Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 31, 1824, Image 4

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prBr.T^ SA.T.ES. • tty Sheriff's Sales, tin thr fir'll Titettiag in September, nett, tiff sold before the Court .1 luusc in ’ lie W r.jiv of Savannah, between the usua fib and4o’clock , ... nutldfoga ou Lot M<> 40. Warren ward, m t» •vn\ . y in. Ati iiay of 4/will be mid at the Court houiie Oetwceu the 4 f-avartnahi with the unexpired leaSe, It . ,U J as the property..fCharles It avdcn, to tit sty sver»' executions issuing from the II *a T i n DU... . in ,l Mi/oh Anil TV * Jgu- t;ourc "t Common Pleas amVoyev and T. mine f »r the OjtJ oftavannah viasJno P set*.-, doti I* Will'minaon,Charles W Rockwell, Mtm e t* i yinio, and John » B< rthelot’s, execution for r'.'-.f against Charles II Maytlqn. ),, t N»7 Tower Tv thing Decker ward con- taint r 60 IVet front and 9u feet deep levied ji-i at ihe p nperty bttheesUdcof Mathew McA lister dqc'd. to satisfy ah execution in fator . W.n Hi dirv; and others, against M H M'Alliste: tx’hr. of M*Allis' tfr, dec. ?;• »i, -dry articles of Hoiisr.holnnml Kitchen rtt nfture, levied «.* as the property of James Dirk t o satisfy an execution iofa'vov qf Hen Burroughs and in (avor »if Jdhn l5rihhi'i foe rent. . ’.lildi'tgs on half lot Vo.B* o>Vlquarter lot V>> 9 U'gbv T thing Decker ward, Vvied on ss th property of Louis Girodtm to satisfy Thorn.'- Gibbons on two executions fur ground rent A small wooded building on lot Mo l", labcrtj wai-d, levied on as the property in Daniel ' Bm* or to satisfy an execution in favor of G< < Glen for grout'd rent. A D’LYON, oci, •7 161 .. tout* uf-iO and 3 odock Three negroes tbe property of the estate of Charles IL i’ebeau, t .gether with a horse, sail i>oat|. and doutde barret gun— sold bv order of ij urt, hi pay the fuucial expeiices and expence float Illness. ' F. 13. TEBEAU, ‘e , .Administrator. jnly 22 IS4 ' > City Marshal's Sale. \N then. SI, uesday in September next, will y he sold brfore the Court House in tile City daVannab, between the usual hours of Bale. One billiard lYble, wilh the cues aud ma. es attached to its levied On as the property of Nes MiTJ ^ht‘riff’9 sales. O N the li stTo. day i .s,- umber next, will. he rdd at thf court house in the city id Savannah, between the usual hours of ten and .four o'clock . The eastern moiety nr half n*rt of ’.J»t No (6. Bis l i nks Tv thing Pm-eival ward in the city t Savannah, witHlmurovements thereon late th prorem of Grace Lyon deceased, now levieu «o afc the oroptity of Henry lypii to satisfy an. xe- Cur'nn in favor o* James Dixon. Five .iegfoes via: 1oe, Maris, Henry, Robert ■n i London, levied o-t as the pronery of W A don e, to satisfy an executionJjn favor of thv administrator of BattJo.'et, deceased- tine undivided <igh . if two undivided- third- ef all that wharf LotNo (8) eight id the citv < t Savannah, Darby wa d, commonly called lute wh. rf, levied <m as the propertv of Thomas Rice to satisfy an execution jn favor of Wm IJ <• rS»- . ... A quan ity /'f new Cabinet Furniture levied on as ilie proper y of r.eofge Stow to satisfykn ex tout ion in favour of Ge orge_M Wallbilrg. . A negro man named turn .ton'levied on as thi property of the estate >f F^njn CA kbh to ;*k • tisfV a" etocu ion from a Justice, Cenrtiu far x Thomas Dowell fc .-<> against Jan.cs drown administrat r, and Elvira Hrnwn admimstrabi.v of Fleming Akin dec’ll, turned ove- by a cousin ble. A negrhman named Georg levied on aa tin. property of I’rincc Candy, to satisfy an execu- tion i:. f.ivor.of Peter Duringer, turned over by i const nble Lot No (lb) ten Spring Hill containing five a. ores moreor less, in Chath .m County.levied™ o r ttie property *>f the estate of Catherine I lal. t stine dec’d, u* aU'sft an execution in favor of Samuel Loper against TV Gray, sdm’r of Cathe rine Hartstine, dec’d A negro giV’ named Marian, levied on under an attaci.inei'-t from th Hon the Superior Court of thru ham County,'In favor of John giii..,t w m J Andrews. hikes a- 161 1 D’LYOX, see ,MarshaV8 idle. On tlifc'first Tuevd »y ill September next, VvvjpILL be sold at the Court H use of tbi* vJt city, between the hours of ten and thre o’clock, The following tract -of land, to wit, all tha: Pl:i..tatiou, or tract of land in McIntosh County, known by the name of Bowmans tract, original- jy granted tn Thomas Cam er, which spid liu. contains five hundred acres more or less, boun- fled on the south by pine lands, originally Riant ed *•> General Lackland Mclut ah. to the w * bv pir.e lands granted to , William Carnochan & t'> the west by salt marshes the whole levied ji.s -.he property of the estate of John Ih v- ii ».f South ;arnl»..,a, deceased, at the suit. f on «na JMiss Esther Lynch, U’ de-. a ludgm nt obtain in tin. Circuit Coprf of the United States,for the D s: riot of Ge orgia, and sold at the risk of the former purchaser. JOHN H MOREL, Marshal, v. a. ang 7 r 161 V Sheriff’8 Sales. On the fiist Tut stlav in' September next. ILL be sold before 1he Court House in Kf- Spl fingham County, between the usual hours of sale. iQO acres of land lying in said county, bpum fed on all sides by vacant lauds a' the time of su Vey, levied on at the suit of the Commissioner of the Effingham Academy, vs. the administra tors of Philip Jones, decea,eu—said land origi ally granted i» J .mes Wilson. Also, 2o0 acres of land, bounded on the S and N W by lands of Walter Stewart, at the time of RUrvey, levied on at the suit of the German Lutheran Congregation and others vs. James Love—said land originally granted to the de fendant. .Also, 300 acres of land bounded by lands of Benjamii Kennedy and David Metzger, levi. d on at the suit of Christopher Rilander, vs th< administrators Of Jam. s Porter, deceased. Also, one negro man named Billy, fend 450 acres of Ian; , more or less, lying on the Aagusta road, bounded oh the S hy lands of Jonathan Balm, and E by lands of Jas Crews, levied on at the shit of J ohn Helvenston and others vs. John Bxley THOSEl.KINS, sac. aug 7 161 SheriflPs sales. g |N the first Tuesday in September next, will " V he : otd at the court house in Riceborough, of jn Liberty County, between the usual hour 10 and 4 o’chick, the following property, viz: FourNegrnes Rose, Betty, Cate, andClarinda, one trSct of land containing 150 acres more or Jess, hounded by Charles Flowers, Henry Joice and others. One vacant Lot in Riceborough bounded on foe south by Boltons Lots, west by Mrs Powells jahd and on the east by the pubt/CTuad. iso, aU'tlie stock now on hand consisting dry goods, crockery ware, lmrd ware, and a num ber of other articles too tedious to mention, le- vied o<i ur the property of John F Williams, to aatisfy two executions, one in favor ofG Breitt- prayer & co. and the other in favor of J Penfidd ^ EDWARD WAY, a l_c. A®* AAministpators 9ales, An >uy of -.»■ piember next, Vo 28 and north by York St .levied on ss the pro perty.Vf Pieilerick Scllick, t<> uiti-f his city • ax,-a for tho yeai 1824, auuui lit du- fc55. Buildings on lot N-> l,8l"per Ty thing Pen i val ward, bounded east hy lot No 1, south ‘>.\ a lane, west by Bull si nortlt by York street levied on as the property of Reuben G. Taylor, u sativiy |,is city faxes for the years 1823, 1823 ahd 1824’. amount due g63 76. Biitldinga on east had lot letter H Percival ward, hounded east hy Drayton st, south hy York ,t, West by wes 1 half of said lot and north by Pre sident st, levied on as the properly of .lob V. Bolles, t« sutisly his city taxes for the year 1824 mourn 82* 31 Halt lot No 6, Hicks Tvthing Percival ward, bounded east by east half of said lot, south by State st, west by Bull st and north by a lane levi ed on as the property of the estate John Shnw, City Marshal's Sales, »N tiie ti »* Tuesday in Sept next, in front "of the Co irt House, between the hours of y Whitaker s», souiii hy by lot No 9, aroj north by Sou'll Broad at, levi. edon as the property of I'. N. Morel to Mtbfy •) A M and 4 P M, will be told the followi. g prriy or as much thereof as will satiafv the ity taxes lot Mo 5 and ^Uilding, second Ty thing Reyn. I* ward hounded east by Rev nold »!.' South hy .»ne viest by lot No 4 and north by Bay st levi viest byL %l on as the properly of the estate of John An ergon to satisfy the citv taxo* of said Osiati for be year'18 lT 1822 and.' 1823 amount tax glO.-i 12 ts and cost. No —— New Leeds now known lit the plan of the city as Oglethbrpe ward bounded ■ust by West Broad st smith by a vacant lot wesi IV lot and north by Lo» No 1, levied on as property of G. L. Cope t» satisfy Ida -i-iy «xea for the jbfa-; 1821, IBS'?, 1823, and 1824, nourt tax—8<87 57 and Coat. ■' harf lot No 8, Warren ward, bounded cast lot > o 9, touth by nay at west hy lot No 7 nd north by Savannah river, levied on as the mperty of the estate of Pat Stanton, to satisfy ie citv taxes of laid estate for the years 1821 d 1822 amount tax $99 and cost, l-ot Vo 4, Frederic Tythlng Darby ward, mnded east by lot No 3, sbuih by a lane, west >y lot No 5 and north by Congress at levied on the property of Charles Devant to satisfy hu ity taxes for the present year, amount due %\7 JO and cost Lo* No 26, Brown ward, bounded east by lot Vo 25, south by Perry st west by Whitaker st, iml north by a lane l * vied on as the property of II. B. Ralston, to satisfy the c.ty .axes f said property for the year* 1822, 1823 • nd 1834, a mount due 8-^7 2J.*nd coat Buildings on lot Mo 2, Lr roach Ty thing Heath- •t ward, bounded east by lot No :1; south by<a n*>, west hy lot No 1 and north by Broughton levied on aa the property of Jacob Miller to sa isfy Ilia city taxes f.m the ybara 1833 and 1824 •mount due 8’»4 37 snd cost. A buiiding on lot l-tter A Darby Wardb >uui |e«t east by Jolitnon’s Square, sout bj St Ju- ban St west bjr Whitaker st and north by Bryan , levied on as the property of Martin Hathaway ta satisfy- his city taxes for tbc years 1822, 1823 imd 18 '4, amount due 815 *•><) cost Hail lot No 6 and bondings Carpenters Row trustee Garden, bounded east ny east boundary t-eet; ..uutb by lot No 7. wdst by east broad st, d north by lot No 5, levied on ns the property f Thomas F Moxham, to satisfi- his city taxes ii.r the years 182.3 and 1824: amount due $15. One third Wharf lot No 6, Da "by, ward wound I .-sat b) lot No 9, south by ay sf weit by lot i 9 and mirth :»y Savannah-river, levied '<n as he property of Chariot* B. Jones t-. satisfy City oXcs for the years 1833 and 1824, amount due $22 50. Kilf Lot No 7, Carpenter Tytlting Dicke Vard, bounded cast by Lot No,8, south hy Bry. street, west by the west half vf said Lot and rth by a lane levied on as the property ofJ M Jarvis to sat sfv Ins citv tax for the'present year, mourn due 816 a d cost. Lot N.. 1 ’, and buildings Warren ward, ninded east hy Lot No 11, south by Bryan st, /-■cit'by Hnbersham-st, and north b\ a lane, le iedon a- the property of.lsme* Bilbo, lo sitia. i his city taxes for the years-1823 and 1824,— mount due 853 93 . \ ot Noel, and buildings, second Tything An fion ward, bounded east by lot No 2, south by i *ne, < ast by Abercurn st and north by Brough levied on as the property of the Estate of l.jlift H. Dub. ll, to satisfy the estates city taxes, he yearo 1823 and 1824 Amount of Tax, $32 62 . I/>t No 6 Columbian ward, bounded east by lot No 7, south by a lane, west by lot No 5, and north by levied on as tbe property • •f John Morel to satisfy bis city taxes for the years 1622, 18 ?3 and 1824 Amount due 843. Buildings on lot No 40 Warren ward, bound d east by lot No. 39. s- uth by Broughton-st n est by Reynolds st and north by a lane, levied -ir, a c the property of U H Hayden* to satisfy his ny taxes for ike years 1822,1823and 1824 * mount due 8199 2}. Lot No 10 and buildings, Heatbcote Tv thing Decker ward, bounded east by Whitaker st oiuhby Br 'Ughton-st. west by lot No 9, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of Mrs C S bellman to eatisly Jier city taxes forth' y<.ars 1822,1823 and 1824. Amount due $194 93f Building on lot No 8, Yamacraw bounded east by lot No 7, s- uth by Indian st, wes by lot No 9 end north bv Savannah river, levied on as the property of Chatham Steam Saw Mill, to satisfy The tax of 8aidprn, trty fot the years 18 '3 ana 1824, amount due $35 and cost. Lot No 36 and building, Liberty ward, bound ed east by Montgomery st, south by south broad nt, west by lot No 35, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of Samuel R H Goldsmith, to satiafy their city tax for the present year,amnunt due $19 and cost. Buildings on lot No 21. Warren ward, bound- ed east by Price st, south by Qongress at, west by lot No 22 and north by St . Julian at, levied on as the property of Wm Pope to satisfy their city tiix for the present yea>, amour t due 849 and rust. Luts Nos 4 and 5, Indian st, Yamacraw, bound- ed Cast by lot No 3, south by a lane, west by lot No 6 ayul north by Indian st, levied on as the property of the estate John Doon, to satisfy the city tax of said property for the year 1824, a- mouot due 87 50 and cost. I ait No 18, and buildings. Rwingsburgh, boun ded east by lot. No 15. south by SVilliam st, west by lot no 23 and north by lot No 29, levied on as the property of Paul J. Vollaton, o satisfy his city taxes, for the years 1823 and 1824, amount diieS‘4 1 .Buildings on lot No 31, Liberty ward,' bouml- ded cast by lot No 30 south by a lane, west by lot no 32 and north by York st, levied on as the liroperty of the estate Wm Ma-hew to satisfy taxes *f said estate for the years 1823 and 1824, imount du^$10. , Buildings on lot'Nri 27, Liberty wa d, bounl vied on as the property of John M ADCaUato aa- sfv toe c>t\ tax vfttud iiioperty In th present “iloU JlH hi* city taxes for the years 1821, 1822,1823 and 18 ?4, amount due 81 tm 50 and cost > ; Five lots, Nos 15, 16, 17, 18 19, I'rttstees Garden, bounded east hy a canal, south by lot 14, west by Reynolds st and Fort A ayne, and north hy Savannali River, levied on aa th* pro* pertyoifD T Hall, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 1824, aniuuut due $-’4 37 t,iit No 3 and buddings, Warren ward, bound, ed east by lot No 4, south by a lane, west by lot Xo,2and north by Bay st, levied on as the pro perty of Alexander Hunter, to satisfy his cit> .taxes for the years 1823 aud 18 4, amount due 831 31 I ait No 24 A hultdings,Washinglon ward,boun ded east by Washington sqnarfc, south by Con- £re*ast; west by lot N«t ’3 and north by St Ju* ian st, levied on aa the property oi JaCub Falun to «ati“f\ Ins city (axes for thb ye»rs 1823 am! 1824, amount due 831 25. . Lot N<* 7 and buildings, Joky* Tything Darby ward, hounded east by lot No 8, south by try- anst, west by lot No 6 snd north hy aiSne, levi. ed on as the property of Worthington Gale, to satisfy his city taxes for tbeyeats 1823 and 1824, amount due $4l 25 . Lot No 10 Second Tything Reynolds ward, mnded east by Lincoln at, south by Bryan st, west by lot No 9 and north hy a Ian-, levied on as the property of the estate, of David Kicffe- to satisfy the estates city axea for the years 1823 iml 1824, amount due 815. L t* Nos 20 and 21 v Yamacraw, bounded east hy lot No 19, south h* Pino st, west by Farm St and north by lots Nos 8 and 9, levied on as the property of* Seaborn Jones, to satisfy Ins ci'y taxes forthe year 1824, amount due g9 Qne small building near Fort Wayne, levied on as the property of Juno Guard, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 18:1 and 1824 amount tax 816 00 Lot Mo 6. and buildings Reynolds ward, boun ded Ii hy lot Mo 7, - by Bryan st, W by Aber corn at, and N <yA lane, levied on as the proper ty of Archibald Smith, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 18 ’4, amount’tax, 819093 Lot M« 1 and buildings. Indian st, bounded K by Waynes lot, 8 by Indian st, W by a lano. and N by lot No 2, levied on as the property of John A. silver, to sa'isfy his city taxes for the year 1824 amt tax 819. t small building on lot letter T St. Gall, boun iled E by St. Gall si, 9 by lot letter It. W by Poplar at, aud N by lot letter V levied on as th<- prnnerty of Sukey Restev, to satisfy her city taxes for the years .1822,1823 and 1824, amt tax 838 13 A small bnilding on lot No 15, Spring Hill, bounded R oy Franklin st, S hy Spring st, V by lot No 18, and N by lot No 16. levied on as the •jroper of Elsey flaiisfy her city taxes lor the years 1820, 182f, 1822, 1823 and amt. <ax, $27 31 West half I .nl No 8 and buil lings, Sloper Ty thing Percival Ward, hounded east hy east half of said lot, sonth by Booth Broad Street, west by lot No 7, and north iiy alaoe, levied on as the pronerty of Mar- satisfy her ci ’.y tax es for the years 1823 and 1824.. Amount due 820 63* and coal. Huildiogs on. Lot No 8, Indian-at bounded cast by lot No 7, south by a lane* west by lot No and year, oinnun' ttu** 25 ilmlats nii'l cost Half.I.o> No 9 and buildings, Second Tytnin' Reynolds ward, bounded east by lot No 10,South ,b, llryati st, w est by Lot No 8, and north by a lane levied on as the property oV C D Leby i. satisfy his city tax for the years 1823 and 1824. •mi ml due 22dollars 8U and Cost 4 of Wharf Lot No 4, Trustee Garden, bounded east, by hatful' said lot, west Iiy lot 3, auuUi by Fort Wayne, and north by Savannan River, levied on as the property of A L Hurt- ridge to s'Riisft the city tax' of s ,',d properly for the years 1821, 1822. and 1823, Amount du>. 14 dollars 50 and cost. West half let letter V and building, bounded east by Lincoln st, south by Congress street, west by west half of said lot, and north by St Ju lien street., levied on ns the property of thr es tate of C Filler to satisfy the city tax oi said oBt. for the present year, amount due $11 25 aud Cost Lot letter X, St Gall, Oglethorpe ward, boun ded east by Si Gall-Bt, south ny lot letter V, west by Poplar st, anil north tfy.JStlbly st, levied on as tne property Uf Rate Hogg t" satbfV her city tuxes for tlie. year 1823 and 1824, amount due gib and cost, A small building on Lot No 33 Columbia wan), hounded east by Price Btreet, s nith by South Broad Street, west by Lot No 34 and north by a lane, levied on as the property of Alary Ann Gordon, to satisfy her city tax for the present year, amuuntduv-8 6 75 am]C'ist One small building on lot No 5, * tglethorpe ward, bounded east oy lot No 4. south by a va cant lot, westby lot No6 uod north by Bryan st, levied on as the property of Elias E Roberts, to satisfy his city taxes (or the * ears i822,1823 and 1824, Amount tux S'1 75 A small building on lot N>< 13, Elbert Ward, bounded on the east by lot No 14, a»uth by Per ry street, west by Montgomery-at, and north b\ a lane, levied on at the property oi the estate of Daniel Robbins, to satisfy his city taxde lor thu years 1823 and 1824, amount tax 85 F-ast half lot letter V Reynolds ward, bounded east by Lincoln street, south by Congress street, west by west half of said lot, and north by St of Rich- north by Indian street, levied on a& the THF TMPRhyp.D snwui z t o a _ He good effects Ofthese hnwfo . " & jolne, has boep ob*etyedand acLfcC oy all tin,st* who have had uecasl6n tn! * l 'S In all cases of heartburn, bile, nun ■ llseasi sof the Stomach, which arcL^ 1 valentin warmelim.tes—they can . nv time with Much .idvantage. Asth ^ iienSH..i effervescent draught, they »'» an agreeable beverage free from lmirhlv imoreirnated with fis..,t. * 11 n V highly impregealecl witli fixed air, and mg all the Medical qualities of tin, „ teemed Seidlitz Waters. . . ^ The Season'is fast approaching, wl. mwrlers will be in demand, and to 1 1 pure, is very desirable. Many per^l b.-eu deceived in their operation, by hut 1 chased them In Drug Stores, tlie proo.;,!" which paid but little or no regard in P the best kind, consequently, their I qualities were never realized But thlia ty may now.' be ’ obviated,-the wbscT endeavored for the two or three last ° to^ procure them Genuine and Ima,beta* These Powders uae neatly put unimi.L by wMfo heir .Medical SSS] ^talnunimparedby the influem-elfu^’ 1 l.l.perso | estate ol 1 deliver Ifi: Its not pi liinscd p rlO Jeorgi itlte IR [sitting ft T( A Iresh supply of the above Genuine has just been received, which together Dll' very general assortment of Family will be kept cnuBtantlv.;>n Kan ' 1 LAY MKSNIHtK’K'ON, Chemist* dj* Uvuspstt I Corner of Congress and Whitaker . . Chad’s BurJ Valuable Midi cine. ASTI DISp: PH,; Julian street, levied on as th*- property nrd Dennis', to satisfy his city taxes for the years 18-’3 and 18*24, amount tax 849 50. One negro man named Frank, levied on as the property of Thomas ilson, to satisfy his city taxes for l» rears 1821, 1822,1823, and 1824, amount tax $120 12. . . Half lot N-. 5, nd buildings Trustee Garden, fo unded east by lot No 6, south by lot No, 7, west by East Broad Street, and north by Bryan street, levied on a* the property of the estate of Geoige Bnoe, to satisfy Ins city taxes, for the year 1823, amount tax 814 F M STONE, o. h. aug 7 161 \ N approved i*meU) For Dyspepsia, or I. gestion. Habitual C.istiveness,and PM It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of J most frequent and formidable diseases of 1 country. Ua c onmencement is indicated in] ferent patients by various symptoms, the most remarkable are- irregularity of the bowels, obstinate „ less, hcajdnch, commonly called nervous c ^89, ucs\unu«i» x.uiuiiiuiiiv caiiua nervous ly headach, yellowness,6 the eyes ami ski* cidit of stomach after eating, often called I burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, taste in the mouth in the morning, fslidt drowsiness alter dinner, debility, lassitude1 maciation. depression of spirits, Ac. Piles feeing connected with’' iudigettiiu, iiy rei Administrator's Sale, tinned. O N the first Tuesday in be sold at the Court 1 Com* cos iveness, are certainly and spedily remou by the ,pilb A supply oft he shove valuable Medians i pst been, received from the Patentee, «mt c e obtained of the subscribe! who hue aopointed agenU for the State of Gron LAY H HBNDRl'.KSON, Druggists and Chemisu,Shad’s Buildings, . , Savanna! anril 24 cx94 September next. wH! House, in Savunnah-b - tween the hoursof 10 afid2 o’clock. . Lot No 15, (fifteen) in the second District of Early County, Georgia, Containing 202J' a. cres, more or’ less, being the real estate of Ho. ben. M Durkie, deceased* and sold by per mission of thu Court of Ordinary jf Chatham County. ' AUGUSTUS F. DU «Kl R, Administrator. aug 7 161 „ Ten Doll trs Reward. J^ANaWAY from the Subscriber in Scrven County a negro hoy named Stephen about sixteen or seventeeh years of age, copper color ed and on his right cheek a scar scarcely percep tible, resembling the letter O He has been seen ip company with a White mao, between this and Savannah His parents Daniel and Jud>- live in the neighbourhood of ihat place, they were sold in this Count' to John Adams who has since sold them to some oue on an Island about 12 miles below Savuunah. The above reward will be given wilh all ren son able charges to any one who will lodge him iropertv of John Myrick, to satisfy bis city taxes r ,n J? aT “ n ' ia * 1 or deliver him to the su ■ or the years 1923 and 1824. Amount due $9 8crlb er. 75 and cost East half lot "No 6, Hicks Tything Percival Ward bounded east by lot N<> 7, south by 9tate at. West b> West hslfofsaid lot and north by a lane levied on as the property of Henrv Lyons, idaa'Ufv his city tax for the present ytar. A- mount due 813 an lcost. LotNo 19, Mpore Tything Percival ward, bound' d east by lot Vo 9. south by. State st, west by Whitaker at, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of the estate of John Clark, to satisfy the t .xes of wd est. for the present year. - Amount due 86 2s and cost . TwoAlvrds ffit No. 7, Yamupraw bounded east by lot No 6, sou: b by a lano, west by lot No 9, a>'d north by Indian-s . levied mi as proper ly of R llichartlson, to satisfy his city tax for the presmit year, amount due 27 50 and cost Buildings on east part lot No 30,1 iberty ward, bounded east hy lot No 29, south by a iune, west by west half of said lot, and north bv York I aug 5 TURNER BRAS4WF.LL. .. v Ntar Millhaven, Bcriveu Co. «Mt60 The Subscriber, H AS just finished ami offers fir sale, an eight oared CAN<»E BOM', 35fet by 4 feet 3 incheB..-vhicli he can recommend to those who wish a boat for quick passage. , F E TBBK \U. july 22 154 4 LL persons indebted to ihe •Htute 'f .loh tn _ ia.«Marcy Moore, of Efflnglmm County, der’d to come forward and make payment those that have ftnv accounts, to present them to HEZ'-KIAH EVANS, Adm’r, sept 28 4rx»l93 Ife ' RHtVNS who have retu >|ed tbeb' dog* t< st. levfed on as the property of the estate of! ll '® CBy Treaaurer, are requested pruvich John Stilwell, to satisfy the taxes for said estate | ,he y w ish to for the year" 1801, 1809 18.9 1820,1821, IK 2, P rotec ‘ them from be,n ff 37j; and 1823,' 1824. Amount due cost. , Building on north halfof Lot No 40, Elbert Ward, bounded east by Jcft'eison-M, south by south halfofsaid lot, west by lot No 39, and north by u lane, leved on a** 1 iy of Dr A S ef- tall, to satisfy hiscity taxis for the y-. ars 1821, 1822,1823 and 18 ?4 Amount due 858 43 and cost. Lot No 20 and buildings Warren ward, boun* ded ea*t by Price s , south by 8l Julinn-st, west by lot No 19, and uorih by a lane, levied on as the property of A M Gray, to sntisfy,tlie taxes of said prppeity for the ye.,rs 1822,1823 and 1824. Amount due 845 and coat A building on lot No ‘2, Second Tything Rey. nolds ward, bounded east by lot No 3, sout h by a lane, west bv lot No I * and north by llay'st, le vied on As tlie property of Pierce N Ca e to sa tisfy their city taxes tor the year 1802 anJ 1824. Amolint lue 812 SOamlcost Buildings on lot No 3, Springhill, bounded east hy We t Broad Street, south Iiy Lot No 4, west by Lot No 6, and north bv a lane, levied oi, as the property of the est. Thog D Portor to sa tisfy the city taxes of said estate for foe (rears 1822, (823, and 1824 Amount due 7 dollars 50 and cost Lot No 7, Village St Gall; now known m the plan of the city as Oglethorpe ward, bounded east hy Imt No 6,south by Zobly-st, westby lo No 8 and north by Orange-st, levied on the Imt letter l and buildings Decker ward boun- - - - - - - - ■ -----v . ded east ’>> Ellis Square, south by Si, $ eRS * b .y ^5° rt 7 8t * hy a west by ^ west by teffareon st, and nerth by Btyan-rt, fo. property of tym Smith tgsatisfyj he taX' S of said property for the years 1812,1823 and 1824. A- srty ft mounyfoie 8 13 and cost. PM STONEj l.rreas, d Dillo nned t ed fro' , tin ami I ; sat J i they tin to'iii-i said C day of ■rs disi I. Pr f ared by Henry Jnmei. remedy for Dyspepsia fitness ;es of 18J4 i-nt; 1 llieoi kY El; Ittary ft IVlierei loud fix lvis Car •These Irsotis C Imvt jd by lr I dismis ■Given p A. 11 icor the Superior Court r—Cliatlianfl Countv. ; lintti I fntm Vffl S li Dlwi.llVt jil't-r .ii'U, a\|r ” - Hon the Inferior Court of the ebunty of Ef fingham, for leave to sell ail the real estate be* longing to Solomon GWatin,‘dec of which all Com cernea will take notice JOSHUA GNANN adm’r march 4 5’ JAaoxaTTiRH, 18! Aaron Cleveland and Susan C.Y his wife, l vi. f Rule Vld. Jacob Fahm . J O N th petition of Aaron Clevrla»4 uf <\n fJ his wife, who was hUBan C log tfial Jacob Fahm, before the intrmui of the petitrmers, to wit i on the 2‘2d dsv 18)1, d'd in co ij'tnction with one jt Hcof, execute a j >i t bond to the «sM '..ti in the penal sum of four thousand dnllata tinned for the payment oft vo thmisand d| with interes* from date, on or betore tlie. day. of March then next, and that for thebe securing>hepayment thereof, the saidli did on the day am) year first aforesaid matt certain indenture of mortgage, wherebv m-r'gaged to said Susan C a'l that wt ofgf" knuWo and designated as Garih-n lot nui thirty nine, No,39, and 4so, tint adjoining part of another lot known as lot number J two, No 42, containing togeth *r eight amU’ acres more of lew situated to the ea# of ’he of sW'mnah am! fom uied tothe north vt< Lot No 2®, to the south and east by lands longing to the eaiate of Hampton LilliBridi and the west by t *e public road leading Skidaway island whereon a bqck yard is n. established and known by the name of Fahi brick ydrd—that there is now on the *i».l be or mor'gHge obligatory the sum of eigh’ee ki dw-d dollars with interest from the 23dthy January 1323, and pray i .g the foreclosure f equi'y of > ed a mption of the .said Ja ob ami heirs, executors, adininistrators and assigwfi and to the said mortgaged prom »es- OAffiutW of \V W Gordon, attorney f r the peti'inett- It is nrd red that thu principal and interest h op the said bond or writing obligatory togetiH with the cost of this application be i.aid into ts court within fwulve montlisf >m tliUda'^i « r 'case of default that the equity of rodemptmi 1 said Jacob Falun, his heirs, executrs, tilmm: tratoQ and from theoc* fort 1 ' tore* foreclosed and that such further ami other pf ceediiigs be had thereon, us are pursuant M statute in such cake made and provided-*™ isihfther Ordered that this role Wi published one of the Gazettes of this state at least ones month for twelve months, nr that a copy. 1 ■iprved qtj the defendant - t least six month k befo.e the titne appointed for the payment' ihe money into court ; Rvlunnf (Vnm iVwi 1 min I lit se id sing kill dec jiev hav Ordin next tiers i Witm tie J , A. bnty I 1 ffo'D I the iliuar [\Vhe Kel Ititioi ] lo bi IThei nd si ■le i hi or Ithevv he pt 1 Wit neof f Jur turn Extract from the minutes, 15lh Jan 182411 JOB T. 1 jan 16 12 Liquid Affiptfi I 'AHE’subscriber' have received a small invoice of UQf lD BLACKIN';,put up ip quart bo ties. It ius been found i»y experienevrto be a very superior article, and c >mes much cheaper than those kinds usually vendid in this city. The quality of it is believ.-d o be so good, that should exc'-ptions of any kind be made to it, the money in every inMaooi; will he promtly returned. . LAY A HENDRlGKSON, Chemists <nd Driiggists, Shads Building aqg 21 167 gJINF. month* after th* .'late ii root, ion will be. made tothe Inferior Court Cr.hep siui.n; ft r ordinary purposes, for leavq to sell all that lot or part of ground in the Hi i'rict <>f ^County of.Clr“ - — : White Blufl, County of Chatliami containing 5l‘ acres, more or Jess, bound northwardly and caatwardly by lands, Kite John Poutlen, and sciu hwardly by lands of sV'iliiams, oelon-ing Ills* Unfold # i f* I., m .... Ik... ..I v . i it,.. the estate of James Boyd, aiid to be'sold for J benefit of the heirs'a , I creditor'. >*f «ai.l estate/ m .4..^BLI2AliHrH WYD, &m% * may 26 jrOTICB ^WINE months after dau , I shall apply t" I J Honorable the Justices of the In'" Court nf Chatham County, for ifeave to srn t real and personal property of Lachland H» j ton McIntosh, deceased, for the benefit on heirs. SLSANA G. FIMTOtH, Ad'mmBir'i’W' march 9 ^6 4 .eorj^ia^—■< hRthuin oil To all whom it inay c ncern. . XJkT' IEREA8 Clem Powers Esq has ap« rr the Hon. the Court of Oft hoary ham Country for letters of administration "nJJ estate and uffects of Nathan Savery dec 8, P^ ni pal credit o ; ! . ' , ' * t.hT These are therefore to citeand admt" 15 ., nod singular the kindred and credit >r» ® rt»id de' Hfo th/i'r objeetiuns («""f ^ .pic'e) to (he^raotiog of tlie 'ad ni'iw'W J the estate of the deo"d to thq applican 1 ,,3 Clerk’s Offict of the said, CoOrt, on igdRB the twemietli day of Septem ier next) oil l Ikters af tidnvnistrHiion wjll bo granted. £ fyitn-rtsihe Hm,, John P Williamson onr , the Justices oft lie said Court, the •.. W BI8S *' wMmkpi aug 21 16?