, and xv liicli the States of the North joined tin in in pledging tlieir lix'es, theii fortunes, and sacred honor in maintaining This right is now denied; hence this con flict. in that gieat wmk tbeie were hut few helps and aids. Dr. Franklin and Alex antler Hamilton and a few oilirr able and distinguished men from the North- xveie in the Convention, Gut they contributed little to the" master pit ce of xvoikman-bip.— They gat e great aid in liav’n g it adopted aftei it was fashioned in the Convention as it xvas; hut if was mostly tne woik ot Southern hands—the product < f Southern sta'eimanship. Hamilton wanted a gov- emn nt on quite a (.ifferent model and he iicualiy quit the Conxention hel'eie its la bors vlosid. lie aftetxvaids, it is tine, brought bis great poxveisto bear, and did all lie could to sustain it, and to quit it into successful operation ; hut he contributed not a stone to ihe foundation, the walls 01 columns of the gieat supet-stincrtiie That glorious temple of liberty xvas the woik if the hands of Sintlcm men. It it be kept, and it- principles petpetuated. it will l.e done l»v the Confedeiate States. When the people of the Southern States! Reflecting men have long entci tail ed the looked to the future, after the elections Iasi fall, some thought it best to wait a little, and see. what the. lesult would he—to see whether the party- then successful it) the election of tlieir President, would attempt to carry out tlieir avowed policy. Others thought it Lest to meet the enemy at the tines hold. ’Lite gallant State of South Caro.inn took the lead. It was her right to re-nssuuie tlie exercises * f all her sov ereign powers if she choose to do so, and no one had a rig to t to question it. 'I his right xvas secured in the principles estah- t.elief flint if tlie l iiinu xxeie dis olxed the North would go into anau hy ami di s potism. It has been our pride that out of the sex 1*1 ty-two \eats of the Government under the Constitution, it has been f**r s’x ty. under the contli.i if Southern states men. This has seemed w liatever of ptos- peiity and gieat ness—growth and dexelop meiit has inaiked the I ’oiiuti x ’s caieer du ring its past history '1 lie Northern masses generally agreed xvirii Southern statesmen in tlieir policy, and sustained them.— These xveie the ileinociacy ol that section halted when her, and onr, and tin* inde-i MK .to-fttusou said ihey xveie allies — ’'Y'esU'give yon as good a harpain for eaah aa any other e.-tablUlmiMlt, but Dot as lev dt vn either il. price rflir-T A. C. VAIL, Agent. 3fS*dg«ville, Nov*a.b*r 5, IStU. 1, if to absi-t digestion, nor the cartilages to be able properly to assist digestion, nor the pendence of all the States was achieved Other States soon followed. We did not resoit to aims. Our separation xvas ef- fe.cted, not through the cattridge h<»x. hut through tlie ballot-box. The people de cided this question for themselves. Such a moral spectacle never was witnessed. An overwhelming majority uf the people of seven Southern S ates decided that it was best to resume tleir soveieignty. .0 questiuu their right 10 do, so, involves the Wasliing'on’s adininistiarioh lasted eight xeais. It was, and it: the lii-e of Southern policy. I hen came the el der Ad tuns. He was from Mas-acluiseMs Opposite ideas shape ) his policy. At tLe end of b-ur years.’ the pe* pie indignantly t titied b in and h s counmlloisout of p*.wer. '1 hen camt* Jtiltison, Madison andMou- r< e, each eight yean—-all soul let it men. Here we had thirty-two vents of southern adiuiuUuuiiuu to lour Northern. 'Jheu ci me tlie younger Atlanta f.oin the Nottli. He was the gieat «inhodiuieet ot tlni-e ideas w liicli now ronlr* I Line* In’s admin- isiation. At the end of four yen is he was turned out of power, and .lackson. a south ern man, came in f.*r eight venrs. ’I hen c me V’an Bnren, a northern man. for four years. '1 h *n llmrison. Ty 'e ■ and J’o.'k, xvhich added eight years more of southern con’r 1. Next, 'l ay h r and Fillmor*.— Fillmore was a non hern man it i- true, 1 ut his administration was sustaii ed by tho .-south, and so was Fierce’s. I liese tnay he called So* them administration ; and so was Buchanan's- tint- makii g sixty out < f the seventy-twoyeatsot the (,o\eriiineiit‘9 ex’stence under the (’oustittiti'iti. All the important mea-nios wjiietl hnxe. maiked the history < f the Government, which have made it what it is. or was before ti e distni mheimenf. and made it the admiin- tion of the world, were the fiui s of the p .liov of Southern statesmen. 1 he putty at tie N* rtli now in power have been against the country in all i*s feat it g fert- ttnes nf public P' iicv. which haxe maiked its I i lory , es] fcihlly has it hi en against all its wars s’t.ce ti e (’* nst iurinu was foimed. In the xv.-rof 1812 Massachu setts xvnuld.noI send her troops Icynid her borders. th**i gl the wrr xvas n ailily for the ptoteciiou * f the rights* 1 her s*h- men—That S-ate opposed tie Mex ic; n xvar. and her people did in t go tl.eie to fght the centifiy’s battles. It is lit.e Ca leb (''ttsliing g* t up a n gill ent and wei.t rheie I ut it was- t ot c* 11 | <».-( d (1 mi l y 1 n- tive Massachusetts met. —Its u 1 ks weie in a giesit n easme hl!<>d 1 ]> with 11 e chiv- alr* it- lush. '1 is the fiist war that has taken | lace sis ce ll e li ex rdl.t on, liat she has sent many of her l at.Ve sm s cut of the State. It can Ie act m.i.ti d lor only became it is a finality i " ar. E'ety thing in our jiast histmy tint helm gs to, the nation’s glory was the K»i.ll ol bi.ulL- ern policy and st j | 011. \Ye were all attached to tho old Gi v- erinni-nt, 1 ot for the i,. n e, tu.t foi, hut for the spirit, tie life ami mt.l if it, securing rig! is to all sections. We have thrown off the Union, hut xve have ptesetxcd lie. ( * 1 stiti li( 11. ’] l.e revolution in this ccuntiy is lially at the' North. Un m Consritutimial Gox en nient, they aie r. pitllv ai xamii g to des|i.tirin. ^outheiii'men, 111 the I «mr of dai gbr i.t d petil, have k si-t.ed ihe woik *f tl.« it Fat It ers. ’1 Fey.have taken the (‘oustiimion of ’87. and, instead of- layitg violet t hands upon it, they haxe. made stub im- provi mints as time and I.axe show 11 to be pi 1 per. 'J he changes rue not many, ItU of 1 lum tills may lesuid:’ Every charge niaile in it is if a cmoci- vatixe chaiactei — not m;e i f a ladical 1 a- tine in it. 'I hey all lock to a letter se curity ot lif ci, lilcitv atid pic| cr«v. 'J 1 ey all 1 ook to 1 he J et ter k cm in of t! e 1 iglits of the people ; gainst the (iicioacl of power, or the coriuj i-im.s of their ru- lcis. Mr. I incoln fays he tn.-kes xvar rn us to pioiecl tl e pnl itc pi* petty, atnl y (R*nt der iiim the pub! c pn petty bas 1 1 en ib'ittn v- ed by iiiil ii 1 s. .•in* it is xmio I tin ( d at Ilatj et’s F’eitx .-irlattli Naxy YTidat Nmfblk. This is j o wai to pio- tect the pn ) city < f tl e GexetiiMiit lit to eoeice 1 1 (1 siTI ji gate i s W I r.t b.xv xvas he ext culil g w !.* l> 1 (■ is s c( Ci h.s ) in- clamaiimi m'lliig hr 75.(10 x < linitt is ? It xvas in 1 pen |alj;.'l;le x .olnthn *f law '•Hit. It wi.s xxitlout intl.inty Dot a' caieer. By , n cl; innttnn i te i.,,8 iticit-ased the nimy t5 ()( 0 W hat law xxas this in execution of ? ]i was a laxv of his own making*. By pri i h inaiion l.o has it.c eased lie naxy 25.0(0. V hat law was in ixrcuii<n of ? A b.xv of liis ow n 11 akit g in |»!|aili- xi<lafii,n if the (’* ustiititi* 11 xxl.iib l.e swomto stipi Olt. 1 lie Constitntim xvns tl e f* nrdafi* t — the Mill aid life tl at veailned; ilat Uotisiitutimi that rnr fail ms aid xvhich the (.’< tilei'nate Btj.tes fate ed ft out the inij enoii g dcstiuctii 11 *f his hands, at d now I old as a shield over x*u ami yonr posreiiix, gixis tie p*wir to Congress ami rot to tie 1 11 sii * 11 to laise a >11 d nax ics. 'lie J ri sii cut l.j.s 1 o ’such I ow cl, atm a | eiq fe wl.osj.hinit to s cli g a ii:g u;ui|ali* t.s 11 ax l.a'e a ren.e to lie tim , hnt iti 1«et ilex aie tolling lot sells and xassails. A wai to ottnte the laws 1 By what laxv m es l.e is* uc I is w art a i.t t«. an t s t f. ci 11 in ai d in u i 1 e 11 ( m in jails ;n d d:n gem s. w ii hi ut ini* 111 alii n or pi* re. iiti* n? By xvl at law l.nslear- st 11 eil t*> »ns| ct d 11 e writ ol J.aLtas tcr- l its ! By tl e ( oi.siitiition i f our latl ci8 aid by the Cm siituiioii if tic • 1.1 fide- tatcbiaus, C* 1 gi« ss aim e tan rtsiitd this gieat writ ot III eit y . w hit Ii was »x- ti-lled « v« n In in aBiiti.-li K11 g in I 1 half of sni ji cts. A w hi* cnic li e iaxxr! ’I l.e war f.* in ri.e ligimiig has I ren against laxv, ai d iu Violation of laxx—in uttei vi* lati.oii * i the an eiital oigat ic law — the. (Viisfiinri* 11 ns« If ; and if l ot cheiked and st ] | *-d by the pi 1 pie of lie North, it will inevitably end. and at no dis tant day . in an utiei oxeithn-w of exetv- thit g like c* tist<lutional l.leity. Alicaiy the c* uitf—tie ex),minders of L xv have been il—the dttisict *i.<, Judges uttei ly disu gatiied aid cotri»n.:i cd. F’lec citizei s nic seized, iuiprisot i <1 and possibly n ay l e ixciiitml. wiilont any othei l.cariig exet pi such as a mili- tiiiy satiaputay be xxilliig to awatd. All this is dm.e under the pi del se of execu ting the laws, in il e fate and tceih of the lughest law, wtiicli d» dates that, “’lie right of the jC' to he serine in tlnir pci sons, houses, p; | ci s and dirts ; gainst nineasonal le scaicl.i s anil rcizutes. slniil not he x i* latcd ; and no xxari.ant shall is- st.e i ut upon pn.l.ahli* raise ruj | mu d ly oath or afliiii.niion, ;.nd ] ait r ularlv de- g the place to he scalded aid the poisons or thii gs to he seizt d.” z\t d that other clause x\ hidi ib dan s that, "In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall in- j**y the tight to a speedy and public Dial by an impartial juiy :>l the 8laH* and dis trict w In-i< ill the crime shall nave been commixed, It ilisiiict si all luxe been piedously asccitaiiid ly b.xv, atd'ole ii.foiuied of the i.atute aid cause of the accusal:mi; t*• I c cmilioniid w ith ihe xx it- n* ss against him; t * > have c*m|uK<*iy process tor oblaining xx ill.esses in his fa ■. and to have the assistance of con nr el lor Ins dt feiise ” Mich aie the provisions of the Constitu tion l.e w as sw mn to supnoit; but lie puts liiuiselt aboxe the Constiintion above the dreisi.-ns of the xeneiahle Taney, lie constitutes hitnself into a law maker, is sues his edicts, and then cm cutes them at the point of the I nyoi.ef. Midi are ti.e acts of tlie man whose j trpnsteimis j ur- pi.seas n*.w avowed, is to piereive tho Imintr I iiiou of the S'-ucs I x a sol i< o*a- tion of elexen of i!.«m! •: * m.*- ci ss if his putpore would i.e c m- pletest failuie of the ohjer-i; and xct stuiige to say, the multitude at the Nor h so fat ft* lit tisii g np and vituliratit g coi.- sliturimal pritciples. gi'0 aim*,si un-i i- liimis shouts lo these most glaiii g Usiiija- tiot.s of power, which lmcslo.d*-w tf^-ir own eaily dm in. If these gs he done in the gietti tire xxl.a! will not Le done iu the illy/ Altiaily the kev-m-te has hi en gixeiimit by a J* ai ii g jmirnal in New Ymk—the (Yuricr & Lnquiier. *tato lined ate to le obliterated, Sts o l.egisla- ttirt-s abolish* il am! Stale l ourtt done away* xxith. ’ihe Go'ett 11.ent is to l e- c* me cons* lidated and Cm Btitutli Hal Lar- r cis aie all to leswrptAW. y. Another paper—the Ti'Lune, gixv» out that tho