Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 24, 1824, Image 3

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WASHINGTON, August 14. i Russian Legatloit.-r-Achuitge made in ihb Legation from Rjissia !: United State*. Mr Klmskn, the I i.n*ellor of Legation, has been recalled and will leave the United States Le time this fall. Henceforth* Instead | Counsellor of Legation and Secretary of as heretofore, there is to be a 't and Second Secretary of Legation. MaW/tZ has received the appoint- ’ it „( First Secretary of Legation, and Shabeisky hasbeeii appointed Second ..jury. 1 he latter is not in this enun- but is expected. Baron Maltitz Has n for some years here, as Secretary of •ati'-.n. [jj r FJlisen has been in this country „, t . than thirteen years, and is jiptiy es , mM j t\,r his ihtel iigence,und hisamuble unassuming manners. it-uBh ■T I V(« red! n-l d i iMI| ancrl kft of Af put It Hi From the Augusta Constitutionalist. Some liberties have been taken with the lowing Translation and we have strick- „ut one (»• »wn passages—we hope with t injury to the production. yon TIIE CONSTITUTIONALIST. MAN AND WOM AN.—A PARALLEL. Taniiaiedfrom the German of G Schilling) Cliff young woman saves her treasures noceiice and virtue, and generally in this l( i|lpUf for mgrulitode The yuuug man throws his away like a ivy. useless burden. IV fo' iniT appears destined fur distress, t latter for Distressing. The health of he young woman ia im iretlin proportion to her ripeness of age) w tnftin-young man is increasing in the iy proportion. « • * • * * e The young man fulls. No.wonder! say. ia tvoi Ul, and he is not esteemed less by Lr.o .temporaries. The young woman falls, and by the fall ie looses her better self. She becomes irudent and bail. Commonly she quits Ik .acred cir’cle of movality forever—and •j*dearly besides for toe indelible blent- iii, by hot tea' s, by burning pains, by shame il disgrace! The mail marries and becomes innate d commander. The young woman is u tune-wile. subject to his humours, to his tsiomt, ami to his peevidihess. The fruit* of matrimony me to the wife, "p* towards lijbt grave. Nature knowing w cruelty gives to her the indissoluble Mitijf oflove towaids her children. The rlin.tlnm of her husband grows cool. He, - in full blossom of age, finis no more in de.troyed graces of hi* impaired wife, |Iiu»h or tlulating lines that charm sensuali- She perceives with pain, that the dug only att• acted him; tha; the filling ares af autumn are not calculated to ren- ir him any joy. The more he compares, the more, she has, Morality teaches him how to act the follows the voice of Ids insatiable xrt. He becomes extravagant! her dur bids her Hufle , love .od keep silence. If 'appears jea'ous, bell is opening in her, <i-.e and the wo Id (called fitiy enough, t bud,) laughs at her—pities her, at the lost, mill—pardon* the man. Shi? makes a false step, every one will a- >'<• with the insulted husband, if he tlijW* nut of doors Without shoes and cUotlii;*; ml abandons Iter io misery ami shame. He becomes an u|J mutt. Dig ity snd teem atb-hd on hiitt and his confederates mot Iii him the author uf many exploits, ' 'he grandfather uf hopeful children ; the Newtipn of his cob temporaries nccom We* him tu tee nigh grave. The wife be- hiips a matron, or a Window—who asks Mier? in almost every- circle of society die seen as unwillingly* and received as My as austere virtues. PITTSBURG, Aug. 6 U 9. Engineers. — General llernurdiiinri fpur other gentlemen, employed by the U Is. as engineers; under the act for till: in ternal improvement of the country, by cit nnls <5*c. descended, the Mouonguhela to this place .on Fiiday evening la.-i; and on Monday departed for Beaver.— 1 They in tend we understand,to examine the cod n try between Beaver, and the shore of Lake Erie, in the slate of Ohio and along the south side uf the Lnite, east, at least as far as the town uf Erie,'in this state, whence they will return to this place by French Creek and the Alleghany river,’ early in September. ■ Their surveyors, whom they left employ ed in making surveys at the head waters of Yough and Monongaheta. they expect to meet hear un there return, as also the Com* missioners Afc. employed by this state, and with them to survey the canal rout from this place to Harrisburg, by the way of the Alleghany. Juniata and Susquehaunuli liv ers. From the Alabama Slate Gazette. The republicans of Alabama are at length beginning to apt with energy. Meetings have been held in various sections of the state to promote the election ofWilliam H. Crawford, and the public sentiment expres sed with that bu!dues which becomes free men. An electoral ticket has been formed, consisting of men high in the confidence of their fellow-citizens, most uf whom have discharged important anti responsible offi ce# with zeal and ability. The history of their whole lives, is the strongest comment on the purity of their intentions. Mr F. A. Stewart received on Saturday last bills of lading and a note of consign, ment of a cargo of Onondaga salt and kelp to be shipped oil board the boat Ontario, calculated for canal and river navigation. —She is schooner rigged, and clears from the port of Syracuse (something more than three hurdred miles in the interior )for .Yew Fork, and thence to Hartford, Connec ticut. . Her cargo consists uf specimens of (lie common fine suit of Sulina, manufactur ed by'he Syracuse company. by the pro cess of solar e.aporation; and of course salt made at Boynton Rocks, by.a low de gree of heat. The kelp is also a valuable article for our market. We understand tho Ontario may be expected in a few days. Herarrivni will excite much interest and curiosity; since she is the first boat which has undertaken this species of navigation and trade, and will furnish additional evi deuce uf the immense utility of the Erie canali in supplying not only this city, but other states, with valuable articles of com merce. VV e trust the citizens <>f Hartford will bad with pleasure the artival of this vessel ♦' un the interior of a sister state, freighted with the product* of hur own soil and out own industry — fine. Tost. VBu the John Dickinson, at .Ye w. York.] (JtlKKNiM’IC, June 26rh, 1824. Our MarKet for Cotton, had the appear ance of improvement, but it has again ra ther become more unfavorable in point of ad vance in price Wo do not however an ticipate any decline—our consumption be ing very good. Rice, of middling quality 16-6 perewv. Sales l9fh to 26th June. Sea Islands, 68 bales, 1S3-4al6d S aided do 8 do (jifor the Republican ] OjTTjaLlC MKE t lN*n. A very large assemblage ol the Caprirmdgi, commonly called NighLIutwks, took place last evening, in-an airy apartment of the Exchange. The subject of the unprovoked war ,< hich bus fur sometime past been carried on against them by certain sharpshooters of the city was taken up, and after a lengthy consideration, it was u- unanimously resolved to lay their grievances be fore the public, in the hopes that they might obtain that security from their pi.y, which li.ey have betfh deprived of, in consequence of the violation of the laws. In pursuance of that res olution, they present the following resolution and remonstrance? Reiolved, That we view as an evil of great magnitude the unfeeling and unsportsman like manner in which our lives have been assailed by many eiti- sens of this community. We have been most unmercifully compelled to desert the most healthy and iiry part of the city! and to resort to its interior, where we must necessarily breathe the suffocating smoke and noxious mi-asma of our foil destroyers. Time was, when our palates were regaled with the delicious repssi of Gnats, Mosquitoes, lied Bugs, and the still greater del icacy the lizard, llut" should we continue to he deprived of our only means of silhsistencu, we pray that Council will take'hup denlontble case into Consideration and adopt sohiu speedy means for our relief. PortfewJorlf, #*** (established line) l lie packet ship (gxj> Louisa Matilda, 1-daily expected, and. will receive quick des patch For freight or passage, saving elegant accommodations apply to H ALL h. HOYT sag ‘24 168 ■ CM .i I. k S. NOTICK. v|10 prevent misapprehension and difficulty, 1 the subscriber gives notice that lie shad,-in all instances, where there is no special agree ment to the contrary, require the freight money of vessels consigned to him, to be paid in such money as the batiks of this city receive in pay ment. S. U.PARKMAN aug 24 cl 68 Prime Hams and Shoulders. PRIME HAMS in bags 1.50 Shoulders Fol- sale by DOUGLASS &. SORREL. aug24 t-168 ‘ liy J. Hi Herbert & Co. tO-M 'ltPOW,-2At!nnst at 11 o'clock; U ill be told before our SloiC, . A g* neVal assortment nf GROCERIES, ftfc Alio, Five Thinks Shoes. a 'll ’ ~ 'ferula Caslli aitg24 .168 - SHIP NEWS. PORT UK SAVANNAH. Furniture Wax. riXDIS article is highly recommended ibr the I. “ purpose of imparting an elegant gloss to Mahogany Furniture. The large and extensive Cabinet WnYe Man ufactures in the northern cities make use of this composition to give their work u beautiful pol ish A supply of this wax has been received per ship Savannah It is put up in small pots and boxes with printed directions for use, and fur sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shads buildings. aug 24 168 Ity Calvin Haktr. TO-MOuiCt'W, i.Atr, just at il o'clock, In Iron- of his atfrt-e, 2000 lbs. Bultiiiioi-c I Jains, small sizes and of a Bul'.ciior quality. aug 24 7 ... " . ~F. G1£LET& CO, orrxn roa sAua ois * nsnoAiir, (TUFTY PIECES 42 inch HlS.Mp HALt.lNti. r, Received by the ships Em|ieror, William Wal. lace, and now uindirigfrom the S -tannah, . 76 Tackages, ScHSonahle and, Wootieii Good4. Bought moktly in Jui|e nod July last, which it be sit Id at the present New. York pricct. ^ Schr Eclipse, Clark, Baltimore, 10 days, to Johnston, Hills & co. Spanish sloop Theresa, Capt Aug’s Bnriel, a bo ties. It has been found by experience to be irize to the Colombian schr Poilv Hampton, * very superior article and comes much cheaper i rom the coast of < ;uba, cargo 184 boxes sugar, thttn l,,ose kinds usually vendid in this city 14 hhds rum—put in for repairs. The quality of it is believed <o be so good, Schr Vexation, Lee, Boston, via Vinyard, 7 ds Ilk** should exceptions of any kind be made to - ’ - 'it, the money in every instance will be promtly LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shads Building. aug 21 167 from the latter. Schr Thorn, Vernard, Darien, 2 days, with I burned, cotton to J M'Nish, Johnston, Hills 8t co, and R & J Habersham, and rice to Bulloch A Duiiwuo* dy, and t* E lirassine; Spoke Spanish sloop htress, and supplied her with water, arid put a man On board to bring her into this port BAILEn TGSTSHDAT. S),ip Savannah Bet be, for New-Y-.-rk—Pas- sengers, Mrs G.iv Troup and servant, Miss Mi nis, Miss Crocker, Dr Marshall, Dr Hall, and J Henry. The Savannah, crossed the bar at 1 ’clock. Schr Magnolio, M Donald, for Matanzas. SAILKtl THIS PIlHKlVOOX, York. From the Portland Statesman. TAILORS DEFENDED .1 A Tailor, instead of being lire ninth pirt ,s fll a man, pos«easeg fhe qu ilitie* nf nine en combined in one, as will be -een fry hr following observations t 1st. \n an '-co'iomUt, he curs his coat ccurding to his cloth. 2nd. As a gardener, he is careful of cab iigr 3d. As a sailor, he shears off whenever |i is proper. 4th. As a play actor, he often brkndiish 18 a bare bodkin. 5th. Asa lawyer, he attends to many iints. 6th As an executioner, he provides sus tilers, or gallowses, for many persons. 7 ( h. As a cook, he is generally famished ith a warm gnnse. 8th. As a sheriff’s officer, he does much t sponging. 9th. Asa rationai and scriptural divine, ls great aim is to form good habits, for the lc h"fit of himself and others. No doubt the subject might be much ex etitled; but I think enough has been said P do away the opprobium, so often cast on r.; knights of the thiniblp and needle, and ‘"tiiduce the fraternity to unite and Con- 'h'lte 4 suit uf clothes to their f iend and j^'nUle Bervant, RICHARD RAGGED ALABAMA.—A public Meeting has [Jra* at Oahawba, at which the Elec fc, * icket favorable to Mr Crawford, lor [ a * ruscaloosa was approved of. L [I pears to be conceeded on all sides that fa,., ffiends of Gen. Jackson in this hi8 P r o«P*cts hopeless, they will esc, . a !L su PP° rt Mr. Crawford in prefer* r* Mr. Adutiis.~Dem Pces.l Si eacln id Im clianj ijasssl ;ludii iten f til rn ti Mrs! y.H ibes form 1 - da; Pon thf.' n. 1 ripWi. in he i" f H«' neai -weel slivc' rer to t)«! ns * iittnii Uplands, 852 (Means, 249 So American,115 Hu rats, 20 do do do do 12 1-2 834a 9 1-4 ii 9 a 678 9 1 2 10 3- Is Total, 812 Liquid Blacking. i ’HE subscriber* have received a small invoice of LIQUID BLACKING, put up in quSrt Superior Court—Chatham County. John Retan vs, > Rule Nisi. Nathan Baker j ,N the petition of Jno. Retan stating that _ ' Nathan Baker died on the first day or May 1822, the better to secure the payment of his certain promissory note of that date for the sum Pilot boat schr Ann Warm, Sisson, for New[°f two thousand dollars, payable to the said John Retail, or order, on or before the 1st day of aug 17 1.165 -a JSOTlCK. D URING my absence from this Stale Artliufe Baiu, will act as my attorney. GEORGE STOW. aug 17 >tl65 ~ JAMES SpOLES. SILK, COrfro.Y, JIXD IVOQLEJt VYRlt .9J\rij SCOURER. rpHANKFUL for past favors takes this method I nf informing his friends and the public in f uneral, that he continues the above business at ‘i*- Id stand, corner of Ray lane, and Montguin. et y street neat the Baptist Church. I.EGUURJSe CRIP, JJVV liTRAH h.rrs, dyed and drtsi. ed, Gentlemens and Ladies DRESSES rfal) kind# > yed and finished with dispatch. N B Clothes left to be dyed or Scoured can be repaired if required. - an- 17 .165 rr.ivTF.T) IMMEV lATILT % Spoke on the 2d inst. lat 35, 25, Ion 69, brig May, 1824, with interest at 7 per cent per an Pomona, 8 days Irnm Providence for, Savannah, '"tm, by his indenture, under liis seal, bearing ahiii van rniiM , nM d * te tl,e d *.V » nJ year first aforesoid, mortgaged A. or t THtsroiT, io the said John Retan, all the undivided moiety At New.Yrrk I3th inst. ship Cotton Ptent OP | ia |f ptt rt of all that lot ofland, situate, lying Gregory, 8 days. and being in the city of Savannah, and known At Providence, 11th inst. ship Rebecca, Har- ant i distinguished in the plan thereof by the * . .... _ . number one (1) Tyrconnell tything Darby ward, At. Charleston Steam Boat Hamburg. together with, the appurtenances, and further 1 he schr Mariner, arrived at Cbarles'nn from! stating that the said promissory note remains Norfolk, reports having passed on tho 13th inst} wholly unpaid, and the said mortgage in full 30 miles South of Cope Haitcras, the mast of ajforce, and praying the foreclosure of the said vessel, about 10 feet out of the water, with the mortgage. cross-trees and rigging Shortly after, passed On motion of VV. W Gordon, attorney for the several quurter casks, painted red, with iron I petitioner, it ia ordered that the said Nathan Ua- lipops, apparei.'.ly wine casks. SUBSCRIBERS TO “The Religious Library Society,” » lowing European Works are received and ... for Approaching Election. " u ’, l ^ On the first Monday in October next, the gen eral election for teveu Members of Congress, and fur Renrc-entatives to the State Legislature, will take place throughout Georgia. The fol lowing gentlemen are candidates for the sufffa- gesofthe people FOR CONGRESS. Col E. F. TATTNALL, of Chatham, Gi l ALFRED CUTHBERT, of Putnam JOHN FORSYTH, Eiq. of Richmond, Gen WYLY THOMPSON, ofElbert, Doct JuEL ABBOTT, of Wilkes. GEORGE CARY, Esq. o( Columbia, Maj. JAMES ME IHUWETHEU, of Clarke, A. G. LONGSTREET Esq. of Greene, Duct Cl IALE.* E HAY.N FS, of Clarke QCjr* Our friends in the different counties in this state will co-fer a special-favor in forward ing to us by mail, the. ruturnsof votes given for each candidate for Congress, at the ensuing e- lection. — STJTE LEGISLATURE< Senator, Wit .LIAM DAVIES. Representatives, WILLIAM LAW, ROBERT W POOLER, MOHDKCAl MYERS, JOB T BOl.LES. There is no opposition for Senator; and only three Representatives can be vfcnt. ready for circulation, viz : The London Home Missionary Magazine do F.vangelical do do VVealeyan Methodist do do Moravian do do* Baptist do do Missionary Register d<> Eclectic Review do Investigation do Pulpit 1ND, The Edinburgh Christian Instructor. EDWARD COPPEE, Librarian. aug 21 167 ker do pay into this court-, within twelve months of this date, the principal and interest due on the said note and thecostsof the said application, or in default thereof, that the equity of redemp tion of the said Nathan Baker of and to the sai>J I mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever I foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this six months before the time appointed for the payment of said money into court, or published in one of the public Gazettes of this state, at least once in every mouth, until the time ap- pointed for the payment thereof, and that such further and other proceedings be had as are prescribed by the statute in such case made and provided. Extract from the minutes this 24th May, 1824. A. U. FANNIN, Clerk mav 7 2 V apprentice for the printing business, fin?, quire at thi* office, aug 17 16® • Take Notice. ffXHF, itlanagers and Assistants of "Engines will ft. on Saturday the 28lh instant, proceed to *• lect ii CLERK AND MESSENGER. Applications be left with the Clerk on or befotfr. that day. By order of the Board. . JOIlR HAUPT, Clerk. iug 5 160 NOTICE. * (XHESE are to fore varh all persons from trad I. ir.g with or crediting of my wile Mary New ton, as I am determined to pay none of her con tincts, Also 1 forewarn persons,from harbor ing of her as 1 am determined in such case to prosecute to the extent of the law. GEORGE NEWTON aug‘il a 167 „ , . . i unacea Swaim s A fresh supply has just been i from New York, .and for sale by LAY fi HENDRICKSON, Chemists and druggists, Shad’s Buildings ALSO, A fre*h o up ply of Rudlitz and Soda. Fowders. auj,-2l i67 Superior Court—-Camden County. March Term, 1824. William Berrie ) it. S Rule Niri. John Christopher, j O N the petition of William Rerrie. statin, that one John Christopher,, of the count; 1 of Camden, being indebted to one Henry Salle or order in a note of hand, dated bt. Marys ii, said county, on the 9th October 1822,,in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, payable with intbrost from the date on the first day of January then next ensuing, did mortgage to the said Henry his heirr and assigns, to secure the payment of F a.L. -1— -.A. .,«!iL inlAtuifli lKa unma ex f this ..elebi ated Medicine the note aforesaid with interest on the same—a received per ship Savannah, certain lot of land in the town aforesaid being . ,. —partof lotNo. 1, begining at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Calvin Hayes, thence run ning south 100 feet on St Marys Street, thence north to Bryant St. thence east to C Hays’ line, thence south to the beginning, wilhtbe margin attached to the same on the south side of St Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet on the street and running,fi*im thence directly to the- if™ ' | river 8t Marys, together w.ith ail and singulai I? in ‘Ro. every thing thereto appertaining—that the said A NEGRO MAN, about thirty years of age,] Henry Sadler, to wliom and to whose heirs and —A prime field hand. I assigns the said mortgage was made on the 26th of Sept, 18 3, duly assigned by deed, said mort* aug 19 166 I gage to the petitioner, that there is now due on f jvliftEE^miontlisjifter date Application wilfb'e|»aj d mortgageAhe sum of Five Hundre^ Dollan SHINN'S PANACEA. J UST received per brig F.-ances from Philad elphia, a fresh supply of Shinn’s celebrated Panacea. Apply to WM. C. CUTHBERT, Agent., at the Drug Store of Dr Delaroche opposite the Exchange, or to * GF.O, HYERSON, w Corner of Bay and Wliiiaker-s reeta. aug7 lfei ■ . ...—. . i 4S»f Bt authority. : |/ AN ACT. T O revive, amend, and continue in force aa act entitled an act, to extend the time of ta« king out grants on surreys made oil head right* and bounty warrant*. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmt*e of Re presentatives of the state of Georgia, in ti-vicraf Assembly met; and it is hereby enacted Ky me authority of the same. That where, any person or persons bave)berelofo:« had surveys oiwie on. bead rights, bounty warrants and grants thereon have not been obtained; it shall and may he 1 law* ful for such person or per.aons to apply for and obtain such grant or grants, at any time pre vious to the 35tii of October, 1824, on payment! of the usual fees. Sec 2 And be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, That whore any surveys have heretofore been made on head rights oi bounty warrants, and grants thereon have hot been ob tained, such land shall not be Subject to a re- survey until three months from and after the person or persons claiming Under the original survey shall have been notified that such re-sur vey is intended to be made, and that in all cases, tne person or persons Claiming under the origi nal survey, ahall be entitled to the preference of making such re-survey, until the expiration of three month's from the time of such -notifica tion i and in the event of there belli*; no claim ant residing on or near the land to be thus re* surveyed, such notice shall be perfected by glv. made to the Planters Bank of the state od with illterest froni t,le 1st January 1822, and years, and that all such persons shall he allowed i-gia.for the payment Of a Bank note,No 359, (praying for the forclosure of the equity of re- one year after they arrive at the age of 21 yearst Georgia,for the payment of y . , , „ .- ... letter A;for one hundred dollars, dated 1st Feb.|nemption,. in the Said John Christopher, his 1819, signed Geo Anderson, President, and J heirs and assigns in the mortgaged premises and Marsliall, Cashier, payable at Savannah to Tho-1 that* the same be toreclosed according to law. ! mas Gardner, or bearer, the right hand half of On motion of Belton A Oopp, Attorney for pe- ■ m—In Woodstock, V.. Mr. Uaniec Gf.Tz, aged 65, to Miss Ann Futman, aged 15, The son of i lie groom had previously married a sister of, the bride. DlF-D-i-In Madison ou the 22d July, Dr. Mar cus D. Erwin; a native of North Carolina, and for some years pa9t a citizen of Morgan county, ill this state. — In -Providence after a protracted illness, which he bore with manly fortitude, Ebenkzbr K Dexter, Esq. Maishal of the Rhode Island District, in thp bid year of his age. the note being losti july 20 fj-3ml53 SAMUEL WRIGHT: Just Received, iana assigiio-ic nun. iusuv« ivniutr imcviuini iFTEEN THOUSAND lbs Bacon Hams war- L nc ] t h a t such other proceedings take place- as nnntarl l?uti Cnlb hv I . , . it .... .. - * * titinner, it is ordered that the principal and in terest due > n the said mortgage together with the costs of his applicants be paid into this court within twelve months from this nate, otherwise th t the equity of redemption of the said John' Christopher his heirs executors, administrators and assigns he from thence forever fo-.eclosed I? ranted, aug 17 FOrSl ^UDRV&riBRBBRT. l«re Pursuant «0.the statute, 1.165 NOTICE. JpRRSONS having business with the subscri-j Court scribers will please to call on Mr Joint P. Setze. G. BRE1TTMAYER & CO. nuglj nl63 And it is further ordered that this rule be published in One of the Gazettes of this state u least once a month fur twelve months to the time appointed for.the payment of said money into A true extract from the tnintites. ' JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, 16 th March, 1824 ing three moi at the Court nUis Hoi s notice, by public advertisement; ouse of the county where such land may lie, and in one of the .public Gazelles of this State. Sec 3 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of all surveyors who shall make any such re-sUrvey, to certify on liis return to the surveyor General, that due notice according to the provisions of this act had been given, and no grant obtained on such re-survey shall be va lid, unless accompanied witli such certificate i Provided, nothing in this act shall affect the rights of orphans or persons under the. age of 21 to take out their grants. Sec 4 And h€ it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to cause this act trt be published in one of the newspapers in Mil- ledgeville, AUgusta and Savannah, once in each month, until the expiration of the time appoint ed by the same for taking out grants. Sec 5 And be it further enacted, that ail law*, and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House of.Hepresentatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senates Assented,to, Dec. 2, 1823. G.M. TUOUP, Governor. 0C/“ The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov. next, in the “Constitutionalist” aijjj ! “Savannah Republican.” parch 10 ' ,