Southern federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1861-1862, November 19, 1861, Image 4

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fff- .uJrM US’ AUTJEIORSXY. ACTS > RKSOIiI'TIOJI* «/" //"• Second Session of the PRO VISIONAL CONGRESS of the CONFEDERATE STATES. 1861 i S'.. 16i. , me from C immcditu Imported from letocdule And that nil article* ■ therein named. And rbedule U shall 1** exempt from all «>ttier «;•*:* rs f •♦her articl**- of furuiture cr iiiauulartnre* of tobacco, rharopasne, riant*, Madeira, port, sherry. c*;dar-w.v>d. gratindilla, ebony, mahogany, ro*M*v. «> >d and satin*W‘K*L S -ailiolat*»p* t for table- or « ►null. pap^r ne^iir*. ami all ot!i Win. Bu and all other wine*or indtatiousoi w men. Schedule, B, (twpntv p-rcentamad valorem.) Mm i- , rarreiiti, dates, lias, and all other dried or pn-s^rved fruit*, u'»t otherwise provided for; argentine, alabata, or German silver, manufactured brddered with gold, silver or oilier in* tal, i ,0 K -*ams cosmetic* essence*, extract* perfumes and tiu.-tunw, o«M ibr UreVuilrt or for m.-bkinnl purport* ; t.«v rum, b.* mIs of amber. rornpo«iti< r miuiantifactured ; article* eiu- rm- tal, uototherwise provided d all other beads; beu- braids, chains, curls nr ringlets composed of ;iieii hair is a compment part, not otherwise provided and brushes ol all kinds. j *r; bro.nus and brushes oi a»l kinds. fin . w _ r Cam pit or, refined ; canes and sticks, for < wa kiug. fim 1 - © nnriii.sued : caper., pickles, and sauces of all k ind*, uot othi. rwi*e le .videj to-; card Ctt-fes, p .ckrt-books, «iiell b >xe*. souvenirs, ami all similar article., of whatever material com posed, not otbear- wist- provided lor : composition*of glaas. act or unset ; coral, ut ^V.lrtlrer.sudflower., artificial or ..ruanreutal. aud of, C.I what.-vorma!-rial i-oiopuM-d : lan» und fire .nwMOfrvtt) de-Tiption. of whatever material composed. (irapes, plums, and prn 1 Hair bun M and other such fruit, when put up in _ jcrwiac provided for. eanacd or prepared lor use. ; gold, piatiua or silver, u«»t otlwrwi*** provided ; manulactarea of papier mache; molasses. ’aintin-n ou slass ; pepper, pimento, clove*, n itrneRs, emua- ui.aud all other spic***; |M-rfuui» s and perfumerv, of all sort*. tied for; plated and gilt ware, ol ad kinds, uot <i-; prepared vegetables, fruits .. iienvjM* provided for; playmzcards; prepared vegetables, n»eat». poultry and game, *ealt A or enclosed in c;iu* or oth« »tbcrwi Sib .dl. t other form; soap, castile, ■»«,ni>* ; sugar of ail kinds ; yrup< stars. ta>sels, tre*,.*?*. nud •'cut. ud valorem.) clothing or apparel, including . part of Indian rub- i; burgundy pitch; but* Epaulettes, galloous, lacea, kn v jug* of gold or silver, oriuiitati ticHF.UULE C. (fifteen Alum; arrow-root, articles o. . - — —. list., .-ap-, aluv Bii.H-i and booth "I nil kind., worn by nieit x»r cnildreu, ol whatever material compos to, uot oiumus l-iauketo, bociiuts. flum-hand floor-cloth., ofaliatev- ,-nn.t -rial ,- , -d. not -ti. -rwittr provided for; bo.k.-t., «ud ,|| other «rti. . - ,-oaijH,- A p»lm-le.t. .trnu-. wn»lv- nr ,i it ..iherwiM- provided lor : bm air andpjrfT, in ri.-kf ..rb.ittl.-B: b.-r.-*-«\; b. rri— mid vo.rtablr. ol ail .urt. u-,-d n.r land, not othorwn- provided for; bine or reman vunol. « aulpa ol - .pi>- r;b >1 : braces, .nepeader" bing, ur otherfui rics composed wholly b r . not otberu i*e pn vitled i-»r; brow ton* and buttoo moalda of aU kinda. ' , n.idof whatever material made; caaimnui; cal* ■ nun jur *i prana ration*; carbouatepf ■odat castor beau*; ir oil; candles nid tap rs of spermaceti^ stcar.-m*. parntiu-. tallow or wax. and all otte r caudle*; caps, hats, iiiutfa mi.! t.pp.*ts, aud all other manulactures of tur, or «»1 wn ch fur snail be a eomiMUent p»> rt; caps, gloves, levins, aiiU, S » ^ s», H wiiWHirirta and drawers, aad all similar HTtunes worn bv meu.Vo neu and children, and not utuerwUe provided for: *arp.-ts, cart>*tiuz. bed sides, au 1 other portions ofcarpctiua. belli.' cirtur Aubusarm. Bruss.ds, iucraiu. riaxony, Turkov. V.-oeti Mi. Wilt'*u. or any other fciinilar fabric, not other- visc provid 'd t <r; carriage* aur* parts ol cdurio^es ; raatorum ; rhtiu*. oi all s .rts ; cider end other l^veragt a not containing al- euuol. and u .t otif-rv. !*.- provided fer; cnoodat.-; chromate oi 1 -ad ;chromat< > , bi-chrooiafe. hv-driodute. aud pru*»iato of put- uo,; clocks an I part-of cl -k.: couch aud haruess furniture ot nli kinds ; r.obab : c cubs of HI k.uds : copper bottoms ; copper r>»ls. b»lts.nail*, and ** ; copper iu sheets or plate*, called i»rar:er’s copper, and oin» r sheet* of copper, not otherwise pfjj** d» l for ; copperas, or green vitnul, or sulpiiate i>t iron; corn; co-ton cords, gimps, aud galloon* : cotton law*, cotton iuaert- inzs. efittou trimming, laces, cotton lace* and braids: court plas* to •: coral, mauufactc*cd ; crayons of all kinds ; cubeb* ; cutlery of a ! giuds. 1) ‘luiue*; dolls aud t< if nil kinds ; dried pulp ; drug., utedi- Earthen, china, and stone ware, snd all other wares rompo*ed ofeartuv aud mineral aolwtaacc* not otherw«*epiovidec for; en caustic tile*: ether. , _ Felspar: ti^-blue; tire-crack«?rs, *ky-rocket*, Roman candle*, and nil similar article* used iu pyrotechnics; tish, whether fresh, smoked, salted, dried or pickled, not otherwise provided for; Iruits, preserved fruit*; fish glue. ...iiglass; fish skins; flats, braids, plaits, aparterre and willow hi oar - used f-ir making hats or bonnets; floss silks, leather >.,-ds. feathers for Ifetis. und down* of all kind* ; frames and sticks for umbrella-., narasole, aud sunshades, finished or unfinished ; Fraukfordblack ; fulminates, or fulminating powders; furnitu; i bouwhold, uot otherwise provided for; furs, dre n the skin. Ginger dried.groen, rip* ground, preserved or pickled; glass, colored, stained or painted: glass, window; slaw* crystals for auy <>tlit! crials. uot erial coni- ulia ; iridl: odu, H8b(«, aud ...ouldcd aud pressed, bottle*, fla-ks. and all other vusse not rot, ami ail glass not otuerwise provided for: glue; grass cloth; green turtle: g**ai beuxoin or benjamin; guns, except mus- ketsaudrifle*, nn-a/m*. au.l all part-, thereof not inteuded for military pnrp i*e*; gunny cloth aud India baggings, and India mattings of ail sorts, not otherwise provided for. Han c irled, nioe*. seaweed, and all other v»-z'-tab!e substance* u-ed l »r 1h-us or mattresses ; hair pencils ; but IhwIh s of cotton or wool; hats and bonnet*, for men. women and children, composed of straw, satin-*traw, chip. gra-**. painl v. i tibi * substance, or of hair, whale\ oth rwisc p )vid«*d tor ; butt* r‘s plush, }K*sed ; honey. Ink and ink powder; ipeeaeua irou < i ting*; iron liqu >r; in#u railroai rail-, spikes, ashing plates and chairs t:*ed iu construct ing railroad*; ivory black. ,, , . Jalap; jiituined ware of all kinds not otherwise provided for; jet. au.l mar, •. actun*s of jet. and imitations thereof; jewelry, or ‘imitation* thereof; juniper berries. Laci-s <.[ cotton, of thread, ur other materials not otherw ise pro vide! fur ; lampblack ; lasting*, cut iu strips or other patterns, of the *ize or Miidpc (hr shoe*, boot*, booties, slipper*, gaiter* or but- tou, of whatever mal Timl C»nip wd ; W-i p.-u«-ii-: h-adon pij»; bother, japanned ; leeches ; lmeiw of all kiuda ; liquornx-, paste, juice or; litharg'*. ... , „ , . Maecaroui, vermicelli, gelatine, jellies, and all other similar preparanon* not otnerwiae pruvuM for; iwdiinny * eyory do- scnpU«Mi not otherwise provided f*-r; malt : minnii; raangan- e-.-: -nrinua; iuaiiul’«< tu,e-. oi tin* bark of tiie cork tree; manufac- turrsofulx; mainoaeturcsof wool of nil kinds, or worsted, uot «*t.ierwi,e prov.d*rd tor; mamuucturesofhairof : 1! kind* not oth- erwiae p irided for; *nanuli*cturos -»t cotton ol a;i kind*notother- v, is • pruvifl.-d lor; ma m acture* of flax of all kinds not otherwise provMcd lor ; •nauulrctnrei of'Ueuip of ull kiud* not otherwisi* provci • l for ; mauma- ture* of b »ne, shell, horn, pearl, ivory, ‘-r v. z.-table iv.irv, n »t otnerw me provided for ; ma::afM* ture*, arti cle.. ve.--.el* afu 4 were*, not otuerwise provided I t. of bra-s. c*»p- p -r, iron, steel, ieit.1. p.*wter, tin. or of win. h eituer of these mef- uim -,.iail lit- a comp m. ut part: mauutaoturc-, articles, vessel*, and ware* m *!:»*-. or of wmeu glu*s .hall be a ..-ouip'/ucut material, not otiierwl*e provided for; mauafavtures and articles of leather, or of wui un leaf Her shall be a component part, uot otherwise provided tor; manufacture* and article* of marble ; marble paving tile*, and aU utter marble more advanced in manufacture man in Gab* or block* III tae roii .ui nut otherwise provided lor; manciacture* ot i.aper, or >l which paper i* a component material, not otherwise provided for : inauulacturea ol w«K»d, or or which wood i« a compo nent p.trt. n A otnerw.Mr* provided for; matting, china or other fluor matting, aud mats made of flag*, jute, *>r gra** : medicinal preparation*, drugs, root* and leave* in a crude *tMte. not other- vihi- provided for; morpaiue ; metallic pen* ; mineral waters; mimical instrument* of ail kind*, aud string* lor mumcal iustru- rii Mit*. of wn ip-gut, cat-gut, and all other striugs of the K»me ma terial ; mu*tard in bulk or iu buttle*: mustard seed. Ncille* or all kind*, for sewmg, darniug aud knitting: nitrate of b^ad. . , . , . .. f O. ure-i and oehrey earths; oil-cloths of ♦■very description, of W.m.ev. r mate rial composed ; oil* ot every description, animal, v -.-table mineral, not otherwise provided for; olive* ; opium; orange and lemon peel: osier or Willow, prepared tor basket-ma- of quinine, and quin cripth sulphab* l*dinti»,*drv or ground in oil, uot otherwise provided for; paper, antiquarian:*deiny, drawing, elephant, foolscap, imperial, letter, aad ior printing newspapers, hand-bill* andotuer printing, and all other paper, uot otuerwi*e provided for; paper boxen, aud all oth- or fanev boxes; pap^r envelopes; pnp^r hangingH. paper for wall*, and paper for wroeus or tirelxiurds; parchment: parasol* and sou-snade*. and umbrellas; patent mordant; paving aud roofing tile*, and brick*, aud rooting slate*, and fire brick ; period ical-and other works, *n course *•: printing aud republic at ion m the Confederate States; pitch ; pla-ier ot pans, ealeiiiwd; plum bago; p.ita**ium; putty. , . . , Q u. kulver; .juilU: quasia. manutactured or unmanufactured. It.-d cunlk p. mciIm ; ruubarb ; roman oameat. Sa«ldlervoi all kinds, not otherwiso provided tor; raunm and * a ft run cuke; sago; *alts. *p.n.i, glaubcr. ro.dielle, v:d all other *ait* aud preparations of-sits not otherwise^provided for; sarsa- pirilla ; screws of all kind* : sealing wax; scilie*; seppia : sewing mIx. in the guin and purified : a haddocks; skin* ol ali kind*, tan ned dressed or jupauued; slate pencils; smaitz: soap of every description uot otherwise provided for: spirits of turpentine; spunk ; squill* ; starch; ate rootvpe plate: at ill butt/ of barytes, crude or refined; sulphate ol ~ P" all its \.iriou« pre;airations. Tapioca : t:ir; textile fabric* of even wiae proMiud for: twine aud p<* k threso. --i cnnpiM-d : thread lacing*aud inserting*; types, old or new, aud T\nbri«llas; Vandyke brown; vanilla b-an*; varnish of all kiud*; vellum : veil -fian red ; velvet iu tb** piece, composed whol ly of cotton. orofVotton aud silk, but of which cotton i« the con.- p meut material of chief value; verdigris; venniluou.; viuegar. Wafer* • water colors : whalebone: white aud red lead ; white vitriol, cr sulpiiate of rur: whiting, or Pari* white; wiudow gift*-, broad, crown or cylinder; woolen aud worsted yarn*, aud iv jolcn li-tiugs ; shot of'lead, not otherwise provided .'or; w .leel- barruwsand hand-barrows; wa-ou* aud vehicle* of every de scription. or part- thereof. Schedule D, {tun per centum ad valorem.) Acid* of every description, in* otherwise provided lor; alcor- noqiie ; al ambergn* ; HUiber; ainmouia .‘iiid sal ammonia; r.iiu-mi .1- orlca- * t ungorn TU.b'.t. and other goats hair, or iu >bair. amuanuiai’tured- not otherwise provided for : anms-si*ed ; antimony, crude or r«*gidu* of; argol, or crude tartar ; arsenic; a-h»*s. put, peurl and soda ; asplialtum : a*saf'a*tida. ■■ * 1 apples, plantains, orange*, and all h.-i natural state; bar. 11a: bark of i; bark. Banana*. other West India fruit* ... — . , „ ■ ■. ah kind*, uot otherwise piovined lor; bark. ; terk guilia: bi*ui iuth; bitter apple*; bleacmug powder ol chlondc o lime ; b me*, burnt: board*, p.anks. -taNes, suing c*. laths ; scant ling. and :*!l other-awed lunib- r ; also spar* and hewn timber of all *.»rts, not otherwise provided for: bone-black, or animal car bon. and b*Hi dust; bolting elatlis; book*, printed, nmganue*. pauip.ilets, |e*riodical0, a!:d illustrated newspaper*, bound or un bound uo» otherwise provided for: book*, biaiik, bound or un bound : b .rat.- ofdime ; borax, crude or t meal; borax, refined; b »u. nu leave* : box-wood unmanutactured ; Brazil pa^-te ; Brazil wood, braziletto. and ail dye-woods iu fctiek*; i risth**: bronz*.. and Hutch metal in leaf, bronze liquor and bronze powder; build ing stone* ; butter; burr st'-ue*. wroughtor uuwrought. Cabinet* ofeuiu*. medal*, gem*, and collection ol autiqmtie* ; cam poor, crude; cauUmrid**; cassia and c«s*ia buds; cliaik; cheese: ehhkorv root; clwmiometer*. box «*r ship, and part * thereof; clay, burnt or nuburut brick*, paving and roofing tib-s. -a* retort-, aud r.s.fing slates ; coal, coke and culm «»f cf»al ; cocJi- ineal; cocoa nuts, und cocoa sbeiU; coculus iudicus; coir tarn; coJilla, or tow of hetnpor flax; cowhado down; cream of tartar : cudbear. Diamonds,cameo*,mosaic* gems, pearls,rubles andother pre cious stones, aud imitations thereof, when set iu gold or silver, or oth’-r nwtal: .liatm.uu glrjier., .rt .,r nr.t .rt ; dr.non’. blood. Engraving*, bound or unbound ; extract nl indigo, extract* un.l d<*c irtiou* ot log-wood and other dye-wood, vi(led for : extract of madder ; errot. lot otherwise FIjx. unmanufactured : liaxseed ana linseed; flints aud flmt -r mi id ; ti *ck*, waste or shoddv ; French chalk; furs, hotter* . dressed oruudressod, not on the skin ; fur*, undressed, wheu on th«* skin. old and fit only to be re-manufactured ; gamboge ; gold and silver leaf; gold-beaters’ skin; griudstouts; Gums— Arabic. Barbaiy. copal. East Indies, Senega!, substitute, tragn- eauih, and *11 other guni* and resins, in a crude *tate, uot other- provid* ri fur. Hair, of all kinds, uuele*ns**d and oDUircofactorsd ; hemp, un manufactured : h *np seed, and rap** ate d; hops, horns, homtips, hone. l»oc --tipii, ana teeth, umnauufacturtd. Ivory, uuinantti'actured. ivory nuts, or vegetable ivory. Jute, sisal grass, coir, aud otner vegetablesuHtt»nsee, unmacu* factored, not otherwise provided tor. Kelp; kerm -s. . , , , La.- spirit-. lac eclphcr, and lac dvr; leather, tanued. band sole. ’ pp *r of all kinds, uot otherwise provided for; lemon* and , and !*niou and liuicjuice, and ju’.ce* of all other fruit* with- M idder, ground rough kIoi, or Mock, otherwise n-..vid-d f. prepared : madder root; marble, iu the manufactured ; metais, unmanufactured, . :-u; mineral k Tines ; tuineml and hitumi- u« stib*thi). ev iu t.-i ud* t..t*. not otherw;*** provided for, moss, land ; music, printed with lines, bound or uubonttd. provided lor; nut galls; Natron ; nickel; nut*, u**t otherwh Od um ; oranges, lemon*, and limes, orpimeot. Balm leaf unmanufactured , pearl, mother of; pine apples; plantain* ; piatina, umaauufactnred; ix.lishiug Btone*; potatoes; . *ian blue: pumice and poniic*- stone. Kaftan* and reedc. unmanufactured; rod chalk; rott»m stone. •; sal soda, and all carbonate* and ftulpliatea of **/de. by whatever name* d *?igu#ed, not otherwise provided for ;soed- lac;-hellnc: -ilk raw, not more advanced in iiiaG(]fa«-turc than ‘ -.tram snd thrown, or orgauizc; sponges; steel, iu b» r '•lugic*. tram and thrown, or orgauizc; sponges ; steel, iu burs, sheets and plate*, uot further advanced in manufacture than by 1 »Hii «tu J ea-t steel in bar*; sumac ; sulpber. flour of. T-dlov/. marrow, and all other grease or soap stock aud *oap dofii, uot otherwise provided for. , Tea; terne tin. iu platesor sheets ; teazle, terrea iaponira, cat» c u;; tin. iu plates or sheets; and tin foil; Tortoise and other tc *Ils. unmanufactured; trees, shrubs, bulos. plant* and roots, qo Watches and jmrts of watches j woku or pastel! j woods, v>< cede 1 , oox ebo.iy ngnum-vit®, grauadilla. mohogauy,io*c-wooi satiu-w odd. and :-A other woods. unmaMilacturcd. i bloom, loops aud pig*. *.aad Msp* surf chsrts.’Mand stptuary not otherwise provid« d for. ’ “‘■factored, ofeverv description, au<i hair ofthe Alpa- : aua other Jiker.uimils,’ ■ natural histon, miueralogy. or l*>tanv,not other wise pronded for. Leri and unmanufactured tobacco. Schedule E. (five per centum ud valorem.) Article- used in dyeing aud tanning nor otherwise provided for. m bars or pigs, old and lit only to be re-manufactured ; ( lira j bells, old ; lx-!l metal. Copper, in pig* or bars; copper ore: copper, when old and fit AN ACT to provid Foreign Cuuutrie*. SECTION 1. Th- Congress of !h<* Confederate States of Ameri ca wo enact ThaM'ruuiand after the 31st day of August next, a duty shall tie imp sod on all goods, product*, wares aud mer- « !n» i ii- • imp .rU*<l from abroad into the Contcdeiste State* ol America, a» follow*: . . , . , . . , vja a.i article* . numerated in acuodule A, au ed valorem duty of t went v-five per centum. Oa ail article* enumerated in s-hed- • ii. aii :ui vh! »reir duty «*1 twenty per centum. On all article* enumerated in schedule C, an ad valorem duty of fifteen per cn- l, n On all articles cuu.iieratyd in schedule I>, dut v- often per centum. On all articles ••nnun E an ad valorem doty of five per centu. .•namenS d iu .. hrHi.i • ». »*!H-cific.tut that all article duty, to-wit : Schedule A. (twenty-iivc per centum ad valorem.) Alabaster aud *p*r ornaments; audio vie*, sardines aud a!! other * I* rtudv'and oi aVr spirits distilled from grain or other instcrials, m .t u • pruvi l*-d for; biiliar.l and bagatelle tables, aud all tcbl-**s or boards ou which games are played. Luaiu -*tiou top* b»rtables, or otiier article*of furniture; (*>u- r -.-tiouarv. comfits, sweetmeat*, or truit* preserved iu sugar, mo- ] li.jn Iv *r other liquors; cordial*, absynthc, arrack. ,. , K gir-«-lieuwe*-er, liquor*, umrasenmo, ratafer *p rituon- fi -verares of a similar character. i. Cut. s, rubies, and other pre- to be re-mahnfactured: cuteh. Diani'ind*. cameos, mosaic*, pearl, ge cious stones, and imitations, when not set. E/nery, in lump »>r pulverized. reit, adhesiv e, forsiieathing vessels; Fuller’s earth. Gum* of ell sorts not otherwise provided for ; guttn purche, un- mann fact u red. Indigo; India rubber, in bottl**, slabs or sheets unmanufactured; India rubber, milk of. Juuk, old. * Piaster oi Pari* or sulphate of lime, ground or onground; raw hide-, and skius ol all kind undressed. Sheathing copper—but no copper to be considered a*- such, ex cept in sheets forty-eight inches long aud fourteen inches wide, ami weighing irom eleven to thirty-four ounces; sheathing or yellow metal uot wholly or part of irou : su« athingor yellow met al : nail* expressly forsaeatning vessel*: sheathing paper; staw b*»Jts nnd shiurle bolt*. ud tin in pig* or bars ; type, old end fit only to lie re- of fifty : manufactured. }\ old. Zme, spelter,or tentenegue, unmanufactured. Schedule F. (Specific Duties. ) Ice—one doflur nud fifty cents per ton. Salt—ground, blown, or rock—two cents jier bushel pound* ja*r bushel. Schedule G. ( Exempt from duty.) Book*, maps, cnart*, mathematical and nautical instruments, philosophical apparatu-. and all other articles whatever,imported for the n*e of tin* Confederate States ; book*, pamphlets, periodi cal*. and tracts, published by religious associations. All philosophical apparatus, instruments. Ixx ks. maps and charts ; statue*, statuary, busts and easts, ot inaiblc, bronze, aia- baster, or plaster of jiuri* ; painting* aud drawings ; etchings ; specimens of *-. ulpture ; cabinets of coins: medal*, gems, aud all collections of antiquities : Provided, The same la* specially im port d in good faith f..r tli-- use of auy society incorporated or • *- tab]tailed for pliilosophieal and literary pur]x>*es or for the en couragement ofthe hue arts, or for the n*e or by J he order of any church, college, academy, school or seminary of learning in tin Confederate .States. Bullion, gold and silver. Coin*, gold, silver and copper : coffee; cottou, copper, when im ported for the mint ol the Con ederate State*. Garden seed*, aud ail other seed* for agricultural and liorticul- purposes; rood*, wares and merchandise; the growth, pro duce *r insnufw'turcsof the Confederate States, exported to a tor ••ign country and brought bark to the Confederate States iu tut same condition as when expojted. upon which no draw-back ha* Dee ii allowed: Provided. That all regulation* to ascertain the identity thereof prescribed by existing laws, or which may be prescribed bv the Secretary of the Treasury shall b*c complied with. Guano, manures, and fertilizers of all sort*. Household effect*, old aud in use, of persons or families from for eign oountries, if used abroad hv them, aud uot intended for any other purpose or purposes, or lor saie. Modd* of inventions or other improvements in the arts : Provi ded, That no article or articles shall be a model which i be fit1 Pu-. ing stone* ; personal and household effects, not merchandise, •f citizens of riie Confederate State* dying abroad. Specimens of natural history, mineralogy, or botany; provided he some be imported in good faith for the use of any society iu- orporattd or established foi philosophical, agricultural or horti- uit uraI purposes, or for the use or bv the order of any college, academy, school or s uiiiarj- of learning in the Confederate al effect* not merchandise; umeuts, and tools of trades, is arriiiug iu the Confede xemptiou shall not be c«n- ■r articles imported for use 'earing apparel, and other persoi profcMtdoual bonks, implements, iiisti rcupation or employ nient. of perao rate States: Pn-vided, That this * ■trued to include machinery, or oth in any manufacturing establishment. Bacon.pork, hams, lard, beef, wheat, flour aud bran oi wheat, flour aud bran of all other grain*. Indiau com ami meal, barley, rye. out* nud oat uicul. wild living aniuials of all kind*, not other wise provided tor; also nil agricultural productions, including thoeeofthe orchard und garden, iu their natural state, not ether ise provided for. Guupowdi r, eud HI the materials of which it is made. Lead, in pigseriu bars, iu shot or ball*, for canuon, tuu»keta, firs or pistols. Rag-, of whatever material composed. Arms of even* description, for military purpotes, aud purt* tereof, munitions of war, military ac'X>utrement*, and percun-ion rip*, steamers, barzea, dredging vi pile jetties, aud articles to Ik- used in t: nd for dredging nud improving the same. Sec. Vf. Aud lx it farther euacted, That there shall be levied, dlected aud paid ou each uud every Don-enumerated article ehich bear* a tk.uilif.ucte, either in material, quality, texture, or lie uses to w hich it may be applit^d, to auy euuiuerated ortieh chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied aud • barged ou the «-numerated article by the foregoing schedules, which it most re*eruDies in auy of the particular* before nienrtu u- ud;aud if any *ou enumerated article equally resemble* two >r more entunen ted articles on which d-fb-reut rat> * of duty are chargeable, tber-j shell be levied, collected aud paid on such uou- ••uumerated arti* ! e the *amc rate of duty is chargeable on th< article which it iescnble*. paying the highest duty: Provided. Tout ou all articles n lauutaetured ln*mtwu or more materials, the luty shall beas» -*ei e. the highest rates at which but of it* com ponent parts ma*'be chargeable : Provided farther. That ou nil art cles w hieh aio uot enumerated in the foregoiug schedules ana cannot be ciassil ed nuder this seetkm, a duty of teu jk t cent, ed valorem shall b* charged. St**. 3. And eit further enacted, Tnat all good*, wares and merchandise wh icb may l»e iu the public store* a* unclaimed, oi iu warehouse under warehousing nonds, on the 31st day of Au gust next, shall »e subject, ou eutry thereof foi cousumptiou, t<; such duty ms if the same had been importod, rc«}»ectively after that daj. Sec. 4. And lie it further enacted, That ou the entry of any goods, wares or mercboueise, imported ou or after the 31 »t day ot August aforesaid, the decision of the collector of the custom* at th“ port of importation and entry, aa to their liability to duty or exemption therefrom, shall lie tiua! aud conclusive ugaiuat the owner, importer, consignee or agent of any such good*, wuri sand m-rehandise, unless the owner, importer, consignee or agent shall, within teu days after such entry, give notice to the collector, iu writing, of hi* dissatisfaction with such decision, setting forth therein distinctly eud specially his crouud of objection thereto, aud shall, within thirty days utter the date ot such decision. ap peal therefrom to the Secretary of the Treasury, whose decision •>n *uch appeal shall be final and coudusiv »•; aud the said good*, wares aurt merchandise shall lie liable to duty or exemption therc- f;om accordingly, any act of Congres* to tue contrary notwith- Mtanding. unless suit eball be brought wit hiu thirty days alter such incision, for auy duties that may have been paid, or may thereafter }»> paid on suid goods, or within thirty days after the duties shali have been raid in cases where such gi»odh**hall be in br.nd. Sec. 5. Aud l»e it further enacted. That it shall be lawful for the owner, consignee, or agent of import* which have been actual ly purchased or proeurred otherwise than by pur«*ha*« on entry of the same, to make such addition in the entry to the cost or value given iu the invoice as, iu bis opinion, may raise the same to the t rue market values of such imports iu the principal markets ofthe country whence the importations shall have been made and toad n thereto all costs and charges which, under existing laws, would form part of tliefue value at the part where the same be entered, upon which the riiitj should be assessed. Aud it shall be the du ty of the collector within whose district the same may l>e import ed or entered, to canaetlie dutiable value of such imports to heap- praised. estimatt d aud ascertained, in accordance with the provis ions of existing liw* ; and if the appraised value t hereof shall ex- •♦•edbv 1 ••u per c**n?i.m. or more, tne value so declared on entry, then iu addition to the duties imposed by law ou the twin*, then shall be levied, collected and paid k duty of twenty jmt centum pd valorem, on such appraised value: Provided, nevertheless. That under no circumstances *hall the duty be as-essed up., an amount les* than the invoice or entered value, auy law of Congress to thecoutrary uotwitbstauding. Sec. ti. And ue it f urther enacted, Tliat so mi: -h of all acts oi ;«rt- of act* a* ina> bcincoinn*teut with the provision* o.'tbi-act, Lhali i»e aud tiie sameare hereby repealed. Approved May 21. 1S61. . [No. l5o.j AN ACT To authorize the Presideut to confer temporary rank and command, for service with volunteer troops, on Offi cers of the Confederate army. Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Pres ident shall be authorized to confer tempo rary rank and command, for service with volunteer troops, on officers of the Con federate army, the same to he held with out prejudice to their position in said ar my, and to have effect only to the extent and according to the assignment made in general order. Approved May 21, 1S61. [No 159.]* AN ACT to divide the State of Texas into two Judi cial Districts, and to provide for the appointments o ( Judges find officers in the same. Section 1. The C'. ncress ot the Confederate States of America do enact, That the state of Texas be and the same is lureby divided into two judicial districts, in the following manner, to-wit: all tin: territory of the Sint e of Texas within and west of the following na med counties shall compose one district, to he called the Western District, to-wit: Matagorda, Wharton, Colo rado, Fayette, Washington, Burleson, Milan, Fa!!?, McLellan, Hill, Johnson, Tanant, Wise, Montague; and nli the territory cast of said counties shall continue the Eastern District of Texas. Sec. J. There shall be appointed a judge and mar shal for said Western District The said judge shiil! hold two terms each year of said court at the city of Austin, and at Brownsville, in the county of Cameron, at the times prescribed by the laws of the United States for the holding ofthe district courts of the Uni ted States, at said places. See. 3. AU the laws of the United States relative to the district courts of Texas, and the powers and juris- dictionof the same, so far as they are consistent with the constitution and the laws of the Confederate States, are hereby re-enacted and continued in fall force. Approved May 21, 1S61. [No 163] AN ACT To define with more certainty the meaning of an Act entitled “An Act to fix the duties on ar ticles therein named," approved March the fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the above recited act shall be so construed as to embrace all railroad rails, spikes, finishing plates and chairs, used in the eonrtiuction of railroads, which were imported and were in bond at the date of its passage. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the treasury is hereby directed to refund to such rail road companies as have, since the passage of said aet, paid ou any ofthe above enumerated articles imported as aforesaid a greater rate of duty than is prescribed by said aet, the amount over and above said rate. Approved May 21, 1861. 23 4t. CITATIONS. TJITHEREAS, Georgian ] It W. Payne, of s»id Stal GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. To nil urnom it may concern. L. Payne and James ate and county, applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Roh»wt J. Ashby, deceased, late of said State and county. ituse are therefore to cite and admonish al and singular the kindred and creditors of sai d do ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, why said letters of Administration on the estate of said deceased should not issue to sai-i applicants. Given under ray hand and official signature, Oct. 2oth, 1861. •23 fit. ELLIS HARVILL, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. \\J HEREAS, J. F. Hodges, applies to me T v for letters of Administration on the es tate of Benjamin F. Hodges, late of saidcoun- j ty, deceased. .,„i j These are therefore to cite and admonish all [iVO. , persons interested, to be and appear at my office AN ACT, by the first Monday in December next, to show Concerning the transportation of soldiers cause, if any they have, why said letters should and allo wance for Clothing of Volun- 1,0 ( t . be t0S « iJ ’IPH'?" 1 - , , . 4 .o Given under my hanu officially, this 19th day of teers, and amendatory of the Act for October, 1861. the establishment and organization of the Army of the Confederate States. Sec. 1, The Congress of the Confeder ate States of America do enact When trans portation cannot be furnished in kiud, the discharged soldier shall be entitled to re ceive ten cents per mile in lieu of all trav eling pay, subsistence, forage, and un drawn clothing, from the place of dis charge to the place of his enlistment or enrollment, estimating the distance by the shortest mail route, and if there is no mail route, by the shortest practical route. •23 fit. [nn] WILLIAM LEE. Ord’y. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS, James M. Howard, makes ap plication to nie for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of William B. Shuffield minor child of Wright .Shuffield, deceased. There are theiefore to require ail persons con cerned, to tiie in my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, their objections, if any they have, to said appointment, otherwise, letters of Guardianship will be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand and official signature, this I Oct. 25th, 1861. 23 fit. ELLIS HARVILL, Ord’y. The foregoing to _apply to. al!' officcre^non-1 GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. commissioned officers, musicians, artificers, farriers, blacksmiths and privates of vol unteers, when disbanded, discharged or mustered out of service of the Confeder ate States; and it shall also apply to all volunteer troops, as above designated, when traveling from the place of enroll ment to the place of general rendezvous or point where mustered into service: Provided, That nothin To all whom it may concern. ■y^THEREAS, Joseph F- Davidson of said State and county, applies to me for letters of Ad ministration 011 the estate of Allen Davidson, deceased, late of said State and county. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of Administration on the herein contained ! estate sa ‘J deceased, should not issue to said 1 • * 1 I applicant. shall be so construed as to deprive the j Given under my hand and official signature, mounted volunteers of the allowance of Oct. *2fith, lc61. forty cents a day for the use aud lisk of ‘2'- { ;> t- ELLIs HARVILL. Ord’y. his horse, which allowance is made from ! rjOKblS, i«lggs Guiltily, the date of his enrollment to the date of I YVHIEREAS, Isaac Carrol makes his applica- his discharge, and also for every twenty U tion to me in term, of law, for the Guardian- uiouim-uoigL, J ship of the persons and property ot the orphan miles travel from the place ot his aischsrge j xuim rs under the age of fourteen years, of Willis to the place of his enrollment. | S. Moore, late of said county, deceased. Sec. 2. That the fourth section of the i These are to cite and admonish all and singular i c m v. .• lcri ! the kindred of said minors, to be and appear at my act of March b, 1801, “lo provide for officfj on or by the fiwt j lollday in Vcember the public defence, be amended as fof i Southern Masonic Female COLXiSGS. [Under the Conti ol of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.] Rev. C. P. COOPER, A. M. J*rrsi«lcul. [N»- aw.] RESOLUTIONS lo provide troops in the field with bread aud fresh provisions- Resolved by tiie Congress ot the Confederate States of America. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to furnish to such of our troops in the field as desire it, upon requisition made, nnd whenever practicable, in lien ofthe usual ration of flour, an equivalent oi well baked bread, and of this eud be is authorized to establish bakeries iu such numbers and at such points as may be necessary or to leak contracts for the supply of such bread. Resolved that a daily ration of fresh vegetables be furnish [ed] to all troops when ver the same can be provided at a reasonable cost and charges to the Gov ernment. Approved August 31,1861. [No. 150.] AN ACT rO amend an aet relative to Telegraphic Liues of the Confederate States, approved May eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. Section 1. The Congress ofthe Confederate States of America do enact, That the sixth section of the “act relative to telegraphic lines of the Confederate States’’ he aud the same is hereby so amended as to authori ze the President to allow such compensation as limy he reasonable and proper, iu addition to what may be allowed by the telegraph companies, to such of the agents of said companies as he may charge with spe cial and important duties, where such agents aredeem- ed trustworthy auu acceptable both to him and the companies concerned. A proved May 21, 1861. \\7TLL resume exercises on the 25th of SEP- TT 1 EMBER next. An efficient corps of seven Ladies and Gentle men will comprise the Faculty, representing, as far as practicable, every Protestant denomination of Christians. This Institution appeals lo the patriotism and benevolence, as well as interest, ot the Southern public for its support The proceeds, beyond current expenses, for the next Collegiate year, will be tendered by the Pres ident to the Treasury Department of tiie Confed erate States. Orphans of deceased, and daughters of indigent Masons, will, as heretofore, coutiuue to receive gratuitous tuition. Cheapness to patrons, and thoroughness to pu pils. are aimed at in the system proposed to be pur sued. No pains or expense will be spared to secure the best talent for the various Departments, to be exclusively selected from among South ernera. A Preparatory Department is attached to the College, where particular attention will be given to laying well the foundations of education, as absolutely necessary to further successful advance ment. The useful, the practical, and the ornamental, will be sought to be blended and developed throughout tiie whole regime of the Institution. Tile moral and religious culture of pupi s will be scrupulously kept in view. French and Spanish will be taught by a lady perfectly conversant with both of these lan guages. The Musical Department will be conducted by a gentleman, assisted by au accomplished lady, both possessing experience and genius to an eminent degree, and occupying fine social posi tions. The late President resigning, to attend to pri vate affairs, unites with the retired Vice-Presi dent, and the Trustees, in commending the insti tution, under its present direction to the public confidence. The President is honored with most complimen tary credentials from Bishop G. F. Pierce, Hons Joseph H. Lumpkin, T. K R. Cobb, and Col. Wm. H Jackson, President, of the Board of Trus tees of the Georgia University. Covington, tiie location of the College, is pleas ant and healthy. Board can be obtained from ijsl-l to -iSlfi per month. $12 to $14 in ordinary times. By order of the Presidential Board. JOHN HARRIS, I). G. M., President of the Board. W. W. Clarke, Secretary. Aug. 10, 1861. ' 13 4t. Administrator's Sale. TA7TLL be sold oil the first Tuesday in JAN- TT UARY next, between the usual hours of sale, before the Court House duor, in the town of Monticeilo, Jasper County, Ga , the following named negroes belonging to the estate of Eleazer Lovejoy, deceased, to-wit: Ailsea, a woman, about 55 years old , Elleek, a man. about 41 years old ; Dennis, a man, about 37 years old ; Amariutlia, a girl, about 16 years oid; Andrew, a boy, about 14 years old : Reese, a boy, about 12 years old ; Eivy, a woman, about 30 years old, and her four children, to-wit: Jane, a girl, about 13 years old ; Clark, a boy-, about 11 years old; Harriet, a girl, about 7 years old, Alfred, a boy, about 4 years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased AMOS BROWN, Adm’r. Oct. 7tb, 1851. 21 tds. Adm inistrotor's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, between the usual hours ol sale before the Court House door, in the town 01 Monticeilo, Jasper County, Ga., the following named negroes belouaing to the estate of P. P. Lovtjoy, deceased, to-wit: Emily, a woman, about 20 years old, and liei child, Margaret, about 2 years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. JOHN D. LOVEJOY. Adm’r. Oct. 7th. 1861. 21 tds. Executor's Sale. A GREEABLE tu the last will of Thompson Curry, deceased, will be sold on the First Tuesday 111 DECEMBER next, in the town 01 Monticeilo, Jasper county; seven hundred acres of land belonging to said deceased, to-wit; three bun dred acres known as the late residence of said de ceased; three hundred acres known as the *hed rick Turner place; one hundred acres John Curry place and five likely negro men; Dennis and Mo ses six years of age each; Frank 32; Pink about 29, El lick about 24. the above described lands lies about 12 miles North of Monticeilo. Terms on the day of sale. BERRY T. DIGBY’. Ex’r. Jasper co. Oct. 15, 1861. 22 tds Executor's Sale. A GREEABLE to the last will of William Ailer deceased, will be sold on the l-’irst Tuesday in DECEMBER next, iu the town of Monticeilo. Jasper county, the beautiful healthy and well known former residence of said Wm. Alien, deed , containing five hundred acres of land, well improv ed good dwelling bouse, gin-house, blacksmith shop, and all other necessary buildings, lying nine miles North of Monticeilo, right ou the road to Covington. Six likely negroes, to-wit: Perry 6i. years old, Ned 3D, Lewis 27, Henry 21, Nancy 22, Harriett 4D. Terms 011 the day. JOHN A. ALLEN, ) .. , 0ZIAS ALLEN i txl ’ Oct. 19th 1861. Lb. t. n.] 22 tds. Executor's Sale. W ILL be sold ou the First Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, before the Court House door in Statesboro’ in Bulloch county, under an order of the < uuit of Ordinary of said county, twelve hundred and seventy five (1275)acres ot land, more or less, lying in said county, on the Milledgeville road, being tho late residence of James Cone, de ceased, with about one hundred and fifty acres 1111 tier cultivation, with a good dwelling and outhous es: bounded on tho South by lands of Barber and Peter Cone, on the West by the same, North by Peter Cone, East by the Ogeeeiiee liver; also four hundred and five acres, known as the Summer res idence of said deseased. about fifty acres under cultivation, with a good dwelling bouse and out houses; bounded by lands of Peter Cone on East, by the Braggs on the South, by W. Brown on the West and North by W. A. Sheffield. Sold for a division among the heirs of said estate. Terms on the dav of sale. SAM’L. E. GROOVER. Ex’i October 9, 1861. (d b) 22 tds GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. \| Y HOUSE will be open f r the re- AL caption of MEMBERS OF T H E |jnj I ception of MEMBERS OF T H E LEGISLATURE, aud transient visitors All who call ou me will be made comfortable. E. S, CANDLER. Milledgeville. Oct. 16.186L 22 tf ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY'.—Questions of minUtrutive policy have, and probably always - JIUlMt'U <11 l * C > IU* » l J . - . . ' distract the public* mind, and divide men into parties. untuiGt ujc jniuiit imiin* —— 1 But as regards “Jacob’s Cordial,” the mass are agi _ in one opinion, that it is the best medicine for all bowel diseases ever placed before the public. Sold by HERTY & HALL, also by GRIEVE CLARK. * 4 11 TIIE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY BY HANLEITER & ’ADAIR, ATLANTA, GA. rjiHE DAILY SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY' L under arrangements just completed, will contain nl the latest intelligence ot every kiud, reported express- lyfnrus bv.Magnetic Telegraph, and the Mails. Also, daily reports ofthe Atlanta amlotlier Markets, Li Incidents and Items, &e., &c. l’nee—?•> a-year; 83 for six months, or 5d cents lor one month—always in The'WEEKLY' SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY is made up from, and contains the cream of, the Daily. It is a large sheet, and gives more fresh reading matter than anv other Weekly in the Confederate States. It; Market'Reports, will be full, and made up from actual transactions. Price 82 a year; or 81 25 forsix months —invariably in advance. GPPostmasters are authorized to aet ns our Agents in obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money— for wiiich they will be allowed to retain, as eonimision, iwentv-five cents on each Weekly, or fittycents ou each Daily subscriber. Persons getting up Clubs of five, ten ormore subscribers, will be supplied with the copies ordered at 12 1-2 per cent, less than our regular rates. 5^“Xo name will be entered 011 our books until the money is paid; aud all subscriptions are discontinued when the time expires for which payment is made unless the same be renewed. Address, HANLEITER A ADAIR, Atlanta, Georgia. March 30, 1861. 47 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA, A* AUGUSTA, T HE thirtieth session of this lustitution, will open on MONDAY', the 4th November next Anatomy. H F CAMPBELL, M. D. Surgery, L A DUGAS. M. D. Chemistry. JOSEPH JONES, M. D. Materia Medina aud Therapeutics, I P GARVIN, M. L>. Institutes and Practice. L D FORD, M. D. Physiology, H V M MILLER, M. D. Obstetrics, J A EVE. M D. Adjunct Professor ot Obstetrics, ROBERT CAMP BELL. M D. W H DOUGHTY, M. D , Clinical Lecture “at City Hospital.” S B SIMviONS, M. D. Prosecter to Professor Anatomy. H W D FORD, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Lectures, (lull course) A105. Matriculation Fee, Sjio. The College building has been thoroughly re novated, and many additions made to former facili ties for instruction. I. P. GARVIN, Dean Sept. 24, 1861, ' 18 2m NEW HOTEIi PLANTER'S LOUSE. Chcrni Street, Macon, Ga. mu 1 ti HIS HOUSE is Two Blocks from he Railroad Depot, IN TIIE BUS- lajg I NESS PART OF THE CITY, and ||j' near the Ware Houses and Wholesal Stores. A l"orter will be in attendance at the Depot. J. 0. G00DALE, Proprietor. August 1st, 1861. 11 9m. 1 1 WO mouths alter date application will be made .to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate ol Calvin A. Hall, late of said cuuutv, deceased. GEORGE PAULK, Adm’r. de bonis non. October 7, 1861. (lmc) 22 9t S IXTY days after date, application will be mad* to the Oidiuary of Jasper county for leave t< sell all the lauds of John Cnnnard, jr, late of said county, deceased. JEMINA CUNNARD, Exr. October 16, 1861 • Ltd 22 9t. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the es- late of Shadrach McMichael, late of Jasper County, deceased, are requested to present them in terms of the law, and all persons indebted to the estate of the said deceased, are required to make immediate payment. B. J. McMICHAEL ^ October 12,1861. S. J. McMICHAEL > Ex’rs C. YV. MCMICHAEL, ) 22 6t. Bulloch Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door in .Statesboro’, Bulloch county, ou the First Tuesday in DECEMBER next: Eighteen hundred aud fifty-eight acres of pine land, more or less, well improved, and bounded by lands of William Bland, Sen., Mitchell Waters and Washington Waters, it being the late resi •lence of William Little, late of said county, de ceased. Sold under an order of the Court of Or dicary for the benefit of the Irens and creditors ot iaid deceased. Terms made known 011 the dav ol sale. TALBERT LI TTLE, Adm’r. Sent. 15th, 1861. [u, B.J 18 tds. GIN GEAR. I HAVE ON HAND FOUR SIZES OF GIN GEAR, and will manufacture to order other sizes if required. They will be sold to suit the limes. JAMES DUFFLEY'. Milledgeville, August 19th, 1861. 13 A ti m in 1st rotor's Sale, lows, viz: There shall be allowed to each volunteer, to be paid to him on the lirst muster and pay rolls after being received and mustered into the sendee of the Con federate States; the sum of twenty-one dollars in lieu of clothing for six months; and thereafter the same allowance in mon ey at every subsequent period of service for six months in lieu of clothing; Provi ded, I hat the price of all clothing in kind received by said volunteers from the Con federate States government shall be de ducted first from the money thus allowed; and if that sum be not sufficient, the bal ance shall be charged for stoppage on the muster and pay rolls; aud that all accounts arising from contracts, agreements, or arrangements for furnishing clothing to volunteers, to he duly certified by the company commanders, shall be paid out of the said semi-annuel allowand of mon- ey ’ See. 3. That the twenty-first section ot the act for the organization of the army of the Confederate States be so amended as to allow to aid-de camp and to adju tants forage for the same number of hor ses as allowed to officers of the same grade in the mounted service. Appoved May 21, 1S61. uext, then and there to fhow cause, if any, why saiu letters may not be granted. Given under my hand ofiieially, Marion, Oct. 3rd, 1861. 20 5t. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs County. TSTILL BE SOLD 011 the first Tuesday in Janu T T ary next, before the Court house door in Ea tonton Putnam County within the usual hours of sale the following property to-wit: The one fifth part of three negroes. Kinch a boy 13 years old Maliuda a girl 12 years old and YVilkes a boy 9 years old. also 3-j shares of R. Road Stock. Be longing to the Estate of A. S. Edmondson late of Putnam county deceased. Sold by virtue of an or derfrom Court ot Ordinary. (w b c) E. J. EDMONDSON. Jr. ) . , , M. J. MYRICK. ) b ’ November 13, 1861 26 tds yyrHEREAS, j ames Bobbithas filed bis ap plication iu terms of law. for letters of ad ministration 011 the estate of William J. Martin, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or by 'Iiq, first Monday in December next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion. Oct. 14th. 1*61. 22 fit. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. ► GEt IHGIA. Jasper County .- ~YYTHEREAS JoelJ. Edw ards makesapplicntiorf to » T me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Edwards, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite ami admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office on the second .Monday in January next, then ami there to show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Adminis tration should not be granted the applicant in terms of the statute. Given under iny band and official signature, this 6th day of November, 1 S 'U. novl3 M. II. HUTCHISON, 25 5t Ordinarv. GEORGIA, Wilcox County. HEREAS Oliver H Cook makes application tSherv iv provided fur; turmeric. [No. 154.J AN ACT To be entitled au Act to amend “An Act to raise and additional Mili tary Force to serve during the War.” Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, r J bat so much of the second section of the act en titled an act to raise an additional mili tary force to serve during the war, passed May eighth, eighteen hundred and sixtv- one, be so amended as to authorize the President, on the application ot any com manding officer of a regiment or battal ion authorized by said act, to assign a sub altern of the line of the line of the army to the duties of adjutant of said regiment or battalion. Approved Jtfay 21,1861. me for letters of Guardianship of the per son and property of Hariet and Elizabeth Hollings worth. minor children of James Hollingsworth de ceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and otlreis concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause why said letters may not be granted. Given under my official signature, this 3!st Oct. 1861. JAMES W. MASHBCRN, Ord’v. October 31st, 1*61 25 5t Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, within the usual hours of sale be fore the Court-House door, Wilkinson county, Ff- t.y-Seven and a half acres of land, more or less ly ing and being in sa d county, adjoining lands of A R Btindridge L. Branan and tho Dower of Mrs. Rebecc Holder, being all that part of the tract known as the tract ou which Thomas Holder de ceased lived, except that included in the Dower aforesaid. Sold by order of the ordinary Court for the benefit of heirs and creditors, as property oi Thos. Holder. Terms on the dav ot sale, REBECCA HOLDER. Adinr’x. October 2U 1861 [ i: c] 24 tds S IXTY’ davs after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Jasper County, for leave to sell Five negroes belonging to the estate of Shad rach McMichael. deceased. B, J. McMTPHAEL ) S J. McMICIIAEL > Ex’rs. C. YV. MCMICHAEL, ) October 12,1*61. • 22 9t. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. ■y^HEREAS, Elizabeth Hendrecks, applies to me for letters ot Administration on the es tate of David Hendrecks, late of said County, de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant iu terms of the law Given tinder my band officially, this 24 th day of October, 1861. (OB) 24 At. WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Putnam County. A LL persons who have demands against the estate of Lewis P Harwell, late of said conn- ty deceased, are notified to present, them to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to the deceased, are re quested to make payment. SUSAN W. LIVELY, Admr’x. JOHN VV. HUDSON, Adin’r. Oct. 28th, 1*61. 23 6t. S IX TY’ daysaftei date, application will 'oe made to the Court of Ordinary of Echols County, for leave to sell the negroes, belonging to the estate of Lott Coperland, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased JOHN D rETLRS, Ex’r. October, 26th, 1861. 24 9t. GEORGIA. Baldwin County. W HEREAS, David M., Gilbert M and Laz arus B. Anderson, Executors of the will ot William Anderson, deceased, h-ive filed their final return, and petitioned the Court for letters of dis mission. These are therefore to cite all persons adversely concerned, to tile their objections on or before the first Monday in April next. Given uuder my official signature, this 10th Sept. 1*61. Itimfim. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y. Jacobs Cordial. This valuable medl,due can be obtained at the Drug Store of HERTY V HALL, alsoforsale by GRIEVE Jc CLARK, Milledgeville. No family should be without it. See notices &c. DROPSY CURED! NO YANKEE HUMBLE! Don't, wire up until you tr// Broom's Anti- Ihjdropic Tincture ! T HE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the public to their justly celebra ted ANTI-HYDROPIC TINCTURE. A fair trial is all we ask to convince the most incredulous that our treament is no humbug. Many who have de spaired of recovery have broil entirely relieved un der our treatment. We would sa v to those afflicted with that loathsome disease, the Dropsy, to delay no time in giving us a call. Remember the old proverb, “Procrastination is the thief of time ’’ We will visit patients when desired and reasons bly compensated for onr trouble. On the receipt of ten dollars we will forward to any Railroad de pot its value in our medicine. M. & J. H. BROOM. P. S—All communications must be addressed to the undersigned to meet with prompt attention, he can be consulted by calling at bis office on the North side of public square. JOSEPH H. BROOM. Carrollton, Georgia. CERTIFICATES. Puweltou. Hancock county, Ga., Jan. 16, 1856. Joseph 11. Broom, Esq.—Dear Sir : This is to cer tify that iu the year 1856, l lmd under iny care a ease of Dropsy, which I directed tube placed under your treatment. The above ease wus placed under your care and treatment, and ill the space of six or seven weeks you made a final cure. The above specified case has since been under my notice, but no sign of Dropsy has since been visible,! would therefore direct all who have the Dropsy to give you a trial, for 1 think your medicine the greatest ever discovered for Dropsy. Yours respectfullv, JR. F. SEAY', M. D. N OTICE.—Sixty days after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Wilkinson county, for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging respectively to the Estates of Sarah Bragg and Samuel Bragg, late ot said county de ceased JOHN R BRAGG, Ad’mr, Sarah Bragg and Ad’mr. de bonis non Sam’l Bragg. Nov. 4, 186l—n25 Lodi.Coweta county,Ga., Feb. 6. 1861. This is to certify that Mrs. Elizabeth Nixon sign ed the nbovecertifioatein our presence.—We further certify that we were acquainted with her condition before she commenced taking Dr Broom’s Anti-Hy- dropliie Tincture, and so far bh you know, all she stntes in the above certificate is true. She was en tirely helpless, and dependent entirely upon charity for a support for herself und family. No one thought that she could ever be relieved. She is now, to all a-* pearanee, entirely well and able to work aud suppo. herself and familv. WESLEY' W. THOMAS, JOSUA MOORE, JOHN T. McCOY. J. P. Greensboro, Ga., Jan. 30, 1860. Gentlemen : This is to certify that in the year 1853. I had a negro man afflicted with Dropsy. I gave him Broom s Auti-Hydropic Tincture, which I believe ef fected a permanent cure. TI is negro was treated by other physicians, but to no effect, and I cheerfully re commend any one who 1ms the Dropsy to try Broom’s Anti-Hvdropic Tincture. [32 Iv.j Respectfully, NANCY BICKERS. Greensboro, Ga., J&n.3< , 1860. Gentlemen; this is to certify that iu the year 1853. 1 had a negro man afflicted with Dropsy. I gave him Broom s Anti-Hydropic Tincture, which I believe cl- fected a permanent cure. This negro was treated by other physicians, but to noeffect, and I cheerfully rec ommend any one who has the Dropsy to try Broom’s Anti-Hydropic Tincture. Respectfully, NANCY BICKERS. 24 4t. SPRING AND SUMMER £i££&lLl£ni!li%'T l BUSINESS cauls. , OAHR has on hand a iaige beauti ful assortment of SPRING AM) SUHMER Consisting of all the LATEST and roost desirable styles of French Hals of every variety* Also, many rich and fancy articles, beautiful Em broidery, elegant Laces aud Velvets, Head-’ Dresses aud Dress Caps, Bead Netts, Hair Pius, Bonnet Pins, Fancy Buttons, Lace Veils, Ruches, French and American Flowers, and a very large and well selected stock of ribbons. MARSALAIN SILKS, HOOP SKIRTS. &c., &c. Call and examine for yourselves before purchas ing, as it will be much to your interest. She is thankful for past favors, and solicits a liberal pa tronage from our city and surrounding counties. Milledgeville, April *tu, 1801. 46 tf METROPOLITAN " HOTEL AT SPARTA, f.A. rpHE undersigned haA’ing recently purchased _L the premises generally known as “ Mackies obi stand ’ has opened a Hotel for the accommoda tion of the people. The proprietor will use every effort for the com fort and convenience of all tvho may favor him with their patronage. The table will be furnished with the best thar a Hancock county market affords. Drovers will be supplied with provender, good stables, and open-lots for the exhibition of tbeii stock. Conveyances can be had at all times to anj point on either of the Rail Roads. J. M. STANFORD. Sparta..Ga., Jan. 2, I860. 32 tf. RR\D*'OU» S PILilrtS. / /EXTRAORDINARY CURES, The Infallible Gum Coated Pills, Ar Di Are a certain and specific cure for all Urethrea Discharges, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, and Irri tation ot the Kidneys, Bladder, Urethra, and Pros- « t rate Gland. They are tasteless, aud free from gi v- I ing odorto the breath. Prepared by R.Buadfok t New Y'ork City,and sold by HERTY & HALL ’/ Milledgeville, Ga. Price ft per Box. They will / be sent by mail, free of postage, when ordered.' New Clothing! JUST RECEIVED AT THE NEWELL & WELLBORN. Milledgeville Clothing Store. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 3B.XSCOXS 4c deGaAira A !i Ri vii ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' JHLLEB(i£V l ^ Lt) t J £0. W ILL practice in the courts ofthe (Wl™. circuit. v«.uiujgee Milledgeville, Ga., March 1,1858. 40 ly. jles&rs* A. ii. & L. It. Are Associated in the Practice op Law Office 1st Door upon floor of MASONIC HALL. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 tf. DR A H CliniUlNG, " tricinton, Wilkinson Comity Cn Tenders his Professional services to the citizrn* of Wilkinson county. [J an . 6.57, ly THOJIAS J. CO\, ~~ •tTTOttJfEY .IT LAW NEWTON, Baker county, Ga March 18,1856. 42 tf ETHERIDGE 8c SON, Factors, Commission and Forwarding MEH.CH AN TS & SAVANNAH, Ra. 9 f. D. ETHERIDGE. July 15th, 1856. tv. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr 8 tf ' rHOMAS Hardem an, JR. J-W. Griffin. BARSS3SAN & GRIFFIN MV UOYUt iS AMt Vi WO 0 WUS. D ealers in wines, liquors, tobac CO, SEGARS and Groceries of every de scription. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., MACON GA. Sept. 2, 1859. 14 tf J. CAM P, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ACWOBTII, COBB COUNTY, C4., P RACTICES in Cobb, Cass, Cherokee, Milton Paulding, and Fulton. REFERENCES. 'Ion J. W. Lewis, At anta; Gen. A. J. Hansell Marietta; Roberts, Coskery & Co , Augusta- E. L. Litchfield, N. & G. S. Avery, Ac- worth. E^Any information as to responsibility of par ties promptly given^J March 9th, 1861. 42 ly. HOTEL NO. 1. A General Assortment of Gents, Youths, and Boys SPRING A SUMMER CLOTH ING, al! made to order, and the work warranted. Also, a general assortment HATS! Beebes fashionable Moleskin an< Cassimf.R, and a variety of SOFT CASS., ani Light Summer HATS, for Men and Boys. Also ; great variety of TRAVELING TRUNKS, VA LISES, BAGS, &c.,A;c. A. C. VAIL, Agent. April 16th, 1860. 47 tf. Ur. 3. EC. X&cXiEAHr’S STHEX0THEMAL CORDIAL BLOOD PURIFIER! The Greatest Remedy m In the World, C ) AND THE Most Delicious Delightful Cordial EVER taken. THE thousand* iipouthou- BSiida who are daily using M cLt'su’i Strengtheiiiua Cord-al, certify that it is ab- Kotutely an infallibe reint-dy for th,* renovating and IN- V IGOR ATI Nli the .hatter- f, L > luUKA 11 JiGthe Bhatter-|e*._ 4_rv BCIGfe taiollg.. Hand diseased ayatem, pn-AHer tBLlUg rifving ami enriching the Blood—restoring the sick suffering invalid to HEALTH A 5 D STRENGTH. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. IT will cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Headache, Depression of Spirits, Fevc. and Ague, Inward Fever, Bad Breath, or any disease of the Liver, Stomach, or Bowels. GENTLEMEN, do you wish to be Health; Strong and vigorous? UiT LADIES, do you want the bloom of Health ti mount to your cheeks again?—then go at once andge Jlciicaii*" Sttrcngllieiiing C'ontinl and Bloo. E*urilier. Delay not a moment: it is warranted to giv* satisfaction. It will cure any disease of the Kidne; Womb, or Bladder; Fainting, Obstructed Menstrua tion. Falling ofthe Womb, Barrenness, or any discus .arising from Chronic or Nervous Debility, it is an In fallible Remedy F O R C ii I L D R E N. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny Children. t< be healthy strong and rebmt!—then give them McLEAN’S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL, (se. the directions on each bottle) it is delicious to take. VW* One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, is a sure preventive against Chills and Fever, Yel low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. ZW CAUTION!—Beware of Druggists or Dealer* wYio may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters o Sarsaparilla, (which they cuu buy cheap.) by sayingi is jest as good. There are even men BASE eiiougl to steel part of my name to dub their VILE decoc tions. Avoid such infamous PIRATES and their vii luinous compounds! Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean’: Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Take noth ing else. It is the only remedy that will Purify you Blood thoroughly, and, at the same time, STRENGTH EX and INVIGORATE the whole organization. It i put up in Large Bottles—$1 per bottle, or six bottle: tor :OOo: Dr. McLean's Universal Pills. For Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Headache, ire, There bus never been a CATHARTIC medicine, of fered to tliepublic, that has given such entire satisfac tion as McI.EAN'S UNIVERSAL PILLS. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly inno cent and can be taken by the most tender infant; ye prompt and powerful in removing all Bilious secretions Acid or Impure, Feted Matter from the Stomach. Ii fact, they are theouly PILLS that should be used i: malarious districts. They produce no Griping, Sickness or Pain in th. Stomach or Bowels, though very active and searebinr in their operation promoting healthy secretions of tb. Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Biliousness Headache and foul Stomach, when so cheap a reme dy can be obtained! Keep them constantly on hand; a single dose, taken in season, limy prevent hours days, and months of sickness. Ask fur Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Universal Pills. Take no other. Being coatee they are tasteless. Price only 25 cents per box, are can be sent by mail to any part of the United StutC6. Dr. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The Best External in the World for man or Beast* Thousands of human beings have been saved a lift of deerepitude'and (misery, by the use of this invalua ble Liniment- It will relieve l’AIN almost instants neously, and it will cleanse, purifv nnd heal the foulest SORE in an incredible short time. McLEAN’S VOL CANIC OIL LINIMENT will relieve the most in veteratc cases of Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia. For Para lysis, contracted muscles, stiffness or weakness ii, the Joints, Muscles or Ligaments, it wilt never fail— Two applications will cure Sore Throat, Headache ot Earache. For Barns or Scalds, or any Pain, it is an infallible Remedy. Trv it, and you will find it an iu- dispensible remedy. Keep it always mi hand. PLANTERS,FARM ERS, or anyone havingcharge of horses, will save money by using McLean's Volcan ic Oil Liniment. It is a speedy and infallible cure lor Galls, Sprains, Chafes, Swelling, Lameness, Sweeney, Sores, Wounds, Scratches, or any external disease,— Try it. nnd you will be convinced. DR. j. II. MeLEAN, Sole Proprietor, SAINT LOUIS, Mo. The above preparation, will be ma mi fact un d in New Orleans,La. Sold by GRIEVE Sc CLARK, Milledge ville. nnd by Druggists everywhere. 47 ly Milledgeville, Ga. ITTILL PRACTICE in the Counties of the TV Octnulgeo Circuit. Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 16, 1860. 39 ly. CHEAP FOli CASH! yiillfilgerille Clothing Store. HOTEL No. 1. r HE Subscribe.-having just returned from the North, is now prepared to furnish his old friends and cu.,-' oners (to their advantage) Clothing of any Description, mm a very large assortment of the best quality ever •rought to this City. Ail made to order, and the work warranted. I can give you us good a bargain for cash as any ■ther establishment, but not as tow don :) either in pries r quality. A. C. Y’AIL, Agent. Milledgeville, November 5. I860. 2ltf l m GADDY, DEITAU OFFICE IN THE MASONIC BUILDING MILLEDGE VILLE, GA., t Alloperations performed with care and war- ented satisfactory. Milledgeville. May 5th. 1860. 50 tf. TAILORING. J.C.-SPER LING, thankful for past favors would inform his old friends and customers, that he is still at his BUSINESS and can 3*be found nert door to - the Recorder office. His tits and work, warranted to give SATISFACTION. Nov. 1st. I860. >4 tf. L>K. CHAKJLKS H. HALL H AS removed his residence and OFFICE to JEFFERSON STREET. 8IDENCE—the House recently occupied >y Mr. Chamberlain. Office next door. Jan. 5th, 185H. .43 tf New Arrangement. Change of Schedule, on and after Monday 1 lfA inst. 3~ THE Subscribersare convey- ng the U. S. Mail from Mil- I eageville via Sparta, Culver-i on and Powelton to Double; •Veils,and would respectfully invite tire attention of heir friends and the travelling public, to their new .ud complete arrangement for travelling facilities •ver thisline. SCHEDl’LE—Leave Milledgeville after the arrival •f trains from Columbus. Macon and Savannah: Ar* ive in Sparta at 6 o’clock P. M. and at Double Wells ame evening. Leave Double Wells a'ter the arrival of morning rains from Augusta. Atlanta and Athens; Arrive at : parta 11 o’clock, A. M.; Arrive at Milledgeville same vening. With good Hacks, fine Stock and careful drivera, ve solicit a liberal patronage. MOORE & FORBS. Stage ®®c*s—MiUedueriitc Hotel Milledgentle] Ga. Edwards' House. Sparta. Moore's ridel, Double Wells. July II, 1859. 8 tf. LAWS OF GEORGIA, W SESSION OF Z860. E HAVE on hand a few copies of the ACTS PASSED AT THE LAST SES SION for sale at this office. PRICE—$2 16 a opy at the office, and $2 50 wheu sent by mail, Postage pre-paid. March 28th. 1861. 45 tf. GEORGIA, Dooly County. S IXTY' days from date application will be madf to the honorable the Court of Ordinary, for ar order for leave to sell the land and a portion of tire negroes belonging to the estate of John A. Red ding, late of said county, deceased. MARY J. REDDING, , ROWLAND REDDING,5 Aclmr8 ’ August 23. 1861. 15 9t. S IXTY days after date application will be made to tire Ordinary of Appling County, for leavt to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Mar} Johnson, late of said county, deceased. (J L) JAMES JOHNSON, Adm’r. Sept. 3rd. 1861. 16 9t. S IXTY days after date application will be made tof “ the Court of Ordinary of Echols county, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Jesse Howell, deceased, for the benefit of the hairs and creditors of said deceased. ^ JOHN G. HOWELL, Adm’r. August 24, 1861. [tbc] 15 9t. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indehied to Jesse A. Searbor ongb, late of Pulaski County, deceased, are notified to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having demands against his estate, to present them for payment in terms of ADON SCARBOROUGH, Ex’r. October 9,1861. 22 6t Important to Females!I Or. bheeseman’s Pills. N O T I C E—The combinations of ingredient* n these PILLS are the result of a long and exten sive practice. They are mild in tlicir operation, ind certain in correcting all irregularities, painful uenstruation,removing all obstruetious, whether rom cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, jalpitation ofthe heart, disturbed sleep, which th vay s arise from interruption of nat ure. They can ie securely used as a preventive. These pills should never be taken in pregnancy, as they would be rare to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious to life >r health. Explicit directions, which should be -ead.accompany each Box. PRICE. $1 per box. For sale by Wro Farne*’ ilso by Herty & Hail of Milledgeville, they will •leseut by mail, if wished, on the reception of SL .hey can also be obtained of Dr. C. L. L’heeeeman, Box No.4531. New Y'ork Post-office. 17 ly SHOES! SHOES!! J UST received a very large lot cf, shoes, for Ladies, and Children, to bef sold cheaper than ever heard of befoie. " _ J. ROSEN FIELD. March 2. 1861. 41 tf UM’L D. IRVIN. GREENLEE BUTLER* IRVIN & BUTLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALBANY, Georgia. P RACTICE in the Superior Courts of the Sqntb Western Circuit,—in Terrell, Randolph, and bs.r- !y counties, in the Pataula Circuit,—in Worth and M*' •on Counties, in the Muocn Circuit, in the * 111 . . States Circuit Court at Savannah,—and by Bpeoa contract,in any County iu Southern Georgia. January 1st’ 1860. 34 tf. Blackberry Wine. 4 PURE article of this Wine, can be had at the Store of Brieve .V Clark, also fit the ' riety Store of J. CONN Ar SONS’. This VVme is four years old, and in taste much resemh es very best Old Port. A few dozen of this age eon - ■ * Price 8125 per bottle. d obtained. S IXTY days from date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs County for an or der for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the Es tate of James T. Pearson, lute of said county de ceased. JAMES PEARSON, / .. , _ F. F. PEARSON, ( A(lmr •• Aug 28th 1861. [l s.J 15 9t. OIXTY days from date application will be made to kJ the Court of Ordinary ot Twiggs County for an order for leave to sell all the Lands and Negroes be longing to the Estate of John Pope. late of said county deceased. D.G. HUGHES. Admr’s Aug. 28th, 1861. [«••*•) 159t. BO equal* CASTLEN & VARDELL, WHOLESALE ISO RETAIL DEALERS I* DRUGS, MEDICINES, 4c. MACON, GA. November 13th, 1860. 26 dowty nTNo medicine can always cure, bnt whateve be effected, through human agenev, towwrdis b * Dysentary, Diarrhtea. Cholera Morbus, &c., - “Jacob s Cholera, Dysentery nnd Diarrhea t ' Sold by GRIEVE A CLARKE, Milledgeville .d by all Druggists generally. —_~- r-3- FX*Il«r Permanently Cured, by the use of Cmna^ngk .PILES A This Salve '©