Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 24, 1824, Image 3

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’ .■ vc ■»t. s <1 ; .m : i W’.l® & — i ■ — 9NMI n- SAVANNAH: SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1824. [.JmiUed by die Wlv<«n. In 1W, at-the L „f Kainardgi; in 17 ^ y ftrM ! lli02 a,( j° the l *" 1 ' L,;„n of IttMtU anti I’iikmu was allowed. i» the belief of Russia, that the Greeks can- 1 easonihly carry Uieir hopes niy farther.-— v would enjoy a perfect unreairained free- i of trade# ami having tlieir own flag. The Lk Patriarch, who slu'ind chntiniie to reside nnitinlliitmUl would be, in a manner, a re-, tentative ofthe Grecian nation, TheTurks u’d siill garrison Simc fortrfcsscB, with a line r n |, ( ,wever, beyond Which they might not iJrliere would be besides neither pacha j ebvcriibr, but each of the principalities Lid l»y tribute proportioned to its wealth I extent.—The regulations relative to the In- L| organization would form the object of a bnd negotiation between the contradicting ten. '1 he Porte would find a certain adVan- b in a negociatinu. A fourth campaign will, 6l probability, beai little favoiwhle to Ttlr» r as the preceding! while the proposed ar- „ c(TlC nt will insure to her peace and trail- Bity, and regulav rcvenuis from the tribute the several prinripaliiiea—Her repose has Ip ever disturbed by revolts among the pa- k who besides appropriated to their own use treasure they wrested front the people. Of L revolts and insurrections of ambitious or Kncidus pachas, the adoption of this measure aid relieve her. Mahomet 11. allowing the s tube simply tributary. This same mode of (oimntKiutioti, induced between the Porte and ecce, would give the allied powers the udvan* e of securing the enfranchisement ot Greece, ilmut deviating from the principles that form • bsMt of their policy, and without apparently iliingto favor prospects of absolute inuepen nee HiiWia, therefore, proposes^ 1st, To aporov«r„ t | t - m B j r .» a i{. the efforts made for freedom t the auggeaiuma expressed ui this memoir.’t .... . 1 To agree that ahalagous initructlons be ad- every struggle to break the chains of despotism f'ssed to the ambassadors and allied ministers have been rendered null and void by (be detes- larm at Ntdciifesl and Ne’W ftriedhs, as die rising 1 l(kd commenced at the f irmer place. The Rev. Mr. Ait »hxw»;~ will perform divine service TO MORROW EVENING, at the Wes ley Chapel, South Uroad Street. .a iSjf A small building on the lot at the corner of Congress Street and. Carpenter’s ltow, was dis covered to be on fire, }sst .night, about 11 o’- clock, hut by prompt exertions it was speedily extinguished without doing any material dam- age. - , . 1NTF.RE9T1N(TuOCUMBNT. We give in another part of our paper a high ly important and very interesting document of the Co'urt ot St. Petersburg, respecting the af fairs of Greece, having been extracted from the Paris Coustitutionel of the 31st of May, re ceived at New-York by the Bayard, from Havre. It appears to us tliat this document though in an unofficial form, expresses the intentions of the Russian Cabinet, and the views of the Holy Alliance generally towards Greece. The Na- liotial Advocate sayc—"If the objects developed in tills' document can be carried into effect, it follows that Greece lias lost iU liberty, and the gay dreamt of Independence have vanished into parts of tins plan for pacification, proposed contemplate the power of the Turks; the ob 'PH the ulliunce, be communicated by tlietb sue- ktacks designedly raised by the Christian pow* iveli i 5th, To inform the ministers, that in ** ’ 1 ‘ .usding the Porte to adopt the principle of [intervention or mediation they will conform Rite views of the Allies; und 6th, That it is tie- lisry to impress upon the Porte, that the e- btion of three principalities, would diminish Je collective strength If Greece, and that as the Lrte would have toe nomination of the hospo- ]r>, princes, or olherrulers, it would by that, pure the interest oflhe must important fumi- i ttfnong the Greeks. PIRATES —We learn by the ship Handles p Packet, from Cumpeacftv, that the British lig Prince, of Liverpool, from New Orleans, in sing into the Island of Cant run, got on the Bar, |d beat over into dt op water, when she was arded by Pirates, stripped und robbed of all jr cargo, and all hands murdered 11 A British jin of war brig sailed the next day from Lagu Jin search of them. lit urns perfectly tranquil <yt Campeachy when Le Manchester Packet sailed. The United kales’ schr Grampus, I.t. Gomdt. John D Sloat, tiled on the 14tli ull fur Alvurado, alt well. 1 .. -jrrpa*. The esptain and passengers on board the brig adius report, that t,he day previous to sailing, [ a brig was entering the harhor of Matunzss, i» boats were seen to pull off to take posse?- yin of her, und immediately took her to lee- anl The captains of vessels lying in Mutua ls immediately a llied themselves in boats, and roceedcd after the brig, to re-take lief, but in Imsequenoe of 4 heavy aquall and night coming I), the pirates took advantage of the Occasion, Scl made utt’ with her—ib Mr PETttR Forge Editor of the National oumal, whu has purchased thd W. Repub- ican—intenda issuing a daily paper here- ifter. Front his prospectus it i» assuredly o be a thorobah-going administration -pa ler, on the principles of Mr J. Q. Atlamss He closes his prospectors with follow- ng singular paragraph; «With respect to the Presdential ques- ion, the sentiments of the Nutional Jour- jtsl have been top fully expressed to be Tiisunderstond or to nerd repetition here. Vhey are iiill unchanged; and while it will [e willing to do full justice to all the other Candidates, and even to. welcome their re- jpective friends to its columns, in strict mparti. lily,the preference for J". (£. Mams, ounded as it is upon, a conscientious be lief <>f his superior qualifications, can nev- fer be abandoned.' But; in making this de claration, it is proper to add, that the Na tional Journal looks forward to a higher iestiny than to become an electioneering vartixan; and that in future the cause of Hr Adams will be supported no further [ban as it involves, the interest of the ad- ministration and of the country.” Are we then to understand that Mr Ad' kms is henceforth to be held up as the go vernment candidates Journal hopc9 for (, a higher destiny ." It is now, and always has bee, ’ an electioneering partisan;’ But this character will be merged, in that of administration paper, and Mr A. will in future be supported no farther than his support involves the interest of(fie admin lilration. Indeed! What bold and desper ers,aod the feuds among the Greek leaders, we almost despair of seeing them completely Iude pendent. We all remember the powerful army collected by lluBsiu on the borders of Turkey, and its menacing altitude it was not doubted that Rus sia could haye marched triumphantly to Con stanlinople at tliat period, yet to the asloigsh- ment of the civilized world, Russia withdrew her troops at the very moment when an attack was anticipated. At that period the Greek re bellion broke out, and Russia considering that Turkey alone could suppress the insurrection and crush the revolution, retired to let them fight it out single handed) but finding at lengtli that Greece was making rapid strides towaids Independence, and exciting a general sympathy the cloak ia thrown by, and Russia in declaring against the Independence of Greece, says: “It is essential tligt those powers who have succeeded in repressing revolution and anarchy ui the two peninsulas, (Italy and Spain,) should not fin'd the cause of the Greeks strengthened by the accession of the revolutionists of the countries where order lias been established- • 1 his avowal is followed up by the proposition to divide Greece into principalities, governed by Uoipadurt, appointed by the Porte, after-the manner of Wallachiaand Moldavia; u proposi tion, which.. Jf suuciioiied’by the allied powers, puts an end to the independence of Greece al- =r==a= SHIP JVJ5Im. The following article, whlch we Copy from the Philadelphia Democratic Press, although it ap. pears in un anonymous dress, is stated by the editor of that - papety to be really whatit pur ports to he. We shall endeavor to give pjact to the oilier numbers as they appear. A SPY AMONG THE PIRATES. No. I. J , The following interesting Information was oh talned from un American \vliom corlovity led t travel in the It land of Cuba to observe and n. tain all necessary information respecting tl After a passage of 16 days I armed at the po. of Mat anzMS —litre l shifted my clothing and put on a roundabout jacket, and assumed the character of a tar, went about the taverns, and got into company the same evening with Pepe and Antonia, both expert captains in the pirati cal trade. They informed me that they wanted 10 hands, and after answering them several questions that they put, and believing that I had been in the slave trade alone was sufficient introduction and, recommendation. They said they had come thither to receive g 30,000 of irize money and to deposit £16,000, recruit 10 lands, and obtain news respecting the arrival and departure of the enemy’s private and armed vessels—that is tn say the English and Ameri cana Having obtained all necessary news, the following day was appointed for our departure A small fishing boat received our Refreshments and armament and passed the fort. We walked eight in number, six miles out of town, accom panied by a custom-house officer We then met the body there, embarked, and made Sail tor Key Diana, where we arrived next morning. A red flag was then hoisted, and about mid day a large row boat, with 20 men, visited us and said that tlx schooner would be in that night. A long and serious conversation now took place with the custom-house officer respecting the introduction and selling of the goods; finally it was agreed to increase his commission, as the risks und trouble were greater than usual, us the seaport towtm were surrounded by American ami Englishcruizera. In the evening the schooner arrived, and the custom officers, with the fishermen, departed We atilt remained on the Island, nnd next morn, ing observed several sail, but our look-out men in the Keys made signals that they were convoy ed by armed vessels. Pour days had elapsed, when early in die morning they made a signal for a sail Wegot under weigh and gave chase, it proved to be un American brig; the crew em barked in the long-boat and abandoned her they appeared to be about 9 in number. *We sent a boat, took possession of the prize, sailed immediately fortlie laud und hauled bet up a smvll ieivtr. During the night, 30 men were sent oti board to ransack her, but could find no mo ney; she was loaded with coflee, which was laud ed on the beach. The papers were all destroy ed and burnt; the clothing was divided amongst the first plunderers; some of it was marked I. B. 1 was very desirous of going on board to ascer tain her name and the porUthe came from, but was not ordered therefore I did not sfiow any, anxiety for fear of exciting suspicion on their minds About day light, after having stripped her of what rigging they wanted, and staved in the heads of about 70 Hhds. of Molasses, the; set her on fire. They counted the bags on whici (here was different marks, one of which was R H. New York. There wui upwards ofl5t)00 in the whole, which was put in new sacks. Unc of the officers was dispatched with a board on Which there was some painted No. and put it up in the tbp of a tree. 1 then found that they hail a regular line of telegraphs by. which means they couid obtain assistance, when required, of mules and men, to transport either themselves or tlieir booty. They dispatched a man to the post office; lie returned the same evening with FORT OF SAVANNAH. xnuivKs, Ship Emperor, Bennet, from New York, to Hall & Hoyt, consignees, with sundries to Ponce y McKenzie F f Lay, I W Morrell, H Celand, \ Scuddcr, P Hill, Low & Wallace, A G Miller, H B Nichols, A U (lender, If Densler, C Host- i- ick, Q B Green, »Y Taylor & co, tt Campbell, iltihamel It Auze, U Lord A co, A B Faniim & .'i, J H McKenzie, A & J Champion, G Breltt- •layer & co, J Peufield, J W Long! G H Lamar, m H Cuthbert, (» Gordon, Cohen N Mili-r, M Pendergist, F Gillet h co, ADnfaure.T otter & co. Passengers, hon. Alfred Cuthbert, d Thos Spaulding, Esq. Brig Sea Island, Barker, Boston, 14 days (0 S U Parktnan. French brig Two Brothers, 80 days from Rou en, to Blanchaid Brothers & co. Pilot boat sclir Ann Maria, Sisson, Charleston, 8houra. Yesterday at U o’clock, off Martin’s Industry, passed sloop Delight Cooper, bound (b Charleston. Schr Patriot, Halsey, Plymouth, N. C. 10 days corn, to R & J Habersham, and G F Palm- a Sloop Mary Jane, Mai celin, Sapeln, 2 days. Sloop Cyntlua, Turner, Beaufort, 2 days, to A Wade. Sloop Union, Sallowich, Sunbury, 14 hours. AT TUK LI out, . Charleston R C Gallatin, Matthews, from a cruize. 8AILKD, Pilot boat schr John, for Key West—Passen gers, Capt John Brown, Lieut’s Jones and.Law- rence, of tt C. Florida. For Xew-York. The rei COT Thomas H. Gregory, master. Will sail on Wednesday 28th inst ; for freight or passage having handsome accommodations ap ply on board at the Exchange wharf, ot to" GEO. GOUDON. july 24 a155 . Pdf' Neiv-York. .(ESTABLISHED LINE/) f .* Hie ship empeRor, j. H Henne't, Mister, Will Sail on the 29th inst. For freight or pas sage, having superior accommodsiions, ftptdv tu HALL & llUYT. July 92 154 ' , ; n ; , JFoj‘ jYew-York. The siiip LAllY GALLaTIN* J. I’errV, Master,- Will kail ohShndsy next, 25th inst—lias liftlf li&r cargo engaged-. For the '.alaticu of fi-elght i.r passage, apply to the master on board, ut Jones* Upper Wharf, or to HALL St HOYT; hdv92 154 . together. .i o What course Great Britain will pursue,'re- 'letters, in which they received information from mains to he seen. The influence Which Russia will have over the Porte, in thus terminating the struggle, may induce the British to aid the Greeks i but we are not without apprehension, that the cold-hearted policy pursued at present Great Britain. We coppy to day from the National Intelli gencer a statement of two officers late of lhe LaCentella addiessed to the. American consul at Laguira and which has been fprwarded to the Secretary of the Navy.. If the statement be true it does not place«Capt. Hopner’s conduct in the most favorable light. We are inclined to believe that the account is an exaggerated one, made more to gratify private pique than any thing else. As regards tiie transactions of a commer cial bouse in Charleston, the edi tor of the South ern Patriot remarks os follows: That he has had an inspection of the hooka and papers connec ted with the transactions referred to, and (he whole business -appears to be perfectly regular ss-far as relates to the above house. The pro perty consisting: principally of coffee, against whioh the bills mentioned below were drawn was regularly .entered at the Custom House alar packet .ship ION PLANT, For Liverpool. Tile Substantial Brig OSGOOD. Gardner; HAstel} Having the greater jw-t uf her cargo engilgod, will be di,patched for the aboVe port on or abutit 1st prdiimo. For freight of ,2u0 halts Cotton or lassage—apply to the Captain bn board atWal- ace’fi lower'wharf; or td , SAMUEL WRIGHT. july 13 : tl5Q ; Sugars, liaCon, Coffee, &C. itoxes White Havana Sugars 25 boxes brown Uu. do. 11000 lbs Bacon 100 bage prime green Coffee 100'kegs Ci»t Nail* ! 100 bbls Howat-d-st Flutl£ 10 pipes Brandy 10 „ Holland Gin , 10 hhds Jamsica Uunl 1 100 boxes RaisinS A general assortment of TEAS. J For sale by J B ilEUDEltT & CO. n>.l w 153 Fax8agefor Charleston* t The regular packet schooner AM JST MARIA, Sisson, Master, Will sail for Charleston TO-MORROW MORN ING at 8 o’clock For passage apply on board at Wallace’s Wharf, july 24 155 SHINN'S FANJICEA* ■JUST received, per ship Emperor from New York a tVesh supply of the celebrated Shinn’s Panacea, and for sale by W C CUTHBERT, july 24 a 155 Agent, Office, Bank United States, Savanxaii, 24th July, 1824. D IVIDEND LIST, No. 11, is received. Stock. holders in the Bank ofthe United States, who have directed their dividends paid at this office, will receive the same in person, or by power of attorney, conforming to that heretofore published, WM P HUNTER, july 24 nlSS Cashier pro, tern sumo respectable mercantile houses and officers oflhe government, of the arrival and depar tures of vessels, and of Commodore Porter’s ar rivul in ,V1 stanzas, and of an English and a French Frigates arrival in Havana, and some bills of sales to the enormous amount of £200,000 Thetr mail is carried with more, rapidity and regularity by the European-powers, may extend itself to '''an that of the government. They are m fact, ’ so well united and trained, that they openly ylo- late, not only the laws of the land but the laws of nations, and bid defiance to the world. Since they have been deprived.of the slave trade, they have turned their attention to this lucrative bu siness of Pirac) which seems to bp their delight, and in which the officers of the government par ticipate from the highest to the lowest; either directly or indirectly, and which it is made tlieir interest to support and give facility by giving them coasting licence, anu enable them with that protection to bid defiance to our cruizers. This cloak to cover their villainy, they say, is done in retaliation on the Americans lor their pernicious principles o(Free Independent representative and popular governments, which they have had the audacity to desseminate in the new world-, aqd thus caused tfie independence and separa tion from the mother country of many highly valuable colonies, contrary to the honor,interest, and dignity of his Catholic Majesty. THE SPY. Glass, Paints, Oil, &?c. &?c. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, <lrTTVffS BOXES Windsor Gloss, various sizes IMW ' and qualities 50 kegs Vemtian Red,.ground in Oil SO do Spanish Brown do do 30 do Yerdigres do do , 50 do French Yellow do do Crome Yellow, Red Lead, Spanish Whiting, Litharge, Indigo, Copal und Japan Varnishei Lamp, Train and Sweet Oil, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Glass Lamps and Lamp Glasses, (CC.&C. LAY & HENDRICKSON; Druggists, Shads Building, Congress corner of Whitaker Streets, july 24 R 155 FINAL NO TICE. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of P<ui yat and Holland,' are once more requested to come forward and settle, tlieir respective ac counts, on or before the 10th day of August next; otherwise sudh will be entered indiscrim inately. JOHN F. POtJYAT. WM.R. HOLLAND. July 24 tlSS >te measures shall we see uext-fesorted to?] there; the duties paid and sale of it made at pub Rich.Enq. *ffma2gamatton.-rThe “ National Jour- Ml." (Mr Adams’s paper) and the '? IV ash* 5ngton Republican," (Mr Calhoup’s) are ^lirown into one~under the Command of ?eter Force, (one of the Editors of the National Journal!) Cui bonof Two letters we hasp jusHwen# con 5rm all our calculations, that Mr Craw »rd will receive the Electofial vote of Jorth Carolina. , , / A letter, from a most respectable quan- ,ter of New York, besides direct verbal Itccounts, state that v. all’s well, h in New [York,-16. ' ln SEliECfEB TOAStS. 'Drank at the celebration of the 4th of July, 1824. J t Trenton, A*. J, •ly nominated republicifrt can- ffidate, Wm. H. Crawford—-Sucess to his Election- Albert .Gallatin—-An illustriou ^xam. Pie of the ascendency of genius over all Ninian Edi wte againat a: I—"Cease, tiper, yop lie auction. At the time that suspicion attached as to the manner .the property had been obtain ed, disposition had already been made of it in total ignorance by the party, to whom it had been consigned at Charleston, of its- origin and character. The President has appointed John_B. Thom son, Esq. Consul for the United States ot Canton, vice RichardR. Thomson, deceased. The Steam ship Robert Fulton, arrived at N York on the 14th inst. from New Orleans, with fifty passengers. Papers of the 1st inst. receiv ed by her state that the Eagle steam boat, just arrived there in 5 days from St. Louis, brought information that the waters from the upper country were rapidly qn.the rise. The Missou. ri, above its juncttoji with the Mississippi, five feet higher than ever before known. St. Louis it was nine inches higher than last year, and still swelling. Rain had tallen continually for ten days, and a great portion of the state of Illinois was reported to be inundated. The Ohio wis also on tforfcfc. There was serious a- 4TJ - ■ 10 th Sec. of an Ordinance, Entitled an Ordinance to alter the mode of col lecting Taxes in tiie city of Savannah and for other purposes.. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passage of this ordinance a Tax of Five Dollars shall be levied upon every .Saddle Hurse, Mare or Gelding used as such, and a Tax of three dollars be levied on ever Which dog so returned taxed, shall be dlstiu guished by a collar, with the owners name oh it; which distinction shalibe a protection to the dog so wearing it. Extract from the Ordinance-, this 22d July,1824. M MYERS, t e. A BABGAIN. Heal Estate for Sale. > A VALUABLE Plantation containing about 3 JA, hundred acres on Port Royal Island, in S. Carolina, situate about 3 miles from the. town of Beaufqrt on the main road leading to the ferry and known by the name of Burtons Hill. Per sons wishing to purchase Would do well to view the premises and judge for themselves, by the crop of S. I. cotton and corn now growing thereon; titles unquestionable—for terms which will be reasonable, apply to Captain Paul A. Cartwright, in Beaufort, or N. BATTELLB. QTjr-The editor of the Charleston Courier will please insert the above once a month for three months and forward their bilLto this office, june 26 142 _ ...^ G EORGIA—Chatham"County'—To all whom it may concern. Whereas Alexander-M. Taylor, administrator of John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to be discharged from hi* 8aid administration: Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office, of (he Court of ordinary, on or before the 6th day of Decem ber next; otherwise letters of dismissory will be granted. Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one of tiie Justices ofthe skid Court, the 6th day of May, A. D. 1824 may 6 106 P ERSONS who have returned their dogs to the Cit4 Treasurer, are requested provide collars for them immediately, if they wish to protect them from being shot,* FM STONE, V City Marshal, Just Received. HHDSfirst quality Molasses 50 bbls do ' do Anchor Uln loo do Baltimore FioUr nuw beat 50 Uo Bye Whiskey 100 bags Grehh Oofled to boxes while Ravana Sdgar For sale by GAlIDUY & HERBERT, july 21 154 „ Just Received, By the sbhr Cj-gnet; from Havana. HHDS first quality Muscovado Sugar 4 tierces do do do 32 barrels do flo 14 boies White dd do 16 do BrUWn - do For sale by march 4 52 Genuine' Seidlite and Soda Powders. A FRESH supply just received and fob sale at A. £1 25 a box, at .the store uf , LAY & HENDRICKSON; Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buddings. jhlySO 153 b iJMeoiTT ' ■subscribers having purchased the entire 1 Stobk uf LAMP OIL of HaSAViiSi Panstow, will fur the future keep aeonstant supply ofthe purest kind. Families can be supplied at £1 per Gallon. ; LAY & HENDRICKSON, July 20 .ci-lft? „ Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. N INE months after uate application will be made to the honorable the Judges of the Inferior, Couit of Bryan County for leave to sell ill; he real eapite of Wm Cubbedge, dec’d to be ii)ld, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said bslute. ^ JOHN CUBBEDGE, ^ ' Administrator. ■ Bryaft Cotlnty, June 17 < 13B '* LL peisona indebted totlie estate oFKliZa- .tA bein Fell late of Chatham Coitnty, deceased, are requested to (nako immediate payment to the subscriber, and those to whom the said es tate is indebted are requeste*l to exhibit their demands duly authenticated, to PETER SHICK, Ex’or- inlvlft ;i5p. y S.M. BOND, ooo Georgia&r-Chathank County By the h>>n the 'Justices ofthe Inferior Court of said county sitting for ordinary purposes, To all whom it may concern, W HEREAS Thomas tt Price, administrator of David H. Thompson, dec has petioned ♦o the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dis charged-from tiie adminiatration aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite add admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec. to file their objections, if any they have in iny office on or before the 16th day of Sept, next, otherwise letters dismissors will be grant ed to the applicant Witness the Hon. John Camming, one ofthe Justices of said Courttliis 16th day of March, A. D. 1824 s, m; BOND, c c o. march 16 62 N INE months after date, application wilt be made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County,for leave to sell all the real property be- fonging.t o .the estate or the' late Rev Jno Beck, dec. lytrigin said county,for the benefit, pf the heirs unu creditors. . ' - ' ANN BECK, Administratrix. april 16 88 NOTICE. 4 VE months afterdate, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Bul loch cottnty, When sitting for ordinary pnrposea to sell all tne real and personal estate of Allen Denmark, dec’d, for the benefit of thebeirs and creditor*. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. • ? • Mary Denmark, Adtn’x. Bulloch county. fieb 28 48 ' Georgia^—Chatham CountyT' To ad whom it may concern; W HEREAS Solomon Shad, executor of Wm .Gilbdrt, deceased has applied to the hon orable the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from his executorship aforesaid. , ; Now, these are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Wm Gilbert deceased, to file tlieir , ob jections, if any they have, in the clerks office of said Court on or before the 4th day . of Septem ber next, otherwise letters of dismissory will be granted and the said Solomon Shad be discharg ed From all claims whatever as executor of the said deceased. ; Witness the honorable John Cumming, one ofthesfusticesofsaid Court this fourth, day of March, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, coo. march 6 54 " ~The Subscriber, ^ finished and offers fur sale, an eight oared CANOE BOAT, 35 feet by 4 feet 3 . inches, which he can recommend to those who wish a boat for quick passage. ^ F.E TEBEADv jufy 32 y154 Administrators Sales. ® N Tuesday the 7th day of September nqxt, will be soul at the Court house between the hours of 10 aqd 3 oclock. Three negrines tbe property of the estate of Charles H. Tebeau, together with a horse, sail boat, and double barrel gun-rsold by order of Court to pay the funeial expenecs and expence of last Illness., F. E. TEBEAU, Administrator; july 22 U4 t