Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 10, 1824, Image 1

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No 135.-... Vol. XXII. T— '■■'.■■■■■■ewiuj u j« i ...ii.. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 10.1824. Whole No. 4455* am HOUSES, LANDS, &c. To Rent, Executive Department, 6reo. MILL* DGEVILLE, $l*t Nov 1825 Item, I RDERRD, That the subjoined Resolution b T HB Wharf Lot No. 6, Reynold Ward, known I published once a month, in each, of the B.i ns Anciaux’»-wharf Possession given thejaeites of this State, until the next General tot of November—Apply to octli_ 194 given F. M. -STONE. m tion* Attest, ELISHA WOOD, Sec’ry IN 8ENATE, 12th Nov. 1823. Wusrhas it is desirable to ascertain the wish es of the citizens of this slate, as to the mode o' ihoosing Electors of President and Vice Presi 'ATHENS HOTEL. *X*he subscriber takes this meth od to inform the public generally, and | dent ofthe United States particularly persons fromthe lo« coun- 1 “■* ** "•—*-— try, who may visit the up country, in ,'e iiealth or pleasure, that he will uc i r,..cmmy met, ■ nm,H .squii pe in P ur8 “ V,., e gentlemen and ladies, or families with I Magistrates who shalkpreside at the S on iIi the day, week, or month, on easy terms I tions to'be held in the different cou board oy a I Rtnt* aI.,.‘. aa „4- „ Ulf l ene thr several Elec counties o\ tin Swaim*8 Panacea. HAVE BEEN appointed Agertt by Dr. \\. Swnim to sell his so much celebrated Medi cine, at this place. A quantity has been receiv. cd by t e Georgia from Philadelphia, and will be sold by 1 ho box or bottle, at my Drug Store, cor. ner of Jefferson and St. Julian Streets. AUGUST G OEMLER. march 10 57 AUGUST G. OEMLEtt, it hit Druggist Store, comer of Jeffertou anti ,St. Julian Street, I AS received by schooner Tassel, a fresh supply of SW AIM’S so much esteemed PANACEA, NothingVeed” be laid In recommendation of A. | State for the choice^of members of the Legists board by tlieday. Nothing nee ^ ^ t0 t ^ e (faithfulness of the | turc, at the next Genera) Election therein, t< T : 1 coiubritv of atmosphere, or .agreeable and I propose to each and every voter at the time o' Swimaocietvi in all these particular*it standi] receiving his vote, whether he desir a that th- P****mlnent ' I choiceot said Electors Nhullbe confided to Hit pr»llowimr will be the rates of changing, via. I, people or retained by tjio LfegUlalnre, and to r< i»n and Horse, per day, 81 75 | luest such voter to sigijjfy such desire by en t* per week, u „ n « « month, Single man, per day, ,, u « jveek, i, <• << month, Dinner, breaitfitst, supper, &c. Lodging, Horse, per day, <« « night, l u •< month, : cum™. »d «»»■«. MJgjg, UATra . * JrvTUe Editor fnftheAupiiteChroniclemod •taviuinah Republican, are requested to give two 1 nsertiona a month, until the 1st of July next, and f nPW ,rd their hc»-o>iii1h(o Vhe.'i* 1 50 1 25 1 00 5 00 18 00 37ft 125 75 50 12 00 House to Rent. The undersigned intending to re I move into the country, offers the plea- .Jsant and convenient House, now m his, occup tion to rent, at a rate suited to th- .imlt tnim the 1st July next to the 1st Novembci s. *cr.20t J Sale. doraiog oh his ticket, tne word People or Legitim ture, according to ihe truth of the foot j and oi countingout tne ballots, to annex to the retun of the said election by them so transmitted t<> the Executive Department, a true statement of th< votes so given, to tlie eml that the same may bt laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen. cytho Governor. Jlndbeit further resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested U cause this resolution to' be published without de lay, in the several Gazette* of this State, and t< continue the said publication once u month, unti the next General Election. Read and agreed to ununimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. In thelHovie of Representative*, 14ih Nov. 1823. Head and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, 18lh Nov.' 1823. G. M. TROUP, Qovemor. NOTIUE. HE Co-partnership of William and Jomi O . Uxkkh, is this day- distovetl by mutual coi april 30 or neumbered, con Land and Negroes ft HANDSOME property, unim lilting of Land and Ne; t of every kind, and t «*S=»'-Ud lor fiiry ffir-tt.^1.011 ■«> “ .ent. In order to a speedy sctllemeni of the bu -mess, all persons indebted are cuilcd upon u> make puymunt to John O. Baker. WILLIAM BAKER, JOHN O BAKER, Riceborough, Ga- Jan 1,1824-. ian 21 16 i^TNE months niter date, application will be - u , re _i„ K „ r . .. . made to tfie Hon, the lnfeiior ourt ot Bn .tva'tlnn of Corn and Cotton, is offered for sale oil I ,„ County, «rlea>e to sell all the real Esinte < accommodating terms. Sarah McKindley, late of Bryan county dec fi Bank Stack, or good paper, well secured, will I benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, betaken in payment. 1 JAMES.UU1 LEU, adm’-.r, For further particulars, apply to the Editors ot | « B rd 2 Jie Georgia Journal, y.* iiine 19 145 r$n 7? Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern, ’Superior Court—Chatham County ywi IILUKAS Loui. H. Fuith physician lias a| Ueian 1 I W plied to the Hon. the court of ordinary c J ' - * •* ’ 1 -aid countv, for letters of administration on ll .-state and effects of Norphlit Howard late i \\ asbington County, in the state aforesaid w g- goner dec as principal creditor. hundred and iwenty-two, the better t' | " Now these are thcrelore to cite and admonUl (. Rule Ntti. /K\N the pe itiun of Jno. Retan stating that Nn- (Si than Baker did on tfo; first day of May eigh teen hundred and iwenty-two, the better t< T HE aubscriber having discovered the com position of 8WA1M’S celebrui * 1 Panacea, As alsnby other late arrivals, a variety of fresh .nicies which he abstains from mentioning, as >t suspects the public to possess sagacity enmigli o guess, that CALOMEL, JALAP, RIIUBAIC, !UM FtETIl), and all the other delicacicenamed in the index ol (he dispensatory may be looked for >nd found in Drug Stores—yet a tew things no) o be met with at every one, he offers, vis s Phosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous cid, Black Drop, James fever Powders, Rends 5 tip til, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Pastills, Wedgewood evaporating dishes, Glass Funnils, Graduated Measures, Retorts and Receivers, Test - ube>. Gas Bottles, Thermometers, Hygrometer, and Pluviii eier. march .8 64 Genuine Patent Family MEDICINES. Such att . L ef.s Bdiious puis Colt’s do do Andcson’sdo do Hooper’s Female Pills James Anti Djspeptic Pills Thompsons Eye M aters ltelfs Botanical Drop* Do Asthmatic Pills Essential Oil of Spruce Hulsom Honey Tooth Aciic Drops Jesuit’s do do Chut ch’s Cough Drops Ander.'ons do do American do do Balm of Quito Churche’ < Essence of Mustard ltowson’s Itch Ointment Whe-ulou’s do do Brancliim' Rheumatic do Squirts’ Grand Elixir Seidhtz Powders Soda do Otto of Roses,. Ac. Ac. Cun be constantly obtained at the Store of FRANCIS 1. LAY, CliymUt and Druggist, Corner of Congress and Whituker ‘Streets, mss 26 • a 124 Shod’* BniltHnir* . „ .„ n , n p. annum, by his indenture, on I .rranied to the applicant. !whis P seal bearing date the day and year Ural I witness the honorable Edward Harden one uf afoi Mai^morteage tiT dte said John Ketan, ah I t he Justices of the said Court, the 25th day of ?! 0, “^’,^ r, r£vorhalf nart of all that lot of! M.y,'A. D. 1824. the undivided moiety or halt part i tand, situate, lying and “If!? °th? pla"n I naln’and known “and distinguished m thereof by the number one (1) J y rcocnxii tytning Darby ward, together with tfte appurtenances, and further stating that the said promissory note ?emrin» h whpUy utt*»ld^rtnd <he said^m^SgAge^n full force, and praying the fu.eclosure ot tne saiu | "oSon of W. W. Gordon, attorney for tin tietitioner, it is ordered that the said Nathan Ba- K 5 into this rourl. within twelve months of this date, the principalir.teiT.i due or, the I may 36 24 SAML M BOND, c c o. At private sale. v NEGRO U> v about 22 years of age an ex- ill cellent house servant ant w iter—apply to J. H. IIKRIIKLT A Co. -v 21 said note and the costs of the saul application, in default thereof, that the equity of redempti ol the said Nathan Baker of and to the said mon ^iged premises, be thenceforth and forever fore closed. • Hiptrior Court—Camden ounty March Ikum, 1824, William Berriu j vt. pilule .Vis John Cluistoplier J O N the petition ol William Bertie, staling that one John Christopher, of the county of Cam den, being indebted to one Henry Sailer or order And it is further ordered, that a copy of this j in a note of hand, dated St Marys in said county, rule be served on the said Naihan Baker, at least 1 on the 9th October 1822, i« the sum ot live Hun • mnntlt. before ihe time appointed for the pay* I dred Dollars, payable with interest from the date 6i\ months befo PP _ r. I ollthe fi rsl j H y of January then next iiismng, mu mi nt of said money into court, or published m one of the public Gazettes of this state, at least once in every month, until the time appointed lor the payment thereof, and mat such further anil „iher proceedings be had as are prescribed by the ®talute in sucli case made and prn idetl. **““> “■ “ ,e a *T£ m , fmvifcMf may 27 25 — M Notice. Verv valuable tract ol Land in Liberty coun- ’ .. _ i turn mi Pk ty, situate on the gunbury Hoad, two miles a half from Bice orough; contai amTu imif from Bice orougit; containing two huntlred and ten acre aTnis land is very- valua ble for cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- ted for "that culture as any land .nthecounfo, the conditions are low and reasonable; there are between seventy and eighty acres cleared ana under fence, there is also a good dwelling houae, ami all necessary out buildings on the premises guarantee titles will be giv^tothe puwhMer, no incumbrances lying on said land. Foi further particulars apply to capt, Jos. Jones in Liberty couuty, or lo EDWARD B. BAKER, owner in McIntosh'county 8l *K- 16 a ' NOTICE. Jno. y shelman’s Mansion House, Savannah, j iWist who are indebted to the estate, w,h be called or «HgP- • 1,,, £vTd l&iur. Qualified Executor. JVenr Waynesboro. May 24, 1824 may 28 j-cAl26 B' Georgia—-Liberty County. I Elijah'baker, clerk of the Court ol Ordi • ary for tlie county ot Liberty. Whereas'William Law, Esq. applies to °e dis missed frpmt his administration on the estate oi Davis Carter, late of said county, dec. ’these are therefore lo cite and admonish ai ' persups concemed to file’ their objectionslit any ttiey have) in my office, within the time pifescub sd by lawi or otherwise the said applicant will dismissed from his said administration. Given under my hand und aeul, th(P 3d day, ol U.j.A.U.UB.. >mk ^ cco . may 11 110 THE IMPROVED SEIDLt'CZ POWDERS. T HE good effects of these powders as a Medl cine, has been observed and acknowledged l>y all those who have had occasion to use them, in all cases of Heal (burn, Bile, Nuusea and other diseases of the Stomach, which are so very pre '-■-.dent in warm climates—they can be used at any time with much advantage. As they form a pies ant effervescent draught, they may be said to be an agreeable beverage free from taste and highly impregnated witli fixed air, and possessing all tlie 3. SUijitt’a Panacea. has now a supply on hand for sale ; lie Iirs r< luced the prise from S3 50 to g2 50, or by the dozen £24. All cliuritable inslilutions in the U. States and the poor will be supplied gratis If the citizens of ihe principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine to the poor, it will lie supplied This medicine is celebrated lor the cure of the following diseases, “scrofulaor king’s evil, ulcer sled ot putrid sore throat, long standing rheo matie affections, cutaneous, diseases, w .He awel ling, and disease of the bones, and all cases gen t-rally of the ulcerous character, and chronic t'.is cases, generally arising in debilitated coustitn lions, but more especially from syphilis, or affec Rons arising tlierefvopi; ulcers in the luyrnx, nodes, Ac. And that dri adliil disease occasioned by a long and excessive use of mercury, Ac. li is also usclul iu disease of the liver.’’ ’CERTIFICATES. 1 have within the last two years had an oppor tunity of seeing several esses of very inveterate ulcers, whibli having resisted previously the regu tar modes of treatment, were liesled by the use of Mr. Swiiim's Panacea, and 1 do believe, from what I have seen that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venereal and mercurial dia eases, N. CHAPMAN, M D. Professor of (he Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvahia 1 have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in numerous instai ces, within the last three years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especially in secondary syphilis, and' mercurial diseases. I have no hesitation iu pronouncing ii a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the University of l’enn aytvania. Philadelphia, February 17,1823. SVvnvVs Panacea. CERTIFICATES. £ HAVE been labouring under a disease for long lime, as swelling in the b»nei, loss of ap petite, loss of flesh, and loss of sleep, with severe pain. Noticing an advertisement of Swuim't Pa uacea to be a cure for the above disease, I go some by paying ti e cash for it a I received it, an found a great ben fit by it. But having nothing out my labour to depend on for s living, and not being able to work for a long time, got so that I was not able to pay for it. Sotne months altei this, I heard of a Mr. Shinn’s having made a 2’a.- tuiceu, stat' d to be the same us Mr Swaim’s. applied to him, and stated my case and circum stances, and found him di-posed to benefit me tie gave me the medicine freely, and said 1 migt pay for it whenever 1 got able: and I found, l taking the same quantity, as much benefit by as by Mr Swaim’a. I have given this Certificate for the benefit o hers that should stand in need of Shinn’s Puna c a, and consider it a very valuable medicine. P. STETLEH,-buke street, Near Front, Northern Liberties. Philadelphia, rfpril 20,1824. Philaiiklpuia, April 21, 1824 1 Certify that l have been for many years tffl ted with rheumatism. Above five years ago, was attended by a respectable Physician of this city,who put me under a course of mercu w.— on ice which time I have been worse i my disorde PUBLIC SALES. Tax Collectors Sales. On thefi tt Tuesday in July,next, YX71LI. be sold ut tlie Court IP use in the' City v • of Skvaninih, between the liburs oi’ 10 unti o'clock, the following property or a., much- thereof ns will satisfy the State and County Taxes: mid costs, vix: A tract of I *d on Wilmington Island, in the. ouiity of Ctiainiini, containing 75 acres, more or less bounded on the north by a creek, -eSsf by laud of (lie Estate of Joseph Bryan, und south and west by land belonging lo John W Barnaul, le*. vied on to satisfy ihe state and county tuxes ol Jno. IV Barnard for the year 1823, und costs.. Amount of taxes 334 85. The Eastern half of lot No, 19,' in Oglethorpe Ward, in the city of Savannah, with the improve ments thereon, levied on lo satisfy the slate and County taxes of J E and S W hite for the year 1823, und costs. Amount of tuxes f\ 95. LoU No 29 and 36 in Brown Wuiu, in the city of Savannah, with the improvements thereon, le vied on to satisfy ihe state and comity tvxes oft be-. Savannah Theatre for the v ar 1822 and 1823,and costs. Amount of tuxes 56234 37. The southern half of lot No. 10, first tyihing Anson W ard, in the city of Savannah, with the im*. provements thereon, levied on. to salitlv 'the rtste und county taxes ot Estate of Edward Penman lor i tie year 1823, and costa. Amount of luxes $4 da. Lot No. 38 Columbia Ward, in ihe city of Sa. vHimnli, subject to an annual ground rent to the Corporation of said City, with the impiovementa thereon, levied un lo satisfy, the state sou county, h.xts of Am. Hodman for the year 1823, and costs. Amount ol taxes gS, 86. All that tract nr lot of land, situate, lyipg and being in the 27th dwt. of Early count v. Contain. mg 250 acres, more or less, and known and iiiatui- pushed in the plan of said district by the No. 196, Levied un to satisfy the stale and county tales of i he estate of Lewis b. Achord for the year 1623, and costs. Amount of tuxes £2 26. JAMES EPPINGER, i c c c. m»v 1 102 by Sheriffs sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, ILL be aokl before the Gouri House in the City of Savannah, between the hours of ID and 4 o’clock. The following six negroes vis: Ham ibal, Jguuc, London, Peter, William and Ha .nsli, levied on us the property of Jno Hunter, to autislvu fi.ft. uti mortgage, in favor of the Planters Bank. Also, five negroes, viz. Judy, Juno, Ely b»b* fin, ami Quality, levied on as the property ol Oli. ver Sturgi s, to satisfy a fi. fa on mortgage in fa vor of Wm. P. Hunter. Also, all the cotton compressing machine, (br ibe repacking of cotton, levied on under a fi. fa, un a foreclosure of a mortgage, from Jno. Ever* i ogham, jr. to Chas. W. Rockwell. 1. LdLYON, s c o, may 5 105 a very desirable. Man, fcv, b«en%!«. ISS.Y'SSSLL°J?f .ES..*,ZZSLZLSS; ceived in their operation, by having purchased J finr! ih 11 n ( *« free from oain them in Drug Stores, the proprietor, of whichl^ paid but little or no regard in selecting the best ““f L™Le£to make £ public for the b Kind, consequently thefr bencHci.1 qualities were ,L Sed P Sheriff’s Sales. On the fr,t Tuetduy in July next, W ILL be soid in front of the Court House la the City of Savannah between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o'clock. All the articles comprising the Printing estab lishment of the Office of the Savannah Republi can. consisting of t ypes, Press ' paper; printers Ink, Stands, Ac.—also two negro men named Leake and Wallen, levied on as the- property of F S. Fell, endorser to satisfy an execution, U. Wayne.for use, Uc and in favor of James WsU lace and Alien M’Lean, vs. F. S. Fell. A. U’l YON, d s c c. fttne 4 132 i bene fit of the afflicted. CHARLES DARIAS, Malt alley, l’hilad. FHii.snBi.FHia, April 17,1824. This will certify, that my son, John Humes, aged 40 years, was confined last w nter in the Alms house ot this city, with rheumatism in hi* diioul.ler and arms. I applied to J. Shinn for sonn- of his Panacea, and obtained one bode, which hus just been* received, which together with a I entirely removed lus complaint. He was remov vt ry general assortment of Family Medicines w ili | ed to the country, otherwise he would have signo be kept constantly on hand neve r realized But this difficulty tuav now be obviated,—the subscriber has endeavored for the ■ wo or three last seasons lo procure them Genuine ■»d lias been successful. These u owdcrs arc neatly put up in Tin Boxes, Ity which ineuns their Medibinal properties will remain unimpaired by the influence of time und climate. A fresh supply of the above Genuine article mortgage to .the said Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure the payment of the note aforesaid with interest on the same—a certain lot ot land in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1, beginning at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Cal vin Hayes, thence running south 100 feet on St. Marys Street, thence north to Urjunt St. thence east to C. Hays’ line, thence south to the begitn.- ing, with the' margin attached to the same on Ihe south aide of StMarys or Bay St being a hundred feet on the street-A running from ; thence directly to the river Si Murys, together with all and sin gular every thing tnereto appertaining—that the said Henry Sadler, to whom and to whose heirs and assigns the said mortgage was made on the 26th of Sept. 1823, duly ssigned by deed, sat. mortgage to lhe petfood that there is now dut on said mortgage the sum ot Five Hundred Dol lars with interest from the 1st January 1822, an praying for the foreclosure of the equity ot ri demptton, in the said John Christopher, his heirs mid assigns in the mortgaged remises and that the same be foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A. Copp, attorney ipr petiotter, it is or tiered that the ,principal and interest due on Hit :-uid mortgage together with the costs of Ins ap licants be paid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity oi redemption of the said John Christopher hia heirs Executors, Administrators and assigns be trom thence forever foreclosed and that such otltei preceding* take place as are pursuant to the slat ute—And it is further ordered that this rule be published in one ot the Gazettes of this state a. least once a cndiitli lor twelve niuiiliis to the tune appointed for the payment of said money into .ourt. ' ... A true extract from the minutes. JOHN UAILEV Clerk. Jefferson, 16th March, 1824. NOTICE. FRANCIS I. LAY, Chemist V Druggist, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Strer-'s .VI,.if Du On ! //A april 29 Shad's Building*. 100 Mi Valuable Medicine. AN FI inSl’KPTlC FILLS, Prepared by llewy James. _ N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indig ill estion, Habitual Costiveness, and Files. i p< . rmane „f benefit U is well Known that Dyspepsia is one ot the 11 , „„^i;,.,i ed this certificate. her ANN C. K HUMES, mark, Philadelphia Almshouse. Fhiladblpuia, March 10th, 1824. I certify, for the benefit of the afflicted, that I have been, for seven years last past, afflicted win the Ijvet complaint, during which time l have beer (tended by several physicians, but received m permanent benefit. Hearing of Mr waim’s Fh nacea, I applied to him for some of it; being pom Administrators sale. ’ •ILL be sold before the Court House in the- _ . City of Savannah on the first Ju«. fy next, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock. Forty five acres of land more or less about two miles from the city, adjoining the farm of J. H. Morel, Esq. also a lot in court house square known in the plan nf the city as lot number one, Stoper- Tyihing I’crpival Ward—being the real estate of the late Jsouc Baillow deceased; sold by permis. sion of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chat, nam couuty for the benefit of the heirs and credi« 'or* of said estate JOHN U'NISH, Adm’r. may 5 105 Sbeviti Sale. ... On the first Tuesday in July next, W ILL be sold betw* en ten uni three o’clock at Hulloc court House 1775 acres of land Ivtiig on Milledgeville road, with good improve- meats, levied on us the property of S. mupl S. Lockhart to satisfy an execution in favor of Patrick M’Uermotl. may 31 128 JAMES DENMARK, sb o. and unable to puy lot it at the time, could not ob rain any. I nexi. applied to J. Shinn, and receiv ed some of; hi- Panacea, which greatly beitefilte. me. The pain und sorenes- of my side was re moved, and 1 was again able to wot k at m> trade. CHAKfES BOWMAN, German street, Southwaik. most frequent und formidable diseases of our coun try. Its commencement is indicated in different patients by various symptoms, ot which the most remarkable are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate costive ness, headach, commonly called nervous or sick iieadacb, yellowness of the eyes and akin, acidity of stomach after, eating; often called heart burn, | • i flatulence or wind ou Ihe atoniach, .Litter taste in 1 This is to certify, that my apprenttc by,, he mouth in tlie morning, fccltd breoth, drowsi- yforrison, aged 18 years, lias been icvera years ness alter dinner, debifity, lassitude, emaciation, Mihcted with tl, « “ ® v ( *he^ h_ dv d ' »hh muu „i Hinrits lA| extensiveuWfcnition over the boay, wttn acuu Files being connected with indigestion and cos. J pain. In January last, l heard of J»'8hin^s Fana uveites-, are certainly attd speedily removed by I ea, and obtained lor him three bottles, which e the ills 1 tected an entire and complete cure, and he IS no* Persons afffeted with ar.y of the above symp- j in good health, oud able urns, are assured that the Ant,-Dyspeptic Filu. „ ALIA 1L RANK EN are a remWy well worth their attentfoq, and enu I rront.Si. above l oplar tm» ied lo ilfoir entire confidence. I This is to certify, that on the I6tb of April, tb- A supply of the above valuable Medicine has | ghhve named John Morrisun appeared before me lust been received from the Patentee, and can be l' a nd on examination, do believe tile tacts, as sUdSc obtained of tlie subscriber, who has been appoin* I the above cert ificate, are just and tryii. led agent for the State of Georgia. FRANCIS I. LAY, bherifi ’s bales. On the first Tuesday in August next, •ILL be sold at the Court House iq WqynO . County; bet* etn the usual hours. A negro man named M.<rch, under an execution •in the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor ol Thos, 'Muse against John K. Kemp JOSEPH FORT, s W o. m:,y 51 128 ...•to,-TNE months, uliet; dare, l shall apply to lire JEj hou. the. Justices of the Inferior Court im Tberty cdutuy, for leave to sell the real and pc unai taoperty ot vVillium L Baker»^lec. lor ilu Ml ISS:tai* i aAKER j' .98 'Min’" april TNE months ‘after date application Will b :■ i made to the honorable The Justices ol th nlerior Court/if Cbatbum county, when situ- ’‘ r ? r e'?“ryT ) H l :( , b®es, for leave to sell all that ii J UST received per the ship Louisa Matilda; m oalu by the gallon by 1 * * FRANCIS J. LAY, ^Druggjst, S4ad’t( Buddings. n.iiy 24 BltUllf ; I^dlomailAngTwo hundred and fiftyucre ■■.ore or less, ktiowt> i»slot N°- 15’lilteen, in tu- ccoitd district of Early county, Georgia, bein ,,c real estate of Robert M. Durkie, dec. and c sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditf i thesuiddeceased. 4 , AUGUSTUS F. DURKIE, Adm’or, of * U, M» Durkie, dec. ar ♦ 9 sheriff’s laics—continued. On the first Tucsdsy in July next, W ILL he sold before the Court House in Bry an countv, between the usual hours ' I sale. All that undivided moiety of a tr iot of land ia <ryi<n county, containing 1150 acres originally ^ranted lo one Jno Davis, adjoining the plai.tat.ou ■t Col David M'Oorinick ami others, levied on under an execution, Edward F. 1 attnall against "lrainistrators of Thomas Bourke THUS. ALBRITTON, sac. may 1 116 Druggist and Chemiet, Shad’s Bitildii'.gs, april 24 ca94 Savannah. SW H. FROBASCO, Justice of the-Peace, Pliiladu^iiiia.couiiiy. f certify that I have been afflic^gftd& rheums * tisnt in my blioulder tor three j eiirs,Trhm which 1' have been relieved by taking a teW bottles of J Sbion’a Panacea. , JAMES DOUGLAS, of the Moyantensing Poor house. James’ Anti-Dispeptic Pills. T is several years sinct tlie proprietor began to vend this medicine, now in ufolwejferal UB ?- In its exhibition, and the accompanying dietetic vidence of the success of this novel prescription J Panacea prepared by John Sfonn ^temist 1X^ e can anneal with confidence to the experience 1 Philadelphia, vho has appointed the Subscriber | V T S r “ p I Agent tor Savannah and its vicinity, The cea will be sold at the reduced price ot 50 pis p. r bottle, or $24 per doz.. n. WM. U CUTHBERT, Agent, m^y 26 u— 3nifl21 Sheriff’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, V't •' ILL b sold before tlie Court House in Rry- Vf an county, between the usual hours or sale. Two Negroes named Dorcas and Joe, levied on us the property of Richard T Keating; to. atisfy an execution in favor of tas 'nderson 81 co. THUS ALBRITTON, s c. may 18 116 iistraior’s Sale. f thousands. Dy-pepsia, Costiveness, Pies, ieartburn or Curdialgta, Cholic, Ac. as well ss ' 1 — of he more transient but distressing, symptoms of j idigestion, are singularly controlled by this mild i,cl elijcacious remedy. The pills are small, tasle- . hi,, and never produce the debilitating and pain ul effects of full doses of medicine. They may NOTICE. ,e taken by persons in all situations, no restraint I KflNE months alter the date .‘'erenf, application eing necessary except a slight regulation of the will be made to thelufort(.rCou r when tv let^Furticuiar directions are given in the print- ting for ordinary purposes,for leavei to sell all hat i iuiio I lot or part oF ground tn the Distnct oit Wiitie- d bills. • gi v iw>i r ^ Blufi', county ofeiwtha^ containing Fi fly acres, * A do On the &*t Tuesilfty-in July next, ILL ibc sold before me Court House, in the city of Savannatej&rt ween the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, the following negroes, Clanisa A andhertwochildrertvJbhn and Sike, sold by per mission of the liiinofahle the court of Ordinary of Lhathi tnCounty Also a house situated io Jef, ferson Street on the South Common, being the estate of FetefCesar^ dec. and’sold for the bent efit of I he heirs and creditors of said estate. JOS. F, SEGUIiE, Adm’,tv may 20 xt!8 ' Situation Wanted, ^ | YOUNG man who is u native of this climate \ and has f r the last two years resided in thj^ piiice wants a respeqtuple situation as clerk, in'a 'He isysst &aaBp»«ga -y—' Maiden Lane, and by l-lfice a Sonillari. near I ly by j 1 si..te Hj Counting (Ioiim:—'ory Wenmi promptly utiendcri to ' Corngr ol Congress and NYhfo j»«y §0 it 118 er-Streets, ttvsnrtuU/Ga. Iieirsaqd creditors of • dri estate. may 26 Jlfiin'rx.