Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 14, 1824, Image 3

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Greece. , IflVKufclUyneSff. Spain.—Great distress we lentil by let ters from Catalonia, to the* ulh June, pre vail*! in this province, from the failure ol Hlle harvest. A Cargo of corn, which the custom house officers in virtue of a non importation law, used every exertion to , nnda more severe examination to on- than fo- mcrly, put himself in an atti- ot defence, and uttempted to justify srv item of the expenditure of the Span- war , Even M. Ouvraid.lhe contr.ictor, nc in for a share of his advocacy and u^ies, though he admits that some of his itcacts were higher than those that could lc been made, and subsequently were tie, with others. , riic following extracts are from the biles—* lMadrid. June 17.—Sir William A’- L t.the Minister Plenipoien tinry of his Itannic Majesty, has addressed the fil ling not tu Count (Malta,. the Prime Min rs— Conformably to the desire manifested his Excellency Count Olalia to the un«* [signed Minister Plenipotentiary ol Rug- Li-lie has the honor to repeat to hiiniii |ting what he has already declared to ! verbally, namely, that when Gen. I bide arrived in England some months L the undersigned was authorized to ns- r B Count Ofalia that the English govern- nt had not entered into any relations ||i that individual ; which hr did. At present, that (Jen. Iturbide has left tiamUhe undersigned has o tiers to re ft the some assuraticea, adding farther, If during the sjoy which he made in the Ktisli dominions, the government had no L| of communication with him. (Sigurd) "WM. A’COURT.” Four of the Murtilleros who participated n|ie assassination of the Canon Vinuessa re hanged yesterday, being excluded Ini die amnesty |M. Oavrard, Commissary-General of the ny of Spain, has removed his bureaux tu Jlusa. [From the London Gazette June 25,] [flis Majesty’s SPEECH t j both Houses I’ltliaoieot, on Friday, June 25, 1824: k% Lords and Gentlemen—l cannot k-e this session of Parliament without re ining to you my wannest ucknowledg- fcnts, for the diligence arid assiduity with lich you have applied yourselves to the yerul objects of public interest that have en submitted to your consideration* "I deeply regret the painful necessity iler winch you have found vourselves of liewir.g, for u further period, measures of jtranrdinary precaution in Ireland. "Ientirely uppruveof the enquiries which 0 have thought proper to institute, h» to ( nature and extent of the evils unhappily listing in the disturbed districts of that fiintry;aml I have no doubt that you will ie tin* expediency of pursuing your enqui re into another session. I continue to receive fiom all foreign pwers the strongest assurances of their lemlly disposition towards this country, III you jnuy rely on my endeavors bei..g Viriably directed t» the maintenance of Jiieral peace, and to tin* protection of the jerests and the extension of the commerce fmy subjects. I" Gent lenten of the Ifnuse of Commons— 1 auk you for (lie supplies which you have ovided for the service of the present year, id especially for the grants which you ve sii liberally mad" in furtherance of the terests of religion, and jn support of the ilettdor of the crown. "I am fully sensible of the advantages liich may be expected to arise from the [lief which you have ulfurded to some of e most important branches of the national pin St ry, 'My Lords' and Gentlemen —I have the keatest satisfaction in repeating to you my Inip'atulatinns upon the general a-id in- leasing prosperity uf the country. ]“l inn persuaded that y iu will carry ip- [your respective counties the «mne spirit | harmony which bat distinguished your Migrations duiing the present Session ; W that you will cultivate among nil clas ts "fmy subjects those feelings of of cun* [nt and of attachment tothe Constitution, pan • he continuance and diffusion of which / nder Provide mainly depends, not on individual happiness. Out the high station [liich this kingdom holds atnohg the nations f the world.” Then the Lord Chancellor, by bis Ma- eslv's command said:-— | "My Lords and Gentlemen.—It. is His lajasty’s Royal will and pleasure, that this htiiament be prorogued to Tuestf .y the |4th day of Aug. tiext, to be then here hoi hi; and this Parliament is according pro pped to Tuesday the 2dihr day of August |fXt.” • There are letters in town this morning h'W Madrid, of the Ifl'tb of June, from [liich we learn that thejnost frightful anar- y continues to reign in that city. From 9th tothe 13th no less than 4000 persohs ere arrested at night upon suspicion of 'easonnble intentions: but the greater part ere released on the morning of the last entioned day. The Kino was seriously 'disposed in the early part of June, and visited by several of the leading Eccle- Mtics,but h,e continued obstinate in en |nuraging the strvifesin their resistance to '•e orders which the Ministry, und-r com* 'ulston of the French Authorities, had gi- I* 1 * for the amelioration of the condition |f the Constitutionalists, and the general provement of the provincial Gnvern- tnts. Ferdinand, was closely guarded y ® mixed body of French and Spanish “ysl guards, the latter of whom were cho- 20 chiefly from the 'sons of the wealthy lergy. lArd Byron—On Saturday,the Will and "dic'd of this great naan were lodged in, , Registry of Doctors Commons, by Mr obhnuse and Mr Hanson, bis confidential jV|etul8 and executors, for safe custody '•ffi.licacjr forbidding tho proving of it until ihe arrival of his Lordship remains from 'shortly that the trade with the interior will LIVERPOOL, June <26 The Lutift, Field, at this pn'r^frdni neij- gal, brings accounts llint a war whir the HuriiiLe seemed uieviitiWc; Uv a^cquiits received hero on H’lturdoy froth Domerara to the t»th u11. and from lWbudues to (lie 17th, we Irani that these colonies continued in the. greatest tranquil- We are happy in stating, from authority of medical gentlemen ill Choraw, that the place was never more healthy than Bt this limn, there not being a single’case of fever, either ieminent or intermittent. . [Cheraw Intel. 6th inst. upeiii anil that pmducts generally will be in demand. The coast of Peru is, at pre sent.,free from all blockade by the. Patriots and from Com. Htewart, in the II. S. ship rrmldin, who is now here, it is understood, will not allow any one to interfere, that may be .it tempted. te-'. sair whirs. prevent the landing pi, was seemed by the ^ Metter from Rio Janeiro of the 12th of iidiabitonfs, who rose eiMoosR*. _ Jjltlt* says.: “With reaper! to news 1 havif none Worth emninunicating. I cannul learn 'I'lie JSTorth Jlevirw has been proscribed in France. Ily a formul order of the government its title is inserted In the list of prohibited books, and ,tlie custom house officers are commanded not to sutler it to pass'through their Ii.jihIh into the coun try. Booksellers are also I'm bidden to have it on sale and it is subject to bo seized when found in any person’s possession. Mrs. Jane Wilson, widow of James J. Wilson, deceased received a commission from the Post Muster General, on Friday last, appointing licr Post Master at Tren ton, in the place of her deceased husband. The appointment, we believe, has given uni vet sal satisfaction.*—Emporium. PORT OF SAVANNAH. what Lord Cochrane’s disputes with the uovernment will end in,hut have little doubt limy will he so arranged as to get him out to sea agai n We have in port his ship Don Petlro, Real Carolina and Empress frigates. The others are **v Bahia nod Pernambuco, hut orders are out to assemble the whole marine force. The II S schr Itetigltt. Lieut Pinkhnm. arrived at New Yin k the_3il inst. f.nm liey West. During her, cruise the fnl lowing persons have died on board—N L Montgomery. Lieut Comd’t; Charles West, O. S.; Win Main!do; Benoni Short jr do ; Win Morgan, Purser’s Stewart; Jno White, lloy. ily the Huntress at New York from Ha. vnnn accounts of dii-oase and death on board U 8 schr Terrier, have been receiv. d. The U S schr Slinr/c, sailed from New York on the 3tl inst Tor the West Indies. Ydlow Fiw in Charleston.—We learn from Chat lesion that severnl rases of yel low fever, have occurred there, and that strangers have been idvised to leavethe ci. *)'• CtkAllKl), Urig Osgood, Gardner, Liverpool, 9. Wright. SAIISJI OX T!IT7mZMT| Sloops Delight,Cooper, lor Clno-paton, Com. Perry, fur llidiimote, Passen gers, Mcssirf Ludier and Witfilngton The ship Gem-gin. from this port, was spoken 1st 47 13, N, long 21 3.5 \v Ci.RAiirit run -cuts pout, * At .Hultimorc, 6th inst schooner Elisa t< Mnry aniiirxii -rlits ronr, At Havre June tti. sliip Mentor, Djminiqiif; 21st ship Ann MkiU'Tui-r, At Liverpool June 26, slop Thomas Wilson do do ship Uluuher, Potter. At N< w York 4th inst. ship Corsair, Porter G days At New York 3 I inst, .loop Eagle, Vincent. ! «i* ron -ruts pout. \ At New York 3d inst. sliip Luuisa Matilda; Wood, with dispatch * Is not this wrong in' two respect.? Ought Mr Wilson who was Editor of a newspaper (the“ True American") to have been Postiiius’cr ? And ought a female to be appointed to office ?—Enquirer. WASHINGTON, August 6. The Commissioners of the Navy Board are at present absent on a tour of iiispcc- tionof (lie Eastern Navy Yards* The Prosi- dent of it, Comm. Rodgers, is to take command of the Ship North Carolina and Capt, Chauncey, it is said, is to tak•? mm maud of the Naval.Station at New York The two vacancies which will thus lie oc casioned arecxpected to be tilled by Comm. Bainbridge, who, being the oldest Cummin sinner of the Board, will become President of it, and Comm. Jacob Jones. Capt, James Barron has been appointed to command the Naval Station a^ Philadel phia, and has repaired thither.—Nat. In). The Detroit Gazette of Friday Inst, (23d u 1 f.) saysu that boats, calcula'cd to pass ilirnUgh Lakes St. Clair and E- ie. and the N--W York canal, are now building near the F »ot ot Lake Huron, tor the purpose of ta king cargoes of produce to the ciiy of New- York! Maryland.—The contest in this State seem tube settling down between Messrs. Crawford and Adams, and it is said the State wijl most probably divide between them. Uobmt Wright, formerly Governor of the State, U one nf the Candidates in fa vor of Mr Crawford. The Uaron de Marcuil, Kmoy Extraordinary and minister Plenipotentiary from France tothe United States, was on the 14th ins', presented to die President of the United Slates,-by the Sec* retary of State, and received in his diplomatic capacity. Mr. Joiiv S. Daiihouii, of Virginia, has author ised the editor of the Warrenton Gas -tte to con tradict the rumour of his appointment aa minis ter to Mexico—and to state tha^ “he has never solicited or received that or any other appoint ment.” (ry PnnnRHicx 9. Fkil is not a candidate for Alderman at the ensuing election. qy We are requested to state that Uomiht M. Gnobwix, also declines being a candidate for Alderman / — G7P An inteivi^w with the author of Charles tonian is requested bv (he person to wlion the communication was addressed. (Jj. We have received several Tickets for Aid (men, which we ore cr.mpetled top-stpone publishing until our uuxt .Lr want of room. For Nciv-York, (established line) The aliip 8 A V A N N N A H, Win lleehe, Master, la daily expected and will receive quick des patch. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply to, HALL & HOYT, aug 14 164 NOTICE. fl'MIK Subscriber receives 1 of constant supply Corn Meal ami Corn Grits, from the Steam Mill, which he ntferafor sale at his store. Market-square. He ha 1- also on. hand torn and Wheat Brim. BUBNKZiiU JKNCK3. aug 14 1*1-64 Tor Philadelphia: Tho fast sailing sloop PlttNCE MAtnifGTV ,J Tubmam, Mastor, Will.sail with quick desnatch, linringa part cf her curgo engaged for ti eight of the remain^ deror passage, apply to tho m ister on boarA, H t Telfnir's Wlmif, or to llAi.L & liOY\T. ang 10 162 lleccUir.di nr this Li-rx aiihivah, ntltA Loaf Sngai* dJ 50 do live Whiskey 15 11 lids do 25 III.Is double anchor Girt 50 ktvgs spiced Salmon 20 do Scotch Herring 25 boxes No 1 Chocolate t Soup and Candies in boxes. UAUUUY {/liBtlHBUV. •oir 12 t163 0 Trunk of Clothes Stolen. S TOLEN from the yard of Col John I.Huberts on Monday night lust, a large sized Trunk, hair cover,containing 2 pair corduroy pantaloons 1 pr yellow drill do. buttoning up ihc leg, 1 p? striped buff cub ii me re do. cut out ut the bottom) 1 white, 1 striped and 1 buff vest, 2 silk lldkfs.; 2 white cravats, 2 pair white cotton half hose; 1 pair worsted do > 1 pr blue cloth pantaloons) 3 shirts, and several-other small articles. Should nr.y of the above property be offered for sale, persons are requested to stop it. Any person who will leave information at this office, which will lead to a detection of the thief •nd the recovery of the articles, shall be suita bly re watded. / aug 14 c* hmpty Hollies. ItlUSANl) empty Forter bottles wanted to purchase Apply to v G. F I'ACvfiSS. , Esclnngc Dock, aug a16.) )_ Corn, Flour and Uncoil. LANDING FROM GEN. LA FAYETIE. 8 Itifshela prime white Coro |0 I tuxes bacon jMOLV STltnR, 200 Dbls new btiperflue Klpur, from ne^t Wheat For sale by , H ALL & HOYT, aug 12 163 ;; —lAmma ^ FiioM sriiF wM. Wallace, I’ll’Ei HOLLAND RlN.^varranted pur^ 53 IllidS Prime St Cfuix Sugar 53 bblS dll Georgia do 30 do Havana brown do , 2 pipes superior Cdglinc brandy 200 bugs nfime Green Coffee 100 bbls New Eoglitnd Gin 10 lihds Philadelphia Whiskey 30 kegs Tobacco, brown’s No. 1 Ct'tar .era and eighths pines "Fico’* tVinA .For sale by J. W. LONG, nug t2 tiit63 _ C. KELS hr & CO. H AVE received by late arrivals, an assjttmenf of faslribnnble Culidoes. Chintzes, and / Printed Muslins. JILSO, ] A great variety of seasnnahk* BRY GOODS. aug 12 ■* Pi63 During the absence! of the subscriber Doctor A. Sheftall will act as his attorney E. DELAMOTTA. Hop'd 4 a164 \ INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. ' ,tj*The subscribers to the Memcflial on Inter nal Improvement, are requested to meet at the EXCHANGE on MONDAY NEXT at 12 o’clk to appoint a Committee of Correspondence. COMMEUCtA h. NEW YORK, Attest 3, We liavp received a letter, vj:t Baltimore, from Rio Juneiro, of 15th June, which states, UinLiti expectation of the arrival of the hostile Portuguese armament from Lisbon, the Imperial Government was con centrating their forces (naval and military) at Rio Janeiro, the eapifat of the Empire ; fnr which purpose the squadron which had lieen blockading Pernambuco had been re Called. Several merchant ships had been purchased by Government to lie converted into vessels of war, and a fine new frigate was in a state of preparation to be added to the navy, of which Lord Cochran was chief, ami Captain Jewett second in com mand. The letter 1 adds* thrit bine - tenths of the Brazilians have no confidence whatever hi,the security of their government, but arc fully persuaded, notwithstanding their high note of preparation for defence,, and the patriotic and bold tone of his Imperial M jesty’s proclamation, that the restoration of the Portugese authority is intended., and Will be attempted whenever an oppor tunity offers, and probably on the first ufri val of the Portuguese fleet. - The above mentioned letter contains the following copy af a letter, dated, ‘•LIMA, APRIL 1. "The revolution Which took place in the Castle of Callao, on the 4th February, has been followed by (he entry of u division of 'the Spanish army, under Gen. Monet, into this city, who now occupy it and the Castle of Callao, having inarched olf,the 2000 men (Pah iota) that revolted. The new re gulations of Peru open their port9 for three years. There is now good order end a better government established than there was in the time of the Patriots. “Gen. BoHvuc U now tn tM province of Truxilln, with about 7000 men, which is very inferior in force to that Whicd the Royalists possess. A generol battle must soon take place, which will, in all probabil ity, decide tbe fate of this country. '•At present the market (3 in such.state, that it is imposible to give you a correct idea. A generul rise iu drygoods is expec ted to take place. It is expected very [ht-rllK Sim* MAJKSTIC ] “LIVERPOOL, June 26.—The Cotton Market has been dull, which maybe attributed in seme degree to the heavv arrivals in the eal lv part of the week, and although we do not after our quotations, still in otder to effect sales,a Hiding reduction must be submitted to. The total sales nf the week are 6’jJ9 hags, and consists of 1978 Upland t 915 at 8,1 a8jtl, 531 at 8 3 3 a 8 5-8, 434 at 8$ a 9,98 at 9 j 'a 9^ > 449 New.Orleans, 10 8jd, 195 at 9 n 9J, 159 at 9$ a 9$, 30 at 10J, 35 stllja 114. 20 at 12) 356 Tennessee, tic. 161 at 8 1-8,1 a 8 3-8d. 83 at 8J a 8f 112 at 9 a 9 1 -8) 904 Sea Islands, 39 at 12$d a 13 1, 45? at 13$ a 134. 191 at 13} a 14}, 116tit !4itt 14}, 23 at 15, 21 at 16, 57 at 17) 10 stained do at 10d; 630 Pernambuco, 173 at 11-Arf a ljljd, 447 at 115-8 a 11 7 8. lOat 121-8) 289 Uabia, 142atl0}da 10 l-2d, 30at 10 5-8,117at 11}‘ 308 Maranliam at lOjtl ti lid; 128 Mina Nova at 10 L8d t 126 Pa ra ut 10-T) 29 Demernra at 12tl) 730 Carthagena, 710 at 7id, 20 at 7?) 60 Sural, 40 at 6d, 20 at 7|f amt 22 Kengttl at 6j. "Of Tobacco about 100 hhds. have beCn taken by the tfade and-on speculation at the former prices —Of Turpentine 1,150 hbK have been disposed of at 8s fot- hard, and 10s 9d for inferi- or old, up to 14s 6(1 for a parcel of fine new. 200 bills American Tar brought 14s and 4000 bbls Stockholm 16s a 16s 6d each The sales in Floor were Considerable! 12,000 bbls llaltimoro and Philadelphia at its a <5t per bbl. for imme diate export. Rice is without alteration t 240 casks Carolina were’sold at 14s 3d a 14s 6.1 for middling, 15s 9d for good, arid 16s for fine t 330 bags Uengal brought IJs peTcwt. CJlnoi/ier letlec same (Idle. J “The cotton market lias been very heavy all the week in consequence pflarge arrivals ; but priefek are without material alteration. The imports from 1st Jan. last to this day are 273,189 packages: the sales during the s'me period are 285,951 packages. The sales of the week a- mount to 6034 packages.” (From the LondonNew PriceCurvent ) '('he Markets, June 22—COTTON-.—In Cot ton there has been little done during the last week) the sales aru only about 1700 bags.—- Some parcels of East India have been taken for export, and prices of all descriptions are Without alteration. Madras is becoming rather scarce, and there is none in the next safe. United States, District of Georgia. JJY THE mSTJtloT COURT, A vriusr Tkids, 1824. '|VTIF. following pcrsoiiH having been drawn I and summoned to serve as Grand and' Petit Jurors at said Court, having failed to attend—It •s ordered tlr>t they be fined according to law, unless they shall make sufficient excuses, on oath to tbe Clerk, on or before the 2d Tuesday in November next Grand Jurors.—Archibald Smith, Frederick S. Fell, J- P Henry, George Gordon, Joseph Habersimm, James Hunter, Robert Habersham, Charles Kelsey, Alexander Telfair, Benjamin lliirrougbs. Petit JnrorS.— Wim. P. Clark, C. II. Hayden, John Gribben, Ri’uben G. Taylor, and John F Fraser. Extract from the minutes. GEO.GLEN, Clerk ring 14 »164 Stopped from a Wegro Man, 4 SILVER WATCH, supposed to be stolen The owner can have it by p ying cost of advertising and proving property—Enquire near tiie residence of Mr John G'uilmartin, Indian- street. THOMAS RILEY. aug i4 164 Onions. A LOT of Onions for sale low, if applied for soon, by GF.O D CORNWELL, At L. Petty’s store, J Hies’ upper wharf, ang 14 c*.64 DOUG LAS S& SORUE ft, . OFFER FOR SALE. A Ct (t\\ RAGS COI'FEE, different qualities ii I00 kegs efit Nails teftoi te'il sifies 14 bales domestic Shirtings and .-<heeti 120 whole knd Waif boxes Window Glass 2 patent Oil Cloth Carpets 63 qr l) “* ca Spanish Scgarc- 45 bbjji PioUr Art asSuitn.ent of CASttXGSi ncipr <2 1*163 « y - r ^ ^ KICK; A FEW casks Rice of good quality, for sale bjf. A ' WILLIAM CROT1IER9, At the counting room of S Wright, Hunter’s buildiugL aug 7 il61 Clerk's Office, A c» car 6th, 1824, P ROPOSALS will be received on or before the next meeting of Council, forythe City' Printing for one yekr, applicants will leave their proposals at the t Jerk’s Office, M. MYERS, c^c. aug 7 161 Sheriff’s Sales continued. 7r[\N the first Tuesday in 3eptemi»er n'hxt, will lA/be sold before the Court House in the Ci<y of Savaftnsh between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Five negroes, Cesar, Hannah, Joe, Ruth, and Harriet, levied on Under a fi fa on forerlosuie in favor of Davis & Berrien, Joseph C. Hab ersham, Also, lot No 24, Elbert "ward, in the city of Savannah, with Hie buildings thereon, levied on un.ler a fi fa on foreclosure as the properly of PJ Vollutun, to satisfy Marv Lew den ISAAC D’LYON, sco. a!n*14 164 For itciiL The House on the corner of— and South BrtwWtreel, ut present 4 occupied by Mrs Maxwell. J_ Also, The 'westcni half of the House next east of the above—at present occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms apply to 1 H. KIRBY, ang, 7 , ldl , k ';.u.•;, JNO 1 ICE- , _ W ILL be sold at the City Pound on i-M-laV next, the 13th inst. at 9 o’clock, ortt h'uok 2 years old Steer, bruilded on life side T. M, F M. STONE, C n. Bug 10 167 ' Sweet Malaga Vffinc. Bhip QK. CASKS just received per William \Wllace, And for sale by J B HERBERT Sc CO. aug 12 163 NOTICE. T HE Annual Election forOfficers of the He. brew Congregation, according to their charter—Will take place on MONDAY NEXT, the I6ih inst. at the Synagogue between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock, aug 22 a.163 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the 9th irist. a mulatto boy who sayshis name is Daniel, andtluri he belongs to George Young of Oglethorpe County, Georgia, and that he ranaway about the 1st inst he is 5 lcet 6 inches high and about 17 veais of age. JOHN 1 DEWS, icc. • rtng 12 163 Brought to Jail, . I N Savannah on the 9.h inst. a negro mafi who says his name is Sampson and that he belongs to Capt Arnold of Bryan County, Georgia, and that he ranaway about three weeks ago, he is 8 feet 114 inches higli, and about 30 years <>f age. JOHN I. DEWS,*c c.- aug 12 163. v Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the c9lh July last a dark mu latto man who says his name is Kltfck, and that lie belongs to the State of Georgia, and is employed on tlife Ocmulgee River, and that he ranttWny about one month ago, lie is 5 feet 74 in- ehea high and about 25 years of age. JOMNIDF.WS, J co aug 7 161 Take Notice. T iiE Managers and Assistants of Engines will on Saturday the 28th.instant, proceed Jo e» lecta CLERK jjvn *•* MESSENGER. Applications be left with the Clerk on or before that day. By order of the Board, JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. attg5 160 LOST, F ROM behind a Sulky, within two Chiles nfthfa ■city on the Augusta road,, between trip hours ofp and 7 o’clock, on Tuesday Morning, a nearly new Saddle, Bridle and Martingal.'sgw- qd up in a new rug Any person who may Ivrivo found the same, will be liberally r« > urded by leaving them at the Office of tho Savannah Re publican. • aug 12 >163 . ' . Carpet Stolen. CARPET 4 yarda w'rcje'and 5 yards long wasstolentrom Liberty square, oppnsito the Human Chapel, on the evening of the lOtU inst Any person whs will leave information aft this office so that It may be obtained by tiie ow ner, wilt be suitably rewurded. aug 12 m163 - ■ . . NOTICE. P ERSONS having business with the subset 1 ’. scribers will please to call on Vtr Jmyt P, SxTaS. . G- 6tt?imlY!5« tefrtf aug 13 '*.163 ■t! uw*.». ,.w n (*.«**•>-,<*ieMSrjw mi'