Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 06, 1824, Image 2

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9 ltaa »it» »|*cftity \n .training of the Wns h*<? by Mi- itpwf.n-rt, to tht* Mociunir-V ftititk u.- fa Kerr, »v-n, fit the Wqnnt tf Mr ' letters rijcejrai arc ol the «ksori-plion first moneys collected wore to be placed iti „ ■ ~ HUntioTicd I do nut.lralt all the answers, Bank of, Alexandria, r<> the credit 0 r .I* 1 I am Cashier i.l i.e Batik uf the ...clstip i, t n mwi of ilu-: ittu-r-.areoff.u'.hakindthat Treasurer ol the United .State* *jv oils, if) this City, ftnd have been »> for ten ^j ici . c uie prucoedunts for the answer re- debts were to be collected by (gradual i years past.. It was one ol the banks in qujjtfed. stalinen’.s, excepting the stock debts, Whi^u which public deposits were made previous Question by Mr Forsyth, When calls arc to the cxistance of the United States Bank. mat j c u ,, on t |, c Secretary of th When the Batik of the United States went - ‘ ... . xccptmg the stock debts, Which were to be applied, in IheTn st place, to t|, e lor papers, docs the direction to operation, the Bank ol the metropolis through your hands ? pec! the United States about 55DO.OOO, ^ Yefc, it usual ic Treasury j payment of the deposites and issues then usually pass due from the bank; and, .in the second place, to make up .my deficiency thtfniiokt be due to the United States. SclVetl.ii^ has keen made v.-Mi the Sank of titc tf.'- S Atexsnur by Mi'cvawfintt, to the Mi-ctunicn'«tiuk o - p, assign luiit property-atitl'dcbis to. seen re AI. *ab(trWwri'-o that Hank whs in dWTicnl'y. I jhevtiems to secure the debt due from tab»nl*l Mr Sarnlei-soti, in kw Visit jdtHe Sc- Hjnk of-Coluftlhia totta B mk of the U. »iteUrV, wien lie obtained ihe second lour, ami . » . 1T c ij» a*,ii.%i* *>1* represented tile injurious c.i.ibcq iei.cts of prr states, and to the U. S. 1 at e ole Butting that Dank to ftil 1 re-'.i.. .uni, itue tuii- thu above amount ol ©318 351 87, cxccp ly, the notes of that Burnout of the liniula of tiro ting the sum of 830,000, above specified, ker.- und others. Mr Cruwlbrd heeitted liiisutisli ti, y government received a credit on the . ,¥ " cd St the second application so soon after the loan . ^ e k as C . S K. igig 0 r l6SO., ,n “ olST.ow III applied to njilb* my opinion of J!!® Use hS*?vtrf Columbia paid M* 6 . U,c bulled Slates await s'ju.uuo, * Yes, it usually does. (The direct! >n I be due to the United States. . ScMS the solvency nfthe 1 .<nk, and •.vheuiei the loan * The above sum credited as ca8 |jJ w * u ch dt awn for by the former in one | 8 genetallv endorsed on" the bank ) In ' of the debts due to the bank were artnexM WouldI ensue .t to reoeem its paper 1 «PJ? specie. 11 c above sum, ctedited os casn, chcck hwl come into the hunk S(i ,„ e frwcaiiSfislt his been sent immediate- to the agreement. ' " ex{i Seated the circumstances ol the Hank as being w ,\s suffered to remain m the bank *r«ft i„ .„,,i nri , s °me it weausesn ms uceu sent tmmeaiate iu nit i^iicn tn>. safe,(to the extent of its debt?, but that its Stock . hnM | mc to the present. - This, as I under- | J '‘posttesol individuals only, und not , y ,, y ,hcbecrctary to the person having Very shortly after this applicdtlott Wu holder. ting in u-.-i) tin.ugh l tUbled the suffl. STafliittVSS of an agreement! b >’ oan ‘ , 1 »*rc Is « gif* 1 . 1 * “°« « U ! c charge of the papers- made by the Secretary of the Treasury cienoy of the loan wcnubla it to i-edeem its pa ’ Treasury This deposito whs the 10 1,18 cr . w ^ t of United States, in q A/r /„• *r 0 which of the Clerks go prepared a deed of assignment for the pur asssais fcte, $ -SIX- d Sttk* # sa»Stesn?SSSi && f r“ c “ i,cts o[ ,he Pub ar^ssas .“iaFr tM the granting of i t»r* loin to bcnifii. in it, ■nallv, the the trouble of collection. I do not know k .. , I ■ ' h j lick Moneys? . arttl it atle various elTorts, In the course of comim miai mtertstb of Alexandria, and Mrt’.raw. , h£ll uny ,| me was specified for the continu Stales B mk would not receive a ca-h, and They remain with me, unless where the fail of that year, to get it 6xecurtd bj ford seq iles ec n. the «.f Mr. v.nderson, , ... l)S i,l The Secretary of t ie ^. uch >xv . crc ‘^ CCIVi; . 11 I'X the Bank of the they contain inquires fur directions concer the Board of Directors of the Franklin nnee oith® dCpositc. . Y . Metropolis, and receipted for to the Irens- l>inK the kinds of moneys to be received, B-Hk, but without effect; objection?3 urcr ol the United States, as cash, lhe nod the place of deposite, in which case difficulties, of one sort or other, were can., notes were on specie paying banks; we re- they an- considered as pertaining to the stantly made, and an indisposition to dL cctvcd them as cash ; and considered the duty of Mr Dickins ' cute the assignment was, I thought, man" accommodation to the government quite Q by Mr {look VVher and by whom were iffidted on the part of tiie board. I hadun.* equal lu any benefit received uy the bank, ttinmnipe of #h« vniuminnuu Hnnim^nt* dcrsiood that the h»»ri imm, ^_• cq lies •lu.a in.iviv tl.d ion.i id tii^.is t il V.'IM of Utu East -.7---, 1 cr Han\s, in siimn of 2. 1, vn-W4,0 •) eft ih. Treasury itas pi cssed Uic bank vet y much Question Ay j)fr /iiiie trth' wiieu a general de. for the amount;more.I think, than hu ought pnsi e is made in yvur Hank, without any thing to have done, considering the' trouble and nemg sai l on either aide, is the amount demimh- cx „ense to which the bank was out. * ble in caslir * D KURTZ. .i nner. Always—except when plate, or notes; -Of distant Ranks are-left far sate-keepi :g, to be ! utitphsmtv delivered to oftler J. L MsKKNKA, 1 S I ATBIIEN I Z. mm.» Ma ^ Mr huwttf'ds, > pp I was Cashier of the Franklin B mk of 157 1822 June 2!) July 18 o Dtn.iel Kurtz, eworri, at the request of Mr. Edwards •. . : I am cashier o! the Bank of Columbia, ftr.d have been for, more than two years. Since I nave been. Cashier, the bank has been indebted to the U. States, in all, about 8300.000 The bank was appointed agent for the Treasury, to collect certain uncur rent money; the Whole, amount above men- ti. ned, did not, however, consist of. such cr Jlftcdons, there were some balances, about 840,000, left from former transactions with the Treasury The sum I have mentioned, was owing by the bank wh< n I become Nov 21 1821 Oct M Deo 2 Alexandi in, !iom May, 1316, to June, 1819; j lu> gr when I left that bank it was indebted to the Aug 18 U. States, I think in the sum of 848,000 2$ I'cannot certainly tell when it hecainc ih- 8e P l debleed,'but believe it was in 1818 or 1819.. u It become indebted, as I understood, in gj consequence of an application by our Di rectors to the Secretary of the Treasury for n loan; there were, I believe, three such applications; at thy fiist we received 8lB,- 000, the second SI8|0oo, and at the third 8U.000; the money was advanced to the bank to relieve it from its embarrassments! 1 feel vtry certaiii as to ^ aggregato 8 mount of48,000, bui am no® so sure as to the amount ot the different sums obtained M each application norrftspcciing the time when they were obtained. My impression is, that the loans were all obtained within the cuurse of about six months. 1 cannot fttate whether int-..-rcst was or was not to he Allowed upon them. I have no farther knowledge of the transaction than that 1 received the warrants from the. Treasury, ml pased the amount to the credit of-V.e J. Slates. I now recollect that I was, in one instance, requested hy the Directors to write a Ictur Ur the Secretary, requesing » deposite in our bank, which I did accor ding y, but I do not remember at what time, nor whether it was before or after the first loan. WM RHODES. JPo drstt Ne 933 J Norris W Well draft No 165 16i 161 . 16 16 ■ank orv.ncen’. its Cash draft No 161 1096 1237 ” 1379 cash account *!. to new acc’n |2' T 8,361 *7 II. 9132 1,636 8 ISO J-,600 130 23,350 1,200 558 36 l,bl2 5.000 5 000 238,36} 87 176.763 99 37 would receive the nhtes, and cretlit them engaged in superintending that business, lhat ‘he assignment wonid have bees as cash; which we agreed to do. Then a Mr Elkins, a M«-Philips, and a M. Wash- promptly executed ; but the death ofd, es e mouht ofdcpoatte. as t spotted to the Irens- ington, were employed, and Mr Laub, an Rontlemen. and of my brother, Wm T ttry the 1st day of January, or the present ,. xtrH cu . l ki in lhc office> Swann, who had acted as the President of year, was about S60i°00. Neither specie Question by Mr, Cook. Was any part 0 f ^ ,e Bank, produced,1 am inclined to think, nor United States notea, to any constt ora- . tho‘<,otTespondence taken away from the the delays which attended the final comply hie amount, were included in the above department to be copied ? t^on df this business. After making tnf deposites. j A I was told by Mr. Richards, who had cffol ts «et this paper executed, I A L, L. A. tv I -.I k 11. I the 'argost portion of the letters from the requested to send it to the Secretary of the Jonah Thomfuon «ro-n, at the request of Mr EiU banks to copy, that he took them with him ^ 'eaaury; and I accordingly did so, .and I ' l in Connecticut, I also understood from bel ‘ evc lhat “ correspondence took place . « n • hot Itlm n U• m «„,l U.... L . . .1 *. . I am Pn-sident of tiie B ntknf Alexandria, M 18!8 DectS 30 1819 .Ian 11 April 30 Ut iy dr«ft Hank U S tlci" do do 13,640 10,000 17,744 May 17 Juty 13 1820 Aup 2 1821 Aug 3 V D Stewart’s dei ; . .nk Wilmiiitrin- h tlrandywinc nncl ty Tica.dra<!s Trea draft on Chi', licuthe do do Dank U States Special deposite and ba r been since March 1st, 1819. The B .nk never np; lied to the Secretary of the Treasury for a loan, but hovo always hud the deposites from (he. Custom Housu. 7v S ] On the 9th ol January, there was an appli | She files ol the nffict*. 163 58838 culiup, and understood to bo the ol he Question by Mr Cook. At what time Secretary of the Treasury, that the Bank of u«t» ‘ opying commem c i Alexandria would assume and pay the sun. A. 1 thmk about the first of last July. of forty six thousnud doHai8 to the govern- n ’-- 1 "* - ■ ■ J - 7 ‘ rnent. The Bank of Alexandria gave cred it to the g .vernment for the amotint,*nd the Mechanics* Biok agreed to secure lt by notes and real estate. The Jlink pays the drafts of the government when called upon. It has a deposite of more than 8139. 000 The Bank ol Alexandria has never applied to the Treasurer for any indulgence, to my knowledge. .JONAH THOMPSON Elkins, that he took some of those as- between him and the bank upon the subject .,1 I.;.., kS., I„.1 -... -i'i of lh(* rlrpH * it It/.tQ hPllll'tw./l signed him, to his lodgings Those given of ,he deed l il WJS me about to both thesej'entletnen wore letters from l he month of May, 1822, and was finally banks to the Department; those given to c * u ctfted by the Board of Directors of the jt:.c extra clerks wcm records taken from ' some jime aftei-waids,. the precise penotl I do not now recollect’ At the time By bal. of-pecisl deposite J do of cash account (.78,35187 238,361871 1283,3618~|-45 9913^ 176,763 99 Z Special deposite,evidences at the Trc.,suiy, 123,102 59 W do do Bank of Columbia 53,66140 176,763 99 In addition to (lie balance, a- stated in the ac count current, there it due to the United States, on the hooks of the office of l’ay and Uepoai e, on sundry account* about 830,000. STATEMENT Y. : Bcllemont Bank of St. CUirsville, cashier, apd has remained about the same i , , ever since When the U States Bank Hff went into operation, th< B k of C .lumbia German Bank of Wooster? ^ 0" ed the Government Horn 830.000 to Muskingum Hank, g-uiesville, 860,000—a part of which wa-. drawn tor by Centre Bank, Pennsylvania, tbo Treasury, say about 815,000. The Tarraers and Mechanics’ Bank, Greencastle, Wttnre has not been drawn for, and re minus d cash debt to the U States. Farmers Mechanics and* Manufacturers’ Bank, I do not know precisely what arrange- Chillicothe, ment was made with the bank respecting Farmers’ Bank, Canton, the collection of uncurrent notes, bull have Bank trf Mount Pleasant, onderetood that so much of those notes as Lebanon Miami Bank in Ohio, the bank could collect and turn into current Farmers and Mechanic*’ Bank, Pittsburg, moniy, might remain in the bank on de- Huntingdon Bank, posue, but I rannot state for how long a Virginia Saline Bimk, 'timy. A bun- 8200.000 worth of uncurrent Cumberland bank of Alleghany, Doles have been thu-, converted, and cred- •’’“chants’ Bank, Alexandria, litil. as cash, to 'he Ti e’supy, pari of the residue has been drawn out by the Secre- Farmers and Mechanics’Bank, New Salem, tovy otthe 1 reasury, and part remains now Owl Creek Bank, in t ie bank. These uncurrent n itei were SVefitern Bank of Virginia, Parkersburg, a part of those .reported as uncollectible by ? ank rs v** fr-in the bank at an order of the Trcasu- Ohio Company, " ty- Commercial Bank Lake Erie, Question. What is the amount of notes Bar k of Beaver, de-' tree fur collection, and what were the Ba . n kofChillicothe, da*-: of delivery, and speptfy on what Ba ks Answer. The amount of notes- delivered £-.r r. i/lcction was 8545.991,37, as appears by : siatemen, now delivered, marked Z- „ . . . M . in which also the dates of the orders for the junko? ste»btnvnip 1CS Bank * delivery of the notes to the bank will appear. Indiana Manufacturing Company The notes were actually received between Bank ofWtsi Uuion, th - months of Dec. 1818, and August, 1819. Banks in Delaware, The banks whose notes were so received, Banks in Virginia, jttr- so numeroqs, that it has been impossi j Bible for me at this time to make out the! STATEMENT Ti. Iist< A statement of a number of them is' Elkton Bank of Maryland hewever, contained in a paper now deliver- ! Alexandria Society, Granville ed, marked Y, [ Owl Creek Bank Q What werer the amounts d Ihesrf’ n0 V J «o«« b . y ^ Cbar, l t? Parmer*’Bank of New Salem A. 8238,361 8,, as also appears by the Bank of Green Caatle paper Oiarkcd Z Como ereial Bank of Lake Erie Q. What was the amount of uncurrent' vir R' ni * Siuine Bank did Edna-tl iwim at the requeit of Mr Et hoards, I am Chief Clerk in the Office of the Secre. tary of the Treasury. I have Heard of a letter mentioned by Mr Edwards as having been written by Mr Stephenson, Receive! of Public Moneys at E< wardsville to the Secretary of the Treasury—I first heard ol it very lately—I believe the firs intimation I had concerning i; was derived from Mr Edwards’s memorial to Congress. Alleghany Bank, Bedford, North Western Bank, Pennsylvania, Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Cincinnati Bank of Washington, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland Bank, Pennsylvania, Miami Exporting Company, -i ... .. . ^ Botes drawn out of the bank by the Treasu *y? A. 8125,102 50, as appears by a stute- fnei>t now delivered, and maraed JC O’. What is the amouni of such uncur- ♦cut. notes now on hand, and where are they fodged? A. 853 661 40r—lodged, principally at ffie several places contained in a statement flbw delivered; and marked W. A What is the total amount of the dent jfb-w ritic from the Buyk of Columbia to the ^P;-Scafcs# 0 About! ^372,OOOVofWhich 8318,361 tff is c^sfr and includes about 83o,ooo start dt«g to the credit of the treasurer, on sun dry accounts, and tS'o remaining balance of <063,661 4<J iS'special deposite.; f; Q, What probability is-there-uf’ the U, Sta'r's reebverig thia dehtP A. tn my opinion the security*given for t fi- debt is amply »ufficient, apd I believi-/ • fliat the whole will be recovered. Tlx-! iavJi owes in all about 8800 000, and the ponfinaf apipunt fit its assets is more than • >JtaU of dollars. An agreement Bank of Somerset nud Worcester Merchants’ Bank, Alexandria Urbana Banking Company Juniatta Bank ot Pennsylvania Huntingdon Hank Bank uf Muskingum Do Do Lebanon Miami, Exporting company*. 9;575 66 Bank of Washington, Pa. . 7,508 34 Question by Mr Cook. Did you ever see, in the Treasury Departure* t, previously t Mr Edwards's memorial, and letter or no tice in any of the puhlic papers, concerning Mr Edwards's having withdrawn from the Directorship of the Bank at Edwardsvjlle ? A Never. Question by Mr Cook. Does the corres pondence between the Secretary of the Treasury, and the banks which are depos itories uf the public moneys, ^ass through your hands ? A. Yes When the Secretary is in town henpens the mail himself, writes on the different bundles such direction As will de signate what is to be done with each, so that they may respectively bo acted on; they are then sent out to me, and I dUtrab- ute them amongst the Clerk*. Q Have you read the report of-he Treas ury, made to Congress on the 22d day ol the president year; A. Yes, I have. Q. Did the Secretary consult you in ma king out that report ? A No. Q Did he say any thing to you in refer ence tc that report before it was made ? A No. Q Do you, or do you not, know that the letter from Mr Stephenson, referred to by Mr Edwards, has since been found in the Treasury Department ? A No I do not know any such thing. Q Have you heard that that letter has been found j A. Never. Q. Do you remember whether the Se cretary of the Treasury received’ the St Louis Enquirer in 1919. A.I do not recollect. I haveseen that paper several ti< es in the Department. 19 865 2* Papers are frequently sent to the Secretary, B,4 64 oo whlch he has not subscribed for, and after 198 00' 8 few Humbcrs are Bent and no subscription 11,344 00 obtained, they are sent no longer. l’,835 00 Q When, accordi g to $*our best recol 595 00 lection, did your first see that paper in the ^ Department? A. I do not recollect 10.121 00 1 375 00 3^217 oo Q Do you think it was several years jfoo 00 pu»» 3,200 00 A I have seen it within two years. 2 oo? m Qu« 8tion by Mr Forsyth. Does all the 7 30 00 correspondence of the Secretary of to’"*,'™ theTreasurv nass through vour hantk 7 29.741' oo the Treasury pass through your hands ? V. Yea Question by Mr Forsyth. In order to distribute the different paperB sent out to too ,/jQ {ft '— wm*. svr . Evidences of debt in these .casesdeli- erect'd 7°u‘>7 the Secretary, ts it not necessary in possession of the Treasury, August, 1*420. that 7 0U # b°uld read them ? A. To read them all would occupy more STATEMENT W. Cumberland Itnnk of Alleghany Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine Farmers and Mechanic! Bank,Pittsburg Urban* Ha iking Company Bedford Hank « Pennsylvania German B nk of Woosi er Union Bank of Peiinsylv’ania Sundry bark notes, am,mg which are Kentucky In Co. 8797, Marietta, Susquehanna Ttbdiog Co. 81,- ‘(K Suaq. Bridge Co $796, und - i time than I can spare; but on merely opin- 1,876 61 * n £ fhent* I can immediately perceive mm AM/* |La,I AW* fwAM* knttl.n A a. IT ! Question by Mr. Look. At what time was it finished ? a was executed none of u-», I believe, were aware that tho character of the bank had expired The impression generally wm, that a power had been reserved to it, in common with the other banks of the Uii-1 A. A few days before the report wont' lrict > t0 w' ntl U P ils affairs, and the tints into Congress; it occupied soma days to B‘ vcl, was, I think, fi e years; but so it at-rdngo so great a number of copies, of: was * u P on looking at the liny, the Franklin I letters, but as soon as that was done, and Ba !* k . was ombted* and fts charter at u I the report made out, the whole was sent in, l understood that the arrangement in tended was, that eueh letter should, be fol lowed by the answer to it, but I bad no hand in t' e business, from the commence metu to the end of it. EDWARD JONES Clement Smith, sworn at the request of Mr Edwards I am President of the Farmers and Me chanics' Bank of Georgetown, and have been for about four years. The bank has not been, in that time, indebted to the U ited States, nor is there a credit now on the books to the United States. C. SMITH. Overton Carr, sworn, at the request of Mr. Edwards. I am Cashier, of the Patriotic Bank, and have been since its establishment in 181 \ The Bank had one deposite from the Treasury ol 810,000, on the 13th of Sep tember, 1819 It- was made at my request, in consequen-ie « f the pressure then axis- ting in the concerns of the bank. It con *Uu-d ot a draft .in Salem, Massachusetts, f r gSOOO, Portsmouth 82 00, Bristol 8100 » Petersburg!* 82000 On the 11th end, before the depd of assignment wu finally executed. ^ • When this information was obtained, I was requested to turn my attention "‘again i to the original agreement, add to acc wheth- er the United States would be able to re cover their mottoys upon that paper-upon considering that paper, R. seemed ft roe that the notes which had been negotiM in-the bank while it was incorporated nd endorsed in blank, might be ap -lied to the 1 use of the United Sta-cs, and I accordingly obtained possession ol those notes; and fill* ed up the endorsmtnts pay ble to the Uni, tc.d States, anti brought suits at law upon I those notes ir. bi'halfnf.tho United States, | whbh suits are still mostly depending. 'As to the stock notes, no measures have I yet been taken upon them, nor did the | agree- ent with the bank authorize any steps to he yet taken, but when it may bs necessary to resort to them, it seemed to me that a Court of Chancery would co n- E e! the paymerit ol them and give to the Inited States tho same relief as if the at- signments lieen regularly made. If the United States should be able te enforce the payment of these stock nates, I should entertain no doubt but that the 1-ebuary, 1820, this loan was repaid by a | money due to the United States may bft deposite m the United States Branch Bank obtained—but otherwise, aconsidcrablc loss in this City. Intelest of six per cent, oh t would be sustained. .be deposite, and a loss was sustained of! THOS SWANN t ,J pt-r cent, in converting these funds into j cash, which was done thiough the agency Dovid English, sworn, the request of Mr Ei> of brokers. The banks drawn on were T wards I am Cashier of the U tion Bank of specie-paying banks, and their notes, cur- ~ „ rent in their own states, respectively.— Georgetown, and have been since its insli* The loss arose merely from the rate of ex l utio'n In 1809. That bank received ne change Tho Bank has never, before or * t: August, 1819, from the Trias* since, been indebted to the United States. U, J’’ °* 8‘ 2 ?* 000 * TJt€ bank was unde? OVERTON CARR. some fears on the subject <1 the resump- regue.l of Un‘ilcd Simm"°l‘l"'\ a r", a l‘"' MsHm:inSte u" J United States in tills City, and have been States Bank onts branches. No other da* since its institution. posito has since bee • made by the Treas -J Question by Mr. Cook In what man in the Union Bank, to my knowledge. No rH W RM H^tT! e K L 8M 7^ made b - y interest wa, paid on tbe above loan. Col. Btddick in that bank, and how was it D PMffLNrt criditcd to the United States ? ' L.NGLISH. A. To the best, of my recollection, it Thomas Dungan, sworn, at the request of Mr &h was entered to the credit of the United S’ wards. part as cash and part as special deposite» I am a Clerk in the Office of the Sec** perhaps 285, entered as special deposito on tar I ’l' r ®asury, and have been altoul paper of the Franklin Bank of Alexandria, ci S ht >' car »* 0 the residue entered as cash. I have no Queat'on. Have you heard of a letter memorandum with me to refer to', but bre- 8ald Mr Edwards to have been written sume the alreve to be the transaction refer. b y Mr Ste phe«ison, Receiver of Public Mo- red to in the question. neys at F.dwurdsviile, to the Treasury} i» H SMITH. ,8 ‘ 9 ' ’ „ . Answer. Not until lately, when it ha* 7Vlama« Swann sworn at the request, of been mentioned in the public papers. 11 n u,™ ard ,* ...... . never heard of it until alter Mr Edwards’* | * !. ea8 i. to 8la ^ e . at w |? a f time the trans- Memorial-was communicated to Congresi. Q. Was it alter that memorial was pre* 7,376 (jo whether they are from banks or Receivers 1,311 00 of public Moneys, or what is their general loro cb: ' ra ® ter 00 Q uc3lion by Mr Forsyth. Who marks .9,758 00 ^T'2 counterfeits uf various banks 3,880 22 53,601 40 Evidences of debt in possession of the ban V the fiidorsenients-on these letters ? A If they reqtiire an immediate answer, I usually draw the answfer, and in that case 1 endorse them thyself $ but, if they do not require immediate attention, or do tiot need- st y imswer at all, I hand them over to a young it-ati who assists me, and he makes the eiodoreemnt. Xhs.grcire part of the A^vnnfb-ia^tn"ilip*IJ^ an ^^* n Bank of »» nan aiicr uiai memorial was pio- Alexandna to the United States was made, sented to Congress that you first heard the for he purpose of securing certain loans subject spoken of? Hrr. e rr!Bt'.nr b p y « t r e n Tre . a !t Ury ’. aU thfl c A ’ 1 have answered that queslton, circt mstanccs connected with such trans Q Have you heard any thing of that' 6 \ t wno aimU. i.L - letter’s having been found in the Treasury th^uJitld s.nSl f t0 ,u 8 n® Attorney of Department since that memorial was pr»* the United States for the District of Col- sented to Congress ? urnbta, by the Secretary of the Treasury, A I havenot. irrpp. Un,mer ’ r fail °i 88, » Q- Do you know whether the St. Louis b«nr. r,r/Kr aereem ® ntw >hhad Enquirer was received at that Department been vtitered into between the Socretary in 1819, • ol the Treasury and the Franklin Bank ot A. I do not know.' aSKSKTSS* Q< about Q Did y° u 8ee the Report of the se- UnS Stetl. “tv Frankl,n Bank t0 ^e cretary of the Treasury, of the 23d of March to have been entZ!*,? fS reemcnt . a PP eared of the present year,'previous to its commit*. Aumist 1831 nnJFfh ‘” t0 on the 23d >of nication |j6‘ Congress, or didI you know flgf selves to ti-ursfcr In w Ba u J^ ouad l hem ' thing of- the subject br its contents beforeS* S ^ Crawlord ’ and was communicated > lh»t nnV , h n^? Ce ’ al the debt8 due 1° A * IWnpt SCO or copy any part ofthe drnrrlmfon^nfnrxd** , rca , C8tale of every Report beforo it went pottgress. I had on* , ^ B ln 6 i° the bank, and all ly, a general knowledge ofits contents, surii Sf 0{ M * every body, else hid, from the ca.l ta allv s , |ih<..-fih«n nl .^ f 8t .° C ^ them sever- which itwas an answer. My business in was to^be dhtoosnJ^nr 9 .s rea, , C8 ? ate ,hts office did not’Itad.rtie tu any l ,oa - d t ofon the most advarita knowledge of that Repqr;. , ••• > ■ " ‘ ‘ ‘ * jT ;‘”'!■ ’ THOMAS DUNGAN, geous terms, and the whole amount of ihe ..