Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 26, 1824, Image 1

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I SAVANNAH BEPUBIJCAH. No. 108. ...Vol. XXII. 7WB.mir KrEmni, Amuar so, mat. ' w Wholfe No 44sS. EXECUTOR OF Francis Jalinean. . i f persons having «") . m..u ,l BUgalhsi the 1 'estate of B anew J»lii>ertU, net are request- Li.,.deliver them to. proven' mtested, on or firretUefirst dsy of October next All ac- r ,ti|,„t presented previoua to >ba na>, will Vicfused payment by the U.ule^.ed ^exectl [juy 10 149 - [Georgia—Oharhani Comity. , Y, Ilun. lhe.liist.<:c- I lo: lutein,r Onurt, Luiigfor onlm ny purposes l o id' who it may enneerin Whereas, John Dill”, ndim is’rator if Pd j Llitlun, lute .f Chatham county die. has Liilioned the Mon .am. t W ordinary, t» be dis- Wired from his said sdnlimstraty n Nm\v ilies'; aietlie'.efure to cite and admnn- ih ali ami StbKUlai the kindred and creditors f the said deceased, to fi.e their objections (if v ihey have,) t« the (fronting of letters dwinisf ; petitioner, In the clerk’s office, «. ■ UK | Court of Ordinary, on Of before the !; hlU V v f December uexi ensuing, otherwise r , 'dismissory will be granted to the peti- Whites* the Hon. John Cumming, one of the jidces of the said opurt, this ilth day of June, " 18 ‘ 4, S. M BON’D, c c o. I 1 3f ieorgiu— i iWrty County. ( V i'.i ju.'i ltak«r, o', vk of tne Court ot O.di nary lor the county of Liber y. Wheivtt William lavt,B»q applies to be di, i-stilf-oni bis aimi .i- irainin on tbe estatWof ,vis Ca.trr, in c of sam county, dec These are therefore to cite aiid admonish ali 'Kimsconcerned to file tb'-tr Objections (ifsny . have) in my office, within the time preseri ilbv law i or otherwise the said applicant will disn issed fro.-.. Ins said ailnnnistru ioie given under no liand and seal, this 3d day of m, A. D 18 4. • ’ • K. B . mav 11 ! 'I* _ . . . .. M> 3. hiti Dyspeptic Pills. PRF.PaiE BY .1 J.vMKS, NK ..YORK I iK)Il 20 years past the subscriber bus suffered 1 continually from a costive hud 1 ., wtiicli lias been a,great pnft of tbe ime accompanied by severe Iteadach. lie lias made known bis corn- Ueorgia—Chatham County. t o all whom it may concern W HEREAS Solomon -hit , executor of Win l.ilbert, deceased Ims applied t. the bun* ot-able the Court of Ordinarv to be disci.argen from his executorship aforesaid Now. these are therefore to cite and admoi. severe ueauacn. tie nas made Known ins corn- n ii _ j ... ... , . .— Plaint to several cmi.ien phy Manus, wi.ho... ex fl? '* periencing any lientfil from tlieir prescriptions- , ip .. . e | * 1 o1 ’* in the month If December i*«. bSconJg se„ ,, oiglU —( ItllliiHill •,, tatdiru. the Jlisti « I ill. Inf nor CoUt si te g,tin ordinary pm poses! ?H RK •. s Linus I* S .e administrator of ' Siirairue Tailor, deceased, lia petitioned .mine Court >f Ordinary to be discharg- fmiu fiis ss'ul administiaiionslup Inseare therefore to <cite md aJicotiish ah singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased, to file their objection! (it and , navel in the oh'Oi nf'lhe clerk of the Court Inlinary. on or before the 13th dayot Janiia next eiiHU.r.g tbe date horti.f; otherwise na dismissory will be granted to the appti- nness the honorable Thomas N, Viorel one it Ju ticca of the and Court this l3t*o day ot , \. J). one tlmusanU eight hundred and niy four. S. M. BOND, c c o. !v 13 150 becoming •msly alarmed, by the regular but eonstant in crease of the disorder, lie ns. iiVluced to com mence the use of the above named pilii, winch were liigbly recnmm. nded as a n medy in his complaint.—He began to take them with very little confidence us to their,efficacy, anil under the expectation that lie ahomd not be able to give them a fair tria’, as his stomach, Heretofore, had rejected every kin l of medicine Another circumstance whicn taught him to expect very ti tle benefit, was tliu’ he uad found it necessary al 'Ays to uke more than an ordinary dose of any''utburtic, before it would produce (tie desir ed effect, lie, however, commenced taking two of the pills, as directed, every evening for twen ty days, ■> Mtout experiencing any considerable inconvenience, or perceiving any benefit from them. He was then directed to increase tiie number, u til some degree of nausea was pro duced t the dose was accordingly increased un til iie took six pills every Evening i they soon, began to act as u gentle and perfect iaxa.ive; the dose was diminished in the same gradual manner in which it iiad neen increased, and it n> now forty days since a very obstinate and dis tressing complaint has yielded tu this mild plan of treulmeiit. The subscriber does tii&fefore, unsolicited, most cheerfully recommend the anlt-dts ieptic pills to those who may have suffered like him self i and he avails Inmseti of this method to as sure them-, that from no other treatment has he experienced such perfect relief N .HUM RICE. From the above certificate no doubts can ex ist tn the minds of th afflicted, as to die irility and value of this remedy. Many persons in tins, city mid its vicinity have been relieved from dis- ., xsing dyspeptic symptoms by its use. It is .■ recommended us a cure, all but to tnuse di seases appertaining to dyspeptic only \ fresh supply just received per Wil iam Wa - l«cfe and for sale by LAY JlKNUIUt.K ON,. Agents. aug 12 163 dWlN- t.imibs after <tua a, , iicMtit/o iii M made tn the iJf'uqt’ubie tin. Justices of tlu- I. lerior Court of.ChaV.itm Count, tor leave to sgball that Lot in .'liivumiab known by the No one, Kllis square, Decker Ward, with the im provements tliereou: And ail that Lot iii Savan nah known by the No tw> nty-three,in x ibi rlv Ward, with i||« Buildings thereon—..eing the real estate of John Smith, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 [ieorgia—Chatham< ounty 1 .,aii whom i may coiceju. 7 'lKWEVS Ho m.s’I’npi-er has applied to the .ion. the • nurt .1 Ordinary ofOliat |i, ootv-ty, for letters of administration on tin at'- and effects of I Itetn is C Ijiiywanl, late •<! Iwmah, im rchaet, dec’d in bvliatl of the credi liese are therefore tb cite and admonish all li gulurthe kindred and creditors ol tin- he i used, to file their objectioi. (if any tin y ;)iu tiie granting of tbeadmiiustralion ofihe U of the sod deceased to the applics'ii in tin. rk’s Office pf'ihe said Court on o icf re twenty ninth itny of August next; c' erwise BKi.faomimHtration wiii be grantee itness '.lie Hon. • liomas N More me of Justices i-f«lie snid Court, the ninth of July, A D 1824. S VI o. Iv.:9 157 iii , "i,., a oo 7<l\ -be tioi. hr Justices ot t e Inferior Court, sitting for mry poiposts. To ail whom it may concern, Itereas Robert Tuylor,admi .istrator of Win ii'.lcy, late of Savannah, merchant dec. has tinned to the honorable tin court of Ordum i bed.sctia'ged uotn his said administration fuse are tbe ref .re lo cite and admonish ad singuiai the kindred and creditors ot the leo.-ased, to file their objections, (if any have) in the clerks office of the said court, iTbethre tile 8th day f December next; rtvifje letters dismissory will be granted lo n-tit toner. itness the Honunible J".hn P. Williumsoi., t>f the ,1 listiees of tiie said court, this 8th day me, A D 1824. S M BOND, c co, ne 8 134 Executor’s Notice. J< persons having demuncs against the estate of the late Hugh M'Call, K..q. decM requested to bund them in for payment, ana 2 indebted to the estate will please make sdiate payment, ETHOS \1‘CALL, ? PHILIP BKASCH.S ly 13 150 •'■tllltilA—Chutimm Coiinty--To all whom 1 t may concern. Whereas Alexander M. i l,| i'. admiuistiator »f John Scolt, deceased, l petitioned the Honorable the Justices of the M»r Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to Vischurged from his said administration. [“w these are therefore to citi: and admonisl '<1 singular the kindred aucrciediturs of the .'teceased, to file tlieir objections, .if any J','*vc) in the Clerk’s office, of 'he Court P'Oary, on or before the 6th day of Decern- L ne *l; ctiierwise letters of dismissory will puled. Vhiess the honorable Edward Harden, one W Jus*dc-« «.f rue said Court, (he 3th day of J' D. 1824. . S. M. BOND, o c o. 106 I'M. j'ersnns indebted to the e» utc ..I '<-X- “nuer Martin, late of Liberty coun y^ih - f^t'j’ are l '°q ue sted to make immediate pay- ay 10 RICHARD F. BAKKK, WILLIAMH. MAUTIN, 5 r8. Law JSotice. riffiF. publican inf..lined that tiie Subscribers QL have located and funned a connexion ii Jacksonboro, Sci'iveii County, i.a Where on- of them may at all times be found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. They pur pose to attend the several courts of ihe several Counties Scriven, llnrke and Jefferson—als > those of Richmond, Warren ami Emanuel. They lir.-pe by close application, and a due attention to the business of tlieir profession, to merit and receive a share of the public patronage Bu- iness c,.nli led to tinir care will be thankfully received and punctually .u tended to JAMES B LB’VIS JO -IAllS PATTERSON, mnv 2 ’ 120 Unttlts, Corks, Drugs, ^c. &c. S UPERIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles, Oxygm Chamber and Pocket Lights, Wax Tapers great variety ) Pure Calcined Mag. nesia, Arm Root, Cream Tartar, Starch, B.n- som Copaiva, Sait Pet re, Itoiten Stone &c. &c. lave been received nr Win Wallace, and tor sale by LAY tit HENDRICK "ON, Chemists and Druggists, Congress corner of Whitaker sts. Shad’s Building. auRtJ'2 164 iSherifT’s Sales continued. ® N the first Tuesday in, will be sold before the C. url House in the City of Savannah between the usual uoursof lOaiid 4 o’clock. O' e negro fellow, named Joe, levie d rn un der a fi fa on furerlosure i- fav,,r of Davis & Ber rien aeairst Joseph C. Habersham. Also, lot No 24. Elbert ward, i' the rity of Savannah, with the buildings thereon, levied on un ier a ii fa on foreclosure as 'lie property of PJ Votlaton, to satisfy Mary Lewden Also, ail that southern half part of Lot No 6, Belitha Tvthtng, Hcathcote ward with the im- orovements theri ou, bounded north by a lane, east by an adjacent lot, south by South broad street, and west by Barnard street, levied on under aforeclosure of a mortgage from George L. Cope, to Wm Whitfield. ISAAC!) I.YON, so c. aug 14 164 Superior Court—Chatham County. Thomas F Purse lx all "1 Complainants and )» IN EQUITY. Richard R Cuyler, ex’r W m Shaw, deceased. J ( N this case, on the sugg. stion in the defend ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties to this bill, lesidmgin Scotland, claim to be en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Wm Shaw, deceased, and oi motion, it is ordered that all persons concerned do ap pear before tbe Superior • Court of Count in the term of January next, then and there to establish such their claims j aiid in de- faii't thereof, that the undivided estate of tbe said Wm Sivtw. be distributed among ihe com pluiuants agreeably tsf the decree of said Cour and that this rule be published once a month until tbe expirution thereof. Extract from tiie minutes this ftli day of June, 1824. ' ' A, B. FANNIN, Clerk. jnne 17 4x138 said Court on or before the 4th day of .Septem ber next, otherwise letters of dismissory will be granted and the said 'volomon Shad be discharg ed fmin all claims whatever as executor of the said d* '.eased. Witness the honorable John Cumming, one of the, Justices of-aid Court this fourth day ol March, A. D 1824. 9. M BOND, cm march 6 54 Superior Court—Chatham County. Mat Team, 1824. Oa-diner Tufte is Nich Vrarer, i kN Motion of W W Gordon, plaintiff . At- “torney, suggesting the death of the plMintiir and 8!a Iffg that the defendant hath removed out of the state,so <lia' icire facaiae to make the ex ecutor of the plaintiff* a party, cannot be served on liim--Ordered, that the bef nduni do appear on or before ihe first day of the next term of this court, to shew canae if any he hath, why Elias Rccd, the executor of tiie p1«iutiff* shall not be made a party, and why lie shall not have lodgment against the said defendant. And it is further ordered that the said rule be published once u month for three months Extract from the minutes this 7th June 18 ’4. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, jnne 17 §mI38 NOTICE. \ | It Wll .LI \ M I U It x EU, having aligned 10 'he subscribers all his stoc* in trads, kins, Svc in behoof of bis creditors generally, * ••t’Cquesteu that those indebted make ini me late payment, and those having claims will • ■ a-t- render ilic.m to Mr i liomas Miller, who s appointed tlieir agent to dispose of the stock, inch comprises a g* neiu' assortment of Seasonable Dry floods, and will dc s uit, vviinicsale or in revaii, at verv -educed prices, lor cusii only. J v.MKS M'HENRY, JOHN H REID, OKUIIUE uEt.Ell,- Assignees of Wm Turner. apnl 14 86 in ci \ins. r HE stock of Dry Goods, which formerly be longed to Mr William Turner, is uow sel ling off’at nrice.i much uniter coil. Npril 16 88 ipo uhs al'ci date, apiilicatioii will be «&'lmode t 'the IT uu rabU- the Inferior Court of Brvan Countv a for leave to sell all the real Estate of Sarah M’Kihdl.. y, la'e bf Bryan county dec.-fir the benefit of the heirs anrt creditors of said estate. JAMES BUTLER, Administrator april 2 ^»77 Georgia- l lmlliain bounty. By tin- u ii i lie Jiutices of tiie Inferior Court ol said county sitting for ordinary purposes, To all whom H umy cotfcern, n 7HEREA8 Thomas R i'rice, administrator of David II. Thompson, dec. has petioi c ■ o the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to he dis charged from the administration aforesaid Now these are therefore to cite and admonisl. altaiul singular the kindred and creditors of lie said dee to file tlieir objections, if a y they have •ii my office on or before the l6tl> day of Sept- next, otherwise letters dismissors will be gram oil to the applicant Witness the lion. John Cumming, one of the Justices of said Court this 16, Ii day of March, a U 1824 S M. BOND, c c o. march 16 26 .V otice. ITNilNE months after tl.i.i . I ■ hall apply to the Hon the Justices ofihe Inferior Court ol I,iDeny county, for leave 10 Sell the real and personal property of Wilh.ioi L Baker, dee. for he benefit oi* tbe heirs and creditors TI10S B BAKER Adm’r. anvil 7 *89 Regimental Orders. \ N Election is hereby ord«.ren tube held m Wednesnny tin- t«.t of Septkio 'er next, h the Engine louse in Reynolds Square, for i Captain, to command tbe 4th company of the l,t Regim-r.t t he poll will be opened at 9 o’clock A M under <he Miperintewlance of the petsons deslgwed bylaw. By order Coi. Mahshall. M. W. STEWART. Adjt. 1st Regt. aug 17 t!65 United States, ,District of f Georgia. LY THE DISTRI- T OUttT, August Tkrm, 1824. ! ’HE following persons having been drawn and summoned to serve as (fraud and Petit J irorkat said Court, having 'ailed to attend—It ■s ordered th t they be fi ed according lo law, unless they shall make sufflcien' excuses, on ■ath to the Clerk, on or before the 2d Tuesday in November next Grand Jurors.-—Archibald Smith, Frederick S Fell, J P Henry, George Gord J seph Habersham, Ja nes Hunter, Robert Habersham, Charles Kelsey, Alexander Telfair, Benjamin Burroughs. Petit Juron,— Wm P. Clark, C. H. Hayden, John G.ihben, Reuben G. l aylor, and John F FraseK Ext act from the minutes. GEO GLEN, Clerk. aug 14 ol64 Georgia— ulloch County. B Y Ely K nor .y, Clerk of the Court of Ordi nar\ for the County < f Bulloch, ■^WnuiiEAS Elisha Garbetthath applied to me for I, iters of administration on the estate of John Rhodes, dec’d. 'These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, 'o fiie their objections if any they have in my office, on or before the first Monday in September next, otherwise letters will be grant ed to the applicant, ELY KENNEDY, coo. aug 7 161 * NOTICK. O RDERED that an Election do take place at the G urt House on the first Monday in September next for fourteen Aldermen to re- preseutthe City of Savannah in Council^ two or more justices are requested to preside at the said election: the City Sheriff, Marshall, and Ci ly Constables are required to attend and pre serve order Extract from the minutes. M. MYERS C C> I aug 7 16*y The ! J . nprirt ”- oF the The Temple of Fashion. | | AS the pleasure of informing y,e public I generally, that be still continues t. carry on _ carry l. i usiness, \o. 226, King street, opp > iite the Farmer i Hr e,. Wig# and Ornamental Hair manufactured on the m st improved principles. Patent Elastic Springs, so judicious!, arrang ed that they may defy the roost accu observa tion to discover the slightest possible shade in tne c.’or. Likewise Gentlemen's Toupees, commonly olleil Scratches, with silver and still springs, atitre being in every case Ins only guide. He also has the ple.asure to inform the public that lie has become the agent of Tuomas Quirk, Wig Maker of New-York, and will constantly keep for sale his Ladies’ and Gentlemens, Hre- inn Grouped Wi gs. All oi ders and measures enclosed to 226 King street, will be attended to with punctuality and lespaich . It. Just received by the ship Niagara, a general assortment of HAIR WORK of the la- WM fashion. Gentlemens’ Huir Cut and Dress- d in most recent London and Parisian modes, A general assortment oi PERFUMERY for ale at all times at Hie above establishment.— Those persons residing at a distance who have r-fv orders it this establishment, are hereby in formed, that they are generally ready for de livery. EDWARD CARRY. (E/* The editors of the Savannah Repuhdcan, Augusta Chronicle, and ColumbiaTelesc ipe, are r. quested to publish the above once a week for ee weeks, and forward their accounts to No. 2 vet. Charleston, aug 12 163 Treasury Depatlmeik JUN 24th, 1824) NOTICE is hereby to the pi >|umon4 of the six per cent st ck of 1813 loan of j^l6 000,000, mu) Io!n of &7,500,000, that books will be opened at the Treasury of the United .MHttfs. and at the several loan offices, on the firs? (lay of J'ttiy next, to Continue open until tig fir-tduy of October thereafter, for receiving subscriptions for such parts of said stock as shall, on the day of subscription, stand on the books ofihe Trea sury, and on those of tlifc loan offices respective ly, pursuant to the provisions of the actr.fUon- gress passed the 26tii of May, 1824, entitled * an act to authorise the Secretary of tiie Treasury t" exchange u mock bearing an interest of our and a half per cent for certain stocks beariugan interest of six per cent.” The subscription may bi* made by the propri etors of the stock, either in person' or by their attorneys duly authorized to subscribe and rans- fer it to the United States. The certificate* ar- ■<> he surrendered at the time of making the subscriptions. WMi H. CRAWFORD. July 27 fl 5 5 V INK months an, r Rate application will be N made to the lion • a Vthc Inferiur Court of Chatham County, when sett ng for 6 dinary purposes, for permission to sell the fb.lowwg leal estate, for the benefit of the heirs and credetors of the estate of N. 8. Bayard, deceas ed, viz: One undivided fourth of a tract of Laud, con taining about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Camden Count), known,is Plum Orchard—and an undivided fourth oi a certain Tract of Land situated on said Island, co iiainiug about 500 acres, originally granted to Gen. Lech land Mc’- Notice. 5 LL persons having demauds against'the ea rn tate of Owens Jones, deceased, w id present m m duly attested within the time prescribed by .aw, and those who are indented will make pav- '■ent to GKO. W. OWENS, Adm’r. o. t 4 juiy 27 at!56 Georgia—C hatham Comity. t> the Houorabre tbe Justicis of uie Iiitvrioi Court of .aid County, sitting for oflmary pur poses. To all whom it may concm u. \\[ f| EREAS vv m H Green, Ad nmistrator nt Tv Mary Fleming, dec. lias applied to th Honorable tbe .Court of Ordinarv, to be dis charged from the administration aforesaid. Now, therefore those are to cite md admon ish all and singular the kindred ami credito e of lie said Mary Fleming, dec. to fiie tlieir objec i ms (ifsny they have) in the Clerk’s office ,0 ud Court, on or before the tenth ofSeptcmb, . ■ xt, otherwise letter dismissori will he grant- d. and tiie said William II. Gr^en bedisebaig d f- m ali claims whatever, usadministratorofthe said dec. Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one f the Justi-es ofthe said Court this 10th day of larch, A D 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. march 10 57 I ntosh, and bounded on the south oy the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation called foR-vy Hill situate on the Ogeechee Road, 3 mile! from Savannahs containing about 600 acres. N.J BAYARD) Adm’r est. N S. Bayard) nov 10 211 3 A Chatham Superior Court G Mxt Tzbk) 1824. EORGE JOHN8TON and Diners, co, .milk ants vs Peter Vanburgb Uvifgstdn and oth ers, defendants, in equity in the Superior Courts Chatlim County, May term, 1824 It appearing to the Court bl affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgb Livingston am! Harriet B, Living- ston, who are parties defendin' esid • he< md the state of Georgia, and within the - .d states on motion >>t ciiiiipi«i a is sour or, iti ordered that the said defend* t do ri ic ivel# appear and answer the complainant- . 1 within four months from the date of this rule And is further ordered that this rule b« published once a week during four month-t om this datcu in une of the public Gazettes of r ; 8 State. ^ Extract from the MihuteS. A. B. FANNIN, Clerks june 8 134 • Avj 1NE mo His after usie iIpplicMlimi win be I N made to the honorable the Judges of the Inferior Cout t of Bryan County for leave to sell all ihe real estate of Wm Cubbedge, dec’d to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. JOHN CURBF.DGE, Administrators Brvan County, June 17 I$8 Georgia—Chatham County. l\ the Hon the Justices of ih'- Inferior Cour' sitting for ordinary purposes, ‘.BREAK Richard R. Cnyler, executor -f William Shaw deceased has etitim ed 'in- Ion Court of Ordinary, to be discharged from lus said executorship. These are therefore tb cite and admnhisti nil and singular the kindred and creditors of tlu- md deceased, to file tlieir objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of ihe Court of Ordinary on or tietore the 13ih day of January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise ielters dismissory will be granted to the peti. lioner, W itness the Honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this X3lh dm ol* July, A. D. 1824. 9. M BOND, c c o. julv 13 150 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on toe 9 b mst. a negro man wlm says hi* name is Sum, son and that he belongs to Capt Arnold of Bryan County, Georgia, ami that he rauaway about three weeks ago, he is 5 feet llj inches high, and about 30 years of ago JOHN I. DEWS,ic c. aug 12 163 NO i ICE. * LL persons indebted to the estate ol I'liza- » beih Fell late ofCliatham County,’ deceased) are requested to make immediate payment toi the subscriber, and those to whom the said es tate is indebted are requested to exhibit theii# demands duly authenticated, to PEI ER 8HICK, EX’or. inly 13 150 IjJBINF. month* alternate, aoptlpstmik wdi bek made to the lion the Inferior Court of Bui- loeii rounty, when >itting fo^ordinary purp< Se8 to sell all the real and personal estate of Allen Denmark, dec’d, for the benefit ofthe hei'sancl creditors. ROBERT BU.iTON, Adm’r, M.\Rt DENMARK, Adm’x. Uullocit county. feh 28 48 INF. months after Ja e. application will be N made to the Inferior Court of Kffingl.ait) Eounti ,for leave to seltall the real pfepei-iy be* longing lo the estate of*the late Rev Jno Beck, dec lying in said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ANN BECK, Administratrix. april 16 88 'Jeorgia—Billlock County. By the Honorable the Coun of Ordinary of said County , K’HEU''AS Robert Bui-ioh,- administrator of* ■ V the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath applied to Hie said Court for letters dismis&i ry trom said administration. - These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tbe said dec used, to file their object*! ns (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of this Court within the time prescribed by law, ether ise letters dismissory will be granted the ap- •« icarit Witness 'he Honorable Sheppard Williams, one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, ccobo. * june 4 *132 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 29tn July iasta dark mu latto man who says his name is Kllick, and that he belongs to the State of Georgia, and is employed on the Ocmulgee River, and that he rauaway about one month ago, he is 5 feet 7b in ches high and about 25 years > f age jJOIINI DEWS, zee aug 7 l6l Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on die 15 h iust. a negro man who says his name is Harry and that he belongs to Josephus Love of Green County, Georgia, and that he ranaway from him near Warrington a- bout the fifst of June, he is 5 feet 9 j inches high a ad about 35 years of age. JOHN If DEWS,**.!. kUjl? i * Law Notice. r JMIE undersigned havn,?fi rmed a Connection « in the practice of the law, Will attend to cases iii all the Courts ofthe Flint Circuits, and in the adjoining counties of tbfc Ocmulgee and Southern Circuits, OLIVER t.‘. PRINCE, EDWARD D. TRACY. Reference in Savannah to C. W. Rockwell 84 Co. - Macon, June 4, 1824. ■ jpll 3 14c fl*HE Fu; appi! e ', mat Hie -mbscviin*}' fi. has titles t< one half uf a 5b acre tract of Land on White Bluff’, adjoining his,- and land lately John Poullen’s, now John Morrill'*) and for which the Admir.istratix ot the late Jus. Boyd, applies to tiie court tor leave to sell as part of that estate—hi- titles are of prior date, and of record All persons ave forewarned not) to purchase or. respass t-n the nrfcinisvs R.F. W1U.IAMB, june »—&rl38