Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 06, 1824, Image 4

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\ LT3LTC SALES. Ly Calv : n Bake$ lit NOW, Uci -evai tlo’chvk, . Will be jml iit his Star,', The .schooner M A G N O L I A, ’Hurtlieit'98 l3-95:hs U> ■, with her ,oklfl< apparel, Wc is she now lies at MongiH’s Jn.rf, being part ot' the estate ef the atd'Franois JiOirta -n, ilece ined, Wd sold by order of flu* eXf-cntOM-^-Terinscash. hint 23 140 PUBLIC SaIKS. Sheriffs sale. ind liii Calvin Baker* B| Rm'Cutors , 0 ns the first t uesvia?' m August next, at eleven | loreciosure of afftortgoge. from * * o’clock, will be sold in front ot the Court- j nK hain, ir. toChas. W- Ropkwcll. House in his 'Hy, 6 t> D'LY ft the first Tuesday in July next, g I r. be sold berore the Court House in the J C'.ty of Savannah, between the hours of 10 .. 4 o'clock. The following six negroes via : Hannibal, Jsauc, I ondon, Peter, William and Ha malt, levied oh ns the property of Jno Hunter, to satisfy a ii fit, on mortgage, in favor of the Planters 15an!:. Also, five negroes, viz . Judy, June, lily Dub* 1 n, andUnashy, levied on ns flto property of Oli ver Sturg.-s, to satisfy a ii. Fa. on inortguge in ft* vor of IVm, P. Hunter. . . Also, nil the cotton compressing machine, for the repacking of .cotton, levied on under ah. fa. I . - - «•-— Jno. Ever- Oil the fiat Tuesday July next, 11.1. be sold at the Court Hoirte in Savannah hetwen the bourn of 10 and 4 ^ doc's Five negroes, Car-ur, Hannah, Joe, Rutland Harriet, under a fi ft on foreclosure in favor of Da vies 6l Berrien, against Joseph C. Habershtun. Lot No. five, Spring Hill, containing five acres, more or less, in Chatham County, levied on as the property of Catherine Hartsline, to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of Samuel Coper against T. V. -Gray, a-lrn’r of Catherine llartsdne, dec. All the Household and Kitchen I-'urniUue, con tained in the City Hotel, levied on as the property ofOrran Bird, tos-.tisfy an execution in favor of Blcazer Early, transferred to .1 it Herbert U co, I. U’LYON, s, c. c june 19 139’ Guns, Riflus, Pistols, Spy Glasses,; mays Beadsteads, Bedding, &c. &e. A),SO, A Negrow fellow, about 25years —«jvixid house servant and ostler, and (WVffi VOO, o! the setter breed, be- longing to the entitle of Gardner Tufts, dec. aud sold by order of the executor, for the benefit of the hrira. june 9, 335 Sheriff’s Sites—continued. D’LYON, 8 ot. 105 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, W sold in front of the Court House in the City of Savannah between the usual hours of 10-and 4 o'clock. All the articles comprising the Printing estab lishment of the Office of the Savannah Republi can, consisting of Types, Press, papers printers Ink, Stands, he—also two negro men named Leake and Wallen, levied oh as the property or •F. . Fell, endorser to satisfy an. execution, It. Wayne,for use, Uc. and in favor of James Wal. lice and Allen M'Lean, Vs F. S. Fell. A, D'LJTON, dsc c. Jm>-; 4 - y.- 132 Tax Collector’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, W ll.r be sold at the Com t House in the City of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, the following properly or s-. much thereof as will satisfy the Stale ami County Taxes aud cn3ts, viz; ... A tract of land on Wilmington Island, in the County of Chatham, containing 75 acres, more or h’ss, bounded on the north by a creek, east by land of the Estate of Joseph llryan, and south and west by land belonging to John \V Barnnvd, le vied on to satisfy the stute and county taxes of ,lno \V Barnard for the year 1823, and costs. Amount of taxes S 3< * 85. The Eastern half of lot No. IP, in Oglethorpe Ward, In the city of Savannah, with the improve ments thereon, levied on to satisfy the alate ind county taxes of J E and 8 White for the year 1038, and coats. Amount of taxes $1 95. Lots No 29 and 30 in Brown Ward, in the city •f Savannah, with the improvements thereon, le- vied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of the Savannah Theatre for the year 1822 and 1823, and costs. Amount of taxes, g234 37. The southern half ot lot No. 10, first tything Anson Ward, in the city of Savannah, with the im provements thereon, levied oh to satisfy the state und oounty taxes of Estate of Edward Penman tor the year City Marshal’s .ales, continued. On thejirst Tuesday in July next. vionsly paid Lot N‘> 2-1. Elbert ward, 60by 90 feat, bound ed east by JeilVrson street, south jfi) Hull street, west by lot No. 3'\ and north by —— street \ re entered upon as the property of Mrs. Bulloch, for Aquartonrent. Lots No 47 and 48 Jackson ward, 60 b* 90 feet each; bounded east by lot No 46 south by Liberty street, west by Jefferson street, and north by a lane, re-entered upon a6 the property of John Mc Kinnon, for 12 quar.ers rent Lot No 25, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded ~ o .S' In I ,t No 24, south bj Hull street, west by lot No 26, and north by a lane, re-entered upon asthe property of C H tent. ' Hayden, for 8 quarters tp. _ Lot No 26, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot No 35, south b] Hull st. west _ odth by by Scott street, and north by’a lane, reentered upon as the proper-y of K B Ralston, for 4 quar era it#.. i Lot No 49,Brown’ll ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- jded east by lot No 50i south by a lane, west by [Mcintosh-street, and north by Perry street, re- kentered upon as the property of Peter Blois, tor ft quarters rent. Lot No 3, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ded east by lot No 4, south by a lane, west by.lot. No 2, and north by Bay street, re-entered upon as the property of A. Hunter, for 4 quarters rent, Lot No 20‘ Warren ward, 60 by 90, feet, bound ed east by Price street, south by St Julian street, west by lot No 19, and north by Bryan street, re fofTV entered upon as the property of T V Gray, for 8 quarters rent. Lot No 38, Columbia ward, 50 by SO ft. bound er. east by lot No 39, south by 8outh Broad street west by lot No 39, and north by a lane, re-entered upoh as the property of Ann Rodman, for ^quar ters rent Lot No 10, Jackson's ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by Scot street, south b» a lane, west by lot No 3, and by north South Broad st re-entered upon as the property of T N Morel, for 16 quar ters rent Sheriff’8 Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next t jriLL be sold at t|te Court House on the 1st ' Tuesday in July next, Between the hours-*! 10 asa 4 o'clock. All that Ibt and buildings No 24 in the city of Savannah, tptder au ft on foreclosure in favor ot Mary I-ewdeu against Pajil J ValDton 1. D’ june 5 33 Sheriff’s Sales, On the Jim Tuesday in Auyutt next, Lot no. ot» uoiuniom wtiro, to ine ciiy oi oa-i n ,p-tiona a month ... „ SiSoGaW^ ; rorWHP ‘ l ,he,r R “ st0 A,h - tn '-’ thereon, levied on to satisfy the state nnu oounty tuxes of Aim ltodman for the year 1823, and coats. Amount of tuxes *’5 86. All that tract or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the 27th dist. of Early county, contain ing 250 acres, more or less, und known and distin- ^ tilled in the plan of mid district by the No. 196, ivied on to satisfy the state aqd county taxes of the estate qf Lewi* D. Achord for the year 1833, and costs. Amount oft axes S'2 26, JAMES EFP1NGER, toco, may l 102 W ILL be sold at the court house between the hours of 10 am! 4 o'clock, All thut southern, ha'f part of Lot No 6, Helith* „ . _ ...... Tything, Heathcote ward with the improvements thereon, bounded nortORjy a lane, east by an ad jacent lot, south by South or ad St. and west by Barnard St levied on under a foreclosure of * mortgage from George 1- Cope, to Wm Whit field. I b'LYON,sec. jttn- 5 133 ■ s Sales, * r ~ Slieriff On the Jirrt Tuesday tn July next, W ILL be sold st the Court House, between the hours of 10 anil 4 o'clock, A negro woman named Dianna and her two children Lewis and Sam, levied on by a constable to satisfy several executions from a magistrates’ court in favor of John B. Wick,and Ebeneser Jenckes, against Adam Anderson, by his guardian and-turi.ed over togne. ,1. D’LYON, s o c. june 5 133 -ity Aral On first 'thiesday in July next, ’4T7TLL be sold before the Court House in the VV city of Savannah, between the usual hours of J.O und 4 o'clock, All Ihst lot of land known in the plan of theci- tyoi Savannah, as lot No25 twenty five Brown ward, coptsining60.feet in front and 90 feet deep subject to iui annual ground rent to the corpora tion of the city-of Savannah, together with the buildings -thereon, .bounded esst by lot No 24 twenty Tour, south by Hsll St. west by lot No 26 twenty six and north by# lane, levied on as the property of Charles (1 Hayden, to satisfy execu tions from the court qfr Common Pleas and Oyer ard Terminer for the city of Savannah, John P. Williamson vs. Charles It Hayden, Moore & Ly man vs. same, and Charles >V .Rockwell vs same, and an execution for .rent, John same. Also, sundry articles of furniture, consisting of two mahogany Sophas, one dq2en straw bottomed chairs, one pair mahogany card tables, four nut hogany tea tables, one beadsjead and one side board, levied on as the property of George Sio* to satisfy an execution from the court of Common Luts No31 and-»d. 60b, 90B. Also, one Horse and Gig, levied on as thepr :rt> ot Wm. Ioor, to satufy-two executions fro rn f'milit nf Pnmmnn Plaao ..nrl Si Tnt-tn\ bounded east by lot No 3o, south by a lane, west ‘ ‘ “ Art bv West Broad st. and north by Yorkst re-entered n oy upon as the property of C H Hayden, forfl quar- perty ot Wm. Ioor, to satisfy two executions from , • rent. " - the Court of Common Pleas ,nd Oyer U Termin I-ot No 29, Jackson’s ward, 60 by 90 ft bounded « ^^ah. Charte. W Rockwell eiist by lot No 30, south by a lane, west by JefTer- TS ‘ a ^AJnt^nf 5n son st and north by Perry st. re-entered upon mb ■ Ir’ihi eit^nT vivnnnnh ««Nn* 17 Ind rant. Pr ° PCrty ° f ,BBerthelot ’ for 4 ^ Mtera lioldJ^nkiin Wurfsubiec. magroS rentto june 24 141 F M. STONE, c u the corporation of the city of Savannah, bounded east by Jefferson street, west by Montgomery st. north by Bryan street and south by St Julian st. levied on as the property of F. S Fed, to satisfy sundry executions trim the Court of Common Plea and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Sa vannah, Jno Crane nnd N Baker, vs. p S Fell Chatham Superior Court, ' Mat Tsui, 1824. •fi EORGE JOHNSTON and others, complain. •VJT/ants vs Peter Vanburgh Livingston and oth- ,. era, defendants, in equity in the Superior Court, " hdlock vs. Same *nd Jas Wells va ^ame. Chatham County, May term, 1824 juneS 133 A.^. D LYON, It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Peter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet B. Livingston, the said defend int do respectively appear and ts bill within ' answer the complainants bi the date of this rule. And it is further Sheriff’s bales. On the first Tuesday in July next, ILL be sold at the Court House, ip Effing ham County between the usual hours, appear anu Eighty acres of land in Effingham county boun. four months ded S by land of Shulta, E by land of Metzger, .. ... , ■ , „ . , . ther ordered w by land of McIntosh, levied on a9 the property that this rule be published once a week during . 0 f Matthew Reiser, to satisfy an execution in favor four months from this date in one of the public of John Berry. Gazettes of this State. ‘ i Also, one negro man named Cato, the property Extracts ftem the Minutes, ‘of John Johnson, seized for being illegally intro- • o FANNIN, Clerk. - [ ducedinto the State, and sold to pay expenses. june 8 134 Also, 600 acres of land joining lands of. VVtddin Pqt jgjjto • Griffin and on Cowpen Branch, in .Effingham Also, an undivided third.of lot No 17,Yamacraw, fronting west on Fabm St. opposite the'residence of Joseph Stiles, .Esq. Also, all tbeanterest oflijiac La Roche in a ccr- . bun lot of land, situated nn tlieThunderboh Road. The above property jp offered for sale by vtr- ftue of an assignment made by Isaac La Rocha fur the benefit ofal.l his creditors. ' If not sold before j june 5 THOS. ELKINS, s. z. 133 o Sheriff 1 8 Sales* On the first 1 tiesday in July next, MLL be gold at the Court .House in Ricebo- rough, Liberty County between the usual . fthe first Tuesday in May nest, it will then be of hours of lOand 3 o’clock the. following properly, ered at public auption at the Court House in 8a- : viz: vannah, Fy. particulars apply to Fotjr negroes, Sampson, Sophia, Betty and ber D. PONCE, child, Caroline,-levied on as the property of the Agent for the assignees of I La Roche.- estate of Moj. John Winn, to satisfy an execution april 20 92 in favor of Uriah Wilcox and one in fayor of Joseph' 4V , . ry > I..l . SfBaker. Chatham County. To all whom it may concern, •REAS James Hunter has applied to the' Hon. the court of ordinary of Bfud county, for letters of administration on the estat and ef-; Sfects of Col Constant Freeman, late of the city of Washington jn file. District of Columbia, in behalf •, of the heirs. june5 133 E. WAY, s t c. all Sheriff' Sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, ’ILL be sold between ten and three o’clock mt* Iieira at Bulloc 1 . Court HouBe 1775 acres of land Now these,srefherefore to cite and admonish II and singular the kindred and creditors of The PUBLIC SALES. HOUSES, LANDS, &c, ATHENS HOTEL. ] The Bubscribcr t ikes this meth od to inform the public generally, and particularly peraons from the lo* coup- tn< try, who tnay visit the up country in pursuit of h ilth or pleasure, that he will *c commodate gentlemen and ladies, or families with board by the day, week, or month, on ensy terms Nothing need be said in recommendation of A- . . thens, cither in regard to the heajthfulness of the j Court, oh or before the tenth of September next. I 6' i-o-» ->• .nreeable and otherwise letters dismissing u - — ■- > v I Georgia—Chatham Comity. By the Honorable the Justices ot he Inferiu- Court of said County, sitting for ordinary purpose To alt whom may concern. W HEREAS: WlltUm U. Green, Adminin tu . tor of Mary Fleming, dec. has applied totho Honorable the Court of Ordinary, to bVdhcC ed from the ndmimstrnticm aforesaid. b ‘ Now, therefore these are to cite und admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the , said Mary Fleming, dec. to file their objection!; I (if any they have) in the Clerk's office’of said I placej salubrity of atmosphere, or agreeable and otherwise letters dismissing will be gbmted, and pleasant society s in all these particulars it et*nd$ the said William H. Green be discharged from *n e-eminent. . claims whatever, as administrator of the said dec The following will be the rates of charging, viz.: Witness the Honorable Edward Harden, une of Man and Horse, per day, gl 75 the Justices of the J-usticcs of said Court thi, t* per week, m « «• « " month, Single man, per day. n i< «• week, o « month, Dinner, breakfast, supper, 8to. Lodging, Horse, per day, « “ night, *• " month, Children and servanto, half price. GEORGE HAYES. sept 30 03* The 1 50 1 25 1 00 5 00 18 00 Iff 75 50 12 00 Tenth day of March, A- D. one thousand eieht hundred and twenty four. , 6 . S H BOND, c.0.0 march 10 57 * of ';T I . i...-,7.■» I Georgia—-Chatham County. To all whom it may Concern, (W HERE \S Solomon Shad executor Gilbert deceased has applied to the le the Court of Ordinary to be discharged"from is executorship aforesaid. m Now, these are therefore to cite nnd admonish 188 ' ‘ ; all and singular the kindred and creditors of the g^^ssst»ijfe3&s& ■ . it 'S’ te«l and the said Solomon Shad be dischari-ed J/OU.' C to Item. from all claima whatever as executor of the said The undersigned intending tore- deceased move into the country, offers the plea- Witness the honorable John Cumming, one of sant and convenient House, now in his the Justices of said Court this * occup lion to rent, at a rate suited to the. March, A. D. 1824. Sheriff’s Sales-—continued, On the first Tuesdsy in July next, W ILL bf sold before the Cotin. House in Bpy. an co iuty, between the usual hours <T ssle. All that undivided moiety of a tract of land in Rrynn county, containing-1150 acre*, originally granted to one Jno DhvIs, adjoining the plantation of Col. David M‘Cormick and others, levied bn under »n execution, Edward F. T attnall against administrators, of Thomas lluurke. THUS. ALBRITTON, s n c. may 18 1^6 SHeriff^ s Sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, W ILL be sold before the Court House in Bry an county, between the usual hours of sale. Two Negroes named Dorcas and Joe, levied ca as the property of Richard!' Keating; to satisfy an.execution in favor of Jsa Vnderson t« co. THOU. ALBRITTON, a c. may 18 116 Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tucstluy in July next, W ILL be sold before the Court House, in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 19 and 2 o’clock, the following negroes, Clarissa, and her two children John and Sike, sold by per mission of the honorable the court of Ordinary of Chatham County. Also a house situated in Jef. Person Street on the South Common, being the estate of Peter Cesar, dec. and sold for the bens efit of the heirs and creditors qf said estate. IOS.F. SEGURE, Adm’.r may 20 cflS Administrators sale. -ILL be sold before tbe Court House in the City of Savannah on the first Tuesday in Ju ly next, between the hours of 10 und 2 o’clock. Forty five acres qf Und more or less about two miles from the city, adjoining the (arm of J. H Morel, Esq. also a lot in court house square known in the plan of the city as lot number one, Stoper Tything Percival Ward—being the real estate of the lateJsaac Baillow deceased; sold by permis sion of tbe Honorable Court of Ordiuury of Chat ham county for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said estate JOHN M'NISH, Adm’n mnv 5 105 tour times, from following, m tlu ,anu i61st July next to the 1st November april 30 lor oae or two E fctJJOL ' ears thereafter. . HARDEN. march 6 54 day <j S.M.roOND, coo, ria-—Chatham County. • whom it mu) rimcerii— .S Mar> Davis,widow has applied to toivble the court of ordinary of Chat- Land and Negroes for Sale. l\ HANDSOME property, unincumbered,con- .vv - „ , . . . . —- tfU listing of Land and Negroes, together with ham county, for letters ot administration, on the Stock of every kind, and the growing crop, a-! estate and effects of Wm Davis dec. mounting in ali to about 12 or 15,000 dollars, situ-!, Now these are therefore to cite and admonish c-unmodalutg terms. July next; otherwise letters o Hank Stock, or good paper, well secured, will will be granted to the applicant, be taken in payment. I Witness the Hon. J. F. Willji For further particulars, apply to Uje Editors of > Justices of the said Court, the freUenr^a Journal. A. D. 1824. njsmson one of the msr r fcli Notice. Very valuable tract of Land in Liberty coun- «Xty,sit if" " - - - • Hoad, two miles june 131 day ofJunt, S. M BOND, c co, .situate on the gunbtiryR and a' hnlf from Rice orpu^li; containing two hundred und ten acre sTlus land is very valua ble for cotton, rice and oorn, and as well calpulo- ted for thut culture as any land in the cotinty; the conditions are low and reasonable) there are between seventy and eighty acres cleared and under fence, there Is also a good dwelling house, ind all necessary out buildings on the premises, guarantee titles will be given to the purchaser, no incumbrances lying on stud land. For further, particulars apply to ctipL Jos. Jones in Liberty county, or to 4 EDWARD B. BAKER, owner in McIntosh epunty. u ug;i6 For Sale, -g AA OR more square ac>es of Land, on ao- JLX/\J comraodatiug terms, among whidh are the following numbers: llubon County. Georgia—Chatham County. By the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County sitting tor ordinal-) purposes, To all whom it fnay concern, XX7HJ3REAS Charles Hpyt administrator of ft the estate of John Latlirdp, Jr. dec. has pe titioned the honorable the court of brdinaty of Chatham County to be discharged from his nij administration. Now these are therefore to cite and audiobiih all and singular the kindred and cpsditors of (ho said deemed, to file their objections, if any they have, in m> office on or before the tenth dsv of Sept next, otherwise letters disynissory will bo granted to the applicant. Witness the Hon. Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the said court this 10th day of March, AD. 1824. •• U. BOND, o p o. march 10 57 No. Administrator's Sales• VflLL b»* sold at the Court House tu Savan- '■/'/ nab, on the firut Tuesday in July next, be tween the hours of ten and two o’clock, lot No 15, (fifteen) in the second district of Early Count), Georgia, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, being the real estate of Ro bert M. Durkin, liec’d. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. AUGUSTUS F. DURKIE, Administrator. may 1 102 Georgia—Liberty County. B Y-Elijsh Baker, clerk ot the Court oi try for the county of Liberty. Ordi- \ry for the county of Liberty Whereas William Law, Esq. applies to be dis missed from his administration on the estate of Davis Carter, late of said county, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, within the time prescrib ed by l&w; or otherwise the said applicant will be dismissed from his said administration. Given under mj hand and seal, ibis 3d day of May, A. D. .1824. - E. BAKER, c c o, may 11 110 58, 2d district,' Habersham. No- 19, 6th dist. 134^ 3d •* Hall. No. 169, 10th dist. 164, 11th •• 147, 9th •• 91, 8tH »« Gvnnnelt. No. 30f, 6>h dist/ ■“ 138, 5th " Monroe, No. 149, 8th dist 215, 8th " if ib “ 3 91,‘1 ,5th M 64! 7th “ 5th «* 4th *» uih « No. 153, 9th dist. Np. dial. dist. 52, 82, 56, 192, 231, 129, 2d No. No. 285, 348, 'uyettc. 6, 7th « 123, 14th « Henry, 223, 17lh 13th 13th 13th 6th Uth dist. 21, 88, 179, 111, 160, 152; 10? 128 235, 41, 164. 55, A 382,! - 1$> U 2l4,J 16th 10th 15th Georgia—Chatham County, By the Hon. the Justices oj tlu hjerior Court, sit. Walton. , ‘ (HUS’for ordinary purposes j No. 189, 3d dist. To aii whom it may concern— I 2^5, 4th f‘ W HERE A 8, John Dillon administrator of Ed mund Dillon, late of Chatham county dec. lias petitioned the honorable to court of ordinary, 145, 4th Dooly. 112, 4th 244, 7th 82, 8th <• 165, 15th « Jones, formerly Hal drain. No. 121, f'-h dist. Old Wilkinson. No. 204, 12th' dist. 135, 19th «• Early. 160, Y 150,1 343, S-ltyh 348, ( 7L 19th JSW 222, 27th 226, 4th 359, 5>h 2 JMiath 246, 8th 217, 10th 161, 1st .189, 7' h a$i Uth '!l05, 28th Irvin, 115, 12th 382/ ' 396* W ^14, 2, 7th 256, 10th 282, 7th' 343, Sth Appltng, 455 dist. dist, dist. 3i4, 4th Houston. has petitioned the honorable to court of onfinary, No, 20, 10th to be discharged from his said administration- 1 120, 16th Now, these are therefore to cite anu. admonish j 93, 11th all and singular tbe kindred and creditors qf the 1 Any of the above numbers, with several others said decease;, to file tbeir objections (it any they. can be had on one, two and three years credit, a .have,) to the granting of letters dismUsory to the : small part down, the iand held as security, for the petitioner, in the clerk’s offic- ot the said court» balance, by applying tu CHARLES KENNON, f VI l Georc rgia—Chatliam County, j To all whom it may concern W HEREAS Alexander M. Taylor, ndmini* tratorofJohn Scott, dee jms petitioned I the Hon tne Justices of the nferiof Court sitting , lor Ordinary purposes to be discharged from hit said administration. j These are therefore to cite and admonish sll «nd|lii<-ular the kindred afid creditors ofthessid dec. to file their objections (if uny (hey huye)'in I the Clerk’s office of the Court, of ordinary on or I before tbe sixth day of November next] otherwise | letters of dismissory will be granted, itness tftc Hon. Edward Hat Witness t|tc Hon. Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the^ said Court, the sixth day of May, A, D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty- four. S. M BOND, c. e 0. mu) 6 106 Georgia—Chatham County, To all whom it may Concern— W HEREAS, Patrick Houston, Esq. has up, plied for letters of Guardianship on the person and property of Sarah Ann M, Houston an infant under 14 years of age, the daughter of H f Houston dec. Now thi ic ire to cite and admonish all and sin. jular the k.hdred and friends ,pf the said infant u file their objections ; (if any they have) t<> grin* ing of the Guardianship of the said infant und lot ting of the 1 er property to tfye applicants, in the clerks of fice of the court of Ordinary, on or before the 3d day of July next otherwise letters of Guardian, ship will be granted Witjtess the Hon. Edward Hurden one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d day 1824 j S, M. BOND, 0 c 0, ! day of June, A. D. Georgia Chatliam County. By the Honorable, the Justices of the Infcriot Court said ctmnty sitting fyt ordinary purposes To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS Thomas H. Price, udminiatwlpt of David, H. Thompson, dec. has petition. 1 ed to iti" honorable the Justices of the Inferiot Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dis charged from tbe administration aforesaid. Now tlteso are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors ot llic said dec, t;> file their objections (if any &ey have) in my office on or before the 16th dav of Sep tember next, otherwise letters ditunissory will he granted, to the applicant Witness the Honorable John Cumming, one of the Justices of said Court this 16th day of March, A. D. 1824. march 16 62 S. M. BOND, c, c 0. of ordinary, on or betore the 11th day of Decem ber next ensuing; qtberwise letters dismisuory By the Georgia—Bulloch Couniy* e Hon the Court of Qri iinary of suit! Omipty* of Newion Cruuty, or . —T-r, ♦ SAM’lw J. BRYAN, Savannah. •- „ will be grantee the petitioner. ffjT The editors of the Milledgeville Journal '\Tt7'HiSltI4AS Robert Burton, administratorVn I • Witness the Hon. John Cumming, one of the; will insert the ajiovf 6 limes, and send their bill *» the .estate of Stephen Denmark, deed’hatii , I Justices of the said court, this Jlth day of June, to this office for payment, applied to the said Court for letters dismissary 1 ytirij 28 99 f . from the said administration. r ■"■■■.■. These are therefore to pite and admonish sfl. For Sale. I and singular the kindred and creditors of the said •' ’ 1 dec. to file their objections tif any they have) in A D. 1824. junt 12 136 8. M. BOND, oco. For Sale, X HE Darien Eastern Steam Saw .and Rice Mill, with the appurtenances thereto belonging— An extensive'eredit Will be given to the purcha ser or purchaser^, fie or they giving security, ap proved of by the/Rank of Darien.—For terptaap i uue AtaipaON, > 1 ES DUNWOODY, C Bank RY HARFORD. $ e Stvanifth Republican is Committee, 3«*Sr —tonsasaossK,..* > granted to the applicant. ! m y-»J ^ .Witness tbe honorable Edward Hardeo one of .Uie/Jostices of the said C; urt, the 26tb day- of 128 . June, A. D. 1824. jifne S6 -SAUL M. BOND, cco. .fitnj sheflali his attqrpe; Sheriffs Sales. .. the'first Tuesday in August next, ,LL be sold at the Court House in Wayne C'opnty,between the usual hours. A negro man named March, under (th execution , • T '| va > ~ *» ilCKtuuiajI imillCU RUfUl) UHUvf (III C*CC|llllJll OHlteCl Mr. on the foreclosure of a mortgage in fu^or of Thos. abseuce furm Muse agaiozt john B. Kemp, JJCFRERTLEWIP, 1 may ?1 153 J J8i;i w Ponr > awe. proved of by ply to GEORGE. JAME i^HENR CQT Tlve SLvamfth Republican is requested to nsert the above, and forward the account£to the ank of Darien.for payment. aug2 164 Mineral Waters. dozen. Saratoga and Ballston Si Wa.' »«*! ters, bottled by Lynch & Clark, of New- Yota, oas been received per Louisa Matilda, and tor sale at $3 50 per dozen, or 31$ cts. a single quart bottle, by - F. I. LAY, Druggist, Shad’s Buildings. ALSO, A fresh supply of SBipUTSS POWDERS. 122 Uarolina about two miles from Savahnah- ^2 »'me preacribed by law, otherwise letters distnis- tract ic ' cation i nundred Fhomas v Cruger. Persons who may wish to purchase will examine the premises, A good tittle wili be given and the times of sale Will be r«:asottable. Appli cation to be made to udv 16 225 rtasoname. Appi WM. MALLORY Agent of Hamlin Mallory. The Public oi Hamlin %is xiaiuijp Mallory to the tract of Und ii. South Carolina, called .Nclvtlle, is now in a train for Judicial invesliga. tiom until the termination of which, some risk rill be incurred by those who may purchase, dec 2 — WM. L. DAVI8. 237 Printing Ink. FEW k » »»» ke^-i l‘niiung tua ^unable for news* ** P»P er i ca H be had by applying at this office. Georgia— Bulloph County. B Y Ely Kennedy, iJlei k .oI the CpUri of Ordh* dinar) foi said Uoiihty. 1 Whereas, tbe Widow of Jacob Futcb,of a»id couhty applies for letters of admin1sir.1i ion oii iie estate of the said Jaboc Futcb,late of said cotinty deceased Now .these are therefore to otto and wjnwiM itll and jugular the kindred and creditors 'of th.® said deceased, to file ttieir objeclions, (if any (hey have) in .my office, on or before the fiftt Mckriv. in July next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant.' ■ f Given under my hand iib.i seal, tins 4'h oh) y D ue, A. U, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, cco » ®r : june4 *132