Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 21, 1824, Image 2

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V If'JpQ? W j&dfgWi •« Sit* It* €«***< ii»L.l)L»iiiCli b. 1- bLL| cnx misTtii. SAVANNAH ,«,K.i,No - • rhc situation of attairs»p the mer hav, founded his favorite scheme and if Him Mi* b unds ut uoUai *# THE HtiRR We every day he 1.11 .... OH.lwJ by th. late .!«-»■ .„> t | lBVr ,.„, comp lL. si „„ si „ tt certain intelligence, however have yet been | a „ r> | t - lg flow f carp( j; consequence o! received trom the south, but 'from, reports the freshet, that almost the entire crop wilt = we fear that the damage haa been, more! ^ destroyed, many 'piaiflations being al . . ... ... ready overflowed, and the river suit rising serious than in this vicinity. . The lois on Stilus’ plantation, on Atgvii- v . * I Y Sr ~ 'YY — "* * u " u KsiT'YtvrNtNt; 21.1824 ' A Wiltllo fn » n "•»*» ar » vM ,n ,ow n»ves»! j slailfl> welear „ j„ be ween 350 au,d 400 thht the charge ••ism Base as it wftb uir delicate sense of hono. and propria, . ; _1. , • jterday fm St Catharines Island, states that bbts. .ice. * . founded. *1 availed my>ell >4 the Liberty | | e *s the proposed conspiracy had he et ■ ^n'- The negroes of Mr. M Lend, of Ogtee- WCfd i»i u^oaHiCCUnencf. J se his cheeks with blushes? l| FEU.ofr-GirizF.NS, . ’ ,1 l * ou,er ' vns ''** f,il ‘ nd 01 •‘•tiniaie ««,□,!!! In the m.>si wanton and unpn,htleled\ iX nce, a* we are told, he waa, at il,« , j manner 1 have been accused belli e >••»> M"i* laughable plot was plotting, ii „'** #f* having fc unnitted a fraud. Conacii.u T i.flkun to cehteive how his overUreA mat as fl candidate fo* jour patronage, I |\ i possession ottlia duck would have* 4 you I received by a gentl. man of Mr, pfjj CHATHAM 1 iT.i” to Mnntecai Sheiufil.Sen jMr Geo. WalbiKg ha* lo«t his cotton crop, i Tsq shall appear in-our next. THE M AILS.—We arc still wilhoat a *N ••them. Western n* Southern mail. CoarHsstoo pspei- to the 17th inst. in- chee, who were supposed drrtwped, have Negro houses, &c. M J UMburg’s cotton;, foumU Thpy were fl oat< *l away is destroyed. The wind did the principal j from the plantation, but have since return* damage on St. Catharines. He reports.ed. that from this to Sunb .rv it.Untie common , , Charleston.*^ little danWge- was J c . u . r Y e . , .. „ 'done. ihe b ig Komp, bound to Winning .scene of rum. Six feet of water was on;. ,, 7. 1 , , „ ,, ...7 . , . ... . , ! * . .... .. ton, N. C was driven ashore at Haddrill’s elusive received at the "Hue «f the Genr-Og eec hee causeway. Mr Cage with j p 0 ,n;, and filled with water; the schooner :gbn, turoish us with much of the foreign mail, was as faras Medway on Thursday. j Bunows, sunk at the wharf,and some small -and other intelligence in our columns. ^j r George Anderson, has lost from his j cr: if» were injured at the docks. No mate* — . . .. a ; rial ilathage was done in the city or on Tito iWrd of Realm in Charleston, re*,I' 111 1 11 •' eec . l, “ . ' |Sullivan’s Island. Tlte 'idr rose no higher wirte.l fro peWdncs „r Yellow Fever „„!<* cnaiderable quantityof old corn, 2cot Previous to the gale it was ... « . ?*- * ir . h • 'ton and 2 gin houses, with 1 horse gin, J4, fared that great damage would be done tu tiie^lnt.i iv.n Vi me »• e ior 15 font gins,and 6 m 8 bales of cotton i the crops in the vicinity of Charleston ir.ii—and btVven <tn the 18th inst. | jn |hem . 80or 90 ba|fg of cot(on a , )( , gev ( should it come on ; they liavebcen serious- Al the last accounts. John Randolph, of!oral hundred bushels nf corn in the fi e,d j|earu)howei^ ,!l< ‘ Rr '.' , . t . ot r 4 . _*ver,by the Henry Shultz which Kiunnke* was in Peris, and is said to "at- and one or two negro houses; and we learn left Charleston on Sunday, that no damage tr .ct as mpeh attentionby his costume asajtbat .about uvo-thirds of all the cotton had been hca.d of at that time. Sandwich Islander would.” When he 'crops in that neighborhood are destroyed, a iivd in Hsltimo*®, on his way to Eu*. MrJno. II M .rell’s plantation is stated rope- his dress was a little fur rap, blue,to have shared a similar fatfe. cnai, white vest, ilr„b b eeclics, and long yellow-lopped boots and spurs. ofme fress—not to answer the charge, fo roufulent, wnultl not have taken a cm or tor me, whatever effect it would hi] nad on the business id M. Brown. 1^,1 nave b eu uniter no app eh iedoi, C| |J for diy personal aalety because f» (s ,J ’ waS nothing more than .1 joke,amimiy At Beaufort, Some damage was done to the wharves. Latest from Europe. By the Indian Chief, at New.York, and Amethyst at Bo.ton, L uid m papers to the |dusive,have been received. S^me lurtlier I extracts from the papers by the Edward ! Que-nel. from Havre, have als > been given. The damage done on O.sabaw Island we learn is not as great as waa at first repor ted—a considerable quantity of the crop is. . , . . .. , ... , . > 1 j r 30ip Jutv, and Liverpo l to the 31s* in not injured, thp damage having been done 1 .S„„,i u by toe wind—only one negro Inssse and and one or two btiii^s were blown down. The brig reported to be coming up on Jsatorday evening, proves to be. the Br-brig A 1 w ; ,s 'circlafion in Undo,, rt, . .. VT . * on the 30th. that Lord Liverpool had re- NVest Indian, of Cork. Capt. N.Mi tliews, | g j 2ne( j a n,) that he was tube succeeded by piracy have lately la . f r ""‘ Kingston, Jam wUh a cargo of sugar, |,|, e I>ukti of Wellington, iilatil e tltre tlie \Y I coffee, logwood, ike. She sailed from King-; It is rumoured tin, \1 . Stratford Can* ton otrthe 24th August last—on the ' 14th nin* w to succeed M,. Bagoi as Minister inst lat 29, ion 80,(then in company with r°./V ls<, i"' , „ . ,, nine sad of vessels) enfountcred a severe Havre ||M inib!ig | )e ,| a retter denying gale, which continued to increase and a- ..... bout dark.blew a complete liUrckane, which hsted the principal part of the night. Du ring its continuance, the bulwarks of the brig were stove in, anti two boats, one an chor and many othep articles Washed ff the deck, carrying with them the carpenter and two seamen,—she also lost her bow- LATEST FROM JAMAIC Through the politi'ue** ut a gentleman, passenger in the B itish brit* West Indian, w have been nut in possession of a regd- file of the Jamaica Public Advertiser, fum the I2tb to the 23d Aug. inclusive. Several trials for ken a! Kingston, an & .dcd, tb«'e was seventeen pirates under s-nieiicejoC death, who would be executed in few days, and two whohhri been found guilty, but had no* received 1 heir sentence, • lip accounts contained in these papers from Peru are very cunWadicto'V. A letter From" 6n,oa* ot the 25th ^(lly S i v* •.—Among othc tilings, it is said that ti i.iar is wounded, and that the RuyaF troops 'me in Truxillo ; this is mentioned i.'i confidence, us the authorities here en* fteavor to give u difiedtm camuring to facts We will, no doubt, gain more information- when we are fatrher »n v anced on ou> J.iur, Pey.—Ttiere is at pre.ent, at Guatamala, an et.vny of BolivnrS, endeavouring to raise money, and 3000 men; he will al- t.iiu lieitlier one nor the othe'’; they re conspiracy had been | known to him unless seemey hud beea^l f knew nm what it wasebut fur the purpos* I j •ined.und a promise of it obtained, y of shewing ymi that it haiLetuanated f ***■ I wliat 1 did not tfcel myself at libertv't,^ a source totr/owl to be credited, and w.i* J viilge, until enlled upon in my uttni!' based upon tb« tnU^riug foundation of Chi I fence. Xt*ij did l not relate the cons' tane^j and corruption. I fell secure ml ation to tlmse ot hi*country friemlj * „iy innocence, anil had cveiy assuraiue I wpuld have loveil mef ir furtilshing#Ui tl f«om my friehd9that ih'y had evmry con I su pleasant L jest on ? Such a stp| )( | it, my integrity.' But as 1 have * .'miiiitoi.i ..1.1 .,..* i.j.- i„h un „ . been arraigned be tore you on a chSrge which, if substantiated, would deservedly drawdown upon me your odium’and tlii- detestation of eve<y good and virluou* memb»*i ofStociety : I felt myself bud to o u m el»cit the Specification^ to have 'Inwii laid I dull times wlia< would hav^ ffioidi dL before you, so that you might understand J eiawould have been highly pnzed: i, * them, anil I have an opportunity of proving motive for the publication t, )r them a* fif/se as the deature. who, in his I mile we kne^s uf s?fellow cie aure-ii dereliction f« om moral honesty, ha* dared I secrecy ,l»fc\l been enjoined ; iny tynt j make the insinuatioji, Fftnn his first 4n*i-l jgeei; given, not to be cancrlle.U bui by dm.11- publication, he would indue* yo« »<• j uiide'p|. Vtiiigof my jj ieiiit. belifve, that his sole obj.-ct was to con vine,. J M . B-own me. ,'i>*i«s .. little (ransarry you that I was unworthy to represent He refuses tt* make his spetfificulions, says, if I will request tw<» resppctablegi tlenien to call on him,that he will.lWni* them with hisspecifirationa. Fellow-Citr Zens af'er w s ar has truqspired, could l g»v two Gentlemen who so valued their reaper Lability to call upon him Wbnt man of floiia'i would condescend to notice him ? sprit./urmast, and ever^ thing above the head of the mainmast, and w.a* obliged to to throw over part of the cargo. O11 the morning previous, and ever since the gale, the We«i Indian, has passed quantities of logwood, plank &c. and, in fact we are informed the ocean was literally covered with wreck. The \V. f. was one of the the statement that had been published as to the enthusiasm with which the Mar quis La Fayette was received, on arriving ttypro to embark. * There was no improvement in the II.i. vre market which continued very dull. A fire broke out at Havre, Juiy 31st which destroy.ul store nl M 1 vine-' I M . 14...wn me inns •. little transarJ tyou.l wlm n iu..k p|ace beiweeh Mi Kellogg g J », bu. J unsell, In who .1 niivresl.-d, M.. || ege,. I <. i-ii,g*piesm,ti d luttie fijm.uf svliirh 1J pkrtnci,all ibtioductoiy l. tte. | employer, which staled that Mi KelL was til possession of *everal rafi*, a; ,(j r j] qiigited ou. gopd inwaiiL :.un-_ .in souy Mi B i*n i .m lum iied opot«(h ubj-ci,foi | cannot cunceiye iu oim, J Why does lie refuse to make his sperifi; > J u is con nee ed with Ins defence uguuijjj lion’s to you ? Why does be ehulle.ig j Pouln’a 1 na^ge*, wuaiefnr itditiutiitimr. «judicial inve-tigstinn, wheft tlm peo I nave with a y condjuct towards Inin y pie will have decided lorfg befn p that in I may however ye vie wed as a random cot, v|stigatiun could take plarp ? Gould *.<\| st«uggtmg t ,0 eXfii* ale itiiiiSsillruui bring me before a higher tribunal tliart th'* J snare of iu« >n|n settjng; and like all Sovereign IVople? The reason is obvintis j suns in despeti^te eitiiahuiis nr deals to every Honest and Reflecting ipind He I bloivf jirmnisiuously, against f iends 11 knows well, that lie ca< bring f 1 ward no loe*} but ilyjume I16 »tns«-the llaier is specific timis ilia* lie'can ectabli*li—lie J llelik l'here |» no »t**yf bat iviil ailaiit shrinks from the witheringgnzi* of Tnvh— two-ways oftelfnig it—a ligut aud a ivm H- r Mirror has reflected him in so hideous i —01 1 may. be sjiywisied a .d br.keu t a shai>c, that bis only refuge is in the arms it "will thru out nenhoi .be one, 1101 il of kinured couuption. 1 I n*het;.ihe lust is the stole of Mr Jtellu.*! Fellow Citizen*! topur.*ue this man fur | ifi’ur, wha; lias been brought fnrwaid in ther in the colunms of a paper, would be to waste my time aad exhaust y >u patience Fron, atj accuser he has become a defendant amongst other p-opeity. thej| He has proved r eyenut and abandonin' hi- I’hillipftn, (]the nerchant at |»osition. He h:ii disproved nothing utlr wh ise house'Gen. La Fayette dined]) and about 8i)U bales of cotton In Spain, I’fforts are making to destroy every relic of M sonry. T e Baron de merits which ca> y with them their absuriHty j lay the whole ltan*action b. to e you ml qi:,e of him officers, which he cannot spare; tiiis is done 10 excuse tbemsekves from fu oiehing i,im with what he wants* His c edit is very bad.—Opinions are very vd iable among the people here, and nv m inner of subordination exists. At one time they wish to reunite,and immediate ty ifter adopt contrary sentiments.—Sin Salvador has withdrawn from Guatamala ; so that in all parts thejVe like ourselves; and thus, Sir.uoihingrfinaingtbuttoawait the ,f nil.* . L« ters » however from Panama, of the 26th J.ily,giveaVhrydifrernntstaft*ment % — they say that— ‘A letter has just beep re- trived f< om an Ofli 1 er of General Bolivar’s Army, dated the ’>9th ult. ftQrti Hyares, giving the following jiarticulars:—Gen. Bolivar, with a part of hia afmy, was at Pi*avilca (beiiveen Truxi|lb and Lima,) another part of his at-tsy was advanced to near Pasco iu the interior. He' was pre paring to join *he troops in adva'nce, aud those at Patovilca were also preparing to make a movement in ad vance. The Bpan iprd* were retiring into the interior, in the direction of Junja. It is supposed that the Spaniards would leave the defence of tli- Fort of CHiao to t^Bpanish garrison which they had there, "Three thousand troops are expected here in a few days from Carthagena, and, -by the tiipe^hey do arrive* vessels are ex pected f om Guayaquil to take them to Pe ru. Soubletfe, the Intendaut of Carlha gcna.has written to General Carreno, the Jn’endant here, that^ another strong col- oiTtii of troops is immediately expected at Gaitliagena from Porto*(?abello, and des tined for Peru.” fte#t mentioned in the letter of Capt, »ro| ev, it wan thought, would be the* new Minister of War. The conferences at St. Petersburg on J he subject of the ufiairs of Greece have emfed in'nothinx. Tin-question of the expediency of pre serving the British possession in Western Africa, at the cxpence ot increasing the army it is said lias been decided in the affirmative. ... . , • 1 The Haytien envoys are said to have Among the convoy was one American brig.| ()R . rp(] th ' Krpnch fr 80 to 100 mihons Ljnigtilin.ofthP Br. ship Jno. anih Afary, nd -i as under the convoy of the Bf. sloop of war Thracian ^ntil a few days previous- the remainder were B<itish, and most df; «s the price of the recognition of their in t’ emare represented as’being old vessels.] dependence : but it appears ministers were a kward a manner* Ihe vl. iy L an mtn 1 ie *>ne,from the v«riousmaiieouvii's,t.i»rj ticeil by iwooftlie actors, and JheiliKw/J shapes winch they assumcil ihmu^ii.ui'i) aciion. Yct M-'Buowp suppo-ra the 1 vancCd by me. He lias positively refused be perfouued in it hud an influence in to disclose til you the uroumls ol his accu-1 writing to Mr Ponlyi ! K01 me suke sation against m*. He Ins mftde stat.'* I *• otL mid lair tfenliugl shad endeavor and contradiction To comment upon hisl plain a manner atid us bi icily us it will address •• ynii, wuotfl be to animadvert nut; in oidei llial you may judge now falsehood ami in iasu that IGNORANCE vvhi. li be can alone plead as an excuse for his folly. Very respectfully, *Yonr dbedi.Mit S-irvant, ROBERT W. POOLER* TO ,1’HE PUBLIC. 1 w-i* cu .earned iu the icsult—Previo u M> Ki-Hogg’s arrival with Ins «//»,' inculenfally mentiolieil, on liearw* Uuuhl was on bis way, that we were in cun>l qoeiicc of some lute sales, cuiupietely uJ supplied with his description ol lumber 1 were very glad turfind we should »n sot be able to meet our orders. Tiies ubteitj iMiw or oilier winds to-tbeir s*ft‘ ct pasi in the presence of Mi B own.' It will no| There was t' 1 -® ships m the convoy named *' Albion, 1 * both of London; Ihe Thus. Bi>o- clieof Maryport, and the Resolvn of Gree- nock—the names of the ntherB were hot known to our informant Oxi.the Ifth a- bout 30 mile® fmm Tybee, "tlfe West In dian f?II in with the wreck of the schr. Martha Fvibes, Carman, from BostoQ for Savannah, and tool; off a seaman the ’ mly man alive on board; the remainder of the crew, five in number, were washed over board, will) the exceptiiMi of the ^aptain* who was lashed to the >« il-rail, and died about two hours previous to the brig’s coming ^p. The schr, was it complete wreck fitlfoifly her stern 01ft of wat?r. The Pilot Boa^Vexatipn, Lee, haf been cha'tred by twb of our merchants, and des- pac'H'd in search of the wreck of die Mar tha Forbes, and if she is not found, to cru ise for vessels wanting assistance. The revenue cutter Crawford has also sailed on a cruise, iu pursuit of vessels in distress The Br. ship John Sf M»rv, was seen by the steam boat Henry Schultz, to leewa<d of Charleston Bar, unable to get in, owing to the wind. not Satisfied with this proposition, but dp manded befides, the establishment of mil itary posts on Jho Island, the right of sov ereinty over the Republic. Extract rtf « private letter. Pa 1 is 'July&7 —U is said that the pre- setT» Minister will remain in - ffifce. H fully-e'ilers^into the Engs, gystein. The tHoly Allfance, will npt support Spain in her attack upop the colonies: thus it ap pears certain that the poace of Europe will not be disturb d. s It .is c<insequehtly ex f leeted that a great, rise will take pl^ce in umled proparfy before the end of Au gust.” Faris.July 29. The Turks have disembarked 4000 at Negropont, and it is feared that placets 6tl tfie point of surrendering—*it may .also be the case with Patras, Lepantur Coron and M ploo. of which the Greeks do riot press the seige, not having • dny regular troops. 1 The Pacha of Egypt has received frd>h the Ports the titje of Generalisimo. but this dignity will not attach him t»« bis caus.e, and i> is noj known whether he will ev^r fight for him. He hasltis eyes fixed on Candia. ] it* my; |ii*a*uvi mi m w'iiii it win hi without pretence*’ wliat use he made -of .lieni- »fto birth or wit, nor gives nor offe ce'-’ tuHoI-afrivlKl hauclsd us his letter CjlW PH It ■j.resked u wish to sell his lumber (mine I ately Out un my obse-v^ng that it vvouldl FROM PORTOCABELLO.—Accounts from Porto Cabello, received at Baltimore, state that a fleet of transports having on board 3500 troops, sailed from that place on the 21st ult. for Chagreg, destined to j* in the army of Gu, Bolivar in Peru. They were under thjpnvoy of the sloop of war Pmchica and Urecn, commanded by Commodn'e Daniels. The - sloop i ar are onliTPiJ t'o'Piiiladeiphia, after l;. !Mg -een tW trupps safely ^landed at The brig Gov. Hopkins, which lay hi»lt and dry on the marsh, has been^o’, off, and qow lias in Musgroye’s creek, 'but cannot get out until the Emperonis removed., By great exertions the Eaiberor has been hauled out of the mud, and now lies length wise in the creek, about half her leagth from where she went ashore- As soon a; her cargo is taken out, it is expected she will be got off without much difficulty. * f The brig Caroline Arm, was got off yes- terday, arid is now coming up to town" t«> repair.! s* * < The schr Golconda, arrived yesterday, felt the gale in a-di^ht degree, 30 miles this side o£Cape Fein. The-attempt t> raise thp Pole Bust jj irah Ann, on Saturday, was uu-uccessfui. We learn, howeveir t^iat many of tne good* are trot, up daily by diving—a’negr« r Who came trora her yesterday, says, ijie hands have got up a considerable number of casks bf there itz the course of a few daysV’ ; i;0 Oil L».< od t kdlii 1 in W l»r1C' >ot l Mr aide litio |, td* ,>ve bent led The name of “S^ets” has been biujiglii before you as a piincipul witness ifi tin j disposed of itiu^c to his'iidvuiitflgi* byben dispute at present pending between Me&.s g0 ]^K„ ug f or own ^ccounj, he mirti Rob. W. Pooler and Mjinwn Hnw im p ,| u„d L .ier»hltieil,bni fifthly _Hve u*sad willingly oqdiw part, need nut be miynibn J u asdu. to believe that he Would place I ••d; lor-iany body vyho isjlie least xcquaiilt-1 in our bunds, and ef^n tacitly iionel ed with his character, must know, that die tl ,(j a sale t>| one ol tne rifl unniir is,far from being desirable to hint. I cv i )tb |,' l ;had partially made tlmt ilij] Placed 10 an huiqbli; sphere of life, W NcXt iiftjrniiig l saw wuh some) ba e never courted the popular regard by ,„ He , ra f 1s stopped at Mr BrdMl any other means than those of a n cbrrect ( f oc k,bat supposed thi4to have originitUl and uniform conduct, in Ihe discharge of I thiougli some’ mistake of the hands, rattf my husiues,.; and a strict attaint.,to the I tlllg Wltb fife-‘Kellogg f informed bind interest of my employer*. To lave ful* cl^msjance. ’'which he did not H GEN. LA FAYETTE—It is stated that while the Gen. was in H i tford-Gonn he was presented with the’epaulettes wfiich he wore as Major General in our army land wi’h the sash which he wore at the battle df Brandywine, spotted with the blood lie shed in 0111 cause forty years ago; His second reception in New-York was as splendid as the first. A correspondent of the Charleston Cou rier says « [ have understood that^a pre sent of Fifty Thousand 'Dollars has been presented to him by several gentlemen in Boston.' * form ofan oat If, it b. comes mV dutyto sup- that (he raft we baiFsold with his sppif port it P, l therefore cra ve indulgence oil a | tion he had no right to despose of, seeiol A letter from Shenandoah Springs of the fitli inst. states that " Ninian Edwards had fna . ft . L ’ r8UC *' a jBat. 110 doubt may been in that neighborhood for several weeks past, where his life had been dispaired of at onetime, from a ttolent swelling with whiah he had been suddenly attacked in the back part of his neck, bdt hp is now on the recovery. The Hon? John C, Calhoun arrived at the Springs on the 6th, aod ar- rangemenfs had been made td receive the Hon'. VVm. H, Crawford, who was expec- topic which tannot but be uqinteresiMng to the justness «f iny obsei vation lie inentn a large proportion of myJellowtqitizeW v t„ Mr Brnvvu whose answer w»l* lhaveassertedihatthe iVliich L ‘ 1 - ■ •' ■■ — — Mr. Brown is pleased to call observations, the subject of the document over my sig nature, accompanying Mr Pooler’*exposi tion in the Re ».,uf Tuesday last, was made under ihe injunction of secrecy; aud this assertion I still maintain i* true. Altlio’ (he r.aturgofsuch a'conversation as i*describ ed "Would not admit of the ear of a third person, yet, I trust to be able to place the possibly be entertained by the nibst *cepti- 6uL or prejudiced mind. The very circum stance of there beiqg a plot, which is ac knowledged, whether to injure Mr. Pooler or myseli is uniinportjmt, is ynlfficient to fcon.vince any impartial exiuninbr that se crecy was.requisile to insure its success. For he imagined that Brown would be very solicitous or feel extremely plqUBed to have that promulgated/ihe pub u H prnmuigaieu, ine fiuD ceprlpn.) tne ^>et«es 01 vv yi.i *3, gj licity of which would at, once have eon- wtjro thus to bu thu dupes of thw -Mr a cc le t III a |sh{ 111 lin; |y° lit, Hit III kttf llli t. Mi ltd lie Ssc* It and loun r III v 11 lire, u> t’ 1,1 j l»ve |ii hi |r a veil n* Mill Hu I u 1 It il *1111 now 1 appear ue/oie^ue puoiic in cm j eo jsiglt it tsi d9 I therefore cnnsiner* lisiorj ivith a citizen who lias filled some I the ralts unde uty control, uidcmiseqi^!] honorable . fit ,e, within your gift, w^ile I, |» in the (ueseoce of M> Kellogg ordered am scarcely kv own to you by name. -My l t t;, e fastfr to be casl off.' Where was w situation With this view I am ajvuxe is un Brown ut me time ? w-itchirtg with ah 111 favorable ; but 1 rely upon your discern. I the escape ol hi»» p»ey. He ^arne forwirW merit and justice for an impartial opinion, j with avidity and eagerly observed thilM Altho’ tiie point ,»f contention be in reality would gim mne'V Aye" says he " l'"i but triftir.g, arjd involve little ur no con*e- I giv^you ten dollars’* Which offer Mr Kfl qtience, having ntf particular bearing on I logg immediately accepted I studying the general tenor of the affidavit which! owners interests rather that) the .claim M brings me before, you; still, agit is arj asser-1 consign incut gave ine, I congratulated N tion winch I liaye made umlei* the .sacred upon the sale lie made, I told him liowH \Li have ihe whole ur none,” Yuu must lnnj gine liuwevhr that Mi Bi own could his passion, and opposition to U9 so fn r, J blind him as to occasion any eventual'' 1 ’ 1 to himself, by bidding a price at wbWffl was then selling,Tar from it—meaus"' 1 ’ 1 ] j J'ounil to reduce the ten dollars to ei|Jj'jV which price he settled with Mr "®’ for the lumber—Hgw this reducii» n "’l itff.'cled appeared then .to me a secret tween Messrs Brown and Kellogg,a? 9 ' eral,questions I put to the latter outlie 51 ) ject lie sedulously evaded, “But I a* 1 ™ l 1 . formed by friendsjetterfrom Barrfwell 1 trict where Mr Kellogg resides that til person ha>'report,*d by way of exculpal' 1 his friend Mr Brown that the oJlarot 1 dollars was anolher » plot concerted u teen them for the says of c “ foundirik (I suppose by its sublime cm cepliou.) file parses of W itt ii