Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 15, 1824, Image 1

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-.-.■oAdjiAV! tS ia*T" "’jnitoi t nv.'.vv w.‘ No 13T. ...Vol. XXII, *- — TUESDAY K Vti Vl^G, JUNE 1$. 1824. Whole No. -1457. 5 XL W C K ft Executive Department, bieo. i ^ i n 1 MILLKDGEVILLE, 21st Npv, 1823 A Ti i l V IA J OU. t^HDEKED, That the subjoined Resolution be XJAj U T X Si* published once a month, in each oflhe G«. rpH19 MACHINE was invented by the subset-*.. I* suite* of this State, until t|te ne:.t General Elec- 1 ber, in the summer of the year 1823, 1 whilst I *'on, confined to his bed, with a leg shuttered und frac | Attest, ELISHA WOOD, Sec’ry. tured, and Rua subsequently men introduced into I IN' SENATE, 12th Nov, 1823. various hospitals and private IVmllitiS, where it I Whkukab it is desirable to ascertain tlie wish usefulness lias been sufficiently attested, as trill1 • * ofthe citizens of this state, as tn the mode o' Swaim's Panacea. HAVfe BEEN appointed Igent by Dr. W. SWaim to sell 1iis so much celebrated Medi cine, at this place. A quantity hut been receiv ed by t e Georgia from Philadelphia, and will be sold by the box dr bottle, at my Drug Store, cor. fur of Jefferson and St. Julian Streets. AUGUST U OP.MLER. mat ch 10 $7. appear by the subjoined certificates, signed by I choosing Electors of President and Vico Pres medical and scientific m< n ofthe first retpectsbd. 1 dent ol the United States ty. The proprietor has had if in -.Uccesslul otter atian in various cases of disease, ft'e. such as trad a'dah in various cases of disease, fie. suefias tured hips, thighs, legs, i»H initiatory rheu-v. tiarns am) fevers. Its Importance to society cm* not be too Wghly appVeCia" d, when it i. r.mem bered, that by the use of th- Alleviator the blfo of sickness and distress, is divested of many of its Woe , mid those hours of pain find wr«tcfiedne* s Which are the hutbingert of approaching disaol-. He it therefore rctoived by the Senate ami Hous of Bcpresentatives ofthe State Of Geo-gia in ten- ral Aetmb/y met, That it shall be the du' v of tin d agist rates who shall pK-Bitle at the several Elet tionsto be held in the litl'erent counties ot tin: 8 ate for the choice of merabenf of the Lcgi hi -tire, at the neat General Election therein, r* propose to each and every voter it the time e: receiving his vote, Whether he deslr. s that tin tion, an re>. tiered mdre tolerable, ifitot entirely j choice of said Electors shall be confided to th- divested of those tortures. The inventor, has ob taint’d n patent for tlie machine, and (liljr are now ofilertd for sale to a humane and discriminating public, nu liberal And accommodating terms. 1 . IOHN U. JENCKES. PnotiniacB, Oct 3,1823. Extrattofa letter from Or Jno Mtukie to William JJngaks, M. D Projector of Surgery, Ue Hoitoh. I'n.iviOL-tcr, May 31, .633. Dear Sir—Permit me to introduce to your at tention 'its John C. Jenckes, an ingenious am (respectable mechanick of this town, who will ex. peoplq or retained by the Legislature, and to r- ptest sflbh voter to signify such desire by r doming on ticket, the word People or Legitla. litre, according to the t <uth of the fact, and o coopting out tne ballots, to annex to the retun of the said election by them so transmitted t<- the Executive Department, u true statement of tin votes so given, to the end that the same may b< laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen* cv the Governor. And be it farther resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to cause this resolution to be published without de Wedgwood evaporating dishes, Glass Funnils, Graduated Measures, Retorts and Receivers, Teal tubes,Gas Bottles,Thermometers,Hygrometer, mid Plhvimefijr, hibit to yo\t, for inspection, (and'should you think h»y, fo the several Gsacttes of this State, and t.. proper,) upprobatio Tte tiiyen'ed during probation, a model of a machine, W hi during his confinement Iasi autumn, from a-, uncommonly bad fracture of both bones -ofonenf hislegs. You will find, upon examina- •Ron, the machine to be very simple in its struc •fore, easy In in Its motions, add happilv construe •ted to promote the convenience and add to the icomfbrt of those, who, from almost any disease, wife confined tc a sick bed. It was at first intend E -ed for tbe comfort only of the inventor, but since lis recovery, he bas so much improved it, that lie. - . VT . anxious to extend its advantages to others, who | AN AO I ay Irom the Same, Or any other cause, be con-1 rto revive, amend and continue in force an ned to a sick bed, from which the shortest relict I f , ct entitled sn act, to extend the time of ta. is so desirable Any assistance you may aifort. I king out grants on surveys modu on head right a Hr. Jenckes in exhibiting his machine for the ap I -md bounty warrants. continue the said publication once a month, unt 1 the next General Election. Head and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. In the Route of Itefircsentativet, 14th Nov, 1823. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker, Approved, 18tb Nov 1833. G. M. TRPUP. Governor. [by iUTjionriy.] probation of the gentlemen ol the faculty in Bus ton, will much oblige yoar friend, &c. JOHN UACKIE. W». Issnu, M n, Certificate from JsttH C W irrett, .If. D. Botton, Principnt of U t Massachusetts Uotpual. Mr. J. G. Jenckes having requested my opinion Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the State of Georgia, ill General taserobly met, and it in hereby enacted by th mthoriiy ofthe same, That where any person ot persons have heretofore had surveys made -i head rights, bounty warrants and grants therco : have not been obtained,-it shall and may be law «rhu ^Chln* Srra,in»^ ,h. .iA ! M' 1 ' 1 for «ch peraon or persona to apply for an fmm*he<1 C t Hava .-xirr inprVo'”!!! 4 d I obtain such grant or grams, at any time previou » < to.iK?ni I f!lr V *h'in" ’.' Y'." I *° the 25th of October, eighteen hundred an. caieujated for tbe purpose. In order to tent it* jfi.. . .. ._j purpose. ... ipraetieal utility I desired him to convey it to the Massachusetts General Hospital, and have repeat edly enrmVjyed it there,- pnrticulat ly in t* case • i wenty four, on payment of tlie usual fees. Sec. 2 Aiul be it further anacted by the author ity a foretaid, That where any surveys h ve lie v spitals, tients who may be in need, of i» JOHN C. WARREN, Principal Mass. Hospital Bostox, June 16, 1823. 1 hereby certify that I have made use of Mr. I C. Jenckes* new invented machine for raising sons chiming under the original survey shall have b en notified that such re survey is intended to be made, and that in all cases, the person or t«-i> sons claiming under the original survey, shall lie entitled to the preference of making such re am vey, until the expiration of three months from th ime ol such edification; and in the event of liter sick and disabled persons, having been aiU clou I being no claimant residing on or near the land to tWith rheumatism for several years, some time con I be ’ hus re surveyed, such notice shall be perfec • fined to my bed for weeks in succession, und s- I Cl ] by giving three months notice by public ad- great was my pain that 1 could not bear to bi I .-ertisement, at the Court House ot the county . . . ■ *— 1 -* 'where such land may lie, and in one ofthe public touched, have been raised with the above men tioned machine with the utmost ease, t do. there fore recommend it to all persons wno are similarly afflicted. , URIEL REA. PuovinoxcK, July 6, 1823, Certificate from the Phyeit/latie and Surgeone of the w York Hospital. Gazettes of this State, Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it sht It ue tbe duty of all surveyors who shall make tint such re survey, to certify on his return to tlie nut eyor General, that due notice according to th provisions of this act had been giv en, and no grant ibtained on such re survey shall be valid, uni veniion of a machine for raising the sick from their j sut ^ ptrgonB u hail be allowed one year after they heds.unite in recommcndtng^the same as pecu-1 arr j Vt | at the 8 g e 0 f gi years to take out theh liarly useful for the put pose for which it is in'.en dtid. ' DAVID HOSACK, M D. JOHN NELSON, M D. JNO C. CHESSMAN, M D JOHN WATTS, ir. M l). VALENTINE MOTT, M D WRIGHT POST, M D. THOMAS COCK, M D. ALEX. H. STEVENS, M D. New Yon*, July 15,1823. Certificate frith the Hon. Swttueel L. Mitchell, M. 1). LL, J). Since the arrival of Mr. lohn C. Jenckes, inN. York, a few days ago, with ample recommendn tions, 1 have availed myself of opportunities to learn the construction and operation of his inven tion for lifting weak, sick, wounded and disabled persons irom their beds, for the purposes of clean. finess and comfort, and I have become satisfied that the machine is well adapted for the object In writing an opinion concerning it,-I conceive I ought to state, that besides its fitness for its uses, it seems to be economical and durable; thereby being no less serviceable to the infirih ami wuun ed in private houses, than in public hospitals. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. New Yobk, July 16,1823. grants. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of tlie Governor to cause this act te be published in one of the newspapers in Mill- edgeville, Augusta and Savannah, once in each month, until the expiration of the time appointed by the same for taking out grants. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. DAVID ADA US, Speaker of the House of Representatives, THOMAS STOCKS. President of tbe Senate. Assented to, Dec. 2,1823. G. M TROUP, Governor. Cff The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov next, in tbe “Constitutionalist** and “Savannah Republican ” march 10 AUfeD^T G. OKMLER, It his Druggist Store, corner of Jtjf&to'n und St. Julian Sired, I AS received by schooner Tassel, a fires supply of SWAIM’S so much esteemed PANACEA, Vs. also by other late arrivals, a variety of fresh ‘Hides which he ahstuins from mentioning, as suspects the public to possess sagacity enougi gUewij.that CALOMEL, JaLAI*. RHURARr U‘l i CE I H), and all the other delicacie snamr the index ofthe dispensatory may be looked for nd found in Drug Stores—yet a few things not be met with at every one, he offers, viz t A. fcWnm’s V\\uacea. I BOAKD OF HEALTH*. T he subscriber having discovered the com-1 To the Inhabitants of the City of posilldti of SWAIM’S celebrat'd Panacea, 1 S-mrnrnnh has now a supply on hand for sale, It# lias re- TTn „ , ,. ^ _ ■dticed the price front 53 50 to g2 50, or by the V°,V * re > 'equated by Hie B5Ut.11 or- O^zefl S24, ^ V J I tu mlorm Ui»-m through thu rredi* All ohuritshle institutions in the U. States and JV?L| t,ie , ,r ." *r tS Uommittees, the- the poor will be supplied gratia JfcSWSSBf ° noUC ? ,n wr l t "?* '. hr ' u K h Itthe citizens ofthe principal cities and towns, - f will appoint art agent to order and listribute this r ! 1 II2iA e ¥i 0 i‘ t ,l 1 e 'V n ^ » re .K <,r | Ce ^ ,?5** ,^J' 1 ^ b& medicine to the poor, it will be supplied nstdered injurtotts fo the Hessltb tol the tily. This medicine ii<belebrated for the cure of the I . following diseases, “scrofulaor king’s evil, ulcer J .1. Fl-I . 9 : r>-.»i>ard »*f Health,, sled or piltrid sore throat, long standing rheu I .V 'NE >ionlh> atu.r date application .tuber matic directions, cutaneous, diseases, write swel 1 -f- s made to the Honorable the Justices of the In- ling, and disease of the bones, and all case* gen I forior Court ol Chatham County for leave to sell trally of the ulcerous character, and chronic dis ] *R that Lot in Savannah, known by tbe Number* _uses, generally arising in debilitated constitu- I«««» E<lia square, Dicker Ward, with the im«- inns, hut more especially from syphilis, or affec I proviroent- thereon : And ail that Lot in S/van« tions arising therefrom i ulcers in the Dyrnx, "•‘h known by the Number twe nty three, in I.ilv- t>P 6?enuitie Patent family MEDICI nESj Such aei L EES Bdlious Pills Coil’s do do Andeson’sdo do Hooper’s Female Pills Jsntes Anti Dyspeptic Pills ThompSbns Eye Waters Relfs Botanical Drops Do Asthmatic Pills v Essential Oil of Sprues Ualsom Honey Tooth Acbc Drops Jesuit’s do do ' Chut clt’s Cough Drops Amletjsons do do American do do Halm of Quitp v Ghttrchc’s Essence of Mustard Rnwson’s itch Ointment Wheaton’s do do Brundihs* Uhc,matic do Squires’ Grand Elixir Scldtiiz Powders Soda do Otto of Roses, Stc. fie. Can be constantly obtained at the Store, of FRANCIS I LAY, Ctiymist und Druggist, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, may 26 ca 124 Sh .il t Buildingt nodes, &c. And that clrt adflil disease occasioned by a long and excessive use of mercury, fie. It is also uselul in disease ofthe liver.” CERTIFICATES. I have within the last two years had sn oppor tunity of seeing several cases of very inveterate ulcers, which having resisted previously the regu lur modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr Hwuim’s Panacea, and I do believe, from what 1 have seen that it will prove gn importuir remedy in uecofulous, venereal and mercurial dis eases, N. CHAPMAN, M D. Professor ofthe Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Penns) lvabi.<. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in numerous instai ccs, within the lust three years, THE IMPROVED SEIDLITZ POWDERS. 'TV‘K good effects of these powders as a Modi L cine, hus been observed and acknowledge' ..Tty Ward, wi It the Buildings thereon—being the real estate of John Smith deceased, for the* benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator; may 15 114 Ll. pul.sou- irdcbied to the estate of Alex<- itl der Martin, late of Liberty county, deceits* ed, are requested to make immediate pay ment to- the subscribers; and those o whom the said es* late if indebted are required to exhibit their de mands duly nuthetUicaied, to • RICHARD F. BAKER, ^Es'i*.. WILLIAM H. MARTIN, J ’ may 10 4112 and have always found it extremely efficacious! ipUUSONS huvmgdemands against the estate* especially in secondary ayphilis, and merctirisl J _“ u JS la | l **_l ( .te of Chatham Counly* diseases. 1 have no hesitation in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn Sy! vania. Philadelphia, February 17,1823. SUimVtt Vanacea. CERTIFICATES. deceased, will please to have their accounts pro perly at ested, and leave them at the bur of Cob* Jno. Shelman’a Mansion House, Savannah. Those' who are indebted to the estate*, will be called oa> in ten or fifteen days for settlement. DAVID TAYLOR, Jr. Qualified Executor. Bear Waynesboro, May 24, 1824. may 28 jvAlJb I HAVE been labouring under a disesie for; long time, as swelling in the bones, loss of sp- INE mouths alter date application will be' 1 made to the honorable the Inferior Court of’ Chatham County, wfieu sitting for ordinary pur- _ ... P ose *> f° r pertiisssion to sell the following real ,.elite, loss of flesh, and loss of sleep, with severe I °“ ute » f° r t, ‘ e benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of pain. Noticing an advertisement ol Swaim’e Pa I me estate of N. S. Bay ard, deceased, viz: i:acea to be a cure for the above disease, 1 go I One Undivided fourth of a tract ol Land, contain-- some by paying ti e cash for it a I received it, am, I ln 8 *“001 500 acres, on Cumberland’ Island, Cam-- inund a great ben IP by it But having nothing t,ei ! Oounly, known as Plum Orchard—ai.d an un- hut my labour to depend on fora living, and noi I divided fourth ol a certain Tjact of Land situate being able to work for a longtime, got so that 11 0I J *®‘d Islund, containing about 500 acres, origin- itvas not able to pay for it. Some‘-months alter I al v granted to Gen. Lectihind McIntosh, and- this, 1 hearcLof a Mr. Shinn’s having made a Pa | !ii u " dcd on by Hie said Plum Ui chard nacea, stat'd to be the same as \«r Swaim’s. I -applied to him, und state.- my case and circum stances, and found him disposed to benefit me. He gave me the medicine freely, and said 1' miglu ipay for it whenever 1 got able: and I found, by taking the same quantity, as much benefit by it us by Mr. Swaim’a. , | l\j IN E months after date, I shall apply to th® l have given this Certificate for the benefit ol I ll Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court o hers that should stand in need of Bhinn’s Pans-1 .f Chatham County, for leave toseil the.real and Tract, Also a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on the Ugeechee Road, 3'miles from Savannah, con taining ubout 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, Adm’r Est. N. S. Bayard#- nov 10 . 211 y ui) those who have had occasion to use them I a all cases of Heartburn^ Bile, Nausea and other oiseases of, the Stomach, which.are so very pre ..lent in warm climates—-they can be used ut'any mu- with much acLaiT Jge. As they form a pies •mt effervescent draught, they may be said to be m ugreeable beverage free from luste and highly impregnated with fixed air, and possessing all tt>e Medicinal qualities ofthe much esteemed Seidlu Waters. The Season is fast approaching, when these powders will be indem ind, and to get them pure is very desirable. Many persons nave been de ceived in their operation, by having^ purchase.’ them in Drug Stores, the proprietors of which paid but tittle or no regard in selecting the bes 1 kind, consequently their beneficsl qualities were ievi r realized But this difficulty mav now be obviated,—i lie sub-criber has endeavored'for the v. o or three lust seasons to procure them Gemdne :id has been successful. These Powders are neatly put up in Tin Boxes, >>y which means their Medicinal properties wil. ;i‘t:main unimpaired by the influence of time am- climate. A fresh supply of the above Genuine article itas just been received, which together with a very general assortment of Family Medicines will be kept constantly on baud. - FRANCIS I. LAY, Chemist U Druggist. Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets Shad's Buildings. npriP,29 100 m* c a, and consider it a very valuable medicate. P. STKTLKH, Duke street, Near Front, Northern Liberties. Philadelphia, April 20,1824. pHiLAnsLruu, April21, 1824 I Certify that I have beta for many years affix, ted with rheumatism. Above five years ago, I personal property of Lachltind Hamiltion M‘ln • {.’oah, deceased, for the benefit ofthe heirs. BUSAN A. G M‘|NTOSH, Adnfx, march 9 INE months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior f.ourt of Ury- vus attended by a respectab city,who put me under a course »f mercury.- Since which time 1 have been worse; my disordet having been accompanied by severe pains throng!, ity whole system —-—And last winter my riglt. ieg was much s a died, and ao much contract*.!, that 1 could scarcely put my toes to the ground and was obliged to walk with a crutch- In Feb last I bought some of I. Shinn’s Panacea, and uftci taking three bottles, find that l am free from pain and that my leg is restored to its natural use. 1 urn induced to make this public for tbe bene fit of the afflicted. CHARLES BARIAS,' UBhl.i&J'Irtfil |‘ l " County, for leave to sell all the real Estate of . ei "■ th N mh McKindlt-y, late of BVyah county dec. fox benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JAMES HUTBER, adm’qr. auril 9 4o 77 PtlILAI)KLPIltA. This will certify, that my son, John Humes, aged 40 years, was confined last wmter in the Alms house of this city, with rheumatism in hi. houUer and arms. I applied to J. Shinn for som< »f his panacea, and obtained one hot' le, which entirely removed his complaint. He was remov ed to the country, otherwise he would have sign- L tonal property of William L Baker, dec. for the ed this certificate. | nehefil of the heirs and creditors For Sale, > INE Lota situate on tlie South Common, as a part of Garden lot No 7, designated by mi in , 1, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 10, 15 and 24. Iso, an undivided third of lot No 17,Y»maerau-, The subscriber has been appoint ed Agent of Mr, John C. Jenckes, for the dispo sal ot the above mentioned Alleviators, and has now on hand one as a sample which pan be seen by applying at* his Store, Sellicks Buildings, neat Market Square. Orders for them will be prompt ly attended to. EBENEZ&R JENCKES. june 2 130 t00 Dollars Reward. R ANAWAY from the aubt-cnocr, in Columbia County, near liaysvltle, on Little River, my negro man phlll, or Phillip, on l|ie22d Decembei 1821. “bill is about five wet eight or miielni hcs high, twenty five years old, dark complection, hers, Also, , v .. . fronting west on Fuhm St. opposite the restdenc* »f Joseph Stiles, Esq, Also, all the interest ttfisaac La Roche in a cer tain lot of land, situafed on theTliunderbolt Roan 'l'he above property ii offered for sale by vlr- ftue of an assignment made by Isaac La Roche for • he benefit of all his creditors. If not sold before Vtlte first Tuesday in May next, it will then be of red at public auction at the Court House in Sa vannah. fr particulars apply to • D. I UJNI/Lj Agent for the assignees of 1 La Roche, april 20 92 Chatham Superior Court, Mat TniiM, 18 4. G ' EORGE JOHNS! ON and others, complain ants vs Peter Vanbuigh Livingston and oil. feP 1 ? ““•» —- v - r —| vn defendants, in equity in the Superior Cour , thick lips, snows hts teeth very plainly, when ht | rh ’ u.Uj countv Mav term. 1824. laughs; bends back in hjs knees; is “tolerable lotheDoun by affidavit that Pete; jgood blacksmith. ’ * ».n ! Vaiiburgh"Liwngston and Harriet' E. Livingstoi, Also, my negro man ! wlu , are parties Sefendant reside beyond the slut, himself Peter Bank*, on thejJ4th December, l*Jlr| of ee0l .gh,, an( i witlttn the United States on m< - Who is about thirty years of age, yellow compU c tion, abimt five feet nine or ten inches high, wilt p scar t& the left cheek, occasioned by the cut of a knife, Which shows very plainly. Peter- is- tolerable Shoemaker, a handy rough plantation Carpenter. 1 have good reasons to believe, they have obtained two free passes each; tbev have one, to work by the month, until they have gi t money sufficient, and.tiien they are to make use ui the other: 1 believe they made for Buvuimnlt * The above reward will be given for the appre hension and delivery of the said negroes to tin .subscriber, or for lodging them in any safe Jail, st .that 1 get them again, or fifty dollars for either ci 'them. WILLIAM MURRAY. tnuy 26 , if 124 , . J |jg tion ot complainants solicitor, it is ordered tha Hie said defendant do respectively appear am ■inswer the complainants bill within lour montlt the date of this rule. And it ia further order. ■ ihat this rule be, published once a week durini four motiftw from this date in one of the publn. Gazettes of.tHis State Extracts frebi the Minuted, A. B f A.NN1N, Clerk. une 8 134 the Ihstrict Court, r mt Usjtsd Status, in ani* foutuk DisVaioi o j GsonoiA. May Term,-1824 Valuable Medicine. aNTI DYSPEP’1 1C pills, Prepared by Henry .lames. /\ N approved remedy fur Dyspepsia, or Indig estion, Habituul CostiveUess, and Piles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of tin most frequent and formidable diseases Of our coun try. Its commencement is indicated in difi'erem patient^ by various symptoms, ol winch the mos remarkable are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate costive ness, liesduch, commonly called nervous or sic» heudach, yellowness ofthe eyes and skin, acidhy of stomach after eating, often called heart buri, flatulence or wind on.the stomach, bitter taate in tlie mouth in the morning, foetid breath, drowsi- iess after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciution, cpressiou of spirits, Sic. Piles being conhected With indigestion and cos. livencs-, are certainly and speedily removed by the pills. Persons affleted with any of the above symp toms, arc assured that the Anti-Dyspeptic Pills- are a reme ly well worth their attention, and etili tied tn tlieir entire confidence. A supply ofthe above' valuable Medicine bas just been received from the Patentee, andtatVbe obtained of tiie subscriber, who hus been appoiii' ted agent for the State of Georgia. . 'MS FRANCIS I, I.AY, Druggist and Chemist, Shad’s, april 24 ca94 Savannah. - HONEY, TUST received per the slfip Louisa Matilda; fo- if sale by the gallon by r nerks office on or before the second I uesdtty .> s ofww>»**^<rsarjst,afe FRANCIS I, LAV, Druggist, Shad’s Bujklings. 021 m gieeubly to aiim’inons It is ordefed that they i nted according o law unless they do file in th . n. . r ■ « Ro L-oAiiitri ’I'liAerliiu June 10 ol34 James' Anti-Dispeptic Pills. T is several years since tlie proprietor begun to vend ibis medicine, now in sucb general use ,i its exhibition; and tbe accompany ing dietetic i.rections.ali tlie disorders ol the digestive organs v considered in u new and original light, and for ridcnce of the success of this novel prescrip ton ■ e can appeal with confidence to the experience f thousands. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, P tes, 'eartburn or Ciirdialgia, Uholic, &c. us .Well ss foe more transient but distressing symptoms of t,.'digestion, are singularly controlled by this mild •f nd efficacious remedy. Tlie piilsare small, taste- css, and never produce the debilitating and pain . efi'ects of full doses of medicine. They may taken by persons in all situations, no restraint .-mg necessary except u slight regulation of the kg t. Particular directions are given in the print- w .. bills. Prepared by HENRY JAMES, No. 82J Pearl eet, and'for sale by J. &. T. L. Clark & Bon, No, 3 MWiden LUiie, and by Place Si Sonillard, near .e New York Theatre, and by v . FRANCIS 1. LAY, Corner ot Congress and Whitaker-Suvets, Savamiuh, Gu may 20. c a 118^ | virtue ofanoruer of the Hon, Con of Ordi- dinary. of Liberty Rotinty, will be the 1.1 own of Sunbury, on the first Tuesday in August •text, three fourths ol tlie right which the estate of Mercy Brown, deceased has to a certain negro [ woinun slave named Cussandra. JOHN C, BROUGHTON, Executor. may 26 24 _____ of Johnna- decease payment and tb<»9 '■at have any accounts, to present them to. HEZEKIAH EVANS. Ydm’r, .ES BA III AS,* I LL persons indebted tott)|c estate of J Mall alleyi'Philad. I Marcy. Moore, of Effingham County iia, April 17,1824. f d to come forward and make payment an< ..lyfo NE iiidiilus .f>er date, Vshull apply to the lion, the Justices of the Inferior CoUr «f iberty county, for leave to sell the real and per* her ANN C. 'A HUMES, murk. Philadelphia Almshouse. ■ PiuiADEirutA, March iOth, 1824. 1 certify, for the beiu fit of the afflicted, that I have been, for seven yeera last past, afflicted wit! the live* complaint,during which time 1 have been attended by several physicians, but received n- permanent benefit. Hearing of Mr .-wairo’s Pi. i uicea, I applied to him for some of it; being pom and unable to pay for it at the time, could not ob tuin any. 1 nex' applied to J. Shinn, nd receiv ed some of hi" Panacea, which greatly benefittC' me. The pain and sorenes 1 - of my aide was re. moved, and 1 was again able to work at my trade. CHARI ES BOM MAN, German street, South walk This is to certify, that my apprentice boy, J. Morrison, aged 18 year*, has been several years •'fflicted with tbe King’s evil, attended with a extensive ulceration over the body, with acui. pain. In January last, l heard ol J. Shinn's Pans cea, and obtained for him three bottles, which ef fectedfon entire and complete cure, and he is now in good health, and able to work'at I is trade. ALMC'R RANKEN, Front.St. above Poplar lane, This is to certify, that on the 16th of April, th' above named John Morrison appeared before me, and on examination, do believe the facts, as stated in the above Certificate, are just and true. H.J’RGBASCO, Justice of the Peace, ■ r A Pl.;io,l»lr0.1h april 7 THos. b Baker. 89 .Idm’or \ 1NE months after date, application wil be made-to the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell all the real property be longing to the estate of tbe isle Rev Jno. Beck, tec. lying in said county, for the benefit of the tieirs and creditors april 16 88 ANN BECK, Arim’x. G EORGIA—Chatham County. By the Hon. the Justices ofthe Inferior Court, sitting for -i dinary purposes. Tn aR whom it may doncern— Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Wm, j i. Kelley, late ol Savannah, merchant, dec. has -petitioned to the honorable the court of Ordinary :<• be discharged froift his said administration These are therefore' to cite and admonish all und singular the kindred and creditors of the aid deceased, to file their objections (ifany they Have) in the clerk’s office of the said court, on or before the 8th day of December next; otherwise tetters dismissory will be granted to the petition- witness the honorable John P. Williamson, one of the l ustices of the said court, this Bth day o June, A D. 1823. S U BOND, c e o. jnne 8•' %t) -.A. Philadelphia county. I certify thatl have been afflicted with rheums Brought to Jail, > N Savannah, un't in- 4th inst a negro man who '. sayshis name is Jack, and that he belongs to> ol, McPherson of 8uuth Carolina, and that he runaway about 14 months ago. He is 6 feet high tism in my shoulder lor three years, from which 1 j and about 30 years of age. 1 I* J L.. »..u‘ knttUn n i‘ I 1 Tl nave been relieved by taking a few bottles of J Shinn’* Panacea. JAMES DOUGLAS, ot the Moyamensing Poor bouse, —— J UST received per Ship Florida the celebrated Panacea prepared by John Shinn C hemist Philadelphia, who has appointed the Subscriber Agent for Savannah and its vicinity. Tlip Pana cea will be sold at the reduced price ol g2 50 cts per bottle, nr 524 per duzen. WM. C. CUTHBERT. Agent, may 26 t—3mil21 june 12 JOHN I. DEWS, a co. 136 Brought to Jail, NOTILR. (VJ-INE months aturihe date liere <f, application lx will be mad. to the.Interior Court when ai ling for ordinary .purpoaeV'or leave to sell all that lot or part of ground in the District ol White- Bluff, county oFuhatham, containing Fifty acres, more or less, bounded no*!.wurdly and eastward- iy by lands, late John Poulletis, and southwardly ‘ly laiidH of ' Villtams, belonging to the estate gi James Boyd, ami. to he sold for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of sal: estate. .$>* ELl^AJBSi'fl UVjlD. Adm’rgt. oaf 26 3 N Savannah, on toe 10th mst. a negro man who says his name is Chesty, and that he belongs ;u ol. McPherson, of South Carolina, an ’ tliRt he r.-nau ay about the 1st mat. He is 5 feet 6j inches high, and about 40 years of age. JOHN I. DEWF, joc. jiine 12 136* Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, on the luthmst a negro man who £ says his name is Ben and that tlie belongs to Jumea Primrose, of Aug'-sta, Georgia, and that lie ranawuy about 17 months ago—He is five feet 9 inches lugh, JOHN I DEWS, j c c. june 12 136 Brought to Jail, •Tf-N Savannah,,on U.t 10th mst. 4 negro matt who i£s..ys his rtiiine is Elijah, and that lie belongs to Anson Bugg of Augusta Georgia, and that lie rana. ■ ay abeui the 1st if May last, he is 5 feet 5j mqhek high tiud anout 37 fears of age.