Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 03, 1824, Image 1

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• ;viL v ,, •ifeSr'B ■■ - .- ! ir?9 ...voi. xxn. TUESDAY EVUNlNn, AVGUST 3, .1831, Whole No. 41*79 -- ■ o Neib Arrangement. Swain’s Panacea. IT HAVE BEEN appointed .vpei't, by Or. W. ft. Swatii to seli-ltis su limcir pefoltrulcd Modi- elm-, at. tliis place. A quantity bw been receiv ed by il'ic Georgia from Pbijudelpliia, and. will be sold by the fox or buttle, ut iny Orltg Store, bonier pf Jefferson and St. Julian Streets. AUGUST G OK ML,lilt. march 10 57 as?; Steam ’{out t aroUitU; j I, on ; lunsthiy m st, the 24th insl com-! L, ce running her,ecu Savannah and tier Landing, opposite Rolieitville, S G., i 0 ll,irt«a central w%f - very Ttiebifoy,) AiiffuSt G, Oemler. -Wy^MW 1 IP ■it his JJrnggfft .Store, corner of Jeffer son tvicl St. Jultail Streets H AS received by selir. Tassel, afresh supply of S WAIN’S so much esteemed FAXACm. Georgia—Wayne County. I^ Courtney .Stewart nppm s f r ® letters .tfadiuinisualion oil.the estute of James II Stewart dec These m e, therefore, to Cite and admonish all and singular the hittui'ed imd'cretuXdrs of the said dec to fifo (heir objectin' •» 01! any they have) ill mv office *>u or before the 14th day o’l August next otherwise letters of udmiin.urt,tion l wiil be granic;! to tile applicant. Given iinde*' my hand ami seal of office this lSthilay ofJu.y, A l>. 1824. John roar, cco wo july 15 i5i Madison Hpi’inga. u ■.ml Saturday, at 6. o'clock A. M-r nr-1 , , . . .. ee , iHP!?? Subscriber tinders masks to his ^ it lrhudlef Du* s;»me days nt 7, I J . M As alsd bv other, lute nrrivAiM, a variety of fresh * JL friends.ami the* public, lor ..tlu*liberal nat* articles which lie abstains from mentionmg, uB| r ,onage bestowed, uml hopes during the onsuinr hesilspcc-s ilie public lo possess sughcity enough ; season, ,fr,,.m the improved wtue of his health? to guess, lhat CALOMEL, J ALAI',U'ill'BAKH, to give that attention' to Ills house rtud W GUM KETIl), and all liie other delicacies qfmt- a8 t„ render their situation as comfortable M . Leave Parachm ier eveVy Wcdnes- ‘il v and Sunday, .u 7 o clock A. M. and L«uittiibat 4o’clojik,-F• M*» Trill take I’ussengets and Freight to ami Ibcrtvrtle; s <J--uLu, on her way up mid Li mid from (Tirysburgf Kdeiiestvr,Sisters’ trucUsseeki. g. «ill continue to touch at' 1‘urysburg eve- Lwpt Monday, at her usual hour going lingers* will be provided with Breakfast mirr on hom'd ' . iiia arrangement the Mcam Boat convey viiiected Willi the Savannah mill Augusta sugfes is extended irimi Savamuiito Rob- ,SC. •14 il41 __ ^ *, • ’ r*; "LXK(;uT(m uT ■ eii in tile, index of the dispensatory limy bef s t a te of the country will permit H.s bar will looked for and found in Drug Stores—yet a few be Well siipplied^ud Itis huustf in addition to filings not to be met with at every one, lie of fers, viii s I’liosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous Acid, lilacs Drop, Japies fever Powder, Rends Stipttcs, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Pastiils, VVedgewood evaporating dishes, Glass. Funnels, (irnhiated Measures, Retorts and deceivers,' Test Tubes, (his llottles, Tiiermomelcrs, Hy grometer, and i’lUvimayjiY fftuwfcv i J ots. march 18 64 vill hive an abundance of for the accommodation of Francis Jalincan. nerjuns having any demands against the stale til Franck Julincau, dec are request. D'IIISi'IjNS having demands against- ilie-c^ate. of (thulium County, U e iivcr them in, properly ,aftesled, bn or I ihofiMt day of October next All uc- „ .i presented previous to'Yhur day, will ltd payment by tlfo undersigntd . ; .^vcu : U9 nO Chatham Academy jfe&tl pf, I rrsu-es hkve engaged Mr. of Vinos .Dimglass, late deceased, will please to have th^ir account • pro perly attested and leave .them at the of Col Jobo Shclm^to’s Mansion House,- Savannah — 'Those whoui eindebftd to the cstme wijl be called oil in ten orfifieen days for seiilemeut. DAVID J AYLOii, Jr. Qualified Lx’or. Near Waynesboro, May *24, its24, nmy 28 *, foiAtSfl - LumuB t<> take dflarge of the scliools pi- (1st'of Angus', f m the r' inaindrr nt the b'lth iivihc tnahi ar.d Iwnale dejiart- ■ i’i,eterms 6t tuition in the several cIrs- isual—'liicketsoi'ndiiiiiruon must he.ob- Suoi theiiislersigtied, for the pupils, on ': dial day. ■ U I’. v' Tl.Td VMS, Treasurer. ; . •; Si oo 1 25 1 50 5 2.5 l 00 Cotton lirtgjring^&’c. FKW huiidi*. d pieces s.ipeiiur;h Si (jiiusia !(e.iip COTTON BAGGING, And a variety of ,-tligr Hritish Manufactures, wjiicli will alter this uionlli, lie sub)ecied to ad, •lidonal duty, for side at former prices, if applied for iinmedmMy, and lo.ig credit given for ap proved paper. ANDilUW 1.0tV 8? (JO. june 4 “ 132—Sin XOTICK.' Ids former supp,, milk, vegelmles, his boarders. HATRS OF FARF,. ' F >r man and horse by the month or sea son, per day For u loi ger lime than teiLdays but less than a month, per day For len days or a less time., per day Man per week Less than one week V JA.MKS, N. It. Wanted a young m.uv to act as bar keeper, at tile above place during 'he months of August and September. Apply to Mnj Win. F. Scott, Milledgeviile, or at die Springs to* J. A. juiy 15 151 (t^Tiifc Consiiiutionshst and Savannah Kr- pubTicari will please publish the above once a week 4 times. tJ QF.NF.UAL1 Vli’Ott 11N(,anil WHOLK- SAl.K HU-.|N'lisS, heretofore condnciei' by Ja.Ues Uunt oiv irf'Co and. Qaoimi. Uatpii. separately, is tliis day um.ted,undwi|i be cnrrk I on oy the undersigned, who have, connected themselves itnd- r tie firm of C. W. Rockwell &? Co. All tin-advamages wnioii - iilier or liie late es- tablh-limentB offered may be depended *ij i>n from the present one,'by which they hope t«. retain the friends oi' Trcd'iury Dcpui tmen'. . J UN'r. 24ili,-182-1 NOTICE is liert'bv given to the proprietors .of the six per cent stock of 1813 ioipi of -Jiff, OOOffljp.&lld loan nf -,7,sot) 004 thill hook.-, v ill he opeiiLd at the Ttoisory. of the.United ,-Mati a aVitl ut the ssvefal loan olliV.iesi on (lie first il .y of July neat, to contii.ue tq.en until the Hrntd.-y id' Octobyidherealief, lor receiving .u..s^ii|nio(iS* tor such bar »’> f'sai.l stock as shall.!^*\ne ,..iv «?f siibscrjpliiKi^staiid'on the lieok-.-trf >!i.i TrtiU siiry, and oil Ihrtse f the l-.uii offices r* ly, pUisitiot to Ihe provisions, fill a-t .f ;on- g»» s pnAsrd the ‘26th bf May, 1824, entitled ' tin act to ajitholise tin- He-cretaVy c f the Treasury, t-j exchange ft stock btariog an interest pf four and nTJif. percent for cm tain stocks btaHngan i merest Of *|X per cent’* 'i’lie 'stfosov’iptmn tnay lie made by the prnpvl- • tors of Vne siocic, Either in peisIp or byTlhir attorneys duly uiirtlnii iaed to sub«cribe and raiis- t'trit to the United -Stales. | i'lie certificates are to be surrendered at tile time of-making the w Al. Il CltAWFOUlj. July 27 fl5‘6 i"ly I t.145 GF.OUQK qfivui IK It KITH, ■feS’W. UOCKWEI.L. JV 7/ lid i The Mi!)scr.her, |lXt, imrcltased the 'stock belonging to [elate concern of Mt-ssrs I’ouyAt K Hoi- firms.Ids fiiends and the public ihtt lie iu'«l a iig and ■•Medicine Store, ling all the a! tides i .i tltut line, ami is in Ipc'ctiition of receiving tin additional sup wiP render liis assortment < omplcte. Land and Negroes for Sale. V llANl.fS ! !MB propt ly, I’r.ii c*;i,U)n- hihti* g of Land snd N»v rocb, togvilier with Stock of every kind told the growing crop, a ntpuntiii;' in all to abopt 12 or 1.5,000 dollars, situate in (lie upper country, and well calculat edfiiracOiinfiy Sti-rr.—the noil well adapted to the cultiyn'.ioit of Corn and Colton, is off ered fur ink- on nccom:. odatiiig terms , • Hunk Stock, or good paper, well secured, will be taken in ply merit.' For (iirthei*particulars, apply to the Editor of. ite Gei i gu Journal’. jure 19 145 . v'-HB Public afe apprised, that the subscriber » Jias titles to Qtie half of a 50 acre tract ot Land on White IJItllV, adjoining .his, 'and land lately John Ponllen’s, )>o«,.lohn -Moiiill'-, and for winch die Admiiiis'rutix ot the lat. Jas. Ujiyd, applies to the-court loi-' leave to sell as pari - f tliat estate—hi titles arc of prior date and of-record All persons are foie warned not liich he oilers for sale, Wholesale orUefo purchase or respass on thej g> |iviluc.-d prices, for approved paper, ci* idating termsi at his store on the Hay Ite the Exchange june .7 V .«rK58 lUfi A. »B LA^OGHE. iorgia—Ohiithani Oijunty. ihu llmutlle Jnstiees :.-f • lie.lnfertor (Jourt, i'\ing for ordinary purposes To nil wlion it may concern, jereus, 3ohlt Dillon administrator, of KfJ- F iHllon, late of Chatham county, die. (ms lined the l ion court of ordinary, to be dis- rdfi'om his said admiiiislratton'. p, these are tlterefore to oittf and admbn- [amisingular the kindred and creditors [said deceased, t(i file their objections (if icy have*-) to the grunting of letters distrust' lo the petitioner, in tile clerk’s office, o- lid Court of Ordinary, on or before the |ay (if December next ensuing, otherwise dismissory will be granted to the peti- . ■ f ,..le aj.plication .ill he ii'J made to the Honorable the Ju Lees of the It foriot Offttri of OluUum CoUlity lor'leave to sellali tlut la t in havaiu !ih known by, the No. one, Fdhitsquare, DecUer Ward, with Ihe im provements thereon: A tut all that Lot in Savan nah known bv die No twenty-three, in L'lht rty Ward, with dm moldings thereon—being the real esSAtd ofJubQ Smith* docW, for the beneni of the heirs. One Hundred Dollars llewurd. IT A.NA ■ AY troiii tii mihsciihei'.'in Cohmnoa JI.«LC.>unty, near ltaysville/on Little l(iv ini negro man Phill, or I’ldlip, on the J2d.Decem ber 18 1. jPhtll is ubont live ft-et. eight or nine inches high, twenty five years old, dark coin- plcction, ;ips, shows it:s tee lit very plainly, when lie laughs; bends back in his knees; is n tolerable good blacksmith, Aim, my negro man Peter, who s >rm-times caffs him elf Peter Hanks, on the 24lh Decem ber 1821: who is, about thirty years if age, yel- low coniplectioii, about live feet tune or teii in ches high, with a scat-on the left cheek, occa sioned by the cut of a knife, which snows wry plainly Peter is a tolerable Shoemaker, a han- dy rough plantation Carpenter I have good reasons tp believe, they have Obtained two fret: passes each; they have Ante, t.o wni-k by the month, midi they haye got money sufficient,and ili. n they arc to make use of the other: 1 be lieve they made for Savannah.' Lite above re ward wilt be given for tjie apprehension and delivery of <hu sa'.d negroes to the subscriber, or for lodging them in any sale Jail, so that I get them again, or fifty <’toll.vs for either o them. ' WILLIAM VIV till A V> may 26 if 124 jk L.L iiaving -.einarids against the et tate ot Mrs. Jane Myers, are vquested to present tlu-m duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law, to the subscribers. TIIOMAb Ol„vUK. MAPI HEW LUFHURUOW, . Administrators, july 13 ifJ50 NOTICE. VIS ® WIt.LlAM I l.'d.vEU, having ai siguect P"JL ’« the subscribes all his stock in trade, ilebis, 8ic in behoof of his creditors getirrail), it isyeqtieste.l tiiut those indebted make imme diate payment, and those Iiaving claims will please render them to* Mr t human Miller, who is appointed ttioir agent to dispose nf til.- stock, Wliich oomprisea a g, ncrai a.-sortment of Seasonable Dry Goods, and will op sold, witoiisatc or iif t'eVaff, at ven reduced pricey for cash only. J i.MES M'UKN!,Y, JOHN H Hi.ID, GKUHGl, HELPH, Assignees of Wm Tunier. april 14 86 •f Chatham County, when set ing fof .ordinary’ pui piises, fur permission to rell t|ie following real estate; for the benefit of the lieu s and predators of the estate of N S Havur.l, tleeeus- ed, vikt One undivided ftmrtlvofa tract of i.atd, con- tkijung about 500 acres, on Cumberland L inmj, (ftiptuen County, known as I’lum Orcliai d-anil sit undivided Fourth of a certain 'I racl <.f Land vitiiatiilon sttiii island; cuntaiiiing about -itlit w.*res, originally grained to Gen. Li chlai.d jj#'. Iiitosh. ai d bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation culled Lottery Dill sitilute On the ' Igcechce UmAl, 3 m les from Savannhh, containing about 600 acres. N.J HAYAHD, , Adm’r eet. N K Havafti. nov iO 211 iiAJttiAim T UB stork of i)ri Quods, vliicli formerly be ■ ioi gcd to'Mr William Turner, is now se-- (toss the Hon; John dufhming, One of the [es of the said court, ttiis 11th day of June, 1824. S. M BOND, cco. • 12 136 eorgiii—Liberty County. I Kli jati Baker, cu rk of the Court of Ordi I7 for the county of Liberty. Id eas William Law, Esq applies to be dis ilfrom his administration on the estate of [Carter, late of Baid county, dec. •se are therefore to cite and admonish all m concerned to file their oiijectiqns (if any [»ve) in my office, .within the time prescri- Flaw; or otherwise the said applicant will Imissed from his said administration len under my hand and seal, this 3d day of |A.D. 18;.4. E.B\KP,lt, cco Ut 110 For Sale, Darien Eastern fetcRin Saw and Rice I 1 ", with the appurtenances thereto- be fg—Att extensive credit will be given to {"■chaser or purchasers, he or tliey giving |T> approved of by the Bank of Darien ft'ms apply to GEORGE ATKINSON, JAMES DUN WOODY, FREDERIC K HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 Law Notice. I MIR public art informed that the Subscribers .Lave located and formed a connexion in Jacksonborrt, Scriven County, Ga. Where one of thein may ut all-limes be found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. They pur- pose to attend (lie sevei'al cjitiDs of'.he^eveial Couqlies Seri veil, Burke and Jefferson—also those of Richmond, Warren and Emanuel, flies hope by close application, and a due attention to the business of their profession, to merit and receive a share of the'public patronage. Bu siness confided to their care will be thankfully received and punctually attended to J AMES H LEWIS .lOvlAMS PA1TERSON. mav 22 150 10th Sec. of an Ordinance, Entitled ah Ordinance to alter the mode of col lecting Taxes in the city of Savannah and for other purposes. lie it further ordained by the authonty aforesaid, T-Imt from and after the passage oftliis ordinance a Tax of Five Dollars sludl Ik- levied upon every ’-addle Horse, Mure or Gelding used as such, and a Tax nf three dollars be levied on every (fog which ditg so returned taxed,* shall be distin guished by a collar, with the owners name off it, which distinction shall be a protection to the dog so wearing it. • ,, , , Extract from the Ordinance, this 2?d July,18-4, M -MYERS, c e. HENRY HARFORD . Bank Committee. [. he Savannah Republican's requested to. jtne above, and forward the account to the °i Darien for pavilneiit. LL t 164 ‘ l V .■'••sniis: having Oemantla :.gains!/die ea- rcot’Mary Stevens, icte oS'-Savannah dec- •I'tened to present them within the time law, and those imlehted to the es r et tquested to moke payment to GEORGE W. COE, Qualified Executor. EIL-'- t-ti37 •*= ■ . . , n >Qnths after date, I shall apply-to the onnrable the Justices of the Iufenm* . Chatham County, for leave to sell the I, 1 , P er sonal property of l.acltiand I lamil- 1‘cintosh, deceased, fiir the benefit of the kh9 . SUSAN A. G. I’INTOSH, Administratrix. P * RSONS who have returned their dogs to the City Treaiiurer. are requested provide collars for them immediately, if they wish to protect them.from beiiig shot.^ ST0 ^p r • city Marshal .July 24 155 Georgia—Chatham County. fo foi whiKgit m.i) 1 .qupern t-%7 HF.U15AS Solomon -Ita- , executor of Win vf Gilbert, dem-a^ed has applied t« the hon orable the Court of oVdinary to be’discharged from his exetUvorst'ij<»aforesaiil Now; these tire tlterefore to Cite nhd admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of Lit said *' in Gilbert deceased, to fiie their ob jections, if any thl*y have, in the clerks o'ffice of said Court on or before the 4th (Jay of Septem ber next, dtfurwise letli-rs of dismissory will be granted and (lie said »olomon Shad bo discliarg- edfrom all claims whatever us executor of the said deceased. ■ ». Witness the honorable Jnhn^ Cumming, one of the Ju-ticesofsaid Court this fourth day of March, A. D 1824. S. M o march 6 54 Ten Dollars, Reward. ) ANAL' \Y from the subscriber on the 9th i. insl. his negro man WILL, lately purchased of Mrs Harbuok, and formerly the property ot Mr Joint Burns of !Q Luke’s Parish, S. C. Will is about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high; yellow, com plexion,'hollow-eyed, well made, but is rather cramped in the hips, when he walks, converses very jiluusibly when spoken to. He, has been tvorking out in avanmil! for some time, is well known To the city, and it is probable will not if'av.c tit ere. All peljbns are cautioned against hiring or employing him, in any way, as the same will be rigidly enforced against ail such offenders. The abdve reward win be. paid on delivery of said runaway to Mr David M Fills in Savannah, or by lodging him in the Jail o- said city. GIDEON HARRIS. july .12 i*154 ling ofTnt pi ices much wider cost. aprii 16 88 Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs - tsc tyc 11T Tits SHIP E.MrSIIIIHFHIIM SIW T DK, **I1K 8tiosc.rib«ra have received a fresh and extensive assortment of DRUGS,’ he Midi N INE months alter date application will ba made to tt,e honorable.ihe 4 d'erior Cnitrt Pure Calcined Mugmsiaf n New Article. | HIS Medicine lias been prepared by the New York Chemical Alanufabi tiring ( tiring Compa tty, atid is said to be equal if .not gupenor to tiie celebrated Mngtiesin inade by tiie-'.'ims Denry’s, Fnmilii s who afe in' the habit of m ' ‘ ’ making lisle-of this remufy would do well i * give ita trial, as it conies much cheipet tliuu Ifonrv’s, Ix-ing neatly put up in bottles at 37J rents tacli and fur sale by ’ . , - r < , LAY fc DBNDRK.'KSON, Chemist .n il Druggist;" Shad’s liutlUihy. My 27 156 Sulphate of'Qjenine, Quick Silver, Noll and Flowers.-Siilohit', Pearl Vsli, Nuuneg., Mace Cinnamon,, and Cloves, Race and Powdered Ginger, Opium, Camphor, Ultubarb, Jalap, fijp- lio.TJrcam qCl'intaj', Curb Ammonia, Refined I iqiiuiip^Jlenr ’s Calcined Eugfish (ffl.iljj and Lirge squhre Magnesia; Gum Aloes, Arabic aiid Senegal, staple and sheet L ingluss, Manna, Sen na, l atta -ic Aritj Super Curb Soda Epsom Saits, Cabehs, Sealing AVax, Basket and Box Oiive Oil for'I able use. Velvet Bottle and Vial Corks. A Complete assortment of Sy renpes from 24- self to the smail-st sizes 111 boxes, oil of Tar, oil of Caj/par, Saits, &c. &c. Lamp and '1’rain Oils, CpiritsTurpentine, Var- htehes, Gums, Alcohol &c. Stc. 100 Uoxes Window G ass assorted sizes, Vials, Apothecaries’ Ola'S Ware, Seal-:*, and Weights, all kinds. Foi cep ,Teeth, Pocket and dissecting ln'itrumenu, Tlntmli a. id Spring Lancets. Cantwo'ol Logaoodiiis'jckamlground,Alii'ii, Copperas, Cochineal, Indigo, Turmeric,-oil Vi- t'iol, Spirits Salts, Nilielortis, A quafortis, Bide Vitriol. Together with an assortment of Perfumery, Co-metic*; Soaps, (jpetiv Hair, Shaving and Nail B.-ushi h, and l’alait Mrdiclnes of every dejcriji- tion. All of which will be sold low for cash, or on a liberal credit for town acceptances. LAY & QENDHIGKSON, 156 Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. C ( KiiRGlA—Chatham County—To all whom ^ it may concern. Whereas Alexander M Taylor .mimsttator of John Scott,'deceased, ha- petlflbned the ‘lonorable the Jtislices of the Inferior-Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to he discharged from his said administration. : Now tiiese are therefore to cite.aind acimonisb all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (d any they have) in thd Clerk’s office, oF the Court of ordinal-•, on or before the 6th day of Decern ber nextotherwise letters of diamtssory wfif be jrrantftd. Jr VVitness the honorable F.dtvard Harden, 01 of the Justices of the said Court, the 6th day of May, A. D. 18-4. ^ nOND, 0 c 0 may 6 ,106 Superior Court—Chatham County. Mat Tumi, 18?4. Gardiner Tafts -s. Mqh gruffer. (TVN Motion of W AY Gordon, plaintiff's At- 1 "torney suggesting the death of the plaintiff’, and stating that the defendant hath removed out bf the State,so that scire facaias to make,the ex ecutor of .the plaintiff' a thirty, cannot be served on him—Ordered, that the defendant (lb appear on or before the first day of the next termuif this court, to shew cause if any lieliath, why Elias Reed; the executor of the plaiitiiff’ uball rtot be made-a party, and why lie shalj not have lodgment.against the said defendant. And it is further ordered tliat the said rule be published once u month fur tltree months Extract from the minutes this 7th June 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, juiie 17 §m138 INK months after date, application will be mode to the Honorable the Inferior Court ofUrvan Count'*, fnr le'ave to sell all the real Estate of Sarah M’Kindley, late of Bryan county dec, for the benefit of the heirs and cre.ditors of said estate. JAMES BUTLER, Administrator, april 2 §077 july 27 A LL persons indebted to the estate of Jofian- 2TL " K Marcy Moore, of Effingham County, deo’d to come forward ami make.payment and those thqt -have any accounts, to present them to HEZi-KlAD EVANS, Adm’r. sept 28 §ca*193 Chatham Superior Court. Mat Tkhm’,1824. ( 1 EOUGE JOHNS I ON and othets. dumplulff* ftantH vs Peter Vanhurgli t-iviugstun it nil oth er*, di fondants, in e'lUity in the Superior Court, Ciiattiiii County,-M.»y term, 1824 It ujipeiiring to tlir Court by affid n it th:.t Pe ter Vanburgii Living stun and lL-rJet K Livfog- ston^ who are parties clefendafit reside bey "d the stale tf Genigla, and v'tiii/i 1 In- United Stales On motion ol cnmplaii.a'jt,, Hmicil-.i . if is ordered that the smd defends ,t .do 1 tsi>to:ively appear add'answer (he cemplainAitG bill within four months front the date of this rul.e Aud it is furtlier Differed that this rule be published olice a Week dtii ing/oui m mths from tiffs (late, in one of the puithc-Qazettes of this State. Extract fiMih the Mimtles. A R FANNIN, Clerk,* june 8 , 134 .■, • - \ N INE months after date application will be made to the honorable tilt Judges of the Inferior,Cou''. of Biyan County for leave to sell Bryan County ail the real estate of Wm Cnbbeffge, dec’d to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. John cuhbkdge, Administrator. Bryan County, June 17 138/ NOTICE. \ LL persons indebted to the estate of .Eliza- b^-tii Kel) late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to m.ika immediate payment to- ti«i subscriber, and thpse to whom the sa'ul es tate is indebted are rdijuested to exhibit their demands duly authenticated, to PE i’ER SHICK, Ex’or. july 13 150 Execiitor’s Notice. A LL persons having 1 deimmrs against the estute of rhi- late- Hugh M'Cali, Esq. dec’d are requested to hand them i:i for payment, and those indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment, THOS M'CALL, I £_,< PHILIP BHASCIi. S ** 018 - * july 13 150 . A LL | ersiiuAi *.cb eii \y lu. -. ■ ,114.- ui Aina- /Y atiuer Mint in, late of Liberty county,'.de ceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment to RICH ARD F. BAKER, ? WILLIAM H MARTIN, may 10 §112 - For Sale, PRIME Negro Fellow. Apply at this Of fire ' ' ' w ' Administrators Hales. ® N Tuesday the 7lh day of September next. Will be sol J at* the Court bouse between the hours of 10 and 3'oclock. Three negroes tire properly of,the estate of Tebeuu, tngetlief* with a horse, sail boat, and double barrel guu—sold by order of Court to pay the funeral expences and expenCe oflaafltlness. ^ F.E. TEBEAU, Administrator. july 23 154 (T^jiNE months afterdate, application -vill be aSi made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Bui- loch'county, When sitting for ordinary purposes to sell all the real and personal estate? of Allen Denmark, dec’d, for (lie benefit i.ftlie luffi-sand creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. Mary Denmark. Adm’x. t"'' 'Bulloch county, feb 28 48 VT INF. months afier date, application will be LN niade to the Inferior Cotirt of Effingham County,for leave to sell all the real propet ly be longing ip the estate outlie late ltev .Tup Beck, dec. lying in said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, ' , ■ ANN BECK; > - Administratrix, np-i' 16 83 RICE’S TAVERN. KJAIIE undersigned having fitted up his HOUSE 1 of ENTERTAINMENT, in a style, which authorises him to say, that for convenience, comfort and, neatness, it challeiigus its superior tu be produced in any tip country establishment, most respectfully solicits the patronage of a in- eral public.,- He feels an additional pleasure in assuring such as may favor him with their com pany, that along with all the good things yvlilch the market can afford to render liis bnasdiftivi. ting, he has adopted certain regulations, which will secure to tliqm the enjo\ ment of their time, free from those intrusions' and vulgarities so in r-ulenta) and disgraceful, in the.general, to, inr.s of the up country, z , A. P. RICE. Washington, Ga. July ls(, 1824. Qj- The editors of t(te Savannah Republican, Georgia Journal and Angusta 'Niiisltli.tioiialist, are requested to publish the above once a week, for one month, and send their accounts to this office. , v uiy 13 +rJ50- •'