Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 11, 1824, Image 3

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sicknti99,aii'tf do you upon your oath t that at the time it is said lie exocu- naper purporting to be his will (20th hat he could have been sensible of (itciits thereof, or that he, could have i that sane state of niiml, wliiOh eve- i in his last oiblnents, or in a dange jnegs, ought to possess in order to [him to make a prudent disposal of pe’rty ? \\’hat was the situation of the tea Lind, one week before biq decease, I, nut the nature of hj^cninplxinl commencement bUcIi. as to piodued nhicility of understanding ? fl)id you ever hear the deceased, de. Lit it was his intention to leave his [tv to Mordecai Slieftall, or that lie Wo make Ills will in faVor of any o- T-on? [Did you ever hear the deceased say [had relations in tills Country or in ? [At. what times and how often on the »y of October last, did you visit the bred Dearks dec’d ? Dearks apeak of his relations, I know no. thing of them (many, thing further relative tu the deceased’s ,.lfiirs»’ Cross interrogatm ieS to G. oigo Fny. 1st. Da you know that Mr Shofloll and tneHecea ed were acquaintances, and I'rieti- ly before his sickness! llow long did you live in the house of with the deceased? dii! not Dearks semi for bis trunks on Monday before bis deal!:? 2d. And wlieu (he trunks were returned did not Dearks give directions to open them, and give some money, a watch and a protection to Mrtrtoi? Did he not give the keys for that purpose to Mr Blieftall the elder, and what passed on that occasion. Sd. Do you know if Mr Shcftall add one Mr Dukes now shewn to you, went into the room of Deark’son Sundayiifyeii, Was you then present? Answers to crofts interrogatmii's, viz: HI. 1 do. I lived with him from the 1st October lust, until his death. 2d. cannot lav, The trunks were return ed. 1 believe the trunks weie opened by his D-u* k« ot dors dfter they were returned. I b.dieve he ilid give outers tin - some mo knew Gered Dearks in his last ill- ney, a protection and a watch to be deliv liit, not before. ere I to Mot tow, for which purpose lie guv. lion 21. I i attended him as physi- j the key* lo Mr Sht-fiuli the elder, 1 uid hear m the tOth uf October until he (lied the deceased led Mr Kheflall tinsi he had for the lii ft iour.oi live days 11 ness I be|ie»e be was very capable [ng a dispo-iiioii of his pro. erty. days (seven dr eiglt') previous to [ill he iippeured to be pcilectty in- every other day, and the 20lli of fr was one of his bad duys. 1 ^aw [ice on that day sometime in the fore- Lbmit from 10 to 12 o’clock and in taken out n wrong watch, that the oilier watch belonged to Morton us stated in Mr JSeftiill’t testimony on this head. 3d. I do know so. I was not present in tlie room, but remained in the Hull. *. be lieve the keys of ihe trunk were given to Moniecai Shcftall bv Dearks himself to keep. ' "GKOUGKFOY. The above answers to the intercogotories Ping about f'om 5 to 8 o'clock, and and cross interrogarmies were sworn to on best of my recollection and belief lie . capable of making a will on that ny or twd previous or at any time nf- ds—front my own observation and o ination 1 leasable to pmcuie from imdjintA he was insensible utmui fair hours. Atiswtoed in the above. I neyer he n d iiioi speak of his pro- im of making a- will. I did not, ' Answered above. irn lirbefmc arih Nov.'1.805 (Signed) Smiih.j if c Ivr William i’urker, Alger, jx c c c.J lugatoi ies exhibited to George Foy. , Were you acquainted with Gmd dei’d? liow li. rig had you kijownbim [il you ifervtu !,iim in any rapacity? If re and for what length.of timer [Were you with the deceased during L illness, and pm ticulai ly on the 20th [bfti 1805? If so, wuat w'as.iiis slate im IhtH day and night following?— ii aii v knowledge of his making Ins 1 any paper writing and could lie to iiia senses sufficiently (luring ,. to have known --. hetlior lie had o made his maik to any papei? bd you eve' hear the deceased ex- lesjre that Moiclecai ruicjlajj, E-q ave a'l his property ? VVete lii> > oilier papers inilnov d out of his i-forehisil. »(h, if so, whom, •re c{it ried ? [VV is you present with the decease!! ffftp'r the date, of the said paper, h; % wilt? Did he appear sensi- what was his conversation ami who, psent? Did he mention his trunk of If removed and were they bi ought kaOi? Was he Odd in your presence Ilia'oV Molton or some otlirr person liirftf the d'ay^before made his will ness M' k to* some paper supposod to b? |s|iuVfti(ipj of ^liis eftl cts and wind miswer? Did lie then mention manner he wished his properly di id? | Have you' any knowledge whether I deceased bad in possession, orei-' jny money of specialties fur money? ill you kn'ow Did you ever hear tlip said Gered [deceased, say that lie had relations [or any other country? - ' f sol George Foy aged about' nine I yems, a aiMman by profession viz: j I was :n (|uainted with him fm net fars preiiotis to his tlioath mid liverl liii) (Void 1-t OctuMr uiitil his dead), j In !lie riniriiiiig of I In: 2lnh of October beared sensible as lie knew the name Idi-ponem and one Morton who was the house at that time after which | iy about 12 o’clock of that day lie fed ro be insensible as neither Mod ell could get no answers qr any thing opt of him, He knows nothing [signing any paper That he contin and in the same state on’ that (Jay |)e day following. II never heard him sav so—the trunks [her property was removed before liis [by Mordecai Shcftall, Esq. after b--i TP up. 1 I knew nothing of the will but res with him until his death, ns is sta my ntisivr.r to the In st interrogatory. 27th Nov. 1805 before me James alger, j. i. c. o. c. Cross interoghtortes. by Eihvard White, , lisq. viz. : 1st. At what time of the tiny were the keys delivered to M. Shcftall ? 2d, How many trunks and cheats were removed from tiie house of Dearkes, the deceased ? George Foy's answers to the above, viz. 1st. I believe it was before dinner. 2d. One chest and two trunks, one smal ler thnn the other- GEORGE FOY. Sworn to before me, this 27tb Nov. 1805. JAMES ALCfElt, j ,i c c c. Court of Ordinary, in tlie matter of Ge rard J)earives' Will—To Leri Clift all. 1st. If you ktiew tlie Testator, Gerard Dearkes, a few days before his death, and of his having made and signed a will, pur- Porting to be Hie disposal of his estate in avor of Mordecai Shcftall, relate all you know on the subject, the time and manner of tee said disposal and the impression you had of his desire to then dispose of his property at the time the will was signed, or before or after that period ? 2d. Did you or either of you see Mr. John IJ. Lewis at the house of' the deceas ed, if yon, what day did you see him. Was t Sunday or Saturday ? Further interrogatory to Leri Shcftall, UpfoYetiie will was signed on Sunday did you speak fo Dearks liuw.du you coti- ceive lie was then ? Was lie capable of knowing the nature of tlie w ill, when read to him. answer all you -know of liis then state, of sensibility or ipsepsibility.? Jlnsirer to InterrogatorieL 1st On the Wednesday previous to the date of Mr. Dearkes’ willbeingsi^iied, my son was called for to go to Mr. Dearkes, as he was in the habit ot doing his basi- On Ids returning home, my son in formed me that Mr- Dearkes desired him to make his will. I believe my sou wrote the will on the following Friday in my presence. I asked biin, while writing, who the old man Was to give his property to he answered me, that the old man said to himself, as lie-had no other friend here. It immediately strnfik uie iit the time that this man intended piy son to have his pro perty, for two pieces of services 1 once rendered him for, .from tlie day I did it for him he immediately employed my son to (W; ' L ! ’ n ~ “ ' ‘ “ — 11 | another, tnanV, watch, and desired me to give it to a lad which was there, and lie gave it to the owner ; and lie desired me to give another man his protection, which was in the cliest. He asked for some tnoney, and two dollars was given to hirti. I then locked the chest and gave him the key. Ho gave them to my son, as was done several days times before. My son; told Mr. Dearkes that lie had taken home his two small trunks and would send them to him, lie replied, no, keep them- I wcut there the same evening and fimYid. him very sick, and the next morning found him bet ter, Which was commonly the case with him.' . < Answer to Cross Interrogatories by Ed - ward White, Esq. . 1st. I wont alone into the room, apd on mv son and Mr Dukes’ coming in 1 re tired and pulled the door alter me. and no other person was with me except a black purse. 2d* On opening the chest I*did not exa mine the contents^)!’ it I only gave out the two watches and the money (hat 1 have within stnted, or was taken out by my son and gave to Morton, and the pro tections’. After the death of Mr. Dearkes tlie chest was opened and an inventory taken oi its contents as was made a return of to tlie Clerk’s Office. Farther interrogatory. I did see and speak with Mr. Dearkes ori tlie Sunday morning that he signed his will, lie appeared to me to be sufficient sensible to sign his will by his answer ing my questions. I saw Mr. John !)• Lewis on Saturday, the l!)tli of October, at the house of Mr. Dearkes. LEVI EFT ALL. Sworn to before me, this 27th Nov. 1805, James alger, .> j c c c. Cross interrogatories to Levi Shcftall,Esq. 1st. Were you in the room when Mr. Dukes and your son canlc with the will, and if so, who was there also ? 2d- When the chest was returned oti the 21st. of October, and you opened it, wli'at did it contain after you gave the money to Morton out ? LEVI SHEFTALL. Sworn to before to'em, 27th Nov. 1805. James alger, ,i j c c c, Court of Ordinary, Monday, tith Juhuary, ’ 18. >6. Present their Honors ' Edward Telfair, John-G. Williamson, . William Smith, John II, Morel, James Ai.geu. The Escheator vs. the establish-") 41 . ment of the will of Gerard > Havel Dearkes, deceased. J In the case of a paper, said to be tlie will of Gerard Dearkes, deceased, and the examination had and taken thereon agreeably to the order of the 9th of Novem ber last past, being read in open Court, ;ind there being one subscribing witness to the said papetpurporting to be a will, who did refuse to come forward to prove the said paper, in terms of tlie,words prescrib ed by ,Law-. And after bearing counsel in the above case, the said paper is consider ed by the .said cdurt as of no avail, It is tlieoefore, ordered’ that the clerk do pay into Court within three days the nett pro ceeds of the sales of said estate. Extract from the Minutes, 9th September, 1824. SAMUEL M. BOND, Cleric. STATE OFGEORGIA,? Chatham County. y Clerk's office of the Court of Ordinary. 1, Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, hi the State of Georgia, do hereby certify that the j afnily of the late Mr. Levi Shebal!, that he was well ftcqilaihtcd witlj Gered Dearks iti his life time, having secili him often iti the office of,Mordecai Sheftali, Sen. That tlie said Dearkes was in tlleliabitof calling to see Mr. Sheftall’s father• frequently. That he, this deponent, recollects to have heard Dearkes say a short time'before his last illness, that when lie died all his pro perty was for said Mordecai Sheftali, sen. and that this declaration was made at the time he complained of being unwell, this depoUent knows of bis own .knowledge that some trunks, the property of Dearkes, was in the possession, of said Mordecai Shcftall, sen. during his sickness^ and that the father of Mordecai Sheftali senior, du ring Dearkes’ illness, furbished hitjn with one of his hou'se servants is a nitrse- This deponent further saitli, that he knows that Mr. Sheftali, tlieelder, was friendly to said Dearkes. ISAAC DLYON- Sworn to before me, this 9th Sept. 1824. ISAAC RUSSELL, J. P. L)1KD—la this City or the 7lli iust. A mini i Arm the only i'aii|{hler of IJavid M. Fitts, aged eighteen m nitlis mill ihirteun days. At .Saratoga, New Voile,,m the 24th ult. Joins Caiikctakuh, Esq a respectable merchant of Au gusta, ({go. formerly of llaliiniore, aged about 30. £To be rtintintK'd.J snip NEWS. PORT OF SAVANNAH. AUlllVKI). (trigSusan k F.lizuheih, I’hiladclphia, 9 days with u tut 1 cui'go to K Cnmpbcll, A G Miller, Ponce (X Mackenr.'e, O Surges. I Norton, Scar- hrougli Si C ark, >V T Williams, W CCuthbert, .lolmsion, Hills Si 00. Pilot Host srlir Georgia Ann, Lo,w» New York, 9 days to the master. Passenger, Cnpt Nichols. Sloop Cynthia, Turner, Ueaufort, 1 day. SAiiEH THis ronlirrooN. P. I. ship Aiigusta, West, for New York—pas. senger Mr I Moore K C ship LoiinTd Matilda, Wood, for N York-— passengers, Messrs T Wright, Kossetl, (of Au gust*,) and others amt two in ihe steerage. Sclir Thorn, Vernard, for ■■■■- ■ ■ The achr tsabollii,’ Humphries, of this port was nt \1 stanzas about the 1st to sail for Havana, in a few days. AHiiivr.n rnoM tihs^out, At New York tit that ship Savannah, llcbee. At Newbern, N. C schooner La Fayette, llrooks. •' At I’liiladelphia, .10 h uit sloop Prince Mau rice. Tubman, It days. At KJienton,' NC« hr Jolly Sailor, Allen. cuuitKii run rms rnnT, At Philadelphia, 1st inst hrig.Frances,Croft, At lloston 29th ult sclir Golcoudu, liutler. PUBUCSA-tm"'' * By Calvin Baker. ■4\\ r ON THURSDAY, 10ti, insi, at 11 o’clock; 5 - an front of his Auction Store, The Household Furniture, -Jap. Consisting of Lteil-' and Bedding, Bcdcteads, Bu reaus, Looking Glasses,’ Kitchen Furniture, &c. he. - v • also, . Watches^ Clocks, jewelry, ^c; Together wT .h a complete syt of Watch Maker’s Tools, belonging to the estate of-A U Kaulin, dececscdy and sold by permifls'nm of the tfiirt. the .Tusticca of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, by or der of the Executor, aep 7 174 _-.x i . ■ ‘ ' Georgia-—(.’Hathain Oounty. ■ To all whom it mav ionciirn. IJkTHF.KEAS .{hades Levistoncs lias applied v v . to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary, of Chatham Ciiuiry.ifor letters of iidmiiiistrutipn on the estate and effects of Samuel Clark,late ot the Island of Ccba, nierchartt, dec. as principal creditor, • i . . ' ; Now, therefore thes'e are,to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and credito:sof the said dec. to file their objections (if any they have) to tlie granting of tlie administration of the said deceased to the applicant in tlie Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before the eleventh day of October next, otherwise letter of admin istration will be granted. .• > . ( Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of the Justices of the said Court this lltu day of September A. D 1824 . S M. BOND, o c o c c. sepll 176 . . ■ | ~receifFo ;pen ship AitbbsTA,- llffft FtRKINS GOSHEN BUTlElt iAVs,/ 30 Barrels Gin 12 rases (canisters) Gunpowder and Imperial Tea, kite importation m STOItE, 3000 pounds Bacon 50 hbl« prime Pork SO bags prime Green Coffee 10 hlids St Croix Silgar 10 TonsSWedesIron ■ 1 i’ > For sale by JU HEUBEUT & CO. sep 9 175, « , • ■ ' - ' -lY f Tu ItonaiiT W. Poolkh. tlt—Yhu are now before the people of Chat- w barn Cou"ty for their suili-ages for a seat in the State Legislature. While holding yfeursell up for tliis high office of tru-t, are you not endea voring to palm yourself on them as a just and OOrrefit Man? Have you said unto tliem that you liuve cU fruuded me l 1 deem it to, be adu- t.v that l owe to them to thus publicly say you hare [u making this charge, anil thus publicly, lam well aware of the legal consequences if my'ge is unfounded'.' I invite a prosecution in order that I m ,y have an Opport'uiity to give the truth in evidence. MICHAEL BBOWN sep rt (76 ■ For Philadelphia The new fast vailing.brig 8U4AN fi ELIZABETH, Richard Gray, Master, For freight or pa-mge appiy to Capt Gray on board. A few barrels of Apples and Potatoes, For sale ua board of the said brig.' • It! C HA llD GR AY. 11 m176 tweatv-one foregoing paj^es of writing,! Congressional aild Legislative numbered from 1 to 21, with my name sub-i Eiledtio)i. scribed bn the back of each paaje, contain a g Elfctron, will be liotden at the Court Irtrt! and accurate copies of « paper writing] ,'V House in Savannah, in and.for the County purporting to be the last will and testa- of Chatham, on the 4th ofOotober eh- ment of Gered Dearkes, deceased, with thp ■« in * f ” r . s ? vo !' Member* tff'represent the State testimony and P r,, . cc ^l |1 ^ y' er ® l,n > 1,s 8(*js!a?cD iindf;. ! r'a.Sen!tto' , am l l l tbre^ R^.pei.nla’ filed and recorded in the me, ta-Uj V esto r«pre»eDtsaid CfiuhtvinthenextLegis* ken.from and collated with their respec-htu re of this Sites' of which' the Electors will and rtiy I went into his room where he lay, 1 ask ed him how he was,' he replied sick but better. During this time my son and Mr, Dukes were in the ubter room, some little time after they both came into the room and I retired and pulled the door after, me. leavugthem in the room—-1 went to tlie gate leading totlie stqet.—Some little time afterwards Mr,' Dukes came to me where l was standing, mid told me that the old man signed his will by making a cross, and''that he, Dukes, wrote his name over or across it, lie further told me that He. H read flie will to the old man and explained ; Ao it to him in a very particular manner, and ' Tra wit two small t!b$ the name of Morton informed me that lie tive originals In testimony whereof, I lnyve hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal LJVW)[.yG, FROM aettB.HBNa* MipntBTOlf, T1EUCES Prime Uetailing RICE, for sale UkSJ low if taken from t|ie' wharf by! II VV DELAMATEB. aep 9 m175 { Just Receive^: PF.U SM O- ACTIV* PHOM baltimori. BOXES U AL’ON assorted 150 .prime HAMS : For dale by DOUGLASS h SORRELL. '' aep 9 p175 ' J BILLS ® N NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTOND, '''' PROVIDENCE, BALTIMORE,, .: WASHINGTON CITY, and .RICHMQN, . at thirty and sixty dava. and sight, for sale b/ S. St M. ALLEN & CO, Jiept 7 /■ 174 Anchor Giii. jfifgi 98Uf< ; •* Cjunningham’s” Anchor Gin, wjv-/ jdfit received per'sloop Eagle, and for side by CALVIN BAKER. 174 CQ11N AFLOAT ! T WENTY fiyeyhousajHl bushels prime Corn, on board,th? Active from Baltimore will be sold low, if immediate application be made jo •< . • JOHNS TON, HILLS h CO. sep 7 , *t74 2? Prime St. Crniac Sugar. Juat received by Ship Louisa Matilda, *7 |Prime St. Croix Sugar. '• 50 kegs Spioed Salmon. . ;i Fpr sale by GAUDRY & HERBERT, aep 4 il73 , " of the said Court Savannah, the ninth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, SAMUEL M. BOND, c c ox c. Estate of Gered Dearkes. Amount Sales Prpperty. S295'50 To casli paid K.oflock &’ Parker’s bill 46 5D take due notice. The Sheriff or liis deputies will attend the same to keep and'preserve good order. Time for receiving votes from seven o’clock in the morning until six intlieafternpon. J NO P WILLIAMSON, J I c C c. THOMAS N. MOREL, liccc. GEORGE L. COPE, Jiccc. " sm 11 176 . .. Lard, Corn Beef, Tongues, ^c. KEGS LARD IOlialfbblsCornUeef, ' 10. do , dp TopgueS 50 Spinked'., -do 2d kegs Starch 2 bbls Currants... . 20 kegs Shot assorted' . , < ■ Just received per'sloop Eagle, and for s*1e> by G A UORY.& HERBERT, "sep 4 t!73 ■ Xolin II. lfari ■is Brought to Jail. I N Savannali oil the 9th inst. a negro man who says his name is Kdenbomugh and that he belongs tb the estate of James Clark, and that Benjurnin Crop of South Carolina, is the Execu tor of said estate, /in<! i hut be ranawsy about one S2‘29 00,! month ag > lie is 5 feet S^j inches high and about 5 25j40years of uge. JOHN 1 DEWS.j c c. n and myself wag present.' He ne- Ibid put into the care of Mr Dearkes, 16 ard the ileceatfp, ,;„n Ida ir„,,b. and a half guineas, 2douL>loons, l piece of |ard the deceased mention liis trunks Iperty. They were brought buck, as I information of Morton totlie ileceas- P u t his will, and mark uiatiu t" a pa- I'rporting to be his will lie was not nt nor did he hear any tiling to this ef- II never heard him speak of liis wish unticn of disposing of liis property. • I de not know of my mvn knowledge 1 deceased having any money or spe- R s> but. heard him s#y that iie had mo- ° Ihe Banks of Charleston and Phila. Ria. 4"-.’'' *Jnd last. I never heard the dec’d mil a half guineas, 2 doubloons, 1 piece 7s. value, and a silver watch and protec tion. On tlie next morning, being Mon day the 21st, Mr. .Dearks sent for tliis chest; myself and son went with it, tlie old man gave me the key that opened the chest, as there, was more keys tied toge-. tlier. Tlijs Morton asked Mr. Dearkes, in my presents, if he did not give into his care the money-above, ilientioned, ami pro tection and watch. Mr. Dearks answered yes, anil desired ine to give it liini, which I did On tny taking up a watch which was in a paper, Mr- Dearkes sakl^that was 00 io AH 3tl 00 10 00 10 50 8 00 48.60 y 87 50-237 31J To Peter Jackson , paid To Hendrick Fislici; To Dr. Berthelott' To Jaihes M'Cabe To Joseph Prescott; To estate Matt. Johnston To John II. Duebell A trite copy from the files of tliis office —Clerk’s Office of the Court.of Ordinaty of Chatham County, 9th Sept*’1824. S AMU15L M. BOND, Cleric. GEORGIA, l Chatham Countu. $ Personally appeared Isaac D’Lyon of tlie county aforesaid, who being duly sworn ffaitljV that he resided for many-yearsln tlie 15fought to ,1 ail. I N Savannah »a me 9ib inst. a negro wnrrian wlYu^ya bsraiame is Upity and that she be? longs to ihe eg trite of J»tnes-Cljtrk, and that Ben jamin Crop, i;f South Carolina, is tlie. Executor of said est. and t]i(iti$he runaway about 1 month ago, slie is 4 feet 10 inches high and about >15 years of age.’ ; JOHN 1 DEWS. J e e. sep'l 176 . . .■ 8ep.ll 176 Brought to Jail. N Savannah on £hej9t|i inst. a negro man who .says liis name is Isaac, and that |ie belongs |p,.Henry VVitliams, of South,iCaroliiia, .arm? .that he rariawiiy abiiut one moiitli rtgo, lie -is 5 fegt 84 inches higli, and abbat-’50 years of age lie has loot the sight of liivlert eye, JOHN 1, DEWS, jo c. sep 11 176 LANDl.yG ; , . > from stoor saom. BOXES Soap 10 casks Goshen Cheese ,19' )cegs do Butter For sale by C, ROE. sep 4 *il73 , > | (fj*Fifty Bollard Reward 1 p* ROBBERY! T HE Store of the Subscribers wait entered This mofiiing, between 9 and 10 . o’clock, while the young man was in tl,»e cellar, and One Hundred and Eighty Hollars, in-notes of the State Bank of North Carolina stoj.eibfrom,ihe '• drawer. There was one bill of jgSO^one of £20 with the signatures nearly defaced, and the bal ance ten and §20 bills. ; A reward of §50 will be given for the detection qf the robber andtlio • recovery pf the money, or §20 for'eitlier. . ’ C. KELSEY CO. sep 3 - r m •: »' ■ • LEECHES. j UST received and for »ala_by A’LiU^ r C. O'BMLBR. Treasury Department, AUGUST. 26th, 1824.' VTQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the pro- Jlt prittors of the Detered Six percent, fi'rfel, that the last payment on account of the Fnnei- pal jind Interest ofthe said stoeV ,• wilt become duethefirst «>f October near ensuing the (lam hereof, and that tlie same will-be paid on that day at the Treasury, and at. Hie Loan-' Offices*’- havii’n- ,siu-h stock stund-ng on tilt:ir books,-, to the aCiH-.kholders. or to 'ilitii- attorneys; upon .the surrender of the; origii’luV"•certificates of saiiV stock. ’ . WM.. II. -GUAWPORD, v. , Secretary oftfie;Treasury- • root 4 %T$ ’ • fiat' i -4 ani-