Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 08, 1824, Image 4

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jjBQgrarjWf dir (frtli a><ce, tdteytqlirtc tjip dntfas>and fix the fe s POUT W A RpFvNS, foi the ffoi’t of S.- vannah. Sec. 1. obtained by the Mayor and Atdf rmen.ot the City,»f Savannah in Coot. $ii issf nbhd, and'it is hereby ordained by thV* 'Uthority oi the same, That on the fivst Monday .in January Wi cochlear theid si.all he appointed fivo per sons to act as Port Wardens for the port of Barann^h, who s «U tyc Commissioned liy thn Vfoyois under the seal of the corpora* ^ Sec 4 And he'it farther ordained, that the said P >rt Wardens he and they are here by required to keep a fair record t.f all their proceedings, to appoint a dork for that pur jyvie and to furnish extracts or copies oft he same, at the request of any person or per tons and they shall have and use a common jjp >l to he annexed to ail extracts or copies ,o* proceedings furnished hy the clerk afore said, and the caid clerk, shall be and ho is hereby allowed, the same fees for marches, extracts, copies bv cor ificates, as arc allow ed for like service!; to the clerks of the Su perior Courts of this State. Sec. 3d \nd be it further ordained, that the said Port WnrdcnB at their .first or any fFhr carl, survey on jMftAttMMEH pt , (& -/ .V -. — r , of the hold ol any ves I, 2' 50 sub equent meeting be and they are hereby authorised to make such rules and roguh*, .received to the 1 City Treasurer, to tions, as may be conducive to good order * iJk “* and a proper discharge o*’ their duties and *nforce- the same by reasonable fines, to be when imposed deducted by the clerk out oi the suns Collected for the use of the Port Warden so fined, and the said clerk, before be enters im the duties of his office shall give to the Mayor and Aldermen <>f the ..rc.«.,nn.h. a hnr.rt with two coat! and •r each Burvcy on gopilf after t f they are land, d, 2 OO Provided tliot the said vcssol or goods fie at ■ n-opposite the City of Savannah. If hV, tween Ft rt Wavne and Five Fat Ik m Iltfo . the'ty liftv percept in addition to the nbcm enumerMid sums. If to go below F'iv» Fathbm, and not below Lope; Island, seycb* ty five per cent. In addition to the tihoj < .enumerated sums. If to go below Long Island, double tfie sums above enumerated For a boat and hand*, it the said Port Wal dens should be required to famish sucli. fen dottars pdr day. In all case-* where the Phft Wardens ahull be employed more than one day .in the performance. Of ary clmv re quired hy this ordinance. the acting Porr Wardens ahpll be entUlcd to similar fees for every (lay <o employed.' * . . - ' ■ Sec. 9. And be it further ordained, ' that the clerk of the said board,of Port Warder > shall collect all sums dlie to said board, ot either of the Port Wardens for .services rendered; pu&suftnVto t'-is ordinance, and fi.r which he aliatl.b^ cptitldd to such co i- pensotion as the „Port Wardens shall fix, and shall quarterly make abatement of the Same so received, and'-mypver toMbhPbrt Warden' his share ^hereof; the said amount to be equally divided among them, } and shah dlBp make quarfluly return of the^ sums ' 'yam'if him VX? -tvs.fv?/* •V \ t «I \ V»" IV VJ o ALL'EYiAT^f? M 1' Sity oFSavahnah, a bond with two good ahOjlemnly swear (or aflfism) that I wi I truly. laid before the City Council at their first meeting there after. ■ " ' • ■ See' 10. And fie it fiirthfir Ajttalocd, tha each Port Warden so appointed, before ft* tvring upon the duties of bis office^ sfjuli take and. subscribe, before. the M»yoi} «*J ebairman ojCouncil, tin following bat' - * kffirm iJKri; as thi-pSse may be—do sufficient sureties in the sum of five hOn dfed dollars conditioned for the faithful dis charge of his duties s/s clerk as aforesaid, and shall take arid subscribe before the Mayor or chairman of council the following oath oi'taffii .nation, “I do solemnly swear for affirm as the case may be) that I wil welt, truly, faithfully, and impartially dis charge all the duties required ol mo as Clerk of the board of Port Wardens for the poi", of Savannah to the first of my ability foil shall only certify as clerk sucb paper! ,©r rtucoments as-are duly passed and Jp pr ,v;d bf by the said P-.rt Wardens bo help xn* God," Sqc 4. And be it further-ordained, that the said Port Wardens, or any two of them, or more, if required by the, person apply ing far the survey as aforesaid, shall have powei\ and they are Hereby authorised, to act upon any survey and to perform all ‘.he, duties required of them 1 y this ordinance. Sec*. 5. And beat further owlflncd* tfi .l at the request of any owner of a vessel, master, merchant or consignee, it shall be the duty of the said Port Wardens, or any two or morn of them, as aforesaid, upon the arrival of any ship or vessel within the port and district of Savannah, in distress,or which faillifuliy^rid impartially, to the best of flit understanding, ^discharge the .duties requ 'TltHS M ACHlNF invented by the*snb9ci-.. I. her, in the summer of the year 1822, whilhi ■ lined to his bed, * ith a l»-g shsittcreu arid frnc ured, and has subsequently been introduced Into ..rious and titivate. families, where Us rfulnrss has hern nrtBcientjV attefeteil^as wil. A.'pear bv the subjoined, signed bj Medical a»d scientific im n ut (lie first respectabili- ■ y. The proprieu t- iu.H had it in successful oper dun in various cases of diseases &x, such ns (..ic. (ured hips, thighs, legs, iufl- innmtory tlicuiua uams and levers. Its importance to society can mt be too highly nppr.-emn d, when il W remem red, thal by the use of the .9',’rrin/tr the bed i rick ness and dis.r,-s«, is divest*- yt many of its ■ oe , and those hours (J pain and wretchedness, bibb arc the harbingers of approaching aikolu itoii, an re dered man- tolerufile, ifr.ot entirely iivested oflhose tortures. The inventor, lias ab- tained ft patent for the ma. hine, ai.d they are nftvt; ■ftercdfi’t- sale to a hum me and disciiminating .ub.ic, on liberal and accammodating t'-i ms. lOHNc: JENt-KKS. I’noviUKHcii, Oct 3. IB23.- Extract of <i lelirr from nr ■I no Mackie to n.t’im Ingalls, .U, J) Prajbesor of Surge)y, He 11 i ton. I iioviiiKN..-, '..y 3 , .h3’>. Dear Sir—l’ermit no t•< introduce t» yoiir nt- Aygaun <r JohaC. Jt-mkes, an ingemous and respectable mect.anirk of this town, who will ex hibit to you, for inspection, (andshould y nii^hink p-s.pfer,) appr baiion, . model of «macliine, whi , ■ die. invented during Ins confinement last autumn, from a uncommonly l.-id fracture of both .hones of one of his legs. You will, fiod, upon examina tion, the machine to he very simple in its siruc ture, easy in irftts mopotm and liappilv construp ted to promote the convenience and ndd to A he qrt of those, who, t'rpm almost any disease, _ "ed tr a sir.n bed (t was ut first Intend d for, th comfort only of.tqe inVantttrf but since rccbverv, be has so much improked It, that-he il inxi'ms to extend its'advrmhiip-a to others, who may Irom the sam ’’ " Id to a sick b.-d, o licsirabl 4r..tenrices, probation of the <«ent! ouralb lie, or any other Cause, be co i . from which the shortest relie e. Any asMStance you may afford in. exhibiting hiwm'achine far the ip the gentlemen ol the faculty in Bos. M .betS., «lfttaggja Council as Port Warcfana of,the Phrt of S , wk; f&ftg m 1>. t So hfiiyi Bite God” .sait’' - - -• ■- —" vannah oath, or affirmation, hfter' being 1 sw 1 suSscribed, shall be filed with thi of Councifo by the Qlcrk.ihe'reof. -.f;hia %chipa fa Sec. 11’ A nq be it fiirther ordained, than f ont bed, I have if tfie said Port Wahfens, or any' of tliqn. '•alcutyC'.l far fhc purpose. In order to test it.- shall neglect or refuse to pcrform,the dutid. Wtoi'W Wftl desired him to .convey Itfotl^ * ■ linunfet- * Gent; '' al HospHal, mU bave repeal shall neglect enjoined by this, or any other orcl he, or they, unless sufficient cause be shew; to the contrary, shall severally forfeit bn4 pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, i he recovered, on conviction before t^e Ciu Council, to the use ofAhe jnfor.ner,or shai" be removed from office, at the discretion Council. > Sec. .2. And be it further ordained, thu r all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, mili tating with this ordinance be, and the sam> are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, 4th March, 1824/ JAS. MOR1USOM, Ma.or. Attest, , VJ. Myers o. c. T [bt itrrii Kri Y] AN ACT . / pO revive, amend and continue in force an may receive damage therein, or op it) a I act entitled an apt, to extend the time of tu le .ky situation o- condition, ut; on b-.ard of king out granta on surveya made on head righm sky. _,pm. .. which there nay be g ods, wares or it»er. C> idizc, damaged or supposed-to be dam aged; to examine and survey the said ship •r vessel, in her hull, masts, spar, sails, rigging and other- appurtenances, and to report ar.d certify the state thereof, and the repairs necessary to fit her for sea, so that •she may be fully sea worthy, noting jiartic ulnrly the damages which appear to have been sustained by the periliTof the sea, and the probable expence of repair as distinct frftit. such as may become necessary from negligence or ordinary decay, and to assist the said Pori Wardens in such examination, they shall have access to the Log Book ot euch ship or vessel. Also, to exam ne and survey ihe stowage ol the Cargo of any ship or ' -ssel, and to report and certify if the same he properly stovvt-d and secured; and to examine and survey any such goods, wares and merchandize damaged, or sup- prised to be damaged, and to report and certify if the same be damaged or not, and in case of damage, the rate and degree of damaga; and in surveys of packages of mer chandizc, they shall derignate particularly the portion injured, and in no c vqnt recom mend a sale ol the parts not damaged, and generally to do and perform all' the thin which; by l he -ustom oi merchants in the pbrt of Savannah, have been gsuglly .per formed on surveys ; and, particufaffly, to- ad vise and recommend such njeasui -s, in .-e- lation either to said ship or vessel Bn car go, i»s may be deemed best stiried tq p r iriole thfe interest, and benefit ol all coi • cerned. ' ’ ■BUmhhmj :h> and bounty warrant*. Be it enicted by the Senate afid Hon|e *>F Ri- presematives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by lh< authority of the same,, That where any person or persons have heretofore had surv/eys made ( >n head rights, bounty warrants and grants thereon » ve not becti obtained,it shall and may be law- IJbr auch persoa or persons to apply rorjin obtain such grant or grams, at any time previous .lenckes* new invented machine for raising *icX and disabled person--, havjpg been .ffl otp ) .vith rheumatism tor several years, sume time con fined to my bed for weeks in succession-, and great whr my pain that l could nui bear to in • niched, have been raise I with the above men noted much.rte with the utmost tkaei, do thrrt- rap rcc- mmerid it to ait persons wlio'aresimilai fil ted J. ft: r UiUfiLJ PftoviiHmcE, iJnly 6, IH23. Certificate from the Physicians and ’Surgeon* of the J\lewj York Hospital. The undersigned Phys cmna ah.i Surgeons the New York Hospitui, having, examined am, witnessed the application of Mr Jem It ' new ii vention of a machine for raisiiig the sick irom the beds, unite in recommending*the sarhe as pecn- ariy useful for the putposcTor whiqh iris ded. DAVID HOS CK,...i D. - JCKlrt NKLSON, M D JNQ G - (JUK3S jJAN, M I). to the 25th of October, eighteen hundred aril ( twentydhnr, onpayinent of the usual fees. Sec. 2 beit further an'acted by the author ity aforrsaid. That where ariy sijrveys-li.ive tie i- totor» been m >de on head righta or bounty war rants, and granta thereon have not. been obtained, such land shall not be subject to a re survey unti ! three months from and tier tiie person or per -ons claimingunder the original survey shall have b en notified that such « survey is intended be made, and that in all cases, the person or'fieri -ons claiming under the original survey, shall h ( entitled to the preference of making such re W vev, until the expiration of three tnun'ha from tin time bt such aotification; and in the ?vent of tli'cr bejumno qlaimant residfog on or near the land »< oe 'hus re surveyed, such notice shall be peri od by giving three mohtHs notice by public art n ertisemenwat thq .Gourt House of the ebon .w here such land may fie, and in one of the pubii-. t.axettea of this State,- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it ah <1 be the duty of all surveyors who shall make an ■wich re survey, to certify on his return to tlfe sur eyor GeoefiW, that djue notice .accbr ling to tb- irovivioiitTof t|midt hail been given, and no grunt btaincd on 'uch re survey shall be vrtid, unless ccomp iniert with such certificate s; Provided, nothing in this act sl^ll affacv the righta of.orf bans or persons under. iheage’m2l years, a n<T that al, persons shall be allowed one vepr after they re at the,age of 21 years to take out tl.eii M Sec. 4. And be it furtherenacteeVThat it shall be the duty of the Govej-not ,tp cause tlii* act to pubjistied fa ojp of ^be newajfapers in Mill # Sec, &. Aqd be it further ordained-, .bepublished fa one of ; ibe |*ort^ySrden8,qr any two or mor, e-lge-iiie, Augusta anj^avamtulv'icrice in each thp -iponth, until the expiration c c |Aj - - - * - xer . arid p»! and the sai -HJ) of. them, as afaresiaid, when called opon ...~ , . survey of ery vesat 1, shall h ave power to) ig* F 1 ®* employ a carpenter, r carpenters, to open ***** Al the ceiling, strip the sheathing, bore the timber, and perform such other work as shall, ,l»p necessary to enable them do make a correct survey, and to employ laborers ' atuf other persons necessary to move, open, anil cooper, or otherwise arrange any goods, wares or; merebanrtiae they may survey, ' the exp.ence of all which shelly be pafid by the owner faster or consigope of said ves sel or goods. Sec. r. And be it further qrdained, that Jf any (verson or peTSops other than those ^qthorisep by this ordinance, except 1 per- '•ijBpns appointed fiy order Of oourt, -ehalj act or officiate upon any survey, ,or perforin any of the duties perein required of the said Port Waraeps, bfi or they shall' sbverallv forfeit a suns noi'ey?eeding thirty doHars, to be recovered, uppn conviction, before tiie City Cpuncrl, to the use ot the said Wur dens. ' Beq. ; 8. it further dfcdained, .that, ,rame ' for the-services to be performed, by virtu- • pfthis ordinance, there shall'be paid to each of the said Port . Wardens officiating, by pn. Owner., master or consignee of any^epsei y cargo, Ahe.-fal'towiiig sums, to wiWJ' j.. ' For each survey on the hatches ■ of a vessel, ; S.l oo For each survey" on a vessel, ,j% Ot• F<v eaph survey..on.a;v^asel and ileum*# ; 3 5 sraaveor.fib a carj* ' • W,ZuMm. - Speaker of the He A-sentedt6 > pec. 2, i tiQuof the tifoe appointed Iitatfag against this act be 'y repeated. . ^ *Pl) AD aUS, of Uepreseniatives, A9 sfO.GJ dent of the Senate ^ jL fRPt/F, Governor (C/t The (bregomg tp be publislied monthly, until ^ov next, in ti.e *‘Ci>nstiiutioi)aii8i M ant; “Savannah Republican ” . ,> > man: 1 10 - W‘ 0KUSONS indebrea to ibe t ll Lambrigfa, lata of LIberty i Mb . , - - D7 ., —wr—i_r' w <leCCttSe/l Hre requested io make hrimedi&(q payment ; «ik. those having demands against said estate; will present them legally attested within the time pre scribed by Law to i . r JOS. LA.ty, f Ser/f. ) . l*n 22 ,i. \T. qualified ex’r. Executojr^s Notice. i.LL nr rsoiis i iklehti d' to thr estate of the late ».Dr f^bert VYorrell, Jr itre requealert to muke ip»yi rucommi',11.1 l-fbr the use of h'mpii i s,imd for alt private p„ lepts who may be iii lieed of iv JOHN WATTS, ir. M-f* - VALKIJTINR MO I T, U|) Willt'rilt HO I, Mil I Th.omas;c.j( K,M jn. AI.KX H STSVEN-S a I D. 15.182 J m the, Hon. Samueel L.i Mitchell, M. V. BL.D. r> * .* ■ rival of Air 'ofinl C'.Jehckesf in N. TH.O'MS.OJt K, Al.fii H STEVE, New Yung, July 15,1823 Certificate frpm pie rec -iriit.en-f- oppoi-tun ties < 8inr.e the arrival V nrk, a few day i ago, will ips.1 have availed myself cairn 1 he Const riictiCn sndMpratio'iV of tis inveri , qi.n for lifting wfeak, sick,'wounded ani^ disaoltaa wrsoiis fromlheir ieda, forihe purpi ' ' •ess and comfor.; and 1 have, bi«.... W Ihe machine i i well adapted for the object *- •- M “ Jcpiifey^; 'or its Uses," A durable; thereuy mg no Iras serviceable to the infirm unrt'W'oui. t in private houses, than in public hospitals 7 .VAMUEL E MITCHELL New Vobx, July tfi, 1823. G^orgia*-fcbathi\m County. Superior Court—Chatham CbimtJ : <v the Honiiruble the Juatides of the"J}»fari- . -\'-.JA»wbrv Tkkjli, 1824 i • .UrtofsaiiWJtmfity^tmKforrirdinftryfPMrpoa' ' a iron t.leu-liknd and busan 0. * , his Wife,/' r (; ‘e-’ urt ofanid-Onuiity, sitting forrirdinaryfliurpuat To all whom it mav concern. AKrm’REAS William Hi Green, AdmioiMr V V tor Of Mary Fleming, dec naa applied to th tloimi-iible tlie CfiitTt of Ordinary, to. be discliRCjr ed from the administration aforesaid.' Now, (iierefore these are to cite andAumonisi t'.ourt, on or before the tenth ofSepicfober next, v "/lP' otherwise fettera dismissing will be graiiled, nliti the said 1 William H. Green be discharged friliri ill claims ujiHtever, u ndmini'trajqr of the said title. Witness the Honorable Edward-Harden, one of the .iuatices of 'he Justices of sai f- Court this Tenth day of- March, A D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty "" S M BOND: c c o. muie 1 10 SUf ■ Geoi giti—-Chutlnun County. T«. ,11. whom it may Goncergj ’IT/ilEREAS Hdlomun Shad executor of Wm \V Gilbert de en'ed lias applied to the honors' hie ihe,Court of Ordinary to be discharged from fosexecutotsliip aforesaid. _ ' • Now,"these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of thi slid VYm Gilbert deceased,'to file their nbfoo. tibns, if aify they have; fa thwclerk ■ office of said ■Court bn or beture -the fourth day nf September next; n’.herwise letters of dismissory will be gran ted and the said Sulumon Slu- 1 be discharged from all claims whatever us executor ot the said deceased L _ FjS^. 1 ' , 1 Mr,hi Witness the honorable John Cumming, fane of the Justices of Said Court this fourth day. o March, A. I). 1824. S.M. BOIs'D, tco. « march 6 -Js( 54.' -r' ' T Georgia— hatliajn, County. t . 3 o ad.vS>Wbh& m!iV*b:.rerti-r- • lA/ lIEHEAS Mari I',widow lias^uplied to v V Die I onorible the court of ordinary ofCliat' county, for letters of administration, on the Vot’ale. and effect a of sVm, Davis dec. Now these are thuefore to cite and admonish WI and singular the kindred and creditors of thi bfid deceased; to file their objections, (il nnylhey liuVcl in my office, on or before the 3d day ot July .next, t‘ otherwise farters U uitministration -vill hp granted to.the applicant. ‘Witness the Hon. j. 1*. Wiiiiamsop one of the JusdcesMf the said Court, the third d^y of June, 'wm* • .. v * K u wri ■ ■' * 9 -}■ 6. M. BOlSDj^ c c.o jure 3 " 131 G eorgia—C h;ith7itaG6unty. ■By the honorahi. the .lu-iic-s ol tm: I. I rim Court oiasid County sitting lor ordiiiaryJi. iRiokeH To all whom it may conc4rii, i ^4v y ’ "HERE VS Charles Hoyt admimstrr.tnr ot HHli "" i, W the estate,of John Lathrop, J?Tde!5, pjiB'pe onfej the honor .ble the court, of Ordinary of at ham County to be discharged from 1 bis 'said administration; ■ > BuleJVisi > hN t he p-titinn of Aaron Clevi land « n ,i cs,... •G. his wife,, who was Susan ion . hat Jacob FaUm, before the intermarri: Jacob Pahm. • * "..iu.uLiure mr. iniermarri.ieo of .l" petitioners, town; on the 22d day of Itinru,, lid irt wV.W ont Joseph A; Scott ecufa a joint bond to the Susan C inth- pfertal sum offour thousand •’dollars conditioned for the paymeiv hf .two thousand dollais-with m. terpst h um dute. un or before the first day of Marclrfoeu next, and that for the better secudno the payment thereof, the said Jacob dirt on the- day and year first aforesaid make his certain iiy denture of mortgage; whereby he mortgaged to fs^id Susan C all that lot of ground known und designated ns Garden lot number thirty nine,%' 39, and also, that adjoining half part nf another lot known as lot number forty two, No 42, con. taining together eight and a half acres mure or less sit jated to the East of the city of SBfcjnnah and bounded to the north west ol Lot No26 to the South anil East by lands belonging io the 'et. 1 ta*e ; of Hampton Lillibridge, and the west bv the public road leading to .Skidaway.Island wherw on a brick yard is now cstablibhed nnd known b» the name of Fahtris briclf yard—that there, is now on the said bond or mortgage obligatory the sum ot eighteen hundred dodart with interest from tU 23d day of January, 1823, nnd pTayfag the fore. Closure of the equity of redemptfon,. of ,.xhs Hid; Jacob and his heirs, executors, admipiftttutors and" assigfit in 'Sc to the saidfodiptgkged',premkes.--OD' motion of W. W Gordon, attorney for the peti, tionera— it is ordered that the principal and in. terest due on the said bond or writing ubligatdw togeth r with the cost of thi application be paid ifito thia court within twelve months from this date,* or in case of default that the equity of.rederop.' tion ol said Jacob' F«hm, his heirs executors, a'j; ministratora, and assigns be fron^thenceforth forV eVer forcfiised and that such .furiher and other proceedings be "hart thereon, as are pursuant to the statue in such case made and provided — And it is furtifer ordered that this rule be pub.' fished in one of .the Gazettes of this state ut least' once a month for twelve months, or that a copy, be Burved on the .defendaht at least rijj; montha" before the time appointed fop thie payment of the moiicy into court. Extracl from the minutes, 15th Jan. 1924. jan i6 ; la. t ~ jgq^ftjiGUJi8 L Georgia Criathum County. Uy the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Cour' ' said county Sitting for ordinary purposes gt Aqt ' To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS Thomas Rt Price, administrator of David H. Thompson, dec. has petition fatl to me honm-able the Justices bf the Inferior Qodrt, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dU* plun ged from the administration' aforesaid. Now these are, therefore,.to cite an^ admonish nil and singulur the kindred and creditors oi the . .id dec, to file tneif objections (if any, they have) in my office on or before the lotlu'dsv of Sep. tember next, jjtherwisc letters dismissory will be. granted totlfo applicant , . Witness the Honorable John Gumming, one of the .Justices of said Goort this 16th day of MarcL A. D. 1824, ' . /j S. M. BOND, c, c o, march is <32 Witness die Hon Edward Hardfn, one of thv Justioes^ofahe said court tlnsAOui day of Mu|-cl>, S. VI. UQND, c c o. 10 57 ‘.i 4 * i %n. - -m—...jii,,. ut . x, * tyrgia—Uhatham Gounty a? all whom it may Concern march 10 bo W HERKAS Afox nder M. Jajlor, adminis trutpr di- John Scott, dep has petitioner ne Hon the Justices of the Inferior Court siltio . .r Ordinary purposes to be discharged from hf. s ’ udmi.ii -tration. ' , Th. se are therefore to cite and admoni .h ni: ' d't sj filar the kfoilr^d and oreditoru of the bji dec.Au file their obji-cifons (it any they have) i, IfoGlerx^s office ot thie Court, of ordinary oh . Uyforo the six h day of November next, othtirwi 'otter*pkfabfmuaiffy will Be grained. Witiiess thi Hon. Edward Harden, one of tin- justices of the sai I Court, the sixth day of May • 1. 1). one thousand eight hundred and iwen ' hr. < S. M BOND, r. c o: ■ 6 Ktf> ; fa- Georgia -- County. '/’■» alt whom it may Concern— iifiint under 14 yeary of age, the daughter of R f l uvton dep. ' ’ Now theseareto cite and admonish all'andsir.. ■ Ini* f h* bin.tllA/i mi rl tkn ... The si ;bscrib&r has been appoint- Agent fit «t, fotiht;.. jr-;,. Xc„, for, Ate ip; safo>f the above njentiont-d Aileviatprai.-fid tias n W on hand one us a sample which can be seen by — "fang at his Sifiri, Sellicks, Bnildn gv,. n . nr et Square. Order* for the fa will'd. .. omou ..y :iitenile-I,to. E'JENr.ZKU JEN KBS. !."• 2 130 ' ' V*'*" ' ’ ' ' IN months after dafo, I Hiali ap/j io 'the XU HonorJBe the Justices ol trie Inf ri .r Court •<f Chatham County; for leave tosell the real aifd personal proiVerty of Lachland H.ifoiltfoa v,‘lu tosh, deceased, for the benefit of t tj.-'liffrh SUSAN A G vi«ISTO'$/l,-.hy'r ,—.-.jr ..j;iA.atl.' i H'L# peiouiib na^iiig at* rite a Ufa «g in I v-r in- >:.-rty to the :.p,dicnnU, in tfi'tf clerks oi before the 3- Guar flee ol iff-' court of Ordinary, or» or befori Witness ihe Hoo^E Iwai J uviicos of si 1824 Iiar-lon one of ’He thi* 3d day of June,' A It. 4m. *M' 100 D 11. ts U -Witid. if At irom i n -. fa ci-farr, m Co1uw>fem *,«jL;County, near |{..y»ville, on I.iitle llivi-r, Wiy "«• gro man Fidli. ,or Phillip, on the 22 t December »92L ^P.hdlis iM.ou.t3ve ieCt eight^i-.nino in hes high, twenty fiv<-*years old, dar^faufoplcctiofo flitfito-Tiw, show* (via teeth very pjsinly, when In. •augha, bend* ba. it in hi 1 } kjiees j is i tolerable good-bcckamith. •"Awn, m> iieuf.-m n Peter, wb Imnselt Pjr'«AJw- k i on iht- 24lli Decc-rnlj^i, 1821: who is sbbftt thirij year* of Ug* , yvdlo.v co,i)'pf. <;• i ..p, .bout five feet nine nr i«-h iuohw Itig));. with u scar <m. the lett cheek, 6<-.asioned by Hie cuf ifk- ' ' '' ' ' iV ’" ' -Aviate of Thomas Lucena, late of^Savanm.t.,. foe. M e reqnesiod to present them within the lime prescribed by law, artd those indebted to s u.i es. :ate, are required to make payment to the sub. acriber. , S. M. BOND, - qual, adm’or with thp will annexed. ■«vy 5 *. wi ■ e- _ ,*' 05 - - - VINE moritpi. aitjsr'.date, apj>(icatiOn wi 2T, made to the Thferior Court of Effins rL.nnf.. i-P- if be v —^ r — -i-Ti—„„..tgh:im County, far leave to sejlall the real property be longing to the estate of the late Rev Jno. BeCk, decaying in said county, for- thp benefit, of the heirs and creditor* ,xpril 16 88 ANN BECK, Adm’x. m f a It'.ifa, which *tiows verj- pl»inl> ^oter i. a folerabie Shoemaker, * Imndy rough plantation) Xarperttcr ’.have good fobe iove, vln y i-ave obiuiued wo free jia>.ses each, they haw- :.e, to work uy the mouth, umiltht-y [lave got money sut- cient, .ml then lluy are to in .kdiqse ol he' otlii-r^ I belie-e they made'for Sava n»ti The aopVe reward will he/given for the appie I.enJiirti and delivery of he ..anl negroe-to th. subscriber, or lot lodymg ill. m in any sate Juil, so Hint I get ihedTagain, imwty. dpitars'for eivlier of ihem. * ' ■’ 'ftffSfai . WILLIAM MUKRAY m-v 26 , i,tlv4 h,.viiig deirianda against i “ tj^late le-ei Requested to make nt to Mr- Ryereou, or to . i'HILJP URASCH, Qual.Bx'or,' N. B. The accounts if not paid shortly Will ht .placed in the hands of an Attorney'for'collection; in 6 4 1 NOTIGK. •&X fate oi Surah McKiljdle|>/late of Hryan oduty, dec are requested U> render them »n du- attested—* those iml - * quested to make imm JAMES’ april 2 ti.77 t . Georgiy—Bulipch Counby? By the Hon. life Gour* ol ofainary of sain .County. Med-to said .estate are re. diate payment;. IKS’BUTLER, adm’or. P ERSONS indebted to the Estate of Alin Denmark, dec. are requ eat edto make 1 dfate paynient, and those h%ving, domin'*- ■ mi. ,. ill 'present Ahem propertyV t -vted within the time fimited by law. ROBERT BUTTON, ftlJm’fif , MARY DENMAK, i.d-nV- « S3 jpuifochcfy. W lIRkEAS Robert Burton, administrator of foe estate ol Stephen Denmark, deed, hath applied to the said Court for’ letters dismissory tp iappliel r inm the said administration. ... - Thehe uje therefore to cite and admonish fill 1 singular the kindred and creditors of thefaaifi: a: to file their objections (ifany they have) in > office or the Clerk ot this Court within, tlu ■ me pi-eacrtyed by law, otherwise letters dismis ■ry yill be granteil.thc applicanL ' vVitncs-? tpe^ Hon. Sheppard Williams fine ol lustices ; of suirt Court this 3u Jurie 1824 , . One. June 4 *132 INE miiuiib afterappuc ition wli; be . made to the hjMwble the Inferior Court of Clmtham'County,'whensitting for ordinary put* poses,-focapfernissmnn to seilAhe following rcil vstat p; for the fagiefit of the heirs mid creditor* of the estate of N. S'. Bayard, deceased, via s Cue undivided fourjhofa tract of Land, Contain* g about 300 acres, on C^ftiberland Island, Cam* len County, known as Rlum Orchard—and an un. iivkled fourth of a certnsn Tuact of Land siluute •a said-Island, cooiaining about 50pjeres, origin. :|y granted to Gen LeCjiland McIntosh, and U'lttnued on tiie south by life said Plum Oi chard Tract* ,0Iso a plantation called Lottery Hall situate oa ne Ogeechec Rond, 3 mile* from Savatinab, con. .iningvabopt 600 acres. > > N J. BA YARD, MB' . it Wbrf nov ip "if Adm’r Est. N. 9. Buyarfo (Si-.HdOiVs> tlaving tlw.-riand* agautsi Tne^Tilm ' : W James Aii'li-raun, late o. Augusta deceas»l, .re requested tu present their claim* pfnpei/y at* tsted, und those indebted to make immediate .aymentto JOHN BALFOUR (Administrator* fib 7 - - LI. por. pi» having demands against the e tate t*.A 6( Wm Hocbsirawer'ddc aM requested U| pre^fiit them for payment within the time iescribed by law, and all persons in l.-btod to s-'dd estate are requested to make immediate pay meqt tp JAMES MORRISON, roaych 4 52 Qiifa. Udmr, Adniiimtrators Notice. HE umicrbigneii-mitving received letters of Admluisttation/oil of William J, Spencer,, late of Effinglinm C ntilfi dccteasedfa requests all persons having deo ands agajnst said I •estate to render them in to jibn according to law, and those .indebted are requested lo make pip inent to ' ' ELLAS REED, '■ >*•“' Ailministrator, april 24 ■ t—tf96 . a lari y b! ifmple, at uny wharf in town to o duj purchasers Apply DAVID A. S I'UOUHAK , an TO ■ : j. - - ' \t lt^E months after date hoiiflBjftJHMloii wj - Y be made to tiie liil'eriot*'- OTurt '* ()hatl»® t founty for leave to sell a tract of luniT drawn sj J'hVimas Capps d.-cetised iri the late Land Lotte 1 ry* situate anti being in tffe’fiffo fostricf of Mon* County and kiuf- n by the number 44, for d‘4 benefit faf foe heirs aml'creditflks of the said I b* .Cupps dec. JOHN MOUEL, Adm’r. sept 6 7 ; ,, sfyeize of liread. GO" The ivernge dollars per -barrel ..f | bread the present m»ritl 12/ 6; 2A Cents Loaf 6* do do IN*. Luts sit 1 bur Sate, i n t on Hit south OommQirjtasi u tail) lot of land, tiiuaied on 1 .f*: ThUfid,erifoif'R<w, The above propei-iy jifafforfaddor sale hy Yu ttueofsn aswgiqneut.Tfhld. • by l»»s<V La Rocfip fo r crb'fotiir!./' If /.-it fluid b I. ■ Vthe first'l ueadsy ih viay next, it ,will i hen be of ered at point * ictio.n at ti.e ..ourt House,m b - vunnali . Fr puniciilar* apply, Lp- >' , - 'W. .FONftE, 1 , Agent |g|the asaij^neew of 1. L. Roc).. - iSUM * v LI* pei'sd/i - uidc-bfeil io 'jiw .,(•.m, 4pm 'faf Marlin, j^te of Liberty county, dec* aro requested to pinke in.irn?.iiatp.pHVfnt r.' /the^ubgcriberaj and-lhijpie if-whom ilnf ismt' ate is imlebtc il are reqtiircd IP exlublt their -an.^ duly aiithfcnvic.a*d;,to' Rl'TIARl) I ' i ■<-, • Wil.l .l am il. StA'U l tN, y l ‘ J * v n»«y xo t,m of Flour being seve* 6 tbs, the . weight « :l) must be as follows: 2 Its 11 oz> Hb SJoz. Tf which all linkers *xnd sellers of Bre^d wir. take, due not ici:. 1 . ». JNO v I ROBERTS, City Treasurer. Tnyrch 6,18^ 53 i\'^NK M,onth» d'!ei- 1 tla.e application'’wiPO i: real cTate of John 9mith deceased, for th 1 uonefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, ft . • - , Administrator* ^rPidhfi, HE Ddifon Eastern Steam Saw apdRice; Mifti. eS thc-ri-i will} the iqipurtenanceii thoreto befohgfng'* , y to , g GEORGE ATKINSON, >1 . , J A MK9 DUN-WOODY,Bank fommWctl, HENBYHAUFOIIf) S fas I'he h. vannaJi Republican is rtfaie abc, ,e, an-1 forward foe itccbanf, t0 r of Dario;. ,far payment, eujj 3 164Q