Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 20, 1824, Image 1

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'%:w . »' No 453 Vol. XXII. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 30, 1834, Whole No 4473. For Liverpool. The substantial Brig OSGOOD. Gardner, Master, avii’g the greater part of her. cargo engaged, |lll b< di -patched tor the above port on or about 1 1 proximo. For Freight of 200 bales Cotton or «..ire—apply to the Captain on board at Wal- ce’s"lower wharf, or to SAMUEL \VRIGHT. |july 13 ; '(g^New Arrangement. Swain’s Panacea. 1 HAVB BEEN appointed Ageilt by Dr; W. Swain to sell his so much celebrated Mtedi- Clhe, at tills place. A quantity has been rctlciv. ed by the Georgia from Philadelphia, and will be sold by the box or boltlb, at my Drug Store, corner of Jefferson and St. Julian Streets. AUGUST G OBMLEK. march 10 5? Bl 1824.1 U tiakel nmgi ber - and ill filled illiltri eadini Jll (Istl are off j and I SWOT l)nmoti| stioaet terest 4 smpti , adn lb Iffl other f 1 he htcam Boat Carolina, ILIj on Thursday next, the 24lli hurt com- mence running between Savai.nah and raclmcler Landing, opposite Hobertville, S C. avc Holton's Central wnarf every Tuesday, LndaV and Saturday, at 6 o’clock A. M— or- fe R t i'arachucler tlie same days at 7, V P. M. ■turning— Leave Paracluicler every Wednes- y, Friday and Sunday, at 7 o clock A. M. and uch savannah ut 4 o'clock, PM. She will take Passengers-and Freight to and im Hobertville, S C—also, on her wuy up and lt to and from Purysbtirg, Bbcneacr,Sisters’ ..andTucknSeeking. ie will continue to touch at Purysburg eve- day, except Monday, at her usual hour going |d returning. Passengers will be provided With Breakfast ] Dinner on board. Jy this arrangement the Steam Boat convey ceconnected with the Savannah and Augusta ’t of stages is extended lrom Savannah to Rob villr.SC. iune 24 xl41 • Anchor Gin. ® BBLS “Cunnifigham’a” Anchor Gin Just received per qhip Corsair, and for 1 by ' CALVIN BAKB liuiylS 1 *0 H For Sale,' DOUBLOONS jy kegs crackers and Butter Biscuit 2.5 hlids fresh molasses from Mutan- i via Charleston. GAUDUY &HERBERT |july 10 sit 49 v QJ* During the absence of : Subscriber Mr. Vitos. It. Price will act asbiB orney August (1. Oeniler. 91 hio Drug gut Store, cornef of Jefferson und St Julian St eels U AS received by schr. Tassel, a fresh supply Of SWAIN’S so much esteemed PANACEA. Ab slso by other late arrivals, a variety of fresh irticles which he abstains fruin mentioning, as he-siispec's the public to possess Sagacity enough ■0guess,that CALOMEL, JALAP, RHUBARB, HUM FCET1D. and all the other delicacies nam- d. in the index of the dispensatory may be looked for and found in Drug Stores—tel a few .kings not to be met with at every one, he of fers, via: Phosphorus, Cldorate of Potass, Pyroligneous Acid, IHhck Drop, James fever Powder, Uends Siiptics, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Past'dla, Wcdgewood evaporating dishes, Glass Funnels, Graduated Measures, Retorts and deceivers, Pest Tubes, Una Bottles, Thermometers, Hy grometer, and' Pliivitnwti r. Flower Pots. march 18 64 _ Georgia—Way no County. W HKKiiAb Courtney Stewart applies for letters of administration on the estate of James B Stewart dec. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to lile their objections (if any they have) in my office »n or before the 14ih day of August next otherwise letters of administration grunted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office this 12Ui day of July, A D. 1824. JOHN FORT, c c o \v o july 15 151 NOTICE. P ERSONS having demands against tlie-esiate of Amos Dougluss, late of Chatham County, deceased, .will pleuse to have their account:, pro perly attostqjl und leave them at the bar of Col. John Shelman’s Mansion I • ntse, Savannah-— Those wlio are indebted to the estate will be called on in ten or fifteen days lor settlement. DAVil) TAYLOR, Jr. Qualified Hx’er. - Near Wayneshoro, May 24,1824 may 28 ■■jT*126 Madison Springs. fiVllF. Subscriber tenders bis thanks to his H friends and the public, for the liberal pat ronage bestowed, and hopes during the ensuing season, from the improved state of Ills health, to give that attention to Ins house and hoarders as to render their situation as comfortable ns the slate of the country will pevmit. His bar will be well supplied, and his house in .addition tn his former supplies will have an ahundunce of milk, vegetables, &c. for Hie accommodation of his boarders. HATES OF FARE. For man and horse by the month or sea son, per day For a longer lime than ten days but less than a month, per day For ton days or a less time, per day Man per week Less than one week JAMES ALEXANDER, N. B. Wanted a young mini to act us Bar keeper, at the above place during the months of August and September. Apply u> Maj. Win. F. j Scott, Milledgeville, or at the Springs to july 15 151 (£)* The Constitutionalist and Savannah He publican will please publish the above once a week 4 times. Cotton Ragging, &c. S\ PEW hundred pieces superiur 42 inch Russia hemp COTTON BAGGING, And a variety of other British Manufactures, which Will aft dr this month, be subjected to ad ditional duty, for side ut former prices, if applied for. immediately, and long credit given for ap proved paper. ANDREW LOW 8t CO. june 4 132—2m 1 gl 00 1 25 1 50 5 25 1 00 NO a ICE. V] INF. months after da-e, application will be iN made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County,for leave to sell all the real property be* longing to the estate nf*the late Rev. Jno Beck, dec. lying in suid county, for tiie benefit of the heirs and creditors. 1 ANN BECK, Administratrix. anril 16 88 nlv 15 151 J. X Will FLOCK. |0*The Fust Office will un- ftlie first November TOxt, be closed from 1 to j’clcok, C* M. |uly 3 145 EXECUTOR OF Francis Jalineau. , LL persons having any demands against the i estate of Francis Jalineau, dec. are request- Itif deliver them in, properly attested, on or lure the first day of October next All ac- Lnts not presented previous to that day, will I infused payment by the undersigned exccu \ WM. GASTON. |uly 10 149 Consulate of Portugal. UHIN'ti the absence of the subscriber, Mr 11 DGUEES, will attend to the duties of his e. FRANCIS SORREL, Vice Consul for the State of Georgia lulv 10 NO' MIR GENERAL IMPORTING and WHOLE- SALE BUSINESS, heretofore conducted l>y Jamks Dick-on & Co. and Gkoiiok Rklni, separately, is this day united, and will be curried on by the undersigned, who have connected themselves under the firm of C. W. Rockwell & Co. All the advantages which either of the late es tablishments offered may be depended upon from the present one, by which.they hope to retain the friends of both. GEORGE RKLPH, CHARLES W. ROCKWELL. july 1 __ t.145 Bank State of Georgia, Savannah, 10th July, 1824. IjNffOTIOE—This Bank will be closed on Thurs- ttNDJay next, and until the 1st November, at 1 o’clock, P. M. A. PORTER, . Cashier. july 13 wloO Land anil Negroes for Sale. & HANDSOME property, unUcbmbered, con- fit sistii.g of Land und Negroes, together with Stock of evtgy, kind, mid the g. owing crop, a- mo,tinting in all to about 1‘2 or 12,000 dollars, situate ill the upper country, ,aud well calculat ed for a country Store—the soil veil adapted to the cultivation of Corn and Cotton, is offered for sale on accommodating terms Hunk Stock, or good paper, well secured, will be taken in payment. F< r further particulars, apply to the Editor of the Georgia Journal, june 19 145 RICE S TAVERN: FIVHE undersigned having fitted up his HOUSE fi Of ENTERTAINMENT, in a style which authorises him to say, Unit for convenience, ctimf.irl and neatness, it challenges its superior to be produced in any up country establishment most respect fully solicits the patronage of a lib era! public. He feels an additional pleasure in ussuring such us may favor him. with their com- puny, along,with all the good tilings which the market can afford to render his board invi ting, (ie has adopted certain regulations, which will sixure’tn tin in the enjoyment of their time free from those intrusions and vulgarities so in cidenlal and disgraceful, incite general, to inns of the up country. A. P. RICE. Washington, Ga. July 1*1,1824. grjr The editors of the'Savannah Republican Georgia Journal and Augusta Constitutionalist, are requested to publishhe uboverfmee a week for one month, and send their accounts to this office. july 13 jrl50 Removal. it 1824| 1OL10 s applit -y of f lion ate off [monish t>ris (if any istratioi cant i or b i letW one ay of 1 SU.c'l 1 in g f Itosd, • CO" 11 land i» 1 and a* 1 land "a | reaso) eighty, i s also n mt build' rill he* lying""‘I DaP 1 J " i lulv 3 |k. A SHBF1' ALL has removed {>is office to 'the building immediately opposite to Mr. fdericjt Herb’s residence, Jefferson Street, i door north of Broughton Street, ul.v 8 m!48 '■ Planters Rank. and after Monday next, this bank will be f shut at one o’clock. J MARSHALL, Gashier «lv 7 a!48 Removal, |IHF, undersigned liSve taken an office in the I brick building, owned by Mrs Hamilton, Irthe State Bank. J, LAW 8t JACKSON. |dy 10 m!49 . Chatham Academy. FHF, Board of Trustees have engaged Mr. I Vr.BimiEs to take.charge of the schools af- |me 1st of August, for the remainder of the fc °n, both in the male and female depart- P‘*' The terms Of tuition in the several clas- i usual—Tickets of qdfnission must be ob- Pen from the undersigried, for the pupils, on before that day. . W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. P'y?3 , A fd ml 50, The Subscriber, IRVING purchased the stock belonging to the late concern of Messrs Poqyat & Hoi- i informs his friends and the public that he |opened a lr ug and Medicine Store, Jitning all tlie articles in thuf line, and is in expectation ot' receiving an additional sup- "Dicli will render his assortment complete, which he oilers for sale, Wholesale or Re- at reduced prices, for approved paper, on romodating terms, ai his store on the Bay, °«tt the Exchange. A. DE LAROCHE. i146 Ink. NOTICE r |WR Public, are apprised, that the subscriber ft. lias titles to one half of a 50 acre tract of Land on White Bluff, adjoining his, and land lately John Poullen’a, now John Morrill’s, and for which the Administratix ot the late Jas. Boyd, applies to the court for^ leave to sell as purl of that esluie-—hi titles a're of prior date, and of record All persons are forewarned not to purchase or. respass on tlie premises. Ft.F WILLIAMS. june 17 m—§t138 " NO A ICE. ~ U>B1NE mouths after date application will he made to the Honorable the Justices of the I tcrior Court of Chatham County for leave to soli all that Lot in Savannah known by the No one, Ellis square, Decker Ward, with the iiti- provements thereon: And all that Lot in Snvan- italt known by. the No twenty-three, in V iberty Ward, with <lie Buildings thereon—being the real estate of John Smith, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 University of Georgia. Atusni, .it■ July, 1024. '|1HK public examination of tlie ncveral classes JL in Franklin College,will bv held in the Col lege Chapel in the loliowinpc order, viz: Tho Freshman clas,, will be examined on Wednesday the 28th of thishnon li; the hnphomore class or) Thursday and Friday the 29lh and 50th| and the candidates for admission into college^ on Satur day the 31st. On Monday the 2nd August, the Junior class will be examined on their studies if the present session On Tuesday the 3d, six students of tlie J unior class, from each of the two Societies in college, will deliver orations oft heir own compositions in the College Ciiap- , ei.—On Wednesday the 4th, will be the Annu al Commencement. It ia expected that, tllfe Trustees, will be pre pared to form a board on Monday evening or Tuesday morning. The presence of litciary gentlemen in general is respectfully requested. i By order, ASBURY HULL, 8ec. U G. july 20 m153 tfjT The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and Savannah Republican, are requested to publish tliv ab -vc three times, and forward their account for payment A. H. NOTICE. 4 1.1, persons having demands against the es> late of Mrs. Jane Myers, are requested to present them duly attested, within tlie time prescribed by. law, to tlie subscribers. THOMAS CLARK, MATTHEW LUFBURROW, Administrators. july 13 tf!50 CAVALRY ORDERS. ifVi|E corps ol Georgia Hussars is required ft to assemble on its Parade Ground ON iA URDAY, 24tli inst. At 4 o'clock, P M. in full uniform for the pur pose of electing a 1st Sergeant, und filling such vacancies ss may then occur By order’Lieut Law, commanding. M M,KAY, 1st Sergt G. H. july 20 13 IjAMF oil. 1 st IF, subscribers having purchased the entire Stock of I. it Ml' OIL of Hazahb& DensloW, will for the future keep a constant supply of tho purest kind, Families can be supplied at. gl per Gallon. LAY fc HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shail’a Buildings. july 20 „ca153 Corn Afloat. BUsHKl.S Baltimore white Com the cargo of tlie schr Baracoa, for sale in parcels to accommodate purchasers— apply to GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. july 3 m!46 Law Notice. T HE public an*, informed that the Subscribers have located and formed a connexion in Jacksonboro, Scriven County, Ga. where one of them may at all times be found except when professionally engaged, elsewhere. They pur pose to attend the several courts of the several Counties Scriven, Burke and Jefferson—also those of Rich mom], Warren and Emanuel. They hope by close application, ntid a due attention to the business of their profession, to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. Bu siness confided to their care will be thankfully received and puhctually attended to JAMES B. LEWIS JOSIAH S PATTERSON, may 22 120 Georgia—Chatiiam County By the H ii the Justices of the Inferior Court ot said comity sitting for ordinary purposes, To all whom it may concern, W HEREAS Thomas U Price, administrator of David H. Thompson, dec. ha9 petioned ■o tlie honorable the Justices of tlie Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary puFp*> 8 M to be dis charged from tlie administration aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections, if ar.y they have in my office on or before the 16th day of Sept, next, otherwise letters dismissors will grant ed to the applicant Witness the Hon. John Camming, one ol the Justices of said Court this l6ih day of March, A D. 1824 S. M. BOND, u c o. march 16 62 Printing . kegs Printing Ink suitable fot* new t ‘ a P cr * Can be had by applying at thi# Of Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern ft,® J HKREAS Solomon.Sha'i, executor of Wm V ¥ Gilbert, deceased has applied to the hon orable tlie Court of Ordinary to he discharged from Ins executorship aforesaid. . Now, these are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said v\ m Gilbert deceased, to file their ob jections, if any they have, in the clerks office of said Court on or before the 4th day of Septem ber next, otherwise letters gf dismissory will be grunted and t(ie said Solomon Shad be discharg ed from all claims whatever as executor of the said deceased. Witness the honorable John Cumming, one of the Justices of said Court this fourth day of March, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. march 6 <54 Georgia—Chatham County. By the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior .Court sitting for ordinary purposess. IIK.REAS Linus P. Sage administrator of S ue Taylor, deceased, has petitioned le Court of Ordinary to be discharg ed from his said administrationship These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of tlie clerk of the Court of Ordinary, on or before the 13th day of Janua ry next ensuing the date hereof t otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the appli cant. Witness the honorable Thomas X. Morel one of the Justices of the said Court this 13th day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. *> S. M. BOND, coo. july 13 150 Georgia—Bullock County. By the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County. llffTHERRAS Robert Burton, administrator of V* the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath applied to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of th,e said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of this Court within the time prescribed by law, other- wise letters, dismissory will be granted the ap plicant Witness the Honorable Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY,c co bc. june4 *132 NOTICE. M U WILLIAM TURNER, having assigned to the subscribers all hi* slock in trade, debts, Etc >n beluiof of his creditors generally, it is requested that those indebted make imme diate payment, and those haying claims -will please render them to Mr Thou as Miller, who is appointed their agent to dispose of the stock, which comprises u general assortment of Seasonable Dry Goods, and will be sold, wholesale or in retail, at very reduced prices, ior cash only JAMES M'HENRY, JOHN H REID, GEORGE KELPH, Assignees of Wm. Turner, april 14 86 - BARGAINS. •tAiE stock of Dry Goods, which formerly be T ' ~ longed to Mr William Turner, is now sel- letters dismissory will be granted to the peti- ling off at prices much under cost, april,16 88 OFFICE FOR SH1PF1N * SEAMEN. T HE, subscriber is now able to attend person ally to the duties of Shipping Seamen and the No tarial Business. in tlie office of Alexander Hunter and Wm. P. Beers, at theN. W. corner of fhe Exchange tioner. Witness the Hon. John Cnmir-ing, one of the Justices of the said court, this 11th day of June, . D. 1824. 8 M BOND, c c o. june12 136 WM. P. BEERS. 106 A LL persons are forbid to credit tiny of tile crew of the Colombi -n schr. Zulma, as any con tracts made by them will not be paid by me CHARLES E. LOMINI, • Captain, july 8 tn 148 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday jn August next, WILL be sold at the Court House in Wayne county, between the usual hours A negro man named March, under an execu- tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Titos Museaglunst John R. Kemp. JOSEPH FORT, swc. ma 3' . 1‘8 Sugar, Gin & Flour. HHDS. Prime St Croix Sugar 50 bbls Northern Gin 100 bbls freSh superfine Flour For sale by HALL Ik HOYT, july 10 149 Wanted. [ NROM 5 to 6 black Carpenters to work at Da ■. rien from 1 to 4 months, agreeable to tlir desire of their owners. Their wages will be paid monthly in this place Apply to DUNHAM Ik CAMPFIELD. july 13 a 150 NOTICE. ersons indebted to the estate ofJohan- __ na Marcy Moore, of Effihghgm County dec’d to come forward and make payment and those that have any accounts, to present them to HEZHKIAH EVANS, Adm’r. sept 28 §ca*193 For Sale, t PRIME Negro Fellow, Alice. july 13 450 Apply at this Of- Ten Dollars Reward. R A~S\WAY on the 30th June last, my boy Ellick, is about 16 years old, yellow com- pleclion, rather chunky made, not very well grown, speaks plain, tolerable pleasant counte nance Said boy was taken out of Savannah gaol about tlie 20th of April last I will pay the a- bove reward to any person who will apprehend and lodge said Ellick in gaol so that 1 get hirar— and all reasonable expeitces if they will deliver him to me at home. Tis expected he wilt try to lurk about Savannah WM. COOPER, Scriven Comity, Gee july 6 *efl46 Executor’s Notice. A LL persons huviug demunca against the estate of the late Hugh M'Call, Esq. dec’d are requested to hand them in for payment, and those indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment, TIIOS M'CALL, l F , PHILIP BUASCH, $ 0,8 july 11 150 NOTICE; A LL persons indebted to the es'ftte of Alex ander Martin, late of Liberty county, dc ceased, are requested to make immediate pay meat to RICHARD F. BAKER, WILLIAM H. MARTIN* j> 3, . may 10 ill? Brought to Jail, N Savannah on the 11th inst a negro man who says his name is William add that he belongs to William R. McIntosh, of McIntosh County,, Georgia, and that he ranaway about the 4th inst. he is five feet 6} inches hi"a, and about 35 years of age. JOHN I. DEWS, J c c. june17 138 - NOTICE. LL persons having demands against the es tate of Mary Stevens, late of Savannah dec. are requested to present them within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to the es tate are requested to make payment to ' GEORGE W COE, Qualified Executor. june 15 ifl37 Georgia—-Liberty County. B Y Elfjah Baker, cl*:rk of the Court uf Ordi nary for the county of Liberty Whereas William, Esq applies to be die missed from his administration on the estate of Davis Carter, late of said county, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persona concerned to file their objections (if any tlie- have) in my office, within the time prescri bed by law i or otherwise the said applicant will be dismissed from his said administration. Given under my hand and seal, this 3d day of May, A. D 1824. - ' E B J .KEU, c c o. may 11 110 Georgia—Chatham CountyT B Y the Hon. tile Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary ipurposes. To all whom it may concern. * Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Ed mund Didon, late of Chatham ccunty dec. ban petitioned the Hon. court of ordinary, to be dis charged from his said administration. Now, these uie therefore to cite and admon ish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have,) to the granting of let'era disroisf sory to the petitioner, in the clerk's office, o- the said Court of Ordinary, on or l>efi,re the 11th day of December next ensuing, otherwise ft I 1NE months after date, I shall apply to the Honorable the Justices of the ‘ Inferior Court of Chatham County., for leave to sell the real and personal property of Lachlaud Hamil ton McIntosh, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. . SUSAN A. G. vINTOSH, * x Administratrix, march 9 56 , INE months after date, application will be mode to the Honurable the Inferior Court of Bryan County, for leave to sell all the real Estate of Sarah M’Kindlcy, bo e of Bryan county dec. for thebeuefit of the heirs'aml creditors of said estate. JAMES BUTLER, Administrator, april 2 §<>77 . Executors hale; B Y virtue ; of an order of the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Liberty county, will be sold in tue Town of Sudbury, on the first Tuesday in August next, three fourths of the right which - he estate ol Mercy Blown, dec. bus to a certain, negro woman slave named Cassandra JOHN 0. BROUGHTON, Exectitor. may 26 24