Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 12, 1824, Image 4

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v:t m ,;T-<' ■ vmur gm City She.fiff-8 Sales, On the firm'J'ltcsutiy in Sebtember, next, sold before the Court Mouse in the City of Savannah, between the usuh' hour., of 10 %n<l 4 o’clock RtiiliHngi on Lot No 40, Warren Ward, in th< city of Savannah, with the unexpired lease, It* vied on as the property of Charles H '<ayden t satisfy several executions issuing from tlie ttoh the Court of Common I’leaS and Oyer anil Te»- miner for the City ol'Savannuh sl^s Jno RSetat, J..h,i P Williamson, Charles W Hock well, Mooie £sf l yman, and John B Uerthclot’s, executlot for rent agninst'Charles U Hayden. Lot No 7 Tower Tythtug Decker ward con taining; 60 feet front and 90 feet deep levied n> as the property nf the estate of Mathew McAl lister dec’d, to satisfy an execution in f’ or of Wm l lettry and others, against M H M'Ahistev, ex’.w of Mathew M‘AlU,'er, defc. Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Pjf- nitu^, levied o- as the property of James Diet to satisfy an .execution favor of Ben Burroughs- and in favor of John Gribbin for rent. Buildings on b'>1f lot No 8, and quarter lot N<- 9 Digby T- thing Decker ward, levied on as th property of laiuis Girodon to satisfv Thomas Gibbons oil two executions for ground rent. A small wooden building on lot No 17, Liberty ward, levied on as the property of Daniel B Brower to satisfy an execution in favor of Geo. Glen for ground rent. A O’LYON, set, aug-7 ' 161 ■ , Sheriff’s sales. 0 \ the first Tuesday i» September next.wil' lie sold ht the court house in the city of Sav -nnah, between the usual hours of ten and four o’clock The eastern moiety or half part of Lot No (6) six m «ks Trilling Peicival wartl in the city of Savannah, with improvements thereon late th* property of Grace l.von deceased, now levied or as the property of Henry t yon to satisfy an exe- Cuthirii it favor ai James Dixon. negroes viz: .loe, Maria, Henry, Robert. Ml ■ I .ondott, levied on as the property of Wi A Mbrre, to satisfy an execution in favor oftlu administrator of Matt Jones, deceased. One undivided eigh of two undivided third; of all that wharf Lot No (8) eight in the city of Savannah, Darby ward, commonly called Lice”: Wh .rf, levied on as the property of Thomas Mice to sgtUly an execution in favor of Wm Us Vit?9. * * • A quantity :f new Cabinet Furniture levied oi as the proper'y of George Stow to satisfy an ex ecution in favour of George M Walt burg. \ - i-o man named l -omlon levied on as th- property of the estate f-f Fleming Akin,_ to st tisfv an execution from a .Indices Court in fav-r of t'hnmas Dowell &'co. against James itrowi- ailmiuistrat-ir, and Elvira Brown administratrix, of Fleming Akin dec’d, turned over by a consta ble ' A negro man named Georg levied on as the property of Prince Candy, to satisfy an execu- ti.ui in favor of Peter Duringcr, turned over by aconstable Lot No (10) ten Spring HiUcontaining five a- cros more or less, in Cliath-m County, levied on as tiie property of the estate of Catherine Hart- stine dec’d, to s.uisf. an execution in favor ot Samuel Loper ageinst T V Gray, sdra’r of Catlie- riuc Hartstine. di c’d A negm gir’ named Marian, levied on under at. attachment fromth. Hon the Superior Court of Chatham County, in favor of John Sikes a- gainst Wtn'J Andrews. ID’LYON, see. <% Mm-shaVsSan. • 9 N, tilt'll-av . 1U .-day li, -Sc t jt lllovi - ext, Will be sold before - he Court House lit li.e city t savannah, between the usual hours of sale. Oiie billiard ‘1 able, Willi the cues and mares tUchedto it; lev n il on as the property of Nea ■r & satisfy eight executio >3 issued >y the May or and Aldermen of the city,for keep* ig a biliiard Table. F M. STONE, c m. atig 7 ;6l , aug7. 161 Marshal's Sale. On the first Tuesday in September next, Ingas?|I,L be sold at lhe Court II use of this V-/ city, between the hours of ien and three o’l'.ick,-— :‘-v The following tract of land, to wit, all tliai Pla ta(ion, or tract of land in McIntosh County, kn wuby the name of Bowmans tract, original ly grunted tn Thomas Cam <er, which said tract contains five hundred acres more or less, boun ded fin the south by pine lands, originally grant ed lo General Lackland McIntosh, to the by pine lands, granted to William Carnoclian L to the west by salt marshes the whole levied on os the property of the eStatP of John Bow man of South Carolina, deceased, at the suit of Miss Esther Lynch, undei a Judgm-.nt obtained in the Circuit Court of the United States,for the Disirict of Georgia, and sold at the risk of the former purchaser. JOHN H MOREL, Marshal, d. o. aug 7 161 sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in Sei-tember next, ® ti . ILL be - old before the Court House in Ef T v fiugbam County, between tlie usual hours of ale. -00 acrt B of land lying in said county, bound- ed on all sides by vacant lands ai tlie lime of stir vc-y, levied on at the suit of the Commissioner- of the Effingham Academy, vs. the administra tors of Philip Jones dect-a-ed—said land origin ally granted i<> James Wilson Also, 200 acres of land, bounded on the S K and N W by lands of Walter Stewart, at the turn of survey, levied on at the suit of the Germ:--. Lutheran Congregation tind others vs. James Love—said land originally granted to the de fendant. Also, 300 acres of land bounded by lands of Benjamin Kennedy and David Metzger, levied in at the suit of Christopher Kilander, vs. the idministrators of James Porter, deceased, Also, one negro man named Billy, and 450 acres of land, more or less, lying on the August:, road, bounded on the S by lands of Jonathan Hahn, and B by lands of Jas. Crews, levied on at the suit of John Helvehston and others vs. John Exh.y, , TH09. El KINS, sec. aug 7 161 ’ City Marshal's Sales, aN the tt> at Tuesday in Sept, next, in front "of the Court House, between the hours of 10 A M and 4 P M, will be sold the following property or as much thereof as will aalisfy the City taxes. Lot No 5 and building, second Tything Rebu ilds ward bounded eyt by Reynold st. south Ivy a lane west by lot No.4a id north by Bay st leyt- d on ss the property of.the estate of John An- lersonto satisfy the city taxes of said estate for he year 18 1. 1822 and 1823, amount tax £105 >0 cts and cost Lot No —» New Leeds now knuwn In the an of th, city as Oglethorpe ward bounded -*aat by Weat Broad st south by a vacant hit west >y lot ■■ — and north by Lot No 1, levied ott as ■ tie property of G t- Cope to satisfy his Guy taxes for the yea- 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824, enoui t tax—8! 87 57 and cost. Wharf lot Ni> 8, Warren ward, bounded east by lot No 9, south by Bay st west by lot No 7 mil north by Savannah river, levied on as the nroperty of the t state of Pat Stanton, to satisfy the city taxes uf said estate for the years 1821 «ud 1822 amount t:ix $99 abd cod Lot No 4, Fre-lti ic T>thing Darby r #artl, bounded east by lot N > 3, south by a lane, west by lot No 5 and north by Congress at levied on as the property of Charh s Devant to satisfy Ins city taxes fur the present y cSr, amount due$17 50 and cost Lot No 26, Brown wtril, bounded cast by lot Vo2S, south by.Perry st west by Whi nker st. old north by alane levied on s» the property of i|. Bf, Ralston, to satisfy the city axe* --fsaid nroperty for the years 1822, 1823 and 1824, a nnunt due $57 25 and cost Lot No 29 Ewensburg now known in the plan 'if the City as Oglethorpe ward bounded esft by n No 28, south by Margaret st, west by Farm t and north by a lane, levied on as the property fthe estate Half Clay to satisfy the city takes of said estate for the years 1823 and 1834 amount d e $31 and cost Buildings on lot No 2, Leroach Tything Heath- coat ward, bounded east by lot No 3, south by a ane, west by lot No l and north by Broughton «r levied on as the property of Jacob Miller to sa-i fj his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824 amount due $24 37 and cost. Lot No 7, Tower Tything Decker ward boun ded east by lot N i6, aoutli by Broughton street west by lot No 8, and north by a lane, levied op as the property of the estate M McAllister, to satisfy the tax of said estate for the present year •mount due $12 50 atid cost. A building on lot |.*t'«-r A. Darby Ward b- >u». -led east by Johnson’s Sq tare, sotit hy St. Ju lian s west by Wlutaker st and north tiy Bryan ai, levied on as the property of Martin Hathaway to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1822, 4 1823 and 18 ’4, amount due $15 and cost. Half tut No 6 and buildings Carpenters Row Trustee Garden, bounded east by east boundary street, south by Ibt No 7 west by east broad st, ai-tl north by lot No 5, levied on as the property if Thomas F lloxhau, to satisfy his city fix's fur the years 1825 and 1824. amount due $15. One third wharf lot N-i.s, Dir by ward nound- •d cast h) lot No 9, south by ay st -vest by lot •id 9 and north -iy Savannah river, levied on as he property of Charles B, Jones t > satisfy (Uly axi s for the years 1823 ami 1824, amount due $22 50. lalf Lot No 7, Carpenter Tything D.cke- Ward, bounded east ny Lot No 8, south by Bry an street, west by the west half of said Lot anil north by u lane levied on as the property of J M Jarvis to satisfy.- his city tax for tlie present year- \ mourn dueS15 and cost. Lot No. 12, and buildings Warren ward, bounded east by Lot No 11, south by Bryan-st, west by Habersham-si, and north bv a lane,, le vied on a- the property of James Bilbo, lo sdis- fy his ci'y taxes for the years 1823 and 1824,— \mountdue$55 93 I ot No. 1, and buildings, second Tything Ah- son ward, bounded east by lot No 2, south by a bine,' east by Abercprn-st and nortli by Brough- ion-si levied ou as the property of the Estate of John II, Dube!), to satisfi ihe estates city taxes, fo- the yea.s 1823 and 1824 Amount of Tax, $32 62 Lot No 6 Columbian ward, Innmdeil east by lot No 7, south by a lane, west by lot No 5, and ii-irUi by BroughtOn-st levied on as the property nf John Morel to satisfy his city taxes for tlie year-- 1822, 1833 and 18 4 Am unt doe $43, Buildings on lot No 40 War red ward, bound, i d east by lot No. 39, south by Brougliton-st, west by Reynolds st and north by a lane, levied oh a- the property of C H Hayden, to satisfy his ity taxes for the years 1822,1823 and 1824. A mount due $109 2J, Lot No lOand butidingt, Heatlicote Tything Decker ward, bounded east by Whitaker-st nuth by Br iughton-st. west by lot No 9, and north by a lane, levied, on as the property of lira C Shellman to satisfy her city taxes fur tin voars 1822,1823 and 1824 Amount due $194 ?3| Lot No. 1, Eyliea Tything Heathcote ward bounded east by Bal nardist, south by a lane, w-st by lot No 2, and nortli by Broughton street, o-ved on as the property of the estate iBaao ell to satisfy the estates ci'y taxes for the years 1820, 1821,1822, anil 1823. Amount due $86 24. Building.on lot No 8, Yamacraw bounded east by lot No 7', s -uth by Indian st, \ es. by lot No 9 md hortli by Savannah river, levied on as the property of Chatham Steam Saw Mill, to satisfy lhe tax of said property for thfc years 1823 and 1824, amount due $35 and cost. Lot No 36 and building, Liberty ward, bound ed east by Montgomery st, south by south broad 1322,1823 and 1324 Sheriff’s sales. O N ihe first Tuesday in, Septembeiyiext, wil be sold'at tjw court hmire in HicL-borotigb in Liberty County, between the usual hour i 10 ami 4o’clock, the foil*.wing property, viz : FourNegroes, Rose, Betty, Cate, and Clarinda, tone tract of land containing 150 acres more or less, bounded by Charles Flowers, Henry Joice and others. One vacant Lot in Riceborough bounded on the sooth by Boltons Lots, west by Mrs Powells land and on tlie east by the public road. Also, all the stock now on hand'eonsisting of dry goods, crockery wore, hard ware, and a num her of other articles too tedious to mention, hk vied on as the property of John F Williams, "Bp satisfy two executions, one in favor of G Breiti- mayer & co. and the other in favor ot J PenfielH; * C0 ‘ EDWARD WAT, a tc. m st, west by lot No 35, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of Samuel & 11 Goldsmith, to satisfy their city tax for tlie present year,amount due $10 and cost. weti hy b) York st, It'ieci on as tin; property .of the estate Wm .Ma ’hew to Saiisty Inxes - -I said estate for the years 1823'and 1824, amount ilu. $10 ; . Building* no lot No'27, Liberty ward, bound- i*l oust by Liberty st, south by a lane, westoby lot No 28 anil north by York st,levied on as the pro perty of Frederick Seilick, ttr satisfy Ins city taxes for the y ear 1824, amount due $55. Buildings on lot Nn 1, Sloncr Tything Perct- val ward, bounded east by l; t No 1,south hy a latte, west by Bull st, and north by York street levied on as tin property of Reuben G. TaylqEto satisfy his city taxes for the years 1822, 1823 and 1824, amount due $63 76. Buildings on east half lot 'etter H. Perclval wartl, bounded east by Drayton st, south by Y irk »t, west by weS half of said lot anu nortli by Pre sident st, levied on as the property of Job T. Bollcs, to satisfy his,city taxes for the year 1824 amount $25 St Half lot No 6, Hicks Ti thing Perclval ward, bounded east by east half uf.said lot, sopth by State st, west by Bull st and north by a lane levi- ed ott as the property of the estate J ,hn Shaw, to satisfy the estates city taxes for the years lS2.i and 1854, amount due $l5 93j. .Lot No 10 anil building. Jackson ward, boun ded east by U hitnker si, south by u lane, west by lot No-9, and north by South Broad st, levt- ed on as the property of T. N. M'-r- t to satisfy his eity taxes for tho years 1821, 1822,1823 and 18,:4, amount dut 50 and coat Five! lots, Nos 15, l6 17, 18, 19/ Trustees Garden, bounded east by a canal, south by lot 14, West by Reyn-Ida st ittul Fort \\ ay tie, and north hy Savannah River, levied on as the pro perty oYn T. I tall, t*» satisfy his city taxes for the year 1824, amount due $24 37. Lot Nt> 3 and bmldings, iVarreo Ward, bound ed east hy lot No 4,south hy. a lane, west by lot No-2 and north bv Hc.j st, levied on as the pro perty of Alexander Hunter, to satisfy his city taxes for the years- 1823 and 18. 4, amount due $31 25 Lot No 24 A buildings,Washington ward,boun- -led east by Washington square, south by Con gress st. west by lot Nn 23 ami north hy St Ju lian st, levied tin as tlie property of Jac»b Eahm tn satisfy his city- taxes lnr the years 1823 ant 1824, amount due $3125. Lot No 7sttd buildings, Jeky! Tything Darby wartl, bounded east by lot No 8, south by Bry an St, west by lot No p ami north hy a I me, levi- ed op as the property of Worthington Gale, c- satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824; amount due $41 25 , Lot No 10 Second Tything Reynolds ward, hounded east by Lincoln st, south by Bryan st, west hi lot No 9 and north by a Ian., I;vied on as the property of the estate of David Kiefli-Fto satisfy 'lie estates city, axes for the years 1823 and .* 824„ amount due $15. L is Nos 20 and 21, Yamacraw, bounded eas' hy lot No 19, south hi Fine st, west by Farm st and north hy jots Nos 8 and 9, levied on as the property oi Seaborn Jti.nes, to satisfy his city tax s for the year 18 4, amount due $9 One small building near Fort Wayne, levied •m as the property of Jui.o Guard, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 18 1 and 1824- amount tax $16 06 Lot No 6, and buildings Reynolds ward,-boun ded E by lot No 7. - by '<ryan st, \V by Aber corn stj and N ny a lane, levi- d on as the proper ty of Archibald Smith, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 1824, amount tax, $100 93 - Lot-No baiid buildings. Indian st, hounded h hy Waynes lot, S hy Indian st, W by a lane, anil N by lot No 2, levied on asthe property bf John A. silver, to sa'iefy his ciTO taxes for the year 1824 amt. tax $10. \ small building on lot letter T St Gail, bouni led F, by St. Gall st, S by lot letter R,,W by Foplar st, and N by lot letter V levied on as th property of Sukey Re->tc-r, to satisfy her ci-_y 'axes for the years l822,1 ;, 23 apd 1824, amt tax $38 13 A small bqilding on lot No 15, Spring Hill, bounded E by Franklin st, S by Spring st, iv by lot No 18, and N by lot No 16. levied on as the proper of Elsey Wils'-n, to satisfy Iter city taxes for the years 1820, 1821, 182 2, 1823 and 1824, amt. tax, $27 31 * West half Lot No 8 and buil lings, Sloper Ty thing Percivsl Ward, bounded east by east, half hf said lot, south by South. Broad Street, west by lot No 7, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of Mar Lewden to satisfy her ci :y tax es for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $20 6?J, and cost 1 . Buildings on-Lot No 8, Tndian-st bounded Vast by lot No. 7, soutii by a lane,.west by lot No 9, and north by Indian street, levied oh as the prbpertv of John Myrick. to satisfy his city taxe ■> for the years 1823 tind 1824 Amount due $9 75 and cost. East half lot No 6, Hicks Tything Percival ward bounded east by lot No 7, sputh by 3tate st. west bi west half of said lot and north by a lane levied on as the property of Henry -Lyons, to satisfy his city tax for the present year. A mount due $13 and cost. Lot No 10, Moore Tything Percival ward bounded east by lot No 9, soutii by State st, west bv Whitaker-st, and .iorth by a lane, levied on^as the property of the estate of.John Clark, tosatisfy the, taxes of said est.' for the present year. Amount due $6 2v and coat Titp-thirds f lot No. 7, Yainacraw bounded cast by lot No 6, south by a lane, west by lot No 9, and north by Iudiatpst, levied on ast- proper ty of K iiicliardson, tosatisfy hi-* city tax for the present year, amount due 27 5iJ ant', cost Buildings on cast part lot No 30,1 iberty ward, bounded east by lot No 29, south by a lane, west by west half of said lot, and north by T(ork st, levied on as the property of the estate of John Stilwel! to satisfy the t axes for said estate for the year.' 1801,1809 18l9, 1820,1821, 18/2, 1823. tnd 1824 Ambnntdue $55 37j and cost. Building on’north half of Lot Nn 40, Elbert ward, bounded east by JefleWm-vt, south by south half ofsaid lot, west by lot No 39, atid north by a lane, levied on as the property of Dr A Shef- tall, to satisfy, his city taxes for the years '1821, Amount due $58 43 and No 8 and north by Oranpt st, !t Vied * < v pto'Veity of Wot Smith tosatisfy tlie taxi s ofsaid jiroperty lot; the year* 18/2,1823 and 1824 A mtVult due 8 13 and cost. Lot letter I and buildings Decker ward boun ded east hi E|(is Sqiure, south by St Julisn-sl west by J-fferson it, and north by Bnan-tt, le vied bn as the property «f John M M'Calla to sa tisfy the city tax ofsattl property ibr the present year, amount due ,25 dollars and cost Hall' No 9 and buildings, Second Ty thing Reynolds ward, buuQiled east by lot No 10,south bt Bryan st, west bv Lot No 8, and nortli by a lane lev oil on as tho property of C D Leby to satisfy his city tax for the years ,1833 and 1824 Vnmint due UJdbllars 80 andcst A of Wltarf Lot No 4, Trustee Garden', hounded east, by. half of said lot, we9t by lot 3, south by Fort Wayne, and north by Savannah River, levied on as the i*roperty of A L, Hart- ridge to satisf' the city taxes of said property f<pr the year -1821, 1822, And 1823, Amount dub 14 dollars 50 and, cost. West fTAlf Int letter V and building, bounded east by Lincoln st, south by ‘Congress street, west by west half of said-lot, and nbrth by St Ju lion street {levietl on ns the property of the es tate of C Filler to satisfy the city tax ofsaid est. for the preseAt year; amount due $11 25 and cost l ot letter X, St Gall, Oglethorpe ward, boon dee east by St Gall-st, soutii by lot letter V, west hy Poplar st, and north by Zubly st, levied on as THE IMPROVED skid litz t o irmns. In all cases of heartburn, bile, nausea and 0 th«l riiseast softhe Stomach, which are so very iW I valent in warm climates—they call be used ft, 1 ny lime with much advantage. As they f 0 J , I pleasant effervescent draught, tliev may be I to bean agreeable beverage free from taste ails I highly impregnated with fixed air, and poj,-/ tng all the. Medicul qualities of the mucli, termed Seidlitz Waters. c The Season is fast approaching, when thn, 1 -u -vders will be in demand, and to get the# /we, is very desirable. Many persons hml been deceived in their operation, by having n Uf 1 chased them in Drug Stores, tlie proprietors til which paid but little or no regard in selectiJ I t.lte best kind, consequently, their beneficial qualities were never realized But this diffiedj ty may now be obviated,—the subscriber (,«I epdeavoted for tlie two or three last seuonil to procure them Genuine and has been success-! fill. - s * * I These Powders sae, neatly put up In tin boxes I by .> hich m-ana 'heir Medical' properhet will I remain unimpaired by the influence of time ini I climate 1 A fresh supply of the above Genuine article 1 has just, been received, which together Vnh a | «*y i uuni oi, urn* nwnii uj u’iu'T nij icvicu Ull “ . . ’ ”, ' t the property of Rare Hogg to satiffv her olty'i vp ,fe^®H e • ' ls,,,irnerlt T Medicines !. eZ ii._ *■,«.« ... I 3i isiu will be kept constantly on |wn . >1 LAY & nENDRICKMIN, Chemists <V Druggists, $Li and cost, , A small building on Lot No $3 Columbia ward, hounded east by Price street, s -uth by South Broad Street, west by Lot No 34 and north by a lane, levied on as the prop -rty of Mary Ahn Gordon,to satisfy Iter city tax for the present year, amount due $6 75 and cost . One small budding on jot No. 5, Oglethorpe ward, bmindeU east by lot No 4 south by a va- - ant lot, west by lot No 6 and north by Bryan-st, levied nn as of Elias R Roberts, to satisfy his city taxi s for thc.i ears i822,1823 and 1324, Amount tax $tl 75 A small building on lot No 13, Elbert Ward, bounded on the east by lot No 14, south by !Vt> ry street, west by Montgomery-st. and north by a lane, levied on as the property, of the estate of Ditnti-i RobMns, to satisfy his city tuxes for the years 1823and 1834, amount tax $5 East half lot letter V Rey nolds ward, bounded east hy Lincoln street, smith by Congress street .vest by west Ita'f ofsaid lot, and north, by st Julian s'reel, levied on as the properly t.f Rich- !<rd I tennis, to satisfy his oily tuxes for the year* 18:3 and 1824,amount tax $49 50 One negro man named Frank, levied on #8 the property of I'lipmas vilsmt, tii satisfy his oitv 'axes for It rears 1821, 1822, 1823; and 1824, amount tax gj 2U 12, Half lot No 5, iltd buildings -Trustee Garden, onded east hy lot No 6, south hy lot No 7, wegt hy East Broad Street, and north by Bryan street, levied on at the property of tlieeslate of George Bnue, to satisfv Ins city taxes.,'for the year 1823, amount lax $14 F !M STONE, c. jr. aug 7 161 Administrators Sales. r^sN 'Tucsduytlu 7th day of ^September next. VSa/will he sold at the Court house between the hmtrs of 10 and 3 >>clock Three negroes the property of the estate of Charles II. Tebeau, t-'gether with a horse, sad boat, and double barret gun—sold by order of Court to pav the funetal expettees’ and expency f last Illness. F.E TEBEAU, • ^ • Administrator. juU'22 154 cost. Lot No 20 and buildings Warren ward, boun ded east by Price si, south by St Jnlim-st, west __ by -lot No 19, and north by a lane, levied on as Btnidiugs on lot No PI, Warren ward, bound- 1 the property of A M Gray, to satisfy the taxes of ed east by Price st, soutii by Congress st, west said property for the years V822,1823 and 1824 by lot No 22 and north by St Julian st, levied on as the property of Wm Pope to satisfy their city tax for tne present yea-, amou, t due $40 and cost. ' Lots Nos 4and 5, Indian st, Yamacraw, bound, ed east by lot No 3, soutii by a lane, wes' by lot Amount die $45 and cost A building on lot No % Second Tything Rey nolds ward, bounded east by lot No 3, south by a lane, west by lot No, 1, and north by Buy-st, le vied on asthe property of Pierce A Ca-e to sa : tisly their city taxes for ihe year 1802 anj 1824 No. 6 mid north by Indian st, hvi.-d on as the: Amount due $12 80 and cost (iropci'ty of the estate John Doon, to satisty the | Buildings on lot No 3, 8pringhill, bounded city tax of said property for the year 1824, a- ; east by West Broad Street, south by Lot No 4, mount due $7 50 and cost. >- jeBSt"' ‘ ! wesl ^ ot anc * nortfv a lane, lev.ied or, Lot No ISrftrid buildings Ewinpsburgh, boun- jas the property of the est. Thos D Pnrtor to sa iled: eart bt lo. No 15 south by William st, west i tisfy the city taxes' f said estate for the years by 23 and north by lot No 29, levietl on 18 32, i823, and 1824 Amount due 7 dollars as the property of Paul J. V dlaton, o satisfy his150 and cost. - ity taxes, for the years 1823 and 1824, amount Lot No 7, Village St Gall, now known in the due $.3. plan of the city as Ogleth-ime ward, hounded Buddings on lot No 31, Liberty ward, bound- ^east by Lot No south by Zubly-st, west by lot Administrator?s Sale, Con- iinued i |N the first Tuesd .y n. September next, tvill ° “be sold aftli-,- Com t House, in Savannah bo. tween the hours Of i 0 and 2 o’clock. Lot N« if, (fifteen) in . the second District of Early County, Georgia, containing 202J a- tres, more or less, being the real estute of Uo- bert M Durkle, deceased, and sold by per- rhission of the Court bf'irdinavy of Chatlmoi County AUGUSTUS F. DU .K1E, Adon.osirator. autr 7 , 161 Georgia—rhutham County. r all whom it may b.ntceyti, W HEREAS James .tunter has applied to the Hon. the court of ordinal y of said county, For letters of administration on the estate and ef fects COol Constant Freeman, lute of the city of Wa-hington in the District of Columbia, in behalf of the heirs. Now these are therefore tt> cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file-tlteir objections, if any they itave in my office on Of before the 26tli day of July next, otherwise lettersof administration will bt granted to the.applicant VVitrnss the Hop. Euward Harden me of the Justices of the said Court, ih 326th day of June A D 1824, • ' » ^ S. M. BOND.c c o. ' june26 J2 Ten Dollars Reward. R ANA WA Y ftom the .Subscriber in Scr'vt-n County, a negro boy named Stephen about sixteen fir seventeen years of age, copper color ed and on his right cheek u scat-scarcely percep tible; resembling the letter O Ho lias been seen in company with a white man, between this and Savannah Tli9 parents Daniel and Jude live in the neighbourhood of ,hat place, they were sold in thisCount to J.jhn Adams who lias sn-ce sold them to some one on atr Island about 12 miles below Savannah. v - . . V V The abbve rewar.l will be given with alt rea sonable charges to any one who will lodge him in Savannah Jail, or deliver, him to the sub scriber, TURNER Btt \SSWELL. ‘ Near Milifiaven, Scriven Co. ' aug 5 <jm16‘> . The. Subscriber, | AS jusLfitb h-(l and otters lf>. 'sale, an eij oar. d CAN' >E BOAT, 35 feet by 4 fe inches, w liich' he can recommend to those who wish a boat for quick pasaage. F E TEBEtD •’“'y 2 # 4 LL persons indebted to the estate, of Johait ns Marcji' Moore, of Effingham Coutity, dec’d to come forward And make payment and those that: hive any accounts, to present them to HEZFKIAM EVANS, Adm’r. sept 28 4ca*193 RSONS who have returned'tli CoriieroJCongress and Whitaker street Shad’s Huamsojl Valuable Medicine. ANTI DISRFPTIC PILLS, A Prepared by .Henry Jomet V N approved remedy furityspegPh, or IndU | gestion, Habitual Gostiveltcss, and I'-les It is welt known that Dyspepsia is one of the I most frequent and formidable diseases of out I country. -Its c-immcnccment is indicated in tij.] ferent patients by various symptoms, of which I the most remavkuble are— Irregularity of the bonds, obstinate costive. I ness, lieadach, commonly c»(led nervous or sick. Iy lieadach, yellowness oithe eyes ami skin, t- cidit* of stomach after eating, often culled; Iteirtl burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitterl taste in the mouth itt the morning, fcclid breath,I drowsiness alter lUnner, debility, lassitude, e- maciatinn, depl-esshm of spirits, S- c. Piles being connucied with iniligtsttori trfl cos'iveuess, are certainly and spediiy rctimd by the pitta. A supply of the shove valuable Medicine hul just bfeen l ecHvetl from, the Patentee, ami cwl be obtained of the subscriber*, Who have bcet| appointed agents for the State oi - Georgia, LAY k HF.NDRl' KSON, Druggists and'Cheinists,Shad’s Buildings, Savannah. april 24 _ ca94 Superior Court—Chatham County. JANitAar Txrm, 1824, Aaron Cleveland and Susan, 0.“) his wife, { v*. f IlulrWiti, Jacob Fahm. J O N th- petition of Aaron Cleveland and8 -tau G pis wife, who was Susan C Bona, it ing that Jacob Fahm, before' the intermariin) oft he petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of Jiiij 18:31, did in conjunction with one Joseph A Scot 1 , execute a joint bond to the said SumnC in the penal sum of four thousand dollars com" Uoned for the payment of two thousand dol!i with interest from date, on or before the fin dav of Marchrthen next, and that for the liehfl securing the payment thereof, the; said JamA did on tlie day and year first aforeanid make P certain induiiture of. mortgage, whereby tTt 'rtgaged to said Susan C. nil that lot of grwiS known and designated as Garden lot mimVi thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining f« part of another lot known as lot number for i«rn, No 42, containing together eight amUlt: acres more or less situated to the east of the citf of Any-.ninth and bounded to the north wesl o Lot No 26, to the south and east by lands bo 1 longing to ihe esl.tie of Hampton i.illi' riik't and the west by tne public rdad leaclingti Skids way island whereon a brick yard h H es'ablished and known by the name of Fahnr brick yatid—(list there is now on t.lte said b it or mortgage obligatory the sgm.i-f eigh'een hum dri d .dollnis with, interest Irnm the 23d day« Jjtnti i-323, and praying the foi eclorurtuf the '<i(|Uu> bf redemption of the iiitiil Jacob and I" heirs, fcxjjcut'ohradirduistrith'rs aml.nss'gn,'*'• and to..the ? tid mortgaged premises— On nn)" ul of IV MI Gtmlon, attorney f r the petinners- lt is ordered that the principal anil interest dut on the said, bond or writing obligatory, togew with the cost of this kppiication be paidintotla 'court within twelve >t onthsfrom this date,.ore case of •icfault that tiie equity tjf vedeniphij'', 1 " said Jacob Falun, hi* tieiis.' executois, admiirt trators and fr;>'m tlte- c fortif lorevr| foreclosed and that such for' fo-r uivl ulhep |'i* cCedings be had thereon, as are pursilaut ty w statute in aucii case made and provided-A 11 '*.® is further or»i.;red that this rule by published. 11 One of the Gaseujhs of this sta.tq tit least oncei mo -th' for' twel .-e mo uiis, or that a cupy.^ lerved on the defendant «t least six month br befo-ethe ime d|jiMnted for the puy ment " the money into court. Extract from the minutes, 15th Jan. 182*. JOB T. BOLL.KS, | jan16 12 • j eoi’giu—X ■htt.thain * ouwty* t'o all whom it may c-utci rn . fc»r ,lERBAS Wm 9 Campbell has applied ' ? V the Hon tl.e Couit of Ordinary of liatn Country for le Iters of administration on estate and effects of John KihgsleylalCO' ham County, dec as principal' crcdil 01 * .. j, 'f'liese are thefefore to cite and admoni6n*" ' and singular the kindred and -creditors /»' said de eased,to file their objections (ifany‘"‘J have) to the granting of the adminutrsuoii. the estate of the dec’d to the applicant in ’ Clerk’s Office of the sanl Court, on or pm .the 22d i»ay of July next< otherwise letteg 'Administration will be granted. ..) Witnesstbe Hon. John Gumming one Justices tjfthe said Court, the 22d day or > X ° l82it ’ S.^M. BOND, oc »■! jttne 22 140 B tin tetr dogs to real and jb the City Treaaurer, are req ested provide ton Mclntflsb, deceased, for the benem Collars for thi. ii immediately, ff they wish to protect them from being shot. PM TONE, City Marshal. NOTICE 'tfOINE months after date, I shall Honorable the Justices ot the fo ^ Court of Chatham County, for leave toigM heird. march 9 sus 55 AN A. G. M’t vTOStL A-dtnLri'stn-ctrJS.