Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 02, 1824, Image 1

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th vu saftr evening, s evtem he n 2, 1824. Wholp Vo 449S* if, EXRCUTOU OJ? Francis Jalineau. IJ. person* having any dcWuiiAagainst the | isute nt' F'uiicih JaliueaU, dec. are reqiitst- •y\ ' no. 2. Anti Dyspeptic Pills. PRITPaV.E , v u J aUES,NEW,YOUK | ,HJK 20 yearn past the subacribei hus suffered l, di'iiver them m, pfoperly attested, on or* continlially from a costive ha T, wliicli has L the first day ot f October netf All ac-! be «" »jsreat part ot the ,;ime accompanied by fits not presented previous to tha. day, wilt ,scv . ure headach. lie has made known his com. Used payment by the undersigned execu- plamtto severs) emjoeiL physicians; without ex, L 1 WM. (.ASTON. I periencing any benefit from thei? prescriptions- LylO 149 * ' Ihe month of December last, becoming aeri > • ■. . 1'iUllV alarmed, by the regular but constantin- ' Pliotliun, f'r.™ M tv ! crease of the disorder, he was induced to com- 001 gld ITLltuilUl tOUllty. mence the use of (lie above named pt(L, Winch were highly recommended, as a remedy in Ins compiaiut.—He began,to lake them with very little confidence as to their efficacy, and under the'expectation that he should not be abld to /Hie Don', the Justices of the inferior Court, Lilting far brditWy• (iurposca. To all who it may concern.. flicreai, John Dillon administrator of Ed M Dillon, late of Chatham county dec. has X{ ( .ned the lion court of ordinary,to bedis- ted from his said administration, iv, these aie therefore to 0it,e and admon. ,H # nd Lingular the kindred and creditors hr said deceased, to "file their objections (if I they ImVe,) to the granting of letters dismisf I in ilie petitioner, in the clerk’s office, o- «id Court of Ordinary, on or beforp tlie i, day of December next’ ensuing, otherwise |,. n dismissory will be granted to the pett ier. ■ - \ Viiness the Hun. John Gumming', one of the [tines ofthe said court, this lllh day of June, [;> 1824 S. M ROND, c c o. . 1 136 [lieorgia— iberty County. \ Y Rl Sail' Baker, cl' rk of the Court of, Ordi Inary fur the county of Liberty. A liereas William Law, Esq. applies to be dis Led from hiaadministration on the estate of vis Carter, la e of said county, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all Iruons Concerned to file their objections (if any c, have) it} my office, within the time prescri- id by law 1 or otherwise the said applicant Will I dismissed fvom his said administration, [Given under-m\ hand and seal, this 3d day of k A. D, 1824. " E. B \KKIt, «co, Ddyll 110 give them a fair trial, as his stomach, heretofore, * td rejected every kind of medicine < Another redmstance which (aught Inm to expect very Superior Court—Chatham County. \ Max Txb#, |83i Gardiner Tuftt \ i Melt Cruder. O N Motion of \V W Cordon, plaintiff At torney suggesting the death of (he plaintiff, and s'aing that the defendant hath removed out duced 1 the dose was accordingly increased un- j°f the that icirejacutus to inake the ex- taught him to expect Very lirtle benefit, was that he hud found it necessary ah,ays to like more than an ordinary dose of any cathartic, before it Would produce the desir ed effect, lie, however, commenced taking two of the pills, as directed, every evening for twen ty days, without experiencing any considerable inconvenience, or perceiving any neuefit from them, lie was then directed to increase the number, until some degree of nausea was pro's til he took six pil|S every evening ; they soon began to act as a gentle and perfect' laxa ive; the dose was diminished in the same [gradual manner in which it liayi been increased, and it is now torty days since a very obstinate and dis tressing complaint has yielded to this miid plan of treatment#! T'lte subscriber does therefore, unsolicited, most cheerfully recommend the anti-duHeptic pilistb those who may have suffered like him. self 1 and he avails himself of thiB method lo ss- sure them, Unit from no other treatment has he Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern. ^.’ W HEREAS Solomon •dia , executor of Wm (Albert, deceased has applied to the hon orable the Court of Ordinury to be discharged from,his executorship aforesaid. Now, these are therefore to cite and admob- ishalt and singular the kindred and creditors of the said \m Gilbert deceased, to file theit ob. je'etions, if any they have; in the Clerks office of said Court on or before the 4th day of Septem- ber next, otherwise letters of dismissory will be grunted and the said Solomon Shad be discharg ed from all claims whatever as executor hf,' the sgid deceased. Witness the honorable John Gumming, one of the Justices of said Court this fourth day of 1 March, A. D. 1824. S. M o. march 6 54 notice. \/I K WILLIAM [I’Clt ,Kl{, having assigned iTl. to the subscribers all his stock in trade, debts, Sic in behoof of iiis creditors generally, it is requested that t hose indebted make jmhtc- diate payment, and those having claims will flleale rentier them to Mr Thomas MiUfir, who iu appointed tlieir Agent to dispose of the stock, licit Comprises a g. nera) assortment of Seasonable Dry Goods, and will be sold, wholesale or in retail, at very reduced prices, tor cash only . JvMKS MMIENItY, v : JOHN (1 REID, GEORGE RELPH, .prtiii ; S8 *“» iwr. : iuuijvins. ; |*HE stock of Dfy Goods, which formerly be. ihltitVi f "‘T' i * ,ttfner * Bel * feHtt®‘heUnited ShttSl TpJK I fhe certificates are to 1 experienced euch perfect relief , Nahum* rice. Crum the above certificate no dqiiUts can ex- ist in tlie minds of th to the u ility and .value ofthia remedy. Many persons in tins city and its vicinity have been relieved from dis tressing dys|»eptic symptoms by its use. It is not recommended ss a cure, nil but to tiiose di seases appertaining to dyspeptic only \ fresh supply just received per Wil iam Wa.. editor of the plaintiff a party, cannot he served on him—-Ordered, that ihe def- ndunt do appear mi or before the first day «f the next term of this court, to shew cause if any he hath, why Klias Heed, the executor of the plaintiff shall not be mad., a party, and wby he shall not have liidgment against tlie said defendant. And it iB furl her ordi < ed that the said rule be published once a month for three months - ' Extract fruip the minutes this 7th June 1824. A. 11. FANNIN, Clerk, jttne 17 §m138 v\f I V E mouths after date, application will be il'J mode i > the Honorable the Inferior Court of ilrvaii County, for leave to, sell all the “real Estate of Sarah M’Eihdfi-y, lute of Bryan county dec.'for the benefit of-the heirs and creditors of said estate. JAMBS RUTLRR, /’ Administrator. aprii 2 tiorgiH—< Iiathum ouut^ 'the lion, the Justices of the Inferior Couri silting (brordinary purposess. ^HF.RK AS Linus. T Sage administrator of S ie Taylor, deceased, has petition, d e Court of Ordinal y to be discliarg J from his said admiiiistratiouship fin se are therefore to cite and admonish ali d singular tlie kindred and creditors of the ill deceased, to file their objections (if and tv liavel in the ollice of the clerk ofthe Court Ordinary, otvor before the 13th day of Janua- next ensuing the date hereof; otherwise Hers disinissory will be granted-to the appji '» "wii jut — ., ce and for sale by Vitness the honorable Thomas N. Morel one he Justices of the said Court tills 13th day of >, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and nty four. . . S. M. BOND, o c o. illy 13 , ' TAP • ^ 1 "Hy (Vie liuii 1 Jacksonboro, Scriven (k)unty,.i a aug 12 LAY U HENDU1CK ON, Agents. 163 • ■ ipWlNL tionths after .an. ac-i.Jio'alio;, Sv.u he uNI made to Die Honorable th.: Justices of th li terior'Cliurl of Chat'iim Citunty for leave to sell all tlmt Lot in bavaiinah known by Hie No ^ne, Eilia square, Decker Ward, with tlie im provements thereon: And all that Lot in Savan< nail known by the No twenty-three, in L iiurcy Ward, with the Buildings thereon—being* the real'estate of John Smith, dec’d, for the benefit of tlie heirs. ' ' r FREDERICK HERB, Administrator. may IS 1^4 Law Notice. VlIE publican infoi med that ihe Subscribers Thou tnr- • 'irntnam t ot tthe Jusliccs of Inferior Court', Sitting for timary purposes. i To all whom it may concern, kvhereas Robert Taylor,admi.iistrator of Wm L Kelley, late of Savannah, merchant flee, has [titionecl to the honoruble-thc court of Ordina- lo he discharged from his said adiniiiiMratioii These are theref >re to cite amf admonish ail ul singulat the kindred and Creditors of the id deceased, to file their objections, (if any wy have) in the clerks office of the said court, n or before the bth day of December next; ttierwise lettevs dismtssory Will be granted to lie petitioner. Vfitness tlie Honorable John P. WilJIamson, lie of tlie Justices of the said court, this 8th day f June, A. D.1824. S. M BOND; coo i 8 134 rq- | jL have located and formed a connexion Executor’s Notice. LL persons having demancs against the estate of the late Hugh M'Call, j-isq. dec’d requested to hand them in for payment, and le indebted to the estate will please make lediate payment, ily 13 150 TliOS M'CALL, ? PHILIP UHASCH.S ” fA BORGIA—Chatham County—To all whom ~ it may concern. Whereas Alexander M. raylor, administrator ef John Scott, dleceased, las petitioned the Honorable the Justices of the hferlor Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to e discharged from bis said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish B1 and singular the kindred'and creditors of tlie aid deceased, to file their objections,, if any bey have) in the Clerk’s office; of the Court if ordinary, on or before thedth day of Decern- |er next; otherwise letters of dismissory will e granted. * Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one |t’ the Justices ofthe said Court, the 6th day of |l«y, A. D. 1824 S. M. BOND, c c o may 6 106 V , ersons indebted to the ti ate .n yic ler Martin, lute of Liberty couu y,' d are requested to make immediate pay RICHARD F. BAKER, ? p _, rB WILLIAM H .MARTIN, $ *** l < 10 ,$112 ■■ ' ' VERY valuable tract of'Lund in Liberty County, situate on the Sunbury Hoad, two |9 and a half from Riceborongo; containing > hundred and ten acres. This land is ver lju.ble for Cotton, Rice and Corn, and as well flculated for that culture as any land in the Punty j the conditions are Iqw arid’ reasonable; Dere are between seventy apd eighty, acres |earcd and under fence, there is also a good veiling house, and all necessary out building. 1 the premises—guarantee titles will be given J the purchaser, no incumbrances lying on said fnd. ■ , ' v v t for further particulars apply to Capt Joseph pnes, in Lioerty County; or to EDWARD B BAKER, . Owner in McIntosh county; ! fhg lp Tha Proprietor bf the The Temple of Fashion. H AS the pleasing of informibg the public generally, that he still continues to carry on his business, No, 226, Kitur itreet, opposite the Forme*** Hotel. Wigs and Ornamental Hair manufactured,on the most improved principles. Patent Elastic Ujjnngs, so judiciously arrang <Teorgia—Chatham County. By the h n the Justices of tlieInferior Court ol saul county sitting for ordinary purposes, To all whom it may concern, 48/11 ERE AS Thomas B FricA, adininistrator *f of David II. Thompson, dec lus petioned t. the monorAble the Justices of the inferior Court, sitting for ordinary; purposes lo be dis chained from the administration aforesaid Now these are therefore to cite and admonish aliund singular the kindred and creditors ofthe said dec to file their objections, if any they have iu in) office on or before (lie 16th day of Sept iiext, otherwise letters dismissors will be grant ed in the applicant Witness the Hon. John Gumming, one of the Justices of said Court this 16th day of March, A D 1824. 8 VI. BOND, c c o, march 16 26 Treasury Department, . ■ JUNE 24th, 1824. NOTICE is hereby given to it* j^Hip , ra of the six per eentsL ck of 1813 loan of gl6 .'00,000, and loon of gr.juO.OOO, tlisf books wilj be opened at the Treasury of die (Jolted M.ites slid at the several loan offices, on tlie fir t day of Tuly next, lo continue open until Hi, li ",tdny of Oct open hereafter, for receiving subscriptions for such part* of said stock as shall, on the lay of. subscription, stand on ilic books of,tire Trea sury, and on those* of the loan offices respective ly, pursuant to the provisions of the act of (Jon- gress passed the 26th of May, 1824, entitled - an at to authorise, the* Secretary of the Treasory to exchange u stock bearing arilnterest of out and a half per cent Jor certain stocks bearinga» interest of-six per cent.” ^ The su 'scription msy be made by the proprf eiors of the stock, either in person or by their j attorneys duly uuthorixhd to subscribe ai d rans- upril 16 H8 ed that they may defy the most accute observa tion to discover the slightest possible shade iu the color Likewise Gentlemen’s Toupees, commonly Called Scratches, with silver and still springs, nature'being in every case his only guide. He also has tjie pleasurA to inform the public that he has’become.the agent of Thomas Qutax, Wig Maker of New-York, an 1 will cqntfauily keep for sale bis Ladies’ and Gentlemens, Gre cian Cropped Wiggs. Ail orders and measures enclosed to 226 King street, will be attended to with punctuality and despatch V. R. Just received by the ship Niagara, a. general assortment of HAIR WORK of the la. test fashion. Gentlemens* Hair Cut and Dreasi ed iomupt recent London and Parisian modes. ) A general assortment of PERFUMERY fo;- sale at. alt times at the above establishment.-^ Those persons residing at a distance who have left orders at,this establishment, are hereby in formed, that they are generally ready for de livery. EDWARD CARRY (Xj* The editors of the Savannah Republican, Augusta Chronicle, and Columbia Telescope, are requested to publish the abovd once a week for tin ee weeks, and forward their accounts to No, 2jfi Kmg-sticei, Charleston, aug 12 163 lo be surrendered at tho time of making the subscriptions. CRAWFORD. July 27/ fl56 ; IV] INE months after dSte application will be • v made to{)i^ honorable the Inferior Court f Chatham County,'"hen selling for ordinary purposes, for permission to self the follow,ng real estate, for the benefit of the heirs and credetors of the estate of N.S Bayard, deceas ed, viz: , One undivided fourth'ofa tract of Land, con* (ainufg about 500 ncres, oi 4 Cumberland Island, Camden County, known as Plum Orchard—mid an undivided fourth of a'certain Tract of Land situat'd on said Island, containing about 500 ocrea; originally granted to Gen L> chland Me’* Intosh, and bounded on the South oy the said Plum Orchard Tract • Also a plantation called Lottery Hill situate on the Ogeebjiee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, containing about 600 acres , N. J. BAYARD, Adm’r est. N S Bayard, nov 10 211 1 W here one of them may at all times be found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. They pur pose to attend the several courts qf the several Counties Scriven, Burke and Jefferson—ai»o those of Richmond, Warren anti Emanuel. 'The/ hope by close application, and a due attention to the business oft heir profession, to merit and receive a share of tho public patronage. Bu siness confided to their care will be .thankfully seived and punctually attended to JAMES B LE VIS • JO-1 AH'S t‘\ TERSON. may 22. '120 - ■ Bottle8, tiorlv8, drugs, ^c. S UPERltlll Velvet works, WiMe pint bnttlc', Oxygin' Chamber and Pocket lilglits, ' Ta|iers (a grea 1 variety.) Pure Calcined' Mag nesia, Arrow Root, Cream Tartar, Starch, Bai- som Copaiva, Salt Peire, Rotten Stone &c. &c. Have been received pr Wm 'Wallace, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICK^son, , Chemists and Druggists, ■/ Congress corner of Whitaker sts Shad’s Buiiding. aug||12, 164 w Notice. 1lN|INE months aftet dale,' I shall apply to the Hon the Justiceji nf the Inferior Court of Eiberiy county, for leave to sell the real and a o personal prooertj of William L Baker, dec for •\) the benefit ofthe heirs and creditor*. * TliOS B BAKER /' ‘ Adm’r. anril7 89 Notice. \ I.L persons having demands against the es tate of Owens Jones, deceased, will present them duly attested within the time prescribed by Law, and those who are indebted will make pay GKO, W. 0\v$NS, Adm’r. c.t. a. july 27 at!56 Regimental Orders. A N Election is hereby ordered to be held on (Yednesnay the Ut of September, next, ai the.Eiigine hiuse in Reynolds Square, for u Captain to command the 4th company of tin-. 1st ltegim< nt The poll will he opened at 9 o’clock A M under the superintendence of the persons designs ed by law By order Col. MantUAM, M. W. STEWART- Adjt. 1st Regt. aug 17 a!6S Sheriff’s Sales continued. ® N the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold before the Court House in thfe City of Savannah between the usual houfsof 10 and 4 o’clock One negro fellow, named Joe, levied on un der a fi fa on foreflosure in favor of Davis &. Ber. rien agair8t Joseph C. Habersham.'■ , , ‘ Also, lot No 24, Elbert ward, in the city of Savannah, with the buildings thereon, levied on un ler a fi fa on foreclosure as the property of PJ Vollaton, to Bfttisty Mary Lewden. Also, all that southern half part of Lot No 6, Belitba Tything, lleathcote ward with the im- provements thereon, bounded north by a lane, egst by an. adjacent lot, south by! South broad street, and west by Barnard street, levied on under a foreclosure of a, mortgage- from George L. Cope, to Wm. Whitfield. ISAAC D l-YOS, see pug 14 164 Superior Court—Chatham County. Thomas F Purse A aii A Complainants ] and A IN EQUITY. , Richard U Cuyler, ex’r j Wm Shaw, deceased. J I N this case, on the suggestion in the defend ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties to this bill, residing in .Scotland, claim to bp en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Wm Shaw, deceased, and o i motion, it is ordered that all persons concerned do ap pear before the Superior Court of Chatham Count in (he term of January next, then and there to establish such their claims; and in de. fault thereof, that the undivided estate of the said Wm-Shaw, be distributed among the com plninants agreeably, to the decree of said Cour and (list this rule 'be published once a month until the expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes this 7th day qf Jdne, l824 ‘ A.D.F4NNlNiCl8rfc ; june 17 5x138 Georgia—('hathaui Count)'. By the lloumabk tlie Ju-.icts ot tlie. Inleriur Couri of said County, sitting for ordinary pur poses To all whom it may concern. W f .lEllEAS 'S m H Ureen, Administrator ot Mary Fleming, dec. lias applied to llv Honorable the Court of Ordinary, to be. dis charged from tlie pdimnUtraiion aforesaid. isli all and singular the kindre d andcredito s of the said vlary Fi: raing, dec. to file their objeq ti ms (if any they have) in the CVrk’S office < said Court, on or before the tenth of Septeipb. next,,otherwise letter dismissori will he gran' ed, and the said William ti. Gr, en be dischaigi-d fr m ali claims whatever, asadministratoronb- said dec. '• . ' • ' •Vitness'thr hnnjirable Edward Harden, one, ofthe Justices ofthe skid Court this lOih day of March, A D 1824. ■ b S. M. BOND, c co. march 10 57 'y, ■ Unired States, District of Georgia IM THE hlXTUi T ' (iUUT, .AVOViT'VKBM, 1824 J * HE'following pefsdns having been drawn and summoned to serve as Grand and Pent Jurors at said Court, having 'died tn attend—It is ordered th 4 they be fi .ed a .coidmgio law, unless Jjiey shalLmake sniBeieni excuses. <>n oath to. the Clerk, on or before the 2d Tu sday »i\ November next Grand Jurort.— Archibald Smith, Pr. df rick S Fell; J ' P Henry, George Gordon, Joseph Habersham. Hunter, Rdb< yt Hahershum; Charles Kelsey, Alexander Telfair, Benjamin Burroughs. Omit Jurors.— 'Vm P. Clark, C.' If. Hayden, John G.ibbtn, Reuben G. Taylor, and John F. 'Fraser. ' Extract from the minutes. . GEO GLEN, Clerk. aug 14 ol64 Georgia:—-Bulloch fount) B Y Ely K'.nn- y, Clerk of the Court of Ordi nui" for the County of HuUb' h, . WntnE'8 Elisha Garbett hath applied to me for tv tfers of administration on the Estate of John Rhodes, dec’d. • These are therefore to cite and admonish ali and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections if any they have in my office, on or before the first' Monday ill September next, otherwise jitters will bt grant, ed to the applicant. ' V‘ ELY KENNEDY,- do o. aug 7 161 * NOTclCK. /^RDERED^hat an Election do take placeat *, "the O urt' House on the first Monday in September next for fourieen Aldermen to re present the City of Savannah in Council, two or more justices are requested to preside a( the said election: the City Sheriff, Marshall, aridCi ty Constables are required to attend and pre serve oyder Extract from the minutes. - v V ' -a .M.MVB1W.C.C/ »ug-7 161. Chatham Superior Court. v . viAT 1 KitM, 1824. G EORGE JOH VS ton and others, complaitT* miU vs Peter Vitnburgh Livingston aucl oth er-, defendants, in equity in the Superior Court, Gliathm County, May term, 1824 It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E Living, ston, who ard parties defendant resid beyond the state df Ge. vgia, and itli‘m h-: United states on motion of complainants solicitor, iti ordered that the said defends't do respeo'ively appear and answer tlie complainants bill within four months from t(ie date of this rule And is further ordered that this rule he published once a week during four months IVom this (late, in ofte of the public Gazettes ot this State. Extract from the Minutes. A B. F ANN IN, Clerk. june 8 134 •V We months aftevtf. t ^plication wil ; (te x mailetothe honorable the Judges «if tha Inferior Com t of Bryan Counlj for leav. to sell all the real estate of Wm Cubbedge, deed to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors tff said estate. • JoUn cuubk.dge, „ Administrator. Bryan t'tmnty, June 17 IVi NOTICE. ^ • LL persoi,* IndcH .! o (lie estate Of Eliza- be'h Fell late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to m-iko immediate paym-nt to the subscriber, and those to whom the saul ee- . tate is indebted are requested to exhibit their Now, theretore these are'to one and admon- domatids duly authenticated, («. S Oil n ,w« flinoiilna I li.. In, rin, ,1 aiiul AMnrli#/, M nv ... « . _ ,. . _ PE I Eli SHICK Kx’nr. juh 13 150 i|A?l M T months after late, application > i ' lie 2M 'indeto the Hon, (be Inferior Cuun of Bui- lo- i -mntv, When sitting T 'rdni .i \ mirpnsea to sell ail the real ami persoivil estate ol Vilen D<* imark, dec’d, for > < be fit ofthe hAiis and creditors. ROT : TB TON, Ad n’r. MARY UE MARK, Adm’x. ' Hullocb canty. feb 28 48 Gftoi’gia—Chatham County. Bv the 11 Oi the Justices "f ih- Inferior Coon sitting for ordinary purposes. IERKA> Richa'd R. Ctiyler executor >f viiharn Shaw deceased busP4t\t'id"i-d 'lie lion Courtiof Ordinary, to be discharged from Ilia said executorship. I'hei v are therefore to cite and admonish all aiuTsingular the kindled and creditors "f the sa d deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk bf the' Court of Ordinary on or before the I3lh day of January next ensuing the date iiy.reof, otherwise letter* dismissory will be granted to the peti tinner.. : 1 , ’ F. ' Witness the Honorable‘Thomas N. Morel, one ofthe Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, cco. julv 13 ,150 Drought to Jail, I N Savannah on t e 9tli iiisi. a liegbo man win says hi* name is Sam -son and that he belongs to Capt Arnold of Bryan County, Georgia, snd that he ranaway ab-up three weeks ago. he is 5 feet 11J inches high, and about 30 years of ag‘ JOHN I. DEWS.zc c. aug 12 163 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the^ 9t:.Jnly asta dark mu latto man Who says his napie is KI lick, apd that lie belongs to the State of Georgia, and is employed on the Ocmulgee River, and that lie ranaWay about one mon'h ago, he is 5 feet 74 in ches high and about 25 years • f age JO 'NJ DEWS, j c c aug 7 161 Wlio, ings Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 4 5 It inat. a negro man' says his name is Harry and that he beh to JosenUusLove ofGreen bounty, Georgia, an l that he runaway from him near vyari-jUgion a- bout the first of June, he is 5 feet 9J Inches high and about 25 years of Sge, JOHN I, DBW8,z#.c. , Attg l? 166 o’ INK months ali er daie, application v.jT b" e 1 made, to the Inferior Court of Effingham lount >,,for leave to sell all the real pr»jiet v be- looging to the estate of the late Bev Jno Beck, dec lying m Bald county, for the benefit of the . heirs and creditors. aprii 16 88 ANN HECK, Administratrix. eorgia—-Bullock ( ounty. Uy the llono abli tli Court I'O diuai , >4 said County 4 ■ HEREAS Robert Burton, administrator of v the estate of Stephen Denm irk deed, hath applied to die said Court fm lette-s. dismissory frorfrsaid administrstio 1. Th' se sire therefore to cite and admonish all And singular the kindred and creditors of tho said deceased, to file their object!.us (it any they have) in the office qf the Cierk of thia Court within the time prescribed by law, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the ap- .) hcant Witness he Honorable Sheppard Williams, one ofthe Justices of said Court, this 3d June, 1824. EI.Y KENNEDY, c c 0 b 0. june 4 M***V Law Notice. I SHE undersigned having formed a connection in the practice of the law, will attend td cases iuall th- Courts ofthe Flint Circuits, and tih adjoining counties ofthe Ocmuigee and Southern Circuits. OL1V R II, PRINCE, EDWARD ». TRACY. Reference in Savannah toG. W. Rockwxh & Co. Macon, June 4, 1824. • i*i!v’3 146 ’ ■■ , i'll. F11 sue uppriv.., 1, ,tiai tlie subscriber I has titles to one half of a 50 acre tract of Land on White Bluff, adjoining his, and land lately John Poullon’s, now John Morrill’s, andfor which the Administratis ofthe lati Jig. Boyd, applies to the court Jor leave to sell as part of that estate—hi- tides are of prior date and of record. All persons are forewarned nt> to purchase or respass mi the premises R.F.WUt»IAm june 17 Vriga