Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 17, 1824, Image 3

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L called to ftftk the Urnerti. «r l.e woutu mat a proper fl. & con- MAUniED—Tu Augusta, by «,» n of his cabin, ami tlo linn the honor struct cl fo the imlmg.'ilihjhe Udije.rul on WIilu.h 1<\ thU-ixs flak*' passive with hicn td the United the soulltsidfc t»f Castle t hi den. This is the fifth oh slxlh applies- i „f tltd kind he has received since it lms GtneYat'Jiici'cson anti Gen..Ormatrong. »n known that he had declined the p.-ovi-j \Ve are aiiihorizptl to say that a corres- [„ made by Congress For conveying hitnlpoiidcnce has tec.ntlv taken.jilacthefwt-en jtl,,. United States^ I think it, pmJ>ubie|Gen, ArmsRtnr-gnoil Uon.'.larksuu, in rela- r will leave Paris about Iho 10th of |v, and most likely, go out in the Steplia- tlbut it is by no means cci tain. |.{n the way of political news, I have Lc/ogive you, This counlry is in a very Tjjvrou9 condition, bur the people are (mg rapidly th* little' liberty thfcy have j, The'longer I remain in Europe rhe L ( am convinced of the happy Condi- 1, of our country, and have often thanked j God that I am an American.” hm. La Fayette*—It is not improbable, it ilienirungeinents, of the cuniplctiou M|ch Gen. La Fayette speak as being [cssary before his departure from France [this country, were arrangements of a [uniary kind. It is well known that the Jieral is not rich. Probably of the vust (ales of which lie was proprietor in Ids |n right and that of his wife, at (lie com- liicriociit of our revolution, nothing ro- (iulexcept the estate called La Grange, Li e lie and hit) family i cside. ■ t is umlerstoiid that lie will be at no ex- Ige in the cities. He ought to he at no Lose any where. It is hoped ihathe jl nut be permitted to expend one cent |llie U. S. The people have proclaimed i to be guest; let him be treated, irefore, us such. Whenever lie iaaves |ity, a gentleman Should be appointed to jenahim, ar.d in guard him front everex- (nse, until he arrives at some other city, licrc he will receive a similar attention. . Nut. Journal. Maii v U. At tmn to shave supposed strictures mude by the latter ou the r-or^Vct* of the 'former, wlrilh,Secretary of War, in a private I- <■■■■. trj Mr Muiimic of die Gill el .lannaiy 1 ft 17, The rcsu|f isU-a prompt and Irani; dim vouHtl, on 'he p;il t. of Hen Jackson, of any intention,in what he did any,, “to .cost a reproach upon.iny individual ahd also, r dctfial«(tho.geniiihenths of a part of tliV sujd letter, as published in Si vernl of the Jouruals. (In this last puinl, the Geiier&l'g words ore—■;*,• Permit toe here, l)nWever, to observe, that the, Words “by the wickedness or weakness of ntit tffyr jijitiitfer.” winch you liaye ijiioted from my letter to Mr. Monroe, tint! underscored, in your coinlinu- nicutionj are not to be found in the copy now im my pusussion, printed from the original; and furnished to Edilors^ol the Nhtionul Intelligencer. Itev. Sir i to MifiS v-aht, both of ColutnbuO.uanty. 1)1 Kll—At Mfttnnzns, on thij V81I1 Juae. of the yelU.iv fever; Midshipman EnsnSzkii Ilmin, at iln U S. NaVy—aiming man universally lie- mvea and estcumed by hu, associates and ac quaintances At No-folk; on the 6ili inst after a protracted Https*, Hr, r lmot V. Itoomis, nf the U. S. Navy, aged 33 years. KALflMOlIE, August 7. Df.iVth or thk Mon. C. A. Uomtny, The brig Nuble^arrivcd at this port this morning from Huenos,Ayers, brings infor mation of the demise, on the 1 ltb June, of the linn. Cjtsan A. Rodney, Minister Ple nipotentiary from the United States, Tlyc family oftho deceased were to take passage on board the brig America, to sail in u few days tor Philadelphia. - 8HW NEWS. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Annirsn •i.Schr Kii*a Si Mary, Durkco, BaltmOrc, 5 days, Corn to Cunimiug & Gwuthmey. Sloop Spartan, Deluno, Charleston, 1 day, to 1’oni.e 0. .Mackenzie, S C & J Schenk, and others. Sloop Harlequin, — , from New Provi dence. I'nfsengars,Cap,. Allen, and Mr Jucel- lin first officer of the ship Eurupa, lust on the Caicos Keys. „ < Steam boat Carolina, Capt. Wray from Augus ta with BoaisNns4 and 11 in tow, cotton nnd ether frieronandise to O Tuft, Duhamel 8c Auze, A Low 8i co, Cuuirning 8t Gv. atimiey, George Gordon 4nd others , ‘- i — and wife. For New-Torh (ESTABLISHED LINE ) in . i Tl c slop ■Ml s a. V a n n a h, Win. lU-bcr, Master, Will receive quick despatch, i-'i.r freight or passage, having liiindsonm accommodations, ap ply YO the master on board, or to IIALL & HOYT, aug 17 16.5 / . 'TOBitt SALES. Prime Vork^Ten.%Loaf Sugar, St. Croidc Sugar, &jr. \\i || t ! HLS l*mnu i\)rk, Nc.W V jvkCiiy .Ui\F\F Inspection 1 t’aisengers, Mr .McCarthy Approaching Flection. ITIic Now York Statesman is of opinion lit the hardest of the Presidential battle [yet to be fought.- “There is to be e luultAnenu? movement thougliout the coun V in favor of Mr Crawford.” We ore [l(l “ tho strenuous efforts will be «ih> to secure votes for the caucus candid e,” «• Even in the Eastern Slates, the intent is now revived.—In Vermont ac- b politicians are in motion to organize kmwei ful parly in opposition to the SecVy [State.” In New Hampshire •' the fifty leiiiumtic members of the L»gislntuie lm did not unite in the nntninatiun of Mr ■lann nrc about to wage u vigorous oppn lion in that State. The leading paper i? J favor of Mi Crawford.” We are nex t fid (hat in Rhode Island and Connecticut lir CMiiu zealous and active friebds who |re wedded to his success. Next it is said hat in Massachusetts “ Mr Crawford's lnrtizaiis openly and confidently claim the lute of file State.,-—In Mato the i cdifccitat id hopes of the frieudsof the caucus cau* Viate a-e apparent. In New York they liim every thing and spare no exertioin 1 rcily their predictions of sugeessv” It nidi-nt from tlip whole urtiele that the i(or» ol the Statesmnn are seriously alar |rd hi the. zeal, energy and : successful la nf i In- friends of the National Candid* Their triumph over all opposition On the first Monday in October next,\he gen eral election for seven Members of Congress, arid fpr Representatives to the State Legislature, will take place throughout Georgia Thq fol lowing gentlemen are candidates for the null ra ges of the people. ' ; , FOn COMGRIiSS. Col E. F. TATTNALL, of Chatham, ' Col ALFItl-’.D CU.TUIIKRT, do JOHN FORSYTH, Erq. of Riehraond, Gen WYLY THOMPSON, of P.ihut, Dopt JOEL AHIIOTT; of Wilkes, GF.OIIGK CARY, Esq. of Columbia, Maj. JAMES MERRlWETHF.It, of Clarke, . A. a. L0NG3 i:REET,. bsq, of Greene, Duct,CHARLES E. HATNFS, of Clarke. (C/* Out- friends iii the different counties in this state will confer a special favor in forward ing to us,by mail, the roturns of votes given for each candidate for Corigreas, ut the ensuing e- lection. ' nr. low, Ship Savannah, Hcebe, 9 days from New York, to Hall &■ lloyt—with uuassoi led cargo, to Ponce ‘fk'M'Kenzic, Hull tk Hoyt, J ( H Herbert co, S G& J xcbetik, Joiinvtoii, Hills & Co, o E Wood, H Clelaud, G Newhall, A U Fanmu £3 co, A Dufaure, T Duller U eo, W l' Wiliiums, P Hill, A Delaroche, R Campbell, O l afi, S C Dun- ningi J It Wiolt, J,W Long, Scaibrough U Clock*. G Ik W Robertsoo, G Ureitlmayer isi co, J P Seize', F Gillct & co. Cant Davidson,; A Evans, Mayers k Hamilton, \V Fuller, II Cassidy U co, l ,W Morieli, A Wade, J H M Kenzic, O John son, A G Millei, J Meigs, C Kel.-my tico,J Kop mifii, Oaudry & Herbert, C ltoe.J Miller, G Ra ker, Dr liartow, Duha-i-cl \ Auze, G W Rockwell & co, J Tentield, T Purse, F I Lay, J M'Nisti, H Lord tfi co, add others. (XT’ Wc learn from a gentleman who came up from belbw this morning that the packet ship Savannah is aground on the oyster beds with the toss of her rudder, and is supposed to have sprung a leak. Lighters which went down to tier have not been able to take out any part lit' her cargo, In consequence of the weather. The S* whs driven ashore on Saturday last in a squall SAILED TESTBUDAT, K L Packet ship William Wallace, for New York—Passengers, Mm Clelaml, Messrs. Pliiii Hrasch, F S Fell, II Fell, P Wiltberger, .1 i Smith, J Meigs, G F Palmes, and Rawley. ,[ I’he W. W, went to se^this nulrr,ing at 8 o’clock. AHUIVsn-tltOK THIS 1-OUT, At New York 5th irtst. ship Lady Gallatin, Perry, 6 ilays. . roinbinatiorja. is more and but every day. V [Phil more appa- Press. The following article we copy from the emrtcratin fVi-Astand vvi- liope ImresfRerf ;efriendaof M. Adams,will cease toca imniale Mr C. KVvford, on the subject of [ermitting fu.uis to lie in (be Bunk ut W ash- lutton. Wc have never paid'any attention the ridiculous stories upon this subject,' il we publish 1 this artjelo. only fer the lurpose of showing that Mr Orawlord could nve no possible motive in his course, while lie other heads of departments had a di [cct pecuniary interest in .it. How old must Mr Adams’son have beefn when In* frasmade director.—JVai-. .Udi'. "The supporters oftlie federal candidate lave made great cornplaiuts of Mi Uravv lord’s having allowed 50.000 or 6O.OO0 dol lars of public mopey to lie in the. Bank of [he me’ropolis at Washington, before- the Wanization ol the United States’ Bank. It was to no purpose*to tell t'.tein that Mr piiiwfui d had the President’s instructions [hat lie had no stock or interest, in -the dink, and that he could tint be influenced by view* on the Presidency, as the people uf thk District have no vote on the Preri- leotial question—still they would not be Satisfied It now appears. Ip their shame and confusion, we hope, that their own can didate, Mi Adams, ’ deposited during .16 Imonths, commencing in the fall of 1820,- |340 or 050,000 dollars of public money in Itliis same Bank of the M(>tropolis,arid that Ihe was.then a holder of its stock to a con Isiderablc amount, and his son was then or |*oon after appointed a diiector! At this ■period there was (tlttw of the United States, land an order of the President, requiring (that all pubMc-money should be deposited: jin the Banlt of theUnited States. Mr Ad joins disregarded both, to favor the Bank in |which he was interested. What say the jriodlgals now !! j STM'S LFUISLJTmiE. S^KATOll, WILLIAM DAVIES. Ulpukskntatives, WILLIAM LAW, / ROHEiiV- W FOOLER, MOHDE0A1 MYERS, JOIl T.UOI.C.KS, There is no oppo*ition for, Senator * sad only three Representatives can pe sunt. J HYSON TEAS, .. of this yc-ara impor tation, 20 chests • ■ SO half tio 100 Ten Cattya 100 Five do 6 Boxes Canisters 2 lbs each _ 10 lilids prime St. Cruix Sugar 30 ht>U Luaf Sugar 200 Fi-inie Hams in bags Just received per ship S«Vannnh, fur sale bv J. U. HERBERT, & CO * aug 17 165 l\ (ULLET& CO. •om:n Fun ials on a' h.uioux, piFTY PIECES 42 inch HEMP BAGt.ING, Received by the ships Emperor, William Wal lace, nnd uuw landing from the Suvanpali, 76 i*ackages, Seasonable and Woollen (I ootls. Boiifrlit mostly in June and July last, which can be sold at the present New.York prices. aug 17 l!65 , NOTICK. n URING my absence from this State Arthur Bain, will act as my attorney. ■nugl7 m165 GEORGE STOW- Uyc Whiskey. F IFTY Barrels ftye Whiskey, just received per ship Savannah, and for sale by aug 17 l!65 GAUDUY &. IIEHREltT. (p* The Letter Bag of tlic Brig Osgood, for Liverpool, will be positively ta ken from the Counting-room of the Subscriber, to morrow evening at 4- o’clock. , SAMUEL WRIGHT, aug 17 165 , Just Received, ’• BY SHIP SAVANN.'H F IFTEEN THOUSAND lbs Bacon Hama war ranted. For sale by GAUDRT & HERBERT, aug 17 - i.163 FOR ALDERMEN. To the Editor. Drab Sin—You wilt confer a favor by publish ing’the following ticket, ns we believe it expres ses the feelings of a very large proportion of voters—Whether auj- uieasufeiTwiU be taken to form an ribctoral ticket wo are nut yet inform ed, though we have heard individuals fiom va rious parts of the city express a desire that it may be done—The present depresstd situation of our city, imperiously demands that the con duct of its affairs sliould be placed in the liands of citizens possessing enterprisjpg capacity and Who will devote themselves to restore it to its former importance. The list presented you for Aid, rmeli comprises the most prominent candi duties, arid We believe there are but few who would hot be willing to delegate to them the power of directing the concerns of the city. Superior Court—Chatham County. Thomas F Purse & all A Complainants ) nml > IN EQUITY. Richard It Cuyler, ex’r | Wm Shaw, deceased. J I N this case, on the suggestion in the defend ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties to this bill, tending in Scotland, claim to hi; en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate ofWm Shaw, deceased, and on motion, tt is ordered that all persons concerned do ap pear before the Superior Court of Chatham Count in the term of January next, then and there to establish Such their claims; and in de fault thereof,,that the undivided - Aate of the said Wm Shaw, be distributed amoSig the com plninants agreeably to the decree of said Cour and that this rule be published once a month until the expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. t A. B. FANNIN, Clerk june 17 §t138 James Morrison, Charles Harris, Win B Builoclv R W Habersham James S BtvUocjll IV11- Marshall; fs.iac Minis, 'l'h os N Morel, .V'Wna C Dauieli, , Pliifip Prasch, S M Bond, WmC Wayne. ' George Shick, J W JackSori. Mri. EDiTnn—Please insert in your paper the following gentlemen as,candidates for Aider- men at the ensuing election. It is believed they will serve if elected: Charles Harris, R; W Habersham, ‘ Nautical Accuracy.—The track across Itlie Atlantic is so well understood by A- ®6ficau navigators, that the Francis, lately Bf 'tved at Norfolk from Liverpool, spoke than three of our line ships, the Pa- Thompson, nd Canada, on her The non-arrival of the packet ship Ste- Phania, (says the New York Gazette) ren- ders it highly probable that she has been detained to receive on board Gen. La Fay- tato aod Son. We are glad to perceive William C. Duniell, Wiiliam B Builoch, George Shick, VVm P Mai-shRlt, James Rlorrisoii,' Philip Bia'sch, Wm C Wayne, Jos W Jackson,’ Isaac Minis, 3 B Gaudiy, S M Bond, F Dcnsler- A SUBSCRIBER- For Sale. \ VERY .valuable tract of Land in Liberty County, situate on the Sunbury Road, two miles and a half from Riceborougn; containing two hundred and ten acres. This land is very valuable for Cotton, Rice and Corn, and as well calculated for that culture as any land in the county 5 the conditions are low and reasonable) there arc between seventy and eighty acres cleared and under fence, there is alsp a good dwelling house, and all necessary out buildings on the premises—guarantee titles will be given to the purchaser, no incumbrances lying on said land. . i ' For further particulars apply to Capt. Joseph Jones, in Liberty CoontVi or to EDWARD XL BAKER, Owner in McIntosh county, autr 16 ^ y■ Pure Calcined Magnesia, a New Article. Brought to Jail, I N Savannah «n tne 9.h Ririt. a negro man.w'hp sifys his name’is b^nriivson d'lid that he belongs to Capt Arnold of Bryan County, Georgia, and. that lie runaway: about tlri ee weriks ago, he is 5 feet Hi inches liigh, and about 30 years of age. JOHN 1. DEWS, ac c. aug 12 Aj 163 j. ,f Brouglit tof Jail. 4 ■ . r F 4 Savannah on the 29lh July last a dark mu latto man who says his name is F.llick, and that lie belongs to the Stale of Georgia’, and-is employed on the Ocmulgee River, nnd that li runaway about one mouth ago, he is 5 feet 7j 111 dies high and about 25 years of age. JOHNIUP*WS,»cc aug 7 161 JAMES SCOLES. SILK, COTTON, AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER. ''■THANKFUL for past favors takes this method I. of informing his friends and the public in general, that lie cnudmies the above business at his old stand, corner of Bay lane, and Montgom- cry street near the Baptist Church. LEOHOR.A CHIP, AND STRAW RATS, dyed.nnd dress, ed, Gentlemens and Ladies DRESSES cfall kinds dyed and finished with dispatch. N ft Clothes left to lie dyed or Scoured can be repaired if required, aug 17 165 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A N apprentice for the printing business, quire at this office., En< aug 17 165 Regimental Orders. IN Election is hereby ordered to be held-On i\. Wednesnny the 1st of September next, at the Engine house in Reynolds Square, for a Captain to command the 4th company of the 1st Regiment The poll will be opened at 9 o’clock A M. under the superinlendunce ol the persons designated bylaw. By order Col. Marshall, i . , - • M. W. STEWART. Adit. 1st Regt. aug 17 el 65 . 0 . VCalvin linker. TO-MDUROW, latt) inst ut 11 o’clock, ' llill l/e sold before oni Sio:e, 30 burreb New EngLnd Hum 20 do ‘.Whiskey 13 do Gin ALSO, A. jjenernt aisr.j-tmcnt of ti ROVER 1 E S, if. aug 17 165 Term. c,.. Received, • ]' III' TUB LATE Allai.A-.S, BUI S r.oaf Sugar , 50 do Rye Whiskey 15 lilids < do 25 hbls double Anchor Gilt 50 kegs spiced S-.ilriion . 20 do 1 Scotch tiefring . '■ 25 boxes No 1 Chocolate Soap and Candles in tales, CAUUKiy HERBERT. aug 12. 1.I63 ' ! Corn, Flour and Racon. LAN HlffG FRO At GEN LA FAYKTTbJ IfUaheb prime wlvitc Corn 10 tln^eH I’ncoh/' • ALSO IN. STORE, , 200 lilda new Supeifine Flour, from iicv Wheat Foi* sale by HALL St IIOYT. ang 12 163 • ■ ■ ■> ■ 1 LANDING . FROM 8TIIP AVM. AYALLACE, 11/-SX PIPES^HOLLAND (ilN. warranted |iurc iiViJ IN STORE, 53 llhds Prime St Croix Sugar 50 bbls do Georgia do 30 do Havana Brown do 2 pipes superior Cognac Brandy 200,bags prime Green Coll'ee 100 bbls New England Gin 10 hhds Philadelphia WhlskSy 30 kegs Tobacco, Brown’s No. 1 Quarters and eighths pipe* '‘Pico’ 1 Witjft Forsaleby * > ' J. W. LONG, aug (2 ’ • stl63 , . c. it ms nr e? co. H-- received by late arrivals, an assoitmcht of fashionable Calicoes, Chintzes, ■■ *■■ ... and / . . Printed Muslins. . [ f-d . ALSO, -- , . A great variety of seasonable DRY GOODS. oug 12 . _l!63 - DOUGLASS & SORREL, i OFFRt,! FDR SALE! G Cl (TV (1AGS COFFEE, .tjilfercnt qualities Ll : 2ivs/ loo kegs cut Nails assorted sizes ■ , *>. -14 bales domestic Shirtings and sheet- ; ings . ' , . ’ , 120 whole and half hoses Window ■ ‘ ’ Glass • . I; .» c v2 patent Oi| Cloth Carpets 63 qr' 1 ^ ,5ose ® Spanish Segars .]/’ 45 bbls Flour Anassoitpiem Of CASTINGS. aug 12 rl63 1 NOTICE. W ILL be sold at the Pound i n Savannah, on mwm ~ m Friday next, the Z9th inst between 12 aiur 1 o’clock. ;■ \\ !■ One red speckeled Cow, marked in each ear with a smooth crop and under bit, dulaped, and sewed horns. r •. ( .•<*'* . V- F. M. STONE, c. si. oug 47 165 Sheriff’s Seles continued. the first Tuesday in September next, will sold before .the Cmit-t House in the City of Savannah between the usual Lours of 10 and 4 o’clock. ; j - ■ One negro .fellow, named Joe, levied on un der afi fa (in forerlosure in favor of Davis & Ber rien airuirst Joseph C. Hubershnm. ;,^Also, lot No 24, Elbert ward, in the city of Savannah, with the buildings thereon, levied on up ier a (i fa on foreclosure as the property of PJ Vollatdfu.'to satisfy Miry Lewden. Also, nil tnat southern half part of Lot No 6, Belitha Tything, Heathcote ward witli,tlie im provements thereon; bounded north by a lane, east by an adjacent lot, south by South broad street, and west by Barnard street, levied on under a foreclosure of froth George L. Cope, to‘Wm. Whitfield. , ISAAC D’LYON, see. aug 14- 164- r QR- CASKS just received SES'S# William Wallace, ship Sweet Malaga Wihc. pdr ■v.. ..illiam Wa 11 -^ And tbr sale by aug 12 ’;163. NOTICE. T HE Subscriber receives a constant supp’; J B HERBERT U CO. Corn Meat and Corn Grits, from the Steam Mill, which he offers for sale a: his store, Market-square, He ha- also on han<T Corn •arid Whuat Bran. ;v EBENEZEU JENCKS. aug 14 Mt6t' ., v ttJC/K. A TEW casks Rice of gooil quality, for sale By ,-V WILLIAM CROTHERS, aug 7 At the counting room of S W right, > : - Hunter’s building l161 Cterk’i 8 Office, '.’-’jp.'" ’ • Aooost 6t(i, 1824, P ROPOSALS will be received on or In-fo-. - the next meeting of Council,, for the Co Printing for one year, applicants will leave Hub; proposals atthe Clerk,’* Office. M. MYERS, c c. aug 7 • 161 " .. . (fj* During tlie absence of tlie Subscriber Doctor A. Shcftali will act as his attorney • - E. DE LAMOTTA. ring 14 - *164'" of T HIS Medicine has been prepared by the New York Chemical Manufacturing Compa ny, and is said to be equal if jppt superior to the celebrated Magnesia made hv Messrs Henry’s. Families .who , are in the habit of making use of this rem'edy would <fo well to give it a trial, ns it comes much cheaper thrift Henry’s', bpi/ig neatly piit up in bottles .at 37J cents each and forsaleby 1 o, ^ i LaY & HENDRICKSON, ■ Chemist and Druggist. /. ; Shad’s Jiuilding. jnlv 27 156 „■ Snuff & Tobacco. L OBILLAUDS SnufF in Pottle8 f dq Cut Toba'cco in small papers Reed' per Wm'. Wallace and for sale by LAY 81 HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. ALSO ON HAND. 500 Gall* Superior Lamp Oil, selected partic ularly for the use rif families, aug 12 163 United States, District Georgia. , . , I'- IN THE DISTRICT. COURT, l ; Aoopsy Tehm, 1824.' T HE following persons having been drawo and summoned to servo as Grand arid Petit said Court,, having (ailed to attend—It is ordered th"t they be fined law, unless they shall make sufficient excuses), on. oath to the Clerk, on or before the 2d Tuesday in November next. ' ^ ' ;>■ ■ Grand Juron.—Archibald. Smith, Frederick S Fell, J. V. llenfy, G.eorge Gordon, Joseph Habersham, .tames Hunter, Robert Habersham, Charles Kelsey, Alexander Telfair, Benjamin Burroughs. \.. Petit Jurors.—. Wm. P. Clark, C. H. Hayden, John Gribben, Reuben G. Taylor, arid John F. Fraser.. Extract from the minutes. GEO. GLEN, Clerk, aug 14 ol64 , ■ Stopped from a Negro Man, A SILVER WATCH, supposed to be stolen The owner can have it by p ying cost of advertising and proving property—Enquire near the residence of Mr John. Guilninrtin, Indian- streeit. THOMAS RILEY. . aug 14 lf4f For Bent, SM 7’iie House on the corner !"«land South Broad--,treeL at presen. • occupied by Mro. Maxwell ■> , ' . V Also, The western ha!f of tii.- Hduse ncxi c;i ■’ of ihe ,above—at present occupied by Tho.n . Butler, Esq. I’ur terms apply to II KIRBY aijg .7 16? -v i . ■ ’ ''■* Take Notice. T HE Managers,alid Assistants of. Engines wyS' on Sdturday the 28tl» instant,' proceed to. e lent a ; C L ERK ' ■ v v AND . ' . ■; ; -MESSENGER.'. ,. g Applications be left with the Clerk on or that day: ; By order of tlie Hoard, JPMN HAUPT, Clerk, aug 5 169 . Carpet Stolen. S\ CARPET* .4 yards wide and 5 v OU wasstoleb from. Liberty square, Cpposhi' the RomSn Chapel, on the evening of the lh't insf ; Any.person wli« will leaveinfoi-matiou'i " this office .so that it may .b - ^ obtained by theov. ner,' will be suitably rewarded, iutg 12 • ;, *63 , . NOTICE. ■JpjEHsONS having business with the- sub.-ct-j- scriberswill please to call on Mr John I'. Setzh. . G- mtEITTMAYEl? Hi CO., aiuglfi m‘W ,r- m.