Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 17, 1824, Image 1

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No, 153 Vol. XXIf. SATURDAY EVENIYU, JUDY 17, 1824. "Whole No. 447$. Stvain'8 Panacea. ~ HAVE BEEN appointed Agent by Dr. W. Swain M> BtiU his so much Celebrated Medi al* at this place. A quantity has been receiv. I by the Georgia from Philadelphia, and will j sold by the box or bottle, at my Drug ,Store, i-ner of Jefferson and St. Julian Streets. flr AUGUST G. OI.MLER. march 10 57• / August G. Oemler. L. hit Drugget htore comer of Jefferson und St r ‘ Julian Streets I AS received by schr. Tassel, afresh supply I of SWAIN’S so much esteemed PANACEA, , , 3 a iso by other late arrivals, a variety of fresh ^ which’ he abstains from mentioning, as cc< » dte public to possess sagacity enough 0C ucss,that CALOMEL, JALAP, RHUBARB, jUM FCET1D, and all the other delicacies okm- id i n the index of the dispensatory may be ooked for and found in Drug Stores~>et it few hings not to be met with at every one, he of. ^Phosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous jicid, Black Drop, James fever Powder, Itendfl iliptics, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Pastills, IVedgewood evaporating dishes, Glass Funnels, graduated Measures, Retorts and Receivers, rest Tubes, Gas Upttles, Thermometers, fly* rometer, and IMuvimUter Flower Pote. march 18 64 . ' Georgia- VVnyne County. . W HEREAS Courtney Stewart applies fir letters ofud ministration on the estuie of Janies U Stewart dec These a'f, therefore, to Cite and admonish all and singular the ki'-dred anil creditors of the said dec to tile their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before.the 14ih day of August next otherwise let lets of administration will be granted to the applicant. Given unde." my hand ami seal of office this 12th day of July, A D. .1824. ' JOHN FORT, oco vr o july 15 151 Testimony and Documents, ON THE MEMORIAL OF NIX1AN EU WAHOH [eoNocnuED.] NOTICE. jrrSONS having demands against the cs'ate * of Amos Douglass, late of Chatbum County, Ecci ased, will please to have their accounts pro- Eerly attested and leave them at the bar of Col. John Shelman’s Mansion House, Savannah — Those who are indebted to the estate will be ailed on in ten or fifteen days fur settlement. DAVID TAYLOR, Jr. Qualified Ex’or. Near Waynesboro, May 24,1824 may 28 |ca126 gl OP 1 24 1 50 5 2J 1 00 N O J ICtS. MNE months after date, application will be _ I made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County,for leave to sell all the real properly be longing to the estate orthe late Uev. J no Beck, lec. lying in said county, for the benefit of the creditors. ANN BF.CK, Administratrix. april 16 88 • i Land and Negroes for Sale. HANDSOME property,unincumbered,con siating of Land and Negroes; together witli Isiock of every kind, and the growing crop, a- nounting in all to about 12 or 15,000 dollurs, ituate in the upper country, and well calculate ;dfor a country Store—the soil w ell adapted to [he cultivation of Corn and Cotton, is ottered for Ic on accommodating terms. Sank Stock, or good paper, well secured, will le taken in payment. F ir further particulars, apply to the Editor of be Georgia Journal, june 19 145 Madison tippings. T HE Subscriber tenders ins thanks io his friends ami the public, fur the libera? pat ronage bestowed, and hopes during the ensuing season, from the improved state of his health, to give that attention to Ilia house and boarders as to render their situation aa comfortable as the state of the country will permit. His bur will be well supplied, and his houae in addition to his former supplies will h.ive an abundance of milk, vegetables, Sic. for the accommodation of his boarders, RATES OF FARE. For man and horse by the month or sea son, per day For n longer time than ten days but leas than a month, per day For ten days or a less time, per dsy Man per week Less than one week JAMES ALEXANDER, X. B. Wanted a young man to act as Bar keeper, at the above place during the months of August and September. Apply to Maj. Wm. F. Scott, Milledgeville, or at the Springs to J. A. july 15 151 (Xj* The Constitutionalist and Savannah Re publican will please publish the above once a wet k 4 timi'8. ricWstaFern a HIE undersigned having fitted up his ID >USF. of ENTER I'AlN MENT, in a-ntyle which authorises him to sa>, that for convenience, comfort and neatness, it challenges its superior to he produced in any up country establishment, most respectfully solicits the patronage of a lib eral public. He feels an additional pleasure in assuring such as may favor him with their com pany, that along with all the good things which the market '•an aflfirid to render his b-a-d invi.- ting, he has'&dnpted certain regulations, which will secure to them the enjoyment of their time, free from those intrusions a id vulgarities so in cideutnl :pid disgraceful, in the general, to inns of the up country. . A. P. RICE. Washington, Ga July Is/, 1824. (Xj* l"he editors of the Savannah Republican; Georgia Journal and Augusta lonatitulionulUt, are requested to publish • he above once a week, for one month, and seud their accounts to this office. july 13 ,f*150 NOTICE |4HB Public are apprised, that the subscriber has titles to one half of a 50 acre tract of and on White Bluff, adjoining Ins, and Band lately John Poullen's, now John Morrill's, laud for which the Administratix of the late Jus iBoyd, applies to the court for leave to sell as |pirt of that estate—hi titles are of prior date, and of record. All’persons are forewarned not > purchase on respass on the premises. R.F WILLIAMS. ' june 17 m—§t138 i'll ms. i....- ...... . i I, NOTION. HNB months after date application will be I made to the Honorable the Justices of the i lerior Court of Chatham County for leave to pell all that Lot in Savannah known by the No pne, Ellis square, Dqcker Ward, with , the im provements thereons And all that Lot in Savan nah known by the No twenty-three, in L iberty Ward, with the Buildings thereon—being the real estate of John Smith, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 Law Notice. 1HE public are informed that the Subscribers have located and formed a connexion in oksonboro, Scriven County, <>a. Whpre one of them may;at all times be found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. ..They pur- pose to attend the several courts of the several Counties Scriven, Burke and Jefferson—also utose of Richmond, Warren ami Emanuel. They hope by close application, knd a due attention o the business of their profession, to merit and eceive a share of.the public patronage. Bu rners confided to their care will be thankfully iceived and punctually attended to JAMES K LEWIS JOSIAH S PA TTERSON, may 22 120 Georgia—Chatham County *y the H iii the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county sitting for qrdihary purposes, To all whom it may concern, lYV'lEREAS Thomas R Price, administrator | ’ «f David M, Thompson, dec has petioued T® the honorable the Justices of the Inferior ^ourt, sitting for ordinary purposes tp be dis- ‘harged from the administration aforesuid. lit °j f ^ ese a,, e therefore to cite and admonish “'and singular the kindred and creditors of the paw dec tq file their objections, if any they have „ ™y office on or before the Ifith day of Sept, otherwise letters diamissors will be grant- I 'o t' le applicant lw' tne8s the Hon. John Cumming, one of the fjj ’ of said Court this 16lh day of March, A. msreh 16 62 S. M. BOND, o c o. Far Sale, | A. Negro Fellow, Apply at tKifl Of- Georgia—Chatham r ounty. By the Him the Justices of th< Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purposes., W 'I ERE AS Richar.d H. Cuylcr, executor of William Shaw deceased lias petition'd the Hon. Court of Ordinary, to be discliarged from his said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the sa d deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of- the olerk of thr Court of Ordinary on or before th>- 13th day of Januar'y next ensuing the dale hereof, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the peti tioner. Witness the Honorable Thomas X. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. july 13 150 Elisa Queen, sworn, at the, request of Mr, Ed- ■nurds. Qih'Stinn by Mr Edwards I wish you to state what you know concerning my sickness at your house after my removal into the room in the hark huilrfing which opens on the balcony. A I know that you were very «ick w.hile you lodged in that room, so ill that a servant was o- bilged to sit up with you every night Q flow long do you thirik that I continued in that situation ? do you suppose it was two weeks? A l do not recollect the exact time—1 should think two weeks, but cannot be certain. Q Do you recollect how long it was after Gen Noble came to lodge at your house that I be came so sick as to be confined to my room ? A I am not certain—but think it was two da^s or three—it was on a Tuesday or Wednes. Q Do you recollect that I breakfasted or din ed at the table with the other boarders after breakfast on the M -nday next after Gen Noble came to your house ? A 1 do not recollect that Jou did. Q vv as it not in consequence of my indisposi tion -that I did not? A 1 supposed that it was Q Was not my mom, in which I was sick, one of the remotest back rooms on the second floor of the back huildinipaud was not Mr Noble's the front room on the first floor of the front build- A Yes Q Do you recollect my being very lame after I began to recuver? A I remember your wearing sucks and com plaining of pain. Q Do you think I could have walked from my room to the front part of the house within a week after my being taken so ill? A I do not recollect seeing you do so. Q Was not your room adjoining mine -. and would I nut have hid to pass by your room to g*el to the front ofthe house? A Yes Question by Mr Forsyth. You have answer ed that you do not recollect that Mr Edwards dined with the other boarders after breakfast on the Monday next after Gen Noble came to board hi your house, do you recollect that he did not come to the table? A I do not recollect seeing him ut table after that time, at breakfast or tea; I do not go to the table at dinner, but I do at breakfast and tea Q When di 1 Mr Noble crime to lodge at your hnU‘e? A On Saturday the 2lst ofPehruary. Q And you think it was on the Tuesday or Wednesday following that Gov EdwarJs was ta ken ho sick? A Yes. Q. by Mr Forsyth Where was Gov Edwards's room alien Mr Noble first came to lodge ut your bouse? A. was the front room on the first floor, the san e room which General Noble afterwards oc cupied. Q When did Gov Edwards remove to the back building?, A On Sunday; the next day after Gen Noble came F.l.IZ \ QUKr.N. A The opposition was casually spoken of—i me that you were then tinWell; and Had Imt I do riot recollect that any special grounds I Imd, un the day before, a very se vere aguft* font were state! by Qov Edwards , r .! • Q Did he say any tliing.ubout the A B plot or A ll publications? A If be did not, I mentioried it. Q Please to state wiiat passed between you on that subject? A 1 had seen it mentioned in a New York pa per that Gov E. was supposed tube the author of these A B publications: this I mentioned lo him, At that time nothing positive was said by the Governor as to the authorshib; but, at a sub sequent visit, knowing that there were doubts entertained of his haviug been the author, to satisfy myself 1 asked if be did write them. He replied—“1 neither confess nor deny.” Q What was the. reason bf your frequent in* tercourse with Gov Edwards on this subject? A Motivesuffriendship and inteiest Q Has there been a former connection or ac quaintance between you and Gov. Edwards? A Not before my flrst visits to him at Mrs Queen’s. I was an applicant to be appointed his private Secretary. Q Were you so appointed ? A Yes. Q Are you to go to Mexico with Gov Edwards? A lam not; 1 have procured other employ ment. WILLIAM B. HODGSON. Georgia — Chatham County. By the Hon. the Justices of .the Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purposess. W HEREAS Linus P. Sage administrator of Sprague Taylor, deceased, has petitioned the honorable Court of Ordinary to be discliarg ed from hia said administrationsbip These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of the Court of Ordinary, on or before the 1.3th day of Janua ry next ensuing the dale hereof; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the appli- cant. Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel one ofthe Justices of the said Court this 13 th day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. 8. M, BOND, c c o. july 13 " 150 ieorgia—Bullock County. By the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County. aX^HF.RBAS-Robert Burton, administrator of Y Y the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath applied to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objecti >ns (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of this Court witl)ip the time prescribed by law, other wise letters dvmiiasory will be granted the ap plicant Witness the Honorable Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, econo. ju(ie4 *1.32 ■ . fice. July 13 15t> 1 Ten Dollars Reward. R AN AWAY on the 30th June last, my boy Ellick, is about 16 years old, yellow com- plection, rather chunky made, not very well grown, speaks plain, tolerable pleasant counte nance Said boy was taken ou t of Savannah gaol about the 20th of April lost I will pay the a- bove reward to any person who \yill apprehend anu lodge Said Ellick in'gaol so that I get him— and all reasonable expences if thqy will deliver him to me at home: Tis expected he will try to lurk about Savannah h ' WM. COOPER, Scriven County, Qec. july 6 *r.fl46 Adelaide Ltiidsley, sworn, at the request of Mr Eihourds. ' Question by Mr Edwards. Did you not board at Mis Queen’s during the whole Ofthe last win ter? A Yes. Q What do you know concerning my being sick there after I removed into the back build ing? A You were taken sick about the middle of the wi ck ana continued confined to your room I should think about a fortnight Q Was I not sick previous to my being taken so verv ill in that,room? A Yes Q l)o you recollect my eating at table wiib the other boarder: after the Mon ‘ay which suc ceeded Gen Noble's coming to Mrs Queen’s to lodge. untlD got well ? A I do not recollect that you did. Question by M< Forsyth. Dou you recollect that he did not? ' A I was never at table saving at breakfast and tea. Q Do you recollect that he did not come to table? A I don’t know. ADELAIDE LINDSLEY William B Hodgson, sworn, at the request of Mr Edwards Question by Mr Edwards. Please to state what you know about m> bcingsick after my re moval to the room in tbe back building at Mrs Queen’s. A I recollect finding you frequently very ill in that room, when I visited you there, so much so as to be confined to bed Q How soon was this after my nomination? A I think it was the week after 1 understood the nomination to have been made, and I believe on Tuesday. Q Do you not recollect calling on that day and telling me that you understood my nomina tion had hot on that day beeu taken up In the Senate? A If I did not say so on tbot day, I recollect to have made the observation frequently at other times when I visited you. Q Do you recollect that I told you that Mr Francis Key had been to see me before you visit ed me? A I think you did. Question by Mr Forsyth. Are you employed in the office of the Secretary of State? A 1 have been occasionally employed in that office to translate foreign languages ; but 1 am not a stated Clerk. I have only been employed there within sjx or seven weeks past Q by Mr Forsyth. Did you visit Gov Edwards before he removed into the back room? ' A A Yes. Q At what time ? A On the same week on which I understood the nomination to have been made Q Had you in these visits any conversation with Gov Edwards on the subject of the nomin ation? A Yes Q Did he apeak, in these conversations^ pf an opposition which he expected to his noqiinafion; and ufthe grounds oiv which, he expected *' would he iriadei Jeremiah Nelson, of the House of Represen tatives, stcoin, at the request of J\lr Ed- WS' ds. Question, by Mr Edwards. Please to state what you recollect of my being sick, at Mrs. Queen’s after Mr Noble caine to lodge there. Answer I then lodged at Mrs Queen’s, and understood, from several members of the family, that Governor Edwards was very nick, ( should think it was more than a week after Mr Noble’s coining there, that 1 visited Gov. Edwards, in his room, fie was then very much indisposed; but 1 do not know whether he had or had not, been uut of his room since his being taken sick. Question, by Mr Forsyth. When you visited him, was he, in your opinion, well enough to go from one room of the house to another? A I cannot tell. He often went out when I thought that a person aosick as he, ought not to have done so. Q Have you not known him to be out, nightorday, when he was apparently, more indisposed ‘han he appeared to you to be at that time? A J have not. . Question, by Mr Edwards. l)o you re collect seeing me out of tny room for a fortnight after Mr Noble’s coming there? A 1 cannot recollect whether you were or were not, , Question, by-MrForsyth. Do you recol lect whether Mr Edwards had any inedl cal attendance at that time ? Answer. 1 cannot tell whether he had ur had not. JEREMIAH NELSON. Asa E. Hough sworn at the request of Mr Edwards. \Q by M< Et(wa<ds. Do you re collet to have seen me at Mis Queen’s after I occu pied the back room? A. I do. Q What was my situation, at that time? A ypu were sick, in bed. Q Do you recollect at what time this was? \ I cannot remember the precise day. It was sometime towards the latter end of Feb. I recollect that you were so much in. disposed that I did not communicate (he business for which I had come. I called a gain, sometime afterwards, but learning that you were still confined to your room, (did not go in. A. E. HOUGH. Hen>y Washington Queen, sworn, of the requeFof Mr Edwm ds. Question, by Mr Edwards. Did you lodge in the same house with she, during th • last session of Gongres?? Answer Yes. Q Please to state what you know about my being confined to my rqom, after Gen. Noble come to lodge. A You were not. during your illness, at that time, out ofyour room, to my knowl edge, after Wednesday, while Gen Noble remained there l am under the impres sion that youbeerme confined to your room, after Tuesday. I remember your being at breakfast,on the Monday morning previous. I do not recollect you< being nut of your room after Thursday, until you recovered. Question, by Mr Forsyth. What enables you to fix, with so much certainty, ou Monday and Tuesday? Answer Gen. Noble came on Saturday; was not at breakfast on Sunday, and came to breakfast, for the first time, on Manday, in company with Governor Edwards, Q Were you much in Gov. Edwards’s room, during, his confinement ? -, A I was several times there. Q Do you khow how long he was con fined to bed.afterhis ftrst being taken soil!? ' A I do not. I thing it was two or three days after Mi* Hubbard, (Lieut. Gov, of Illinois ) Miss ia this city. . , • JOHNC. RIVERS. List of Rank Notes whith will be et/eived by the bank of M ssow i, atewding to the.lrttei• of the i* esident df that Bank, dated the 9tli of August, 1819 United States’ Bank and its Branches. Bank of Missouri and Branch. Bank of Kentucky und its Branches, at Louisville, Shelbyville, Lexingtoffi and Paris. Bank nf Virginia and its Branches, al Fredericksburg, Lynchburg,. and Peters-* burg. Bank of Illinois, at ShawneetoWb. All the Banks in New Orleans. PhilaileN phia, Baltimore,* New York, and DistricE of Columbia, t whose paper is received on deposite at the U. States Bank and its Branches. •Except the “City Bank.* t Except the f‘ Franklin Bank*and thd “Mechanics* Bank,” both of Alexandria! State of Illinois, Madison CoUntff, sit On the ISlh of May, 1824,i)<‘rS«><’- i!j tp* peered brl«e the Undersigned, JtlStiue o? the Peace in and for said County, Thomas Lippincot, who being duly affirmed,— according to law, deposes that the abovd is a correct copy of a paper found on (he files of official letters in the Receiver's Offi* be, at Edwardsville, that the ! taper of which the foregoing is a copy, wad olded in the letter of the Hon. William (L Crawford, of the 1st of November, 1819, and is in the same hand-writing of the let ter of the Hun William H. Crawford, at the 6th August, 1819. THUS. LIPPINCOTT. Affirmed and subscribed brfore me. HAIL MASON, J, P. Treasury Department, > August 1819. V Sir : Observing, by your monthly return, ending on the 30th of June, that there re' mained in ynur hands a considerable surd of the public moneys, 1 wish to be info: med why the same was not deposited in Bank, in conformity with the instructions front this Department. Heretofore, when (herd was no bauk in yourvicinity, all reasonable! allowance was made, on account ofthe dif* ficultiesto which you were subjected ia making your deposites ; but now, that a Bank has been eatablished in your place of residence, there can be no longer any ex cuse whatsoever for retaining the publid money. I am very respecfully, sir, yotfr obedient servant, WM. If. CRAWFORD. Benjamin Stephenson, E-q. Receiver of Public moneys, Edwardsville, State nf Illinois, Madison County, ss. On (lie 1 Srh day of May, 1824 peisonal- ly before the undersigned. Justice of thd Peace in and for the cwnty aforesaid, Thos mas Lippincotf, who being duly affirmed, according to law, depcNites that the above is a correct copy of <T letter found by the deponent, on the files nf official letters ia the Receiver's office, Edwaidsviile; that the said letter appears to be in the hand-* writing of a clerk, but with the proper s<g-* nature of the Hon. William H. Crawford# as the deponent believes, from a comparin' son with other letters received from thd Treasury Department. THOM. LlPPfNCOTTV Affirmed and subscribed before toe. Hail mason, J. p. EXECU TOR OF Franch Jalineau. A LL persons having any demands against tbe estate of Francis Jalineau, dec. are request ed to deliver them in, properly attested, on op before tlie first day of October next All ac counts not presented previous to that day, will be refused payment by tbe undersigned execu tor. WM. GASTON, july 10 149 Consulate of Portugal. D UUING the absence of the suOscriher^Mrl! D GREEN, will attend to th duties of her office. Francis sorrel, Vice Consul for the State of Georgia. juIvlO b149 John C. Rivers, swo<n at the request of Mr Edwards. Question, by Mr Edwards Please to state what you know of my indisposition, while f was jn the back room, at Mrs. Qieen’s* Answer. I know that you were sick while there—but I cannot say, exactly, at what time. I visited you between the be- of Marcu. You told For Sale, iMfiYlTk DOUBLOONS 50 keg» crackers and nutrer His-" 25 hhda fresh molasses from fit-.,. Zasvia ,'liaileston. GAUDHY y HKOWSWi-, July tQ WV49 -He Removal. D R. A SHEFTALL has removedhi9 office tq the uilding immediately opposite to Mr. Frederick Ilerb’a 'residence, Jefferson Street, one door north of Broughton Street, july 8 Mi4d Planters Hank. O N and after Monday next, this bank will shut at one o’clock. J. MARSHALL, Gaahieti, julv 7 a148^ . .ss.,,—,—is—j-hf..’ Removal. VWXHF. undersigned bave taken an office in ihe l brick building, owned by Mrs Ramlitutt, near the State Bank. LAW &. JACKSON JilH&w wI49 '