Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 17, 1824, Image 4

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t f!: UBLIC S Vfcfil - sale.' $ v in Ju’y next,. lie Cmn t Ifo i*>e iii the •tween th> iiunri oi' 10 the fi st Tue l ' • © sold before <it- of Savannah, and 4 mV nek. THf 'nllowing six negroes via v Haroibal, Jsaur, T. on-itn , IV-ter, William and Hannah, levied on as the ■ ipet-ty of Juo. Hunter, s to satisfy afi. fa. on tnoi -c. jKe, in favor of the Planters Batik. I i Aii.'i. five negroes, via-. Judy, Juno, Ely Hub* tin, "cl Qn.vdiy, levied on as the property of-Oli. 9/1 ■ver v fturtrei, to satisfy n ft. fa. on mortgage in fa •vor of Wra. P. Hunter Also, all the cotton compressing machine, for .-the repacking of cotton, levied on under a fi. fi«. on a foreclosure of a mortgage, from Jno. Ever, inghalh, ir. to Chas. >V. Rockwell - I.D'LYON, see. mat 5 to* :* -.1 EUBUC SALES.^v Tax C ollector^ Sales. . On thefirst Vwtrfuv in July next, * UT ni.l. be sold nt the Court Molist. in the City t w of Snvanoith,•between the hours of 10..and 3 o'clock, the following property or so much thereofns will satisfy the State mid County Taxes ami costs, vial A tract of land on Wilmington Island, in the CoUrtty of Chatham, containing 75 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by a creek, east by Sheriff’s Sales. ,. lV ■On thc fi'tt‘Ttiestlay in July next, W ILl. be »t>id in-front of the Court House in the City of Savannah between the usual hours of tO and 4 o'clock. u\. ....... » ,-W All the article* comprising the Printing estab lishment of the Office of the Savannah Hepnbft- Cmo. consis'ing of Types, Press, paper; printers Ink, Stands, &c— also two negro tp* n named Lt uke and -Wallen; levied on as the property of V. S. Pell, endorser to tallsfy an execution, R. Wayn»‘,for use, Wc end in James Wal lace anti Alien M'Leen, vs P. K ‘Pell. • . A. IP! V ON, -B-e o 4i. junr 4 V ,13?^ Sir tie j.-Uw.. ". >. 8 Sales., *.. • On the lir a l ue day in .tidy next, W H.l he void at the Court House on the 1st Tuesday in July next, tieuvucit-the hours of to .n.iioVoct - ?•-. AUtbat lot slid buildings Nu24 in the City of Savannah, under afi f» on lio reinsure in fltvor o!' Mary louden against Paul J Vailaton l IFLYON, a c o. jpi'f 5 . 33/' 1 * Sherili'shales, ‘• bn t/lr fint Tueeiiuy,in ytufust nert, W ILL hr sold at the court lionse between the hours of 10 an.i 4 o'ehicb, >• ^ . Ail that southern n«H pa*t of Lot bio 0, ifeiiiha Tythiog, Heathcotewani witMtfie-i npru>qmtnta theredn, boumkd no-ili by * lane, east'by an ad jaernt lot, south by South broad St. and. weatlty Barnard St le.-led on under* loreclosur.-.ufa imrtj,:: ;e from George L. Cqpe w to, Wm Whit- held. - v- I l)’l.YON,sec. . jwnr S 133 ---.h , land nf the Estate oftoseph Bryan, and south and west by -land belonging to John- W Barnard, Ic vied on toaitistj-Uic state and County taxes of Jno W Hartford fortbc Vear'1823, and costs. Amcunt oftaxesg34 85 * ». • 1 ■- The Eastern hair of lot No. }% in Oglethorpe Wat@J in the city of Savannah, with the improve ments thereon, levied on to satisfy the state and jnty late* uljJ B anti S i \VWu> jr«r;Ui* year 1883, and cost*. 1 Athrfiint bft»Xe* gl . Lota No S9 and 30 .W» Erpwn WQftwtfed city of Savannah, with the'imprfuvemcnts thereon, le- vtdfl or> umatinVtHc sia\f *ndcount> titti of the Savannah Theatre forthe yekr 1822 and 1823,and Costs. ■ Xmoi!hfnft»So. fc?34,37, \ The southern half of lot No. ro, first tytlnng Anson Wartl.ji} the city of *5 aval; null, with the im provements lu i-eon, levied oh Jo sRtTsfy the stale and county taxes of KMqffehf ETlwaWTenmaft lor the year lo23^and cusU. 'Amount of tuk<* S4-68, Lot No, 38 Colombia Ward, in the city of Ba- vsnnaliysuhjCcl than annual ground rent to fiie Corporation of said City, with the improvements thereon, ievid l on to *>|li*fythe8t»tf ami county t.mxaf An . K.HhosnT >nhe year 1833, and costs. AXlt.iu.t of taxi* $5 86. ,/ttr that ir .rt ..r iot of land, situate, lying and bgn ig.infhe 27th dist of Early county, contain, ing 230 acres, more or h «s and known and distin guished in the lpMh of ttiid district by the No. 196/ Levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of the cstatt uNLi v»?« D. Achertl. for the year ’ 1823 and coats.' -Amottt>: of ihXm g2 26*'X' .* v ... • JAMES KPPINGEtf, t c c o w , malt 1 ; .' ^'q " bherift’s Males—continped. On the /< tt Tucrdty in Jnty next, HOUSES,.LANDS, &c. ATHENS HOTEL. ^Thc auhscnhci’ ttkes this meth od to ‘ihform'thc public generally, and B l particularly persons from the lo.t coun- p. try; wW'mny visit-lhe up country in pursuit of health or plfensure, -that he will tic commodate gentlemen and - adiea, or families With board by the day, week, or month; on easy terms. Nothing need be s-.iid in recomtnemlation ol A- Ihens; either in’ regard to the hculthfulnCss of the place, salubrity of atmosphere, or agreeable and olcuBunt society; in all these particulars it stands nre-eminent. I The fojltiwin^ Man and Horse, per day, 4 « « ' «« • (< per week, h ^ " " v •• month, Single man; per day, f ( •• • , « “/week, i ; l ; « ,,. » .« month, a : Dinner,-breakftist, supper, &-c. Lodging,>>, Horse, p«>r day, *.« ° « night, •• monjh,- ng,vt'e. 1 75 1 30 1 25 1 00 • 5 00 18 00 • • W 75 50 Children and aervants, half price; 19 01 na G& HAYES. qyy'-Vhe F^liiow of the Augusta Chronicle and 1 Savannah Ucpuiilican, are requested to give two ntertiQivUl rndpth, until the 1st of jqly next, and forward their accounts to Athens. •TTriLL be told betorp the Goutt House in Pry? V V an county, between the uiunl hours Vf sale. All ihit undivided moiety'of a tract of lantfin’ Brjran courtly, containing 1150 acres eriginsllj granted t* one Jno Davis «dp>iiiingthe jjlantation of Col., David: M'Cormick.and others; li under aioekecution, Edward F. T attnall administrators of Thomas Bnurke ■ . , . THUS. ALBIUTTQN, ioc. may IP" j . •.-> Sheriff’s Sales, *;/ 'On the fieri Ttiettfoy m July.jtext, , Tf XT! I .L be so id at the Court House, between t*T :tbe hours of 10-and4 o'clock, , A nt gro woman named . Dianna and her two children Lewis and 8am, leviedoo by,*.constable to satisfy several executions from a magistrates’ court in fttvor of John H. Wick, and Ebenexer Jenckes, agVin-t Adam Anderson, by his guardian pnd turned over to'me. • • v - 7 vlt • ,v 1. D ? LYON, » C C. • 1. • juneS 133 a»~ ' JSherin’si ^aie. On the fiitt Tuetttay in July next,-' Wf ILL be sold before tin. Ctnn l House in Bryi r V an cuuilty; between tbV u-mal hour* of tale. Two Negroes named Dorcas and .tups levied oft the property of Richard T Keating, to satisfy an execution in favor of Jas tnderson U eo. VV’ '. TtlOS ALBItl'ITOV, a may 18 116 --g ;»i-i - Adit iriistfatpr’s v Sale. r. ,-City Sheriff’s Sales.,,. ... '*"* •••' On fint Tuettlay in July next, , BIX TILL be sold- before the Court Huuse in the Vt city of Saya.invh, between |he usual hours efi^o •>nd 4 o’clock, ; f t j . m All that lot of land known in the plan of the ci ty ol Savannah, as lot No25 twenty five Brown ward, containii g60 feet in front and 90 feet deep subject to an annual ground rent to the corpora tion of the city of Savannah, together with the ’buildings thereon, bounded east by lot No 24 twenty four, south by Hall St. west by lot No 26 twenty sixand north by a lane, levied on as the property of Charles H Hayden, to satisfy execu • ti.iy's from the court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, John P Williamson vs. Charles It Hayden, itoore U Ly man vs. same, and Charles W Rockwell vs same, and ao execution for rent, JohmB Bcrthelott vs sam--. A ju * - , Also, sundry articles of furniture, consisting of two mahogany. Sophas, on*- dogen straw bottomed chairs, one pair mahogany card tables, four ma hogany tea tables, one beadstead. and one side board, levied on as the property of George Blow, to satisfy an execution from the court of Common yieas and Oyer k Terminer for the city of Savan nah, Douglass &• Sorrel vs. George Stow. > Also, one Horse and Gig, levied on as ihe pro perty ot Wm.Inor, to satisfy two executions from the Court of Common Pleas -nd Oyer U Termin cr for the city of Savannah, Charles W Rockwell .VB.-Wm. Ioor and Geo. W Coe vs, same. . Also, all those two lots of land, known in the plan of the city ol Savannah,^ lots No3 17, and 18, old F rank li a Ward subiect to a ground rent to the corporation of the city of Savannah,! bounded eg-1 by Jeffprsut) street, we;t by Montgomery st, north by Bryan street and >outh by St Ig^i.'d on os the,properly of F. 8 Fell, to satisfy stnuu-y executions from the Court of Common i’t<- and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Sa On fAe, firtt 'i\uiilay in July next, W ILl, be.'old before the Court House, in the city of Savannah, between the hour* bl 10 and $ o’clock, the following negroe.s, Clarissa, und her two children Johnabd Sike, sold by per- mission ofllte honorable the court of Ordinary of Chatham County. Also a house situated in Jef ferson 8trect on the South Common, being the est- te of Peter Ce*ar, dec. ynd sold for the bens efit of the heir* and creditor* of Mid estate. V . JOS. F. SEGURE, Adn^r may20 ‘ ;‘,pt.l8 . vannuh, Jno Cptne and N Buker, vs. F^S* Fell HJtolockJca-bsme and Jas. Wells vs. Same, . ^atne 5 133 A. J D’LYON, rs: eviedon It against House to Hent. The undersigned intending I move into the country, oilers the f sant and convenient House, now i li occud.ition to rent, at a rate suited to the times, fAim .the 1st July next to'the 1st November following, and lor one or two years thereafter., EuWll. HAUDBfl* in; 7T*TT^ 116 iMnd and Negroes jor Sale A HANDSOME propert/funincumbead, con- fil slating of Land and Negroes, together with 3tpck of every kind; and the.'growing crop, a- ' nountiiigin all to about 12 or 15,000 dollars, situ- »te In the upper country, and well Calculated tor t country Store—the soil well adapted to the cul tivation of Com »t o Cottoiii, is oftered for tale oh iccMtnmodatmg terms. - Rat\k Stock, or good paper, well aecured, will »e takenIn payment. . V For further particulars, apply to the Editors of he Geordh Jpurnal-.’ ,-june 19 •; jlif Administrators sale. vfj^ILL the C tin House in the / J CUy-of, Savannah on the first Tuesday in Ju otice;--t -, v - tract of Land In Liberty coun. ■tt'Very valuable tt» jfti,ty, situate oh the sunbury Road, two miles uvl a.half from Rice brougfi; containing two JutndrM aiul^n-BveWiU -n«fr>Tl-^-v«?Sry valua ble for ootton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- '«■ for that culture •as any land in the county; lie conditions arc low and reasonable; there are ictwcen seventy and wighty acres cleared a snder fence, there is also a good dwelling horn and i^d airhecessary out buildings on the premises; guarantee titles will be the purchaser, iib incumbrances lying on said land. For furthei' particulars apply to capt. Jos. Jones in Liberty -ounty, or to ’ EDWARD B. BAKER, ,j. . owner in McIntosh county, I? Georgia—Chatham County.T* £ By .'the Momirable the JuMiCei ol the Inlnipi Goprt of said Cqunty, sitting for ordinary purposes To all whom it mBy cortcern. W HEREAS William H. Green,Administra tor of Mary Fleming, tlcC has applied to the Hmioi t.blc-the Court of Ordinary, to be discharg ed from the administration .aforesaid., Now, therefore these lire to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and breditors of the Ig will tie grameu, ami the B»id William H. Green be discharged from all claims' Whatever, as administrator of the said dec- Witness the tMondB* Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the Justices of sai l Court this Tenth day of /March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. V- -• . h S M BOND, o.o o. mkrth'W , ‘"*" ~ 57 "~ rV' r ‘ S u peri or C ou rt-^Chathatn Cetntj'. JAsc*nit Tltiat, Aurrtn Cleveland and Susan C. T his wile, l Jacob Falun. Rule Mti IDO . , ( ■ O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland and S'isan 0.his wile, who was Susan C. lions, ; staling that Jacob Fahm, before the intermarriage of the p«tmorien,-to Wit; Oil till- 22d day of June 1821, did in,conjunction wj'h one Joseph A. Scott,ex. ccute a joint bond 10 'he s .id Susim C. in the penal sutn of four thousand dollars conditioned for the payment of, two thousnnd dollars with in terest. from date, on or. before the first day of March then next,;and that, for the better securing the payment thereof, the raid Jacob did on the day and year first aforesaid make his certain in denture of mortgage, whereby he mortgaged to «Rid Susan C n|) tint Jot of ground known and designated M Garden lot numbeiMhirty nine, No Ueoigia—Chatham County. To all whom it tn«y Concern, 39, and also, that adjoining ludfjpuit of another lot known as lbt number fortySwo, No42, con- t taming together tight and'a half acres pmre or i less situated to.Jhe East of the. city of Savannah W HERE-t8 Solomon Shad, executor jof Wm. j> and bounded to liic north west ol Lot No 26, to Gilbert ileceuM haa applied to the lionora- * the South and East by Tfcljal bclopgirtgl to the ee* ble the^COurt of Ordinary to be discharged from : tide of Hampton Lilllbriiige; spd the west by his executorship aforesaid; 1 y ' ' • the public road leading to Skiduway island where- Now,ihese-are therefore to cite and admonish on a.brick yard is now established and known by all and singular the kindred and creditors.-of the the name ofFahms brick yard-Mhat there is now said-Wm. Gilbert deceased, to file tlieic ..objec- on the said bond or mortgage.obligatory the stun tio.ns, if- any they have, in the clerks office of said of eighteen hundred,dollars with interest from the Routt on or before the fourth day of September 23d day of January, 1823, and praying the fore- next, otherwise ieuersof dismissory will be gran- closure of the equity of redemption of the said ted and the said Solomon Shad be discharged Jacob and his heirs, executors, administrators and from all claims whatever as executor of the said assigns in & to the saidmortgaged prcmjsea.—On deceased ,, v ; motion of W. W Gordon, attorney for the peti. of. tionersr-it is ordered that the principal and in terest due on the said bond or writing obligatory Witness the honorable John Cumming, one the'Justices of said Court this iourth day March, A. D; 1824. , c - 70^, - a.M. BOND, oco. march 6 -54 _. ■ .- Georgia—f hatham County.• together with the host of tbfc application he paid into this court-within twelve months from this date. To till vyltumit i.i.y.bonceru— XXTHEREAS Mary Davis,widow ItSsHppliedto YV the honorubtetheoourt of ordinary of Chat h:\tn county, for letters of administration, on the estate and’effects of Wm Davis dec. Now these are therefore to'cite and admonish, .all And singular tho kindred and creditors of the said’deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, oil or before the i3d day, of July T ijext i- otherwise letters of afimintyratian. will be granted to theapplicant. Witness'the Hon. J, F.. Williamson ope of the Justices of the taid Court, the third day of June, 'A. D. 1824. .. /■ , * : S. M. BOND, o»0. june3, 13,1 - ^ Georgia—Chatham County. into this courtAvithin twelve months from this date« or incaie ofdeflnjlt that .the equity ot redemp. - tion of said Jacob Fahm, his heirs executors, ad. ministrators, and >ssigns be from thenceforth for. ever forclosed and that .inch further and other proceedings be had thereon, as arc pursuant to i he statue in euch esse made and provided — And it is further ordered that this rule be pub. fished in one of the Gazettes of this state at least once a month for twelve months, or that a copy, be served on the defendant at least rix mouths before the time appointed for the'payment of the money into court. / ’ ' ’. : -/JF;, Extract from the minutes, lOtn Jan. 1824, jin 16 12 JOB T.« ROLI.ES. ' By the honorable the Justices of the-lnfertoi Court ot said County sitting lor ordinary purposes. To all'whom it may concern, W HEREAS Charles Hoyt administrator of the estate of John balhrop, Jr. dec. has pc ill inrtnr) tho limif.n/ h| lt tlto r>mtt4 iti' fliwtiivAiiii ',,P titioned the honorable the court nf Ordinary of Chatham-County to be discharged - from ' his said lor" , - , . . For Sale, j |-/Y/Y -OR more square of ‘ Land, on ao HJU eommodating terms, amortgtwhich ore the following numbers: ' >. \ administration; Now these are therefore to. cite and admonish till and singular the kindred , and creditors .of tho said deceased, to file their objections, if any t,)icy havg, in m> office on or before the tenth-day bf S«pt 'next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant. ■Witness tho Hon..Edward.Harden, one of the Justices of the said coprt this lOth day of March, A D. 1824. . , , r . , ‘ SrfiL BOND, c o o; march 10 57 ly next, between the hours of10 and’-il o’clock. Forty five acres of land more or less iibout two miles from the city, adjoining the farm of J - . 1 H Morel, Esq-also a lbtln ctmrt house square known in’llie plan of the city as lot, Stoper Tylbing Percival Ward—.being the real estate of the late Jsaac BaiUdvdfifkttdt sold by penhia. sion of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of. Chat ham county for the benefit of the heirs and credi tor*; of JOHN M'NISH, .-Vitp’r. Rutin County. No. 153,' 9th No. 58, 2d district. 145, 4th •Uaberthatn. Dooly, No. 19, 6th dist. No. 112, 4th 134, 3d-, * 244, 5Mh * ■' ■Rail ’• ‘ • 162. t iffih No. 169, . 10th drt. 111,5 dist. dist. f*' Administrator's Sales. >1LL be soUt at the I'.ourt House in Savan nah, on the fint Tuesday in July tween the hours of ten and two o’clock, lot Nu 15, (fifteen) in the seco/id district or Bsrly County, Georgia, containing 'wo hundred two and a half acres, more or less, being the real estate of Ro bert M. Durkie, dec’d. and sold by permission of the Court ofOrdinaty of Chatham Comity. AUGUSTUS F. DURKIE, Administrator mayl -\f 102. 164,- - lllh 147, 9th ' 9i,.8tto “ • - tGmnncU. No, 307, 6th dist. 13^ «th “ Monroe. ; „ No. 149, 8th dist. 216, -8tb, M vm 91; 64. 52, rth 5th 4th'. 14th 56; 192, ) 231,>2d <• . 129, S i ; • Fayette. ' N ° 1 9l)i 9,h digt 6. 7th « 123. 14Uv “ Henry. Whereas wiiliam Law, Esq. appiies to be die ^°* oU5’ ? ‘8th Geor u a—Liberty County. U Y ElijahYiuker, cleric oi the Court oi Ordi- try .for the bounty of Liberty. I missed from |iis administration on th” estate of Davjs Carter, late of said county, dec. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concetned.tafile Aheir objections (ifany they-h-tye) iq mit office, wtlbitt the time prescrib ed .Ity .laws oy dtn^rwlae .the aai^appj^cant will be dismissed from his said administration. Given under mj hand and seal, this 3d day of May, A. D. 1824. . E. BARER, c c o ■ v*rSki JriAV> : ju 348; 5 dipt. ith Sheriff’s Sales., : ' Qn.the first Tuesday in July next• W/ ILL be sold at lire Coutl House, in Effing. Y v ham Cpunty between the usual hours. .-Eighty acres of land in Effingham county brntn- ..*3235 »•» atKJ * ea b 1,l ‘» ^ «»y « \(R\ -Jed 5 by land of Shultz, E by land of Metzger, A. I). 1824. _ jog. JV b> landofllclntosh, R vit d on as the property • BAKER, c C o 335) bf Matthew Reiser, to satisfy an execution in favor L may lTj ^ J10 ^ t ' 41." jgjj, .Also, one negro man named Cato, the property Georgia—A. hatham County# ^^b5, 15th of lohn.Jpbnsoti, seized for being illegally intro- | Ry.ihe Hon. its lattice, of ilu, Inferior Court, tit. Walton. duccd intothc btate, and sojd to payexpenses. . , . ting for ordinary pw-p; tee No. 189, 3d dist. r.Also, 600 acres ofland joining lands of Waldtn , To all whom it'may concern— . 295, 4ih *' Gr.tbu and on Gowpen Branch, in Effingham I «^HETH!fiA8^WSnDfflon a-tmlnlrtrirtor of Ed-! -, 31,4. 4tb « County, levied on a* the property of Jnp G t yner VV round Dillon; late of Chatham county,dec. Houston. a Gnl. to BHhsiv an <>n>piitmn |, as petitioned the honorable to court of ordinary, , No. 20, lOib dist. to be discharged from bU said administration 120, 16th M Now, these are therefore tdcite aiid admonish » 93,' lltb , “ 2.3, 179, Vl, 160 »s 17th 13th I3rh 13-h 6tu*2 lllh 82, 8th - «• 165, 15tl V “ . Jonet, formerly Baldwin, No. 121, fih . dist. Old Wilkinooth'-i No; 204. Mth dhh 160.1 a v' . ’M5o,r,--/ 343;>18t!T dist. ' 348, (: -• ■ - 46, J 71, 19th •* 222, 27th *• 226, 4th “ ., Jifm- ? 359, 5th « ^ ^ 12th «• 246, 8th « 217, 10th 161, 1st •• 189, 7th « * 105, 28th <• Irwin. 115, 12tU dist. Georgia—Chatham County, ; To all whom it may concern “1 W HEREAS Alexander M. Taylor, adminis tratorof John 8cott, dec. has petitioned the Hon the Justices of the Inferior Court sitting, lor Ordinary purposes to be discharged from his said administration.. , <v These aw therefore to bite and admonish ull and singular the kindred and creditors ofthe uuitl dec. to file tneir objections (if any they Itnye). in the Clerk’s officeof the Court, of.ordinary on or, before the six'h day of November nextj otherwise letters of dismissory will be graijtbd. Witness lib Hon. Edward Harden, one of the Justices of ai l Court, the sixth day of May, A, I). one thou 1.nd eight hundred and twenty t«ur. ’ S. M BOND, 0. 0.0. mat 6 ” 106 ’ ‘ Uebrfpk — hatliam Couhty; To ml whom it may Ctincetn— j. nan ap- o( Guardianship op the ■Fi plied f x letters of G penog ahd property of Siirah Ann M, Houston an ipfanl under 14 years of age, the daughter of R J .Houston dec. Now these are to citc and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and friends of the said infant, to file their objections (if any they have) to gran ting of the Guardianship of 'he said infant and her property to the applicants, in the clerks of 3 ce ol the court of Ordinary, on or before the 3d ay of Joly next otherwise letters of Guardian- sliipwtlf be. granted Witness ipe Hon. E (ward Harden one of the Justices of said Court,' this 3d day of June, A. D 1824. S, M. BOND, cop. Superior Court—CaiBclen Countj^ Ma'ucii Tkiin, 1824; William Bertie ) ■ * >• V9.'- r*fifth ffiio John Chi istqplier. j > v . . O N the petition ol William Beri'ie, th»t one John Christopher, of the county of (Jam. den, beingIndebted to one Uetuy Sailer or order in a note nfliknrit dated St Marya in said, pounty, on tho 9th October 1822, in-the-sum of Five Hun dred Dollars; payable with interest from the date on the first day of January Uten next insttiog,.did mortgage to the said Henry hi* heir*, and uuogna, to secure the payment ofthe note Ml'orcsaid uith interest on the same—-a certain .lot qf Jand.iu. the t'ownaforoHid being pnrt of lttt No. l, beginning, lit the west corner nf a. lot belhnging to one Cal vin Hayes, thence running, south 100 feet on St. Mary* Street, thence npeth to Bryant St. thence east to C. Hays’ line, thence smith to the beginn ing, with the'margin attached to the same on the south sido of SlMarys Or Bay, St being a hundred feet on the street Ik running f rom 1 In-use directly to the river St Marys, together with all and 1 sin gular every tiling thereto appei-taiiiiugt-that the said Henry Sadler, to whom and to wlio/te heirs and 1 assigns Ihe said mortgage was made on the 26th of Sept. 1823, duly assigned by deed, said mortgage to the peliottei that. there is now due OtfSaid ihortgage ihe sum of Five Hundred. Dol lars with interest front the 1st January 1822, and praying for the foreclosure of the equity .of re demption, in the said-Jofin Christopher, his heir* and assigns in the mortgaged remises and that the slttife bfc foreclosed acooriling tg law; On motion of Belton A Cupp, attorney for metioner, it is or- Ini tiered that the principal and interest due on ’the said mortgage together with th^ costs of his np. licantsbe paid into this court within-twelve months.froimthisdale, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John Christopher hut heirs .Executors, Administrators and assigns be h-obt thence- forever foreclosed and that suet) ufber procediugs take pHceasnre pursuant to the stat ute—And it is further ordered that this , rule be published in one of the Gizcttct of tins, state, at fori ' least once a month for twelve, monih'a to the lima appointed for the payment of said money into Court. • . A true extract from the minutes. . : JOHN .HAILEY Clerk. Jefferson, l6t/l March, 1824 Security for Thos Gill, to satisfy an execution in favor of James Wilson—returned to me by aeon. ■iS&VfU: —THOS. ELKINS,*,*^. ’ijutie'5 ■&•■>■ '..'.133 :-. « m 455 I S> -L 130/5 4h dist. Superior Court—Chatham County John lie tan J ve vRuleMsi. Nathan Baker, j ' ' , (fi\N the pe ilion of Jno. Retan stating thatNa- \S^ than Baker did on the first day of May eigh; teen - hundred- and twenty-two, the better to secure the payment of his certain promissory nhte of that date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable to the said JahnJietan, or order, on or .. belorethe 1st day of May, 1824, with interest at Georgia Chatham County. , seven per cent per annum, by his indenture, un. By the Honorable the Justtces of the Inferior* his senl. bearin'g dntej the 1 d*y and year first Court .fssidcuunty sitting for ordinary purposes! afotesaid.mortgugi to the. sstd John Retail, all To all whom i' may concern. ! the. undivided moiety or bslfpart of all Ihfct lot of HEKEAM Thomas R. Price, administrator | ■»nd, situate, lying and being in the city of Savsn- of David H. Thompson, dec. has petition-; n , ah * an i* k " own und distinguished in the plan ed to ,ne honorable the Justices of the Inferior, thereofbji'the number one (1) l yrconnell tything Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be disi Darby w«M, together with the appurtenances, charged from the administration aforesaid. ! and 8 ®' d promissory note Now these are, therefore, to cite and adthonish "25*“ whol tyunpaul, and^the said mortgage in .11 a .i.,.i.: n j. A .i ,.„,i ... ' full lul’Ce. and nrnvintr the f..ruclusiir(> nt the s:ud w is ^ Sheriff's Sales. n On the first Tuesday in July neM, soldntthe Court House in fticebo- rougb, Liberty County between, the usual hours of IS and 3 o’clock tbe following property, viz: 1 . l our negroes, Sampson, Sopliia, Betty and her child, Caroline, levied ,'on as the property of the e$tdt5 of Maj. John Winn/ to Satisfy, an execution in favor of UriabWilcos and one jn favor of Joseph |.B;{ker.f , — *V 133 E. WAY, sip. • » J ’XT" ■ — ' ■ •" — ; f i ; sheriff. IjLle.'. On the first Tuesday in July next, W ILL: be eold between ten anil three o’clock at Bulloci Court House }77S apres of., land lying on Milledgeviile road, with good improve- . merits, levied on as the property of 9smuel S. Lockhart to satisfy an execution in favor U Patrick •i-JU'Dcnnuif. ta* JAMES DENMARK, s . ' ro»y31 , .< V , v* " wr /; Sheriff’s Sales. 1 n c. On the first Tuesday in August next, YR tv ILL he sold at the Court House in Wftyne County, between the usual hours. A negro man named March, under ati execution on the ftncclosure of a mortgage in favor of Tht/s Muse against Jdltn K. Kemp JOSEPH FOR r,s»o. Sfflty 31 ,123 **■ diamisbory w«i« uu > , r v r *~ f ,vt r - granted to the applicant - ker do nay into tins court, within twelve n I Witness the Honorable Jdhn CummingVone of (,t , , 1 ,,l8 , dttte * J h «' principal and interest due on mo ; tfie Justice*ofaaid Court this 16th day of March, “4 n ® t * ! a » d 'be coits of the Said application, or ! A. D, 1824. ; in default thereof, that the equity of redemption „ ... .. . . . ■ s . .. . -- ■ , S. M. BOND, c. c o. 16f the, said Nithan Baker of arid to the said m»rt. all and singula^ the kindred and creditors of the . Any of the above numbers, with several others march 16 62- ' . ’ . gaged premises, be thenceforth and forever fore- said dece-seu; to file their objection* (if any." they can be had un one, two and three tears credit, a ——-—■ - —y '■ ■ closed. bare,) to the granting of letter* dlsm'issoty to tlie • small part down, the land.held as security, f6r the. Georgia—Chatham County. Ahd it 1* further.ordered; that a copy of this petitioner,' in the clerk a ofilc-of tbe said court, balance, by applying to CHARLES KENNDN, '1 u all whom it may concern; 'rule be served on the said Nat ban Baker, at least *JI et <- 11 . .^* y °v ?? Cem ' o...,, of , N ^,'S n .S 0 » uty ’ or u Tl/HEREAS Louis H. Furth physician has ap. *ix qipnibs beforethe time appointed for thepuy- qjm lySK-itfSiSy letters dtsims-ory j fr ,. SAME J. BRYAN, Savannah. W plied to tbe Hon. the court of ordinary o? m'nt of said money imb court, or published in WtoSTtS said county, for letters of administration on the/ one ofthe public Gazettes of this state, at least Cumming, One of the will insert the abov 6 times, and send their bill estate and efll justices of the said court, this 11th day of June, to |hla office for payment. A. D. 1824. 8. M, BOND, coo. april 28 99 f 1 fitne 12 -. 136 L for Sale, «BB)arien Eastern Steam Saw and Rice Mill, with the appurtenances thereto belonging— ' An extensive credit will be given to the pureba ser or purchasers, he or they giving security, ap proved pf by thp Batik of Darien,—For terms ap ply to. . ■ ~ -. • ’ GEORGE ATKINSON, i JAMES DUN.WOQpV,5 Rank Committee. , HENRY HARFORD 5 JT7 The b: vannuh llepuGirc^n is requested to nserf the above, and forward the uccouullto tbe ankof Darien for payment..... ,.L .... estate and effects of Norphlit Howard late of once livery tntfnth, until the time appointed for V ashington County, m the state aforesaid Wag- the .payment thereoft and that such further and goner dec as principal credit*. qtfier ptyceedings brfiud as a^e prescribed by the ,, ... , _ . _ to cite and admonish ” Ilfty.l*!f*n such case made apd provided. ’ and creditors uf the Extract from the minutes tin* 24th May, 1824. ‘ ► 7 a l). FANNIN,,Clerk. ions(if atiy tbey have) !i; . Mineral Waters. PL&\ di'sien Baruiog.. and Bail'ton gpri*" Wi. oJ » 'ere, hottk-d by Lynch &. Clark, of New- York, has been received per Luiur:* Matilda, and tor sale at £3 50 per dozen, Or 3lj) eta. a singfe quart bottk, by . ” ‘ F, I. LAY, Druggist, A fresh supply nf SEIDLl'f? POWDERS, may 35 122 filings. ract is considered one of the best for * Rice plan- nation in it* neighborhood, and cohtaius Eight rundred and etghty-four acres, t adjoins Mr. t’homaa Young. Gen. Huger, ind Mr. Nicholas •ruger. Persons who may wislt to purchas : examine the premises, A good tiftle will be and the times of sale will be reasonable.' t e 25jf. day of June, . may. 27 nerwise letters of udmintstrutiOi granted 1 to the applicant. Witness the honorable Edward Harde jW dn will be ! of C O 0. cation to be made to uov 16 225 Georgia—^ ulloch County.,. sajTl m Georgia—Bulloch Conn>y. Agent of Hamlin Mallory., By tbe Hon Uie'Guiiri di Orotnury 1 . :i \*/HBBEAS Robert Burton, sl... 7^ • • YV theestatejil Stephen Denmark, *j>plied to the said Court for letters dismi Appli- - May, A. D. 1824. may 26 H Whereks, the V/idow of Jacob Futcb,of said county applies for letters bf administration oft ihO estate, of tlie said Jaboc Fetch, late of said.county deceased ... ,. <■ . \i. Now these are therefore to 'cltojfnd admonish ’ — J dredityr* .of the C ,- r r a ’ ca ‘ led 1 these are therefore to cite and at &. »" d rinsnlarthe.tandred and creditors ion, until the termination of which, some nsk illbe incurred by those who may purchase. 7 ' wm.l.d£vis ftpC.2 237 ' T ” Printing Inter _• FEW keg* Titi.tiog Ink u.table for news- paper, cun be had by applying at this office* dec. to file their objections /if any they huvekin the office or the Clerk ol this Court within the time prescribeff by law, otherwise letters dismib* ■I *ory will be granted the applicant Williams one of ^v. -N.BGItU Ity .u^.l 22 vears lie 1^2 V fu' odffeiH Itotiw s^rvaniir U"aii .r—V’ 1‘ccrfi 8 e, j, H..ui*.r{iu« l i M 1:1); mny 2J '' June 4 »132 KLY KENNEDY,