Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 14, 1824, Image 1

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I No. 1GI.....V0I. XXIT. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 14, 1834. Whole No. 4484 - EXECUTOR OF Francis Jalineau. versons htflng «»y demands against the ‘lie w Francis Jalineau, dec. ore request. liver them in, properly attested, on or I.r hovt All tin. the first day oi f October next ^ All tic- cxccu ot presented previous to that day, w payment by the um'ermgnedcxcc WM. GASTON. Swain’s Vanacea. HAVE BEEN appointed Agent Ity l)r. W. Swain in seli bia so much celebrated Medi cine, si this place. A qu.uitiiy has been receiv. ed by die Georgia from Philadelphia, and will be sold by the b»x or boltle, at my Drug Store, corner of Jell'ersou und St. .Ittlfdnf Streets. Ah'LiUS r G. OK.MLE11. 57 149 jV«nu—Chatham County. lie Hurt, the Justices of the Inferior Court, L, for ordinary purposes. I To nil whom it may concern. !, John Dillon administrator of ltd Lillon, Into of Chatham bounty dec. hr* [ ,1 ,|ite Hon. court of ordinary, to bedis- u r r0 in his said administration. these aretheiefore to cite and adinoii. Lml singular die kindred and creditors Lj (Incensed, to file their objections (if lv have,) to the grunting of letters dismisf L the petitioner, In the clerk’s office, o- Court cf Ordinary, oil or before tlie 'thr"*“- — j— [v of December, nejyt ehsuing, otherwise hllswiMory will be granted to the peti less the Hon. John Cumming, one of the 5 of die said court, this 11th day of June luoj. • ' . |. 1 S. M o. 11* 1?6 ■ • ofttia— liberty County. fthjah linker, ch rk of the Court of Ordi y for the county of Liberty. - res* William l aw, IS*fe applies to be dis front his administration on the estate of latter, late of said county, dec. ,e ore therefore to cite und admonish all is concerned to Hie their objections (if any ive) in my nfticu. within the time prcscri- law, or otherwise the said .applicant will raised from his said administration, n under my hand and seal, this 3d day of ,D. IU24. E. B u. 110 4 - — march l(^ August G. Oemlcr. it hit Druggist Atom earner of Jeferson und St. Julian Streets J JAS received by scltr. Tassel, a fresh supply of SWAIN’S so much esteemed PANACEA. Aa also by qther late ari iva s, a variety of fresh articles which lie abstains from mentioning, us n'e suspects the public to possess sagacity eiiougu to guess, that CALOMEL, JALAF, RHUBARB, :;UM FCEl'ID, and all the amurdelitucict i sm- bd in the Index of the dispensatory may he looked for ami found in Drug Stores—; et a few things not to be met with at every one, /to of fers, viz i Phosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous Acid, IHuck Drop, James fever Powder, Itends Stiptics, Spirits of Soap, fumigating Pastiila, Wedgewood evaporttliug dishes, Glass funnels, Graduated Measures, Uetorts and Receivers, Test Tubes, (las dottles, Thermometers, lly gromoter, and Pluvimutor Flower Pots. mitrch 18 64 FIRE INSURANCE I AHE IIAlt IFORO flUKlN»VkASCECOM PANY, make insurance on Snildmgt, Jller, elwnilice, Ilnut.huhi t'-um turn, !tc. against I .OSS 01 DAMAGE Oy nit-., by - S. IV PAUKMAN, Agent. .Tidy 31 )• 4bi.. Freak Congress' Water. I Jlff l V li zeii just ic-ceived per 1 ship Empe- n.r from Nevy York* I ALSO, , Canary and Hemp Seed, And lur sale by LAY 6t |£h.\ IlRlUKSoN, JjyKRSONS having demands against the estate Chemists and Druggists, Shad's, iiuiluings July 3l 158 Notice. \ I.(. persons having demands against the es tate of Owens Jones, deceased, w 'll present tlmni duly attested within the time prescribed by Cotton Bagging, &c. ■ ,£\ PEW hundred pieces superior 42 inch out Russia hemp COTTON BAGGING, Of other And a variei British Alanufactures, which will after this month, be subjected to ad ditional duty, for sale at former prices, if applied fur immediately, and long aredd given for ap proved paper. ’ • ANDREW LOW & CO, june 4 l32-*2m NOTICE M il WILLIAM TURNElt, having i-signed to the subscribers^ all his stock in trade, Law, and those wito are indebted will make pay ment to GKO. W. OiV ENS, Adm’r. c. t. a. jtdy.27 at1J6 __ Tax' Notice. 4 I.L perai-ns indebted for State and County ■Ti " ' i ' axes arc m.tiiied that unless the same are settled on or btfure the kbtli inst. payment will be enforced. nitg 3 159 JAMES EPPINGBIt, ’Tax Collector. debts, ttc in behoof of his creditors generallv, if is requested that those indebted make imme diate payment, and those having claims will please render Hum to Mr Thomas Miller, who is appointed their agent to dispose of the stock, which comprises a general assortment of Seasonable l)ry Goods, and will be sold, wholesale or in retail, at very reduced prices, for cosh only. J \ Mf.S M'HKNltY, JOHN H REID, GEORGE REl.l'H, Assignees of Wm. Turner. 86 Treasury Department, JUNI 24th, 1824. NOTICE it hereby given to the proprietors of the six per cent sti ck of 1813 loan of §16, OUQ,DOO, mid loan of §7,500 OOo, thnt books will be opened at the Trcasuiy of the United Stutest and tt the Several loan offices, on the first day of July i ext, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, for receiving subscriptions for'stfch parts of said stock as shall, on the day oftiuhsc'-ipiion, stand on the books of the Trea sury, Slid on those of the loan offices respective ly, puWuanl to the provisions of the attuf Con gress paused the 2Gih of May, 1824, entitled ’'an act to authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange a stock bearing an interest of fotiu and u halt percent for certain slocks bearingan interest of six per cent.” The subscription may be made by the propri etors of the stock, either in person or by their attorneys duly authorized to subscribe and rang ier it to the United States. The certificates arc to be surrendered at tlie time of making the subscriptions. WM. H. CRAWFORD. july.27 ftS6 . april 14 of Amos Douglass, laic ofChallnm County, deceased, will please to have their accounts pro- perly attested and leave them at the bar of Col. John Sltolnutn’s Mansion House, Savannah — Those who are indebted to the estate wilfbe culled on in ten or flfletn days for settlement. , bay id Taylor, Jr. quulilied Ex’or. Near Waynesboro, May 24,1814, may 28 •)ta126 In | *11K Public are apprised, that the subscriber H’uiu — IJfiatlittin County. hun. the .litl'mes of the Inferior Court i sittir.g.for ordinary purposes*. JERK AS Linus I*. Sage administrator of Jprague Taylor, deceased, lias petitioned fiorable Court of Ordinary to be disclmrg- m his said ailiiiinislriUinusliip fese are therefore to cite and admonish all the kb lived and creditors of the licensed, to Hie. their objections (d and lave) iu the office of the clerk of the Court Tiiwi'y. on or before the 13th day of Januu> V ensuing tho date hereoft otherwise i ilismissory will he granted to the apph has titles in one half of a 5iJ acre tract of ..and on White llluff, adjoining his, uud land lately John Potillen’s, now John Morrill's, and for which the Administratix of the lut. Jus. •ioyd, applies to the court Inr leave to sell us part of tnat estate—hi titles are of prior date, and of record. All persons are forewarned not to pufehase or reapuss on the premises. R.F WILLIAMS. june 17 m— VrL">8 Sirs li (hOiiliiH (ttic'r i.sitt unification will lit ilsj made to the Honorable \U* Justices of the nets the honorable Thomas N. Morel one ifuUiccs of the sard Court this 13th day ot f. |), one itliousaml eight hundred and (lour. s. M. UON1), o c o 113 150 lorgia—C hatliaiu County. 1 To ail whom it may concern. llEUE \8 Holmes T'uppor lias applied to I the tfon.'tiie Court of Ordinary ufOlmt- uur.ty, for letters of administration on the ,»nd effects of Thomas C Hayward, Tate of ■tali, merchant, dew’d iu bcitall ot the credi Ise are tlierefore to cite and admonish all ligttlar the kindled and creditors of the Legated, to file their objection (d any tiiey R i^rior Court of Chatham County lor leave to eeli all that Lot in Savannah known by the No. one, Ellis -quare, Decker Ward, with the im- nrovements tuereuhi And all that Lut in Shivaii- knowoi by the No twi-nty-three, in L iberty Wil'd, with inn lluiltlings thereon—being the real estate of Joltrt Smith, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator may 1 15 114 Law Notice. MIE public art- informed that the Subscribers Madison Springs. fl^HE Stibscriher ti nders his thanks to his JL friends,»nd the public, for the liberal pat ronage bestowed, anti hopes during the ensiling season, from the improved .state of his health, to give that attention to Ins house and hoarders an to render their situation us comlm table as the state of the country will permit llis bar will be well supplied, and his house in tiddilion to his former supplies will an abundance of milk, vcgetsules, &c. for.the accommodation Of his boarders. RATES OP FARE, Forman and horse by the month or sea son, per day For a longer time than ten days blit less titan a month, per day ' For ten days or a less time, per day Msu' per week Less titan one week JAMES ALEXANDER, , X. H. Wanted a young man to act as Hur- keeper,ut the above place during die months of August und .September. Apply to Mnj. Wm. F, Scot!, Miltedgeville, or at ihe Springs to I J. A. July 15 151 The Constitutionalist and Savannah Re publican, will please ; ubiish the above once a week 4 times. ' ’ BARGAINS. T HE stock of Dry Goods, which formerly be longed to Air William Turner, is now sel ling offal pi Ices much under cost. upril 16 88 Si 00 1 25 1 50 5 25 1 00 r|A.... , &. have located and formed a connexion in Drug8, Medicines., Dye Stuffs, fyc. §c., UTTIIX SHIP KMPKUOU FllOM NEW TOIIK, 5111'. subscribers have received a fresh and I extensive assortment of DRUGS, &c. such ns Sulphate of Quenine, Quick Silver, Roil and Flowers Sulphur, Peprl Ash, Nutmegs Mace Ciitnamon, and Cloves, Race and Powdered of Chatham County, when setting fur ordinary purposes, for permission to sell the following real estate, for the benefit of the heiis and credrtors of the estate of N. 8. Uayard, deceas ed, viz: One undivided fourth of n tract of Land, con taining about 500 aerca, on Cumberland Island, Camden County, known ns Plum Orchurd—and. an undivided fourth of a certain Tract of Land situated on said Island, containing about 50(1 acres, originally granted to Gen. Ltchland Me’- Intosh, and bounded on tho south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation called Lottery Hill situates fin the Ogeechee Read, 3 miles from Savannah, containing about 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, Adm’r eat. N 8. Uayard. nov 10 211 Ginger, Opium, Camphor, Rhubarb, Jalap, Hip po, Cream of Tartar, Carb Ammonia, Refined Jacksonboro, Scriven County, t.a. Where one of them muy ut all limes he found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. They pur- pose to attend the several courts of the several Counties Scriven, IturUe and Jefferson—also those of Richmond, Warren ami Emanuel. They hope by close application, and a due attention -v.™...,... - ito the business of their profession, to merit and .ti trie gndiih'B el the administration ot the n , ce ; ve tt share of the public patronage. Hu- IThv said deceased to the applicant inthe L; |less CO nH.led to their care will be 'thankfully Office oCtlte. said Court, on oi lefiire rcccive j an j punctually attended to lenly i.inth day of August iiexti ot erwise Jyfa Iministraiipn will be grunted, f less the Hon. Thomas N Morel, me of ■sticks of the s»id Court, the twenty niitlli I July, A 1) 1824. I • 8.M ROND, c co. |?9 157 may 23 JAMES )t LKWtS JOalAHS PA TTERSON. 120 JuGlA—yiufCna.u county. Dy tlie lion Is Justices of the Inferior Court, silting lor ary purposes. J To all whom it may concern, lereas Robert ’Taylor,administrator of Wm jelley, late of Savannah, merchant dec. has uneU to tlie honorable the court of Ordina- pe discharged Itom hia said administration pse are therefore to cite and admonish all Jingular the kindred and creditors of the leceased, to file their objections, (if any pave) in the clerks office of the said court, 1 before .the 8th day of December next i ■wise letters dismissory will be granted to Tetitioner. [tness the Honorable John P. Williamson, f the Justices of the said court, this 8th day |no, A. D. 1824. 1 S. M. BOND, c c o |e 8 134 Georgia—C/lmtlmni ( ounty. To all whom it mitj coucoro W HEREAS Solomon v-lm , executor of Wm Gilbert, deceased has applied to the hon oruble the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from liia executorship aforesaid. Now. these are therefore to cite aittl admon ish all a:.d singular the kindred and creditors ot the said •' m Gilbert deceased, to fiie tluir oh- jeotions, if any they have, in the clerks office of said Court on or before the 4th d»y of Septem ber next, otherwise letters of dismissory widbe granted anil the. said solomon Shad be discharg ed from all claims whatever as executor of the saul deceased. Witness the honorable John Cumming, one of the Justices of raid Court this fourth day ol March, A. 1) :824 S. MBOND.ce o march 6 54 Liquorice, Henry’s Calcined English small and large square Magnesias Cum Aloes, Arabic and Senegal, staple and sheet Isinglass, .Manna, Sen- na, TTutaric Acid,Super Carb Soda Epsom Salts, Cabcbs, Scaling Wax, Basket and Box Olive Oil for *1 able use. Velvet Rutile ami Vial Corks A complete assortment of Svieuge* from 24 self to the smallest sizes in boxes, oil of'fur, oil of Cajepat, Salts, &c. Ike. Lamp and Train Oils, Cpirita Turpentine, Var nialtei, Gums, Alcohol. &c. Ike. 100 Boxes Window Glass assorted sizes, Vials. Apothecaries’ Glass Ware. Scales, and Weights, all kinds. Forceps,Teeth, Pocket and Piasecting instruments, Thumb aoU Spring Lancets. Camwood, Logwood in stick and ground, Alum Copperas, Cochineal, Indigo,’Turmeric, Oil Vi, ti iol, Spirits Salts, Niheiortis, Aquafortis, Blue Vitriol. Together with an assortment of Perfumery, •smetio- j Soaps, Teeth Hair, Shaving and Nail Bi usher, uud Patent Mi dicitu s of every descrip tion. All of which will be sold tow fur cash, qr on a liberal cred't fur town acceptances. £ LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Blindings. july 27 156 -Chatham G 4EC T .._, 1 it may concern. Wliereaa Alexander M Taylor, administrator of John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to be discharged from bis said administration. Now these are therefore to cite anil admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, ; if any they have) in the Clerk’s office, of the Court of ordinary, on or before tlie 6th day ot Decem ber next; otherwise letters of dismissory will be granted. . . „ , Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one of tlie Justices of the said Court, the 6 th day of May, A. D. 1824. 8. M. BOND, c c o, may 6 106 „ Superior Court County. Max Teuw, 1824. Gun/inrr Tufts vs JVich Crugcr. O N Motion of W \V Gordon,' pluintiiL At torney suggesting the death uf the plaintiff, and sla’.in'g that the defendant hath removed out of the State,so that scire fucuias to make the ex ecutor of the plaintiff a party, cannot be served on him—Ordered, that the defendant do appear nil or before the first day of tlie next term ot this court, to shew cause if any he hath, why Elias Reed, the executor of the 'pUintifi’ shall not be made a party, ami why he shall not have judgment agninst tho said defendant. And it is further ordered that the said rule be published once a montli tor three months Extract from tlie minutes this 7th June 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, june 17 §m138 Georgia—^Wayne County. Armed Runaivays. jtegro man named Will, or William, who (was employed during tlie last summer at Ibee, in tlie Hotol of Oran Byrd, and sold |e Sherilf in Charleston some months since pitted a most .daring robbery on Sunday, June lust. He stoic hi* masters clothes and jd himself with a pair of horsemans Pistols lad accomplices tind will probably make for ■fort or Savannah. A reward cf §50 will be li'or lodging limt in any jail where he can be fcht to justice! Ail magistrates ate reques- fo arres; any white person who may claim Brbbr him, that the law against negro steal- ]>«y be enforced. Will is about 5 feet 8 in l about 49 years of age, earnest and plausible n speech—he stole-utnong other articles, Padon when he absconded,a pair of st riped IVantaloons and jacket and a fur travelling 1 Be and his associates may attempt to puss PEb Georgia to the western country. ' B. F. HUNT, No. 1. State House-sq Charleston, 3 C Vv 3 U4« W HEREAS Courtney atewart applies fuf letters of adminiatration on the estate ol James B Stev* tdec. . , These are, therefore, to Cite and admonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections (if any they have) iu my office <>n or before tlie 14th day ol August next otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant, • Given under my hand and sqal ot office this 12th day of July,"A D. 1824. JOHN FORT, c c o w c. july 15 151 Ten Dollars Reward. N INK montha alter date application will bo made to tlie hoourable the Inferior CourC Chatham Stiperior Court. Mat Tsrx, 1824. G EORGE JOHNSTON and others, complain* ants vs Peter Vanburgli Livingston and oth ers, defendants, inequity in the Superior Court. Chatlim County, M ty term, 1824 /. It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vanhurgh Livingston and Harriet E. Living ston, who arc parties defendant ifeside beyond the state of Geoigia, and witl/in the United Mates on motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that the said defenda»tdo respectively appear and answer tlie complainants bill within four months from Ihe date of this rule. And it is further oi tiered that this rule be published once a week during four months from thL Gate, in one uf the public Gazettes ot this Slate. Extract from tlie Minutes. A B. FANNIN, Clerk, jnno 8 134 'Y, INK mouths after date application will be made to the honorable the Judges of the inferior Couit of Bryan County for leave to sell all the real estate of Wm Cubbcdge, dec'd to be sold fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. , JOHN CUBUKDGE, Administrator. Bryan County, June 17 128, NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to Hie estate of Eliza beth Fell late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to K AN A WAY Ol. moduli. June Ust. my boy the subso.nber.und those to whom tlie WitE cs- ■ Bliick, is about'6 years old, yellow com- late la indebted are requested » exhibit their plection, rather chunky made, not very well < l«">a"ds duly aumenUcated, ’’ , s ,,o.,lra nlain nlniiunnt I'nimlA. Lit S111LK, LX Of. grown, speaks plain,'tolerable pleasant connle nance - aid boy was taken out of Savannah gaol about the 2Uth of April last 1 will pay tlie a- hove reward to any person who will apprehend and lodge said Elitck in gaol so that I get him— and all reasonable expences if they will deliver him to me at home. Tis expected he will try to lurk about Savannah. WM. COOPER, Scriven County, Gee july 6 *i.tl46 'JWIN’E months after .late, application will be madetothe Hon. the Inferior Court of Bui- itibli county, when fitting for ordinary purposes to sell all tue real and personal estate of Allen Denmark, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ROBER T BURTON, Adm’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’x. Bulloch county. feb 28 48 VTN'jflME month* after date, application will be *V| mode to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bryan County, for leave to sell all the real Estate of Sarah M’Kindley, late of Bryan county dec. for the beuefit of the heirs and creditors ot said estate. JAMES BUTLER, Administrator. apri|2 M77 Executor’s Notice. persons ‘lmving. deimncs againtt the estate of the late Hugh M’Call, Esq. dec’d Ifequested to hand them in for payment,hml Eetndebjed to the estate will please make phate payment, TUOS M’CALL, ? E -» ors ,, PHILIP BP.ASCII,5 u, yU - iso RICE S TAVERN rnvHE, undersigned having fitted up his HOUSE 4 of ENTER TAINMENT, in a style which authorises 'him to say, that for convenience, comfort and neatness, it challenges its superior to be produced in any up country establishment most respectfully solicits the patronage or a lib eral public 1 He feels an additional pleasure in assuring such as may. favor, him with their com pany, that along with all the good things which tlye market can afford to render his beard uiy•- ting, he has adopted certain regulations, which will secure tiitliem the enjoyment of their time, free from those intrusions and vulgarities so m oidental and disgraceful, in^he general, to 'nns of the up country a.P.RICE. Georgia—Chatham bounty. By the h ill the Justices of the lnferiorCourtoi said county silting for ordinary purposes, To all whom it may concern, flTHEUEAS Thomas R Price, administrator W\ of David H. Thompson, dec. lias petioneil to the honorable the Justices of tlie Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dis- charged from the administration aforesaid. Now these are tlierefore to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections,.if any they have ih my office on or before the 16th day ot Sept, next, otherwise letters disitilssors will be grant, ed to the applicant. Witness the Hon. John Cumming, one ot the Justices of said Court this 16th day! ot March, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o, march 16 26 Georgia—('hathurn County. By tlie Htmorabie the Jnaticca of the Inferior Court of said County, sitting for ordinary pur poses. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS \Y m 11. Green, Administrator of Mary Fleming, dec. lias applied to Hi - Honorable the Court ot' Ordinary, to be dis charged fr ill) the administration aforesaid. Now, therefore these are to cite and admon isli all and singular tl)o kindred and credi^o sof the said Mary Fleming, dec. to file their olijec tinus (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office ol said Court, on or before the tenth yf Scpteinbei next, otherwise letter dismissory will be grant ed.and the said William H. Green be discharged from all claims whatever, asadmiuistrator of the said dec. . iVitness the honorable Edward Harden, one ofthe Justices ofthe Said Court this 10th day oi .Viaroti, A. D 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. march 10 57 Washington, Gtt Jut (£j* The f (liters of office, uiy 13 y * .,« 3avammh Republican, GeorgiaJou naland Augusta Constitutionalist, are requested to.publish the above once a w.eeif, for one mon .b, and .send their accounts to fr!50 Notice. 4JCTINE months after date, I shall apply to the J£\| Hoi), the Justices ofthe Inferior Court ol Liberty county, for leave to sell the real and personal prooerty 6t* William U Baker, dec for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors. / THOS D BAKER Adm’r. ; anri!7 89 Georgia—Chatham County. By the Hun the Justices of the Inferior Corn; sitting for ordinary purposes. VfT»HEREA«‘ Richard R. Cttyler, executor of XT/ William Shaw deceased has petitioned the Hon. Court of Ordinary, to be discharged from his said executorship. . ’ 'These are tlierefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of the Court of Ordinary on or beloro the 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the peti tioner. julv 13 150 N INE months after yiaie, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County,for leave to sellall the real property be longing to the estate orthe late Rev Jno Beck, dec ly ing hi said coupty, for the benefit, of th(i heirs and creditors. ANN BECK, Administratrix, 1 april 16 88 leorgia—Bullock County. By the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County. .87 HERE AS Robert Burton, administrator of VV the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath pplied to the said Court for letters dismissory rum said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho said deceived, to file their pbjccth uB (it any they have) in the office of tlie Clerk of thh. Court within the time prescribed by law, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the ap plicant Witness <he Honorable Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d Juue, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c c one. June4 .. ,.*132 Witness the Honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices oftlte said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824, 7 S. M BOND, c c o. iuivl3 ’.ISO'-, ' i Lli (lersons ihifebte'it fd'llie* einatb of Alex- , ...In- vinrtin. lute nf Liberty conn'.v. de- ' Ar«pd(ir -Martin,.late of Liberty county, de eased, fire requested to make immediate pay ment to • fUC HA RDF. BAKER, WlLI-IAMll. MAkTlN.' l^ 13 * m»jr,^ ilia Law Notice. ■ ., r BVH E uridersignedltuving t»*r reed a connection 4 in the practice of the law, will, attend tv> cases in all thi Courts of the Flint Circuits, und in tlie adjoining oouuties ofthe Ocumlgee and Southern Circuits. ' Ol.lVl’U H. 1’RINCE, EDWARD D. TRACY. Reference in Savonnult toC. YV. Uws»^mU & Co. . Macon, June-4, 1824. . jufy.S . . . 146 NOTICE. a l.L persons having demands against the e&-. !\ tateyf M|'S. Jane Myers, are reqncaltd t»/ present them duty attested, withinthe tirrffc. prescribed bv law, to tlie subscribers. july 13 'THOMAS CLARK; MATTHEW LUFtfURlimV, . ^datinje'.Ritoft* ...}. ... .4* i-.ltL* •j**