Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 10, 1824, Image 3

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ihcifl :!ti w|j tJ louJ r il WtH oirl tn ieri ieekd wiiici ib?«i to J din »'he time hei rophtl IVii'l'l elan ito id ?** w If I lull sate. tod JSflllH jj'Ct I van ■ on i on llj elnri'j \l»an rlrstrt 10(1 ina Old'll 1 ^ boi!| lisea« ilini}.- uvevei l)*wit| on No 1 on thj onlj ■ lick in'] (liicasil tion nn| mill ^ was tjfl 1, wheitr undffj 1 yelto »Hes such re re* •teen ked «| nronif) of M Doctor io o'h^| ling • o'hfj| onval* 1 her a f'rl was I Tbor* | lick* I by I* 1 ! i servant ore, ** iort d'tl and* Wf Assort) 19 lin'd, v^erc made for with- l,wins the crew from tl>e v-sscl; ami . , L 20ih inst. every persons (with tho ex IntUm of n small guard for her protection) [is removed on shore, und pluced in the lihiiogs on the hill in Hie rear of the Ma- he Hospital, where they now remain,since lich but t wocasea nr fever have occui red. | |C vessel has been disencumbered of her T rC s t water conks, &c. and is now under* liut'a suitable course of purification. IpnHO the preceding statement, 1 trust, it III appear obvious that every reasonable vciiuth't* has been taken to prevent the jmmtuiicatiun of the disease to the city, il to limit, as far as practic-ble by human L nS| the extension of the evil at the Lqantine. Injustice to tho Health OIK l 1 must now add, <hat I am informed [| President of tho Board of Health L been, at different times, duly and par* lilarly apprized of the several occurien* i hcein detailed. While on this subject»it may be well- to L that case* >f fever occur annually at i (Quarantine Ground, the proper place; J not u case has reached this city, nor || theie be if the present vigilance is kept | Sutli are the means of information Leadedhy the Board of Health, that all lours should be disregarded, nod no L concerning yellow fever he credited [els coming front that Board, which, in leases,may be relied upon. Nat. Jldv. Extract* of a letter from Lt. Com. Me lutosh to Com. Porter, dated llieutou, (Thompson's Island) July 12, 11 hive the honor to inform you, that Terrier, with tile barge Diablefu in Limy, return 'd heteyesiertl'-y. Lieut, [lie reports the brig robbed off Kscondttdo [have been the Acasta, of Portland, by robbed her of two thousand dollars Largo, her sails and anchors, beat the [iiiMiide and crew severely, and then rred her to proceed <o Havana Gould l r , have received the information one [earlier, the Dmbleta would have com ply succeeded in recapturing the prop, r, and probbobly have detected’ the pi* |s in the very act- The properly stolen [bees carried to which place llVtne raw and conversed with the mas* pf the Acasta. The appearance of the [e at so early a period after the trail*- an, together witli the very strict search, 1st will have a good 'fftfcjT. I have to report to ym the arrival in ihiubjUnjdn the loth i-.-sf. of the Colour i private armed setir. Polly Hampton, htuin Wm N„tta, with three small prj I hi company, in distress, being much in' ht of water, and,two of leer prize* veiy iy. After examining minutely his Com lion and papers, I sent an officer on Id to ascert iin the eftent of <epairs nc lary for his vessel to proceed to Marga* 1; to -,Her him every facility in water land to make a report of the time re- led to perform it in. it appears it would r him, fool the report, (which I enclose ) until Tuesday noon ; at which time I direct'd him to leave the harbour. It. N’jtta,reports having chased several Iticul bouts ashore, on the Coast of Cuba, 1 to have destroyed one oi two. [l5nclosqd,you Wilfti id the -ick report jtlny ; our sick list, I um happy to tind |n decreasing.” ae t). S. *hip John Adams. Capt Dallas, Led at the Quarantine g>oo d. Puila- fins, on the 28 ! Ii ujt.—Officers and in good heal"** The J. A. has been, ! her departure from the U.S. to the tn Indies and different places in the f of Mexico. 320.000 Atronp; the speond, on the Priith. ternal improvements wltlcii would increase • odi-r Coupt Wittjrcnsieiuj 100,000 strong the convenience of intercourse and lessen the army of Georgia, Tifies, commanded ‘ by General Yetmdow,60,000; Polish army head (quarters at Warsaw, f',0,000; the Imperial Guard, unde< General OuvVrow, an effective forceuf 80,000 men. Thodigci* plined Cossacks amount to 7500 men. In addition tu Which; there are about 50,000 men in the military colonies established in the governments of Novogorotl. Cherson and Charkow. Executive Department, Georgia. Miluo)geviu,k. 29,Ii June, 1824. StR—The Congress have thought proper to pass the act of the Split April, which au thorizes the President to procure the ncces sary surveys,plans and estimates tor Hoads and Canals, and feeling it tn be my duty to ask forGeorgiu, a proportionate share of the benefits which may result to the Union from such a measure, I beg leave to call your attention to the importance of connec ting the waters of the Savannah with those of the Tennessee river—The waters of the "t. Mary's with those of Suwana, in East Florida, and of directing to be made any other sui vbys, plans and estimates in which Georgia uuy take interest, nod which the President may think proper to order, un der the act of Congress. With great consideration and respect, CUM. TROUP. The President of tlieU. S. Wash. City, Department of IFtir, July 15,1824. Sir—The President of the U. States hgs transmitted your letter of the 29th ul|s to this Department, with instructions to inform you, that id carrying into effect the uct of Congress of the 30tll April last, directing surveys tube made for the purpose of con structing Roads and Canals', that the inter est of all the great sections of the country will be duly attended to,' comprehending those of the Southern States ; and in con nection with their interests, as well as that of the nation, he has determined at an early period, to direct a survey for a National It -ad from the seat of government to New Orleans. in relation to the objects to which you call Ids attention,as being particularly con nected With the interest of the State of Georgia, he deems them to be important, and worthy the attention of the nation; but it will be impossible, under the general ar rangements, which have been made, to carry into effect the act above referred to, to bestow immediate addition on them. I have the honor to be, sir,'.With great res pect, vourob’t servant. J C. CALHOUN. His Ex: Geo. M. Troop, Guy. of die state of Ga. Milledgevilie. are infm rned, that the beautiful and ly finished Washington Ha'; mounted L a revolutionary ciirkado, sent out by (Hurtey. of this city to Gen. La Fay* hat) been p.psented to, him by the sricn minister,,and das received with j’t; satisfaction- The f irpd* of the Gen. ef all anxious to obtain a sight of the lerican Ha i t. ,f and his h >use was crow- fwith visitors, to whom he exhibited it pleasure —Statesman. j'/te Jews.—A capital of 20,000,0001. Is the London Literary Chronff le.) ia wed for converting, the Jews. It hav |t<ten discove ea that, by t ie regular I tedious process >f preachingand teach |*he conversation ot every Jew costs i and average, a thousand pounds, it before proposed to effect the objt r t by jhasing in future. An eminent Israel- [as agreed to contract for 'he conver- |U ul two thousand at 530 pounds per ' including women and children, but t'ens to raise his price unless immedi- 1 treated with. /“ The preceding is a fair hit, and the litas been frequently stated, that the Ftylorihe conversation of the Jews Wended about 10001. drawn from the |*t of a zealous people, on every Jew |it has induced to renounce his religious ' • “ud some of these, it has been ad- l^uuied it again, when no more mo- tube had for bring Christians! [Niles' Register. f Public document has recently appear* 1 "t® German papers, from which we Inn * ^ UBS * a has,at present an army of i°00 men, from which it would appear J she does not intend to diminish , her, Itary fu rce . Of this number, 677,500 l* r ® ,n active service. The fi 4 corps the head quarters is at Mohilow ^twcouttaaiia of (general Sackcn, 3 00 25 10 50 50 [For the Republican.] INTEUNAL IM PROVE.V1ENT. 1 communicate a fetv facts 'derived from a highly respectable and intelligent source, that illustrate more conclusively, the ad vantages that would result to this State fi om the construc’ioii ol judicious Canal?, that o whole. Pamphlet compilation of irrelevant expetience and abstract speculations. In the stale of New York flour is con veyed by the canal from Rochester to Al bany, a distance or 24G miles for 67 cents per barrel including lolls. The g<ojs weight, of the barrel being 220 lb- makes the freight amount to 12 cu pel 100 lb* for 100 mites. Agreeably to this computation a bale of cotton weighing 300 IIh could be brought from Macon to Savannah for 5d cts. sop posing the distance J GO miles and other circumstances equal. Contrast tnis calculation with the pre sent expense of getting codon from that section of, the country by way of Augusta, und the advantages of direct intercourse by canal will be strikingly apparent VVatigonage to Augusta l ct Ware lioU-e rent there Drayage and Wharfage Commission for forw rding Fi eight by Steam bout to Savannah 84 35 Making a difference on each bale of 3 77 which on the supposition that Augusta re ceives 100 thousand bules of cotton that would be conveyed by the canals would yield to the Planters an annual saving of 8377 000 on the transpertation of cotton alone, independent of the reduction on freight of Iron, Salt, Sugar and other heavy goods that incur expenses so disproportion- a e to their value and which would proba bly increase the amount to half a million of dollars. The large bulk of cotton in proportion to its weight induces w tliout examination, the impression, that it could nut oe conveyed at the same rate as more compact articles, but the fact is that a boat can carry in cbt ton os many pounds as it edn sustian and the facilities of loading and transportation are not lessened by the mass. Admitting that expences of all kinds at tending tin construction and navigation of eanais in this State, would be much greater the North-~say even doilble—.still the advantages which they present under every comparison, are abundantly sufficient tp actuate in their behalf individual enter-, prize and Legislative patronage. At (his time when the other states of the union aie exploring and improving at! the natural channels 1 of trade^ and by infellf' gent liberality are creating additiodally all that genius carifinvent or art cpnstruct, it, is mortifying to the pride and embarrassing to the prosperity of Georgia, to witness the entire negluct manifested towards those in the expt't.-ces of trade. The heavy charges of transportation which ,iur planter* now incur might be avoided by the clearing of our water courses, and the creation of a few intersecting canals. Then the produce of the great body f the country could be conveyed to the sea board With less expense than is now requited to transfer it to the market of (lie interior, and the chief opera tions kf business w.;uld occur as they should (Jo, in the commercial emporium of the Btatp, where capital is most abundant,and accommodation and enteiprize most, com mon and efficient — Let all the avonucs to trade be thrown open, every excitement td industry encouraged, every motive to ad venture (Xtunded. Whilst many of our lister states, with,not half our resouices are proudly advancing with the progressive intelligence of iheday, we are looking unmoved on the bright vista before us, Bbd seem like the sluggish Chi nese content to do as our fathers have done. It is time that the people of Georgia should be aroused from their inglorious apathy and unfold those energies with which they have been so liberally endowed —interest if not honour,should s'imulare them to exertion,and illustrate their''know ledge if not their emulation, But 1 trust that We have yet a redeeming pride that will uuite all intelligent citizens in the great work of amelioration and show that we are desirous and capable of achieving those -plendid advantage* which a bounti ful nature so invitingly presents to us. VERITAS. OCTOBER ELECTION. Mr Fell, Please insert tile following ticket for Re- prcBenlutives to the next Legislature. WILLIAM LAW, MORDECAI MYERS, ROBERT W. POOLER SAVANNAH, July 15, 1824. To \V*t. C. iUstKu., Chairman of tlie Committee of Dry Culture. 8tu Co mplying With instructions received from you, I have carefully inspected all the lands sub jtet to Dry Culture—and beg leave to report as follows After examining the lands of Mr. Ward, I find the ditches of the squate, planted in rice in had order, ail other parts of this plantation is as when lust reported Upon examining the plantation of E. Jackson, E .q. 1 find all the banks and trunks in good re- pair, the surface of the land is dry, but the ditch es are to bad order, there being in them much w eeds and grass, with stagnant water It Is but just to say there are some improvements malting to better the condition , of this place, and the manager promised to have it in good repair us soon us possible. The lands of Mr. Scarbrough and others are still in bad order und nothing doing to improve them. On inspectlngthe plantation of Mr Jos. Stiles, subj, ct to Dry Culture, 1 find ait the bunksjuul trunks in tolerable good order. This plantation lias a dry surface, some of the ditches have grow n up with grass and weeds but the most of them are at this time dry. The main canal crossing the Augusta road is in good order. Upon examining the plantation of Ceil James Jackson, now in die occupancy of Captain James Hunter, I find much neatness has been d splayed in putting it in good order. I find on examining the plantation of James Bilbo, Esq now occupied by Mr Pahm, that it is in tolerable good order. It is the opinion of your inspector, that the citizens of Savannah need not fear any thing pernicious from this place. The plantation of Thos. Spalding, E?q. is in better repair than when last reported All the ditches of the cultivated parts having been re cently cleansed, and being washed by the tides witli the exception of Bailey’s point which is as last reported. Upon examining the Sleam-bcnt wharf and the docks attached to Hutchinson’s Island, I find no stagnant water. They are in ns good condition as could be reasonably expected. All ot which is most respectfully , Submitted by your obedient servant, JOS. A. RUSSELL, i it c. Fop Philadelphia. 1 he fust s>..l g sloop PRINCE MAU ICE, J Tubmftm, Master, Will sail with quick despatch, having a part of her cargo engaged. For ti'eiglit of the remain- dec or pasSage, apply to the master on board, at Telfair’s Wharf, or to HAlL & HOYT aitg 10 162 mi li Tfie packet ship _ WILLIAM WALLACE, \V iff sail on Thursday next, 12ih iust For fre’t or passage, apply oh board at Jones’ upper wf. of to HALL & HOYT, tftig r iei Fresh superfine Flour from new wheat T HE Hlbicribers hate just received pfer sloop Prince Maurice,from Richmond, and oiler for sate, 500 bushels CORN 100 bbls supf I'lour, [tSulligo’s] 100 do do [Cunningham's] 50 tdo do [Deaire’bl JILSO, 50 bids old Flour HALL & HOYT. aug 7 161 SHIP NEWS. PORT OF SAVANNAH. AURIVEn, Sclir Eliza Jane, Pierson, Fredericksburg, Va 4 days’ corn to the master. Pule Boat Olive Branch,with 605 bales col ton, tobacco, and merchandize, to & 11 Lamar, Jon .Meigs, T Butler ti co, K Bli9S, K Paddleford, C Maurel, R Campbell, Johnston,' Hills & co, Mr Moses, A G Miller, J Pritchard, T tt Price, F M Stone,-1 Norton, and P Hill. ‘saftiEn tkhteudTt. Brig Sea Island, Parker, for Boston—Passen gers, Mr and Mrs Hartridge, Messrs Chamber lain, and Richards. 'BaBSflCl , . ..-r , fa Brought to J ail. I N Savarinah on tl|c 29Ih July last a dark mu latto man who says his name is Bliick, and that lie belongs to; th'e State of Georgia, and is employed on the Q’caulgee River, and that he raiiaway'aboulone mbbth ago/he is 5 feet 7} in cheat high and about 25 years t>f age ' JOUNIDF.WS.Tco aug T 161 life Foi* Neiv-York, (established line) RICE. A FEW casks Rice of good quality, for sale by - WILLIAM CltOTHRRS, At the counting room of S Wright, , Hunter’s buildings. aug 7 *— ilfil Clerk's Office^ Acotrsv 6th, 1824, P ROPOSALS will be received on or before the next meeting of Council, for the City Printing for one year, applicants will leave their proposals at the Clerk’s Office. M. MYERS, b. t. aug 7 161 For Rfent. The HoOie On the comer of— and South Broad-street, at presen occupied by Mrs Maxwell. Also, The western half of the House next east of the above—at present occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms upply to h. Kirby aug 7 161 JVo. 27 Medical Recorder, Conducted by Samuel Colhoun M.D. SgWUMllER twenty seven o the above dour uMnal id received and fur sale by, W. T. Williams. The present number contains an u mi sal quanj lity of interesting matter, the Essay on the Kpi. define Fevers, of the United Slate* which obtain, ed a premium of glOO, is said tu be vuluablep and adds much additional information on the dis eaxe- The attention of the profession is par ticularlv directed to notice the certificates under the head of Advertisements; in re lation to the important advantages of Ames. burg|s Apparatus of Fractures of the lower Ex- tremities. By Hie certificates it wil be seen that n person can move on crutches with a broken I,mb with ease and safety aug 7 *1161 sHiNN* s Panacea J UST received per brig Frances from Philad elphia, a fresh supply of Shinn’s celebrated Panacea. Apply to W-M. C. CUTHUERT, Agent, at the Drug Store of Dr Dclarochc opposite thr Exchange or to GEO UYKRSON, Corner of Bay und Whitaker-s reels, aug7 161 FUIUslvT SALES. Calvin Halter. On THU <3im.Y, 12tn inst. at .11 o’clock, . trill be told before our Store, 20 BAUULLS Flour 25 do Muscovado Sugar 5 Hogsheads do do aug 1U 162T Adiniiiistrator’s Uiale^. Ihj Calvin Halier. ON ITIUltSD.AY, next, 12th inst at 11 n’o'ocK In ft'nnt of hia S.ore, 18 pair Mens Bootees 2 do do Boots .51 do Uovne Slips ?4 do do Denmark ild 18 do Childrens Bootees 39 do mens course .Shoe* 22 do do' fine .do 6 do Sheep skin Pumps 3 empty Trunks 2 qrcasks Wine 1 j bbls fcnrdid 2 pipes Brandy . 14 bund'jes t wine ' 3 boxes lllarking I lot empty Bottles 1 writing lles-k . j Belonging to .the-esmte of Thomas C.. ftuyward deceased, and sold,by permission of the hoft'ora-i ble the Justices of the Inlerier Court of Chatham County by order of the administrator aug'5 160 NOTICE W ILL be sold at.the City Pound on Fridad qext, tht 13th inst. at 9 o’clock, one black 2 yeairs old Steer, branded on the s de T. M. F Mi STONE, o. m. aug 10 162 Take Notice. T HE Managers tuid.Assistants oi Engines u ill on Saturday the 2Btli instant, proceed to e-» lect a CLERK . . juvn MESSENGER. Applications be left with the Clerk on or beford that day. By order of the Board, JOHN HAUPT, Clerk, aug 5 yiO ... . •<£r • NOTICK. O ifKEREI) that an FJectiondo take place at the C urt House on the first Monday in Stetember next for fourteen Aldermen to re- pWsentthe City of Savannah in Council, two or more justices are requested to preside at the said elections the City Sheriff, Marshall, and Ci ty Constables are required to attend and pre serve order Extract from the minutes. M. MYERS c c. aug 7 161. / Clerk's Office, I.VFEniOIt COURT TiRYAJf COU.VTY T HE following persons have registered their names as free persons of color, viz. Tomes liolly, Jane Dolly, London Dolly, JUary Dolly Cherry Hall and David Kelly. JOSHUA SMITH, etc. atig7 m161 .r-fr'; — 1 Georgia— Bulloch County. B Y EIV Kehneiy, Clerk of the Court of Ordi nary for the County of Bulloch, W il rheas’ Elisha Garbett hath applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of John Rhodes, dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish at! and singular the kindred . and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if any they have in my office, on or before the first Monday in September next, otherwise letters will be grant ed to the applicant/ Ely Kennedy, u c o. aug 7 161* For Sale. I VERY valuable trafif of Land in Liberty a. County, situate on the Sunhg'ry Road, two iles and a half from Rieeborougn j containing two hundred and ten acres. This land is very valuable for Cotton, Rice and Corn, and as well calculated ft>r that culture as any land in the county; the conditions are low and reasonable; there are between seventy and eighty acres, cleared and under fence, there is also a good dwelling house, and all necessary out building* on the premises—guarantee titles will be given to the purchaser,' no incumbrances lying on said land. , '• • For farther particulars ap]ily to Capt. Joseph Jones; in Liberty County, or to EDWARD B. BAKER, OtVner in McIntosh county. I aug lo NOTICE. F FltSON* having professional or other busi ness with tlie Subscribers will make appli cation during the Summer to' Abram- D’Ly-m ot 1 Charles Levtstone, Esquires. The Snb-oriberdi' can be in town at any time (as they will ho tmt a few miles from the city,) after five hottis noticei and Will always attend when required. 1VLYON& DE LAMOTTA. aug 5 m!6Q N INE months after date application will bd.' made to the honorable the Justices of tiie'-' Inftriur Court of Chatham County, when sifting' for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that tract of Land containing two hundred and fill/ acres, more or less, known as lot No 15, fifteen/ in the Second district of Early County, Georgia# being the real estate of Robert M. Ourkie, dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and! creditors of tlve saul deceased.. . AUGUSTUS F UUUKIB, ' Admniiati-ator of R. M Durkie, dec. 27 2 Corn , ifioai. r HE subscriber has ju u recuved one thoiH sand bushels White Baltimore COR N. GEO F. PALMES, i, ... Excliiioge Dock, intr 5 . 7 80 Fare Calcined .Magnesia, a New Article. { 1HIS Mcdiciot: has been prepared by the' New York Chethical Mantrikcinring Compaq ny, and is sail) to be equul if not superior to the celebrated Magnesia • made l>y Messrs i lemy’s., Families who are in the habit of making use of this remedy would do well t» give, it a trial, as ir comes much cheaper than Henry’s, being neatly pot up in bottles at 57$ cents each for sale by LaY & HENDRICK ON, Chemist and ll uggist. Shad's Tiuildinff, jnlV; 27 156 A BARGAIN. Real Estate for Sale. 4 Valuable l’lantution c<int!oning4fj>oiit5 xV hundred acres on Fort Royal Island, .in S. Carolina, situate about 3 miles from the town of 1 ' Beaufort on the main road leading to the forfy and known by the name of B -rtons Hfll Per- jons wishing to purchase would do Weil to iew the'premises and judge for themselves, by the crop of S. 1. cotton and corn now gr .ve-.Ufj thereon ; tifies unquestionable—for terms which will be reasonable, apply to Captain Paul A. Cartwright, in Beaufort, oy N. RAtTELLE. 03“ The editor of lhe Charleston Courier will please insert the above once;( month' f ir lln't-e months and forward their bill to this office. June 26 142 IgWINB months afterdate, I shall apply to thq US] Hon. the Infetioi* Court of the county ovKf fingham, for leave to sell ail the real e.-vate lie/ longing to Solomon Gnann, dec of which all emu cerned will take notice. JOSHUA GNANN, adm’r. • rtiareh 4 52 • Superior Court—Chatham Comity. Thomas F Purse & alt V Complainants I and S IN EQUI TY. Richard It Cuyler, ex’r I Wm Shaw, deceased. J I N this case, on the sugg- stion in the defend ant’s answer,that cer'aut persons rot parties to this bill, residing in Scotland, claim to be e»v titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Wm Shaw, deceased, ami on motion, it is ordered’that all persons concerned do ap pear before tlie Superior Court of. Ch „h.,nV ' Count in tlie term of January next, tnen amt there to establish such their claims; and in d.e. fattlf thereof, that the undivided estate of the said Wm Shaw, be distributed among- the conn 1 plainants agreeably to the decree of said Cour and thatthis rule be published once a month until the expiration thereof Extract from ( lie minutes this 7th clay of June, 1824. / ' A. B FANNIN, Clerk. junc \7 4t1.38 .. ’