Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 17, 1824, Image 1

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No 13S...;.VoI. ; XXiL : - 1 ■I <A£a THURSDAY EVEXRVG, JCAE 17,1624. ■-.■tm- — —— rr, m^taamBt^:^n-n^ima*v^mtmBrrr,’,xtr^Twjn.r’.mn‘:ae3tsrry9'x!iv*i» V’ { Whole No* -1458. ■Mai JEKCKRS 1 ]IIjLEVi&TttR. ,f*V6 M'ALlHNk was,invented by Ibe subscrif v ber,jn the summer of tile year 1823, whilst ooijine'i to his bod,with a leg shattered and frac tufeii, and bks subsequl;f»ly b< vatu u»efiilne een introduced into ami’ private families, Vheie its has been ‘■.fficie’ntly attested, ns will apnear by the subjoined certificates, signed by tndtlicai and scientific mcti of,the first’respectabili ty.' ' The proprietor his had it in successful oper athuf jn various cases of diseases &c. such as tracr- tuAed hips, thighs, legs, ioflathniatoiy rheums tismiTand’ fevers. Its importance to society can too highly appreciated, when it is r- mem bertd, that by (he use of the Alleviatortlte bed of sickness and dismiss, is‘divested of many of its W rt» i. (oiu muse hotlrs of pain and wretchedness, which are. the HarbUigerS of .approaching dissolu (ion, are rendered more tolerable, ifv.ot entirely dlVesttd of those tortures.' The?invfihibr, has ob tained a patent for the machine; arfd’tfnsy afe how offered for sal# to a luirtane' and discriminating on liberal and 4Ccbtrtmi>datirig.terms. , _ ... JOHNC- JENCKES. PjjfoVANidS; Pel '3,1823. tffji btterfrw •4J5,-.*J^o Ataifeje'to Hit flagalle, M.1) Pi'i/essorof Su'gery,^c 'Htsion.' m Puovibkxck, May 31, 1823, Dear Sir—Permit me to introduce to your at tention Mr. John C. Jenckes, an ingenious and respectable mechanifck of this town, who will ex hibit to you, for inspection, (and should yoi| think 1 proper,) approbation, a model of 9 machine, which he invented during his confinement last autumn, faun an uncommonly bad fracture of , both bones of one of hi* legs. Yot* will fii)d, upon examina tion, the machine to be very simple in its struc ture, easy in in its motions; and happilv construc ted to promote the convenience ana, add to the Comfort of those, who, from almost any r disease, arc confined to a sick bed. It was at firs): ihtend- ed for the comfort only of the inventor, but since his recovery; he ba9 so much improved it, that be is anxious to extepd its advantages to others, who may from the same, or any other cause, be con fined to» sick bed, from Which'the shortest relief is to desirable Any assistance you may afford Mr. Jenckes in 'exhibiting his machine for the ap probation of the gentlemen of .the faculty in Bos ton, will much oblige your friend, &c. JOHN llACRlE. IVji. Isaxiin, M D. Certificate from John C Wirren. At. D. Bouton, Principal of tl e Massachusetts Hospital, Mr.; J. C. Jenckes having requested my opinion of his machine for raising the sick and Wounded from bed, I have examined it an1 found it, well calculated for the purpose. In order to test its practical Utility I desired him to convey it to the Sliisachusettif General Hospital, and have repeat etlly employed it there; particularly in.# case of Executive Department f Geo M1IX Kl)GF.Vlt.I.E, 21st Nov 1823 jS\ RDERED, That tlx subjoined Resolution be published once a month, in eicb of the' Gri- zete-ofthis State, until the next General Kler tion; Atteit, rt. ELISHA WOOD, tSscVy. IN SENATE, 12th Npv. 1823. Whkheas it is de-irabUx •<> aanMairt. Ifio wish esof the citizens of this state, as to the mode of choosing Electors of President and Vice Preln dent ol ilip United Slates ; Be it there fire resolved tiy the Senate ami House of Representative* of the State of (teo<gia»r Vfcne ral Assembly met, Tllut it shall be the dutv of the Magistrates who shall preside at the several Elec tions to be held in the different counties of this State for the choice of members of the 1 Lcgi-la. turc, at the neat General Election then-in, to propose to. each and'every voter pt thp time of Swaim's Panacea, j have BEEN appointed Agent by Dr. W, Swaim-tosell his so much celebrated Medi cine, at this place. A'quantity has been receiv. from Philadelphia, and will be i. Vauacca. ed by t e Georgia _ sold by the box of bottle, at my Drug Store, cor. nor ofJeffersott and St. Julian Streets. AUGUST G OEMLER. march 10 ■ 57 AUGUST* G. K> quest alicfi^vctfer‘toalgiilfj - such desire - by 'eft- dorsing on his ticket; the' word People ar Legista. turr.. according to the truth of the fact; and oft counting out the ballots, to annex, to the return of the said election by them so transmitted Id the Executive Department; a trhe statement of tije votes so given, to the entf that the kurte may be laid before the next Legislature by his Excellent cy the Governor. And be Itftiriher resolved. 'That nis Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to cause Jhia resolution to be published without de lay,in .{the several tiasettea of this. State, .and to continue the saidpublication once a month, unt>- the next Gencnil'Electfon. •'* Read and agifefed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS,' President. In the'-Home 'of Representative*, 14th Nov. 1823'. 1 Read and concurred in, ; DAVID ADAMS, Speaker, Approved, 18tli Nov. 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. [jn v AN ACT rpp revive, amend and continue in force an ^JL- act entitled an act, to extend the time of ta .. I very heatilly lit for the Use of hospitals, and for ail*private pa rents who may bh in need of it. JOHN C. WARREN, Principal Mass. Hospital, BoVrbx, .tunc 10, 1823. I hereby* certify that I have made use of Mr! J. lO.‘Jenckes’ new invented machine for raising (sick and disabled persons, having been afflicted 1 wijh rheumatism for several years, some time Con* (fined to my bed'for weeks in succession;. and>so [great was my pain that 1 could not bear to be [touched, have been raised with the above men- [ tinned machine with the utmost ease, I do there- I fare rcc. -amend it to all persons Who uve similarly ] afflicted.. URIEL REA. PitovitnmcE, July 6,1823; king (migrants on surveys mfcd* on Head rights and bonhty warrants.. • . Be<'lt ensCtpd by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it; is hereby enacted by the authority of the same; That where any person or persons have heretofore liud surveys made on head rights, bounty warrants and grants thereon have not beep obtained, it shall and may be law- fut for such person or persons to apply for and obtain such grant or grapts, at any time previous to the 25th of'October, eighteen hundred uhd twentyTour, on payment of the ubhuI fees. Sec.' 2 And be it further anaeted by'tl.e author ity aforesaid, That wllfere any surveys h»ve here tofore been made on head rights or bounty WBr. rants, and grants thereon haye not been obtained, such land shall not be subject t6 a its survey until three months from and aftc-ir the'person or per sons claiming under the original survey shnll have been notified that such /te survey ia intended to be made, and that in all cases, the person or per sons claiming under the original survey, shall be entitled to the prelercnce'of making such re sur vey, Until the expiration Of three months from the ‘ - - ,fl ‘ “ • - - [ Certificate from the Physicians and Surgeons of ) 1 the Neru) fork 'Hospital. The undersigned Phy8 : cians and Surgeons pf ■ ’■ I, having, examined and. Ithe Nfew York Hospilnl. (witnessed the application of Mr Jenckes’ new in- vem ion of a machine for raising the sick tram their beds, unite in recommending the same as pecq- liuriy useful for the put pose for which it is iiuen- ied. DAVID H08.ACK, M D. JOHN NELSON; M D. JNO C CHESSMAN, M D. JOHN WATTS, jr. M D. VALENTINE MQTT, M D. WRIGHT TOST, M D.. THOMAS COCK, M D. ALEX. H. STEVENS, M D. Nkw Yomc, July 15,1823. , I Certificate from the Hon. Samueel L. Mitchell, 1 At. U. LL. JJr 1 Since tbearrival df Mr. John C. Jenckes, in N. fork, a few days ago, with ample recommenda tions, l have availed myself of opportunities to [earn the construction and operation of his inven tion tor lifting weak,'sick, wounded and disabled persons from their beds, for the purposes of dean. JtlSess and comfort; and I hire become satisfied, [hat the machine is well adapted for the object. In writing an opinion concerning it, I conceive [ ought to state, that besides its fitness for its uses, It seems to be economical and durable! thereby indtig no less serviceable to the infihn’and woun- tdin private houses, than in public hospitals. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. Nv.w Yojik, July 16,1823. Tlie subscriber has-been appoifit- Agent of Mr. John C. Jenckes, for the dispO si of the above mentioned Alleviators, and has pw bn hand pne as a sample which can be seen by jiplying at his Store, Sellicks Buildings, near Inrket Square. Orders for them will be prompt attended to. EBENEZER JENCKES. 2 130 100 Dollars Reward. 1ANAW AY froth the'subscriber, in Columbia i. County, near ltaysvllle, pn Little Uiver, my pegrb man thill, nr Phillip, on the22d December 1821. Phill is about five met eight or njne iriohes ligh, twenty fiVe yeara olU, dartc cgmpfflctidn, pick lips, shows his teeth very plainly,^when; he ughs; bends back in his knees.; is a tolerable pod blacksmith. * I Also, Si Aegro nwn Peter; who sometimes calls imself Peter Bark's, on the 24th December, l€21s >ho is about thirty years of age, yellow comph e- tion, about five feet njne or ten niches high, with At hit Druggist Store, corner of Jefferson and St. Julian Street, ’■ J JAS received by schooner Tassel, a fresh supply of RWAlM’fl so .much esteemed PAJTJHJEAt As also by other late arrivals,,* variety of fresh aniclis which he abstains from mentioning, as " 1 RM urevurei ucncRiK.-fiinnicu in the index ot the dispensatory (pay be looked for and found in Drug stores—yet: a faw things not to be. met' with at every one, he tilthrs, vix s Phospliorus, Chloratp of Potass; Pyroligneous Acid, BlaCk Drop, lames fevdr Powders, Rends 8ti|>tii, Spirits of Soitp, Fumigating Pastills, Wedge wood evaporating dishef; Glass Funnils, Graduated Measures,-Retorts, and Receivers, Test Pubes, Gas Bottles, Thermometers, Hygrometer, and Pfuvir-cter, mStlub, 64 . . Genuine Patent Family MEDICINES-. - Such <u * L -'EF.S Billions Pills I-Cult’s do do . Amleson’sdo do Hunper’a Female Pill*. James Anti Dyspeptic Pills Thompsons Eye.Witcra Re I fa Botanical Drops Do Asthmatic Pills Essential .Oil of Spruce Balsom Honey Tooth Achtt Urops Jesuit’a do do - Cliui cli’s Couglr Drops . Anderhons do du 'American do do * i ofMustard n'nfrpent' ' . Wheaton’s do do 1 . Brahdirtsf Rhcuinfitm dir Squires’ Grand Elixir^ Seidlits Powders Soda do Otto bf-Rokbs, lie. &c. v Cun be constantly obtained-at the Store of FUANC18 I. LAY, Cfiymist and Druggist, Corner of Congrett ana IVhitaker Streets, t*>26 ca 124 Sh.d’t Suit dim may as* THE IMPROVED . miphl'VtoPt) tf/DERS. T V. goodtll'eciK ofthese powders as u Medt cine, has been observed and acknowledged t}me ot such rotifleation-, and in the event of (here being no claimant residing on or near t he lamj to be 'hus re surveyed, such notice shall be perfect ed by giving three montKs notice by publio ad vertisement, at the Court‘House of tile colinty where such land may lie, and in one of the public Gascttes of this State. ' Sec.- 3. And be it hirthevenacted, That it shall be the duty of all surveyors who shall make any such re survey, to certify on his return to the sur veyor General, that due notice according to the provisions of this act had been given, and no grant obtained on such re survey shall be valid, unless accompanied with such certificate s Provjded, nothing in this am shall affect the rights of orphans or persons under the age of 21 years, and that all such, person* shall b< qllowed one year after they arrive at the age 6f 21 years to take out their grants. Sec. 4 And be it further enacted; That it shall bp the duty of the Governor to cause this act to be published in one of the newspapers in Mill- edge* life, Augusta and Savannah, once in each month, until the expiVatibu of the time appointed by the same’for taking-oytgrants. I>y all those who have Imd occasion to use them In a|l cases of Heartburn, Bile, Nausea and other diseases of thc.Stbmach, which ttre so very ore valent in warm'Climates—they can be'used at any time' with much artvant ige. As they form a pies- ant effervescent draught, they may be said to be an agreeable bevel-age. free- frtfm taste nnd-highly impregnated with fixed air, and possessing all the, Medicinal qualities ol the much esteemed Seidlltz Waters. The Season is fast approaching, when these powder* will be in dcihind; and tv get them -pure 19 very desirable- Many persons -have been de ceived in their operation, by having purch ‘ 1 them in Drug Stores, the proprietors of w ._ paid but little pr no regard in selecting- the best kind, consequehtly thejr benelictd qualities were never realized. Hut this difficulty mav now be obviated,—• he subscriber has endeavored for the two or three last seasons to procure them Genuine and lias been successful. These '‘oWilers lire neatly put up In Tin Boxes, by which means their Medicinal properties will remain unimpaired by the infiudhee of time, and climate. .« A fresh supply of the above Genuine article has just been received, which together with * ... Ll . a« ...! Sec. 5. Afitf-beit timber enacted, ThsUlilaws J very general assortment of Family Medicines will and parts of laws militating against this act be be kept constahl ly_on hand, and the’ same are hereby repealed. DAVlt) ADAMS, Speaker of the House bt’ Ueprefeentaiives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 2,1823. G, M TROUP, Governor. (£/■ The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov next, in 'tiie “Constitutionaliai’’ anil “SaVannah Hepdblicun ” march 10 ^ t ' For Sale, .rVrlNELots situate on the Soqth Common, bsh -Jw part of Garden' lot No 7, : designated by num bers; 1, 3, 4, 5,- 6,i 7; 10,-15 and-24. Also, an Undivided third of tot No 17,Yamacrnw fronting west on JFahm St, opposite the resilience of Joseph Stiles, Esq,. Also, all the interest of Isaac La Ruche in a cer tain lot of land» situated on theThunderbolt Road, The above pfoperty is offered for sale by vir- ftue of an assignment made by Isaac La Roche for the benefit of all his creditors/ If not sold before Ttbe first Tuesday' in May ne*t, it will 1 hen be of eredat public auction at the Court House in Sa vannah. Fr particulars' apply to 1 D. PONCE, Agetft for the assigpeos of t La ltoohe* april 20 92 , Chtithcfth Superior, Courts Max Tk«1i, l8 '4. /"t EORGK JOhNSToN aud others, compi“t n - AX ants vs,Peter Vanbuigh I.ivingston and oth ersi defendarftk,-in etjuliy in the' Superior Court, ChatUamCcunty, May'term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by affldavit that Peter Vanburgh Livings'op and Harriet E. Livingston, who are partita defendant reside beyond the state (scar on the leftphdek, occasions id by th e’cuV; utv-™, — ,rfn — . . . hsaM xssHPsesssm jtfao scffl olerable Shoemaker, a handy rough plantation Carpenter. I have good reasons to believe, they [aveobtained two freq passes each; they have Tie, to work by the mouth, until they have got honey sufficient, anil-then they are to make usd ot he othhr: l Believe tli^y' made for Savannah, file aboye reward will be, given for the appre- |cn8ion imet delivery of the said negroes to the rabscriber, or for lodging then; in any safe Jail, so lat l get them again; or fifty dollars for either of sem. may 26 T.fl‘24 WILLIAM MURRAY. HOJJ'KY, [UST received per the ship Louisa Matilda;'for sale by the gallon by FRANCIS I. LAY, Druggist, Shad’s Buildings, is parties (jfflen&niff reside beyi of Georgia, ami within the- United States on mo- tion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that tthe sfljd defendant do respectively appear ami ; tl\e date of t||D rule. And it is further ordered 1 fiat‘this rule be ptiblAh'ed ortCd a wetk during foqr. months frum this date in one of the public Gazettes of-this,State Extracts fi-jm the Minutes, A, B .FANNIN, Clerk. n .inne'8 _ ; , -j;■ i k ’'. ‘ „ In the Dietii&t L'oui ty YfOHN H, Bruen, Jplin Miller, Peter U'tns, Mat <2/ thew Eigle, Mark Hoag, and Shmuei J- Bry- ah, having failed to attend thesai 1 Court as Jurors agreeably to summons It ns ordered.that they be ■fined aci’ercling to law unlcsH jtbey do file in. (lift Clerks office on or before the second Tuesday in August hcxl sufficient excuses on oath. f GEO. GLEN, Clerk. rc"? 30 - FRANCIS I. LAY, Chemist (J Druggist, Corner of Congress and-AVhitalier Streets • Shad's Buildings, arrrl*29 100 ma Valuable Medicine, 4 ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. X N approved remedy far Dyspepsia, or Indig & estum, Habitual Costiveness, and Piles, it is well anown that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our coun try. Its commencement is indicated in/difierent patients by various symptoms, of which the most remarkable are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate costive ness, hea'dach, commonly called nervous or sick headaoli, yellowness of the eyes and akin,’ acidity S fstomach after eating, oiler, called heart burn, utulence of 1 wind'on the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth in Ahe morning,itihlid breath, drowsi- nesSafterdinner,'debility, lute.itude, emaciation, depression of spirits, &c. Piles biiug cimni cted with indigestion hnd cos- tivcncs'-, are cerijtinly.and speedily removed by the pills. '• ' ’ . . , ‘ Persons sffleted with any of the above symp- tomb, tire assured that the Anti-Dyspeptic Pills areai’remedy well worth their-attention,tand enti tled to their entire confidence. A supply of the above valuable. Medicine has just been received from the Patentee, and can be obtained of the subscriber, who has been appoin* ted agent for the State of Georgia. FRAMES 1. LAY, Druggist and Chemist, Shad’s Buildings, april 24 ca94 . Savannah. T HE subscriber having discovtred the com position pf SWAIM’S celebrat**^ Panacea, has now a supply'on hand for sale; lie has re duped the price from $3 50 to g2 50, or by the dozen J24.- • vt - All charitable institutions in the U. States and the poor will be supplied gratis. If the-citizenB of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine to thu poor, it will be stipphed This medicine is celebrated for ihe cure of the following diseases, “scroftiin or kingbr evil; ulcer ated or putrid sore thrust,- Ipng standing then matic .(flections, cutaneous, diseases, wnife swel ling, and disease of the bones* and all cases gen. erayy of the nlcerouB -character, and ol ironic dis eases, generally arising in debilitated 4obatitu- tions, but mqre especially from syphilis, or affect tions arising therefrom ;b ulcers in -the Inyrnfx, nodes, he. And that dn ndful disease occasioned- by a long and excessive use of mercury. Sic, It is also uaelul in disease of the liVcr,R " CERTIFICATES. I have within the last tfVe years'had an oppor tunity bfseeiPg several cases df very inveterate ulcers, which having resisted previously the regu lar modes of treatment, were helled by the use of Mr. Swuim’s Panacea, and 1 do believe, from what I have seen that it will prove ap important remedy in scrofulous, venereal and merfcurisfdi*. eases, - N. CHAPMAN, M.D>\ Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Petinsylvahia. I have employed (he Panacea of Mr. Swalm in numeroas instances, within this last three years, and have always found-it extremely efficacious, especially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial 1 diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it * mediclneofinestimable value.'- « ' W. GIBSON, M.D. Professor of Shrgery in the University of Penn sylvania. Philadelphia, Ftbruary-17,1823; BOARD OF HKALTH. To the Inhabitants of the City of Savannah. * ' Y OU are earnestly requested by the B Ann ol> IIk,-lth, to,inform them through the niedl* urn of their Chairman, Ward Comniitiees, the City Murstiujl, or i>y notice in writing, iln-inigh the Post Office, of any nuisance which e*lsl-, or ofapy (fepovites in stores or cellars, that may. be considered 1 injurious to the health of the city. JOHN,SIIF.I LMAN, Chairman, k V g. I I I-F I', S- r Board of Health, > K>rx .viontlis ul>(.-r (lu,c u|i|)iic;.Uon v tit-be made to’tlie Ilotmrahle the Justices nl ihe In ferior Court of Clmthum County lor lejve to sell flll that Lht in .Savannah known by the Number one, Ellis, square. Dicker Ward, with tlie im provement- thereon : And nil.that Savan nah known by the Number twenty three, in Lib erty Ward, wi hj the Buildings ’tUereop—being tlte real- state of Jdhh Smith deceased,'for UtQ benefit nl the heirs. - - FREDERICK Hf.UB, «... > Administrator; may 15 ' 1tl4^ 14- person* itVt^bied to Uie e»n.u;'ol -AleJi- a Id. pctsoii* liiiteUtcil to (tie eatuot! ol <t\iek» dtU; de’r Martin, late of Liberty coviniy, decras- ,ed, are requested to make immediate pay ment to the subscribers t and those o whom i He said es tate is indebted are required to exhibit llteir de. mandsduly authenticated, to ■ «?§££». }«*■ may 10 ^112 ShkuvV Panacea, t E^Tl^IC AT£ S.., { *,HAVR been..labouring under a disease fbra long lime, as swelling in the bones, loss of ap petite, loss of flesh, and loss Of sleep, with severe pain. Noticing an advertisement of Svmim’t Pa nacca to be a cure' for the above disease, I got some by paying the cash for it a-1 received it, ami found a great ben fit by it. But having nothing bu» my fftbeiir to depend on fora living, und not- bping able to woWtfor a longtime, got so that I was i\pt able to pay for it. . dome months aller this, I heard of a Mr. Shinn’s having made a Pa.. mtcWi, stand to be the same aa Mr Swhim’s. 1 applied to him, and'statet^my case and circum stances, and found him disposed to benefir me. lie gave me the medicine freely, and said L-might pay- fdr h whenever I got able i and 1 found, bj taking the same quantity, as much benefit by i as by Mr Swuim’s. , j* ’1 have given this Certificate for-the benefit of o' hers that ahoijjd stand in, need of Shlhn’s P«na c- a, und consider it a very valuable medicine. Lg .. f P. STKTLER, Duke.street, Wear Frfcnt, Northern Liberties. Philadelphia, April 20,1824. PgiLADELruiA, April 2ll 1824 1 Certify tbtft 1 Have been for many years affl.lj- ted with rheumatism. Above five years ago; I w:« aftjepded by a .respectably' Physician of this citjhwr Since ;it)i,\v,p»put(ne under a-courseuf ■■ Since which tun® 1 have been worstp j ,mv disortier ijfyinVbseq aceddtpjinied by severe puuftlh'rougli ify .whole system --■■■-A ml lust winter my right leg was much swelled; and so much- contracted, that I couht scarcely put pij'toesto the ground, vpd was pbjiged to walk with a crutch- Im Feb. fast. I biaigtn some of .1. Shinn’s Panacea, and afber taking thrce'bottles, find that I am free frotn pain, and that my leg is restored lo iti iiaiurai use.' l am indueea to make this public for the bene- fit: of the afflicted 1 . charlesxaihas, ’ Malt alley, Philad. PmuniuraiA,. April 17,1824, This will certify, that my son, Joho Humes, aged 40 years, was confined last winter in the Alms house of this city, with rheumatism in his shoulder and arms. I applied to J. Shinn for some of his Panaceip and obtained one bottle, which entirely-removed his complaint, . He w»s remov ed to the country; otherwise he would,h.ave sign ed this certificate. her ANN C. K HUMES; mark. . Philadelphia. Alpw house. PrtUJinstrnrA,, March 10(Ji, 1824. I certify, for ihe benefit of the afflicted, that have been, for seven years last psm, afflicted with the livet complaint,during which time f have been attended by several physicians, but received no permanent benefit. Hearing of.Mr. 8wairoV Pa nacea,1.applied, to film for somp of it; being poor and unable to puy for it at the time, could put ob- tuin any. 1 >" X! applied, to J, Shinn, and receiv cdt Softie of hi* Panacea, which greatly benefitted me. The pain and Borenes- of my side was re.- moved, and 1 was again able. tuAyork at my trade. CHARLES BOW,MAN,. German street, Southwaib. 'ioiERSONS hiving dcmam)s J Hgjiti8l’tbe iet..tq iSr of Agios Douglass,' lute of Chatham Copnty _____ jfriipMk who are indebted to the estate, will be called on in ten or fifteen days fdr settlement. DAVID TAYLQR, If- Qualified Executor. Afear Waynesboro, May 24, 1824. may 28 feAl2b 1NE months after date app.icution will be M made to the honorable the ‘inferior Couyt of Ihatham County, when sitting tbr ordinary pur poses; for permission to sell the following real estate, for the benefitofthe heirs and creditors of the estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased, vis: ' One undivided fburth of n tract of tand, contain- ing about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Cam den County, kntfwn as Plum Orchard—and on tin- “ -if -.V. - - JK^jU divided fourth of a certasn Tjabt .of Land situate on said Island, containing about 5(K) acres, origin ally granted to Gen. Lcchland McIntosh, and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard - Tract. - P. iso a plantation Called Lottery Hall situate on the Ogeechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah; con taining about 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, 1 Adm’r Est. N. Si Bayards nov 10 211' **" / . 1 months after, date, l shall apply,tq the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of ChathaQ} Coiihty,for leave to sell the real and personal prbperty of Lachlsnd Hamiltion SPlU’ tosl), deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. SUSAN A. G M’lNTOSH, Adm’x. n\arch 9 56 ]\f|NE months after date, application will be 11 made to the HOn. tlie Inferior Court of Bry- •an County, for leave to sell all the real Estate of Sarah >!cKindley, late of Bryan county dec. for benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, ■ f ■ ’ T frAMB8 BWTLHR,'adm , oa, ' uoril-S ' ■ ~W-7?!I. &i.--' • | ji Y viri.ue J 6t aiiof'ieroi the UbniCou'of Ordfi. dinary of Liberty Count j, wil| be sold in the Town of Sunbury, on the first Tuesday in August next, three fourths ol thq right which the estate of Mercy.Brgwn, dece’i.sed has to a certain negro woman slave named Cassandra; ' ’ JOHN C« BROUGHTON, Executor'. .■may,26. , 24. ; : .IA. pers(>ns indebted to the estate of Johnha- Marcy Mpore.jof Effingham County deccas. ed t° «QHie forward And make payment and thos^ that have any accounts, to present theip to.-V . HEZEKIAH EVANS., Adm’r tpn’ 2P 4Nifi monvna V.i 'eVdu.t-, 1 shall’apply 1 to the * hnri lira Tiiatinne e\F fhn InCovinn Pim.mi .A hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court ef Liberty county, for leave to sell the real and per sonal pfoperty of William L Baker, dec. for the benefit of the Weirs and creditors. THOS. B. BAKER. april 7 89 Adm'or INE months after dato,_app)icaiion _wil. be madp to the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to.sell all the real property be longing to the estate of the late Rev Jno. Beck, dec. lying In said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. april 16 88 ANN BECK, Adm’x, This ia to certify, that my apprentice boy, J. Morrison, aged 18 years, lias been several years afflicted with the King’s evil, attendei* with an exien-ive ulceration over the body,, with acute pain. Iii .lumiury lust, I heard ot J. Shinn’s Puna cea', and obtained for him three bottles, which ef fccted an entire and complete cure, and he is how in good heakb, pnU ablfe to work at 1 is trade. ALEX’R. RAN.KBN, Front-St. above Poplar lane. This is to certify, that on the t6th of April, the above named Ichu Morrison appeared before me, James■ Jinti-Dispeptic PAUs. T ia several years ainc. the proprietor began to vend this medicine, now in sucli general use. In it* exhibition, and (he accompanying dietetic directions,all the disorders ol the digestive Organs yuST received per Ship Florida the celebrated ar ?,^2j nsu U> B ? eW ^i?^ 1,11 1*1' Panacea prepared by john Shinn Chemist eviddhc 6 ol the'success ot this novel prescripuou Philadelphia, *ho has appointed the Subscriber and on examination, do 1 betie verthe facts, as suited in the above certificate, are just and true. H. PROBASCO, Justice of the Peace, Philadelphia county. I certify, that! have been i.fflicted with rheums tism in my shoulder for three > cars, from which 1 have been relieved by taking a few bottles of J. Shinn’s Punaoea. • . ' :v JAMES DOUGLAS, of ti e Moyamensiny P.uqr .House. he cu^ippeal with' confidence to.the experience Of thousands. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, P ier, Heartburn or Cariiialgiu, Gboljc,,&c. aa- .well aa ihe inpre transient but disiressing symptoms of indigestion, are singularly controlled by'tlus.mild an'd^fiifcaclous remedy; The ffllls are small; taste less, and never produce the debilitatingand pain — imrojiv, . fuleffiots of full dOses of-medicine. >They may 'VTUK Uxi'ralf StatKh, iW asn voiiTHE DiStoicA '.be taken by persons in all situations, no. restraint or' UsOiiOiL ' being necessary except a slight regulation of the . A t Mav Term, 1824. diet. Particular directions are given in the print- :ed bills- . prepared by HENRY JAMES, No; 82J| Pearl Corner of Congresa ani 118 , L LAY, iVtutaker-Su-cV.'s, SoVannah, tia abMiaiiiMA^ hiludelphia, who has appointed Agent for Savannah; and : ill vicinity. The Pana cea will be sold at the reduced price of £2 50 cts per bottle; or S24 pei dnzen. WM.C, CU f'HBERT, Agent, may 26. t—3m*12l - ' ' -d———a. NOTICE. k s’E month* alter the date here if, application i.^1 will be made to the Inferior Court when sit- ling fur oklinarycpurposes,tor leave to sell all that lot or part of ground in the District of White- Bluff, county ofiChMiiaip, containing Filly acre*; street,’.'iud forsale by J. IfciT. L. Clark.&-bop, No, more or less, .bounded northwardly and eastward- .85 Maiden Lane, »i, il^e. &. Somllard, near ly by How late John Poufiens, and soutliward^ the New York Theatre, and by V lan ds of-tvifi (Vflhams, belonging to the estate of James Royd, and to be sold for.the benefit of the heir.- ivid creditors of vai.l nstat? EUZABfi^ ^ " DQVQf Adm’r*. Mrnmomm G1 A—Chatham County. By the Hop. the Justices of (be Inferior Court, sitting for prdiqarv, purposes. I " • T(r all whom it may concern— Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator nf .VVm, M, Htlley, late ol Savannah, merchant, dec has petitioned to the honorable the court of Ordinary discharged from his said administration ' These are therefore to cile and admonish and singular .the kindred an.l creditors of the said deceased;, to fife their objections (if any <hey have) in^the clerk’s office'of the said court, on or before the 8tb day of December next; otherwise letters disiuissory will be granted to the petition- er i " Witness the honorable John P ( . Williamson^ One of thq ‘I usticea of the said court, this 8th day o June, A D. 1823. v S M BOND, c c o. ' June 8 P4 Brought to Jail, •;N- Savannah, «S 'TO{4tjri_p»t. .a negro man v/ho *: says his nuujO.ia'Jack, and that hb belongs to CoL McPJierso'h-.'ffl’South t-arolina, and that he Tan away about 14 giOnthsago. He is 6 feet high and about 30 yeurs of age. jun'e 12 136 JOHN I. DEWS, j c c. Brought to Jai), l^.oi the 10th in ,i. a - ..gto man win* says hlsmir.e is Chesty, and that he, belongs in ol. McPherson, of South Carolina, and tttut he r»na'( ay about the |st inat. He is 5 feet 6j[ inches high, and about 4U years ofagp. JOHN I.DEWP, joc. june 13 136 Brought to Juij, | N Savannah, on the JOili nisi, a negr» man who JL says his name is Ben and that the belongs to James Primrose; of Aug»sts, Georgia, and that lie ranawny about 17 mouthy ago—Ue'isfivt feet9 inches higlu . , JOHN IpEWS, jco. * , june 12 136 Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, on ^f iOth,^ . u negro man who Says his name is Elijah,,and tliat he. belongs to Anson Biigg of Augusta Georgia, and ifiat he r»na. way ab-ui the 1st. of May. (as., he, is 5 foot 5A inches higli and snout 37 J oui-s of age T i nif.ivB.»i