Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 26, 1824, Image 3

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}.-r commentary upon our Republican Gov- eminent than anything like an Hereditary succession. Mr Cruwiurd has strength of niind, but he has what is ot more value, strength of principles, and strength of character. Washington, June 17. NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES. Promotions and Appointments in the Mar ine Corfis and A avy, as confirmed by the Senates May 26, 1824. Promotions in the Marine Corps. nr"? 1 . Wero Tnu ®* 1 * nteres ted vcstcrday at Washington Hall, where Wspent me r ,^r* n v .' evvm K Trumbull’s painting ol Washington's Resignation in Congress on the 23d of Dec. 1783,at Annapolis, where he “ tendered his commission on his retire- SHiP NEWS. POUT OF SAVANNAH. AS1UVM, tllllUt, Ship Martha, Snow, New York, Geo Gordon. Ship South Boston, Campbell, Charleston, . Petersen, Hammond U Go. SAILZn ON THOtlBDAT. Ship South Boston, Campbell, Charleston, ESTABLISHES LINE r from»sraswss. P o 8 o!:tts a« 48 days from this master-piece performance,which brings to their mindB.tlie serviers of the Father- of his Country, and his affectionate farewell in the presence of of the august body as- : sembled on the occasion, must have feel- . „ • ings different from ours, if they are hot Joseph L. Kuhn and Charles R. Bioom, sensibly and agreeably affected. 1 First Lieutenants, to be Captains in the Marine Corps. Beniamin W. Brevoort. and Samuel J- Cocjcmait, Second a'wE'KX ..... , Lieutenants, to be First Lieutenants in the brought down by & current from some .The schr Panopea, Baxter, which sailed from Matine Corps w - “ c ~ ^ - *• m . m T * ■. * " T' JV. . NEW-YORK PACKETS. sriirs, '•* ' MAsTF.ii*. “ SAVANNAH, . W. Bubf., LOUISA MATILDA, 1). Wood, • AUGUSTA, D Van Dick, : WM WALLACE, T. Wton, ,vj EMPEROR, ^ J - »• B^, > :JTlie above are all first rate vessels, with e.xpe- : rienced commanders, and will rontinue to sail in leav- nd N. V By Calvin Bfiker ON MOVIlAV, 2d Angus! next at-ll .o’clock. IVill be sold ut his Store, ' The schooner"'. MAGNOLIA, Burthen 98 lJ-9S’hs tori', with he- _ .itackle, apparel, £fc ns she now lies at Mongin’s wharf, being part of the estate of lie late irrancis Jalineau, deceased, and sold,by order of the executors—Terms Cash. ione 22 140 • -jr-AA. «;'>*•'•«» I ’ >. .• i fienced commanders, SncTwilj tontinue to si P .. 4 , ah 'P ” Hl 'BS, Britton,:for Liverpool; left the regular succession throughout the season, Monstrous Ser/tent We learn bv our- Bar yesterdji) morning at 6 o’clock. Passengers, ing Savaniiah for New York on Thursday and N. N th* fi. ot t„ .,i. .. . Macomber, Abram N. barer. rhe, .erpem .f * V "" - * boardtt Jones’s upper wharf, orto — —' - - HALL h HOYT. liy Calvin Baker. Executors .Kale. . ut next, nt eleven rout of the Court- uruugni aown oy a current train .Some .mesenr ranopert, Baxter, which sailed from mountain, has taken abode at a place near Ghsrletaenop Tuesday last, for Savannah, return- ].. jan 27 “• 4 . Brahmimeetullah, situated oh the north of $ on ' Winds ’ I ~ JZZ m A.. Santiporc If has not much breadths but is At New York, 16th inst. brig VoTciana. Blan- i . Appointments in Marine Corps _ ' ol Mis*. William ... aumiporc it nas not muen breadth, UUt is Af New York, 16th Inst, brig Morgiana Blan Randolph, of S. C. I- oidon N. Carter, of 32 to 24 cubits lorig. As sotpe people Kaye chard, 9 Jays-, sob*. Bleahor, Williams^9 days. Vir John G. Reynolds, of N. Y. ant) Hen- seen it from the public road, which is near’ AtNetf York 18tta Inst, schr Ann Marla, Sisson, •ry W. Fowler, olx-ou-to be second Lieu- toitsderi, we learn .thereby tljatVbtf yerpririt ™*r, for New tenants in the Marine Corps. at times of rest collects itsbotiy itlio a brm^ * At ninriesion'2't,i* #mm mi mo x»i ..»>■ 01 .my. 1 Appointment - in the Navy. resembling a wheel, bpt at the noise of any b °“ - “ a,d . of 0r,eans » •» wharf, or to ***&*' if V U John HaaSf'-iS* 8 ^? on ®* 8 ' a PP^*«h,'itStrctchcs itself and jumps At Providence, 32 h inn sloop Mercy, Bo! les. j un e 22 m140 RapiUje, of N. Y. John Haslett, ol B. C. up to the distance df 25 or 20 cubits. For- cckahkd r-n tuis vort . Henry -W. Bassett, of Md. Benjamin R. tunaiely it.bail Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Spy.Glasses, Bendsteads, Beddato, &c. yihsn, “ ' - A Negrow fellow, about 25 years of age—a guo*! house -ervant aud OAtler, and OJVE IHjQ, of the setter breed, be Passage for New Fork. ~ v The coppered ship S N' A JUNO, . - i A. W. Miliimore, Master, , .. —- I Has a spacious cabin—will sail on longing to the estate of Gar ( lnar Tufts, de.c. aud the 1st day of duly. For pas3-.tgo apply on board s,, * l l by Order of the executor, for the benefit of • • 0 - the heirs. > > june 9 135. . . • , ., S.B PAIlKMAN. For Boston. r " The packet brig _ ALMIRA, V ^ hetwen the hours of IQ and 4 o’clock. ...... master, Five negroes, Cs^.r, Hannah, Joe, ifufh, and Will sail on Sunday, next. For H iniet, undera ti ta on foreclosure infnvofofUft- freight or passage, apply on board at Hunter's vfea & Berrien, against Joseph C. Habersham Sheriffs bales—continued. On the first Tuesday in July next, \ l lt.L be sold at the Court House in Savannah V* be iCtfATHAM. B. Dyer, Master, Wutson, of Mass. William McMurtrie^of f r 'ightfSi7h7pe"they could''ndt ‘c2mmd Penn, and John C. De Hart, of N J. to be courrage to attack it ‘ •: ... - Pursers in the Navy Calcutta flatter Qet' <24 •' For fteiglit of'200 bales Cotton, Cave Jones, of N. York, to be Chap- - / •• -i vrJPkQSSSY-.; j v.. 'S. ^PARKMAn. > tain in the Navy. Miss Mary Lydia Lffcrlnes maiden lady. ',W\‘ . # ^ NtiVv Department, 31e« May, 1|2A, 0 fgenteel Co«urie, ^h0-died in the year Congress Water in Ice. BESIGN'A1* ION S IN THE NAVY 1770, at her appartments in Oxford Street, accommodation of the pnuiic 'he a SInoE Sept 1,1824. and who, soriae, rfieetine with.a - b ?- ve 'W e r will be,kept^cool in ice during Lieutenants—Robert Spedden, C. W. disappointment as-.ftf ’m>trimbny; mhde a o'clock A,‘M^auh^siore of b * * W,edUP °" ** 5 Stevi fia, and James F. Curtis. Vow never to see the light of tlie sun!^ Ac*- ‘ ^TV-* '’ - L\Y & HENDRICKSON, Surgeon*. J. G.T. Hunt Charles Col- cordingly the Windows of her apparfment . *$■*■ '* ** Orugglsts, Shad’s - Buildings ton, George T. Kcnnon, William Barnwell, were shut up and sj^e strictly kept her re -* i J» ne ss -‘‘ 1 Amos A. Evans, Robert R Barton, Resolution. . jakr Randolph, C. M. Reese, James Page. A few years ago lady, -wlio had Surgeon's Mates.—F. S Beattie, D. N. resolved never to see the light of tffo day Mah»n, Manuel Phillips, R. F. Dundridge, again, from a matrimonial disappointment, ,; ,’ R. T. Falconer. lived Bhut.up in darkness, (at least she had * Passed Midshipmen.—-T. B. Curtis, D. only a lamp or candle burrttbg,) In Charter Conyn l am. house street: and this lady like the above, Midshipmen.—J. M. Allen, J. H. Am- rigidly kept her maiden vow,.— f.; ory, John C. Jones, N. Marchand, William ' JLondohpaper. Pollard, Henry Potter, C. H. Starr, Rich* . ard Stew«rt, Lewis Seeget recapitulation op resignations. S B PABKMAN. wharf, or to jilne 2? , • , NE W 4 B JUDGEMENT. Lieutenants, • . - - 3 Surgeons, » « 9 Surgeon's Mates, 5 Passed Midshipmen, 2 Midshipmen, 9 Mr Edwards, generously sympathising in the anxieties of his friends intreated ' them ih his Louisville letter', “ to give them | selves no uneasiness about the result: that they ought to know him too well to believe,. ■! that be would rashly undertake more' than he sincerely believed he can accomplish. 0 Lot No, five, Spring Hill, containing live acres, more orlei-y, in Chatham Count), levied op as the property of Catherine Hartstine, to satisfy nn ex ecution in favor of Samuel Loper against T V. Gray, adm’r of Catherine Hartstine, dec. All the Household and Kitchen Furniture, con tained in the City Hotel, levied on as the properly - of Orran Bird, to satisfy an execution in favor of Eleuzcr Early, transferred to J B Herbert ti co. I. D’LYON, s. c ,0. june 19 139 . ^ ^^ City Marshal’s ->ales, continued. r .On the first Ihiesday in July next. T - ... ... T - . . . "t'ATILL positively no,.sol.I be lor.: Uc Court ill-. Steam Uoat.i..-vUui.uN/V wo , o . -• VV House in Savannah, between the hours o.f. daypext.the 24th tnst. commence runmog 10 an,. 3 o’clock, if the ground rent is not pre- between Savannah and Farachuchier Landing, viously nuid , . . , ? P ? 5 0ber ' vi il e > S i C> Jd eav ? Bolton ® cen- Lot Nl , 24. Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet,, bound- tral Wharf evdry Tuesday,, Thursday and, Satur. cd CHht by Jefferson street, south by Hull street, d^y, at 6 o clock, A. M. arrive at.Earachuchler the we st by lot No. 32, and north By— street, Te- same (lavs at 7, P. M Returning—Laave Para, entered upon as the piopefly of Mfs. Bulloch, fof chuchler every Wednesday, Friday andi Sunday, 4 quarters rent. at 7, o’clockj A M and reach Savannah at4o’- Lot No 35, Elbert wnrd,60 by 90 feet,bounded Ferry, and'Tuckaseeking. Lots No 47 and 48 Jackson ward, 60 bv 90 feet She will continue to touch at Purysburg every cacll( bounded east by lot No 46 soith by Libert* day, except Monday, at her usual hour, going and street, west by Jefferson street, and jn rtl. by a returning. ' > .... , lane, re-entered upon ns the property of John Mo- passengers will be proytded with Breakiast and Kinnon, for 12 quarters rent • Dtnner on board , Lot No 25, Brown ward, 60 by 90 fear, bounded aHwaiOf «•“ arrangement, the Steam Boat convey, east by lot No 24, soulb by Hulis-reel, w*it by n -* * n . ce > c °"? ec ' e, J‘ w,,h ,h f ® aVRnnah and , Al, 8“ s * 8 >ot No 26, and north by a lane, re-entered upon Of Enquiry, ' lUM of Stage* is extended trom Savannah to Rob- as the property of C II Hayden, for 8 quartet* s. the following de- er ‘ v,,, 9/ B ; G ' rent. . june 2p. - 4 ; 141- . ■ . Lot No 26, Brown ward, 60 by 90,feet, boun ded east by lot No 25, south by Hull st. West west i r 1 ?* ev ®"**reatwed, to make Mr -Craw- tM __ 28 j ford, swallow his own words that he would Jt? fautter* at the pmde oTthe 9th and lOih Jtlne allow him “ no Other retreat, I rom this- ipri iiud Execution* will be issued on the 6th July scandalous attempt against me; &c. then to ags'hst alt failing to pay to John F.\ Lloyd, Pay There is now in existence in New York deny he intended to make any insinatiohs' in . H * ttr -T oe " ,r ®. tbl » t day, . • .. a“ Society for promoting the establishment against me." Mr E. as it turns out, may f ol 6u<fr*-. oi!nl3he^ Samtfef Griggs, of communities ” Its object is to form as yet require all the sympathy and assistance John G Hoi-cmb, G. D. Sweet, £2 each 1 3 p, sociatious to emigrate to new settled coun which his friends can give him—« deserted 8crivti,, jflO ties, and purchase property, to be .held in at his utmost need" by those cunning pol -Artillery—Thomas’Young, g20 U. JtcAlpin, gio — __ — —» TL,. Vain Vnnl* nKaanir/in Otnf*>■ tlintnna •*,!«-« Unnn kaan MitiilytMn, -n q^* JOS^pll WullUCCy jlO.JilinCS Bflrr| L J R r Total, NEW COMMUNITIES. M'Kinnon, G, Slow, g2each T * WSr common. The New York Observer states iticians, who have been making a tool that in March lust, a, community of the him — He “ rejoiced" at Louisville, “ Hi . kind, consisting of about 50 *-*«-*-*—•- 1 •- lvlt that city t occupy a track Virginia, of abriut 13,000 , . — Aa 1 * * T5JT"- have since been joined by 30 more, and 80 now? Whoso wicked contrivance is it, " .. . ,, • • • t-i, now about u i»»u< “'S.!; Landing from brig Jllmira. BRLS. prime St, Croix Sugar 10 pipes superior H«Hand Gin t': IN STORE. 100 bags prime Green Coffee 15 do Black Pepper 60 hlitls. Philadelphia Whiskey 100 bids N K Gin K 40 kegs Tobuccn fBrowbs No 1,” , 250 Dutch Demijohns "For sale by JOHN W. LONG. june 22 ^140 * Cotton Bagging, SCc. ... iuth by Hull st. West by Scott street, and north by a lane, re entered upon as the propcr.y of RB Ralston, for 4 que ers rent. Lot No 49, Brown’s ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun. ded east by lot No 50, south by a lane, west bf* Mclntosh-street, and north by Perry street, re entered upon as the property i f Pe er Blois, |or 4 quarters rent Lot No 3, Franklin's ward, 60 by-90 feet, boun ded east by lot No 2, south by a lane, west by lot No 4, and north by Bay street, re entered upon as the property of John Course, for 4 quarter* ent. Lot or 90 more are ready to go whenever the that; Few hundred peices superior 12inch Russia ded esS by Im N^4, w.Uh bj a^a^Jre^loi COTTON BAGGING, ------ by -‘ i?y - lree i' And.a variety of other way ia prepared. Any member cat) with draw, with his proportion of the property, whenever dissatisfied Mr Jefferson has been requested to give his opinion, of the society, which he has done in the following letters— Letter of I'homas Teff- rton, ex President of the Richmond Enq, From the Philadelphia Gaz, June 9, There ia little probability now that Gen. Jackson will be elected President: and there is therefore no excuse foi^the vile abuse of „ . ttL4:7^KrVT-*-- , « him in which some -Piters indulge. HI. Society for promoting Communities. character belongs to the nation; thoje Who Rhodes,.$2 e.<cli.'• .*>y. VT^- ( Tiryflmb- .Alnbim^na STr, i * iT - *»Su—I re urn thanks lor the pamphlet wantonly assail, and ar.htoofully vilify it, 3rf Heat Compuiiy~ri P Seize, C Schroder, £>5 ... . “*■. >l'*® 0, • • - ■i I—i .— ... t P-- al.l — -i .1 * :o7al‘ . -«<*k. rn„iiitMi i/ ni.M'hii; DatUoi, iv \\j/i/i.'HAGS prime Green Coifed ' yon have been so kind as to send me^ on ought to have for their reward the detesta the subject of commm wealths. It a moral tion and contempt tot the community. The S o inciplcs merit entire approbation, itp phi services he has rendered to the nation, few j) HraU) dre, Young," Ross, Bftdley, Rogers, anthrofihy especially; and its views ol the of us, perhaps, properly appreciates the Shultz, J W Cannon, J Sites, EM'<;ige,TBradley, equol rights f man more closely they are examined, the moVe D Bro n, Mcf jmr, $2 each.; That small societies, on the principle oCimportant they will be found tu be We . 4<A Beat Vompany-^J' WfStirk, $S T'ABrad a communion of property, may exist in owe him a debt of gratitude. Oh! then A i!1»^^T, r h^4 0 tiL , R' habits of virtue, order, industry and peace; (though we may prefer other candidates to a ppearingob pawflL^t umforni, finedgio. and consequently in a state of as much hap- him,) let us not participate in any manner June 26 p142 piness as Heaven has been pleased to deal with those base men who, are incessant in- r> riwtham f 'miritv out to imperfect humanity, 1 can readily their endeavors to injure his character as a vjeorgia v^nauidm uu y. conceives and indeed have seen its proofs man, and his standing a3 a citizen. Censure xxthfufas inmeTHumYrha^anDUedto the in various small societies, which ha^e been him for what is wrong, and censure him \\ Hon. the court of ordinary o^Mid!county, constituted on that principle. Burldonpt severely, but in so doing, forget not his for letters of aaminbtration on the estate and ef m a . nni , D ,„ a w- a ua i a tnir,t a nf teel authorised to conclude from these facts services—forget not his hoary hairs—for- fleets iff CoLGonstant freeman; late of the city of * fX " u gni a q( oiibifisianos uj ihngines •MfiTirF- that an extended society, like that cf thi U get not his nobleness of mind—forget not Washington in the District of Columbia, ih behalf rjiiAiKR NTOTK3E—There a meeting iif ___ ndroiV.T'J . Stat-s, or bfan iri^ldual State, could be hi, generous sentio.ents-forget not his 0 ^ h 0 e w h S. are fl we &re to Bpf vNter Of the President. '• ‘ ' HAUPT, Sec’ry. as the ptoperiy of A. Hunter, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No 20< Warren ward, 60 by SO, feet, bound ed east by Price street, south by St Julian street, west by lot No 19; and north by Bryan street, re entered upon as the property of T V Gray, for 8 quarters rent. ’/ - T Lot No 38, Columbia ward, 50 by 90 ft. bound- ea east by lot No 39, south by Soutli Bnad street west by lot.No 39, and north by a lane, re-entered ; upon as the property of Ann Rodman,for 12quaj5 ters rent Lot No 10, Jackson’s ward, 60 by 90 fectJbpun. ded ’east by Scot street, south b\ a lane, west by lotNo 3, and by north South Broad st re-entered upon as the property of T N Morel, for ^ quar ters rent. Lots No 31 and 32, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 ft", bounded east by lot No 3q, south by a lane, west by West Broad st. and north by York st upon as the property of C H Hay fere rent. • tot Np 29, Jackson’s ward, 60 by 90 Tt bounded - JLi ments thereon, if not sold before. the first east by lot No 30, south by a lane, west by Jeffer-, Tuesday in'July next, will .be offered at public son at. and north by Perry st. re-entered upon as ■/.aale. For particulars apply to ' the property of J B Berthelot, for 4 quarters JOHN M’INTIISE, rent. juste 24 Bl*U - • \J.. F,M STONE, o ar. june24 141 4 - . ... * - 5 hhds prime Retailing Molasses 10 coils Bale Rope ‘ ' ' ■ *80,%eg«'|0itl N4fls ' . For sal* low, to close a consignment by H. LORD 8c CIO, Williamson's Buildings. jpnc’24 ,.„;iil4r . , „ ■ ■. ’;*• . ■''S* - EorSple. ,-V^ A . <(X OT No 10 Franklin. Ward with the improve re entered Hayden, for 8 quar- governed happily on the same principle. I .decision of character-and above all, forget ^ Slar the Sd and^^^riditowof ihe lOok to the diffusion oi light and education, not his strong moral courage. This virtue said dec. to file their objectionsfif any they have) - as the resource most to be relied on for. is so rare among statemen in our days, that in my office on or before the 26tb day of July ariieliorrting the conditiori, promoting the those who possess B ought to receive dou virtue, and advancing the happiness of man. blc reverence. That every man should be made virtuous by any process whatever,is indeed no more to be expected than that every tree shall be made to bear fruit, and every plant nourish ment The briai 1 arid the bramble can nev er become the vine and thdbliVe; but th ir next, otherwise letters of adslunlstration ^11,. be granted to the applicant. Witness- the honorable Edward. Harden one of the Justices of the said Court, ’ * June, A. D. 1824. SAML M. BOND, c c o. turn* JO 141 ... FLOUU. 42 •june 19 -.-139 Fifteen Dollars Reward. Retracts of a letter dated. “LERMA— 3 milt s trom Campeachy, june^6 24th April, 1824. asperities may be softened by cuflute, and “ Since the 15th of February, we have their properties improved to usefulness in hpv/nhn'petTme^nce She * B ^ el * bnown in Savannah", arid hasa-husband reeu | ar te ~ : n j u | v the order and economy of the world. And has gone so far as to heve obliged me since belonging to Mrs. Davant. • regumrterm in Juljj I do hope, in the presen spirit of extend- the 20th of last month to leave the city, 0 S. GOLDSMITH, ' ing to the mass of mankind the blessing of (Campeachy) and take up my residence ,juhe3 trl31 . ” i* t L.,ma Lama a.i.,.nn/! fn nnnnr A FEW barrels Superior Canal Flour, for fami- ses a general assortment of _ , the of |y use, just received and for sale by i SeaSOttabie D\’\ Goods nnun x - _ i- -- * HALL .& HOYT, . And will be sold othnleRnle nr in petnil. ; Court if Common Pleas and Oyer • M 'aruLTe0hiner. Meeting ot this Court which was to take 1 2&8&I + .P ,ace ?n Monday nexb is^ortponedun.irilve april 14 BARGAINS. instruction I see a prospect of great ad- h«re, until things have .returned m order. g ' „ jzr onyrip,^ vancement in the happiness of the human * he city has now around it 2 or 3000 troops OtFlCE FOR SHIPPING * * -- » — — — from the capital, endeavoring to place /. SEAMEN. things to rights by mdd measures. Ihe which time punctualattehdMceofall concerned ;nnHE Stock of DRY GOODS which formerly will be required BEN. SHEFTALL. J. belonged t'» Mr William Turner, is now selling off at prices much under.cost april 16 - . 88 * ' june 12 136 .V." \ ' • l?ric race; and that this may proceed to an in .... definite although not to an infinite degree, things to rights by mdd measures, i tie ? jpHE Subscriberis now able to attend person-! Wishing every success to the view of authorities st Canripeachv having refused ! all) to the duties of your society which their hopes can pro- to obey the orders from Merida, the seat oi Shipping Seamen and the Notarial mise, and thanking you must particularly Government, and being a walled city and Business, for the kiridexpression of your , letter to- well fortified, they have now surrounded it n the office of'Alexander Hunter and Wm,R. Wards myself, I salute you with assurances > so as to starve them out, anti i am Beers, at the N. W. corner of th^Exchange, \ JJIUUgUl V f N Savannah on the 1 Xtb n says his name is William : '*, Wm.R. McIntosh,of Mclnt •V&c. for behoof of his creditors generally, it ia rc- ; quested that thosri indebted make immediate, pay-, mtnf, and those having claims will please render . them to Mr Thomas Miller, who i3 appointed their agent, to dispose of the stock, which comprt- And will be sold wholesale or in retail, at very reduced prices; for cash only. JAMES M’HENRYO Assignees JOHN H. REID, C 5f CEORGE RELPH, \ Wm. Turner, fifi Wards myself, Of great esteem and respect. THOMAS JEFFERSON. NEW YORK June, 16th. Agreeable Intelligence.—We understand that the anug little snm ol 195,000 dul(prs has been received at the Branch 1 Bank in this city, to be applied to the. cfaims of the Old United Insuiance Company, which failr ed many yearri ago, in consequence of Spanish depredations on our ^commerce. This sum, after paying commissions, and the expenses of employing counsel,'(D B. Ogden, Esq ) &s., will arable the company to make a dividend of something like twen ty dollars on a share ol the atock^ which origirtaily' dost 1 fifty, ’ may 6 — 106 Writ. P. BEERS, afraid some days will expire before they give up. The town .is entirely abandoned, and I have been obliged to relingqish all ly..*- m, concerns for fear ufcontributions-no- f _ HBafe that the Su bacribers thing but troops being left in the city. J_ i )av e located and farmed a connexion in Jack* The Atrevido was lost on the Alacranes sonboro , scriven County, Ga. Where one of them the 3d of March, on her voyage from New- may at all times be found except when profes- Orleans to Campeachy.” . aionally engaged elsewhere. They purpose to -| attend the several courts of the several Counties - - ! Scriven, Burke andJefl'erson—also those of Rich. • irnMN**.**..*. by the Re,. Mr. their profession, to merit and receive a share of the public patronage Business confided to .their care will be thankfully received if punctually at tended to. • «- JAMES B. LEWIS JOSIAH S. PATTERSON. Wirii), Mr FnsDxaick Keifkb, to Mrs. Catha bike Bkcksiet, both of Chatham county. DIED—At Boston, nri Saturday morning, 12th inat. SAMriJsi.'PAaxafAir,,sen Esq. one ofthe most wealthy arid'rea^ectable citizen of that place. may 22 m Brought to Jail,, ■■ w .... inst. a negto man who Five Dollars Rewavd. and that be belongs to fTIHE above sum will be naiii to any person rp- , McIntosh County, Georgia, X prehending and delivering to the subscril>--r,' “ and that he ranaway about the 4th inst, he is five his mulatto boy John, who has been absent with- teet 6J inches high and about 35 years of age. 0llt leave for the last three weeks—John is welt... JOHN I. DEWS, j c c. knownin this city, having grown,up in it, qnd t-T \ june 17 138 -at;-- the last three yearsserved as a waiter at the Mail. A‘3 of Mr. McALPfitNS Bluetts" aion House, and since at the City H .tel. ,,v U J) will be kept on Wayne’s-wharf as a ' As there is good cauc: for beheving that .Trim sample, and for retail. The Brick will be landed «s harboured in the city,.a furtht-r reward of twm*. St any wharf in town to suit purchasers. Apply W dollars wJH be paid on proof to coqvicuoit tsf to DAVID A. STROBHAH, the person harbouring the said absentee John. „„ *0 , june 22 140 J B. BEAD, .ism* i’it si ■*!*! NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the es. TltateofMary Stevens, late of Savannah de ceased, are requested to present then- within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to the estate are requested to make payment to. GEORGE W. COE. . Qualified Exr. june 15 xtl37 The subscriber has appointed My. Benj. ShefUll bis attorney during his absence form the City* *- ROBERT LEWIS, Fresh Drugs, Medicines and SPICES. ‘I G ALOMEL, Tartar Emetic, Opipm, , Jalap; Crcamor Tartar, Rhubatb, Epsom Salts; Henry’sQalcd- -Mugnesitt, Seidlitz and Soda Poytrdera . Windsor. Soap, Nutmegs, . Cinnamon, Cloves aqd Mace, . Starch, Fig Blue, GirigeV' Jic. &c, Have just been received pr ship Empetor, arid for sale by . LAY h HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Building* ' june 17 138