Southern federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1861-1862, October 29, 1861, Image 4

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sir AU*aoax«ir. AfTK A.VD BBSOI-fTlOSS of the ticcond Session of Hie PRO VISION A L CONGRESS of the CONFEDERATE STATES. 1861. [No 204.] AX ACT (o provide a mode for authenticating claims for Money agninst^the Confederate States, not other wise provided for. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do {enact, That all parties having claims for money against the Government of the CJ^ederate States for the proof and payment of which tlwro is no mode provided by existing laws before receiving pay ment of t lie same, shall file them in the office of the At torney-General; an t shall produce, before said officer, at such time,and in such manner as lie shall appoint, their testimony proving or tending to prove such claims. And at‘the next succeeding session of Congress after the hearing of proof or at any session of Congress during which a hearing of proof u|s>n any claim is had bv the Attorney General, he shall report tothe Con gress such claims as he lias allowed and recommended their payment, and he shall also report such claims, ns lie has refused to allow. See. 2. Be it further enacted, that nil citizens ofthe Confederate States holding demands against the Gov ernment ofthe United States, may file the same in the office of the Attorney General; and the Attorney Gen- ... S r 1. -1-t J 8Uf* 7, flic ! c,\\ i'&tt'ii a captuivd vessel whenever such removal j icrty be* necessary for the safe carriage t»f bueh vessel into port, and also, in all cases were by grounding or otherwise, the securing ofthe cargo or any part thereof jiia} require the removal: Provided, That, the person in command of the vessel making aucli capture si;all, as soon as practicable, after laudiug the cargo or uuy part thereot, cause au exact inventory ofttiesame to be made by the nearest magistrate, wherein shall be specified oacii and every article so lauded, and the marks, if any thereon, and forward the same imme diately to the collector ofthe nearest port; the property so lauded shall ramairi in the custody of such magis trate. and he shall retain possession thereof until tin* same can be delivered tothe the marshal; and tlfe court before which such cargo shall be brought, in case the same be condemned, may allow such com pensation to the magistrate as to the court may seem just and proper: And, provided, further, That when such removal shall be made for the purpose of lighten ing over bars ami shoals,aud the goods amoved shall, as soon thereafter as practicable, be returned on board the prize vessel, the same may be carried to port as if no removal had been made; and no delivery, as pro vided in tile proceeding clause, to a magistrate shall be required. Sec. 2. That the first section of the last above reci ted act be so amended as to allow the judge of a prize court, wherein any condemnation may be had, to order and decree that the said vessel and the cargo, or any part thereof, may in his discretion, and to enhance the value thereof, be sold by the marshal ofthe adjoin ing District, and at such place therein as he may des ignate: Provided,always, That the duties upon all dutiable goods shall be paid from the proceeds of sale. the Navy Yard at Norfolk, for the year ehdiiig Feb ruary eighteenth, eighteen hundred ami s.x»y-two, one hundred and fifteen thousand jand fifty-one dol lars. For the construction, equipment and armament of two iron-chid gun--boats, for the defence of the Missis sippi river and the city of Memphis, one hundred and sixty-thousand dollars. Approved Aug. Jl, 1S61. MONTHLY CITATIONS. Approved August 30, 1861. pr.Mjf to betaken down in writing aud filed in hi or lie may, in Ills discretion, permit written testimony, 1 nken bydeposition. or in answer to interrogatories filed to be placed on file in bis office, ns evidence of sucli claims. But lie shall not pass upon the sufficiency of such evidence, nor make a report to Congress upon sue!i claims, until the close of the existing war. Approved August 3(1, 1861. [Xo. 266.] AS ACT to collect for distribution; the moneys remain ing in the several post offices of the Confederate States at the time the postal service was taken in charge of said government. Section 1. The Congress of tlie Confederate States of America do enact. That it shall be the duty of the Post master General to collect all moneys due from the several Postmasters within the Confederate States, ai d which they had not paid over at the time the Confeder ate States took the eiiarge of the postal service, and the several Pot masters are hereby required to account to the General Post Office of this Government under the same rules, regulations and penalties that were prescribed by the law under which said moneys were received. S -e. 2. The moneys so received shall be kept ^oper ate and distinct from the other funds of the Post Office 1 Jepartment, and shall continue a fund for the pro rntn payment of claims for postal service which accrued before the Postmaster General took charge of the pos tal service in the States respectively comprising this Confederacy, ns may hereafter be provided. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Postmaster Gener al to make proclamation that all persons who are citi zens of the Confederate States ot America, and Woo may have rendered postal service in any ofthe States of this Confederacy, under contracts <>r appointments made by the United States Government before the Confederate States Government took charge of such service,shall present their claims to liis department, verified and established according to such rules as be shall prescribe, by a time therein to be sent forth not ess than six months, nml requiring the claimant to state under oath, how much has been and the date of se.eli payments, on account, of the contractor appoint ment under which said claim occurred, and what fund or provision has been set apart or made for the further payment of tile whole or any portion of the balance of such claim, by the Government of the United States, or of any of the States; and they shall also state, on oath, whether they performed fully the service according to their contraetsor appointments during the time for which they claim pay, and if not, what partial service they did perform, and what deductions have been made from tlnur pay, so far a-- they know, on account of any failure, or partial failure, to perforin siieii service; and the Postmaster General shad, as soon as he shall have collected such moneys fromsaid Postmasteis, and as certained the amounts of claims againsi the P->st Gfilro Departeinent and the amount received respectively by the claimant, ns aforesaid, and the provisions if any, for the future payment, make a report of the same, so that future action may lie taken thereon as respects the distribution. Sec. 4. All claims for postal service required to be presented by this bill shall be barred as against this fund, unless presented within six months after the proclamation of the Postmaster General shall have been made. Approved August30, 1861. [Xo. 268.] AX ACT to require the receipt by the post masters ofthe Confecerate States of treasury notes, in sums of five dollars and upwards, in payment of postage stamps or stamped envelopes. Section I. The Congress ofthe Confederate States of America do enact, Tnat, so soon as the Postmaster Geueral shall procure postage stamps and stamped en velopes, that the Postmasters throughout the Confed erate Slates be required to receive the Treasury notes of the Confederate States at par, for said stamps and stamped envelopes, in all eases where the amount of stamps or stamped envelopes applied for shall be live dollars or other sums for which the Confederate Trea sury Notes are issued. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted. That the endorsement by a member of Congress, of Ids name on newspapers orother printed matter sent by him through the mail, shall not by reason of such endorsement subject him to letter or ott er increase of postage. Approved August 3d, 1861. [Xo. 213.1 AN ACT making further appropriations for the service of the Post offiee department during the year ending the eighteenth February, eighteen hundred and sixty- two. [Xo. 270.] AX ACT to perpetuate testimony in cases of slaves abducted or harbored by the enemy, and of otiier property seized, wasted or destroyed by them. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America <lo enact, That when any slave or slaves owned by a citizen of the Confederate States, or an inhabitant thereof, shall be, or may have been abduc ted or harbored by the enemy, or by any person or persons acting under the authority, or color of authori ty of the United -States Government, or engaged in the military or naval service thereof, during tiie exis ting war, it shall be lawful for the owner or his attor ney to appear before any Judge of the Confederate States, or a Commissioner of any Court thereof, or auy Notary Public, or in case of there being no such officer within the county, city or corporation, where the pro ceedings are instituted, before any Justice of the Peace or Alderman, consenting to ae' in the premises, ami ad duce proof, oral or written, of the fact of such owner ship and abduction or harboring. If the owner of such slav - or slaves is laboring under the legal disability of infancy, insanity or coveture, the evidence tending to establish .inch ownership, and abduction or harbor ing, may be adduced by tlie proper legal representa tive of the owner. In all cases such owner, attorney or representative shall make affidavit of the loss. Sueli affidavit shall not be taken ns evidence of tin- fact of loss, unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the officer taking die same that no other and better evidence can be obtained, which fact shall distinctly appear in the certificate ot such officer and it shall be the duty ofthe judicial officer taking cognizance of the case to reduce, to writing the oral evidence, and to re tain the written evidence in support ot the alleged ownership and loss and within thirty days after the hearing, to tiunsinit the .-nine to the Secretary of State of the Confederate States, to be filed and preserved among tne nrchievesof the State Department, accom panied by a certificate from the said judicial officer, authenticating the report so made by him, And the said judicial officer shall also state in liis certificate ot authentication whether, in Ids opinion, tlie evidence s<> heard and transmitted, is, or is not entitled to credit. It shall be the duty of the secretary to receive and file in his Department, the report so transmitted, and to furnish to the owners, attorney or representative a duly certified copy thereof, whenever the same shall be demanded. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever any other property, other than slaves, real or personal, belonging to any citizen of the Confederate States, oi anv inhabitant thereof shall be seized, wasted or de stroyed by the enemy, during the existing war, or by any person or persons acting under the authority or cpior oTauthority of the United States Government, or engaged in the military or naval service thereof, the mode of taking and preserving proof thereof, shall con form in nil respects to that prescribed in theabove sec tion, and have like effect. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the provis- sions of this net shall not be construed as implying that the Confederate States arc iu any way liable to make compensation l'orany ofthe property to which it re fers. Approved August 30,18fil. [No. 290.] AN ACT to authorize the President to continue the appointments made by him, in the Military and Na val service, during the recesses of Congress, or the Iasi or present session, and submit them to Congress at its next session. Section. 1. Tlie Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, that the President be authorized to continue the appointments made by him, in the Mili tary ami Naval Service, during the recess of Congress, or during the last present session, and to submit them to Congress at the commencement of its next session. Approved September 3, 1861. Section 1. Tlie Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the sum of five hundred thousand dollars be, an-1 the same is hereby, appropri- * ated out of any money in the Treasury not otnerwise expropriated, to supply deficiences in tlie revenue of the Postoffice Department during the year ending the eighteenth of February, eighteen hundred and six ty-two. ’ Approved August 29,1861. [No. 273.] •VN ACT vesting certain powers in tlie commissioners ofthe District Courts ol tiie Confederate States. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Commissioners appoin ted by the District Courts of the Confederate States shall have (lower to issue warrants ot arrest against offenders, for nny crimeor offence against the Confed erate States, or tiie laws thereof, and to commit to prison or admit to bail such offender, as the case may be, for trial before such court, as may have cogni zance of the offence, and with all the powers in relation to crimes and offences against tlie Confederate States, or the laws thereof, which are conferred on Justices of the Peace iu relation to crimes and offences again.-t the United States of America, by the Act ofthe twen ty-fourth of September.seventeen hundred and eigbtv- four, of the Congress of said United States, entitled • An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States ” Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That said Com missioners shall have such compensation for their ser vices as is given for like services to Commissioners of the United States, by the Act of the Congress of said United States, entitled “An Act to regulate the fees and costs to be allowc 1 Clerks. Marshals and Attorneys ofthe Circuit and District Courts of the United States, and for other purposes,” passed on the twenty-sixth of February, eighteen hundred and fifty three, or by tlie laws of the United States at that time; to be allowed 6y tin- Courts, and paid out of the Treasury ofthe Con federate States of America. Approved August 3ft, 1861. 22 [Xo.248] AN ACT to repeal tin; fourth section of “on act to regulate foreign coins in the Confederate States,” approved March 16th, 1861, ami for other purposes. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That from and after the passage of this Act, the fourth section of “An Act to regulate Foreign Coins in tha Confederate States,” approved March 16,1861, be. and the same is hereby repealed, and that hereafter the following gold coin shall pass current as money within the Confederate States of America, and be receivable for the payment of all debts and demands at the following rates, that is to say; The Sovereign of England, of no less a weight than five pennyweights and three grains, and ofthe fineness of (9151-2) nine hundred and fifteen and one half tliousandetbs, shall be deeme 1 equal to four dol lars ami eighty-five cents; the Napoleon, of the weight ot not less than (4dwt. and 3 1-2 grains J four penny weights, three grains and one half, anil of a finenessof not less than (8ftft) eight hundred and ninety-nine thousandeths, shall be deemed equal to three dollars and eighty-five cents; the Spanish and Mexican Doubloons, of no less a weiglitthan (17 dwt.8 1-2 gns.) seventeen pennyweights, eight grains and one-half, anil of the fineness of not less than (899) eight hundred and ninety-nine thousandeths, shall fifteen dollars and sixty cents. Approved Aug. 24, 1861. be deemed equal to | No. 241.] AN ACT making appropriations for the expenses of the Government in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Departments, for the year ending eigh teeutli of February, eighteen hundred and sixty- two. The Congress of tlie Confederate States of America do enact, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereafter expressed, for the year ending the eighteenth of February, eighteen hundred and sixtv-two ; Legislative.—For compensation and mileage of members of Congress, forty-five thousand dollars. Executive.—For contingent and telegraphic ex penses of the Executive office, two thousand five Hundred dollars. Department of Justice.—For incidental and con tingent expenses, including printing and advertising the laws, two thousand five hundred dollars. For salary of the Law Clerk of the Department o! Justice, eight hundred and seventy-live dollar*. For salary of Superintendent of Public Printing, and Clerk aud Messenger in ids office, three thousand dollars. For purchase of paper for the printing of Congress and tiie Executive Departments, under the fourth sec tion of the act of May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixtv-one, seven thousand dollars. Treasury Department.—For one Chief Cleikto aid j lie First Auditor in auditing the accounts of the Post Office Department, at two thousand dollars per annum, per act approved May sixteenth, eighteen hundred aud sixty-oue, the sum of one thousand five hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-seven cents. For fifteen clerks, at twelve hundred dollars each, the sum of thirteen thousand six hundred and twenty- five dollars aud eighty-two cents. For fourteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each, the sutn of ten thousand five hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighty-five cents. For one messenger, at five hundred dollars per an num, the sum of three hundred and seventy-eight dol lars and forty-nine cents. For one Chief Clerk for Second Auditoi’s office, at fourteen hundred dollars per annum, per act approved May twenty-first, eighteen hundred aud sixty-one, the sum of one thousand torty-four dollars ami thirty-nine cents, For Five Clerks, per same act, at twelve hundred dollars each, the gum of four thousand four hundred and seventy-six dollars. For five clerks, persame act,at onethousand dollars each, tiie sum of three thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars. Judiciary.—For salaries of Judges and District Attorneys of the Confederate Stutes, and incidental and contingent expenses of Courts, twenty-two thou sand dollurs. Public Deist.—Forinterest on the public debt, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ApprovedAug. 24. 1861. [No. 245.] AN ACT to authorize the issue of inscribed stock in the stead of Coupon Bonds. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That in all eases where bonds are authorized to be issued under tlie acts of Congress, to raise money lor tlie use of tlie Confederate States, tiie,Secretary of tlie Treasury, at the request of the party interested, may cause to be issued, instead of Bonds, Certificates of inscribed Stock, payable to or der, transferable at the Treasury for the same amount • it principal, at the same rate of interest, and pay able at the game dates as are prescribed for the Bonds. See. 2. And be it furtherenaeted, That if any per son shall falsely make, forge or counterfeit, or cause, orprocure to be lalsely made, forged or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist in falsely making, or forging, or counterfeiting nny certificate of stock, in imitation of or purporting to be, a certificate of stock, issued in accordance with the provisions of any acts of Congress authorizing the issue of any certificate of stock, or shall pass, utter or publish, or attempt to pass, utter or publish, as true, any false, forged or counterfeited cer- AN ACT to fix the fee [No- 253.] in Admiralty ca- The Congress of the Confederate States of Ameri- ica do enact, That for all services rendered by clerks, marshals, and district attorneys in admiralty ea ses in the Confederate Courts, and for which no com pensation is now fixed by law, there shall be paid to s aid officers, and allowed to them in the settlement of their accounts, ti; e same costs aud fees as were allowed under the laws of the United States in like cases, which were in force on the eighteenth February, eighteen hundred and sixtv-one. ApprovedAug. 29,1861. [No. 256.] AN ACT to amend the second section of “an act con cerning the transportation of soldiers and allowance for clothing of Volunteers, anil amendatory ofthe act for the establishment anil organization of the army of tlie Confederate States.’” Section 1. Tin- Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Secretary of War be, ami he is hereby authorized ttnd required to provide, as far as possible, clothing for the entire forces of the Confederate States, and to furnish the same to every regiment or company upon the requisition of the com- mandertiiereof.theqniintity, quality and kind thereof to be established by requisition of tlie Department, to be approved by the President: and, in ease any State shall furnish to its troops and volunteers in the Coii- feoerate service such clothing, then the Secretary of War is required io pay over to the Governor of such State the money value of the clothing so fur niched. See. 2. The commander of every volunteer com pany shall have the privilege of receiving commuta tion for clothing at the rate of twenty-five dollars per mail for every six months, when they shall have fur nished their own clothing. Approved Aug. 30, 1861. ■] [\, AN ACT to authorize the establishment of recruiting stations for Volunteers from theStates of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware. Section I. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to establish recruiting stations with in tiie Confederate States for the reception of volun teers into the military service ofthe Confederate States from among persons who are, or have been, ressdeutsof tlie States of Kentucky, Missouri, Mary land and Delaware. Sec. 2. That the President be authorized to grant commissions as Captains to sueli persons as he may think fit to raise and command companies to be com posed ot such voinr.teen*; upon tiie condition, how ever, that such officers shall not hold rank or receive pay until sucli companies have been raised and are mustered into service. See. 3. Whenever such recruits shall amount to a sufficient number to be formed into companies, the President may direct the same to be organized, ap- pointingall commissioned officers of the several com panies in addition to the captains provided for in the preceding section. And such companies may he or ganized into regiments in like manner, under tlie di rection of tlie President. Sec. 4. Until such recruits shall amount to a suffi cient number to be organized into companies, they shall receive no compensation except their clothing and rations. Approved August 30, 1861. 20 it. CITATIONS. GEORGIA, Twiggs County. 'yy'HEREAS, John R. Andrews and William A. Andrews, makes their application to me in terms of law, for letters of Administration on the estate of Abisha Andrews, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear before the Court of Or dinary, on or by the first Monday in November next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my haud officially, at Marion, Kept. ■20 th. 1861. 19 ot. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord'y. GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. To al! whom it mav concern. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. \\T HEREAS, W. M Whitehurst. M t Administra tor on the estate of John L. Whitehurst, de ceased, has filed liis petition for letters of dismis sion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, why said peti tion should not be granted in terms of the law, in such cases provided. Given under my hand and official signature, this 28tiiJuly, IbOl. 11 intiui. ELLIS HARVILL, Ord'y. GEORGIA, Bulloch Oountv. \\T HERE A S-, William D. Brauan. Executor of T T Sarah Everitt, d eceased, applies to me lor letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant in terms of the law. Given under my hand officially, this 2ftth day of August 1861. 1 1 mOm. [db] WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Southern Masonic Female COLIiEG-B. [Under tiie Control of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.] Rev. C. P. COOPER, A. M. Prcsidcut. the 25th of SEP- GEORGIA, Bulloch County. To all persons idiom it may concern. V\) HEREAS, Charles and Thomas Knight, v T Administrators of the estate of Alexander Knight, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for tetters of dismission from said Administra tion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be aud appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said tetters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand officially, this lCtli day of May, 1861. d b 51 mfim WILLIAM LEE,Sen. Ord’y 1 GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. TSTltKREAS, John Holder, administrator of It James L. Sanders, dece ased, applies to me ion from liis said administra- for letters of distu torship. 'Therefore all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause, if any they have, why said John Holder should not be discharged fromsaid administration, on the first Monday in January next. Given under my hand officially, at office, this 28th June, 1861. 6 mOm. ELLIS HARVILL. Ord’y. GEORGIA Twiggs County. TITHEKEAS, William Biyatt, Executor of the T* last will aud testament of Algernon S. Bryan, late of said county, deceased, makes appli cation for letters of dismission from said trust, he having fully executed the same, as will more ful ly appear, by reference to the Records of my office and vouchers of file. These are ther. fore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and others concerned, to be and appear at my office, on or by the second Mon day in January next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially at Marion, June 28th, 1861. 7 mfim LEWIS SOLOMON. Ord’y. Abra! Deloch |) Libel for Divorce, Echols vs. > Superior Court, April Term, Jane L’eloch. y 186!). I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above enti tled cause, is not to be found in tiie County ol Echols ; and it further appearing, that said de fendant resides out of the State of Georgia. It is on motion of William H. Dasher, Attorney for plaintiff’, ordered, that service be perfected by publication in one of tiie Gazettes of this State once per month for four mouths prior to the next term of said Court. WILLIAM H. DASHER, Plaintiff’s Attorney. A tru?extract from the minutes of said Court May the 1st, 1861. J. T. TRE6COTT 6 m lm Clerk S. C. W TEMBEK next. An efficient corps of seven Ladies and Gentle men will comprise the Faculty, representing, as far as practicable, every Protestant denomination of Christians. This Institution appeals to tlie patriotism and benevolence, as well as interest, ot the Southern public for its support The proceeds, beyond current expenses, for tlie next Coliegiate year, will be tenJered by tiie Pres ident to tlie Treasury Department of the Conled- erate States. Orphans of deceased, and daughters of indigent Masons, will, as heretofore, continue to receive gratuitous tuition. Cheapness to patrons, and thoroughness to pu pils. are aimed at in the system proposed to be pur sued. No pains or expense will be spared to secure the best talent for tiie various Departments, to lie exclusively selected from among South- ern-rs. A Preparatory Department is attached to the College, where particular attention will be given to iaying well the foundations of education, as absolutely necessary to further successful advance ment. The useful, tlie practical, and the ornamental, will he sought to be blended and developed throughout the whole regime of the Institution. Tlie moral and religious culture of pupils will be scrupulously kept in view. French and Spanish will he taught by a lady perfectly conversant with botli of these Ian gtiages. The Musical Department will be conducted by a gentleman, assisted by an accomplished lady, hutli possessing experience and genius to an eminent degree, and occupying fine social posi tions. The late President resigning, to attend to pri vate affairs, unites with tiie retired Vice-Presi dent, and tlie Trustees, in commending tlie Insti tution, under its present, direction to the public confidence. The President is honored with most complimen tary credentials from Bishop G. F. Pierce, Hons. Joseph H Lumpkin, T. R R. Cobb, and Col. Win. H Jackson, President of the Board of Trus tees ofthe Georgia University. Covington, the location of the College, is pleas ant ami healthy. Board can be obtained from $14 to .‘815 per mouth $12 to $14 in ordinary times. By order of the Presidential Board. JOHN HARRIS, I). G. M., President of the’Board. W. W. Clarke, Secretary. Aug. It), 1861. 13 4t. W MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. GEORGIA. Bulloch County. To all idiom it mmj concern. 7 HEREAS, Nathaniel J. Dugger, Executor on the estate of David Dugger, late of said County, deceased will apply at the Cour# of Or dinary for letters of dismission : from said Execu torship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in December next otherwise, said letters will he granted. Given under my hand officially, this 16th day of May. 1-6J. [li ft] 52 mSm. WILLIAM LEE Sen., Ord’y. GEORGIA, Jasper County. 41/ HEREAS. Jarrett B. Kelley, Executor to tv the last Will and Testament of Benjamin W. Banks, late of said county, deceased, makes application to me for letters ot Dismission from said Executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish a persons interested in the estate of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any rliey have, why letters of Dismission should not be granted the applicant iu terms of the statute. Given under my band and official signature at office, tins 7th day of May. 1861. 51 mfim. M. H HUTCHISON, Ord’y. AT AUGUSTA, T HE thirtieth session of this Institution, will open on MONDAY, the 4th November next. Anatomy. H F CAMPBELL, M. D. Surgery, L A DUGAS. M. I). Chemistry. JOSEPH JONES, M. D. Materia MediCa and Therapeutics. I P GARVIN, M. D. Institutes and Practice. L D FORD, M. D. Physiology, 11 V M MILLER, M. D. Obstetrics, J A EVE. M D. Adjunct Professor ot Obstetrics, ROBERT CAMP BELL. M D. W H DOUGHTY, M. D, Clinical Lecture “at City Hospital.’’ S B SIMMONS, M. D. Prosecter to Professor Anatomy. II W D FORD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Lectures, (full course) $105. Matriculation Fee, The College building has been thoroughly re novated, and many additions made to former facili ties for instruction. I. P. GARVIN, Dean. Sept. 24, 1861, 18 2ns THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. TVTHEREAS, John Bragg having applied to n IT fur letters de bonis non, on the estate 1 letters de Samuel Bragg, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular tha creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letteis ce bonis non, should not be granted to John Bragg on Samuel Bragg’s estate. Given under my hand and official signature 24th Sept. totil. li) 5t ELLIS HARVILL, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. W HEREAS, Joseph Williams makes applica tion to me in terms of law, for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Samuel Fowler, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas- tificute of Stock, pin-porting to he a certificate of stock I ed to he and appear at my office 011 or by the first as aforesaid, knowing the same to be falsely made, Monday in November next, then and thereto forged, or counterfeited, or shall falsely alter, or cause J show cause, if any, why said letters may not be >r procure to be falsely altered, or willingly aid or assist | granted. Given under my hand officially at Ma- [ No. 291.] AN ACT supplemental to au act to establish the r.iti-s of postage on newspapers and periodicals sent tod -filers therein through the mails, or by express over jiost roads. Section t. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That the word “the” where it. ’ la*i occurs in the second section of said act be and the same ’>« hereby, stricken out, and the word “each” sub stituted in its stead. Approved September 3, 4861. [No. 272.] AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act recogni zing the existence of war between the United States and the Confederate States, and concerning letters of marque, prizes, and prize goods.” approved May sixth eighteen hundred and sixty-one; and mi net entitled ‘ an act regulating the sale of priz'-s and the distribution thereof,” approved May sixteenth, eigh teen hundred and sixty-one. Section. I The Congress ofthe Confederate States of America do enact, That the seventh section of the first above recited act be so amended as te permit and authorize the breaking of bulk and the removal bv the iu falsely altering any certificate of stock, issued a;, aforesaid, or shall pass, utter, or publish,or attempt to pass, utter or publish, as true, any falsely altered cer- ricate of slock, issued as aforesaid, knowing tlie same to be falsely altered, every such person shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, unit being thereof eon- icted by due course of law, shall be sentenced to be imprisoned and kept at labor for a period oi not less than three years, noi more than ten years, and be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. Approved, Aug. 21, 1861. rion, September 23d. IMil. I!) 5t LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’ GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. To all whom it mav concern. W HEREAS, Erasmus Bulloch makes apnlica- f [No. 246. AX ACT to establish Assay Offices at Charlotte and Dahlunega. Section 1. Tlie Cougres* of tlie Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint an Assayer at Charlotte North Carolina, and another at Dalilonegn, in Ha state of Georgia, whose duty it shall be to assay and certify the fineness and value of such gold and silver as may be submitted to them respectively to be as sayed. See. 2. The said Assayer* shall, respectively, execute a bond of the Confederate States, with sufficient sure ties, iu sucli sum ns may be approved by the Secre tary of the Treasury, to discharge the duties of bis offiee ami shall take oath to discharge the said duties and to support the Consilitntion of tlie Confederate States; whereupon the Secretary of the Treasury shall place in bis charge, aud subject to his use, the buildings used for the mint, and the tools aud implements used there- Sec. 3. It shall be the duly of the said Assayer to take proper care of the said buildings, grounds and property, keep the sume in good repair, and to restore the same tothe Confederate States in like condition in which they were received; he shall hold liis offiee for two years; aud shall employ under him, at sueli rates as lie may agr.-e upon, such workmen and inferior officers as he may see fit. See. 4. Tiie whole expense of the establishment shall be defrayed by the Assayer; and, iu order to defray the same and to receive a reasonable compensation fo'r his service, he shall be entitled to retain front all metals or ores submitted to him for assay, such seignorage or charge as will enable him to receive an annual salary not exceeding two thousand dol lars. Sec. 5. The said Assayers shall, from time to time, as required by the Secretary of the Treasury, make au accurate report of uil proceedings at their offices, in such form as may be requited by the Secretary ; and theiroflScers shall, at all times; be subject to sueli or ders and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time, make or direct. Approved Aug. 21,1861. [No. 247. J AN ACT making additional appropriations for the Navy of the Confederate States, fortheyear ending February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty - The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That there be appropriated, out of any money in tlie Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. the following sums for the Navy: Fiir the purchase and building of steamers and gur.-boats for const defences of the Confederate State the sum of fifty thousand dollars. For repairing and fitting the steamer Merrimneasan iron-clnd shin, the sum of one hundred and seventy two thousand five hundred and twenty-three dollars. For raising the ships of-the-line Columbus, Deli; ware,Pennsylvania, and the brig Dolphin, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. For pay, subsistence, and other wants of five hun dred additional seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen and boys, and firemen and coal heavers, the sum of ninety thousand dollars. For medical supplies and surgeon’s necessaries, the sum of fonr thousand dollars. To pay employees at the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Vir- giuia, from the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the eighteenth of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. the sum of six thousand seven hundred dollars. For floating defences for New Orleans, Louisiana, eight hundred thousand dollars. To construct sub-marine batteries for the destruc tion of vessels, fifty thousand dollars. To construct a centrifugal gun, invented by Charles S. Dickinson, subject to the condition of the Act tion to me for the Guardianship of the per son and property of the minor children of Wright Sheffield, deceased, to-wit: Win. B. and Geo. W. and Julia V. Sheffield. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular any person that may be concerned, to be and appear at my offiee within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted to said Erasmus Bul loch. Given under my haud and official s gnature 24th September 1861. 19 5t ELLIS HARVILL. Ord’v. GEORGIA. Wilkinson county. To all whom it may concern. V47HEREAS, Alexander Baum having applied T T to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Michal Baum, late of said comity, deceased, this is to cite all and singular the credi tors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time allowed liy law, and show cause, if any thoy can, why permanaut letters of administration should not be granted to Alexander Baum on Michal Baum’s estate. Given under my hand and official signature, Septemder 24th J8(i!. I!) 5t ELLIS HARVILL, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. yy HEREAS, Mil es Scarborough. Administra tor with the will annexed on [he estate G'atheirne Kirkland, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons interested, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dis mission should not be granted the applicant in terms of law. Given under my hand officially, this 20th day of August, 1861. [r>. h.] 14 mt’m. WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. VSTHEREAS, William A. Andrews, adminis- I ¥ trator with tlie will annexed, on the estate of Bennett Tull, late ot said county, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said ti ust, lie having executed the same, as will more fully ap pear from the records in my office. These are therefore to cite and admonish ali and singular the kindred and others concerned, to to be and appear at my office on or by the first Monday in March next, then and there to show cause why said letters may not he granted. Given undi r my hand officially at Marion, Sep tember 2nd, 1861. 16 mfim. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. BY IIANLETTER & [ADAIR, ATLANTA, GA. rriHE DAILY SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY, X under arrangements just completed, will contain all tlie latest intelligence of every kind, reported express ly for us by Magnetic Telegraph, and the Mails. Also, daily reports ofthe Atlanta and other Markets, Loc .1 Incidents and Items, &e„, &c. Price—$5 a year; $3 for six months, or 50 cents for one month—always in advance. The WEEKLY SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY is made up from, aud contains the cream of. the Daily. It is a large sheet, and gives more fresii reading matter than any other Weekly in the Confederate States, its Market Reports, will be full, and made np from actual transactions. Price §2 a year; or §1 25 for six mouths —invariably in advance. Postmasters are authorized to act ns our Agents in obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money— for which they will be allowed to retain, as commision, twentv-five cents on each Weekly, or fifty cents on each Daily subscriber. trigs--Persons getting up Clubs of five, ten ormore subscribers, will be supplied with the copies ordered at 12 1-2 per cent. less than our regular rates. £^“Xonaine will be entered on onr books until tlie money is paid; and all subscriptions are discontinued when the time expires for which payment is made, unless tiie same be renewed. Address, HANLE1TER Sc ADAIR, Atlanta, Georgia. March 30, 1S61. * 47 DROPSY CURED! Don't Anti- GEOKGIA, H ilkinson county. To all whom it may concern, EX7 HEREAS, John Bragg having in proper VV form applied to me for letters ot administra tion on tlie estate of Sarah Bragg, late of said county, deceased. This is to c-iie all and singu lar tlie creditors and next of kin of said Sarah Bragg to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, it anv they can, why said letters of administration should not be granted to said John Bragg on Sarah Bragg’s estate. Given under my hand and official signa ture September 24th 1~6I. 19 5t ELLIS HARVILL, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. V\7HEKEAS. Asa McWilliams makes applica- f T ti .... ion to me in terms of law for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Joseph Maxwell, late of said county, deceased. These an- therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dec’ll., to be and appear at my office on or by tiie first Monday in November next, then and there to show cause, if any, wliy said letters nmy not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion Sept. 23d 1861. 19 5t LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA. Baldwin County'. Vy HEREAS. David M„ Gilbert M and Laz- 11 arus B. Anderson, Executors of the will ol William Anderson, deceased, have filed their final return, and petitioned the Court for letters of dis mission. These are therefore to cite all persons adversely concerned, to file their objections 0:1 or before the first Monday in April next. Given under my official signature, this 10th Sent. 1 ~G1. Hi mlim. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y. CHEAP FOR CASH! Store, HOTS £ Ko. 1. r 18I!E Subscriber having just returned from the North, 1 is now prepared to furnish his old friends and cus tomers (to their ad vantage) t’lotliing of any llrsrripfion, from a very large assortment of the best quality ever brought to tliis City'. All made to order, and the work warranted. I can give yarn as good a bargain for cash as any other establishment, but not as low down either in price nr quality. A. C. VAIL, Agent. iMiileilgeville, November 5, 186(1. 24 tf Jacobs Cordial. This vulujible ine'lioinp can bo obtained at the Drag Store of IlKRTY & HALL, also for sale by GRIEVE Sl CLARK. Milledgeville. No family should be without it. See notices &,c. GIN GEAR. | HAVE ON HAND FOUR SIZES OF GIN GEAR, and will manufacture to order other sizes if required. They will be sold to suit the times. JAMES DUFFLEY. Milledgeviile, August 19th, 1861. 13 Tax Laws of Georgia. COMPILED 13Y L. II. BRISCOE, GEORGIA, Twiggs County. W HEREAS, Isaac Carrol makes liis applica- t tion to me in terms of law, (or the Guardian ship of the persons and property of the orphan minors under the age of fourteen years, of Willis S. Moore, late of said county, deceased. Theso are to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred of said minors, to he and appear at my office on or by the first Monday in December next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially', Marion, Oct. 3rd, 1861. 20 at. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs County. TITHEREAS, James Bobbit has filed his ap- M plication in terms of law, for letters of ad- ministration on the estate of William J. Martin, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or by the first Monday in December next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion. Oct. FEW copiesoftheTAX LAWS are on hand and 1 for sale at this office.—Price $1 per copy LEWIS SOLOMON, Otd’y - ■ rr rt(^ i riFmit£rtfirfr Nmv"ifi firiww GEORGIA, Baldwin ? By John Hammond, O County. ) dinary of said County. To Eliza F. Carter of said County, James F Carter of the County of Macon and State of Ala bama, and John H. Furman,Testamentary Guard ian aud Trustee of Faruh C. Furman and John H. Furman, minors. The said Eliza, James F. and Farish C. and Jehu H. luring Devices. Legatees and Heirs at Law of Farish Carter, late of said County, deceased. \Yf HEREAS, Samuel M. Carter, as nominated »T Executor, and one of the Legatees, under the iast wilt and testament ofthe sakl Fans It Car ter, deceased, has duly filed his application before us in ottr said Court of Ordinary for the probate ofthe last, will and testament, and th" codicils thereto annexed, of the said Farish Carter, dec’d. in solemn form—said probate to he made in and before our said Court to be holden on the first Monday in Novi tuber next These are therefore to cite and admonish you and each and every one of you, to be and appear be fore us in our said Court to be holden on the first. Monday in November next, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why said last will and testament and the codicils thereto annexed, shall not be admitted to probate in solemn form according to the petition and application of the said Samuel M. Carter, and make other and fur ther proceedings, be, then and there had, and ac cording to the statute in such cases made and pro vided. JOHN HAJ4MOND, Ord’y July 27th, 1861. 10 3m. 1\0 YANKEE HHIBIK! jive v}> until you try Broom’. Hydropic Tincture / T HE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the public to their justly celebra ted ANTI-HYDROPIC TINCTURE. A fairtrial is a’d we ask to convince the m<*st. incredulous that onr treament is no humbug. Many who have de spaired of recovery have men entirdy relieved un der our treatment. We. would say to those afflicted with that loathsome disease, the Dropsy, to delay no time in giving us a call. Remember tlie old proverb, “Procrastination is the thief of time ’’ We will visit patients when desired and reasona bly compensated for onr trouble. On the receipt of ten dollars we will forward to any Railroad de pot its value in onr medicine. M. it J. II. BROOM. P. S.—All communications must be addressed to the undersigned to meet with prompt attention, he can be consulted by calling at his office on the North side ot public square. JOSEPH II. BROOM. Carrollton, Georgia. CERTIFICATES. Powelton. Hancock county, Ga., Jan. 16, 1856. Joseph II. Broom, Esq.—Dear Sir : This is to cer tify that ill the year 1856, l had under my care a ease of Dropsy, which I directed tube placed under your treatment. Tlie above ease was placed under your care and treatment, and in tin- space of six or seven weeks you made a final cure. The above specified case has since been under my notice, but no sign of Dropsy 1 would therefore direct all who you a trial, for I think your has since been visibl have the Dropsy t medicine the greatest ever discovered for Dropsy.” Yours respectfully, K. F. SEAY, M. D. Lodi,Coweta county,On., Feb. 6, 1861. This is to certify that Mrs. Elizabeth Nixon sign ed the above certificate in our presence—-We further certify that wo were acquainted with her condition before she commenced taking Dr Broom’s Anti-Ilv drophic Tincture, and so far ns you know, all she states in the above certificate is true. She was tirely helpless, and dependent entirely upon charity for a support for herself and family. No one thought til at she could ever be relieved. She is now. to alia** pearnnee, entirely well and able to work und suppo. herself and family. WESLEY W. THOMAS, JOSUA MOORE. JOHN T. MeCOY. J. P. Greensboro, Ga., Jan. 30, I860. Gentlemen: This is to certify that in the year 1853, I had a negro man afflicted with Dropsy. 1 gave him Broom’s Anti-Hydropic Tincture, which I believe ef fected a permanent cure. This negro was treated by other physicians, but to no effect, and I cheerfully re commend any one who has the Dropsy to try Broom’s Anti-IIydropic Tincture. [32 ly.j Respectfully, NANCY BICKERS. MEW IIOTEIj ! PLANTER'S LOUSE. Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. T HIS HOUSE is Two Blocks from the Railroad Depot, IN THE BUS INESS PART OF THE CITY, and near the Ware Houses and Wholesale Stores. A Porter will be in attendance at the Depot. J. O. GOODALE, Proprietor. August 1st, 1861. ji 'll. SPRING AND SUMMER ISS CARR il has on hand a large beauti ful assortment of SPRING 4ND SUMMER Consisting of all the LATEST aud most desirable styles of French Hals of erery variety. Also, many rich aud fancy articles, beautiful Em broidery, elegant Laces and Velvets, HeaH- Dresses and Dress Caps, Bead Netts^Hair Pins, Veils, Ruches, Bonuct Pins, Fancy Buttons, Lace French and American Flowers, and a very large and well selected stock of RIBBONS. MARSALAIN SILKS, HOOP SKIRTS. &c., &c. Call and examine for yourselves before purchas ing, as it will be much to your interest. She is thankful for past favors, and solicits a liberal pa tronage from our city and surrounding counties. Milledgeviile, April »tn, 1861. 46 tf METROPOLITAN HOTEL, AT SPARTA, 6A. rpiIE undersigned having recently purchased .1 the old stand” has opened a Hotel lor the accommoda tion of the people. The proprietor will use every effort for the com fort and convenience of all who may favor him with their patronage. The table will be furnished with the best that a Hancock county market affords. Drovers will be supplied with provender, good stables, and open lots for the exhibition of their stock. Conveyances can be had at all times to any point on either of the Rail Roads. J. M. STANFORD. Sparta.,Ga., Jan. 2, 1860. 32 tf. BRADFORDS FILL^, EXTRA ORDINAR Y. CURES, The Infallible Gum Coaled Pills, ( I Are I Dis Are a certain and specific cure for ail Uretlireal Discharges, Gonorriio-a, Gleet. Stricture,andIrri tntion of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urethra, and Pros- m tratc- Gland. They are tasteless, and free from giv. a ing odorto the breath. Prepared by K.Bradfor^ § New York City,and sold by 1IERTY Sc IIALL ’/ Milledgeviile, Ga. Price ?1 per Box. They will / be sent by mail, free of postage, when ordered.*' Mew Clothing! JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeviile Clothing Store. HOTEL NO. 1. A General Assortment of Gents, Youths, and Bovs SPRING & SUMMER CLOTH ING, all made to order, and the work warranted. Also, a general assortment 01 H ATS! Beebes fashionable Moi.e«KiN and Cassimkr, and a variety of SOFT CASS., and Light Summer HATS, for Men and Boys. Also i> great variety of TRAVELING TRUNKS, VA LISES, BAGS, &c . &.c. A. C. VAIL, Agent. April 16th, 1860. 47 tf. Hr. J. K. XttcZiEAXlTS STRENGTHENING fORDIAL BLOOD PURIFIER! The Greatest Remedy .In (he World, AND 'J AND THE XKZost Delicious AND Delightful Cordial EVER TAKEN. thou- THE thousands upc 8MiidH who are daily using McLean’j Strengthening Cordial, certify that it is ab solutely an infill]ibe remedy for the renovating and IN- nTm —7~T t T g - VICJORATINGthe shatter-1 i • „„ BCiOrC tflliin§i'‘d au( ^ disi’anefl system, pu-“UC* I rifving and enriching the Blood—restoring the sick, suffering invalid to IlEAGTH A IV D STRENGTH. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT IT will cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Headache, Depression of Spirits, Fevei and Ague, Inward Fever, Bad Breath, or any disease oft ho Liver, Stomach, or Bowels. GENTLEMEN, do you wi«h to be Healthy. Strong ami vigorous? LADIES,do you want the bloom of Health t« mount to your cheeks again?—then go at once and get Tlrl.c anN NtrnijStheiiing CorriLil nu<t Bioort Purifier. Delay not a moment; it is warranted to give satisfaction. It will cure any disease of the Kidney. Womb, or Bladder; Fainting, Obstructed Menstrua tion, Falling of tlie Womb, Barrenness, or any disease arising from Chronic or Nervous Debility, it is an In fallible Remedy F O K C H I L D R E N. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny Children, to be healthy, strong and rebust!— then give them MeLEAN’S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL, (se the directions on each bottle) it is delicious to take. VW* One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, is a sure preventive against Ciiilisunii Fever, Ye! low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. ' jj=“ CAUTION!—Beware of Druggists or Dealer who may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters 01 Sarsaparilla, (which they can buy cheap.) by saving it is jn»t as good. There are even men BASE enougl to steal part of my name to dub their VILE decoc tions. Avoid such infamous PIRATES anil their vil lainous compounds! Ask for Dr. J. li. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Take noth ing else. It is the only remedy that will Purify voni Blood thoroughly, and. at the sometime, STRENGTH EN and INVIGORATE the whole-organization. It is put up in Large Bottles— §1 per bottle, or six bottle lor $5. :ooo: BEI3COE 6l deCHtAFFESfliii ty ATTORNEYS AT LAW niLLEUtiEYi LLE( ^ Eo W ILL practice in the courts ofthe o,.- ,* circuit. wl ®Ugee Milledgeviile, Ga., March 1,1858. Messrs. Are Associ 40 ly. A. H. & L. U. kLMip ated in Tint Practice or lVw Office 1st Door upon 2d floor 0 f MASONIC HALL Jan. 23d, 1857. , 3o tf. 1>R A- II CUMMincT Irteinlon, Wilkinson Conniuc Tenders his Prof-ssional services to the * of Wilkinson county. [J an . 6 , THOMAS J. COX, ATTORNEY AT LAW NEWTON, Baker county, Ga 1 March 18, 1856. 42 tf ETHERIDGE & SON, Factors, Commission and Foriurding merchants 5 WAV ANNA II, ga. ’ V. D. ETHERIDGE. July loth, 1856. W. D. ETHERIDGE, J r . 8 tf ‘ Thomas Hardeman, jr, j.\y. Griffis HAUDEaSAN 6l GS.ZFFIN WHOLESALE GROCERS. D ealers in wines, liquors, tobap CO, SEGARS and Groceries of ever? rV scription. 3 Corner of Cherry- and Third St.«., wacon ga Sept. 2,1859. ( f' J. CAMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AnVOKTII, COBB CfiBTY, Cl., P RACTICES in Cobb, Cuss, Cherokee, Milton Paulding, and Fulton. “ —:no:— REFERENCES. Hon. J. W. Lewis, Atlanta; Gen. A. J. Hassell Marietta; RoiiERTS, Coskeky & Co , Augusta-’ E. L. Litchfield, N. & G. S. Avery, a<> worth. [3P Any information as to responsibility of par ties promptly given aj March 9tli, 186J. 42 NEWELL & WELLBORN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Milledgeviile, Ga, W ILL PRACTICE in the Counties of the Ocmnlgee Circuit. Milledgeviile, Ga , Feb. Hi, I860. 39 ]y. LAW CARD. The undersigned have associated themselves to- get her iu the practice of Law, under the firm name of CLARK, IRVIN Sc TAYLOR, and will give prompt attention to all business entrust ed to their care iu the counties of Dougherty. Lee, Sumter, Terrell, Worth, Mitchell, Calhoun, Early, Dkcatuk, Mil, and by special contract, in anv county in South West ern Georgia. RIGHT). II. CLARK SAM’L D. IRVIN, WM. TAYLOR. Albany, Fet). 14, 1861. 39 jf UB« GADDY, DENTAL^MGEi OFFICE IN THE MASONIC BUILDING MILLEDGEVIILE, GA., CF^AUoperations performed with care and war- rented satisfactory. Milledgeviile, May 5th, 1860, 50 tf. TAILORING. J. C. S P E R L I N G, thankful for past favors would inform iiis old friends and customers, that he is still at his BUSINESS and can -1 be found next door to (lie Recorder office. His tits and work, warranted to rive SATISFACTION. Nov. 1st, 186(1. 24 tf. Dr. McLean’s Universal Pills. For Liver Complaint Biliousness, Headache, h, There has never been a CATHARTIC medicine, of fered to the public, that has given such entire satisi'ue tion as MeLEAN’S UNIVERSAL FILLS. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly inno cent and can be taken by the most tender iniant; yet prompt and powerful in removing all Bilious secretions. Acid or Impure, Feted Matter from the Stomach. Iu fact, they are the only PILLS that should be used io malarious districts. They produce 110 Griping, Sickness or Pain in the Stomach or Bowels, though very active and searebin; in their operation promoting healthy secretions of th Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Biliousness Headache and fou! Stomach, when so cheap a reme dy can be obtained! Keep them constantly on hand; a single dose, taken in season, may prevent hours, days, and months of sickness. Ask for I)r. J. H. Mc Lean’s Universal Pills. Take no other. Being coaiei they are tasteless. Price only 25 cents per box, and can be sent by mail to any part of the United States. Dr, McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The Rest Kxtrriinl in the IVor!<I for iiinn or Beast. Thousands of human beings have been saved a life of dccrepitude'ntid [misery, by the use of this invalua ble Liniment- It will relieve PAIN almost instanta neously, and it will cleanse, purify and heal the foulest SORE in an incredible short lime. MeLEAN’S VOL CANIC OIL LINIMENT will relieve the most in veterate cases of Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. For Paralysis, contracted muscles, stiffness or weakness in the Joints. Muscles or Ligaments, it will never fail.— Two applications tvill cure Sore Throat, Headache or Earache. For Barns or Scalds, or anv Pain, it is ail infallible Remedy. Try it, and you will find it an in- dispensihlc remedy. Keep it always 011 band. PLANTERS,FARMERS, or anyonehavingcliarge of horses, will save money by using McLean's Volcan ic Oil Liniment. It is n speedy and infallible cure tor Galls, Sprains, Chafes, Swelling, Lameness, Sweeney, Sores, Wounds, Scratches, or any external disease,— Try it, and you will be convinced. DR. j. H. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, SAINT LOUIS, Mo. The above preparation, will be manufaetur* d in Nev,- Orlenus, La. Sold by GRIEVE Sc CLARK, Milledge- ville. and by Druggists everywhere. 47 ly DK. CHARLES H. HALL H AS removed his residence and OFFICE t« JEFFERSON STRESS. t7*RKSiDENCE—the House recently occupied by Mr. Chamberlain. Office next door. Jan. 5th, 1858. 33 tf New Arrangement. Change of Schedule, on and after Monday 11 th inst. THE Subscribers are convey- <gTJ«v /5i. ngtheU.S. Mail from Mil- U** ledgeville via Sparta, Culver-4 ton and Powelton to Doubles Wells,and would respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the travelling public, to their new md complete arrangement for travelling facilities iver this line. SCHEDULE—Leave Milledgeviile after the arrival >f trains from Columbus. Macon and Savannah; Ar rive in Sparta at 6 o’elock P. 31. and at Double W’ella same evening. Leave Double Wells after the arrival of morning 'rains from Augusta. Atlanta and Athens; Arrive at Sparta 11 o’clock, A. 3L; Arrive at Milledgeviile same evening. With good Hacks, fine Stock and careful drivers, we solicit a liberal patronage. 3IOORE Sc FORBS. Stage Office*—Millcdgcviltt Hotel Milled'peril/e-, Ga. Eduards' House. Sparta. Moore's Hotel, Double Wells. July 11,1859. 8 tf. LAWS OF GEORGIA SXSSSXCN CF 1860. W E HAVE on hand a few copies of the ACTS PASSED AT THE LAST SES SION for sale at this office. PRICE—$2 1-0 a •’opy at the office, and $2 50 when sent by maih Postage pre-paiil. March 28th. 1961. 45 tf. GEORGIA, Dooly County. S IXTY' days from date application will be made to the h ~ honorable the Court of Ordinary, for an order for leave to sell the land and a portion of the negroes belonging to the estate of John A. Red ding, late of said county, deceased. MARY J. REDDING, > . , , ROWLAND REDDING, j A(lmr3 ’ Angust 23, 1861. 159t. Important to Females!! Or. bheeseman’s Fills. NOTIC II—The combinations of ingredient# in these PILLS are the result of a long and exten sive practice. They are mild iu their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruation,removing ali obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation olthe heart) disturbed sleep, which#! ways arise from interruption of nature. They c«b be securely used as a preventive. These pills should never be taken in pregnancy, as they would b* mre to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious to iff 8 or health. Explicit directions, which should b# read, accompany each Box. Price. $! per box. For sale by Wm-Barne#. also by Herty Sc Hall of Milledgeviile, they will be sent by mail, if wished, on the reception of $1> they can also be obtained of Dr. C. L. UheeseroM, Box No.4531, New York Post-office. U If SHOES! SHOES TUST received n very large lot of, shoes, for Ladies, aud Children, to be sold cheaper than ever heard of befoie. J. BOSEXFIELD- March 2, 1861. S IX I’Y' days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Appling County, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Mary Johnson, late of said county, deceased. (J 1.) JAMES JOHNSON, AdnrT. Sept 3rd, 1861. 16 9t. ^1XTY ^iays after date application will be made kjto Bulloch Administrator's Bale. W ILL be sold before the Court Huiuse door in Statesboro’, Bulloch county. On the Kirst county Tuesday in DECEMBER next: , Eighteen hundred and titty-eight acres of pine laiHi, moie or less, well improved, and bounded by lands of William Bland, Sen., Mitchell Waters and Washington Waters, it being tire lato resi dence of William Lillie, late of said county, de ceased. Sold under an order of the Court of Or dinary for the benefit ot the Imiis and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. TALBERT LITTLE, Adtn’r. Sept, loth, 1861. (d, M.j 18 tds, the Conrt of Ordinary of Echols county, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse Howell, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN G. HOWELL, Adm’r. Angust 24, 1861. [t b c] 15 9t. Rot ice to Debtors and Creditors. ^ LL persons indebted to Jesse A. Scarbor I3P TaheNotice.—Helmbold’s Buchu willposi- IvaIv Pur« kl- .4.1 L! * advertisement in another t ough, late of Pulaski County, deceased, are notified to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having demands against his estate, to present them for payment in terms of the law. * ADON SCARBOROUGH, Ex’r. October 9, 1861. 22 6t SAM’L D. IRVIN. GREENLEE BUTL**' IRVIN & BUTLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ALBANY, Georg*- P RACTICE in the Superior Courts of the South We# “ — ’ ’ ’ -- - ... stern Circuit,—in Terrell, Randolph, a,1< * " ly counties, in the Pntatila Circuit,—in Worth and j con Counties, in the Mucou Circuit, in the let- States Circuit Court at Savannah,—and by #P ecI contract,in anv County in Southern Georgia. January 1st’ I860. 34 tf- A Blackberry Wine. PURE article of this Wine, can be had****'® Store of Oriere <V dark, also at 4he This M 1,18 riety Store of J. CONN A SONS’. This is four years old, and in taste much resemble#^® very best Old Port. A few dozen of this a K e c i'“ f obtained. Price $125 per bottle. 1 ’- S IXTY days from date applicat ion will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs County for au or der for leave to sell all the lands belonging to tbo Es tate of Jamea T. Pearson, late of said connty de ceased. Aug 28th 1861. JAMES PEARSON, f ... ** — - “j > Admr 8. F. F. PEARSON, [L. S.j S IXTY days front date application will be made tQ the Court of Ordinary ot Twiggs Connty for an order for leave to sell nil the Lands and Negroes be- longing to the Estate of John Pope.late of said county deceased. D. G.HUGHES. AdinrV Ang.28th,1861. [L.s.j 15>t CASTLEN <fc VAIDELL, WHOLESALE MD RETAIL DEALERS II DRUGS, MEDICINES, &t> MACON, GA. November 13th, 1860. 26 1T- L3?“Xo medicine ean always cure, but wbate- C U” be effected, through human agency, towards^ toj 1 ^ Dysenfary, Diarrhcen. Cholera Morbus, ^..isdonj^r •Jacob s Cholera, Dysentary andDiarrhtea Voraua- Sold by GRIEVE Sc CLARKE, Milledgeviile,^ by ell Druggists generally- L. Cured, PILES Permanently WJJ J-7 by theuseof Catauaugh iPILE SJI This Salve has accomplished extraordinary and has gained a lasting reputation. T ry “at sale by