Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 31, 1824, Image 4

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PUB',TO SALES. lly Calvin linker. On MOMMY, 2d of August next, Will be sold at hia store, t£jk The achr MAG NO 1.10, Hurt lief 98 lC-95ths tons, with tier tack* S, uqpnre), (<C. as she. now’ lies at Mongol's whf ifetog 'part of the estate of the late Francis Jali* woi. deceased, and sold by order of tho cxecu jC*.—Terms cash Jmtr%22 140 By Calvin Itaker. Executor’s Sale* On the * a Tuesday in August next, At 11 o’clock, •Will be sold before tint Court House in this city, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, .Spy-Glasse9, Bedsteads, Bedding, 2$c. fije. Vl.:0. ii Negro Fellow, about 2S years of age, a good house servant and hostler—and v One Dog of the setter breed, belonging to the estate of tSrdner Tufts, dec. and sold by order of the dxcCiUjor.fot the benefit of the heirs. . june 9 • 135 ______ * Administrator's Sale.. ^Ririu* no sold at the Court House in the Ci- VT ty of Savannah bn the first Tuesday inr September. The remaining personal estate Otis Withingtmi, dec Consisting of one chest and one trunk of wearing apparel.and one watch forihe benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said ilec’d. JOHN ATHERTON, Adm*r. i >'v 15 Will be Sold, A T the City Pound on Friday next, at 11 o’ clock the foboiying cattle, if they are not taken away by their owners before that day, One brindle cow marked in both eara with a swallow fork. One brindle bull has no mark, One black and white calf, V M STONE, Marshal. Jlijyl3 _ 150 Sheriff’s Sales. 1 * •in the first Tuesday in August next, >11.1. be sold at the Court House in Wayne ..ounty, between the usual hours A negro man named March, under an execu tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Tho,. Muse against John U. Kemp. JOSEPH FORT,awe. may 31 128 ____________ C ity Sheriff’s Sale—continued On thefirst Tuesday in An gust next, W sold before the Court House in the City of Savannah, between the usual hours of Id and 4 o’clock All tliat lot of land known in the plan of the city of Savannah,as lot No25 twenty five Brown vraVd, containing 60 feet in front and 90 feet deep subject to an annual ground rent to the corporation of the city of Savannah, together with the L- ildinga thereon, bounded cast bv lot No 241 wenty four, south by Hall St west by lot No 26 twenty six and north by a lane, levied on As the property of Charles II. Hayden, to satisfy executions from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, J no P Williamson vs. Charles H Harden, Moore & Lyman vs. same, and Charles W Rockwell vs, same, and an execution for rent, John U llerthe lot vs same. Sold at the risk of the former pur chaser. AID’LYON.cs. July 13 150 Administrator's Hale, con tinued. On the fist Tuteiiay in August next, WILL be sold at the Court House, in Savam, nah, between tne hours of ten and two o’clock, lot N o. 15, (fifteen) in the second district of Ear ly County, Georgia, containing 202j acres,more or less, being the rest estate of Robert M. Dur* kie. dec’d. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. AUGUSTUS P DURKIE, Administrator. July 15 152 .. Sheriff ’ssale. O N the first Tuesday m August next, will be sold before the court house in llrySXcoun ty, between the hours of Id and 4 o’clock. One Tract of laud in Bryan county, known by the name of Palermo, boundaries unknown •t the time of levy—the same pointed out as the property of Richard T Kea- ing, to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of the estate of Benj Stiles and ethers. THOMAS ALBRITTON, s »c. july 1 144 tn Equity. Between .Tolm Annsupngv *o niving Executor of the last will'and estsme.u of William,tones, late of the Uahama Islands, deceased, cum- jrt umuit, mid Henrietta G. .Atmy, and Mnry Lloyds nieces of jleurletta fi Jones, widow of the said William Jones, deceased, and Henry M'Nish, and John SpNish, children of Mary M'Nish, deceased—also a niece- of the said Henrietta U. Jones, and Thomas N Morel, John Mon.1, and Nathaniel G Itiuherfoul, ami Ann his wife,which Thomas 1*. John mid AtUv, tire the children ufJoltn Morel the elder, <h- oensed, who was a nephew of lilt-said Henriet ta It Jones, and Anthony Barclay, and Ann hiswife.'wlnch Ann is a daughter of John B. Waklbnrgher, deceased, who \y«s also a ne phew of the sipd He .rietta U Jones, and Ann Morel, the widow of Peter H Morel, deceased, who was a nephew of the said Henrietta B. Jones, and John It Morel, William Morel, Harriet Morel and James S Morel, children of the said Peter H. Morel, which said Harriet and James S. are minors, under the age of twenty-one years, and David K. Uimrquin, a nephew oftiie halt hood of the said Henrietta R Sones, defendants. I T appealing to the Court, that Henry M'Nish, aid John M'Nish, two of the defendants named in the complainant’s bill, reside Without the limits of the District of Georgia: it is order ed that the said defendants do severally appear and answer to this bill, on or before the 14th day of December next, 18.’4, or that the same, as to them be taken pro confesto And it further appearing to t he Court,that the object of the complainant’s bill is among other things, to o.'tain the direction of the Court, in the appropriation of a legacy led by complain ant’s testator, William Jones, to “the nearest relations of his deceased wife, Henrietta Hour- quin Jones,” formerly Henrietta Uourquin, daughter ol'Henry Bourquln, deceased: Disor dered that all and every person and persons, claiming any part of the said legacy, do appear and answer to the Complainant’s bill, on or be fore the 14th day of December next, 1824, or that complainant have leave to proceed without further,notice. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule, be published twice a month in one of the public gazettes of Savannah, Augusta, Colombia, and Charleston, until the sstUl fourteenth day of Decetnbe next. . J. L'UYLER, District Judge, july 13 150 Executive Department, Geo. MIU.K1hTEV1I.LE, 21st Nuv. 1823. O RDERED, That the subjoined Resolution bo published once a month, in each of tho Gazettes cf this state, Until the next General li« lection .incut, ELISHA WOOD, Sec'ry IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823. Wmpixas it is desirable to ascertain the wish Georgia—Bullock County. By the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County. t JK7HERRAS Robert Burton, administrator of v v the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath applied to the said'Cuiirt for letters stismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of this Court within the time prescribed hy low, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the ap plicant Witness the Honorable Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of saidGuurt. this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c c o a c. june 4 *132 Ten Dollars Reward. K AN AW AY on the 3(>tli June last, my boy Ellick, is about 16 years old, yellow com- plection, rather chunky made, not very well grown, speaks plain, tolerable pleasant counte nance Said boy was taken out of Savannah gaol about the 20th of April last 1 will pay the a- bove reward to any person who will apprehend anu lodge said Ellick in gaol so that 1 get him— and ail reasonable expences if they will deliver him to me at home. Tis expected he will try to lurk about Savannah. WH. COOPER, Scriven County, Gee july 6 *1,4146 NOTICE, N INE months after date application Wiirbe made to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that tract of Land containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, known as lot No. 15, fifteen, in the second district of Early County, Georgia, being the real estate of Robert M. Uurkie, dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased. AUGUSTUS F DURKIE, Administrator of R. M Durkie, dec. 2 7 2 Administratix sale. O N the first Tuesday in August next, will be sold before the court house in the city of Savannah, d* tween the usual hours of sale, Two tracts of land, viz^ No 128, fifth Henry county, and one tract lying on the Augusta Road 13 miles from Savannah, the property of Thus Tbeiss. deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors. HANNAH THIES8, Administratis. july 1 144 Georgia—Chatham County, To all whom it may concern, W HEREAS James Hunter has applied to the Hon the court of ordinary of said county, for letters of administration on the estate and ef fects of Col' Constant Freeman, late of the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, in behalf of the heirs. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections, if any they have in my office on or before the 26tli day of July next, otherwise letters of administration Will be granted to the applicant Witness the Hon. Edward Harden one of the Justices of the said Court,'tile 26th day of June, A. D 1824. S. M. BOND c co. june 26 42 Sheriff’s Sales—-continued. M |N the th at Tuesday in August next, will be W f sold before th« Court House in the city of Savannah,between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, Lot No.ten, Spring Hill, containing 5 acres, more or less, in Chatham county, levied on as the property of Catherine Hartstine, to satisfy an execution in favor of Samuel Loper against T. V. Gray, adnFr. of Catherine i lartstine dec. Five negroes, Cesar, Hannah, Joe, Ruth, and Harriet, levied on under a fi fa on foreclosure in favor of Davis & Berriemsgainst Joseph C Haber Sham. Also, lotNo 24, Elbert Ward, in the city of Savannah, with the buildings'thereon, levied on under a fi fa op foreclosure as the property of PI Valloton, to satisfy Mary Le« den—’ Also one negro man named Leake, levied on as the property ofF 3 Fell, to satisfy R. Wayne,, and Allen M*Lean and James Wallace Sold on account and risk of the former purcha- er. t. D’ c. - t Bringing Ink, A FEW Kegs l’riiiUiig Ink Huituble for news- p^wr, can * bwtby applying at this UT THE IMPROVED • > ' SElBUTZ row.DEBS. I MIT. good effects of these powders as a Med icine, has been observed and acknowledged by all ihose who have had occasion to use them In ittl cases of heartburn, bile, nausea and other diseases ofthe Stomach, wfcicb are so very pre valent in warm climates—they can be used at a- ny time with much advantage. As they form a es ofthe citizens of this stnte, as to the mode of pleasant effervescent draught, they may be said choosing Electors of President and Vice Presi- to be an agreeable beverage free from taste and highly impregnated with fixed air, and possess ing all the Medical qualities of the much es teemed Seidlitz Waters. The Season is fast approaching 1 , when these powders will be in' demand, and to get \ them pure, is very desirable. Many persons haye been deceived in their operation, by having pur chased them in Drug Stores, the proprietors of which paidi hut little or no regard in selecting the best kind, Consequently^ their beneficial qualities Were never realized But tills difficul ty may now be obviated,—the subscriber has endeavored for the two. or three last seasons to procure them Genuine and has been success' ful. These Powders uae neatly put tip in tin boxes by which mourns their Medical properties Will remain unimpaired by the influence of time and dent of the United States: lie it tiiei ijure resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives if theSlate of Georgia in Gen, erul. isscmbfy met, That it shall be tho duty of the Mngistiutes who shall preside St the several Elections to be held in the different counties of this State for the choice of members of the Le gislature, at the next General Election therein, to propose to eacli and every vote* at the time of receiving his vote, wlietner he desires that the choice of said Electors Shall be confined to the people or retained by the Legislature, and to request such voter to signify such desire bv en dorsing on his ticket, the word People or Leyis lature, according to the truth of the truth of the facli and on counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by them so transmitted to the Executive Department, a true statement of the votes so given, to the end Unit the same in ay be laid before the next Legisla ture by bis Excellency the Govoi nor And be it further resolved. That his Excellency the Governor be and he is hereby requested, to cause this resolution to be published without de lay, in the several Gazettes pf this State, and to continue the said publication once a month, urn til the next General Election. Read and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. In the House tf Representatives, 14lA JVW 1823. Read and concurred in DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved. 18th Nov. 1823. G.M TROUP, Governor BY AUTHORITY. AN ACT* , r O revive, amend and continue in force an act entitled an act, to extend the time of ta king out grants on surveys made on head rights and bounty warrants Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- presentatives of the slate of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That where any person or persons have heretofore had surveys made on head rights, bounty warrants and grants tbcreop have not been obtained, it shall and may be law ful for such person or persons to apply for and obtain such grant or grants, at any time pre vious to the 25th of October, 1824, on payment of the usual fees. Seo 2 And be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, That where aby survey* have heretofore been made on head rights or bounty warrants, and grants thereon have not been ob tained, such land shall not be subject to a re survey until three months ftom and after the person or persons claiming under the original survey shall have beet) notified that such re-sur vey is intended to be made, and that in all cases, tne person or persons claiming under the origi*. nal survey, shall be entitled to the preference of making such re-survey, until the 'expiration of three months from the time of such notifica tion : and in the event of there being no claim ant residing on or ' near the laud to be thus re- surveyed, such notice shall be perfected by giv ing three months notice by public advertisement, at the Court House of the county where such land may lie, and in one of the public Gazettes of this State. Sec 3 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of all surveyors who shall make any such re-survey, to certify on his return to the surveyor General, that due notice according to the provisions of this act hod been given, am 1 no grant obtained on such re-survey shall be va lid, unless accompanied with such certificate t Provided, nothing in this act bhall affect the rights of orphans or persons under the age of 21 years, and that all such persons shall be allowed one year after they arrive at the age of 21 years to take out their grants. Sec 4 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to cause this act to be published in one of the newspapers in Mil ledgeville, Augusta and Savannah, once In each month, until the expiration of the time appoint ed by the same for taking out grants. Sec 5 And be it further enacted, that all laws, and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. David adams, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Deo. 2, 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. (Cj* The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov. next, in the ‘'Constitutionalist” and “Savannah Republican.” march 10 Valuable Medicine. ANTI- DI8PKPT1G PILLS,, Prepared by Henry James. 4 'N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, Habitual Cnstiveness, and piles It is Well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its Commencement is indicated in dif ferent patients by various sympGZns, of which the most remarkable are— Irregularity ofthe bowels, obstinate costive ness, headacli, commonly called nervous or sick- ly beadach, yellowness ofthe eyes and skin, a- aidit- of stomach.after eating, often called heart burn,'flatulence or wind on the stomach, bittei taste in the. mouth in the morning, foci id breath, drowsiness after dinner, debility, lassitude, e- maciation, depression of spirits, Ike. Piles being connected with indigestion and costivenesa, are certainly and spedily removed by the pills. A supply ofthe above valuable Medicine has just been received from the Patentee, ai,td can be obtained of the subscribe!!!, who have been appointed agents for the State of Georgia. I,AY h HENDRH KSON, Druggists and Chemists,Shad’s Buildings, Savannah. april 24' ca94 Sheriff’s sale. O N the first Tuesday in August next, will be sold before the Court House in Bulloch county, between the usual hours of sale. Four hundred acres of land lying #n the branch, ofthe waters of —Levied on as the nropei ty of Wm H Edwards, to satisfy an execution in favor of Sylvia O'Neill. JAMES DENMARK a b c. jnlv 3 146 Georgia—-Chatham County. By the Houorable Die Justices of the Inferior Court of said County, sitting for ordinary pur- poses. To all whom it may concern. tRTHP.RBAS vvm H. Green, Administrator of vv Mary Fleming,dec. has applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary, to be dis charged from the administration aforesaid. Now, therefore -these are to Cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and crcditoi s-of the said Mary Fleming, dec. to fife their objec tions (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office of said Court, on .or before the tenth of September next, otherwise letter dismtesory will be grant ed, and the said William H. Green be discharged from all claims whatever, asadministratorofthe said dec. Witness the honorable Edward Harden', one of the Justices ofthe said Court this 10th day of March, A. D 1824. S. M. BOND, e o 0; flvHfifeB months after date application will be .& made to the Planters Bank ofthe state of Georgia,for the payment of a Bank note,No 359, letter A,for one hundred dollars, dated 1st Feb. 18t9, signed Geo Anderson, President, and J. Marshall, Cashier, payable at Savannah to Tho. mas Gardner,'or bearer, the right hand half of the note being lost: SAMUEL WRIGHT: july 20 fj-3ml53 JS’otice. W|INE months after date, I shall apply to the Hon. the Justices ofthe Inferior Court of Liberty county, for leave to. sell the- real and personal property of William L Baker, dec. for the benefit of tbe heirs knd creditors. VHQfc B BAKER. ' _ Adm’r. eprflf march 10 57 Superior Co\irt-^ am(k County. " 'William Bcr A rie n ^ R>, *W O John Christopher. v " ,e ^ N the petition of William ller t u tlmt one John Christopher, of pf Camden, being indebted to one v ’ or order in a note of hand, dated s \7 S said county, on the 9th October 1822 ijffl of Five Hundred Dollars, payable u,i’iK 1? from the date on the first day of j an „,"* is next ensuing, did mortgage to the' JuV his heirs and assigns, to secure the the note aforesaid with interest oh the certain lot of land in the town aforp«n? part of lot No. l, beginingatthe west coil a lot belonging to one Calvin Hayes tli * ning south 100 feet on St Marys' Street , north to Bryant St. thence east to C i[,,j thence south to the beginning, with th«» attached to the same on the south S i,iA Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet ,1 street and running from thence directlv . river St Marys, together with all every thing thereto appertain,ng-thatt l Henry SadTer, to whom and to whose |, f J .. _ assigns the said mortgage was made on iU climate. of Sept. 18 3, duly assigned by deed s»;i] A fresh supply ofthe above Genuine article gage to.the petitioner, that there is nnwlr has just been received, which together with a said mortgage the sum of Five Hundrp.l very general assortment of Family Medicines ■■ l41 '—* ''— -*.*>■- -. will be kept constantly on liaitd. LAY & HESNDRK KSON. Chemists Druggists, Corner of Congress and Whitaker streets Shad’s Builpinos Armed Runaways. \ Negro man named Will, or William, who was employed during the last summer at at Tybee, in the Hotel of Oran Byrd, and sold by the Sheriff in Charleston some months since committed a most daring robbery on Sunday, 27th June last. He stole hi- piasters clothe* urn) armed himself with a pair of horsemans Pistuls He had accomplices und will probably make for Beaufort or Savannah. A reward of jg50 will be paid for lodging him it. any jail where he can he brought to justice. All magistrates are reques ted to arrest any white person who may claim or harbor him. that the law Rg.iinst negro steal ing may be enforced. Will is about 5 feet 8 in ches, about 40 years of age. earnest and plausible in his speech-i-he stole among.other articles, ind had on when he absconded,a pair of striped blue pantaloons and jacket and a fur travelling cap He aiid his associates may attempt to pass through Georgia to the western country. B P. JIUNTy No. 1 State Hottse-sq Charleston, S C. july 3 xl46 Law Notice, ' T HE undersigned having formed a connection in tbe practice of the law, will attend to cases in all tW Courts of the Flint Circuits, and in the adjoining counties ofthe Ocmulgee and Southern Circuits, OLIVER M. PRINCE, EDWARD D. TRACY. Reference ip Savannah toG. W. Rockwhil & co. . Macon, June 4, 1824. july 3 146 Georgia—^Chatham County. By the Hon the Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purposes. HERBA6 Richard R. Cuyler, executor of William Shaw deceased has petitioned the Hon. Court of Ordinary, to be discharged from his said executorship. * These are therefore tdcite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have)'in the office of the clerk of the Court of Ordinary on or before, the 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters dismissory wiirbe granted to the peti- tioner. \ Witness the Honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S. ■ BOND, coo, j»i)y 13 ISO Superior Cow (—Chatham County. John Retan ) . vs. C Ride Nisi. -Nathan Baker, j O N the petition of Jno. Retan stating that Nathan Baker died on the first day or May 1822, the better to secure the payment of bis certain nromisiory note of that date for the sum oftwo thousand dollars, payable to the said John Retan, or order, on or before the 1st day of May, 1824, with interest at 7 per cent num, by his indenture, under his seal, bearing date the day and year first nforesoid, mortgaged to the said John Retan, all the undivided moiety or half part of all that lot of land, situate, lyirtg and being in the city of Savannah, and known and distinguished m the plan thereof by the number one (1) Tyrconnell lything Darby ward, together with the appurtenancesi and further stating that the said promissory note rer. .ins wholly unpaid, and the said mortgage in full force, and praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage. Oil 1 motion of W, W. Gordon, attorney for the petitioner, it is ordered that the said Nathan Ba ker do pay into this court, within twelve months of this date, the principal and interest due on the said note and tne costs of tfie said application, or in defauR thereof, that the equity of redemp tion ofthe said Nathan Baker of »hd to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed . And it is further ordered, that a copy, of this rule be served on the said Nathan Baker, at least two hundred and ten acres. This - valuable for Cotton, Rice and rJorn,a calculated for that ciilture-as any six months before the time appointed for thefcounty ; the conditions are low and ^ "payment of said money into 'court,'^or published *' in one of the public Cjazettes of this state, at least once in every month, until the time ap- pointed for the payment thereof, and that such further and other proceedings be had as are prescribed by the statute in such case made and providedt Extract from the minntes this 24tli May, 1824. A».U. BANNIN, f Clark. , nfity r w •' with interest from the 1st January ]8^J praying for theforclosure of the demption, in the said John ChriitonUI heirs and assigns in the mortgaged nreL,] that the same be foreclosed according tolJ On motion nf Belton A Copp, attorn tv SI titloner, it is ordered that the princioiC terest due on the said mortgage together J the costs of his applicants be p»U intothi,, within twelve months from this date, oik tlv-t the equity of redemption ofthe ssidj Christopher his heirs executors, adminin-n, and assigns be from thonce forever fWU and that such other proceedings take tju arc pursuant to the statute. ^.‘tjsforther ordered that this J published In one ofthe Gazettes of this iJ least once a month for twelve months to Ml appointed for the payment of said money J A true extract from the minutes. JOHNUAlLEVj 'Jefferson, 16th March, 1824 Cl ‘ Superior Court—CUjithaJ County. I w. . . JaitoAHT Tans, 18; Aaron Cleveland and Susan C.T bis wife, t » **• - v'; (RuleMt, \ Jacob F>hm. J O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland i,_ san C. hit wife, who was Susan C Boni, ing that Jacob Fnbm, before the internum ofthe petitioners, to wit j on the22d day o!| 1821, did in conjiinction with one Josi Scott, execute a joint bond to-the said bw in the penal sum of four thousand dollars* tioned for the payment of two thousand i with interest from dale, on or before tlef day of Madch then next, and that for theS securing the payment thereof the said J. did on the day and year first aforesSU male I certain indenture of mortgage, whereby I mortgaged to said Susan C, all thatloUfp known and designated as Garden lot mi thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining I part of anot her lot known as lot number ii I'Vo, No 42, containing together eighUmhl acres more or less situated to the esst of Hit J of Savannah and bounded to the north wisi Lot No 26, to the south and east by lands longing to the estate of Hampton HUM and tfie west by tbe public road Win Skalaway island whereon a brick yard u J established, and known by tile name of H brick yard—that there is now on the said# or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen! dfed dollars with interest from the 23da January 1823, and praying the foreclosures) equity of redemption of the Said Jacob an heirs, txfecutors, administrators andassid and to the said mortgaged premises—Oniil ofvV. W G onion, attorney fur the petiom It is ordered, that the principal and interei on the said bond or writing Obligatory top with the cost of this application be paidiiit court within twelve montlisfrom this date, case of defatilf that the equity of redeitipi said Jacob Fnhm, his heirs, executors, «d trators and assigns be from thenceforth lw foreclosed add that such further and other ceediiigs be bad thereon, a# are pursuant i« statute in su'd) case made and provided-i' is further ordered that this rule be pubiisw one of the' Gazettes of this state at least ej monlli for twejve months, or that a ( nerved op the defendant *t least sis mont before the time appointed for ihe paym the money into court Extract from the minutes, 15tb Jnn. Iwj JOB T. BOLL" jan 16' 12 Georgia—Chatham Coun To all whom it may concern. J W HEREAS AVm S. Campbell hasappM the Hun. the Court Of Ordinary o» v ham Country for letters of administration® estate arvd effects of John Kingsley late 01 ham Qounty, dec. as principal creditor. 'These are therefore to cite and ad* 01 ’ 1 ’, and singular the kindred and creditors« said deceased,to file their bbjeclfon«,( l,l ’’yj have) to the granting of the atimiiiistrau 1 thehstate ofthe dec’d to the applicant Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or; th'e22dday of July next; otherwise Id administration Wiirbe granted. Witness the Hon. John Gumming one Justices of the said Court, the 22d day e | I A. D.1824. J S. M. j june 22 140 Fop Sale. \ VBRY valuable..tract of Lsnd,jnj| County, situate on the Sun'mry W 1 miles and a half from Riceborougn j * . T furn Knn/hiD/1 nnrT ton onrfifl, ThlS *8'*: ie conamoiis me .w ** ■ there are between seventy ana eig >; cleared and under fence, thereto® J dwelling house, and all nccessai’y')"^, on the premises-guarantee fgmf, to the purchaser, no ipcumbrancea ym an For forther particulars apply to Capt- ^J Jones, in Lioerty County, or to . i)ug tS-