Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 11, 1824, Image 4

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mime s v?m 4 • 1 - Administrators "ales. hy J. K'Jierbert *5 Co. N theft st iiuy in November next 0 N tht be si .\l:,y in November t.ext will sold before the Court Mouse in this city sctween the usuul hours of 10 and 2 o'clock Lot No. (lift) thirty seventh district of Wil kinson county, containing 2u2 j acres l.ot No. (Ul) twenty seventh district of Wil kinson county, containing 202$ acres. Lot No (62) thirteenth district Wilkinson County, containing. 202 f acres. , but No (85) tlfirteentli district Wilkinson r.ounly, containing 202J acres. Alt that lot of Sand in the city of Savannah, known by letter W Oglethorpe Ward with die improvements thereon. Ail that Lot of land in the City of Savannah kn wn by letter V Oglethorpe Ward with th improvements thereon. Two negroes Lesle and Iter child Mary being 'he properly otthe estate of A 1) M'Farlane de ceased sold by permission of the lion the Life rinr Court of Chatham County and by order of the administrator lor the benefit of ilie beirsand creditors of the said estate. Terms Cash. sepia 172 ^ W ToxOuUector’s Sates. On tire Jir,t Tuesday in ..Vover.ber net, ILL be sold at tlie i.uttrt Mouse in th City ol Savannah, between the htmrs of 10 and 3 o’clock, the following property or so much thereof as will satisfy the State and Gottmy luxes, and Cost*, vis: A tract of land in Bulloch Qpnnty, containing 328 acres, more or less, returned us pine land. Levied on to satisly the state and county taxes of Joseph II. Armstrong for the years 1822 and 1323, and costs Amount of tuxes S4 43, A tract of laud in Camden County, containing 2874 acres, more or less, Originally granted to John Palmer, Levied on to saisfy the state and county taxes of the estate of Joseph llevan for the year 1823. Amount of Taxes g26 58. Lot No 25 in Franklin Ward, in the City of Sa vannah, subject to an annual ground rent to the Corporation of sard city, with the improvements thereon. Levied on to -atisly the s e and county Taxes ol Frederick hcliick, for the year 1823. Amount of Taxes S 5 1 17. J AMBS EPPINUER, T« c c. nug28 170 % Administrators ^ale. J. li. Herbert & Co. O N Mu li:st Tuesday in November next, will' be sold helore the Court House in this city j between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. One tract of situated in Hotkey Creek containing one hundred and thirty five acres (l34) more or less, being the property of Veter Mcfurlane deceased. Sold by permission ol the lion, tile inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator for the benefit of •the'heirs and'creditors of said estate. '1 arms Cash. tfcsepta 172 Administrator'8 Sales. On 'Tuesday the 5t!i day of October next, ■ ILL br sold ut the Court House, Liberty bounty, between the usual-hours of sale. • Lie Horse, saddle and bridle, the property of the estate of Ludswick Lard, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. F.. WAY, Admr. aug 28 170 . Chatham Superior Court— County. A or City Sheriffs Sales. TjjNN the first Tuesday in October next, will be 'sir sold at the Court House, between the usual - ’hours of 10 and 4 o’clock Two horses and a waggon levied on as the property th Jesse Sunderlin, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of .vyclie Abbot. /A two. story building, 30 feet width and 12 f.-el y-ep on tire rear of Lot No 5, Hicks Tything Jt’et aval Ward,with about three years imexpirod lease, levied on as the property of Miss Cold smith, by her trustee to satisly an execution in favor of Peter Dupon. Also, sundry artic|cs of Dry Goods and Cro- cei it's, levied on as the property of Pierce How ard to satisly an execution in favor of John 1*. WiHi:.m<on trunsfered to John Gilmartain, Atstt sundry articles of household furniture, le- vieo-on a* the property of Thomas Jinney under a Warrant of distrain for ItoitJe rent in favor of Jinac Mints. J AM ES W. 81 MS, a s c c. ggBvp* l»- m Sheriff's Sales. kN the first Tueaaay in October next, will be r sold at tlie Court House in.tiie City of Sa vaniuli between the hours of 10 and4o’clock. All that undivided moiety being the southern Italfi f all that Lo^No* (4) four in Elbert ward in tlie City . fSavannah continuing COfeet in length, and 90 feet tn depth with tlie improvements thereon levied on as the properly of Hubert I.ew is to satisfy an execution in favor of Charles tfodgeer. All that lot letter D aid improvements Ogle thorpe ward in the V illage of St Gaul, Chatham County levied on as the property of Joint Read, mole to satisly an execution in favor of Thomas Garnet'. Also, one horse and sundry articles of house hold furniture, levied on as the property of Jno Womack, to satisfy an execution in favor of II rv M'AIf.ih,.against John Womack, and Wrtt M Craig, security. Also, the following 8 negroes via: Sally and her 1/ children Mary, David, and Eliza, Delia and her 3 children Lucmder, .Maria, and Anthony, levi- ■ cd-oi. »s the property of Kleazer Early to satis fy an execution in favor of the Bank of the U- piled Stales. A negro man named Bob levied on as the properly of Maria Cohen &r aatiafy an execution from a Justices Court in favor of Ur L li Furth returned to me by a constable. Lot No 7 and improvements in the City of Sa vjuiiiiitt Jeykel Ty thing Darby ward, levied on as the property of the trustees of W Gale’schil dren, property pointed out by the plaintiffs and returned to me by a constable. A begro woman named Lizza, levied on os the property of Richard Levette to satisfy two exe cutions from a Justices Court in favor of B Fur- nie. Pierce Howard et. al. returned to mb bv a constable. 1- D’LYON, see, Sep 4 173, .iohn Fuller Isaac ; melt essee Furness Alien Greenfield Jo K Gibson Cupt A Girttldo Mrs Ann Gibbs Mrs ;; Ginbins M ss Ann H Gibbins Win Harrington Dr Hull James Harris. Ossabaw John Hogg John Retail ) Geo II Eden bi. y Jlit/e jyiti. Mrs K.l z Emerus Nathan linker. N the pedffot ~of Jno. lletan stating that Nathan Baker did on the first day of May 1822, the belter tn secure the payment of his certain promissory note of ihu< date for the sum of two thousand iV.llaix, payable to tlie said John Retail, or order, on or before tlie 1st day of May, 1824, with interest at 7 per cent per an num, by bit indenture, under his seal, bearing elate the day and year first aforesoid, mortgaged »othe said John Itetais all the undivided moiety or half part of ad that lot of land, situate, lying and being in the ciiy of Savannah, and known and distinguished in the plan thereof by the number one (1) Tyrcoimelt lyihing Darby ward, ti>gelhcr with the appuvtenances, and further stating that tlie sard promissory note remains wholly unpaid, : and the said mortgage in full force, and praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage. i. On motion of tV. W Gordoil, attorney fur the j Mrs Mahanu llarvey retitioticr, it is ordered that the' said Nathan Ha- Haitlv ter do pay into i his C-.urt, within twelve months of this date, the principal and interest due on the said note and tlie costs of the said application, or in default thereof, that tlie equity of redemp- tion of the said Nathan Baker of mid to tlie said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be served oil the said Nathan Baker, at least six months before the time-appointed for the payment of said money into court, or published in one of the public Gazettes of this state, at least once in every month, until the time ap. pointed for tlie pay ment thereof, and that such fui ‘ ‘ ‘ ' LIST OH LETTERS,: Remaining in the Post Office, at Savan nah, lieu, on the 1st September, 1824. (J4T Person$ wishing Letters from this list are requested to ask for Letters. idvertised William Atlanta .iohn Ad ms John Arms Dennis R--; Nat Bel *liss U A Bit nt Mrs Sand Haas Oliver K 11a ley Alex Brant Wm Bandy Mrs 11 B tunas Wm I i -orrie 2 A. Thomas Askov John Atherton B. Wm Berrie Jr Miss Sarah 8 Bird Capt John Brooke J unes N Hrowtl David Brown * Mrs Blogg Jus Byrne Jas Butler Jos Buckingham c. D Cooper Eheti T Crowell Michael Clarke Titos Lallan 2 .!o n Chapman r Win Conrad Mrs Henrietta Clark Mrs Susan ’outlier Mrs Margrct Chapman Richard Cloony until Capps Thos Clark Sami Clark Miss >ane C Cline C'co IV Davis Jos D'l'ass l* A 1 De Ltizics I apt Kdw’d D Courtcr Jas Cunningham Ann • urfy Sami Cunningham D. Mrs Eleanor Dicks Dontinico Dczra E. Sami Elsworth F. ‘ Mr Frederick White Bluff G. Jos R Gibson John Grimes James Uovan Miss Mary Gordon Messrs Goodhue ijt Co II. Capt P Uiscock Thomas Higgins 2 urther and other proceedings be had as are prescribed by the statute in such case made and provided. Extract from the minutes this 24th Mnv, 1824. A. U. FANNIN, O-iP mav * 2 -Island A Harmon Miss IHIardcn David liennis Win 11 Hea e 2 G Hcrnand s Francis Jason Wm .linings ims S M .levin Mrs Susan lhlcy John It Kelley Isaac _Kv Per TIiob’Ij Kelley Miss T Hogg Fierce Howard Clnrk Hoxey John Huggins Jas Hudson 2 "l.’.ijn ton Hudson 2 Sand Humphreys 2 J. Capt J W Johnson Henry W Jordon John ohnsnn Alex Johnson K. Rufus Knight John King 2 L. r’iss Ellen I.angldey Lewis 8c Garnett Miss Selina Livingston Mrs Susan Littleton Cor elitis Lincoln T l.ongworth M Luffb,,rough Sheriffs Sale. On the fret Tmtday in October next, “TILLbe sold before the Court House jft Bryan County, between the usual hours of sale. A tract of land in Bryan eounty on Black Creek, with the improvements thereon consist, ing of bridge across said creek, and also a tract of land in said county on Canoochie river, and one half ofa biidee across said river, tlie said tracts of land, and bridges pointed out as the property of William Wilder, to satisfy and exe- cutiofl in favor of the administrator and adminis tratrix; nf Thomas Rawls, dec W W WILLIAMS, d s b c. aufibSft 170 Sheriffs Sale—continued. On the Jirtt Tuesday in October next, w VTlt L be sold before the Court House, in W Bryun County,'between the usual hours i One tract of land in said eounty known by the jvime of Palermo, boundaries unknown at the time <'!' Ievy--tluj same ptiinted out as the pro- _ er tv of Richard T. Keating, to satisfy and exe- cation in favor oflhe estate of Benj. Stiles, and ® tbe ^ S ‘ THOMAS ALBRITTON, »o. atig 33 170 ~~ Sheriffs Sales. the, tli'KtTuesday in October next, wil) be W * S „!<1 before the Court House in Effingham County, between the usual hours of sale. « Two negro fellows named John and Pat,levied on a# the property of tlie estate of Christian <t _riit»*n, dee’d, to satisfy an execution in favor of Alexander J. Lawton U Co. Also, 260 acres of land lying in Effingham County, joining land* of Daniel Metzgar, on the N B. and lands of Shultz, on tlie S—levied on as t!,,. fjroperty ofw G i'orter, to satisfy Military fines, TJIOS. ELKINS,sac. tfit 2 Superior C’ourt-—Camden County. M a lien Tur.-'t, 1324. William Berrie vs. \ V fittle.Yisi John Christopher. 3 O N the petition of William Berrie. atatin that one John Clu-iatopher, of the c/itint; of Camden, being in<jt.b:ed to one Henry Salic or order in a note of hand, dated St. Mary a it said county, on die 9ili October 1822, in tlie sun of Five Hundred Dollars, payable with interest from the date on the first clay of January liter next ensuing, did mortgage to the said Henry his heirs arid assigns, to secure the payment ol the note aforesaid with interest on the same—a certain lot of lai d in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1, begiuing at the west corner ol a lot belonging to one Calvin Hayes, thence run ning south 100 feet on St Marys Street, thence north to Bryant St. thence east to C Hays’ line, thence soulh to the beginning, with the. matyii attached to Die same nil the south side of S Marys or Bay at. being a hundred feet ou tin street and running from thence directly to the river St Marys, together with all and singula, every thing thereto appertaining— that the said -Henry Sadler, to whom and to whose heirs am assigns the; said moitgage was made on the 26tf- of Sept. 18 3, duly assigned by deed, said mort gage to the petitioner, that there is now due oi said mortgage the sum of Five Hundred Dollar! with interest fr»m tlie 1st January 18vt2, ant praying for the fin-closure of the equity of re clCmption, in the said John Christopher, hit beirsand assigns in-the mortgaged premises and that the same be foreclosed according to taw On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal and in- terestdue on tlie said mortgage together with the costs of his applicants be pai i into this court witliin twelve months from this date, otherwise th»t the equity of redemption of the said John Christopher his heirs executors, administrators am! assigns be from thence forever foreclosed and that such other proceedings take place as are pursuant to the statute. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the Gr-zettes of this state at least once a month for twelve months to the time sppointed for the payment of said money into Court. A true extract rent the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk Jefferson, 16tb March, 1824 Samuel A Lawrence John H I.affitte James V. Lee W'm M Leigh MrsVary Lewdcn 2 Mr Mary l.eb y Wm Mallory Dr » Jon O Mansfield James Martin !ohu Mall,-id Mrs Anne Mervin Gen D'ftillen Mrs Eliza ,’iller Wm 11 C-Mills Mrs nine’ Myers F E Miller Jesse Mo nt V Morin Ann Morel Edw Munroc (Daw- fuskic Is and )2 Mrs Parmenter Mrs Ann Page Hiram Perk ns Mvb Amelia riee H G i itts Mrs A Powers 2 Wm Quintock 2 Claries Richardson Wm Richmond Eleanor A Ryan John Richa d on T HREE months after date application will be made to the Planters Bank of the state of Georgia,for the payment ofa Bank note,No 359, letter A, for one hundred dollars, dated 1st Feb 1819, signed Geo Anderson, President, and J Marshall, Cashier, payable at Savannah to Thu- mat Gardner, or bearer, tlie right hjtnd half of the note being lost; SAMUEL WRIGHT: duly 20 Jfr.3ml53 Farl y U Swett Mrs Esther Stewart Mr Shicffield Ben Sheftall Mrs L Spencer Mrs Eliza Sniilh 2 Mrs A Stibbs Mrs Mary W Simpson John Smith D E Stn th -Mrs S Sawyer 2 Erastus Swift 2 James >! Smith Geo Smith Mrs M Smith notice, INE months after the date hereof, npplica- dlNI tion will be made to the honorable the Jus- ices of the Inferior Court of Liberty County, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of Lodowick Lard, late of 1 Tattnall County, deseas, rd, for the benefit of the heirs nrul creditors, - - ' 1{. WAY, Adm’r. dug 3* Sami Tresvant WmTigtis mrs Mary li Turner Edmund Walsh James ./ Wallace Miss Virgii ia Wall John Waters and Jas Maxwe 1 Joiin p Ward Gilb S Walker mrs M L Ward 2 John Warmsly Miss S L Wall Beoj Walli g mrs Mary Wall Edwtl .’Winslows' Win Williams D Wood Mrs C Woodruff M. Miss Ann £ Mttnroe fcol G W M’Ajfistcr 4 Murd >ch McLeod Sfterod McCall (Bul loch ouiity Daniel‘M‘Carty Harney M Alluni Wm M'Culvid Joseph M C6y John 11 M Intosh .) H M Kenzie Robert M Kec John M*Kee Lrs Mary M Allister ■ Wm . Mnlrine Hector M-Dona d P. i Jem Powers 2 John M Pope N W Pomeroy Capt ullart Zara Powers 2 E P Postell Q. R. Henry Rogers Michael Rowe i Rutland (Ossabaw) Jno Yi Russell s. - et r Sfiick M Smyth '' Rebecca Sauderlin John Shick John >i Sykes Capt H Strickland Jo n B Ski ling D A -Stro har Mrs M S Strqbhar Jas Scolcs 2 Mrs v| Scott F M -Stone 2 James Stoncy John L Strobhar French Letters. Mr P Pourria .r Jalineau Mr Cardoz Capt Mniier I4.KARLY,P. M. 2?r JUTnCMTY. AN VGT. J NO revive, amend and continue in force an act entitled an act, to extend the time of ta king but grants on surveys made on head rights and bounty warrants. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of tlie state of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That where any pefson or persons have heretofore nail surveys made on head rights, bounty warrants tind grants thereon have not been obtained, it shall und may be law- ful for such peraon or persons to apply- for and obtain such grant or grants, at any time pre vious to the 25th of October, 1824, on payment of the usual fees. Sec 2 And be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, That where any surveys have heretofore been made on head rights or bounty warrants, and grants thereon have not been ob tained, such land Shall not be subject to a re survey until three months from and after the peraon or persons claiming under the original survey shall have been notified that such re-sur vey is intended to be made, and that in Sll cases, tne person or persons claiming under the origi nal survey, shall be entitled to the preference of making such ye-rurvey, until the expiration of three months from the time of such notificu< tion t and in the event of there being no claim- ant residing on or near the land to be thus rc surveyed, such notice shall be perfected by giv ing three months notice by public advertitfeinent, at the Court House of the county where such land may lie, and in one of the public Gazettes of this State. S>c 3 And be it further enacted, That it shall ie the duty of all surveyors who shall make soy such re-survey, to cdrlify on his return to the surveyor General, that due notice according to the provisions of this act had been given, amt no gTant obtained on such re-survey shall be va lid, unless accompanied, with such certificate: Provided, nothing in this act shall affect the rights of orphans or persons under the age of 21 years, and that all such persons shall be allowed one year after they arrive at the age of 21 ycara to take out their grant*. Sec 4 And l>c it itivlher enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Governor to cause this act to be published in one of the newspupera in Mil- h-dgeville, Augusta and Savannah, offee in each month, until tlie expiration of the time appoint ed by tlie same fur taking out grants. T-ec 5 A nd be it further enacted, that all laws, and parts of laws militating against this act be and litc same are hereby repealed. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of tbe Senate. Assented to, Dec. 2, 1823. G.M. TROUP, Governor. flCT Tlie foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov, next, in tlie “Constitutionalist" and "Savannah Republican." march 1U 'rBElMPttliW.D sniDurz towMn. r £ VUl i°°d elfccts of these. f>owtl«i. s „ 5 ' R [cine, has been observed and Hr.In, S; ! J,t l by all those who have had occasion to In ail cases of heartburn, bile, nans, . * diseases of the Stomach, Which are so »?! * valent in warm climates—they can i„ } ’; nv time with much advanSS pleasam eflervescent draugfit, thev to be an agreeable beverage free lm! ? N highly impregnated with fixed airfoil tng ati the Medicai qualities of. teemed Seidiitz Waters. The Season is fast approaching, w i, iwderswill be in demand, and toL,,! pure, is very desirable. Many tier., , M been deceived in their operation, by Jft H chased them m Drug Stores, the pSW which paid but little or no regard in the best kind, consequently, their be . qualities were never realized But tbL 1 ty may now be obviated,-the subscrib endeavored for the two or three Ut . I tn^procure them Genuine and has been sucj These Powders aae neativ put un in u-i by wliich m-ans their Medical proper -S remain unimpaired by the influence E'l climate. '“ e “ A fresh'supply of the above Genuine, has just been received, which together ‘i very general assortment of Family will be kept constantly on hand. LAY & HENDRICKSOK Chemists UruggL Corner nf Congress and Whitaker tt? a \ I Shad’s B WlI)1 J made to the Honorable the Justices of the li ferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell all that Lot in Savannah known by the No one, Ellis square, Decker Ward, with the im provements thereon: And all that Lot iiv'Havau nab known by the No twenty-three, in L iberty Ward, with Hie Buildings thereon—being the real estate of John Smith, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 T. C pt Tos Tucker, Clias W Tucker w. J White Susa- ah Wr ght 2 La ; iii Wright : . T A Williams miss A Wii iamson 2 mrs Mary Williams ^-.irtha Wvlley C W se-.baker Wm O Williams Mr Wright James G Wi'son, Wm Scarbrough, dm Taylor, h Phillip Box George Wo'f, (Effing, ham County) Ten Dolhirs Reward. * * ANA WAY from tlie Subscriber in Scriven >: It County a negro boy named Stephen about sixteen or seventeen years of age, copper color ed and on his right cheek u scar scarcely percep • tihle, resembling the letter (J He has .been seen in compniiy with a white man,- between this and 8uvannah IDs parents Daniel and Jude live in the neighbourhood of that place, they were sold in.ibis Count) to John Adams who lias st -ce sold them to some one on an Island about l miles below Savannah, The above reward will be given with all rea sonable charges to any one who will lodge him in havan-.alt Jail, or deliver him to the sub scribcr. TURNER URAS.iWKLL. Near Miiiliaven, Scriven Go. aug 5 c m 160 ‘ The Subscriber, S AS just fini- hed and offers for sa'e, an eight oartd CANOE BOAT, 35 feet by 4 feet. 3 inches, which lie can recommend to those who wish a boat for quick passage: jttly 22 154 F. E TKBEAO. a LL persons indebted to die estate of Johan- ,'V na Marcy Moore,, ofbBflingbam County,, dec’d to come forward.and inake payment and those timt have any accounts, to present .them to HEZKKIAH EVANS, Adm’r. sept 28 §t-A* 193 • fc 5|lN-K months afterdate, f shall apply to the .'a' jHfou the Inferior Court ofThe county of ! '.f- hnghiim, for leave to' spll all the veal estate be- ioiiging to Solorfton Gr»itnn,dec. of which all con- ccrned will take fiotice.. Joshua gnann, adm’r march 4 5J Liquid blacking. • HE subscriber* have j-eceived a small invoice * of LIQUID BLACKING, put up iii quart no des. It bus been found by experience to be a very superior article mid coines mucii clieaper -ban those kinns usually ven'diil in this city. The quality of it is believed o be so good, that should exceptions of any kind be made to , tbe money in every instance will lie promtly returned. LAY k IIENDIIICKSON, Chemists and in-uggists, t Sliads Umliling. aug 21 167 Valuable Medicine. . ' , ANTI.DISPi-.Fno'pj,,, Prepared by Henry James. 4 N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or U t\ gestion. Habitual Costiveness, am iu\ It is well known that Dyspepsia is „ ne T most frequent and formidable diseases , country Us commencement is indicatedV ferent patients by various symptoms, ol «u tlie most remarkable ave— * Irregularity ofilte bowels, obstinate ness, beadacb, commonly called nervous nr« ly headach, yellowness o the tv,.< i( i U | k l cidjty of stomach after eating, often called | burn, flatulence or wind on the stomacli taste in the mouth in the morning, fa-lid I,,. , drowsiness after dinner, debility, | assilud ?1 maeiation, depression of spirits, fre 1 Files being connected with indigenes byUmJIuis' “ rC Ce, ' tn '" ly 1111,1 8 P eili, y renwil A supply ofthe shove valuable Medicine 1 just been received from the Patentee, and e be obtained ofthe subscribers, who j/jve h,. appointed agents for the Slate of Georgia LAY HENDRJCilSON ’ Druggists and Chemists,Shad’s UuiMings, april 24 c*94 S ' M ' 1 Superior Court-—Ghatliai . Comity. . . Jaxuart- Txnw, 18i| Aaron Cleveland and Susan C. - ) his wife, t » * „ . **’ (Uu’e m. | Jacob Fahm J 8"kN tile petition of Aaron Cleveland an! y«n<) his wife, who was Susan C Bom,>i mg that Jacob Falim, before the internum ofthe petitioners, to L it; on the 22d day of Ji 1821, did in conjunction with one Jcsenl\ Scott, execute a joint bond to the in tlie penal sum of four thousand dollars col tioned for tbe payment oftwo thousand do with interest from date, on or before the J day of March then next, and that for them] semrinfl the payment thereof, tlfe said JI did on tlie day find year first aforesaid m.u- certain indenture of mortgage,' wherebr mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of gn known anil designated as Garden lot nd thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining j part i f another lot known as lot number i i wo, No 42, containing together eight and sJ acres more or less situated to the east of fU ol'Sav uiiihIi and bounded to the omth wtij Lot No 26, to tlie south and east by lands! longing to the estate of Hamptoh Lillil.rii and the west by the public road leailiq Skidaway island whereon a brick yard in established and known by the name of H brick yard—that there is now oil .the said b or mortgage obligatory the sum (if eights* k died dollars wiflt interest from the 23d dij January 1823, and praying the fm-eclosnre fi equity of reaeWption ofthe said Jacob dl iietisi, executors, administrators and asapnj “r* 1 8al<l mo,l b'aged premises—Onit-i’ . . . ^ Gordon, attorney for, the petionefl It is brtlrred tl^at the principal and interestd oil tbe said bond or writing obligatory toget! with tbe cost of this application be naidinlol court within twelve -noi'ithafidm tbistUir," case of default that the equity of redemptw saiil-Jacol^ Falim. his heirs, executors, ailmi. trators and assigns bp fi-om thcncefm-t - tore foreclosed and that such further and other f ceediugs he had therebii,' aa arc pursuant to statute in su'Oti case made and provided -An is further ordered that this rule be publisher one of the Gazettes of this state at least oni month for twelve momirs, or that a copy served oh the defendant-it least six month before the time appointed for the payine the money into court Extract from tlie minutes, 15th ifmt 1834 JOT. T. HOLI-K _jau 16 12 nothYe:~ jvWINE monllis after date, I shall apply tn ■-1-8 Honoratjie tlie Justices of the In!> Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell real and personal property of l.achland Hat ton McIntosh, deceased, for the benefit uf maMi 9 SLSANA G. ),’INTOSH, Adtiiiiiisnu'r-s-l '•.6 M> SCK. vO.ilK TIME m April or -Vlay 1823 I gave t 1 j Air Dtir. mu T llali a gene ml po mm ofa u.rney for the purpose of settling my affairs i. In. -states ..t oil’ll Carolina and le-orgiH.—t e--Tiiie aim ell- nei-eby ch.-elare the stud powers revolted from o’lpal creditor, after this d.iie. S U PROCTOR, Near New Orleans, .\up.5tli t«->4. sept 2 m\7 1 luitliiini on it/’ Notice. jp4j?INK. months aftei date, I shall apply to the ilon the Justices ml the Inferior Court of i .e-ei-.y county; fin- leave to sell the real and persons! property nf William I. Baker, dec for i,he benefit ofthe heirs ami r,-editors. 7 ['DOS It BAKER. Adm »ep4’gm To "all whom it imq c ncei'ii W HEREAS Clem Powers Esq hasapplf-* tlie Hon the Court of Orilinary ham Country for letters of admimslrutioJ , e-.tale and efli els of Nathan Savery dec r':' 1 '- cipal creditor. j These are herefore to cite and mltnon :, ‘ 1 arid ainglilat- the kindred and credit-'"’ ” mid deceased to file their objections (ils'j-’j --' e) to the grunting of the administtatiiwS the estate ofthe dec'd to the applicant J n - derk’s Office of the said Court, on ol '-’ j the twentieth day of September next; other 1 letters of administration will be granted. J vVitm’K3tbe Ilon. John S’ Williamson osL tin- Justices ofthe s-iid Court, the ■tugust.A D 18M-. [L st.j S. M. BOND/ VPfi- aug 31 SfRwPr”