Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 07, 1824, Image 2

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Jid V ♦ FIIEDKUU-K S. FELL, titi ruis vr.R. janJ mvdco SAVANNA.U' KVEMNG, SirrMWfcR 7t 1821 ’"7* SuriiUt Senior - # atklrcis iv ti.elwh»blt*nlx of Ch»th3tfl < Coumj* (ball »ppe» fei lAirneit. • i CITY ELECTION. The ■annual Election for fourteen Alder* . . f(on-rtKS*VAa\in lUffiiivAS-j SI.. . ■/ y : Fully would udi be darirg enough to de ny to an independent people, the suver- eign light id l ecly.fiuldly, and iu»p«rHaily. giving the rcnalt of their best reflections* on iny matter nt National concern, or S-tate itvrut- A flee people, always speak from ’tic best and genuine feelings (iniieheatt,. , 8 , 8 .. .. of every honest man hey never call to action strains or syco-: vtiancy, to entiap the unwary, or to cause r u.i*.u>|>ecting credulity,to slumber in fatal security. Nor are their accents so discor-1 dant, bioken anil unliarmonious. a-* to ex* ' cite, the strung sensations of disgust, al tells us to avoid, what uiulert- ‘xperitr.<c instructs u-, not -Finn Sir. Yoiliiuve our an Mutv's thurch. Alter the court house had | !>eci*built, the original fort tvfS still gam 1 -oned.und served tu piotect the coloi.isti. vcoj ii ge. i iiuj sir. you m ve <>ur an j lo ’ w ; u i me ,hu»e*er, when Mary* I iwer. IV e arc determined not to confide in J (|( j (0 {, e better settled, and. con* j political hypocrites, whether they a .some affluently, better protected, the fort seems i u,e inanl'e of meekness or sincerity, or are . to have been abandoned, atul to have (alien : universally acknowledged to pu^-easexalt i into decay Ylie water made insensible, t ttd abilities. We may admire the latter, | b«* sure, advances on the la.itl,.till at last , ., ... ,• lit flowed over the place where the fort once {but the former,must mutt the eaecratiou .j* he ( | r w-,|, a i cannuiis of the fort Respectfully* THB PEOPLE. From the Oneida (N. Y.) Observer. It is- now said by the opposition prints, ithat the extra session of the Legislature f. *n to rep, r sent the City of Savannah, i„ | most at the very period, it gtstra birth to| WM call'd * defeat the election ul Mr ,.. , , , . , suspicion.—We are not apprised of any Crawford! On this subject they have cold r., oncil, for the year ensuing, took pfoce;^.^, ° ' ! political subject, too elevated (or the genius .-Aterday the whole r.umbar of vote* ,| )0 people comprehension.nor have we ‘ !| in was48?,‘ than wasgiy i r fceivM l instruction of any circumstances, in last year. On counting them out tl‘<sj loo g Un< ( am J towering, lor their calm, and supporter**, atid not a little ffom the id comfort. Mr Crawford m guiding strength original „ , t still remained. A few days ago, they were discovered about two hundred yards from tlie shore, nearly, buried in tmid, covered with the rust of nearly two centuries, and with more recent oysters. TheperBever* ing and interpid spirit of Capt, CVSURt, (who was on a visit with us to his brother, thellev. J, Cahbehy, manager of the farm on which the fort stood,) assisted by tlie mechanical genius of Mi-.Nj wton, (Pruffel sorin the Catholic Seminary in Washing vl»y, the following was declared to be the rapidly in this state partly C q.H.,jcej ton ) determined him to redeem these rb- oftV known repobliCan cliaracter ot his antiqnlty f. om irretrievable destruc tion. 1'hey soon succeeded, and four can result. dispassionate in vest 1 .gallons -certainly norm temperate violence of his opppsere. William B. Bulloch, -41eorge Shirk, Charles Harris,. 5. W. Jackson, Oeorg* Millen, } B. Gaudrj, l*-n-* Morrison, \V;n. C. UaoielU 9 * Isaac Minis, 1 ■ W. R. Waring, D-et.J. C. Hsbershntri, F .’.(click Omsler, vr c woph Gumming, W 0. \V*yue. F. Brasch, S. M. Bond, Chvrjgtr Gildon, T. if. Morel, L II. Furtb. R/. .i Rent. Shellman. 421 400 094 592' 368 v- 342 023 323 313 308 299 286 278 259 260 208 107 in 164 15* ,47 From tli6 Delaware Gazette. WtUIUK H.Ciwwpoud is too hnnrrt to . firm to regard ihe threats of>tyrant8 in pow* ttiat the | Cf or Jidpugiiion ; he is too high-minded tq United ' electioneer, for himself, or'to rest his cl aims too mighty for their firm grjpip, or that can coi\ themselves within maze*, impenotra-j - — ble to candid scrutiny I1bmocrat8. cheer, court the smiles, or (,y.r me frowosi of men fully acknowledge. becoosoMt >(a the l ,n P ower ’ or,ncn of ****** l » too spring of Unfettered convictions, only legitimate sovereign in the Slate*, is the People—if they with it mfcs/jto office on any other foundation than his be don e. It was. the commanding and irre* I own. virtue, intelligence, and capacity; he Bistable violation of the People., that !aid U too much of an Amerioan to admire the , , f . T customs of fnrngn courts; he is too firm to prostrate the aspjrfog ad«niol»tration of Mr ^ the ^mpitSB ofpoiitical.opiniops; Adams—the legitimate Representative of ;t)e ia tuo pati-nrtic to support an unsound their strength and sublime energies, that : or impolitic measure on account of his poli with Herealeai power,htiiHed to the F.artft, j tjcal attachment to those who support it’; the m niFters jilkn anti Sedition Aa®s, | he is ton honorable to desert hit friends or and placed in their stead, a hallowed sy»* J , kbse his opponebts; he has too much na The. ft ret rovkTKSM ate elected. * It is dot 'o this gentleihsn to stste that but tV-.v j, rsoii* knew tUSt he w*» a r»ndtdale, tus name neverh..ring been publicly announced. GEN. LA FAYETTE arrived at Boston iem, dispensing ample securities, for the enjoyment* ofcivjl rights, invaluable lo A nerican freemen. * ' The People, S«r,in your letter of thtrSSd nUimo, will not consent, to tjnter into pri. vatc corcspondpttcc, they arc mffoonced by the Impression, that it Would be injuri ional feeling to sacrifice the interests of the cmJiitry mi the altar of sectional parti nlity, party devotion, or private advantage. He is honest tn hi| motives. asddMuus in the .performance bfliis duties,, judicious in the adoption of his measures, attentive to jlfe liifwtfilj rtf tlie hatiop, persevering ia the jpursuit and practice i>f virtue; honora ble in jiis feelings,candiiPln hi* sentiments, nons, the only ones that remained, are now planted on the elevated shore before the house of St. Ini oe’s Manor. Two or thtira .-ipjiear to have been partially burst, K robafoy in self defence aguiust the (n.lianU romonea ball was extr-acted weighing eight pounds another was loaded with chain shot. ‘The three la.-,-*t ue.clOfoet King, and the fourth six. On the one which was least surrounded with mud, a -bystaud er counted 602 oystet-B. The guns Were all elevated, and brought a distance n! two miles to St. Inigoe's Manor during the space of part of two days: Believing, Messrs Editors, that subjects of this description are interesting to many of your reader*, and being myself a lover of’antiquities, I have ventured to address this to you, hoping font you will give it pub licitv-,-—JV ctt7 Jut. B. ou* to the great interests of the public,and ,jsvt in liis judgement^ resolute in his pur* (he sacred cause, io which they have will Iposefy upright in his conduct, sincere in itigly embarked thtfir best exertions. Jt .his^a^achmeuts, amiable,in Ills deportment, •si*? • •** * wi|h tlietr conceptions of propriety,—mid 1 1 1 the depth of your political experience will on Tuesday the 24’b ult. at 11 o’clock, aud j inform you, would wear the aspect, of re* tvn* esemtedinto the city by the military, tiringfrbm the light of day, to take shelter, dye. ^c. Toe procession was so lung that i# the endless fold* of night. fJ'*, Sir, the the l eak did not reach the common until. W »B answer you tlirnush the medi- ’ -sr I o’clock. We have received on part ** of art l"****»** P‘«eM with ^ V tUr account uf his journey in reaching ness, a» passion forms none of their politi there, owing to the failure of nearly the cal ingredieots-they will write in the dig *:.«!e ot the last paper mail. • F'V afld s i ,mt ® f ca,l f ,r > withoptany stm At 11 unlock on (he d iy predobtrfoGen W#nce ot tl La F .yette’s entrance into Boston, a salute a '*"6 ua S e from JJuenoa Ayre«, in the b ig American We prcVume those puliticans who have a deep interest in misleading the people in regard to the state >f public rtpiftiort will now concede ’that' Mr Adams cannot re ceive Hiy thirty six votes of the state of New York To renderHhe vote of this resistance to which, while it «w *6 ed in Providvncc in honor of his ar* exhibit tilevain operalionsof a be* rival in that c.ty. . nigl^cd mind,.proJefit .a heart, festered by. everjMleleteriOira quality, that degrades, Capt Alee?: I’atuidge, principal ot tlie debases and destroys, You ask us with .M Maty S5.-uiin’ary in Nfiiwjch, Vt. has much apparent -earnestness* *'is it not dc- fo*m nominated as a candidate for Con- sirable lo take iuto nur raijks, men of- ta-' jgress from that Stale. lenls, v.hbhave differed’ftom u* and pro. ,,,, .. . r .. r ., . . ,, mote their views”—We anBwer mo*tcoo. Iha WidoW andfamiis-of thnlate Caesar . . , , .■ .. . • .. * * .■’T*!* SSwSteSit?;MTj® ment and experience the following rntrrro- MeteHdt-m.-'l’hree load* (18 bale*) of 8 a ‘ or y- Ca " >’ ou confldc in a TraiturPSir, the crop of Nnv Cotton, have been recciv- do the lessons of prudence,-or the max. «.«! in Charleston. From dm sample, it'i', '>ms «*f discretion pr -claim any doctrine, •uppohrd the quality will be that (hat you must remunerate fawning sycu- ofUstyear—oueofthe lots sold at 14 12 phants, with o(lice9 df distinction and .e cents. molument, because they h&ve .sacri^ced I here has also fo-cn 16 bates of the new t | ic j r political integrity, on (lie altar of rest, ^op -rece.vvd lo Hamnurg-fourteen of !eSil ambXi'on ? A man distinguished by his genius and talents, who lias forsaken IMPORTANT TO PRIN'fERS.—The {ds parly, and attached himself to another following decision ot the chief court in Scot* more powerful, may still retain his politics, land, acquires u peculiar interest in Amer ica which may be canfeidered in one sen$e (t newspaper country, and p^rticu’arly os foese establishment* are frequently trans ferred. TheCourt were unanimously of opinion that 'he right, of printing and publishing a Jlewspauer. or the share o f Much a right liow. eve. -niomalous it may be in point of prin ciple and whether it may be Called copy right privilege, property or by whatever «ithei name is a valuable right, m-w per fecily known and understood, and is, by the. common law, both transferable inter *oivef and transmissible to heirs, indepen tienlly of any written contract betwixt partners or proprietor:,.” , Greensbubo, (Pa.) Aug. 20, Singular Uccurrfince.r~Uied, on Wedr flesday last, very suddenly uthik residence In Uniiy township, Mr JAMES MON.T- COMERY, a useful citizen and an honest lie may truly Kay, I have never changed, 1 am with (he majority,—because they will, or can subserve his purpose- lie who dees from the , ‘remnanl’ ) and doubly nrms him- sel?, with the missile weapon* of craft ^aud intrigue, and give* liis adhesion to the par. ty predominant, may excite some small portion of sympathy, but he can never fail to have strong claims, to the mixed senso; tions of contempt and disdain,—He may e. ven devote the balance of Ids frail existence to the sustainment of papular political prin ciples, yet. inasmuch as he excite* suspi. cions ak to his sincerity, can never ‘estab lish hi* claim to it, until life is a silent,Harm less tenant df the grave.—To us the idea is abhorrent, uncongenial with our feelings, that in political conversion, there is either sincerity, or an exhibit’oLexpiation for for. gr«*t and commanding stato doubtful, qv« ry effort has been tried—-every vile expedi ent reported to. It will not surprise us ifMr Adams* devoted partisans Shall still claim, a .majority of the New -YorkT^eaiisla- ture a* certain to give him the vote ; for to present the .Blightesi prospect of h/s elec tion it is necessary that they should place* :<> hi* account the vote of this great staty. As,»he cn9e stands, there i* not the ;afivt rb> mote jiid^pert that Mr Adams can be elec ted President; the only gli/np«ebfhope hin friend* can have is foorn defeating jn elec tion by the nenple and giving it to the house of representatives, each state costing one vote—their- only !]0pe is, by an electibn on the rotten borough system, where fifty tlu>u* sand will have as much weight a* twelve bundled thmraud inhabitants. Hence his partisans in Pennsylvania, foe lad stafo which Would give him a *0te w nip there strenuous for Jecksnn, not‘with foe expec tation that lie Rill bp elected, but in the hopd that by *• keeping up the division” a choice may lie prevented. , From animpar- rial view of the nev*spapers received from the different states, there-isa strong jiruba bility that H. Cn.vwt ouri will be chosen our rftext President by tlio Electors in thp first iusta’nce; and we are not lfess cottiid • .t, if ids .health sldtlf* be-continued and liis life jpiseeved (of which (here is now scarceljr'less doubt in the case of Mr Crawford than in Ihe case of J\lr Adams or any other person ) that Crawford will sus eped Mt Moiiroo, Ilian we arc of any event which may be anticipated with certainly to transpire.—A". H VutrCot. NEW. BRUNSWICK, N. %. Aug. 2. Ilighly Important• Discovery.—Levi- Dubrow, anr ingenious and enterprising me chanic of tiiia city, being impressed with the belief, that, by boring into the earth a suflicient depth, :vstre»in of Water .eight be caused to Qow tli^refroiiii any' where in ttys regain of country ; some time since de tfermioed lo try the experiment; he coni menceil the operation of boring at the di* tillery of J. H. Bust wick, E>(j. about a mile norJiwest of New Brunswick, Where lie has peiforatcd through Various strata of red shell, slate, silex and'granite, to the* depth of about 160 feet, bml lias brpugl^t up a stream of pure water, which now dis charges 1,600 gallons in 24 hours, and keeps increasing as hi* nugur deccnds deeper He commenced in the bottom of a Well ol about 13 feet in depth, tile water of winch was quite hard, but (lie water he had brought up from this great depth, is said to lie os soft as rain water,and several degrees colder than any of our ordinary springs or wells. This is a discovery of immense val ue,‘ns it will enable any one who can afiVrd the expense, to have a stream of water- is- 'suing at Id* door, in liis barn yard or ip his iielilM, of lint finest and most delicious fia vor, uod will, it is believed, in a great tnea sure supersede the sinking of wells and the usfe of pump*; nor is it improbable, that, in some, situations, a sufficient supply may be obtained by Ifydi-aalic power. Me intends boring until because* a sufii cient quantity of water, ioaseeml to the re quisite height tdsupply Mr Bostwick’s dis tillery, without (licruse ofpuirfps ; mid from what life hw already accomplished, we have no doubt (if hi* expectaiiop. V\,e congrat ulate the public on a discovery of such im porttnep, aud hope some Bpiri’ted individ uals wi|| nmible him, us soon as heshull fin isfi the job in hand, to prosecute the inves tigation, while'they may add essentially to their own comfort and convenience. THE GRAND( In couneq CALEDONIAN 1J ALT, 1 * of tlie restoration 0 j. I forfeited Atmack'* never !,. oniaVned such an kksemblago of fashion, and beauty, us it did on p/ iglit. ! 1'here Were present, at midnight, e! c hui’dred persons, dressed in the cow of every country, and the brilliancy of scene, from thequantities uf diamonds^, which almost every female dress, wu ducked, was Uftcqttalltd. At half past nine the Duchess of j>. nioml, ami many other leding wom- ' rntink, arrived; so great a dread haiuU, of foe approaching . crowd. From hour till Half past eleven arrived Mr. Cr ning and the otlifcr Cabinet Ministers, j in tlie Windsor uniform; the Duchess liedford, Duchesses of. Argyll, tiom-rse Leeds, tkc. The leading Afb6/essereiiiain ( | in the banqaating*room, on the gmaedl floor, until tlie arrival of the Royal Phi,I who entered at the private door opposite Duke Street, at twenty minutes before jj o’clock. Tlie names announced werc-^(j e Princess Augustn, Duke and Ductitn 0 ( Clarence, and Prince Leopold. Thel)ii e of Argyll, us (lie head of tlie Uigi'.vA Chiefs,attended the Royal I -.a d ies.p recti', by the ancient and rennwiffeil piper, came all the Way from Gordon Carfie to preside on this occasion; lie marched m the stairs playi *g tlie n-el of •• Tqllnch-o. rum” with that degree of animation *o culiar to the Highlands’all the Lnlie» of! rankTuUowed, togetlier with the Gentlfo men. ' The Appearance of the Great Salon m Midnight —The double orclu-si.a was i tor a ted with flowers; tho walls wore cov ed with the banners of Scotland, and, the top of the room, the nuns of Engl; were placed to the left of those of Scotland, The iilumiuation was beyond tml ample. The French musicians att-mpted to strike up *> Gad save the king'’ od (W entrance of theUoyal Party; fow was oppo sed. and GowN band called for, which-waj the favorite of the night- The dancing cmn- menced at.a quahter past twelve, with a quadrille a la Polonaise dunccd by twninj* of tall young, and beam if-.! women, cillrjd ** The Ladies of the White Ruse.” I'lm £ it i m ;.wt lid'! t’c( ivh Ididi nits lire i llit'i V II | tor. •--Tt I'.it.n ;th io( [ill n iwil 3 |Cli* , v.» r of Ir t'» ,e„n, i tv u i lilluSi | Ni.i-l Man mu lull, c th inn i i»vy rd a \V‘I min oM, s k. -!>' Shan. It is but a few months since his ven-, fo er e rr < ,r s- i -When by^tlie force of educa^ vrable father was carried to foe.grave from, t* 0D » thetnind receives political impressions the same place After thd above was in type, we were no less surprised than pleased to learn, that Mr Montgomery was restored to life after, tas every appearance indicated, it had been suspended, for about two hours. It is sta ted that his body was cold, and that he had Xio pulse. Every person who saw him, was confident that the vital spark'had fled, and Indeed preparations were making by his friends to attend his funeral. Thiscifcum- xttrrce may, and ought to teach, a usefuJ lesson. Let us not be too precipitate in in- (^rmog-thosp whom we boppfaMe b> dead, , £.RepublicanV which are strengthened and confirmed by age. inclination and intercourse, wesuspect the man that affects to‘change,' and would not delegate to him any public trust. The augmentation of party by parasites is of serious injury—vit. can never be Of any- po litical advantage, to the cause of tlie peo pic, they are not to be relied on—they are not to be trusted—»they can be moved by every gale,—Whether-frorn (leprayiry, or wayward combinations.—In short, they are an Incubus on the heart of the people, TO THE EDITORS. St. Inigoe's Manor, 18m Aug. .'Gentj.emen : Every* vestige of anriqui ty is peculiaily interesting in a country which, relatively speakinu,’is young, anil but fftwly discovered. H'' nc c, we contem plate with such pleasure, or read with such interest, any thing that regards the monu ments of ancient times, and the relics of the Aborigines of this . Western continent. On the 17th of this month I had tlie satis faction of viewing, what I cannot help cal ling a nmnum&nt of jancient times, but of a different character from those to. which I have alluded, it U dlosely connected with the first settlement of thU State. Imme diately after the first Lord Baltimore had brought his Colony into Maryland, about the year 1632. a fort was built on a tongue of land projecting into St. Mary’s river, op posite St< George's island. The point is still called Fort point. In this fort the first legislature of the colony iiaf. It was, at the same time, the colonists* only protec tion against the Indians that surrounded them, the house of legislature, and the court of justice. Soon afier, a court house was built higher up St. Mary's ;iver, which was burnt down, by which marry val uable record* were Inst. It was afterwards rebuilt. The edifice still stands, hut is in a very niinouB .state, and is sometimcsiued as an Episcopal church/ aod is called St. Shipwreck.-*-Accounts have reached tqwo, via Havana, that the fine brig Saucht) Vanza’y Harris-fium this pou, (suiled June 26ib) with a valuable cargo, bound to Carii- pcachyi i* castaway’on the Olaciane’s Key, coast of Camjieacliy. The crew were su ed. About 120,000.doll insured bo the ves sel aiul cargo ill this city. AVF. Com. iidv. From the Metroit Gazette of Aug iii A bloody Cattle.—A letter from Green Bay dated July 31, says—* J have only (lie following news to write:—Two soldiers, Clark and Wilson, deserted frrtm this post n few days ago, armed with 4 muskets, &c. They ivei e pursued-by the Indians, (who ore generally employed to bribg back de serters) and were overtaken. The soldiers were determined not to be taken, and when the Indians came within musket shot dis tance, the action coirrmonced, and lasted for some time. Tho followingis theresult Soldiers killed, 2; Indians do. 4—total, 6.” THE GREEK pAUSE -Mr William Pollard ot Btarjf Rock. Pennsylveriia,’for merly an officer in tire Navy of the U. States, has received from the G>eek authorttiea in London, a commission of Ca itain in tlie Grecian nrmyjaml will atNew York in a few day, destined for that country. Rose of Charley Steiitn t, carried by me Ladies in the rjght hand I'm- tli- first lime since the years fifteen und f-Jvly five, wa^tt novelty. 4 Tullnchgorum,, was the next dance, followed by •'Colonel Itlac-Bean,” “Money musk,’’and ‘ Through-the Wood toD iBie" After this, the ciowded. room produced' heat; and that heat becxrfie almost intoler uble. about three o’clock tin- dancing a pause, but about four it was partially vived; at five tlie music wholly ceased; aix the room's were cleared,. The following were among tlie fiiiestariflj most splendidly dressed Ladies; The Duchess of Argyll, in a dress’of msfe sive gulden tissue; her raven locks, and a prodigious plume of feathers of toe same ^ Colour, produced a contrast with her dia monds, equalled only by The Duchess ufUedfmd, whoso jewelry astonished all by its glitter and its giare- The latter made a prodigious display in deed. Independently of the necklace, tihjfh cost,ut lea-t fifty ihbuiand guinea*/ chaipt of diamomU, with ametliysts »o tile centre, decorated iier Grace’s ‘dress f,om the hlijck velvet SpanWh hat to the girdle or ceBtus below tlie stomacher. The Hon. Mrs Hope was a metedr in tlie throim; dial lady was a moving Sir inn iru-^t; and it was said the cost in brilli mts alone, in a dre: s of sombre magnUkojict: (c> mi:- m) exceededseiff , n‘hundred thousand pound*! The foreign diameters were ahn st i’J numerous as the native on?'-. The tiptni- ards hot abundant, but the Doiinns weri Tha,BplendoUr of the scefte was not n little heightened by the presence ol the Officers of so m my !).-;..g:ion Rc.^imc-nts. The Aim - qpis of Liinilonderry ware his unifonn uf the Tenth. The Marchioness of Win* lies- ter, wlio is a very line y/mnan, wore u drrs* ofwliite satlin.almost covered With britluut stars. Which had a rich affect, Mr*. C’linfles Calvert wore a plume oi fifteen ostrich fea thers. Lafiv Saltoun jnid tlie.lion. Mij(C3 Frusrr won: the. Scottish Highland plume. TlieMissesAddington looked'incompar ihl" well, in golden tissue. Mr Christie.ns Ala- horn mod Ali, the present V iceroy of Egypt, was very amusing i The Head of every Ilouse was ilierr, ex cept. (he Duke of Atlmfi ids G<a(\e left ts his substitute liis son L>rd Glenlyon, wha i looked remarkably in thp-kilt and [ i n ill i— beg We forgot tomentiofi the*Lsdie» of the 4 White Rose” were pll drt*ssed alike iq whitegossftmer over w.liile s/lk. wilb a rfp".- nish hpt turned up in front; the crown i < open (rellis work: the -simpicity hud a vis ry agreeable effect,which their dancing con tributed not a little to increase. , - y The Hoke of IVellington wore the uni* form-of the Oxford, Bliits, Mr Gow’s bund, by particular desire, played his (qrplw first favorite «et of Scotch Quadrilles.—Glasgow Uertxld, Ui! ir.'i lief 84 I)v I (Ult! Al an, W Aft M n 'US# Tl i . I> l‘ (tei U,.l 8c: i.U- KI. 1 ft w, liar Irti' A Ho I 0 perkins-s steam Engine—By die Inst ;k ceunts from England, it appears that Mr Perkins has at last brought his steam engine to ,i state of perfection; and that a capitalist, satisfied of its impm-tuncc. has advanced 36,0001. sterling for a share ol Mr, Terkiua* patent, A wag has been playing off upon a '' me silly editor at the eastward,ju hoax, by >* n * ding him an account of a great Adai»L : meeting,held inCumlici land county.M.‘i |in < at whiefi die Hon. Stephen Jones was »om- inated foran elector:—aud iheN>;w-'IIavert Register re-publislies the proceedings, with muchctwiplaconry. It turns out however, .that the aforesaid itos. yiKPUEv Joses, o |U nominated Elector, is a NEGRO, livim: Portland;—hut he says, heWfJl s 'l Ve.ifeM" ted, a id pledges himself U> .vrtt* Wf Adams. i Hartford m»» L* n