Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 16, 1824, Image 1

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LI CAN r=^= • i 0. 17* Vo). XXII. THURSDAY. EVETim, SEPTEMRER 10, 1834. Whole No. 4498. EXKCUTOU OP Francis Julineuu. 1,1. persons having any demands against the [estate of Francis Jalineau, dec. are request* 1, deliver them in, properly attested, on or tribe first day or October next. All ac* L not presented previous to that day, will biused payment by the undersigned execu- j W.M. GASTON. L'j) 149 eoi'gia—Chatham County. ; tlic lion, the Justices of the Interior Court, piling for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. [Iierras, John Dillon administrator of Kd* Dillon, late of Chatham county dec. hss me11 the lion court of ordinary, to bedis- I from his said administration. ' * j these aie therefore to cite and ndmon- [|; and singular the 1 kindred and creditors . said deceased, to file their objections (if licy have,) to the granting of letters distrust' | to the petitioner, in the clerk's office, o* Jssid Court of Oi dinary, on or before tire I day of December next ensuing, otherw ise Irs ’dismissory will he granted to the peti fitness the Won. ces of the said c 1824. DjhtiCtii rimming, one of the 11th day of June, l» 12 186 S. M BCNI), coo. -L [ieorgin—Liberty County. Em ah Raker, ch rk of the Court of Ordi hary tor the coutity of Liberty; Ihereas William Law,.Esq applies to he di« led from his administration on the estate of Is Carter, late of said .culinty, dec. |icst; are therefore.t.. rite and admonish all hi. concerned to file their objections (if any j have) in my,office, within tins time prescri ■by law i or otherwise the said applicant Will lisnnssed from his said udministraiion. NO, ft. • Anti Dyspeptic Pills. > PREPARED UY II,.JAMBS, NEW-YORK. I /O It 20 years imst the subscriber has suffered . continually from a costive habitt wligJIi has been a great part of the lime* acoifmpanied by severe neadsch. He has .made know n his com plaint to several eminent physicians, withbqt ex. periencing any benefit fForti (heir prtsei iplimjs. In the month of December last, becoming seri ously alarmed, by the regular but Constant in* crease of the disorder, lie was induced to com mence the use of the above pained pills, which were highly recommended as a remedy in Ins complaint.--lie began to take them with very little confidence as to their-efficacy, and under the expectation that he should not be able to give thema .fair trial, as his stomach, heretofore, had'rejected every, kind'Uf medicine Andtlfer circumstance which taught him to expect Very little benefit, was that be hud found it necessary always to take more than an 'ordinary dose of any I’ulhartic, before it wouldproducc the deSirV ed effect. He, however, commenced taking tWo *..f the pills, as directed, every evening tor twen ty days, without experiencing any considerable inconvenience,'-or perceiving any benefit from them, tie w*s* t|ien directed to increase' the* number, until some degree of nauseu was pro- ( was accordingly increased un til he took six pills every evening i they soon began to ucl as a gentle aiul perfect laxative; tiie dose was diminished in the same gradual manner in Which it had been increased, and it is now 1 forty days siijce a very obstinate and dis iressing complaint has yielded to this mild plan of-treatment.' The subscriber does therefore, unsolicited, most cheerfully recommend the anti'-diS|ieptic pills to those who may have sufi'er'ed like him- self) 'and he avails himself of this method to as- dipt* thiif t’rnm tin othpr t pputnu-iiL lins lu> Supericr—Chatham County. Max.Timur, 1824. Gardiner TujU Vs Nick Cntgvr. O N Motion of AV W Gordon, plaintiff', At- torney suggesting the death of the plaiiqiif, and stating that the defendant hath removed dot of the State,so 'that jcire facaiat to make the ex- center of the plaintiir a parly, cannot be served on him—Ordered, that the defendant do appear on or bel'oie the first day of the. next term pf this court, to shew cause if any he na'.ii, why Elias .Reed, the executor cf'(lie plaintiir shall not be made 4 party, and why be shall (tot have judgment against tlte said defendant. Ami it ip further ordered that tlufSaid rule be published once a month for 'three .months. Extract front the minutes this 7th June 1824. TV, H. FANNIN, Clerk, jtine 17 • $mI38 SljflNK months aftervdate, application will be NImtalp to the Honorable the Inferior Court of•RVvan County, for leave to sell all the real Estate .’of Sarah M’Kindley, late of Ifryan county dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. )( ; JAMBS BUTLER, Administrator. .aprll 2 §077 ' NOTICE. ,e \J| R WILLIAM f CRN Bit, having assigned Lvfl. to the subscribers ull bis stock in trade, debis, 81c. in behoof of his creditors generally, it is requested tbut those indebted make imme diate payment, and those having claims will jflease render them to Mr Thomas Miller, who is .appointed their ugent to dispose of the stock, which ’comprises a.general assortment of .Seasonable Dry Goods, and will* bb sold, wholesale or in retail, at very reducetl.prioes, lor cash qulv JAMES MMIENRY, JOHN H Itl.ID, CEORUE RKLFH, Assigneekof Wm. Turner. aprH 14 86 TUirn VINS. |*HE stock of.Dry Ronds, which formerly be- t longed to Mr \Vidiam Turner, is now sel ling offal piices much UltdiBfciiL upril 16 # 88 sure theip.thnt from bo other treatment: lias be experienced such perfect relief 1 * * , Nahum rice. From the above certificate no doubts c:ut’e(< ist In the minds ofiUp afflicted; as to the iniiity and valdp of this remedy. 'Many, persons uf this fe I10I rucommVndcdUS a out%, all but to those, di seases appertaining to,'dyspeptic only A IVesli supply just rcqdiVed.pcr'al- ce and fdr sale by L.VV'fcf HENDRICKSON, *, . Agents, aug 12 162 1 * ■ I, A. D. 13, lav 11 1(0 E. H A o. Borjjiu—Chatham L oud i t [tilt lion, the .lustr es'of (lie Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purposess. XflKREAS Linus I* Sage administrator of -'Sprague Taylor, deceased, lias petitioned [tonorahle Court of Ordinary to be discliarg K-om his said administraiionship Itcse are therefore to cite and admonish ali singular the kindred and creditors' of tlu u Dili 1 fury. ini or before the l.'ltlrdfiy of, Juhuh hext ensuing the date 'hereof, ptheYwise krs dismissory will be grunted to the appli jitnorji.the honorable Thomas N. Morel one iJttslice.syfHjn Said (Joun this loth day of IL"‘0^01'°"” A o. one Uiousunu eight hi and ukew ; He . s, M . noM), 0 V*o£ - adled^'crat •The Prof rittbfruf the The Temple of Fashion* H AS the pleasure t)f informing the public generally, tluil lie still conliuuesVi cany on deceased, 10 me uteir oDiepuuns f'^'4d'®n 1 | 8 business, No. -286, 'Mngstreot, Opposite the have) in the olttce ol the clerk ol the Court e ,.»2 //-,»/ * rl ’ Farmery //«/«/, \\ igs and Ornamental'HaHMniuiufabtured 911 the nu aj iii'proyed priiipiples.. , l’aleiit Elastic Sprfhg^so.judiciously arrang ed that they may defy, the Yiiolt accnteobsevva lion to discover the slightest possible shade in Executive Department, Geo. MILLK!)GK\HL V LF„ 21st Nov. 18^3. . (ftxRDERKO, flmt tlte subjoined Resolution iSf, be published once a month, in each; of the Gazettes of this itatc, itntlLthe next General E- lection jitter, ELtsiiA Wood, See’vg IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823 is desirable to ascertain the wish es of I lie citizuiis of this state, as to the mode' of choosing Electors of president and Vice I' dent Of (lie United States: lie itIheiefure rtsr,lved.hy the Senate anti Ifntie ttf'/iefntSciilaUve.t <f the,State.of Georgia itf Gen- end' memblg met, That it shall be the duty hf the Magisti ales who shall preside at the several Elections td be held.mthe different counties of this State fot*the choice nf members of-the Le gislature, at the n Al'tie^ti ral Elrc'.ion therein, to>firojwse to each and cvory volev at the time ofitceiving his vote, wlietner lie desires t| tlierclioicc bt said Electors shall he confined to the people or retained by the.Legjsk.Uire, and to request suclcvoter to.signify such desire by eis tlork'mg on'liis ticket, the w'ijrd People o,r Legts thtwe, according to tin- truth ofthetrutli of the fact;'and oirtc<<uiitingM>tlt tjic ballot, to sinnex \o tlte return (if the said tltcaioij ,b iransmiUedlo the'lixecutive D(part| stuteuicnt olAthe votes so riven, ti die end that- the suine mny be lut'l before .tho ’next Lcgisla- ture by Jys Excellency, tin- Goygi nor . J,hid be it further resolved:“That bis Excellency the "Governor 1)6 and lie 1 ^.hereby requested to Geoirgia-sOlmthain .fouiity. fly. the ir ^1 the Justices of the hiferior Court ol* said county silting for ordinary purposes, To tyll whom it msy concern, W HEREAS Thonilis It Fri'jc, administrator of David R..Thompson, dec. lias pelionei) •o the liono^ble the J ustices of’the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dis charged from tlte administration aforesaid Now tluese are therefore to'cite and admonish alhind singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections, if any they have in mj* office on or before the 16th day n f Strp». ne^t, otherwise letters, dismissors will be grant ed to the'applicant Witness the Hon. JqhqGumming,'cine of the Jus'ices of said Court tHisi6tli- day of March, A. *Treasury Department, NOTICE is hereby given o?Hi 24th ’i gs&si:I®? nrtnh« , | , | t0 . C0 r tlim * ! °P e '" until the fir-tday of lor stjph ly, pursuant to tlte provi^luns of H,o Sct ff rnn gress passed the ?6tb of May, l8S4 intltiL act t6 authorise .the Secretary of the to exchange a stock bearing Tn^ J rSSiSffiS5S 1 “ • ubra " ,e *"'■ '*“■• .‘iiisar. '■*&%*■&■***»• “u* er daffc “I'Phclaiioii w it ■In* K,,,0 . r * b ! b Inferior C D 1924 .cWch 15' 26 S M. BOND, c c o. Georgia—“Ciiatliam County. By the'Hyn thedustices ol the Inferior. Court sitting fO# ordiyarV purposes. HEUKA8 Richard It. Cuyler, executor of William Shaw deceased him petitioned the tv 1 ISO In. t,. 1 liulltam County. By the lion 1 lie Justices of the Inferior Court, silting for ftiary poiposts. To all whom it may concern, licreas Robert Taylor,adminislrutor of Wm. Iiit>* < !' Savannah, merchant de'e. lias niei 1 t<) the honcrable the court of Ordina- j he discharged ii onj lus saidadniinistration ■ arc the: ei. re to eiic and admonish all gulat the kindred and creditors of the llectased. to Sic their objections, (if any ,■<:) in flic clerks office of the said court, ■ before.the iitli da*, of Dcccrrihcr next; letters disinissory tt/tll;be granted to DDBH|WBii«>KaM*MDcajSkJigMMjb tnejjs the Honorable John l’, Williamson, bfllie .Hitti.-cs of the saitl court, this 8th day §1110, A. 1). 1824. S. M. HONI), c eo. |>e 8 134 Executor’!} Notice. ]jL persons having demattes against tin [ estate of the late Hugh MlCall. Ksq. dec’d quested to baud them infer payment, ami eindebted to the estate will please make Jlate payment, THOS M‘CAI.1., ? l , x , 01 , s FHiniP BRASCHrS |lv 11 150 liURGlA—Chatham County —To all whom it may concern. Whereas Alexander M. or, administrator <>f John Scott, deceased, letilioned the Honorable the Justices of the dor Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to isebarged from his said administration, jow these therefore to cite and admonish ad singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased, to file their objections, if any have) in the Clerk’s office, of the Court rdintiry, on or before the 6th day of Decent- next ;• otherwise letters of dismissory will ranted."'^.. , itness the honorable Edward Harden, one ie Justices of the said Court, the 6th day el a. o. 1824.’; ' - A '• S. M. IJOND, c c Gentlemen’s Toupees, commonly Scratches, ‘with silver and still springs, nature.being in every case ins onjy gpide. • He alst* hits the pleasure to .inform tlte public rt I* lid liAu mir. It./, .. ... /V. that lie has become the ugent of Thomas Q'uiiiu, Wig Maker of New-York, anil Will cbnslunily keep tor aiile his Ladies’ and Gentlemens, Hre cian Crbpped Wiggs. '1 y.'i,/', All orders and pleasures enclosed to 2".6‘Kieg street, will be attended to with punctuality ami despatch < •; ’ * i" N, It. Jitst received hv the ship Niagaia, a general assortment of HAIR WORK of the ltd tot fashion. Geptleipons’ Hair Cut ami DrcsY- ed in roost recent London itud Parisian mode*, A general assortment oi PEdiFUMEikY for sale at nil times at the above establishment.— Those persons residing at a distunce Who have left orders at this establishment, are hereby, in- formed, that they are generally ready for. de- *i—j&nwS* EDWARD CAREY (O’ Tl*e editors of the Savannah Republican, Aiigusta Chronicle, and Columbia’l'elesc'ipe, are ft (piested to publish the above once a week lot three weeks, and forward their accounts to No. United 9'> 1 ("husc this resolution to be jmtfflkirec(,without He- < lay; in the several Gazettes of Miis State, and to ,jr ' cobtimie the sai<r|>ublicutiou once a month, un til the next Geo'fal.lJlettioi). lieUU auct agreed to-uhariftimtsly. . 'I'llOAl.Vj.bil’ACIvS, Ptetidenl. In the /louse nf /tcpvetteijtatitfs, 14<A /tow., 1823." Read and coucurfod inf DAVID ADA M3, Speaker. Approved! 48th Nfiv. 1823.1 G-.ftl 1 . l'KDVP, Governor, , said deceased, to file*-t|teir,objections (if any they have) In the, office of the cfl»r,k* of the Court of OrdinarVmn or before (he lflth day pf January next efisumg tl)e cWtelteredf, qthefWise kAters dismissory will hff granted*tq the peti tioner. .. Witness the Honorable Thomas N- Morel, one pf the Justices,of the' said Court, this 43th day of July, A. D. 1824. ’ , ' S.M. BOND, cco iillvlj * 180 u . *** i-' £ (th61’gia—€ ha I ii:11u C ounty. Vi* To all whom it may concern HKHKAS,Iolm' M'N'ish lias applied to the lion the'-Cpurt of ordinary of Chat- iiv.i county for letters of administration (with Notice. VJTNE months after dai^ It made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County .for leave to sell all the real properly be longing lo the esiate of the late ltev Jno Heck, dec lying in said county, for the benefit of the heirs anti creditors, ANN RECK, Administratrix. upril 16 88 iind singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file tlieir objectioiis (if pnjt they have) to the granting of the udmJ)iisMW(ipii of the estate of the deceased to the applicant in tlie-Clerkfs Office of the said t/onfr, on or before Hie tliirteentl) day of fcepU tqner next} otherwise letters of administralion will he granted. .Witness the Hon John P Williamson F.sq one of the Justices ot' tbe said Court the thirty .first *1 ■* uf August, A D 1824. .1-.Iw.-ttij.T S M ROND, cco - 172:. ypitjjSffffl of of- %. persons indebted to,the e-suile ol Amx- :j.i^^# n der Martin,_late of'Liberty conn v, de- 1 ed, are requested to make immediate pay. ^ tto! .*•»£ i PUT.} « ■ O'O'# - M^-R^br,. p^s. IES5BWilliAm h. m a KT1N. ay 10 111 12 "'|"2^ VERY valuable tract of Land iin Liberty County, situate on the •Sunbury Road, two ’and a half from, Hiceborongn; containiitg Itijiidred'and ten acres.' This land is very ible for Colton, llice ahd/Corp, imd us well anted for that culture as any hind in the ty; the conditions are low and reasonable; are,, between seVerjty ' anu/elg® acres i« fed and under fence,, there is also a good bei ling house, and all necessary . out building,. Iiert. Hi premises—guarantee titles will be given le Purchase;', no incumbrances lying on said Superior Court—-Chatham County. Thomas F Purse & all Complainants 1 1 and y IN EQUITY. Richaid R Cuyler, ex’r Wm Shaw, deceased.' JJH ! N this case, on the suggestion in the defend ant’s answer, that certain persons hot parties States, District Deor'ria. /,v the JDisru'it r couut, Aei.esT 'Pkuji, 1821. HE following perrons having been drawn (■ and summoned to serve as Grand and Petit Jurors at said Court, having failed to attend—It is urderc-d'that they be lined according to, law. —.iv».... .*,. . „ , • , unless thev sliall make sufficient excuses, <fii 1 0 tins bill, 1 osidiiiSm Scotland, claim to ne en- atli til Hie Clerk, on or before the 2d Tuesday titled to a distribution of mlrt of the imdtvtded 1 Noveiiiber next ’ estate <»t Wrn Slmw, deceased, and on motion, Grand Jurors.—Archibald Smith, ITirderiek ! “ IS ordered that all persons concerned do ap- I Fell, J; l>. Henry, George Gordon, ^eplt{W % bupenor Court of Chatham Habersham, Hunter, Robert Habersham, 1 Count m the^ term ol . ainiaiy next, then and Charles Kelsey, Alexander Tellair, llenjamin ! l J ,ere *° eSt: ‘ 9 lu "J lS; “["f ,I I ‘* e ‘ J w ! fault thereof, that the undivided estate of the said Wm Shaw, be distributed among the com ably to the decree of said Cour Burroughs. 1‘etit Jurors.— Wm. P. Clark, C. H. Hayden, John Gribben, Reuben G. i ay lor, and John F. lixlr act from the minutes. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. SiifiiiwinmiifiiTi(ififtTTiikli it? r r For Sale, or to Kent. @ 'i’l]e lit.expired tease (3 year ) and im provements, on the house and lot known as tiie Little Man’s Garden, situated in the City ot Augusta, Ellis street, near the corner of Cen tre street, and the market, having all the convc- ,niences for * Confectionary factory on a large scale, besides a dry house, an oven, and bakery, —there is also an Ice house in good order, wherein 15 to 18 tons of Ice can be secured for Summer use. For terms, apply to P. P. TliOAlASSON, Esq, Savannah, or lo II. BOUYER, or on the premises Augusta. ’ '. ' ' aug 26 fit 169 plainahts agreeably to the decre and that this rule be published once a month until the expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. A. B FANNIN, Clerk, june 17 ’ $t!38 .. . be Court Of Chatham County, when.seuinp /ur nr.Un’il of N . s . acres* O Sli "m' 1 l4l * and> co,lt “'ning ‘about 500 ^cres, originally granted (o Gen.' LtchlandMc’- ptfoSteS;”" 1 •'“ “l'* ' 8 P lRR ! ation . Wiled Lottery Hill tituate . N* J. B41CARD, nov 10 2ll Adm’rcst.N fi Ray.rd, Chatham Superldr(jourt~ ri EORGE JOHNSTON and otiS, cpSin: \Xnnts vs I eter Vanburgh' Livingstonand oth- ers, defendants, in equity in the Superior Court, Cltathm County, May term, 1824. ’ ( „. lt v„ P 'l eai ' 1 • 0 tlle C#urt b Y affidavit that Pe- lf P n' *!ih Ur ® 1 Ltvtiigsjon and Harriet +k Living rton, Who are parties defendant reside beyon ' siat. s no ° f f Geor fc ,a ) and within the Unite ! i U n *1°" °. cn| nplalnatits solicitor, it ^ordered that the said defendant'do respective appearand answer the complainants bill with (bur months trom the date of this rule And is further .ordered that this rule be published In onerf e fh d,,r A r !S fi>UP manths from this date in one of the public Gazettes ot this State. Lxtyact from the Minutes. tom,* 134 A ■•*»#«». Ckik. ion will be VIIHE months after riai t .N made to the honors! Iter oa.t application will Ve . _ . „ t,le honorable the Judees of th«* aKKr^ a Sst„ faenefit *be heirs and*creditmra^>f JOHN CUIIBKDGE, Rryan Cminty, .Tune 17 ^8*' ^ .•7: , NOVICE^ I 4 1.L persona indebted to the estate of ftlHo* belh Fell late of Chatham County; deceased, en County, Ga Where one at e requested to make immediate payment td inics be found except when lhe subscriber, and those ttt whom the said cs- ed elsewhere. They, pur- Ode is indebted are requested to exhibit their Veral courts of the several demands duly authenticated, to july 13 Low Notice. T HE public are informed that the Subscribers have located and formed a connexion in Jaclcspnboro, Scr 1 "— n ‘ " '■ —- of them may at 1 professionally e pose to attend [ Counties Scriven, llurke" and Jefferson—also those of Richmond, Warren amt Emanuel. They hope by close application, and a due attention to the business of their profession, to. merit and receive a share of the public; patronage*. Bu siness Confided to their care will be thankfully received and punctually attended to JAMES n,LJB,WIB JONAHS PATTERSON.' may 2-1 120, Pure Calcineil Magnesia,a neiv Article. qpint Medicine has been prepared by tbeNew #. York Chemical Mamifac.turing Company, and is said to he equal to the celebrated article made by the SMssrs Henry’s. Many persons in this city who have used this remedy give it a de cided preference over all others. Families are solicited 10 give it a trial as it comes much cheaper than Henry’s; being neatly put up In bottles at 37^ cents each, and for sale only by LAY k HENDRICKSON, V i i J < '"V Chemists and Druggists, ... ■ i' v y«^S Shads Buildings, sept2 '-■■■ '172. > j ;> ,, FOUND, i Notice. ’%&. Mf" f! r'BIHE nndersigneii having termed a connection I in the practice of the law,‘ will* attend t* cases in all tin Courts of the'ShtifSCircuitSi and in the adjoining counties of^lie Ocmulgee and Southern Circuits. • ' ^ ' • ' OLIVER H.^PRINCE.■ EDWARD D. TUHCY Reference in Savannah to C. \V. Rockwell & Cu-bJ®* 1 ®?'. 0 Macon, June 4,1824. july. 3 146 ',, j “t further particulars apply to Cant. Jos'epl ! *»u» Liberty C ou ntv> or to • *, ’ ' gjEDWAUD U. UAKF.R, ’ ' ' ^,_Qwner in Melntosh^county. Brouglitto Jail. r N Savanna!) on the la h inst. a negro man wlio JL says his nsm'e is Hurry arid that he belongs to Josephus Love ofCreen Coqnty, Georgia, anJ dial he runaway from him near Warrington a- bout, the first of June, lie is 5.feet 9i inches high [tirid about 25 years of age. 10 166 JWIN1 ‘ DBW S.™.C, ■.jw.® ’ * .-Wm. v INF, montlis after the date hereof, upplica lion will be made to the Inferior,Court when siiihtg for ordinary .purposes, for'jeave to sell all that lot or part of ground in the District of White Bluff', County of Chatham,containing 50 acres, more or less, bound not thwardly and eastward!}* by lands,, Idle .John Pouffen, and southwardly by lands of jjViUianijfc belonging to the estate of James Iloyd, *an4,;(o oe'sold fqF t|>e benclit of the heirs and credilbrslof ibid estate. KLIZABK'rHSUYO* g|may26 .«• ‘124 . " other articles of little, value, Which lie'confess’d to lmve sjolen but does nut know, from whom the owner or owners by.proveihg tlieir property c n have the same by paying for this advertise ment, on application at the office .of, WM C MILLS, Esq. J. P. nl71 ’ aug 31 —m IJrouglit to Jail- ¥N -Savannah on the iltjt inst. a llegro man wljo t says his namt is Edenborougb and that he “belongs to tlte estate of James Clark, and that Benjamin Crop of South Carolina, is the Execu tor of said estate, and 1 hat he runaway about one (month ago he is 5 feet 5J inches htgli and about 40 years of age., JOHN .I. DEWS, 10 c. s.p 11 176 Bi’ought to Jail. [ X Savannah on,tit, 9th inst,a negro woman who says her .ame is Betty and that she be- Uirigs to the estate of James Clark, and that Ben jamin Crop, of South Carolina, is the Executor of said est. and that she rariaway about 1 iponth and, site is 4 feet 10 inches high Amt abm^ 45 years of age. JOHN I DEWS, go e, sepir , 176 . LEECHES f.Uafl' received and tor sate by J sep « 4WWV Oi OBMWW* NOTICE, , ’^|IVF, months afterdate, application will be J# made to the Hon. the Inferior Courtofllid- loch; county, when sitting for ordinary purposes lo sell all the real nnd persona? estate of Allen Denmark, dec’d, for the benefit ofthe heiis and creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r , . ..4 Mary DENMARK, Adm’x. Bulloch county.. ! fob 5(8 - ,48 * 1,1 •• , t . v,—r—j Georgia—Dullock County. By the Honorable the Cuurl of Ordinary of said • r ' County. LlTHEREAS Robert Burton, administrator o r v the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, hath applied to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration. - - -JiJV V These are therefore to cite and admonish alT and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased,, to file their objecti. na (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of thi Court within the time prescribed by law, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the up pMeant . 1 Witness the Honorable Sheppard Williams, ohe of thq Justices pf said Court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, 0 con 0. june4 *132 Rattles, Corks, Drugs, §c. &c. CtUPERIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles, OOxygin Chamber and Pocket Lights, Wax Tapers (a great variety,) I’uro Calcined 'dug nesia, Arro " Root, Cream Tartar, Starch," Hal Som Copuiva, Salt Petre, Rotten Stone &c. cs'c Have been received pr Wm Wallace, mid fop sale by , LAY & HENDRICKSON, fV f V • > Chemists and Druggists, Congress corner of Whitaker sts. Shad’s Building, aug 12 164 - Furniture Wax. flTR^S article is highly recomniendod for the i purpose of imparting an elegant gloss-to Mahogany Furniture. The large and extensive Cabinet Ware .Man ufactures in tlic northern cities make use of this composition to give their work a beautiful pol ish; \ , . A supply nftliis wax jias been received per ship Savannah It is put iqri/i small pot-c and boxes with print ed dirqctioyis for use, and for sale by. .lay h ijendricksoN, Chemists and Urn gists, >.’3sV:'i. ■«.. 2' if 1 v ■ "• h ^Wfs.BllilffiltS*. y ■ .* p~--. ...... TTT ei&S&fiet /■gl-' A\v