Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 23, 1824, Image 4

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I : fjf tfUBMC SAtm Administrators *ales. by J. b t herbert Co. Ut\ tin. first Tuesday in iSuvember next Will ’ W be sold before lit* Court nous ' in this city seiwwi the Usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock i.nt No. (118) thirty seventh district ot AVil- jjliMun county, containing 202$ acres l.ot So (141) twent' seventh district of Wil kinson counit,containing202J acres. L.ut No (62) thirteenth district Wilkinson county,containing 202$ actes. ,„,t No (85) thirteenth distrtct Wilkinson county, containing2024 acres All that lot of'add in the city of Savar.nah, known by le ter W Oglethorpe Ward with the jinprov-un tits thereon. Ali that Lot of land in the City it Savannah kn w<) hy letter Y Oglethorpe* Ward with th improvement* thereon. t wo negroes i.eile and her child Mary being the-property of the estate Of A’Farisricde- cea>ed sold bj r permission of U»e tion the late vior I you it of Chatham County and b) order of the administrator for the beneti* ofibe keirsand creditors of the saitl estate. Terms > ash. tepi 2 172 f r fa*S^ol1ocfor v s Sales'. On the first Tuesday m November ne.vt, W ILL be sold at’Hhe Court House in the City of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, ihf following property or ad much thereof as wiltaatisfy the State and County Taxer, and Costs, vie s A ti act of laud in Uuiloch County, cantaining 328 acres, more or les«, returned as pine land. Levied on to satisfy fhe state and county taxes of Joseph It. Armstrong for the years 1822 slid 1823. and costs Amount of taxes §4 43. tract of land in Camden County, containing 2874 acres, move or less, originally granted to John Winter. Levied on to sal*ly the state and County taxes of the estate of Joseph Devan for the year 1823. Amount of Taxes £«6 50. Lot No 35 in l'c»r.kiin\Vard,iti the City of Sa vannah, subject to an annual ground rent to the Corporation of raid city, vyith the improvements thereon. Levied on to satisfy the s e and county Taxes of Frederick *■ eillck, for the yesr 1823 Amount nf Taxes &51 17. J \ MBS F.FP1NGER, toco. tang 28 17.0 Administrators ^alc. Hy J. H. Herbert tin fust Tuesday Vi.voiiibfr i*x>, wifi be su d before tin* Cl urt House tins city betw een ti.e usual hours of Id and 2 o’clock. .live tract of Laiv 1- situated in Bucket Creek containing one hundred and -iiirty five acres (135) more or lesa, being tiie property of 1‘eter Met ar'ane deceased Sold by permission otthe Bt'c. be Inferior Court of Chatham County, am- by Tier of the administrator for the benfllii of the heirs and creditors Of said estate. • Terms Cash, ffrept 2 „ 172 City Sheriff *8 Sales- O N the tir t Tatsuii) i» October next, will b. sold at the Court House, between the usual hours of 10 ami 4 o’clock Tvo horses out a Waggon levied on as th prowsrty i>l Jvsft Sundertin, to satisly an execu tion *i f.ivnr of d\che Abbot. A t« story building,T»0 feet width md 12 f i deep on the -ear of Lot No 5, I ticks T.ti.i' lVrcival Wufd.with about three years in exp .ee lease, levied^un as the property of Mis* G ■■■ snnth, hy her trustee to satisly an execution i> favor of Peter Dilpon Also, sundry articles ofDry Goods and Gro- dr iies, levied on its the p*operty of Pierce How ard te s^isjy an execution in favor of John P. \\ ilhamson transfered t Jnhi. Gilmsrtalrt, Also sundry articles of household furniture,le vied on av the property of Thomas Jinncy unde.- a vr .trraut of distrain for house rent in favur o< Isiar. .’.lit is. JAMES W SlMS.nsCt. ffltp 4 173 Sluriff’8 'flies. N the firs'. !'..«$ .ay in October next, will b y sold at the Court House in the City of S vanntih between tiie hours of 10 aiid4o’el.c>r. All that undivided moiety being the soothei half of ail Ual Lot No. (4) four inPJbeil wa-.. i the City cf Savannah coUminii.gG'Jft et in length ard 90 feet in depth with tiie improveme: thereon levied on as the properly of Ruhr Lew is to j-atisfj an execution in favor of Chat) < Rodgers. 511 that la* letter*D and improvepients Og . tfiorpe Ward in the Village of St f .aui, Ch«*fi ,n. County levied on nsthe properly of John Heaa. mule ip satisfy an execution in favor of Tttoina Garnett. Also, one horse and sundry articles of fioio. hold furniture, levied or, as the property uf J . Womack, td satisfy an execution in fav- r ■ f H ■ ry M'Alpin, against John Womack, ami At m Craig, security. Also, the following 8 negroes viz: Sally and h . 3 children Mary, David, mid Eliza, IJeiia and by.. 3 children Lucinder, Maria, and Anthony, levi ed or as the property of Eleazer Early to sati*. fy an execution in favor oftlie Bank of the (J vited States. A negro man named Bob levied on as the ■property of ^laria Colien 'o satisfy an ex'-cuth.i 'jrom a J usuces Court in favor of Dr L H Forth returned o me by a constable, Lot No 7 a, tl improvements in th» City of Sa vannah Jtykr.i Ty thing Darby ward, levied on as il e property of the trustees of W Gal-’schil dren, properly pointed out by the pltfintiffa am! returned to me by a constable. A negro woman named Lizza, levied on as th roperty of Richard Levette to satisfy two ex< utlons from a Justices Court in favor of B Fit If, Pierce Hovvatd et. al. returned to me by constable. I. D’LYON, see. sep 4 173 Administrator's Sales. On Tuesday md 5th day of October next, 11 L h, sold at the’Court House, Liberty Oouoty, betw een the usual hours of sale Hnra , Saddle mnl b,idle, the property »f the esta'e tif l dswir.k Laid, sold for the benefit of the ficirs and erdpitors. • B. WAY, Admr. angl'd 170 , 1 , „ Superior 1 ('out t—Chatham •John Retan County. Rule dV7tf. Na:ha. Maker 3 O N the petition of Jno. Ketao stating that Nathan Baker did on the firs’ day of May 822, the better to secure the pay ment ot his ■rtain yroniisjory note of that date for the sun i two thousand d.liats, payable tothe said John Retail, or order, on or before the is* il*y ol May, 1824 with interest at 7 rer cent per an num, by his indenture, under his seal, bearing Jut the day aijd yeaf first aforcM-id, mortgage, im lie said J hn IteUn, all the undivided rooidf ur half part of nil ifiat lot of land, situate, lymj -.<1 btwngin thi; city of Savannah, and known d distinguished in the plan thereof by the umber ne (1) Tyrccnpell tytliing Darby « a* > ig-.tber with ihe appurtena'.ces, and further sting tha* the"said proroisaory note remain? holly unpaid, and the said mortgage io full roi-'-e, and praying the foreclosure of the said inor< gage. On motion of W. IV Gordon, attorney for the etiuoner, it is ordered that tiie said Nathan Ha uer do pay into tins court} w ithin twelve months if this date, the principal and interest duo or ne said note and the coats oftlie said Application, in default thereof,’that the equity ot retlt'tnp ■f’.f v .i .in 11 .Iterof theamd .;Bged premises, be theoccfortl. and forevi foreclosed. % And it i.- further ordered, that a copy oi thi- rule be served on the said Nathan Baker at least six months before the time appointed for 'in qpy ment of said money into court, or published ID one of the public Gazettes of ibis slate, .. ast once in every month, until iht time up filled fertile pamigni iheretf. ano that suci. i.thcr and other proceedings be had ar »■< escribed by the siatuie in such cifte made and -•-video. Extract from the mi miter this 24*h May, 1824 A. It FANNIN, O' ! ZIST OFtlSTTERS, Remaiuing in the Post Office, at .Savan nah, Geo. on Clie 1st September, 1824. fcj" Persons wishing Letters from this list are. requested to ask for Advertised Letters. A* William Adams Thomas Askew John Ad ms Joint Atherton Jqhn Arms B. Dennis Bragdon Wm Berrie Jr Nat Bcliclls Hiss Sarah S Bird Miss U A Bin ns Capt John Brooke Mrs Sami Baas J vines N Brown Oliver K Ba ley David Brown Alex Uraut Mrs Mlogg Win Handy Jas Hyrne Mrs H Uernas Jus Butler Wml errieS Jos Buckingham c. Uiclmcl Clarke D Cooper Thos Calluii 2 Eben T Crowell Jo n Chapman Vt in Conrad Mrs Henrietta Clark Mrs Susan . ourtier Mrs Margret Chapman Richard Cloouy -iss -ai idi Capps Thus (’dark Sami Clark Miss .lane C Cline Ceo W Davis fos D’I’ass I* A’ I Dc Luzies Geo II Eden Mrs t’l * Emerus vohn Fuller Isaac Futcli Jeasee Furness Allen Greenfield 11 Gibson ( apt A Uiraldo Mrs Ann Gibbs Mrs < Gihbins M ss Ann II Gibbins m Harrington £ James Harris. Ossabaw John Hngg$ Hall apt Ed > M D Couvter jas Cunningham Ann Gurry Sami Cunningham D. Mrs Eleanor Dicks Dominico Dezru E. Sami Elsworth F. Mr Frederick White Bluff G. Jos R Gibson John Grimes James Govan Miss Mary Gordon Messrs Goodhue Cf Co H. Capt P Hiscock Thomas Higgins Island A Harmon Miss It Harden Mrs Mnliana Harvey Geo Hardy David Hennis VVm H Ilea c 2 , G Hcrnund s Francis 'asnn Wm 'inings nns S M evin . Mrs Susan Ihley John R Kelley Isaac Kel'er Thos H Kelley ' iss Ellen I.ayghley l 'amuel A Lawrence John H Laflitte James W I-ee Wm M Leigh Mrs Mary Lewden 2 Mr Mary l.eb-y . Rule AY« Sherifis Sale. \ On ihe first Tut sday in October next, ysjt , ILGbe s ;ld before the Cour’ House In * » Bryan County, between the usual hours of sale A tract of land in Hr, an county on Black Creek, with the improvements thereon consist, fog of bridge across said creek, and also a tract of land in said county on Caramelne riyer, and ne half of a bridge across said river, the said tracts of land, and bridges pointed out as the property of William Wilder, to satisfy and exe cution in favor oftheadministratbrand adminis tratrix oi Thomas Rawls, dec W \V WILLI AMS, os » c. aug 28 170 ■r-rf Superior * ourt—Camden County* italics Tr-tiM, 1824. WilliptVi Berrie "> #* l John Chi istofht. y | |N the petition ol W d'davr He -rie stat. ' “ tiiai one Jofin Thii.t'-pher. of the count of Camden,ibeing ind. bled < one Get ryi Sulk- or order in a note, of hand, d i ed % Marys i, said county, on the 9tli Octi-bc 18S, in the su* of Five Hundred Dol u s, pnyabi, 3(th' i,t\er. • from the dun on the first .*y uf jRi'u • y tb<. next ensuing, did mofigag.* to tl^sV saitl Hu., his heir- and assign?} t<> secure .tnft'.psv n>«nt the note aforesaid witlrmier<-»l tnrjjjc same- certain lot of laid in ihe town uffflfesaid bei.j. part of lot No l, bejginingat ti e we® corner < a (ot belonging to one Cnlvn layeti flit no, ru ningBouib 100feet on S: Mafys . tree*, then* north to Bryant St. thence east vi C Hays inn thence tioutli to the beginning, with die nriai s ii attached to (he same »,r tiie sou h side < f Marys or Hay st. -eu.g a Imi drcd feet on it, street and running from thence (Jjjectly to ..i river St Marys, together with all and single every thing thereto apueraining-that the sa.' Henry c -adT<?>, to whom and to w hoae litir? it> assigns the said mmtguge was made on the 26i •>f Sept 18 3, duly assigned by deed.fcani on ,n gage to the petitioner, that there is nov. due , ■aid mortgage the aurr, of Five Hundred Did if w ith interest from the 1st. Janusri 18 :2, un. praying for the forclnsure of tlie- equity of i ■ aeniption, in the said John ( l.iis'oplirr, In; heirs and assigns in the mortgaged premises an tliat the same>be foreclosed ucc-i ding to law j On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal and in terest due on the said mortgage, togellmr with the.costspf his applicants br'j ai I into this,,court within twelve htonths from this < ate, otl.erwis, th t the equity of red- mption of roe said Jnh, Christopher lri<* heirs egccutprs, aditiinistratun- and assigns fie from theiiFe fioever foiecl ne. and that such other proceedings take place a: are pursuant to the statute. And it i,; further orpTred that this rule hi- published in one of the Gazettes of this state a. Wm Mallory Dr k|a .well Jon 0 Mansfield James Martin ohn Mallad Mrs Amiv Mervin n Milieu Mrs Eliza ’filer Wm H C Mills Mrs ane Myers F E .Miller Jesse Mo nt P Morin An * Morel * Bdw Munroe (Daw. fit ski e Is and ) 2 Mrs Parmenter Mrs Ann Page Hiram.Perk ns Mrs Amelin rice II G itts Mrs A Powers2 W Qulntock 2 C, itries Richardson Wm Richmond Elcan<fr A Ityan f Joim Kiclra d on kliss T Hogg Pierce Howard Clark Hoxey John Huggins Jas Hudson 2 Ham ton Hudson 2 Sami Humphreys 2 J. Capt t W Johnson Ilenry W Jordon John oltnson Alex Johnson K. Rufus Knight John King 2 L. Lewis ft Garnett Miss Selina Livingston Mrs Susan Littleton Cor elius Lincoln - T Long worth M !.u(f6.,rough M. _ Miss \nn L Munroe Col G W M‘Allister 4 Mut'd ch McLeod Sitcrod McCall (Bul loch ohnty Daniel M'Cprty Harney It Vllatn Wm M Cu vid Joseph M Coy John H M Intosh J H M Kenzie Robert M Kee John .-•“Kee Mrs, M -ry U Allister • Wm * Mttlrine Hector M Dona d Clem Pow’ers 3 John M Pope N W Pomeroy Capt uJIan ZtfTa Powers2 E t*' Posted q * R. Henry Rogers , Mtchaei Rowe B Rutland (Ossabaw) Jno VI Russell SlieriiTs Sale—continued. On the first Tuesday in October next, , . ILL be sold before the Court House, JJJ . I —— ••*•-• '*» '“V '•WWVVIVB UI V11IO Otarc 0‘ in Bryan County, between the usual bout*' leas L°nce * month for twelve months to the time stle. appointed for the payment of said money int one tract of land in said county known by the ttame of Palermo, boundaries unknown at the time of levy—the same pointed out as the pro perty of HichardT. Keating, to satisly and exe Uutlon in fityor of the estate of Benj Stiles, and sfihers. , aug 28 170 THOMAS ALBRITTON, s ve. Sheriffs Sales. jfkN the first Tuesday in October next, will be " ’ sold before the Court House in EfRrgbam County, between the usual hours of sale. , Two negro fellow? named J ohn and Pat,levied on as the property of the estate of .’bristian Treutlan, dec d, to satisfy an execution in favor Qi Alexander J, Lawton & Cp, Also, 200 acres of land lying in Effingham County, .yoimng lands of Darnel Metzgar, on the N E, and lands of Shultz, on the 8- levied oik a tt»e property <fW G i’orter, to satisfy Military .*%>, m ”*•**«**“«•- Court. . <... Hj A true extract rom the' minutes. JOHN A1LEY, Clerk Jefferson. 16th Mar Mi. t824 fJJHHKi- months after-da e apphearo i. i.. L- 1 made to tile Planters Bank ot the st-xu v Georgia,for the payment of a Bar k note,No 359. letter A,for one bun Jred dollars, dated 1st Feb 1819, signed G*>o Andersoi, President, and J Marshall, Cashier, payable at Savannah to I'bp mas Gardner, or bearer} the right hand half of the note being lost; SAMUEL WRIGHT; juhA. mn!53 NOTICE, INE months after the date hereof, appiica- «M Ton will bt made to the honorable the Jus, 1‘Ces of the Inferior Court of Liberty County lor leave to sell the real and personal estate of Lodowick Lard, late > f Tattpad Coumy, dtseas- ' d, for the benefit ofthe beirs and cn dit r . %:■ . To WAY, Adm’r, Pari y R Swett . et rShick \<n Esther Stewart M.Smyth ■ ir Sliii-ffield , RebccuSanderlin Bcti .Slieftall Jolin Shiclr Mrs l. Silencer lohn .Svkos • i vs Eliza Smith 2 Capt H'Strickland .Mrs A atibbs Jo n l Ski ling t' 1 : *ry W Simpson D A Stio bar John smith D K .Smtli MrsS Sawyer 2 Kras'us Swift 2 James Smith Geo Smith Mrs 31 Smith Sami Tresyant WmTigus mrs Mary E Turner Edmund Walsh James .) Wallace uisaVirgi ia Wall Mrs <J S Strobhar Jaa Scoles 2, Mrs. i Scott F . Stone 2 James stoney John L Strobbar t. v , '; C pt los Tucker Clias W- Fucker w. J White ab Wr gbt 2 Wright; 4 . ohn Waters a: d Jas T A Williams Muvwfl I . Maxwe 1 John P Ward GilbS Walker mrs M L Ward 2 John Warmsly Viss S L Wall Be-j Walli g mrs Mary Wall Edwrl Wi slows Wm Williams D Wood Mrs C M oodruff i m jivrnonrrY, a is vcr. ( 10 revive, amend and continue in force an act entitled an act, to extend the lime of ta king out grants on surveys made on head rights and bounty warrants. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of He- presentatives of the state of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That where any person or persona have heretofo'«. nad surveys made on head rights, bounty warrants and grants thereon have not Been obtained, it shall and may be law ful for such person or persons to apply for and obtain such grant or grants, at any time pre vious to the 25th of October, 1824, ou payment of the usual fees. Sec i And be it further enucted by the au thority aforesaid, That wltere any surveys have heretofore been made on head rights or bounty warrants, and grants thereon have not been ob. tained. such land shall not be subject to a re survey until three months from and after the person or-peraons claiming under the original survey shall have been notified tfi& such re-sur vey is intended to 1>e made, and that tr. all cases,' the person or persons claiming under the origi nal survey, shall -be entitled to the preference of making such re-survey, until the expiration uf three months from tlte time of such notifica tion : and in the event of there being no claim ant residing on or near the land to he thus re- surveyed, such notice shall be perfected by giv- ing three months notice by public advertisement, at the Court House of the county where such land may lie, and in one of the public Gazettes uf this State. Sec 3 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of all surveyors who shall make any such re-sumy, to certify ou his return to die st rveyfor General, that due notice according to the provisions of this act had been given, a*u no gram obtained on auch re-survey shall be va lid, unless accompanied with such certificate t Provided, nothing in this act shall affhet the rights f orphans or persons under the ^ge of 21 years, an I thut all auch persons shall be allowed one year after they arrive at the age of 21 years to take out then’ grants. Sec 4 And fie it further enacted, That it shall be tlte duty uf the Governor tu cause this act to be published in one of the newspapers in Mil ledgeville, Augusta and Savannah, once in each moi^h, until the expiration of the time appoint ed by tire same for taking out grants. 'ec 5 -vnd be it further enucted, that all laws 1 , o£Ians militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the Hoqse of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 2, 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nbv. next, in the "Constitutionalist” and Savannah Republican.” ma-ck V* THE IMPRb CFJJ s SFJWATZ / OirBfiRg /iMU'. good tfiects "fthu, powa ,- 8a ,.,' X. icimvhas been observed and acknnun*. , i by all those who have had occasion to U p ,h" et! In all cases of heartburn, bile.nausca .o ^’ diseases of the Stomach, which are so w valent in warm clunutcs-ttiex ran be us/t P . re * nv time with much advantage As tlu t f *’ plcasai.- effervescent draught, they'mav h •*/ to be an agiueable beverage free from L.,' sai ? highly impregnated with iked air, and , aa( i ing all the Medical qualities of. the ' teemed Seidhtz Waters. - The Season is fast approaching, when l U6 J powders will be tn demand, and to ... pure, is very desirable, Many petsi,.* a .1 been deceived in their operation, by haviiu. ,! V<3 1 ehasod them in Drug StoreB, the protirietfp? Ur I'l which paid but little or no regard in Seil ., . ot | .he best kind, consequently? quaktic* were never realized But tin* j:a. c 7 ty may now be obviated,-Ft he subset ibt r endeavored ford he two or three last se w - to procure them Genuine and hus been auccc.J ful. f These Powders aao neatlv put up in tin l>oL I by which m-ans their Medical properties ui« remain unimpaired by the influence of time «j! climate. v ‘ A fresh supply ofthe abuve Genfitne ttL hus just been received, which together i, very general assortment of Family MejmneB will be kept conitxHily nnlian . LAY & HfiNl>RIt’K>ON, Chemists lh-ttggisIs, Corner of Congress and fVhitat mstrni Valuable Sirdicine. : i;, ; ANTf-DISP PTlt; pi LLS Ricpared by Henry James. ’ 4 N approved remedy fin- Dyspepsia, or Illd J -A gestion, Habitual Gintivereas, and Piles I It »,well knowrtthat Dyspepsia isofie of ij,,| most frequent and formidable diseases of country. Its commencement is indicated intt ferent patientB by various symptoms, u| vlUl the most remarkable are— t! Irregularity of tha bowels, obstinate cwtb. oess, bendach, commonly called nervous i,r. f ly bcadacht yollnwness o the eves and skit .. cidtt; of stnmacb after eating, often culled burn, flatulence or on the stomach, bide taste in the mouth in the morning, fmlidbreitb drowsiness after dinner, debility, laspftude e-1 maeiation. depression of spirits, *c. ’ Piles bt ipg connected with indigestion and I cos-iveners, are cprtainly and spedily remcmi by the pills. , ' 1 A supply ofthe shove valuable Medicine I just been received from the Patentee, m J ( be obtained ofthe suhscii.ict’.-, who Imre btu appointed agents for the Stale of .Georgia, tiYN lOHDI’.l KBON, Druggists and Chemists,SliadV Buildings, n- ... Savanmli, aprtl 24 c*94 miss fit Wi ianison 2 mrs wary Wiliams Martha: Wi Hey C W se baker TVm O wmia- a Mr Wrigiit, James G Wi so a, Wm Scarbrough, v. m Taylor, & Phillip • Bpji w'y. ' George Wo f, (Efti .g. ham County) iTN|lNi.,-. until* utter date api ocatioi. in be aM made tu the Hotuu'able the Justice* ofthe 4 t'erior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell all that Lot in buvaunah known by the No one, Ellis square. Decker Ward, with the im provements tliereon: And all that Lut in Savan nah known bv the No tWt i.ty-three, in L iberty Ward, with 'he Huiklings thereon—being the real estate of John Smith, dec’d, for the benefit nf the heirs. FitKDEUir.K HERB. Administrator. may 15 114 Ten Dollars Keitard. • 4 ANA WAY from the Subscriber in Scriven 4 County n negro boy named Stephen abou ixtei n or »evemeeny< aratil age, copper niter* d and ou (i'h right cheek a scar scarcely percep ode, resembling tlte letter O H<- bus beer, eh in company with a white man, between •nsand Ravumndi IBs puiutita Daniel and Ju.w ve in the neivhbouvbo.'tl of thst place, th..- wi-re seld in tliir- t.'ounl to John Ad-eiis wlio tw ee sold them to some one on at# Island abou I miles below Savannah. I he above reward' will b-- given with all re. »'i>»ble cnarges to any onS who will lodge hin. n lav an., ah Jail, or deliver him to the su -.riber. TURNER brassWf.ll. Nti: Mtllhaven, Kottven Co. aug 5 16u The Subscriber, t f AS just fim fie.l and oilers f-i(- sale, an ejgh . I,oar. d CAN 'E BOA r, 3s ft a hy 4 feet 3 inches, « liich he can rec -mmend to those w h wish a boat for quick passage. E E TBBEAO. july ?.2 T54 LL pei-somipidemed to fie taie ou Marcy Moorc, of Effiogham County, de'c’d tn come forward and maw payment. d those that have hov account., to 'present tl.eni to mZi KTA 15VAN8. Adm’r sept 28 • §c**!93 V^tlNE r»i< i-tjrt afterdate. I sna.i « • jTTy t (i ifiei « -I Him the Inferior Court oftlie county td Ef fingham, for leave to sell alt the real estate t>e- 'longing!o 9ol<imon Gp?un, dec ofwhjch all c«..- cerned will take notice. > * JOdHUA GNANN. adm’r march 4 5 , Litiuid ilacki. t$. ' subs..i ibei-. b ,ve r>-ceiv,t‘d,a small invoice I ot 1 IQ,; ID itLACKIS 5, put up if. quart botirs. ,it yis becnJound hy experience-b in: a Very stipqrto. a, ti< ie d c..tnes much cheapr r than those kin,.s nsu <UV \ udi I ip thiseffy - The quality of it isJi Tivv d o be so good, tha'should t-xc ptiopsof nn\ kmobe made to 1, the money lil'eve, ’ i„. w lfibt romtiy returned. LAY i.HENDRICKSON, • Chennrts au'eDrii'ggKts,- 8hat&,»uiifl|)ig. 167 a<ig 21 Superior Court—-Chntlimir County. Jamjabt Tziuf, IJH, Aaron Cleveland and Susan C.*t his wife, 1 r . w ’ (R*ieKd. | Afacnb Fahm. J I l ,h ’ Petition of Aaron Cleveland M- | 1. FNanC nis wife, who was Pusan G Bon,a,a- | ing that Jacob Fahnr., before the ,1,1 of the petitioners, to «-it; on the 23d day of J 1821, did in conjunction with orte j.w, RooU, cxecxit-.' a joint bond iu tnujitTiRtaom u- iioned for the payment of two th-> with interest from date, on or fiefi'ie tke fi 1 • ia>' of MarAh then negt, utid that for thi r.i-tte sioxuriog the payment thereof, the said Jk-J did on the day and.year first sJbrrsaid make r certain indunture of mortgage, wlwieuv niurtgaged to said Susan.C. all that lonif^i kn-.wii and desig isfcd as Garden lot ingulf, hirty nine, -No 39j ar,d a'sp, that adjuinii ud 'i*ri nf -mr-lhcr lot k iown as lot numlirtf* • >v ,, No 42, conlainr g together eight«iKtili acres more oGIcm, situated to the east of ri(d of Shv nnnh and bou ided tn the unit!; wc*. Lpt No 26, to.the south and east Ir lands fi luiigfng. tb the estate of Hampton Lifi'troj . and the west- hy the • public ■ read kafld •iktdaway-island whfereuu a brick ywdis m ••rabfislied and known by the name of • nick yard -that there is now on (lie said ir morgagean.tigxtnrv tiie sum of t-ighwJL- Jrod- doilius with in ; ' ratt from the 23d tbj 4 I (January '323, and pray i ,g i!, c foreclosun- f ne equi'y of tedvrnptioiuof the s ,id Jacob anil !i» fierrk, txdbu*.v>rs, adiTiutstrat.:<*r and nssu - m u rt to.Uie said mortgaged pt. raif .*!»—''Onni : °a -f.W \V Gonloii. i-i."- r y f r the petioir* H is pro* red that the principal «"d, iiiterov 011 the said bund or Writing obligatory to^ci! with 'lie cost of this Hfipiicktfhn be paid intetkbdj urt within 'welve months from tips tUny, <^fiL case of default that the equity of rt dempi • : '*rl .id Jabnb Kalnn, ins heirs, executors, ad-"" trators Wtd..Hs%ns'be from t!iQ,.c-.-forl • n.rt t uvcliistdKml tDn such fiirrlu i- apd Ollier pfl ceedings beli?u ihereon, as are pursuant'to the statute iu such casA mu<ie a-id provided—A n( l) ! isfortiter ordered that this rule be piiblii ‘ J '“ one of foe G,.zi:ttes ol this stale *t teasi ttn» tir.for twei- e mA.piis,. or. that a co,. vi vcd on the defendant->u leas'six roontn I biifp e th-- tiipe appoint d- for the pi^-iicntof ’Ixe'money uno:ynuft A Extract frpm the minutes, 15th Jan I8?4> - , . r JOB T. BOLLUS, . ja-lS 12 “ • ~ : WQTXOji. 1 ff/®lNE*mmtt)is after dat-, shall apply to the i.v-5 Hon -rblfe the Justices 1 of the Inferiotl Cmiiyl-'f Chatham 'C unty, for 'eav-: to sell thq real and personal property of trie bland. Ramil '.bn MUiuosh, deceased, ho- the benefit of tin heirs. SLSAN A. G. Vi’INTOSH, ^ Administratrix. tparcli9 56 . French Letters. Mr r Pourria Jij Jalineau Mr Cardoz Capt httier 19. BAHLY* P. M. ( JS6 M K COMEwiME ill April (,r .May gave V' P M- Durrsm I’ Ilqil a genefal fovv"'- uf at- tortn-y (1 he pufpiqe. nfsnttiin.j q.y afthirtf in he htatef i.f .Ca»ottea and t-r- orgin—l hereby tl. i larc the said powers revoked from and after this da e, S .R.PUOC TDK, •NearNewOrleaps, Aug.Stb'iaM sept 2 the benefit ofthe heirs a.-i credirora. Th§3 B BAKER fc | aB7«17 -0? ^5' ^•aeorgiit—i Unthnm Count/* l o all wHoitv'ilt ma, - neern. • ’ •lVf 11 ERE Af? C|jm Powers Ksq Inis apoliea to J th- Hop 'he Court of Or,'unary ' rncjred aiid orfdit»rs sfiifl de'eased tfi file tit-, if objection^ (ifan have) to the granting of the iatiftiiifstratio,' thp estate of Jin: deOSrto the applicant m 1 levk’s Offiav of the SU! I Court, pn or > - the twepubth day of fiu-ptember rtext; otuer letters bfarlmiiystnuipii will hs granted iVitiu ssthe Hon. John I’ WillT the JustipeSoftjj^smd Court, the Aueii'.-jt,*' -D |jk§ ■, 1 [I -, ] ' ' . BcSrAl- GlINB, l.rl one <