Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 19, 1824, Image 1

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jj 0 . 1GB ...Vol. XXII. wain’s Tunaccii. HAVE BEEN appointed* .(gent by Dr. W. wain to seH lus so nnicli colebi-nted Modi- EXECUTOROF Francis Jalineau. . having any demands against ae , U h,s »° m^h celebrated Mc-di- ^peu o’is b j n cme, at tins place. A quantity lias been receiv- , s tnle ol l' , ■ • > • 1 - i,y ,1m Georgia from Pniladelphiu, and will deliver the t. I 1 • , ^ ‘ ’ . „ r be sold by the box or bottle, nt my Drug Store, t day J)f October next ^ All_4C* atfd St ..uffikn Streets. ■ AVGUST G OEMLER. march 10 57 i not presented previous to that day, will L,.d payment by the undersigned execu ,U “ 1 3 ' WM. i.ASTON. 14$ ,-10 i 0 l*{inft—Cliatlui m, County. | (1^ hdii. the Justices «>f the Inferior Court, lltirtgfor ordinary purposes. I’o all who:.. it may concern, ierras, John. Dillon administrator of Ed- 1 liillon, Me ofChutham county dec. hrs Lied tile tlon court of ordinary, to bedis- L| from his said administration, v iticse are therefore-to cite and adrnon- I and singular, the kindred and credito < i gain deceased, to fi>e their objections (if L k.ivc,I to tin-granting of letters dismisf Jo the petitioner, in tin- c lerk’s oilier, n- 1,1(1 Court of Ordinary, on or before the Buy of December next ensuing, otherwise ' diainissory will be granted to the pell Less the linn. John Camming, one of the icfthc said court, this kith day of June, 11824. V S. M BOND, coo. • r tK6 FIRE INSURANCE i ' jfo'Hfc IIAIU FORD FI UK INSURANCE CO \\ • 8 I’ANY, make instil ance on Jluilihugs, Me<, cliawlisc, flousrholtl Furniture, &c. against l.Oas or DAMAGE by FlK. , by S. U PARKMaN, Agent. JnU4i m ( ■ ^ ^ - FEW hundr d pieces superior 42 inch «Eut Russia hemp 401.. August G. Odmlelv } ftt his jDruggist blare earner of Jefferson arid St. Julian Streets ( II AS received by sctir. Tassel, n fresh supply fi 1 of SV, A1N’M mi much r-li rilled PANACEA. As also by other late arrivals, a variety of fresh articles winch lie abstains front nientioni' g, us uc suspec's the public to possess sagacity enough to guess, that CALOMEL, JALAI', RHUBARB, SUM FlE’flH, and ail the other delicacies -.ant ed in the index of the dispensatory may be looked for and found in Drug Stores—. et it few citings not to be tnet.witli at every one, lie of fers, viz: - - / V ’ V Phosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneous Acid, Blacx Drop, James fever Powder, Rends IjWFTY D zen just received per ship Empe- * ror from New York, , ALSO, r Canary and Hemp Seed, And for sale by LAY N H - .s HRICKSON, Chemists and Druggisia, Shad's UuiluiugS July 31 158 b IS otice. t \ LL persons having demand* against the es tate of Owens Jones, deceased, will present then! duly attested within (ho time prescribed by Law, and tboBe who are indebted will make puy- mpntto GEO. \V. OWENS, july 27 corgift—* iberty bounty. Kjju.i Baker, chrk of the Court of Ordi ry fur the county of Liberty. >.;.*• ereas William Law, Esq. applies to be din 1 from his administration on the estate of Cailer, late of »aid county, dec. t :se are therefore to cite and admonish nil r,i concerned to file their objections (ifany mve) in my olficu, within the time presort- i law i or otherwise ilie said applicant Will ntissctl from Ins said udmiuistra'ion. sn tinder my hand und seal, this 3d day of A, D,1824. •/.' F.. B.vKf-Vi, coo 11 UP ' liu'gtu -r-i'hsithum i}pimty,. bun. the of the Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purpnsess. HERE V s l.imis P Sage administrator of jpthgue Taylor, deceased, has petitioned nrnjble Couvt of Ordinary to be discliarg hiii saidmlmiiiistralionsliip cse arc.therefore to cite and admonish all lingular the kindred and creditors ofthe [deceased, to file their objections (if and [have) in the offibc of the clerk of the Court ufiwry, on or before the l.Ttli day of Janua : Lxt ensuing the date hereofi otherwise Is qitiniwpvy will be granted to the appli* Sliptics, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Past'lls, Wedge woo .' evaporating dishes,. Glass Funnels, Graduated Measures, Retorts and deceivers, Tert Tubes, Gas Bottles, Thermometers, My grometer, and Pluyimuter. Flower Pots. march 18 64 J_>EllSONS having demands against the esate oPAmos Douglass, late of Chatham County, deceased, will please to have their account! pro perly attested and leave them at the bar of Col. John Shclmnn’a Mansion House, Savannah.— Those who are indebted to the estate will be called on in ten or fifteen days for settlement. DA\ ID TAYLOR, Jr. ' , - 1 Qualified Ex’er. Near Waynesboro, May 24,1824, may 28 fog126 ' | ’ 11E. Public are apprised, tfittthe subscriber S has titles to one half of a 50 acre tract of Land on White Bluff, adjoining Ids, 'and land lately John Poullen’s, now John Morrill’s and for which the Administrutix ofthe laic Jus. Boyd, applies to the court’for leave t-> sell as part of that estate—hi titles are of prior date. and of record. AH persons are forewarned not to purchase or respass on the premises. H.F WILLIAMS. june 17 m—§t138 > iiai -*•*. InesS the hpnhrabte.Thomas N. Morel one' |Ju-tices of the said Court this l3tli day of Jt. I). one thou;,.nut eight hundred and Hour. •; S. M. BOND, c c o. fn 150 lor^ia—i ImfchamCounty. J To all wlnmi'ii may chi cern. IlIF.llE \S Holmes Tupper has applied to 1 the ilon. the Court of Ordinary ol'Chat- tuunty, for letters of administration on the 1 and effects'of Thomas C Hayward, late of alt v\flN’i...ic»nilis..i.e application will be i!M mude to the llunorabte the justices of the li farior Court of Chatham County for leave: to sell all that Lot in Savannah known by the N.o. one, Ellis square, Decker Ward, 'With the im provements thereoni And gll that Lot in Savan nah known by the No twcuty-tlivee, in L ibVrty Ward, with, 'he Ituildinga thereon—being the real estate of John Smith, dec’d, for tlie benefit of the heirs. ■' FHRDEIUCK HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 * Law Notice. Inuli, merchant, dec’d in behalfof the credi- se are therefore to cite and admonish all gulur the kindred and creditors of the ceased, to file their objection (if any they to the granting of the administration ofthe of the said deceased to the applicant in the >Office ofthe said Court, on of icfore enty ninth clay of August nexti o' erwise nfadministiMtion will be grafted, less the lion.Thomas N Morel, me of sticks ofthe sdd Court, the twenty ninth July, A D 1824. t SM BOND, coo' 157 29 rnUlA—Llialliam Louiity. lfy the lion t Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting fur Sry purposes. I To all whom it may concern, [ereas Robert Taylor,administrator of Win. elley, late of Savannah, merchant dec. has nned to the honorable the court of Ordina be discharged from his said administration he are therefore to cite and admonish all fingular the kindred and creditors of the cceased, to file their objections, (if any mve; in the clerks office of the said court, ‘ before the 8th day of December nexti ►vise letters dismissory will be granted to Ititioner. iness the Honorable John I’. Williamson, ' the Justices of the said court, this 8th day h»A.D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c o o. 8 134 Fresh Congress lYater. COT I ON jBAdGtKU, And a vuri.-it of nther . hriUsh Manufactures, Vddch will after this month, be subjected to ad ditional duty, for salt at former prices, if applied for immediately, and long credit given for ap proved paper. NOTICE. M R WILLIAM TLIt\Eif, having assigned »o the subscribers till his stock in trade, debts, Sio in behoof of his creditors generally, at!56 Adm’r. o. -r. a. Tax Notice. it is rcquestedtlmt those indebted make imme. ... , . -. . ,. «. ^ . diate payment, and those hiving claims will J^eys do y authorized to subsenbe and raus- Mease render vlit'm to Mr Thomas Miller, who l fcr ** to ll,e United Mates, s appointed their agent to dispose of the stock, 11,e certificates are to be surrendered at tha which comprises a general assortment of t,me 0 ma * t, P8 l *ie subscripUo^ Seasonable Dry Roods, ,4 LL persr iis n.uebted tor State and County . W Taxes are notified that unless the same are settled on or before the 20th hist, payment will be enforced. JAMES EPI’INGEU, >.- Tux Collector. aug 3 159 Madison Springs. will be sold, wholesale or in retail, at very reduced prices, lor cash oply . JAMES M* HEN IVY, JOHN H REID, GEORGE RELFH, Assignees of Wm. Turner. 1 HE Subscriber t« inters bts tlmnks to his gt 00 friends uud the public, for the liberal pat romige bestowed, and hopes during the ensuing season, from the improved stute of his bealth, to give that attention to his house and hoarders o3 to render their situation us comfortable as the state of the country will permit His bar will he well supplied, and his house in uddition to his former,supplies will have an abundance of rttilk, vegetables, &c for the accommodation of his boarders. , RATES OF. FARE. Fur man und horse by the month or sea son, per day rtime than ten days but less than a month, per day For ten days or a less time, per day Man per week Less than one week v .>■ JAMES ALEXANDER, N. M. Wanted a young man to act os Bar keeper, at the. above place during the months of August and September. Apply to Maj. Wni.F. Scott, Milledgeville, or at the Springs to . t - J. A. july 15 151 (O'Tim Constitutionalist and Savannah Re publican will please-publish'the above once week 4 times. 1 25- 1 50 Jacgsonboro, ScrtvenCounty, Ha Where one of them may at all times be found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. They pur pose to attend the several courts of the several Counties Scriven, Burke and Jefferson—also those of Richmond, Warren and Emanuel. They hope by close application^ and a due attention to the business of their profession, to merit and receive a share ofthe public patronage. Bu siness confided to their care will be thankfully received and punctually attended to f : . ,. JAMES » LEWIS .TOSIAHS FAITERSON. may 22 120 • 8! Whereas Alexander M, it may- concern, Taylor, administrator «f John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the Hbtiorabie the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to be discharged from his said administration. ~ Now these are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have) in the Clerk’s office, of the Court of ordinary, on or before the 6th day of Decem ber next; otherwise letters of dismissory will be granted. i Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one of the Justices ofthe said Court, the 6th day of May, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. may 6 106 I;-gK, Armed Runaways. ro man named 'Will, bit William, who as employed during the last summer at Ct , in the Hotel of Oran Byrd and sold . s fieri If in Charleston some months since ilted a most daring robbery on Sunday, u j" last. He stole his masters clothes and himself with a pair of horsemans Pistols. ‘ accomplices and will probably make for t't or Savannah. A reward of §50 will be r lodging hint in any jail wltere he can be t <o justice All magistrates at e reqites- arresc any white person .who may claim bur him, that the law against negro steals fybe enforced. Will is about 5 feet 8 in- tt 40 years of age, earnest and plnusible—lie stole among other articles, -It on when he absconded,a pair of striped Pj'taloons and jacket and a fur travelling 1' e and lus associates may attempt to pass ‘ Georgia to the western country. :i; • *. U. F. HUNT, n, ®- L State House-sq.Charleston, S C, J tl46 d , - Executor’s Notice. »at^ Cr8 o ns llavi ng demnnes against the fstate of tlie late Hugh M'Call, Esq. dec’d liiiAwf® t0 ^ lan ^ Diem in for payment, and V aeb;ed to the estate will please mako mate payment, V50 THOSMfCALL, 7 Pv . PHILIP BRASCH, $ 0 june 4 132- ANIJREW LOW Ec CO -2m Treasury Department, J UN 24lh, 182-1. NOTICE is hereby given to the propi >t of the six per cent si ck of 1813 loan of gl6, 1)00,600, and loan of g7,500,00u tiiat books will be opened at the Treasmy of the United Slates and at thy several loan, on the first day of July next, to continue open until the fir-t il,ty of October thereafter, for receiving subset iptiuns for sticlt parts of said stock as shall, on the day of subscription, stand on the books ofthe Trea sury,' and on those of the loan oilices respective* ly, pursuant to the provisions ofthe act of Con gress passed the 26th of May, 1824, entitled ‘ an act to authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange a stock bt-a ing an interest of lour and a halt per cent for certain stocks bearuigun interest of six per cent.” The subscription may be made by the propri etors of the stock, either in person or by their BARGAINS. '¥*HE stock of Dry Goods, which formerly be- 1. longed to Mr William Turner, is now sel ling off at prices much under cast, april 16 88 Drugs, Medicines. Dye Stuffs, §c. §c. nr thf, snip xMPxnon from nrw toitx, a |1IlE subscribers hove received a fresh an.!. extensive assortment of DRUGS, &c. such as:— Sulphate of fcluemne. Quick Silver, Roll and Flowers Sulphur, Pearl Ash, Nutmegs, Mace Cilinsmon, and Cloves, Race WM. H. CRAWFORD. July 37 ' j-156 ft’ INF. montlis alter date applicatiofi will be mude to the honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when setting for ordinary purposes, for permission to sell the fallowing real estate, for the benefit of the heirs and credetor8 of the estate of N 9. Bayard* deceas ed, viz: 1 One undivided fourth of a tract of Land, con taining abuut 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Camden County, known as Plum Orchard—and an undivided fourth of a certain Tract of Land situat. d on said Island, containing about 500 acres; originally granted to Gen. Lcchland Me’. I ntosh, and bounded oil the south oy the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation called Lottery Hill situate outlie Ogeecliee Read,Jmdes from Savannah, containing about 600 acre!}. N. J BAVARD, Adm’r cst. N. S. Bayard. nov 10 211 and G eoi’gia—C11 nth am County, To all whom it may concern U / HKRBA3 Solomon sha-i, executor of Wm Gilbert,'deceased has applied t.-. the hon orable the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from his executorship aforesaid. ~ , Now. these arc Iherelore to cite and admon- •shall and singular the kindred and creditors of tin-said ’ m Gilbert deceased,'to file their ob jections,if any they have, in the clerks office of said Court oti or before the 4th day of Septem ber next, otherwise letters of dismissory will be granted and the said Solomon Shad be discliarg- edfrom ail claims whatever as .executor of the said deceased. , v Witness the honorable John Cumminp, one of tlie Justices of said Court, this fourth day of March, A D T824 r S. M. BOND, cc o: march 6 54 Ginger, Opium, Camphor, Rhubarb, Jalap, Hip- no,'Cream of (Part ar, Carb Ammonia, Refined Liquorice, Henry’s Calcined English smull and 5 25 large square Magnesia) Gum Aloes, Arabic and 00 Senegal, staple and sheet Isinglass, Manna, Sen na, Tattaric Acid,Super Carb Soda Epsom Saits Cabebs, Sealing Wax, Basket and Box Olive Oi i for'I able use, Velvet Bottle and Vial Corks. A complete assortment of S> i-euges from 24 self to the smallest sizes in boxes, oilofTar, oil of Cajt pat, Salts, &c. Sic. Lamp and Train Oils, Cpirits Turpentine, Var nishes, Gums, Alcohol. Etc. he. 100 Boxes Window Glass assorted sizes, Vials. Apothecaries’ Glass Ware. Scales, and Weights, all kinds. Forceps,Teeth, Pocket and dissecting Instruments, Thumb and Spring Lancets. Camwood, Logwood in slick and ground, Alum Copperas, Cochineal, Indigo, Turmeric, Oil Vi triol, Spirits Suits, Nihefortis, Aquafortis, Blue Vitriol. , Together with an assortment of Perfumery, Cosmetic^ Soaps, Teeth, Hair, Shaving ami Nail Brushei;, and Putent Medicines of every descrip tion. All of which will be sold low for cash, or on a liberal credit fur town acceptances. . LAY fk HENDRICKSON, ' , • , Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. july 27 156 * Superior Court-^-Chatham County. iIat.TmDi, 1824. ’ Gardiner Tufts \ s JVic/i Cruffer. O N .Motion of W W Gurdon,' plaiutilf. t Georgia—Wayne County. W HEREAS Courtney Stewart applies fur letters of administration on the estate of. James B Stewart dec These are; therefore, to cite and admonish ull and singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the 14th day • of August next otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office this 12th day of July, A D.1824, JOHN FORT, ecu w c july 15 .... 151 y- -. , Gordon,' plaintiff* At torney suggesting the death of t|ie plaintiff, and stating that the defe'idani hath r> moved out of the that scire facaias to make the ex ecutor of the plaintiff a parly, cannot be served on him—Ordered, that the defi ndant do appear bn or before the first day of the next term of this court, to shew cause if any he hath, why Elias Reed, the executor of the plaintiff shall not be made a party, und why he shall not have judgment against the said defendant. And it is further ordi red that the said rule be published once a month for three mon’hs Extract from the minutes this 7th June 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk- June 17 $m!38 . ' ’ V^BINE months after date, application will be aw mode to the Honorable the Inferior Court of llrvan County, for leave to sell all the real RICE'S TAVERN fjpHE undersigned having fitted up his HOUSE _ of ENTERTAINMENT, in a style which authorises him to say, that for convenience, comfort and neatness, it challenges its superior to be produced in any up country establishment, most respectfully solicits the patronage of a lib eral public He feels an additional pleasure in assuring sucha9 may favor him with their com pany, that along with all the good-things which the market can afford to render his board invi ting, he has adopted certain regulations, which will sucure to them the enjoy m’ent of their time, free from those intrusions and vulgarities so in cidental and disgraceful, in tlie.general, to inns of the up country. A. P. RICE. tVashington, Ga, July 1st, 1824. 03* The editors of the Savannah- Republican, GeorgiaJourjial and Augusta (institutionalist, are requested to publish tlie above once a Wees, for one month, and send their accounts to office. uly 1-3 frl50 Estate of Sarah M’KindU’y, fine of Br^an obunty dec..for the benefit of.the heirs and creditors of said estate. JAMBS BUTTER, * ’ Administrator, april 2 4o77 ■ Chatham Superior Court. Mat I K.iiM, 1824. drt EORGK JOHNSTON and others, compluin- Wunta vs Peter Vanburgh Livingston and oth ers, defendants, in equity in the Superior Courts Cliutlim County, May term, 1824 It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe* tt-r Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E. Liviiig- Bton, who are parties defendant reside beyond the state of Georgia, and within the United^ States on motion of complainants Solicitor, it is ordered that the said defendant do respectively appear and answer the complainants bill within four montiiB from the date of this rule And it is further ordered that .this rule be published once a week during four months from this date, in one of the public Gazettes of this StaLe Extract from the Minutes. . v , ' ; ' A B FANNlN, Clerk, june 8 134 I’IicaUoii wIF ' be INE months after ■>. 1.^1 made to the honorable the Judges ofthe Inferior Court of Bryan County for leave to sell nil i he real estate of Wm Cubbcdge, dec’d to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. /> ; JOHN CUBBEDGE, /Administrator. Brvan County, Jimp 17 IT: XO TICE. ersons ir.debttil to the estate of .Eliza beth Fell late ofChatham County, deceased, are requested to make immediate ’payment to the subscriber, and those to whom the said cs. a LL pe .tL beth J Ten Dollars Reward. H AN a \\ AY on the Jiittf June last, my boy' Ule * u b*Cribar,.anU those to whom the saides- Ellick. is about (6 years old, yellow com- tate is indebted are requested to exhibit their 1 .. ,, . , * , - • “ , rifimomlo rlltltr qlifllAltlinutu/I In pleclion, vuther chunky made, not very well grown, sneaks plain, tolerable pleasant counte nance uni boy was taken out of Savannah gan about the 20th of April last I will pay the a- bove reward to any person who will apprehend amt lodge said Ellick in gaol so that I get him-- knd all reasonable expcuces if they will dclivei him to me at home. Tis expected he will tr\ to lui'k about Savannah. WM. COOPER, Scriven County, Get july 6 *r.t !4fi Georgia—.Chatham (’ounty. By the liuii, the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county sitting for ordinary purposes, To all whom it may concern, W HEREAS Thomas It Price, administrator of David H. Thompson, dec, has petioned »o the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dis charged from the administration aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections, if any they have in .irty .office on or before the 16th day of Sept, next, otherwise letters dismissors wil! be grant ed to the applicant Witness the Hon. John Cumming, one of the Justices of said Court this 16th day of March, A. I). 1824 S M. BOND, c c o. march 16 26 Georgia—( Jiathani C-ounty. By the Houorabie the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County, sitting for ordinary pur poses. . ' . rt' ■ , v To all whom it may concern. tB/HEREAS av m H Green, Administrator of fv Mary Fleming, dec. has applied to «h- Honorable the Court of Ordinary, to be dis charged from the administration aforesaid. Now, therefore these are to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and credito sof ■the said Mary Fleming, dec. to file their objec- tions(ifany they have) in the Clork’s office ot said Cpurt, on or before the tenth of September next, otherwise letter dismissory will be grant ed. and the said William H. Green be discharged fr- in all claims whatever, asadministrator ofthe said dec. O Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one of the justices ofthe said Court this 10th day of March, A. D 1824. 1 S. M, BOND, c c o. march 10 57 1 Georgia—^Chatham County Notice. v VWINE months after date, I.-.hallapply to the iJNl Hon. the Justices ofthe Inferior Court of Libevty county, for leave to sell the real and personal property of William L Baker, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. TI10S B BAKER Adm’r. april? 89! By the Hon the Justices of ih< Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purposes, W HEREAS Richard R. Cuyler, executor of William Shaw deceased has petitiored the Hon. Court of Ordinary, to be discharged from his said executorship. . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindled and Creditors of the said deceased, to file tlieirdbjections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of the Court of Ordinary on or before th.- 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof: otherwise letters dismissory. will he granted to the peti tioner. Witness the Honorable Thomas N. Morel, one ofthe Justices ofthe said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. 9. M BOND, too, . julvdS 150 \ LL persons indebted to the estate of Alex ander Martin, late of Liberty coUnty, de ceased, are requested to make immediate pay. mentto >.■ • ; ' RICHARD F. BAKER, ? F _,„ WILLIAMH, aMARTIW, Si may AO demands duly autbentiented, to PE TER SHICK, F.x’or. jtllv 13 150 I INK months afterdate, a,, plication -i,i be made to the l ion the Inferior Court of Bul- Jucli county, when sitting for ordinary purposes to sell all the real and persons! iriate of Allen Denmark, dec’d, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’x. , Bulloch county, feh 28 48 VT INK months after date, application will be -x mude to the Inferior Court of Eftiligliarri County,for leave to sell ull the real propeny be- longing to the estate of*tlie late Rev Jno Bock, dec lying in said county, for the benefit of the heirs ana creditors. ; ;. ANN BECK, Administratrix, april 16 88 J ixeorgia—-Bullock (’ounty. By the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County. iMJHERF.AS Robert Burton, administrator of * v the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath applied to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration. ' -rt These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of"the said deceased, to file their objecti ns (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of tlifs Court within the time prescribed by law, other wise letters dismissory- will be granted the ap plicant Witness the Honorable Sheppard Williams; one of tlie justices of said Court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c c,p b c. june4'. *132' . - If Law Notice. \ t jlH E undersigned having formed a connection 1 .in the practice of the law, will attend to oases in all the Courts ofthe Flint Circuits, and in the adjoining counties ofthe Ocmulgee and Southern Circuits, ■ ■ OLlVl U H. PRINCE, . EDWARD D. TRACY. Reference In Savannah to C. VV. Rockwell &. Co. Macon, June 4, 1824. Jlte ^ NOTICE. V LL persons having demands against the es tate of Mrs. Jane Myers, are requested to present them duly attested, within the tinry.* prescribed by law, to tlie subscribers. THOMAS CLARK, MATTHEW LUFBURHOW, Athnhiistrators- jnlv 1-8 ***50 '■*»*'-a - .► «• ' ---*••