Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 01, 1824, Image 3

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•0 divide aw? oniV^s# republicans, i t to ■„ li.izaul ius issue a hotrtlha-1 wade—nievof W | * 8U , C " a n ' eas . ure 9< * com J. wtllscll bin Stuck of nlctely clofealocl by Us own inconsistency tind fully. The thing is entirely overdone, SELLING OFF. R. L. MI LINING, Boots and Shoes, 1 Case sup Baltimore Boots, Sloan’* make 1 do do Philadelphia do Cole'* do 2 do do New York, Dan Taylor’* do 2 do Gentlemen's fine Shoetees 1 do single tie Shoes 1 do Ladles Satin Slips 1 do do Morocco, do Springs and Heels., 1 do stout pegged Bootees and Shoes, ouHa* ble for farmers. Together with a complete assortment of Chii- L-The motives, and the promised rewards, 0jt H "‘ D C0 *'' umii tl,e fir8t of Au B ust ,,eit * B re so plain on the face of this singular doc-. ’ a tnent—that they alone are thought ofs while the unfortunate reasons which are assigned for it, are remembered only as they contradict each other, l^he effect (will be any but disastrous to the democratic party. It may be regarded rather as a deed, conceived in a week and fash moment, which will elevate and strengthen that par- . _ . ■ 'ty in the same ratio that it will paralyze drensatid Servants Shoes—forcath only v, N. U. All persons Indebted to the subscriber and prostrate th unfot lunate author and will please to call and settle their accounts abettors of the proclamations. I R. L. MILLING. — june 8 134 CHARLESION, June 29. ■ ~ jij . y u »« ». ii a \fti oi/, \/» The Weather—For thelasttwo weeks has "fldlX HitxS qj KMMlLd IUJY, been uncommonly warm and oppressive, JXAVB received by the ship Savannah, a large the Mercury in Fahrenheit’s thermometer ^FASHIQJVABLE SUMMER has been the intensity of the weather, that Dircctfrom their vVabw i»osEin New York,con. several of our cite.™ have lallen prcciui , b ' ° b "‘ , " ed 10 tate viccims to it, and unless exposure be | amoso wimains, avoided, we apprehend further consequen- COATS and COATTEES—Of blk. v Silk Camlet, ces. We have had no rain for some time, Blk Bombazine, doCircas>ian, French and EngL.h Vigonin, Cassinttt, Cotton Cassi. mere. Bomba?, stl, Sattcen, (See. be. PANTALOONS—Of Denmark Satin, English Silk Drilling, bik striped Silk, blk Nankin Crape, blue and blk silk Camlet, white and colored plain and striped Drilling, ribb’d Vigonin Cassimere, bik Circassian, Cassi. nett strip'd cotton Flnrintinr, cottonCassi mere, Satteen, Bombuzette, Nankeen, he, &c. VESTS—Of blk figur’d & strip’d English, French and tndiu Silk, of a great variety of Pst* terns, white Marseilles, strip’d and color’d do., while silk strip'd Valentis, col’d do. of various Patterns, Round Jackets, Duck Trowscrs, linen and cotton Shirts, Stockings, Drawers, Gloves, Sum. ponders, Cravat Stiffners, black Stocks, Hbdfs. Uc Uc. At SO—A general assortment of Cloth Frock COATS, Dress COATS, PANTA LOONS and VESTS, of all qualities. The whole comprising an assortment, r.rely to be met with, and will be sold wholesale or retail at prices cor tiaanfin/linn luitlt illiS fimae J 'r.nnna #>4 Wkhulrni Chatham Mrttfunn VjnHR National Anniversary aiil W-ctdeoraied by the Corps on MONDAY NEXfV, the 5th' of July. The members are therefore ordered to appear at Jive o’clock preeiiely on the,morning of tout day at die Arsenal, fully equipped, prepared to unite with the other Volunteer Corps .In firing tbe salute. After the morning parade tbe corps will re »s« scmble at 11 o’clock, A M, to join the procesiicn “ . in escorting the Orator. ' LOUISA MA TILDA, established line i escorting the 1 By order <of Capt Williams, J A MitXWELI, Fiftt Setg’t, jnne 29 153 * NEW-YORK PACKETS. SHIM, . MASTKtlB, W. Bf,u.h, D. Wuoii, J Ji. UMe-t'ff Co ' On the fit'; t Tuesday in /• ly next. Will be told h'/ r,' the Court Bout:, A Prin e .Negro Roy, fwen'y live teat* olu,fi- a rate ii.tul hai'iv inn,* 29 143 *'i. Sail* r.t 10 o’clock and our fruit trees particularly have buffered materially SHIP NEWS. POUT OF SAVANNAH. „ * AiiniTKii. Brig Ocean, 52 days from Liverpool, to W Jen. ncr. Schr. Thorn, Vernard, Darien 2 days, Cotton to Elias Bliss, and Johnston, Hills & co. Revenue Cutter Crawford, Payne, St Marys and a cru se.. Pitot Boat John, Foster, from a cruize. Pilot Bout Vexation, John, do Sloop Bugle, Vincent, Charleston, 2 days to the muster, bound to St Marys 8A1AKII XKSTKHDAT. Schr Florida, Tontmerson, for Riceboro, Sloops Good Intent, Alton, for N. York, Union, Salowich, for Sunbury Cavalry Orders. SAVANNAH, Jane 28,1824. nriHE Corps of Georgia Hussars will ssaemble I. on their Parade Ground j ON MOh DAY NEXT, 1 the 5>h of July, at 5 o'clock, A M. in full uniform . completely armed and equipped, and with six rounds blank cartridge, to celebrate tbe Anni. versary of American Independence By order Capt. Stiles. H KIRBY, 1st Serg*tG. H june 29 143 SAtrzn TuisvonBifiiuir, F, L. ship Savannah, Beebe, f»r N York l’as* | responding with the times. Corner of Whitaker sengers, Mr Taylor and family, Me Norton and I and St. Julian Streets, oppositeYoungs’Uuildings family, Mr and Mrs Lamb, Mr Howard and family, I may 26 |]o 24 Mr and Mrs Fuller, Miss A lVLyon, Messrs Shel-1 doo, North, Campficld, W»ck, D’Lyon, WellB, Wultcman,Thorp, B Gilbert, t Gilbert, E D Cook, 1 Baker, Holloway, and Masters Thorp and Bull. Just Received, 50 BOXES bes. white Havana Sugar For sale by The ship Louisa, Maiilda, Wood, fur this port, tailed from New York on tic 21st ult, Anmvi.1 iwm Tiiis ronx, jli. New York, 19lh insl bliip Cotton Plant, Faah, 10 days ( Pilot boat schr Eclipse, Bullet, 7 I day*. At New York, 21st ult. sliip Clifford Wayne, While, 6 days; ship Augusta, Van Dyke. At Charleston on Monday, sloop Halcyon, Chap man, 1 day. Al Boston 18:h inst. brig Sea Island, <9; wood ur Fun tjus run-r, £ At Providence, 17 n ii j>t pticaei snip Rebeoc,., | Harm, to sail 23d. june 29 m143 GAUDRY & HERBERT. Notice. LL persons indebted to D B. Nichols, are .requested to call at the subscribers store and settle tneir accounts on or bef e the 15th July, as all unsettled accounts after ,hat date, will be left In tbe hands of some proper person fur col* lection. D. B NinilOLS Ct Co june 29 143 (fj* The Subscr bersto .lit. Dinuci to be g by tbe Savannah Volunteer Guards, on tbe 5th I late John Burns of Saint Lukes Parish—a mim Sixteen Hundred Dollars Reward, eN addition to bis Excellency Governor Wi' tl oil’s Proclamation offering a Reward of four umdred dollars for the apprehension and proof > conviction of the murderer or murderers of the AUGUSTA, D Vais Dick, WM. WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPF.RDR, J. H. BkmbZtt, The above are Ml first rate veasels, with cxne. rienced commanders, and will continue to Qail in i regular succession tbrougWit the scaaon, lesv- ing Savannah for New York on Thursday and N. York for Savannah on Saturday in each week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Capti ms on oourd at Jones’s upper wharf; or to HALL & HOYT. jan 27 21 For J\ew Fork, [established line,] The ship savannah, Bebee, Master Will sail on Thursday next, the 1st othei« For freight only, apply to the master on Wharf, or to HALL U HOYT. The Bliip LOUISA MATILDA, Will sail in regular succession on the 8:h proximo. 143 '• Hy Colvin Bake?. On the first Tuesduv in July, at II oVlurtf; Will be tolil In fi'ont of the Court house in thft • (ty A Ntgro Fellow, about twenty twoy<;>irH of nge c-ipable, of doing any kind of work. jnne 59 143 ' Aheryf's sale.' 'On the frit Tutuluy in Avguit fieri W ILL he soli 1 before the court Ikuis'.'. (n Dry* an couuty, between the hours of 10 and A o’clock. One Tract of land in Rrysp county, known by the hamebf Palermo, bouqaarics.unxnowu at the time of levy—the sime poin'ed out as th« pro perty of Richard T. Keating, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of the estate ot Benjamin Stiles and of July board at Jones’ Upper J»iy i THOS. ALBRT1 TON, SBC.',, M4 . « --.J* ATTENTlOVn A PpKAR on youV Parade Ground, Xl. ON MONO \Y NEXT, the 5th of July, by five o’clock, A M. in Complete tini'orn, with 13 round- bla k cartridges, to lire a solute. By order Captain Hdstes, MILLS, First Serg^. pine 29 143 WrAWAH VOLUNTEER GVftRDS, 1 YHE Corps \UH assemble at its usual Parade . Ground, at five o’clock, A. M. precisely, ON MONDAY, Ihe 5th of July, for the purpose of celebrating the Anniversary of our National Independence. Tne members will be completely equipped and provi ded with six rounds of blank cartridges e&cn. The corps will, after firing a salute, be dismiss ed—and will again assemble, with side arms alone, at its ground at eleven o’clock precisely, for the purpose of uniting in procession with the citizens. By order, HEINEMANN, Firs Serg*t S V. G. jure 29 143 june 29 Passage for New York, ~ The conperttd ship JUNO, A. W. Miltimore, Master, ! Has a spacious cabin—will sail on the 1st day of July . For passage apply on board at JonC’a wharf, or to S.B.PARKMAN. june 22 wl46 - " For Boston. .. The packet brig ALMIRA, S Harding, master, Will sail on Sunday next. For freight or passuge, apply on hoard at Hunter’s wharf, or to \ S. B. PAUKMAN. june 22 *rl40 " ■ 1 *-* ' 1 ““ Extracts of an Ordinance, To prevent horses and other animals from going at large. Whereas great inconvenience' and danger re* results to the Inhabitants of the City of S tvannah from horses and other animals running at large in the said city For Liverpool The brig ' CHATHAM, . B. Dyer, Master, For freight of 200 bales Cotton, ipply to . S. B; PAltKM AN. june 26 wUI NE W A HRANGEMENT. ^fiministratrix salt. ' On the frit Tuesday in August next. W ILL he sold before House in the City of Savuiuiah, between the usual hours of sale, > j Two tracts of land, vizt No. 128, fifth H.-r.ry, and one tract lying on the Augusta ru«d, 13 m.let fr«m Savannah, ihjc property of Tho». Thiu s, d&« ceased, for the benefit of the bur* and cveiudrt, Hannah TutEeb, Adntiniuruttix. inly 1 144 r KOTICilh! ' r * M R. WILLIAM TURNER, having assigned’to the subscriber all his stuck in tisd., debts, &c for behoof of his creditors generally, tt-isfe.' quested that those indebted make'immediate p.;y, me-nt, ana those having d ittts.tviU please rend* t them to Mr Tftumna &*'>cr l ' w'ho is ap|Hiiut( d (heir agent, to dispose of the stuck, w hich compri ses a general assonment'uf , , SeaaonaV>\e Dv>j GooAd, And will be sold wholesale or in retail, at ve-:.- reduced prices, for cash ouly.' ’ "f - JAMES M’JIKNRY,} A* ? ces JOHN H. REID, \ Of . GEORGE F.EI PH, SWm. fthnrt. 86 april 14 BARGAINS* T HE Stock of DRY GOODS which fertm-Hy belonged f> Mr. William Turhev, is m l/ selling off at pticea muchundtr cost. aptil 16 88 v ■—*— —-— Five Dollars Reward. , T HE above sum will be pai« to any person ap. prehending and delivering to tho subscriber, his mulatto hov John, who lis? been absent with* out leave foi-Mie last thre* weeks—John is well known in this city, having grown up in it, and for the last three years served us a waiter at the.Man* sion House, anti since at the City H . tel. As there is good cause for believing that John BeTortalned by the Mayor and Alderman of r T» K s > e «'" B ^^ l im.ilSA^,o.. l i, harboured in the city, a farther reward of twen* the City of Savannah, in Council assembled, slid it X day ty dollars - ill be paid on proof .o conviction ot is hereby ordai. edby the authority of the bame between 3»va"nah and Parachuchler Unding, th e person harbouring the said absentee John. th.tnnhnw.’ ff »i,f, n i mi„ m „i„ opposite llobertville, S. C. Leave Bolton a cen- june 22 140 J H. HEAD. _ tnatnonorse,geiamg, tnare, colt, titty, mute, or ,.r a ; whuf everv Tueadavi Thursday and Satur* ~ 't, ;—n ——fr=—;—; ir——•» ,go at large withih the ... ^ , y » « Fresh Dru ffs. MpJicuies "and . July are notified-dial tickets can be had by appli Cation to either of the Committee. N. J B W ARD, FRAAC1S 15 LOIS, R. R., AVM C. CU THBERT, JOHN C STaRII Oommittet- FOB T OFFICE NOTICE q3* I he Eos' Office will until the first Novem ber next, be closed from one to three o’clock, V. M. julv 1 145 FEMaIe MISS I A* A V i SuCJ.'Al UF SA VAjYS.AII qff TJie subscribers o this society who have nut yet paid their aumi.d suluciiption, arc repues ted to send the same at any time during the pre sent week to LUCINDA J. SORREL, Sec. july 1 145 her of the citizens thereof having subscribed the sum uf one thousand two hundred dollars to be paid by them to the person or persons convicting the murderer nr murderers of the said crime. The subscription list is left with Benj. H. Buck ner, John Cheney,'and Richard U. Screven, a com mittee appointed for that purpose (E? Tne Editors of the Charleston and Savannah Gazettes, are requested to publish the above no lice, and if required, payment will be made by the members nf the said subscription, june 29 143 NOTICE. . LL persons having demands against the es- Vtute of Maty Stevens, late of Savannah de ceased, are requested to present their within the 1 ime prescribed by law, and those indebted to the s ate are requested to make payment to. GEORGE W. COB. Quai fietl Exr. j'lite 15 1+137 JS utice. T HE GEN; HAL I MPORTING and WHOLE S.'.LE BUSINESS, heretofore conducted by Jxmf.s Dick am £S Co and Chough Ueipu, sep rute.y, is this day united, and will be carried on by the undersigned, 'Yho huv>- connected them selves under lite fint f , ' , C. W. ROC IC WELL % CO. All the advantages wlucn either ot .lie late estab- vnenti ofi'eied may be uependei. upon from t)u present one, by which they hope to retain the J dee, £2 friends of both. Regimental Court of Enquiry, B 11NES were inflicted against the following de faulters at the parade of the 9th and 10’h June in t. and Executions will be issued on the 6th July against alt fading to pay to John F. Lloyd, Fay mmter—before that day Savannah Fencibles—S .m\. Titcombe $2 Vol Guardi— oh.i Atherton, Samuel Griggs, John G Holcomb, G. D. Sweet, £2 each; J. P. Scriven, £10 Artillery—Thomas Young, g'20 H. McAlpin, g10 loseph Wallace, £10 James Barr, E Hughs, J. R ♦dKtpnoii, G. Stow, g2each hep. Blues— John J Bulloch, J S Coates, F Col. its, J Cantwell, A Farry, S M Metzgar, McCauley, > Nock, J Nicholas, J Now mans, J Oneal, M C Phillips, F Paacilly, J Timmons, J Taylor, O Tun July 1 GEORGE ItELPH. CHARLES W ROCKWELL t145 Office bank U ited States. Savimnah July 1 T HIS Office will be shut on Monday'nox — Bonds und Notes payable do that day are r> be taken up on Saturday/the 3d, when .offer)' gs for discount, on Tuesday following are to be de posited J HUNTER, Cashier. inly 1 ; Cl45, Geo Volunteers—B Butts, L Mason, B Cook, £2 ach: t i ’ Griswold, O Hoyt, L Petty, J Park man, £5 . licit! E Williams, £10 G W Coe, £3, 1 It heat Company—F Baker, A Silver, ,i Saun der , tj’ And* ison, H Lynch, HGoss,P McGinnis, Pesrsnn, l.uci na. R Dickson, g2 each ‘2nd Beat • Compa .y—F Blanchard, A Telfair, _ !0 Hcii: J Sti.k. r, F L'uyli, O lliley, T Sullivan, J McGoVingle, M Hail, Hathawai, Marshall, M Mnpkins, Collins, J din Quark, Wm Bowers, John urner, .1 Blanchard, T P Bond, I N Crane, G Rhodes, £" < ach. 3d Beat Company—J P Setze, C Schroder, $5 each : J Collins, !• Dure, W llatigen, W Wheeler. H J Vallcau, Petit, C Oneal, S Evans, I B Gautter, M Dillon, E Delano, Waddrill, Bogardus, Jadon, iSSEyS eB, a1l0Wed t0 E ° 0t ,Mge V,,U,,n “ ,C day. at 6 o’clock, A. M. arrive at Par.chuchler the *n,» tv. it fnMh’»r i n«t -it D n,i Mnn, same dsvs at 7, Pi M Returning—Leave Para- chuchler every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, Fresh Drugs. Medicines "and same dsvs at 7, Pi M Returning—Leave Para. SPICE!*), owner or owners of any horse, gelding, mare, coif, c , h 3 cb l e [ e * er ? Y, e ^ sd * y ’ f ALOMF-L, Tartar Emetit, Opium, *' filly, mule, or jackass, that shall be toind at large " 7 ’ k ° P ff ’ “ h 3 ^ Jalap, Cr. amor Tartar, Rhubarb, shall be fined for each and every ollence in a sum .n.i not exceeding Five Dollars andTcost. . . Sb< i,^L *„nu P c" r ^ Ai.n nn ,n In* Be it further ordained by the authority afore- ^ om K b ^ f ’ 'p 11 i™, s hiii.CT , Phenf.*er 7 SlBtera* a. UM i.,wi b. theauV ofihe City. Mmh.l Eb '“”’' **" said, m» II nintn uc me uuiy oi me miy niursiuu *, __.i " anJ und^vei'/animslS msv be^efen olTnowJ she ’ ^ ,ntinue t0 tauch Bt P^yeburff every toj.e gnn.g7t large whhin tie corporate limits 'W' Mondl,y ’ «»>er usual hour, going and of the city, and the owner or owners of such ani- -,sil be orovided with Breakfast and i mal or umimals so taken up and impounded shall TV *T* enge k ^„,i P rov,Ue<I WllU HreSItlMt * na „ou „tt Dmner on board pay all expences that may be thereby incurred in addition to the penalty imposed by the above re cited ordinance In Council 9th August, 1859. R. CUYLER. c c. The City Constables are hereby required to en force the above section of an ordinance uf the city. F. M. STONE, Marshal. June 29 143 By this arrangement, tbe Steam Boat convey ance, connected with the Savannah aqd Augusta Epsom Salts, Henrv’sCalcd- Magnesi% Seidlitz and Soda-Powder* Windsor Soap, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves and Mace, Starch, Fig Blue, Ginger !<c. &c. Have just been received pr ship Emperor, anti fur sale by ' LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Sha t’* Buildings, june 17 .138 . !• F - ,, 100 Dollars Reward* Line.of Stages is extended from Savannah to Uob- n ANAW AY from the subscriber, in Columbia ertville, S. C. JlV County, near Ilaysville, on Little River, nr.p , Landing from brig Almira. HHDS prime St,Croix Sugar V 10 pipes superior Holland Gin - JJY STOBE. 100 bags prime Green Coffee 15 do Black Pepper 60 hhiis. Philadelphia Whiskey 100 bblsNE Gin 40 kegs Tobacco "Browns No 1.” 250 Dutch'Demijohns For sale by JOHN W. LONG, june 22 t.140 june 24 141 POWELTON STAGE. Cotton Bagging, i$c. Few humlred peices superior 4 2 inch Russia ,hemp , ".. , COTTON BAGGING, And a variety of other British Manufactures) negro man pliill, or Phillip, on the 22d December : 1821. Ph4Hs about five lect eight or nine in-bee’ ihigh, twer’v five years old, dark complecting | thick lips, * w* teeth very plainly, when he j’&ughs; bemts back in his knees; is a tolerable [gooditlacksmilh. I Also, my negro m n Peter, who sometimes calls himself Peter Bank*,-on tbe 24tit December, 1821; who is about thirty years of age, yellow oomplec- tion, about five feet nine or ten inches high, with s scar, on tjje left cheek, occasioned by the cut r\ ft tiulisE bl'AGbunolv .uunmg twice of a knife, which shows very plainly. Peter is a JA a week from Powelton, via Greensborough tolerable Shoemaker, a handy rough plantation to Madison. - i Carpenter. I have good reasons to believe, they Leaves Powelton every Saturday and Tuesday have obtained two free passes each; they t five rooming, and arrives at Madison oh the evening of one, to work by the month, until they b-e got be same days. (honey sufficient, and then titty are to mak< use of Leaves Madison every Monday and Wednesday the other; l believe they , made for Sava uh. morning, and arrives at Powelton on the evening The above reward will be given for the apprea of the same day. hension antt delivery of the skid negppea to tho Powelton, Hancock Co. ? j ‘bat I get them again, or fifty dollar* for either ot April 3,1824. $ 'them. (rj* The Georgia Journal, Augusta Chronicle,; WILLIAM MURRAY. t Savannah Republican and Washington News, are may 26 Whicn wiil after mis month be subject to udditio- requested to inSfert the above twice ft month for g^pgyjQ'j- cUTt-— Clla-halTl (’ouilty# nalduty. For sale at former prices, if applied for two months, ahd send their accounts to the Mis., iT EllM 1834. immediately, and long credit given for approved sionarv Office forpayment. 4 . Gardiner Tufli.Vs. Xicl. Cnurer, paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. | may 17 - “5 I - J ■ ~ • * june 4 132—2m Planters Bank. _. S this Bank wil! he shut on Monday 5th July I Daraiaore, Young, Ross, Bradley, Rogers, J G ftAnext, peikbiiB having paper falling duo on Shultz, J W Cannon, J Sites, E MeigB, T Bradley, that day will please to attend to the same on the u MoKwen, £2 each. • Saturday previous* J Attn Scot CotnpQtiy—J W Stirk* X A Brad - -- 1 bur),,I A Wyily, J Crawford, J Wilson, g2each. Lieut. J Rider, ol the 4th B. Company, for not J45 < | appearing on parade in uniform, fined j>10, June 26 el42 Jul Bank State if Georgia. wroT,c™.„^r^ S urlo tho b day ‘ tI,U91 be t8ken U| * °‘‘ dec, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. •Saturday the 3d. A ■ poRTHH Cashier ROBERT BURTON, adm’or. A. 1 OKI Elt, Cashier, | MARY DENMARK, adnfrx. feb28 48 B.ulloch county. -july» 145 Real Estate for Sale. An Ordinance, A VALUAUL.E Plantation containing about 3 I To amend an ordinance regulating the city Watch, w.\ hundred acreH on Port Royal Island, in S. passed on the 18th September, 1823. Carolina, situate about 3 mi'es from the town of B e it ordained bv the Mayor and Aldermen of Beaufort on the main road leading to the ferry the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, and and known by the name of Burtons Hill. Persons it is ordained by the authority of the same, that so wishing to purchase would do well to view the much of the said ordinance as requires a residence plenties and judge for themselves, by the crop of six months in the city of Savannah previous to of S. I, cotton and corn now growing thereon; ti- the appointment, of an individual as a city . Watch- ties unquestionable—for terms which will be rett- man, be and the same Is hereby repealed, any unable, apply to Captain Paul A. Cartwright, in thing in any former ordinance to the contrary not Beaufort, or withstanding. N. BATTELLE. Passed in Council,.24th June, 18?4. O’ The editor of the Charleston Courier will j. MORRISON/ Mayor, please insert the shove oijce a month,for three Attest, 4 . tnonth? and forward .their bill to this cilice* I M. Mims, c, e. . quests 142 J jbne29 143 Coffee, Molasses, i$c. /JA BAGS prime Green Coffee Ol/ 5 hltds prime Retailing Molasses o'U coils Bale Rope 20 kegs 20d Nails For sale low to close a consignment by H. LORD k CO, Williamson’s Buildings. june 24 ?tl4l /|f\N motion of IV W Gordon.plaintiffs Attorney Vsie suggesting the death of the plaintiff, and sta- june 24 b!41 shew cause if any he hath t why Elias Reed, the executor of the plaintiff shall not be made a party, and why be shall pot have judgment against the said defendant. And it is forther ordered that' OFFICE FOR SHIPPING SEAMEN. 2 '(IIE Subscriber is now able to attend person. J. ally to the duties of Shipping Seamen and the Notarial Business, n the office of Alexander Hunter and Wm. P, Beers, at the N. W. corner of the Exchange. V/ra.l’. BEERS. may 6 ^ 1Q6 Congress Water in Ice. F < gy,gaffaff&FS sasKuXr” p “ “V mg&gi LAY & HENDRICKSON, . „ A-B FANNIN, Clerk. Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. I ,,1-toe 17 0 -■■■■- ^ r june 26 cxl^ ■■ .4-large quantity of Mr McAJLPHINS iiltltqvS NOTICE. E months after Uate application will be made to the honorable the Judges of. the Inferior Court of Bryan Gountyfor leave to sell all the real estate of Wm. Cubbedge, deed, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Administrator. Bryan County, June 17 138 T HE Public are apprised, that the subscriber has tit les to one half of a 50 acre tract of land on White Bluff, adjoining his, and land lately Jno. Poullen’s, now John Morrill’s, and fo. which the Administratrix of the late James Boyd, applies to the court for leave to sell bs part of that estate— his titles are of prior date, atjd of record All persons are forwatned not to purchase or trespass on the premises. . • . -. , ; U. F. WILLIAMS, june 17 . w—§t13& > V (urge (juantity ot } Court .f Commnn Plea, ini .«** and Terminer. . at any wharf in town to suit purchasers. Apply 10 DAVID A. S.TRORDAH, W T HE Meeting of this Court which was to take to place on Monday next, is postponed until the ^ regular term in July which will be on the 12th, at iv LL derrn-iVts against the estate of the ate which time punctual attendance of all concerned William A'kersrn deceased, musft’e rem <r- will be required. BEN. SHEFTALL. e d ; n duly authenticated, within the titpe prt’seri- June 12 136 - fork ted by law, and those indebted to said estate will Brought to Jail, make payment to ig A DAVENPORT, } N Savannah on the 11th mst. a negro man who j ’ ' Administrator. gays his name is William and that he belongs to . ma y 19 jt+117 'Vm R. McIntosh, ol McIntosh pounty Gfeorgi^ -k^eRSONS indebted to tbe estate' of Ishaift and that be ranawayabout the 4th mst. be , 8 five J. J g ldin , at& of c am ‘den county, dec’d are leet 6J inches high and about35 years of g . ^quegfjd t0 make immediate payment, and those • ,, m JOHN I. DEWS, j o 0. having demands against laid estate will pre ent J« ne *» -• v them legally attested within the time prescribed .bylaw to .LUCY SPALDING, qualified F.xe’x march 99 . 73-|t. ' ' ■ ' NOl’ICE B EING about to leave the state, l have appoint-! ed Messrs. Jo bn H. Reid, and James ft. Max- wxiji, my attornies. Persona having claims against. the estate of Robert Dreghorrt, dep. must pre sent them dttlYnUpxted to the former gentlemen. 1NE months after date, application w be made to the Inferior Court. of Effingham ioiutty, for leave to sell all the real property be- or before the 8tb of September next, or P»y- i longing to the estate of the late Rev Jno. BtcJr, ment will bevefoced, that being the date prescr;..! (Jec * in sa rd county, for tbe benefi; of the bed by law for claimr to be received. heirs and creditors. my % '"' pi3T W* -T*fJ8NBB. I e^rjl 16 . 88 ANN BPCK, Adtt’je,