Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 22, 1824, Image 1

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No 140; .«Vol, X.XAI. 'I VmiMY EVENING, JUNE 22.1824. Whole No.,4460. JV.KCKUS’ ALLEVIATOR, wu^HIS MACHINE whs invented by the subscpi. X her, in the uummer of the year 1822, whilst coitfned to his bed, with a leg shattered and true tured, and has subsequently been introduced into various hospitals and private families, where iis iiseftilheu has been sufficiently attested, as will appear by the subjoined certificates, signed by medical and scientific men of the first respectabili ty. The proprietor has had it in successful oper ation in various coscb of diseases $ta such os true- tired hips, thighs, legs,. inflammatory rheumu tUnts and fevers. Its importance to society can ilirt be too highly appreciat'd, when it is-r- mem bered, that by the use of tit. .ti/fettufer the bed zette-i tion. vho wlU ex. tion, are rendered more tolerable, it not entirely diverted of those tortures. The inventor, has ob tained a patent for the machlne,and they ure now ollered for sale to a humane atul discriminating public, on liberal and accommodating^ernw^^ PnoviBBirra, Oft*. 3,182$. ’ Extntecof.aietlerfrqm Dr Jrio Mackic to William I]lngahs,M. h' Prnfesior of Surgery,He Boston. dnoviBESci, May 3l, i823. Bear Sir—Permit me to introduce to yopr at- (emi'.n dr John C Jenckes, an ingenious and Edspeoiablc mcCUanick of this town, bibit to i « roperO e Invented during his con w .. from a i uncommonly bud fracture of both bones of one of his legs. You will find, upon examina- tioft, the muchine to be very simple in its struc turf, easy in in its motions, snd hsppilv construty ted to promote the convenience and add to the comfort -d those, who, from almost any disease, are confined tr a sick bed. It was at first intend ed for the comfort only of the inventor, but since bis recovery, be has so much improved it, that be is "nitons to extend iuadvantages to others, who may from the same, or. any other cause, be .con- fined to a sjck bed, from » Jfibh the shortest relief is so desirable Any uskistunpe you may afford Mr Jenckes in exhibiting his m.chine for the ap i trobation of the gentlemen ol the faculty In Bos. V&jftutfm. Wm., M D, ' Certificate from John C Warren, M. B. Boston, JPrintiput.qf tl e Massachusetts Hospital. >lr. J, C. Jenckes having requested tny opinion of his machine for raising the sick and wounded from bed, 1 have examined it an t found it, Well calculated for the purpose. In order to test its practical utility I desired him to convey -it to the Massachusetts General Hospital, and hare repeat edly employed it there, particularly in »'case of fractured thigh, accompanied with delirium, and found it highly useful. Considering it therefore a valuable invention, I very heartily recommend it for the use of haspitais, and fof all private pa tienls who may bo in need of t*. JOHN C. WARREN, Principal Mass. Hospital. Borrow, June 16, 1823. 1 hereby certify that 1 have made use of Mr. J. C. .lenckes’ new invented machine for raisin{ sick and disabled persons, having been affl.oyec with rheumatism for several years, some limfe con fined to my bed for weeks in succession, and so great was my pain that 1 could not bear to bq touched, have been raised with the above men ttoned machine with the utmost ease, 1 do there fore recommend it to ail persons who are similarly afHialcd. URIEL RBA. P.noviitBscs, July 6,1823, Certificate from the Physicians anti Surgeons of the A*ew Xork Hospital, The undersigned Physxmns and the New York Hospital, having, examined and witnessed the application of Mr. Jenckes* new in* vcr.tion of a machine fur raising the sick trom their beds, unite in recommending the same as pecu liarly useful for the put pose for which it is mten ded. DAVin HOSACK, H D. JOHN NELSON, M D. JNO C. CHESSMAN, M 0. JOHN WATTS, jr. M D. VALENTINE MOTT, M D, WRIGHT POST, M D. THOMAS COCK, M D. ALEX.HBTBVI New Yonx, July 15,1823. Certificate from the, Hon, Samueel L. Mitchell, M. D. LL, D, .Since, the arrival of Mr John C, Jenckes, in N. Ycirk, a few days ago, with ample recommenda tions, 1 haVe availed myself of opportunities to lcafii the construction and operation of his inven tion for lifting we «k, sick, wounded and disabled uerspns from their beds, for the purposes of clean liness and comfort, and I have become satisfied that the machine is well adapted for the object. In writing an opinion concerning it,! conceive 1 ought to state, that besides its fitness for its uses, it 8eem8 to be economical and durable, thereby being no less serviceable to the infirm and woun- cd in private houses, titan in public hospitals. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. New Yobk, July 16,1823.ll The subscriber has been appoint ed Agent of Hf.John C. Jenckes, for the disp sal ot the above mentioned Alleviators, and if - pow on hand one as a sample which can be seen t applying at his Store, Selllcks Buildings, near Market Square., Orders for them will be ly attended to. juite 2 130 8TBVENS, M D buenezeu jenckes; ± Executive Department, (reu, MILLEDGEVILI.E, 2lst Nov 1823 \RDERED, That Uic subjoined Resolution be / published once a month, in each of theGu- of this State, until the next General Elec. Attest, ELISHA WOOD, Scc'ry ifc SENATE^ 12th Nov. iM'. WnaRCis it is desirable to ascettain the wish, of the citiions of this state, as to.tha mode of choosing Electors of President and Vice Presi dent of the United,States, He it therefore resolved by the Senate and (bust of Representatives if the State of Georgia m Gene ral Assembly met, That it shall be the dut v, ol' the Magistrates who shall preside at the several. Elec tions to be held in the different counties of this Stale for the choice of members of the , Legisla- tun-, at the neat General. Election therein, to propose to each and every voter at the time ot receiving his vote, whether lie desire* that the choice of said Electors shiall he confided to the 1 teople or retained by the Legislature, and to re 1 uest such voter to signify such desire by en dorsing on his ticket, the word People ot Legisla, ture, according to the truth of the fact, and on counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election,by them so transmitted t" the Executive Department, a true statement, of the votes so given, to the end tiiat. the same may be laid before the next Legislature by-his Excellen cy the Governor. And be it frrthcr resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and lie is hereby requested to cause this resolution to be published without de lay, in the several dinettes of this State, and to continue the said publication once it month, unti the next General Election. Read and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. Lx the Hoiue of Representatives, 14th Nov, 1823. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker, Approved, 18th Nov 1823. .... ... . G.-M. TROUP, Governor. " tur AunioHirr.] AN ACT • r O revive, amend and continue in force aw act entitled an act, to extend the time of ta king out grant* on surveys made on head rights and bounty warrants. . . Be, if enacted by the Senate and-House of Re preseniotivca of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and,it is hereby enacted by the authority, of the same, That where any person' or tenons have heretofore had survey* made on lead rights, bountywarrants and grants thereon have not been obtained, it shall and may be law- ful for such person or person's to apply for and obtain such grant or grants, at any time previous to the 25th of October, eighteen hundred and twenty four, on payment of the usual fees. * , Sec. 2 And be it further anucted by the author ity aforesaid, That where any .surveys h;.ve here tofore beep made on bead rights or bounty war rants, and' grants thereon have not been obtained, such land shall hot be subject to a re purvey until three months from and after the person or. per- sons claiming Under the original survey shall have been notified that such re survey is intended 'o be made, and that, in ail cases, the person or per. sons claiming under the original survey, ptitied to the preference of making such resut- ey, until the expiration of three months from the time oi such notification; and in the event of there being no olaimant residing on or near the land to be 'hus rexurveved, such notice shall be perfec:. ed by giving three months notice by. public ad vertisement, at the Court House of the .county where such land may lie, and in one of the public Gazettes of this State, Sec. 3. Apd be ithjrther enacted, That it shall be the duty of all surveyors wh<> shall ' make any such re survey, to certify on his return to the sur veyor General, that due: notice according to ..the provisions of this act had been given, and no grant obtained on such re survey shall be valid, unless accompanied with such certificate :• Providi-d, nothing in this acini till I affect the rights of orphans Stta&ms Panacea. ( HAVE BEHn appointed Agent by Dr. W. Swuitn to sell .his so much celebrated Medi cine, st tliis place. A quantity has been receiv. ed by t e Georgia from Philadelphia, and will be sold by the box orbottle, at my Drug Store, cor. ner of Jefferson and Si Julian Streets; AUGUSTG OEMLER. march 10 - 57 AUGUST G. OKML'ER, At hit Druggist Store 1 , corner Of Jefferson and St. Julian Street, H AS received by schooner Tassel, a fresh supply of SW AIM’S so- much esteemed PANACEA, As also by other Tate Arrivals! a variety of fresh articles whioh lie abstains from mentioning, as L blift to possess sagacity enough __jOMEL, JALAl’, RHUBARB and all the other delicacie »,turned in the fltdeX oftlte dispensatory may be looked for and found in Drug Stores—yet a few tilings not to be met with at every one, he offers, via s Phosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous Acid, Black Drop, fames fever Powders, Rends Sfiptii, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Pustills, Wedgewood evaporating dijltcs, Glass Funnils, Graduated Measures, Retorts and Receivers, Teat l ubes, Gas Bottles, Thermometers, Hygrometer, and Pluvimeter, CGPARTNEHSHiP. -ORANCIS i ( AY. having taken GEORGE R. T HENDRICKSON; into Partnership, tlie bu. siness will in future be conducted under the firm of Lxxjt HSwbbicxshx, at the eld stand, cornet of Chngress and Whitaker afreets Shads’ build ihg. F. I, LAY. f««’ne 3 *130 4 r Genuine Patent■ Family MEDICINES. * Such att L ees ndiious Ptila - • ‘ Coil’s -do do AnUcson’sdo do Hooper’s Female Pills, James Anti Dyspeptic Pilli * , . Thmnpsons Bye waters , Itelfs Itotuiiicul Drops . D i Asthmatic Fills Essential Oil of Spruce ltaisom Honey Tooth Ache Drops Jesuit’s do do Cbutch’s .Cough Drops Anderson* do do . American do do . , Balm of Quito • - Churclte’s Essance.of Mustard V Rowson’s Itch Ointment . ■ Whcittnn’s do do Brunilins* Rheumatic do Squirts* Grand Elixir . -. . Sudlitz Powdet s r • Soda do Otto of Roses, be. Etc. Can-be cmmtnutly obtained at the Store of LAY Ik HENDRICKSON, - Itruggists and Chemists, Shud’t Buildup's, ini.;i £U '*0*04 Savannah S\ ^Wuha’s Panacea./ T HE subscriber having discovered the com position of SWAIM’S celebratin) Panacea, has now a supply on hand for sale'; he has re need the price from $3 50 to g2 50, or by the ozen $24. • . ; . • t ,* 411 charitable institutions in the U. States and the poor will he supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities and tpvyns, wilt appoint an agent to order and llstributelhis medicipe to the poor, it- will be supplied *< This medicine js celebrated for thkeure of the fallowing diseases, "scrofula or king's evjf, ulcer ated or putrid sore throat, long, standtnjj'rheu made affections, cutaneous, diseases, w dte swel liqg, and disease ofjthe bones,, and all eases gen erally of the ulcerous character, snd chronic .dis eases, generally arising in debilitated 'cohsVitu. < tions, but more especially from sypliilik, or aflec tions arising therefroth»' ulcers in the', iHyrnx, nudes, Nc. And tt\at dri adfhi disease occasioned by a long and excessive use of mercury, Etc. It is also useful In disease of the liver.*’ CERTIFICATES. I have Within the last two-years, had an oppor* (unity of seeing several cases of very inveterate ulcers, which having resisted previously the regu lar modes of treatment, were-healed by the use 06.Mr Swaira's Panacea, and. I do believe, from what I have seen that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venereal and mercurial dis eases, N. CHAPMAN,- M.D. . Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in nufneroos instai ces, within the last three yeurs, and hatvo always found it extremely efficacious, especially in. secondary syphilis, and mercurial diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M.D, Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia, February 17,1823. Shum’a Vauacea. CERTIFICATES. I HAVE been labouring under a disease fora long lime, as swelling in the bones, loss of Ap petite, Toss of flesh, and loss of sleep, with severe pain. Noticing an advertiseroenFnf Swaim’s Pa nacea to he a cure' for The above disease, 1 go some by paying H e cash for it a-1 received it, am lound a great ben fi< by it. But baying nothing but my labour to depend on fora living, and not being able to w'orklbr a longtime, got no tliKt 1. ' was not able to.payforit. Some months after this, | heard of a Mr. Shinn’s having made a Pa nacea, stattdto be the same as Mr Swaim’s. tapffc ed tb him, and stated my case and circum ; stances, And found him disposed to benefit-me. He gave me the medicine freely, and arid I might BOARD OF HEALTH. To the Inhabitants of the City of Savannah. , ’YT’GH are earnestly requested- by the B iann of X Health, to inform tliem tluough the medi- umof their Chairman, Ward Committees, the ity Marshall,*or by no.tice in writing, through e Post Office, of any nuisance which exists, of ofkny deposited in stores or cellars, that may be considered injurious to theiltalth of-tbe city. JOHN SHKLLMAN, Chrirman, I. K.TEFFT, 8>.c*n BoariNIf ffii-aith, jVj lN® MbiiUvt 'aTttr date appliCa^ibrtSvilt fiif J-v made to the Honorable tbe-Justiccs o/ tl i In. ferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell all that Lot in Savannah known by the Number *bne, Ellhr square, Decker Ward, with the ita. aprU 24 or persons under the age of 2! years,arid that all such persons be allowed one year aft£r they arrive at the age' of 21 years to take but their grants Sec. 4. And be it further ensoted, That it shall fie the duty of the Governor to cause this'act to be published in one of the risyrspapers in Mill. edge»iile, Augusta and Savannah, once in each month, until the expiration of the time appointed by the same for taking out grants. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. *• DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS. President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 2,1823. G. M TROUP, Governor. (ET The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov next, in the "Constitutionalist** and "Savannah Republican ” march 10 . For Sale, INE Lots situate on the South Common, as a part of Garden lot No 7, designated by num bers, I, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 10, 15 and 24. t Also, an undivided third of lot No 17,Yamacraw, fronting west on .Fahm St. opposite the residence of Joseph Stiles,.Esq, Also, all the interest of Isaac La Bocbe m a cer- tain lot of land, situatecTon theTUuiiderbolt ltoad. THE IMPROVED . SEIPUPZ POWDERS, rtf good eftectoi of these p6wders»aa a Medi •X cine, has been observed .and acknowledged by all those Who have had occasion .to use them. In ail cases of Honctburn, Rile, Nausea and other diseases,of the Btonv ch, whioh tre so very pre vaWjit in warm climates—they, can,be used utility time with much advnq* Jge. As they form a pies efiervescent draught, they tpay .be saicTto he an agreeable beverage free from taste and highly impregnated with fixed ait> and possessing all the Medicinal qualities ot the mucli esteemed Seidlitz Waters. " f The Season K ftst ^proacliing, when these powders wilj be in demuttd, and to get tliem pure is very desirabJe. Many persona have been de ceived in their operation, by ‘having purchased them in Drug Stores, the proprietors-of whiclt paid but little or no regard in selecting the 'best kind, consequently them benefical qualities were, nevt r realized BCU this difficulty m'av Dow be obviated,—the subscriber has endeavored for the two or three last seasons to procure them Qenukie and Has been, successful. These .Powders are neatly put up in Tin Boxes, by which meansJlheir Medicinal properties will remain unimpaired by the influence of time and climate.. A fresh supply of the above Genuinq article has just been received, which together with a very general assortment of Family Medicines v ill be kept, constantly on band; LAY & HEN DRICKSON, Chemist (J Druggist, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets ' Shad's Buildings. april 29 100 ha - >ay tor it whenever 1 got able t and I found,“by taking' the same quantity, as much-benefit by it ay by Mr Swaim’s. I have given this Certificate for the benefit of o> hem that should stand in need of Shitm’s Pans a, and consider it a very valuable medicine. P. STETLER, Duke street, Near Front, Northern Liberties. Philadelphia, April 20,1824. PtfiLADZuxiA, April 21, 1824; I Certify that. I have-been for many years effiic. ted witjj rheumatism Above five years ago, I was attended by a respectable Physician of this city,who put me under a course of mercury. *811100 which titpe l have been worse \ my disorder havifig been accompanied by severe pains through Vny whole aysteqi. And Inst Winter my rigltt leg was much swelled; and so much contracted, lliatl coulo scarcely put my toes to the ground, and was obliged to- walk with a crutch. In Feb 100 Dollars Reward. R AN AW AY li-um the subscriber, in Columbia , County, near Ruysville, on Little River, my ■omarl Phill. or Phillip, on the 2?d December. " ‘ ' 1 five leet eight or nine inches. ftueofan the benefit ofalljfL , , „ Krthe first Tuesday in May next, it will then be of ered at publiqi auction at the Court House in Sa vannah. Fr particulara apply to i D. PONCE, Agent for the assignees oi l La Roche, april,20 92 negro MjSfcr high, twenty five ryears old,- dark complection, thick lips, shows his teeth very plainly, when he ^ is i bends back in his knees; is a tolerable himselt Peter Banks, on the 24th December, 1821:' Who is about thirty years of age, yellow compl. c- tloh,' uboiR five feet nine .or ten inohea high, With 0 scar on.. the left (theek, occasioned by the cut: ■ of a. knife, which, shows Very plainly: Peter is a tolerable Shoemaker, a handy rough plantation Curpenler: ’ lhavq-good reasons tbbelieVe; they havdobtaibed two free passes each; thev Itaye one, to work by the month, until they have got moneysuflieient; and ihenthey are to make use of the other: T believe they made for Savannah. -The above) rewavd Will be given for the oppre. hension ard delivery of the Baid pegroes to the subscriber,'or for lodging them in any- safe Jail, so that 1 get die tit again, or fifty dollars for either of them; - WILLIAM MURRAY. may 36 x.j-124 HONEY, T US'? received *per the ship Louisa Matilda; for v.aeb,ibe gallon by : Druggist, Shad’s Buildings, may 5^ ( ! *121 Chatham Superior Court, Mat Tkum,' 18/4. 1 EORGE JOHNSTON and otliert, complain. VJ ants vs Peter Vanburgb Liyingatun and ptit. era, defendants, in equuy tn the. Superior Court, Chatham Pounty', May term, 182$ . ■ It appearing to the Court by ufhdavtt that Pejter Yanbutgh Li' iugstoii and Harriet E. Livingston, Who ure parties defendant reside beyond the state of Georgia, add within the United .States, on mo tion <>f complainants solicitor, ^t is ordered that the s«!d dd*’eud'U>t do *PP?*r,«Wri answer the complainauts bjil’within four months the date of this rule. And it is further ordered that this rule be published once a week during tbur monihs from this date in one of the public Guzcttes of tips State, • ... .. Extracts frem the Minutes, • A. B TANNIN, Clerk june 8 134, ^ ' In tfo District Court, OE TUK 1JMXT1.U ' - ‘ ‘ip ANp rtiilTUZ Distujct OB Geohoia. . May Term, 1824. -an, nwvingiuuea ... -.-vr— agreeably to funnnons It is'ordered that t(tey be fated according to law unless thby do file in the Clerks office on or belbre the second 1‘uesday in August hadplficient o» oath. ; J GEO, GLEN, Clerk June 19 aW Valuable Medicine. ■ANTI itYSPEPTlU PILLS, . . Prepared by Henry James. \ N approved .remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indig CL estipn, Habitual Costiveness, and Piles- It is well known that Dyspepsia ;s one of the most frequent and formidaole diseases of our cotin try. Its commdhcetiicut is indicsttd in 'difiereni patients by various symptoms, of which the most remarkable are—. • Irregularity nf the -bowels obstinate costive-- hfess, iteadacli, commonly called nervous or sick headach, yeiiownesa of the eyes and skin, acidity of stonialcrt after eating, often called heart burn/ flatulence or wind on ttie stomach, bitter taste in the motith in'the morning, fcelid breath, drowsi ness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, depression of spirits, Sic- Piles being, connected with indigestion and cos. tivencs', are certainly and speedily remoyed by tDe pills./ ... Persons afficted with any of the aboy.e symp toms, are assured that the Anti-Dyspeptic Pills are a remedy well worth their attention, and enti tied to their entire 'confidence- . A supply qf the above valuable Medicine has j list'been received from the patentee, and cap be obtained of the subscriber, who has been appoin ted agent tor the State of Georgia. LAY U HENDIt/'KSON, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, mai' 26 ' r* 12 4 Sh> d’s Buildings provi-mcnf. thereout And all that Lot in Savan nah known by the Number twenty three, in I.ib« erty Ward, wi'h the Uflildinga thereon—being thto real estate of John Smith deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, . - Administratori .may 15 114 v\' LL pdryqns i'niiebted to tlte estate of AlexV iu der Martin, late of Liberty county, deceas* ed, are requested to nuke immediate payment ta the subscribers; and those .0 whom the said ch tate » indebted are required to exhibit their de- mantis duly authenticated, to * RICHARD F. BARER, • .. WILLIAM- H. MARTIN, 5 tjXra ' may 10 fllg A iON'8 having demands tls itgaipst the : estate tpos Douglass, late of Chatham County 1 will plcaVh to'have their accounts pro perly ahested,.an<i leave ‘hem at the bar of Col, Jlio. Shelman’s Mansion House, Savannah. Those who are indebted to the estate, will be called on in ten or filteen days for settlement. DAVID TAYLOR, Jr. „ • Qualified Executor. A tor If ay net boro, Muy 24, 1824. * f rll V 28 tc*126 .V. IN'E mdnths after dfitu applic .iiun will be 1 J! made to the honorable the Infi-rior Court of Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for permisssion to sell the following real estate, for thebenefit of the heirs and creditors of the esfilte of N.'S. Bayttt),7!eaiiksrd; vis ! W One undivided fintrth of a tract ol Land, contain, mg about 5Q0 iterevon Cumberland Island, Cam- den County, kno wn as Plum Orchard—and a n un- ally granted to Gen. Lecltland McIntosh, and bounded on the south by the aalfi Plum Orchard Tract, , Also a plantation called Lottery Ha)) situate on the Ogeechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, con, taming abBut 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, re Adm’r Est. N. S. Bavords povlO 211 ’ . ; (V[lNi months after date, I shall apply fo the -Lx Honorable the Justices of the Inferiur Court ot Chatham County, for leave to sell the real and personal property of Lachland Hamiltion M‘Iq< tosh, deceased, for the benefitotf the heirs. SUSAN A. G M'lNTOSH, Adm'x. march 9 56 . legts I am induced to make this public for the bene fit. of'the afflicted. ... CHARLES BARIAS, Mall alley, Philad. , . I’aiLAXiELPUiA, April 17,1824. This will certify, that my son, John Httntes, aged 40 yqars, was confined last wnter in thfe Alms house oi this city, with rheumatism in his shoiililer and arms. I applied to J. Shinn for Some of his Panacea, and obtained one botle, wlitch entirely rertioml bjis.complaint, He was remov ed io the couiOry, otherwise he-would have sign, ed this certificate, •'* ' ./ v " ' her ; . ANN C. bf HUMES, mark. •’ - : Philadelphia Almshouse. Philai)elfixia, March 10th, 1824. I certify, Cot the benefit of tbe ;filtctvd, that 1 •haye been, for ieven years lastipast, idflicted with tlielivei.complaint,during which time l have been attended by several physicians, but received no permanent benefit; Hearing of Mr t'Waitn’tf Pa nacea, I applied to him for some of it; being poor anti-unable to at the time, could not ob tain any, -l ne.x< applied to J. Shinn, and receiv ed some of hi. Panacea, wliich greatly benefitfed me. The-pair, and sorenes- of my side was re moved, and 1 was again able to work at my trade. CHARI ES BOWMAN, German Areet, fiouth walk. N INE months after date, application wfil b® made to the Hon. the Inferior Court uf Bry* an County,Tor leave to sell all the rani Estate of Sarah McKindley, late of Bryao county! dec. fop benefit of the heirs and creditors of ssid estate; JAMES BUTLER, adn.’or. anril 2' 4o 7? , H Y virtue of an order of the Hud. duu of prdli dinary of Liberty County, will be sold in the Town of Sunbury, on the first Tuesday in August next, three fourths of the tight which the estate of Mercy Brown,-deceived has to a certain negro woman slave named Cassandra, JOHN C, BROUGHTON, Executor. may 26 v 24 T •• ■ This is to, certify, that my Morrison,,aged 18 years, has afflicted with the King’s evil, Castor Oil, Salts, Copperas, w* nm %c. BOTTLES American cold expressed oastoyOil 39U bottles - do dp do 2d quality 200 do WeBt India Castor 04 for plants- tions. 25 bbls Glauber Salts 10 do Copperas 2 do AJum Together with a general assortment of Drugs #pd Medicines, tor sale by • ; I.AY & HENDUICKSPN ' Chemist and Druggists 8/uid’s Buildings. CoiigrewrWfBenii Whitaker Mtvet.'1 junp 15 137 p> rent ice boy, J ee several, years .. . .. _ . ttq'itied with an extensive ulceration over the body, with-acute pain. In' January last, I heattl ot J. Shinn’s Pana cea, and obtained for him three bottles, which ef fected 811 entire and complete cure, and be is now in good health, and able to work at 1 is trade. B ALEX’B. RANKBN, Front-St. atfovo Poplar lape. This is to certify, that on the 16th of April, th<- above named John Morrison appeared.before me, and on examination, do believe the facts, as stated in the above certificate, are just and true. Hi PROBASCO, Justice oftbe Peace, Philadelphia county, I certify that I have been -filleted with rheuips tistn in my shoulder for three years, from wbich 1 have been relieved by taking a few bottles of j. Shinn’s Panacea, JAMES pOUGLAS, of the - ■ Moy amensing Poor bouse, J U8T received per Ship Florida) the celebrated Panacea prepared by John Shinn Cuemiat Philadelphia, - ho has appointed the Subscriber Agent for Savannah and its vicinity. Y’he Pana cea will be snht ai- the re iuced price oi $2 50 cts per battle, or $24 per dozm. 1 W M. CUTHBERT, Agent, may 26 Jr-3mtl21 m LNE mouths after i; date application will be made-to.the hon v ahk- the Justices oftlte Court of Ghatuum county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that tract «, do Alum of Landcontaining'two hundred and fifty acres; 20 boxes Sweet Oil containing- I dozen more ortes, known us lot-No ' 15 fifteen, in' the ' ^ ■ contaimng i uozen district of Early county, Georgia, ii JtijLteiia the-real estate of Robert M- Durkte, dec. be sold f na indebted to the estate of Jolinna, ilai cy Moore, of Effingham County deceaa, ed to come forward and make payment anti thosa that have any accounts, to present them to, 1 HE7.KKIAH EVANS Vlrn’r wit Sf> irstOV .hi .-1 er d-uv, [ .siialt apply to tile Justice's of the Inferior Court of f|NE moi.tha hun. the. ( berty county, for leave to sell the real and per sonal property of William I. Baker, dec. for th® benefit of the heirs and creditors. THUS. B. BAKER, "Pril’T 89 .itlm’or N INE months alterdate, application wurb® made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell all the real .property be- lodging to the estate, of the late Rev.Jno, Beck, dec. lying in said county, for the benefi* of IB* heirs and creditors. aprii 16 88 ANN BECK; Adm’x. /~i BORGIA—Chatham County; By the Hon. VX the Justices oftbe Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern— ' Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Wm, M. Kelley, late pi Savannah, merchant, dec. has petitioned to the honorable the court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. r These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors oftlte said deceased, to file their objections fifany they have) in tlie clerk’s office of the said court, no or before the 8th day of December next; otherwise tetters dismissory will be granted to the petition, er Witness the honorable John p. Williamson, one of the Justice of the said court.tbisBth day 0 S M BOND, cco. june8 114 BrQDght to, Jail, “ ; N Savannah, an tlie 4th,inst a ntgro man who aaya his name is Jack, apd that he belongs to Go), McPherson of South ( arolina, and-that he ranaivay about 14 months ago. Be is 6 feet high and about 30 years of age. . JOHN L DEWS, jcc, tune 12 136 , 1 Brought to Jaiii, tan who Q N Savannah, on the tOu nisi, anegro r aaya nia n.tme'is Ciieaty; and that he to uol. McPherson; of South Carolina,' and that Ee' rana» ay about the 1st in ? t. He is 5 feet 64 inches high, and about.40 years of age, • ' ^OHNLDEWP, jcc. June 12.' 136 . ’ Durkie, dec. and to; for flte benefit of the heirs and creditors- ofthe said deceased. - . . ... ' /' AUGUSTUS F. DL’RKlKj, Adm’or. of I.U, M, Dttflsjp, dec, IT 1 Brought to Jail, w ...... h, op the tviii uist a negro man. who says ins name is Uen. and that the belongs to James Pi imrose, of Aug>’sla, Georgia, and that he rtinaway i.bout 17 roonths aL-o—He is fi ve feet 9 inches high, . ■ * t to v eN Savanhati, on tne lOtiunsuu luigrothan who ils jys his name is Elijah, and that he.belongs to Anson Bugg ot Augusta Georgiy and that he t-ana- way abaut the 1st of May last! he is 5 feel 5A incites high and about 37 years of age, * —