Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 09, 1824, Image 1

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’m&s Irps OF WHARFAGE, STORAGE. DRAY* YagE AKD ll'BlGUMQ. W SAI'ATtNAH, IstttbllslicJ. Jan. 1824, nnd now hi operation. ,’ WHARFAGE; . Lift under 100 tons, per -lay - W cents. T„ over do. tlo i> hr tote ot‘ handing and Sltippitig Country 1 rt>. I J 8 dueo. ■ I cncKbmrel or half do Rice [bale Cotton . * - ngduen «f Indigo ogsliiadof tolwocu • |W| feet o( LunlMr Istnves •''* J |dOO shingle*.’ v‘, I ltM metis »'w2 I KlOO hoqitfolM' » ■*' [lOOfeot ariWc onk.ccdnri hcn^wctfdJWld by the 00 Imsliels fi corn,.win Wndvin b» _«) blsIidWj | rSlM!St\vnod#i y w!ier itjp tying Gwulf, ' siftej eunji'i. . jj cents. '"Tt, ».* .SSl*' 4 cents. ad. uln of «U,' .V * ^ St. tils wuV'nU • Mft ,?s- '' ; ji brandy,'puncheon of rum, and nil kinds of [bpior in t . and not exceeding Irpii, pertoii,'first mpl ] intervening (yiliNui Every oilier article same a* ; v . f; i tBftehfiibV or half Jib. rice a Hlid- of tobacco or, inline * Package dl'indigo; WTk*. - Bale of cotton • 4 «,. K, S <1.. t .1.. * 1. ^ u. At .. . 1 .’is¥jai * X, | i lbs: « gotfcls unde: o qvy 200 > afc nn-vv-voR. r hauling up thp Bluflkto o% p»|Lpfitlie city, flrticlvB not Jjpreni enumerated, tor 1TO> ■tibunih v«lkht T - , T . : . . ..jtfZM Undlr 15004bj and not less tlntn loo 87$ ■ re ’j^to 1090 tfc do do 500 • 25 Foffn lOftfl feoftpf Lumber , ft I 50' -•do lttoo Brlifkft' . > r . ' i 50 do word of ttofcd "• , J jo For every halo ofcotton * ' - . # 8 _ dp Mil. of Rice no hlid of Tobacco • - ’ ,» 373 old pf Flpur do ho do For haulitl For solo J5iv 1 i&iksmSp [rel9«oi snlted.m' visxvnAw breipl, n^r^cide^Hi f wines, ltnil "nil 'kinds ( fcer»es*^tcd) dfy.£ euslqM'XreeilingflO guile, not'dver 5$ gallons.-, -i ■/: , wines or liquors And try gown. • niida/AU'flsquare *' %■> . ,r T 1 ' ' i^'cMdVescliocolj^cprdlgj#,.^. xfil’, and boxes pflike ame 3 • ' i. siftiar* tpocli i, r y^ m *ry. ‘ fcs fltrorn, pcrdflOO •.(.*> «. -'■? , tf q/pih? Us boKr»> ,:r> * ut osaabargs, ltuSsiu duck;bagEiug > > cnava-varh ■■ • - ' •••. * » ol llqiaa'.or any kind df casks, tx*. rt eilili§43<i flnllbni ■' • . - es/Iaosp, peeress j 6 ..*W Ir pots, each •. • .* , > llc« ol'Xuas, rpadCs, &c. each- , _ I. per. lOObiishcls. - V ^ j,.' 1 ’•'-9 ® • jX s uotexiieedlng 50Q Ibs.liidli ;* -J)D ?. exceedingCtiO.lfis. not Exceeding ' ^ ’ 120ttlK' r i.V; ' V, ',83'' * ew aiiA<i?t?ew»ii. ■: % •' ■ v.m * ter nfthsle In tbfjpme pi .»• -o n life Blulf, or from ouo ■ utiotj^T cxc6cniug Kijg) lbs Jk> i | Fi do i Add cvei#t -Y liuuliug'do. jjip W % 15110 atVUuot Iqa tlduplOO tl*s Or eueleUule oftcottbn - . do . bid Hire 40**' ■' Idid^CdbaCco • ^IJBlour.; i,.^ .tPT „ 4% jpfiftttffy other article in ththame. prdfcyti'tfp. J,U3tvycoeye( '*"8 r ^VIi f'mtfe To rtr b , Gm. Jait}Kiry\St «» ^ W ' ijd^Op.l&jWblilAlYj f evbd^tlny EisTm’KA^iMs'r^ Irthi^U', Tor-vob: J* y fbiy, ex aratyllgo LyufRU tlambuegli, de pm ut 1 ^, >l<«tdayyWnduesdidfiJ*'l Frf- day^rin. Tjckiiseeking. J uclsonWtt'o’ iij»(VtVayneh- horo%:o A11gitsta andTianlbtirgh. , > lJuAm Xucs(la\2»Tbiuvilnysand Snthrday, at 6 P.,^j Tlipclosi™^*---' 1 avers, «a re dogs j“ evei-v Tut, ■>ij, c.wpt this t|»ocloslpgotyjj '■■*— “VcningsA, Fro ucadav, ht i Gftoljnu i 11, to ; AugUsta, takes liv.and Sunil,iy, at 8* (■dices ou the route. _.u;e'«.t-7' t r. ji. on the yiuXboro’, a •weekly w.,for Birds' , m i*i(l Shevlr'i duo every Sunday i;b. «utl at ^iuvaimah every ij'ovbeclfc fl-CO r ^ . rs.^’juSioraniLttl lotting clmirs,'t5tr.'.^ * gCS, 01 tOlU’M Mt mute to Augiisfa aiufllniubiirgh, close. ^Tlrursday mul Suljlrduy, at 6, a. m. and ^aomcru'^^at ti) a ,Mi to l'urys- IVdiAsitny, Friday and Sunduy, ab 8 nsrt/me,n'muilis made up tpieh.ove. ,.Pk™ dqgoi'ftriwBn? ttoheitsvllle, Wat- ieuspuff,.^(Wver Ibreo Buns and Four Mile ddfi'n ? jls,pertto:i Inousutn' uve 12 overlaid^s. ? ... uses • • " Ji>r nm r*. hbouscs jo, empty lln, cucn \ lijohns, eaoh as and chests of tin hvcodf'jmr Cord , per quintal • • - " , . . a V |i bi all dfscrlptibns ( litlgs) por 100 husliels ' ■* $\ : .2® >, \ owder, in bids, of TOO lt)3. each 12i o. in halfbbls. |\o. hi kegs of 28 lbs. Pt itndpr . ‘3,:; , window, per 100.feet, in propor tion for smaller - , - 4 . exceeding 1.10 gaflohii of liquor or any kirnl of merchandize . }5 exceeding 83 and not exceeding” 100 gallons . , • 8 Ith tile, per iCCO . 25 Ip, per tmi - 50 Is, ruwortann'ed. per 100 - ' '* u y loose, per 100 lbs. - ■ Lin handles, each - . ' 0*t licis of Merchandize, each *., d . nfPotaloes, each ■/ '2 (each - - 8 j|r Jags, each per dozen • - ‘ .. •' [per ion . ■ . 25 of jHiint, butter,'laid', biscuit, anit , v, 1 such size kegs, , 1 llot and lea,dOver 6'G lbs. Pot-oyer GOOlbs . v. : .. \±i,-r 16 Biquops .of a smaller sige tlmn 20 , her^iarreF l/v •• 4 Ffor plastering per 1000r • • - ’ .** lb ;/ I, eudhf ,'u,,tiA i ' - fy. OT® ps, per lDOJni^ieWt , . fiL./.J* ,23 jl J in Aope^ncii^CiO ropes' r \ ‘ 12* I iron, emhy&y?*%' y* *- y - lApples',' pjjri ltx) *>fi leSroCr IfObitidie^ - £& ? 26' <»f gin,'brandy, and all kinus.qfnl, v & ’rr casks ofAVliio nnd otlief' liquor, ler exeiqjted) ^qad, dig.- goods in I- 3 e^ebediijg 2o gallons not fix- . / ding J53 gaJKnft , v f„ . tb f, ’ as in inrs. ■ \ • . llS bfiieos of each othe iTrethprq shifted, the down to |he up Ifit Apgiifta; tliis.superbodos lh ’ bringing tbatprtail loiSarannaii at all tp did: sit. tiveiity-fn u r iidtirj. , foP Milledjbvillo, ip Georgia,* via Sparta and De (except the HpPR .and,to Obe- ,’, in Soutli'Curoliim, vlii Mouqt.Vintngo, Edge ...Jd, C. II. Rklgo, -LpuivUlo, Bdxingttmv €; H , v * CplutnbiaAiidi’Caaideii, tbi Chc^aWjWill o.lpso cli. iyi’t-'oii tlibTlencg'mside, on fbinday tffict fiies^ay tiiL7. r. m. mid on tlic'Curoiina'sido on I’riday, u Iso Cl( . .a. oh The AtheiiB mail, ivi lln Iso close difoct on Snu day and Thursday, at7-luiiTcm the Georgia, side By tills rdmr'.piiqke'ts lortbc nbr.thern part of Ala ' in to Uiiutsvllle, A-c/and West Teimeasco, me .'i.frlf.ii. i , ' The Cnrncsvil.le mail,via Dnrby’s tlonble Bikinch, Liiivol|itoa,"Go^!ieii, Fetersburgh, Fouk'a Office jondEiheyfon, will close diluti on Thursday, at TJi', ji/qn tijncJEfcoma fide. * ... ; SOUTHEJJW Otl.kmBN.5f.UI,; Closo on.JVedneSoaiy and Saturday at 6, p. si.- T)hp on Tuesday aifd'-Fi'iday at 7 p, si. By this rojitc Uie St. Maryimail goes direct .on- Waducs duy liaiMydue direct on Tuesduy, * ' jnu’natri.iiK Pud,every otli^r Wednesday at 5, p. m.—Close eyct-y otberThuisddy, at 8, 4. m. By this route irmits nru made up for Statesboro’ and MiLfray, in BtRIqch qouitty,* ^wanpsbolo’, ,iu .fmoRRI, ujad The I’cist-OlUor; is open every day in the •.(Sunday exited,) from ^dy light wd'p. * ,r ; s’m’c delivered tlirpughout the day, ! to 3 o’plor.k, p. sivjjuii during flip tlijife o c mails. eqing and miikl , Pexuaus wbibliig fif jJ5^ itostej js shut, can enclose tho mono; wheri the offii ith the lettffr, dl ruetod to^flie Post Master," and th^ )\H* keep accounts \iath4liu oifee, mid may desire the same, Ore requested to say so oh an envtdope. , :J • ' v mjgs N Dye StufFsi ,BottM£ j . lX.Prqce Porter Bottles' '' > •. . / tk A l'llEBit snpplw lust' rqueived and for Vale ;B’ .ib Wine Pint do , .lX LAV .y MEMU'.ICKSON. 20 barrels >(«iaiiber-SnlW 6 do Copperas 3 do Ground Logwood 3 doCJtlpt do" •* 2 do Alum 500 Bottles American cold jiressod'Cast?^)!! 600 bottles West India do fur MlahtafiSi use 500T«trtIons Whiter Sperm Oil of Superior qiud- itu ' ' , * i ' * WBI LAY llE^pitlCKSONi; • *4 . Chemists and Druggists <■ > Sliud’s B^ildin: viagnema. _ lit o', Pei iifrikii^tkrk »S6 LoifBards eul Tobacco ^stssmvnr\ Kt, mm watr 0/ Gongrtss ifh'NON, u ■ r ■ ' * - vUiSO, ^ V A frcslPsupplyf of ' Ct^igrewf Spring ipSler. sop 4 * 187 . ir. - jv; ifthion.® ,'liuilisls aM't Afrvdktipply 1 o C.'$o)dliiz uuftSa^’i AyjU: T) ** ofnfjte etieT do. tdo Lti Ftiycftc ’fliR scbseviilei Inis ; ^hi|is.Coiti?ii Pla"iit7Etl„_ ari ival?, part ^f bis fullsnppiy of, m* CON'SlSTlhi; C)l- .4eases gctitlemdn's beavo^Ln.Fayette jlat.s Genliemeu’s liiic ami shpei'. elastic wafer proof *cqjnc}r ' i*c * v ' i imitation beaver do ' { , rtirain jkjrr, j. >w' • on llih most aceoinmmlatiTtJ , ...proved ini per, '' L ! P P| • ' Jf'Hf M*K4jS'7 4 ffi^5 Jrl.Y.Saiut SlillGEOXS. sept 21 > 18Q. ; North 3i<le Market-sgnare. A ^ovAnic fqm^uWtfrdf kiMSS-s, 1 Itussiahctnp •‘iisninga’ssipiBon the first Mfimlny o£,»\6wiilher u' : ^^^» Cotton Bagging, ftr/nlc by dbxt, (tlio^d,) at the College ill Bufelay-strei t. .T|o*AiiK, oif the 'Incur;/ arid 'Practice of 'Phytic, ani'Clintdtt Medicine. • 5 COLLEGEOFPltYM lyliiiili I turmsfi scpt^O J. Shinn’s. Panacea. T HE subscriber, having discovered the com position of SvVAMj’ft celebhited Paptmon, has now a supply on hand for sale—lie has redu ced tlic'pricu front $3 50 to $2 50, or by tlio do- All eliaritable institutions in tile United States, mail Ilia poor wifi be suppliedgw/is. If the i fozebs of tlie principal cities ntld towns will appoint an agent fo 3rder uml distribute this MeSimiie to the pm,v. it win be sitpmfcfl. This Meilic'me'is celebrated foe the cure of the nr Kim.’s Evil, t’l- arfing, to;'sale t» s.vAii Fr, \vnir.1n4.' fyO,', ■ Jfmitcr'j lltiildihgi‘ Notice, 4 te •i 1 C TElkpW 01 . 48 file pledsurBjf informing tlie publla gA urtHHyg tlmtTin still continues to eairy on usiitess, No'. 22<> iffiijr strut, oilpositc (bo fttraur'+lifiMf* ' ’" ' ' Wigs nnqiornabifintnll fair manufactured ou th inost.4nlprnved principles. ■ , * ' ' 1‘atotU Elustid Springs, so judlckiiisly arranged ; tli'nt ’tlloy may defy the *nost accptc observation to discover the slightest possible shade in the cu- ; -tor." y' ■' / , 'k Likewise gentleman's Tonnees, commonly cats' rWscrutches, with sllvor and stoel springs,nature dhg in every ease bis only, guide,. Hil also'has the pleasure to inform the public, llmt be has b.ecoinc the agent of Thom as Quinn, lVig Master of Neiv-York, and will constantly kcqiYor suie bis Ladies' and Uontlctncifs Grecian Cropped .Wi;;s., • , . ■ • All orders and meittures ‘enclosed to;225King street, will be attended lo with punctuality und despatch. N. B. Just received by the ship Niagara, a,gen eral assortment of II AIK U OifK of the latest hish- km. Geutlemfces’ llair cut and dressed in liiiist. fbcent London uud 1’OAliiiaQjffioA's. A guttural ussni ttneiit df RfcRl'UMERY for sale at all times at the above establishment..— - Those persons residing at a 'distance who have left orders at this establishment, nra bereliy Infor med, that they are gancraliyrcaih-.for delivery., . s’ EDWAKDCAUEY. 1 lO'Tlie editors of Snvnnnah Rcnilbiiiin, August Ur. FiUncxs, an Gttslcirio'vnd the Eiscatc* ll'pmcn mul Children. 1 the Heard of Trustees hereby make it known, (fiat, In conformity With the ordinances of the I Viqofalde tlift Begents df (lie Vniversity, and the hiWs'oftne.ijtftte of New York, fevery Student is rtiimired tonttend two full eoai'sesofUio Lectures deHvered in this College lieforo be cun be admit' illqr, thdir agent to disimse of,the stock, tv prises a general assortment of ScdHonabl&Dnj Goods deli will bo sold, w holesale or rota aiiited com- following disiiasos.: rtcorfuln ccvatoil or l’iitlftl Sore Throat, long standing Hlicuniatio ufl'ectioAs, Cutaneous Diseases, White. S5VVmb , aJBra , fti'i.'iee'of the Itni". .. and all cas es generally of an Ulcerous character, and Chro nic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but fiigiro especially from Syphilis or ullectihmt tiviny Ib-ivinim; Ulcers in the larynx, 4v. and the dreadful oBcnses occasioned, by a loitg and exeersive Use of Mercury, .ye. it is’ al- 'so used in Diseases of tlie. Liver. • - *W'- * s(N cEttriric.rUES, 1 have within tlie la-t ni a vein • bad an u|i|.or- udty of seeing scvernl cases of very, inveti-rato Uleei-s, which having Resisted preciously the re gular modes of treatment, Were healed by' t|ie usu Of Mr: Swnim’s Panacea, and I do beiievej^froot ivljat 1 have seen, that jt will prove tin important reiqedy in Scrofulous, Venereal uud Memu ial diseases. N. Ill U’.K \N. Al. 1). and which as a cRTBiidlite for the Doctorate ; unless said Stifdcntudjnll bavo previously attended Lefctures, in said College, prior to the session of 1822-3, or shall hai'o entire Course of Loetmesdeliv- ffifl nnril 14 din sojne rcspeotnlile School or Universit he Candidate,must, also, have, stfidied Medicine three years with some respectable pracllctloner, have iqrivcd at the age of twenty-one ycnrs, .mul. - i Is oxpncted that lie proditce written te'stiulotiy iu belonged l(> ill be solih wholesale or retail at vpo| ry reduced prices, for cash oulv. J S il'.S M'HK.N.tY, JOHN Ht lUlll), GEORGE KKLl’H, ’ Assignees of Wm Turner. 86 ' ,, .a*-*. JJurgains! •elation to those several points. The Mulfipulafion Ticket is five dollars, whlcl ittes the holder to the use of tlie College Library for the von?. ' liy order, .WRIGHT POST, M.D, President. fOIIPTW. FRANCIS, M.D. Registrar. 10 revive act eti king out gr tn Chmiiicle, and Colqinbia’^elescope, are requs. ted to publish tbattbove pnee'n week wei|ks, und forwisitlthejr account to Ne stit’ict, Charleston, nag 12 103 AT* thsyic King. hi Admiralty. UNITED STATES UV AMERICA, ) DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. $ Calvin Baker, and Aloses Herbert, A > Momljo SohOQiior Martha Forbes and ' cargo. ' J > To the Marshal of the District of Georgia— cEitr.TiNo L. S.,i GEO. GLEN. Clerk. ■M^HEREAS a libel bntUbcencxhlbitediu be amend and continue in force an ed nil act, to extend to time of tu- „ ...... i 011 surveys made on heud rights and b.ntpt^ yarmnls. Bo it enacted by the Senate nnd House of Re- presentunves of the rta'ta of Georgia, in General Assembly met , and it is hereby enacted by tue authority o'f the same, That where ftny person or rcrsoiis have lieretofore had surveys mude on 1 (fad rights thereon have not been obtained, it shall and may be lawful for such person -or per apply for and obtain such grant or grants, at any tuna previous to the 25lh of Uctober, 1§24, 011 payment u|’ the usual fees. See 2 And bd it further enaeted by the author ity,aforesaid, That where any surveys huveherq- ’.(rtolore been tnude on hfeud Tights or buunty war- rents and grants thereon have not lieeu obtained, such land shall not be subject to 11 resurye^ un til three months from nnd after the person or inve ml. to claiming , „ UPHHpi... titled to tbo preference of making such ’re-sur vev, until thp expiration of three months frbm the time ofstich notifiention: and in the event of 1 here being 110 claimant residing on nr Tie A- the and fo be thus nymiveyeik sucTi lyptioo shall be mrfocted by giying, tlq'oe months ic advertisement, at. the -Court that the srhootior Vexation, commanded by otic Lee, fated and sent out by -the said libel lants nt the Pnrt of bavnn;,ah; togo in search 6[ vessels in Hirtrrss, did fall in with a em’fain schnoti* er called tbo Martha Forbes,’Tn_ a state of geent distress and having no living person on board, la den with a cargo of dyy goods, and grocqi-j which schooner called the Martha Forbes', rim on shore 011 Cumberland Beach,' hi the District afore said: And whereas U.lias been ordered, that all person? having or uretenijjhg to have, any right; title, or interest, of, in or to tbo snia bchooner, her tackle nnd apparel, und the curgo laden on board oftier, lie cited to lie, and ( appear at tW Court Housein the City of Savannah,ou the tweji- ty-sijth tiny of Uctober. to shew cause, if any they have, or can, why a decree sliftuld not pass tn> nraycil by tlie Said libel. You are therefore here by authorized, ittinowered, and striedy enjoined to cite atfft admonish all persons, whatever,having, or protending to have, arty right, tille, iplcrcst, or clnim in, or to the said scliomier, hci* tackle, .appa rel, and furniture; and the, cargo laden on beam of her, to be, and appear, at tlretiiheund place,afore said; und.also to attend upon every so.sion nnd ses- 4 •hious'to !* held.'tbrrc r.ntl frotdljhere until ncjjf ilitive sentence'slminjc read nnd promulgated in tlite said business inclusively, if.apy of them shrill think it their duly so to tjq, to hear ahidp by and perform till and singular such judicial acts as. are heeessmy nnd by law required to Ui done add ex- .‘a r .ltAa J a' L 2* u.imninA'i# CniilliOH t ri ,ln end or, Ji ipqditedTh the premistlst afid further ttij do aVid r'c 1 pceiviAwh'at unto law and justice phall amt appertain, lihder the pain of the Jqxv and contempt, therfoi', tbq,absence nnd contumacy' of them kpdfcvqiy of ns 111 jars fey 100 bushels llscnch s, quern and grind, each f Bermuda, per,lw' ,v• • lurge mill per pub-.. . past, and other stones, per ton tfider 2o(> gallons e'nch oyer 200 do ' - ,2J y- > sent out ofthe,Unke4 8j .es, t excej| ej^are la lufdi VfiTthei ure gob., erg hall an lhiin IC lining. ■ thej letters L to ^e* ^0 office, WTfL with- verycni ctsw to-the p|nco nforosatd,rtogetlier Witlrthesflftireksiits. • Witne^tlia Hon. Jeremiah CuyleivJuiig§ of the Said .Court this first da#of Oefotfer one (liouSau*! night hiifidred‘un T dtwenty-fotfr.~ .*■? t J.fe.m ■ V 1 ■ Praetor AllTtartiHinfercsted willdakfitdue qotic, ■i * > *' JOHN H. Mt^lEE,' w‘ i). 0. (ict. 2 184 . ; ■ i .< 5T"." 4 . V- ;---h-— -T -1-;^ r lE stuck of DRY GOODS, wliicV formerly belonged to f .Ur. Willia/a Turner, i4 now sel ling oil' at prices m»r/i under cost. ■ aprii lC 88 . ’• ■ ool ! i T l184 ~HY AUTHORITY. AN ACT. General DiTig,'ChemieuL\hFainily Medicine W are Hotiae* LA \ Sf HENDRICKSON, Wliolesalo and Retail Chemists and DruiAts - No. 1. •'ihnd't Buildings, Corner "of Congress uigl H'liilaker Streets, Sataninth.’ t w # ■' H AVE'eonstaiiliy 011 bund a very general as •ortiueut of , 1 DRUGS, Str.DICINUS, DVE 6TUITS AND PAINTS, PERFUMERY, 4’C. <S*C. A great variety, of Ajjarftocarics Gloss War^such as wide and narrow tnoiith boftlcs, from 1 gallon to ouo oimce.c'omposltion and glass mortars, gioii laiqpsand liunji glasses, sinelliugs bottles, grad a a- tedineusures, Apothecaries viuu white and green. Surgeons instrumuls^—l’Dekvi sets; turnkeys, trusses, spring anil thumb lances, forceps,-satalas, bolides, catheters, scales and weights, 4 - e.'4*c. Patent Mediiiues—ol' every description, vix Seidlitz imd Sodii Powders, balm ot'Quito, ealeio ed magnesia, J.ees, Andefsons, amPHboper Swuims Pamaoca, Balsam Honey: Batcmai Churches “oijgh Drops, Jlch plntiiienf, ^c. All of which arc offered for' silo otrftic most liberal teVnfeffoV eiisb oryredlt. O’ V. 4-p. Having enlarged their Establish greater inducements Merclmnt, the JPlanler, and the Physil here be snpPlied with fill) Professor of the Institutes amt Practice of. Physic, . in the University of Pninst/lraniu. I have i-mplpyed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in numerous instances,'withinTlie last three years, am! have alw.,_\ s fi, in,! ii eMri'inels clli.- aeions ■ ■ ■ ; . 11. ... '. i- .hi 1 Disease*.’ 1 liaye no hesitation in pronmmeing it n Medicine of inistimubie value. , '*>* \V. GIBSON, '.M. D. Professor of Surgery to thlVniet r*iitu /' 11/. T. JOHN StllNN, Chemist. Philadelphia,'Soy. 17, 1823. 1 Eac.h publisher of n newspaper in the U. States, Is requested to publish this advertisement once month, for one year, and send,their accounts for . payment. «L SJIim’S PANACEA: ' CERTIFICATES. £*•'„ *' ' ” I have been lahdttving under a disci'e foralnn- time, as swelling in the hones, loss ot uppetile, loss of ficsli anil loss of sleep. Noticing an advertise-, miant of Sivalra's Pkuacen, to be a cure for the ubote disease,! got some by paying the cash tor it; and found agreat benefit by it. But bavin - no thing But my labor to depend on for a living, and uot bejng able to work for a longtime, got sothat I wu* not able to pay for It. Some months after this, l heard of a Mr. Shinn’s having made a Pa nacea, stated to l)e the same as Mr. Swaim’s, lTip- plied tobiin aild stated my case and circumstances und fojtuil hint disposed to benefit me. lle gave me the medicine Ireely, nnd said! might pay for.'lt wheuever I goi able ; and I found, by taking tlm same quantity, as much benefit by it as by Mr. uinji’s, - j . y . have given tills certificate for tlie benefit of ‘ at should itatid in need'of Miihu's I’ana- consider it a very viiluallc , ‘ ikimost every article iu the Drug line," tis their assortment wUl bfe found ox ten sive and of,the best quality,. under no considera -iJ|—r"^ ^ ~ — adulter* euro will good Medicines and will be soiikat a mqaorqteprDnu It, upon these principles alone llmt they wili endeavor to secure , - .j - I alVU «I1U DlilUU UUSl (|Ua|Uy^ UI1UCI HO tu ti^ttee s»»U be. I tionwliuteyer will Urn kale, of impure pr a uoiiee hy pnh-1 ted articles be promoted, The Utmost ci House ot the I be uscd in tllo selection of good Medleh be tlie dnt^ of pH surveyors who shall make sjcli re-survey, fo cortjfy on'his return Jo tlie veyor Generate that dhe noticS according to the I KTrAtraRS' provisions ot tins act had been given, and no sent 28 182 ■ ■ grant obtained 611 such re-survey shaft bo varied, ' — uniets accompanied with such certificate : Pro vided, nothing in this act shall ull'eet tlie rights of o'rphatts or persons under tlie uge of 21 years, ^ind that such persons s'hall be allowed one year after they arrive at the age of 21 years to tyke out their grant}. -1 .Sec 4. And be lt further enacted; That it shall bq*tho drily of the Governor to cause thjs act to bo published in one ' of the newspapers in Mil- le'dgpyiile, Augusta and Savannah, qnce in each, month', until the expiration of the tinie appointed by Em stune for taking out grants. ,4ec5,'And lie ilfip-tlienenuctedp tlmt all laws, and part* of, laws militating against this act be and ftie.same arc hereby repealed.* V'DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the house of representatives ' THOMAS STOCKS, «, Prcsident of the Senate. Assented to Dec. 21823. ' '■ U. Mi TROUP, ~ ‘ Ghveroof. PlfTiio foregoing to be pulilislied inontlily, un til Now.' next, in tiio “ Constitutionalist’’ and “Savannah Republican,’’ • march' to >■ James Moii’i'ison, W LL he fouad iu future at his office over the t'QUuting room of Calvin Bui-eff! sept 18 179 ; „ , ■- The Subscribei*, H AS just finished and offers for rale, all eig. oared CANOE BOAT, 25 feet hy VieOt' inches, which he can fpconimend to thofc v.T wisli a bout for quick passage! julyi22. Ij54' , F. TEBEAU. PUBLIC NpTARY. HE subscriber's health boing ( !in\v sufficii ess. iLCIIER. JEL to,attend to busiui^s,solicits ^om his t licir jmtioiuige'iu. lhe Uotariul Iff sep'18 , . m1?9 i'Eir -.ill-D EXtwiu-Gjfjg* J ‘ Gkorgia L J, I NtW press af November t tic Pills. "• -wsim-inF^-OT-ioiiKi. OR 20 years pust the subscruiei' lias suffered coutiimaliy ftdni a.lbosuvc' hahjt, which has been great part- of ^’Tufic nccdpipainjd by se ed iji'OcUfcerbf def Oi^ce,%L%oW Iw *' s.^telleb; Duko-street near Front, Northern Liberties: Fhiladdlphia, April 20, 1824. :’.s^ Philadelphia, April 21, 182 I. I certify that I have been for many years afflict ed with rheumatism. Above (five ‘years qml< 1 was uttended by it rcspectnblo Physician 01 this city, wlio putmemioer a ooursa of mererny, since which time I have been worse ; my disorder lmv- ing been accompanied by severe painsthrough my whole system. And winter my l ight leg was much-swelled, and so much contracted, that I could scavc I v j in my tin - tu the ground,mul was obliged to ivalk with | croton. In February lust I bought some of Shinn's jPanacca,. nud after takiug three bottles, find that 1 am free from pain, and that my leg is restored to its natural use. I am induced to make tills public for the benefit' of the afflicted. CIIAS. BAR1AS. Midf-^lcy,(Philadelphia. ’ ‘ KtT Philadelphia, April 17, This will certify that uiy son, John Humes, need 40 year.-*, was confined last Winter in the Almv hoUse in this city, with rheumatism in lag shoul ders and arms. I applied to J. Shinn for some of his ’auacca, mul OMilyiea ohe bottio, wRicii en tirely removed hi* complaint. He lias removed ''totUo country, oth’onyiselie would have signed (P 7 ’.** (A * ‘ . her. k ^ ANN C. x HUMES, '• i mark.' Philadelphia Alms-Honic. Pirn aid i.rm \. March 10th, 1824. I certify, for. .tlie benefit' of the nOlieted, that f ltw’c liecn, for seijen years lust past, afflicted with tlieliver complnint, during which tinio 1 have Dei' u attended by several physicians, but received no permanent benefit, I Tearing of Mr. Ssvajgj’i- J' a - mMS^'Jfappiied t<> himfol - some Afit j tieinr poor and unable *r> pay for it at the time, for it at the BmglraBBaBg: I "&xt to Kglffige and received some ol'his Panacea,which grentlybe- nefilCed me. Tlie pain and soreness of my side w as removed,hud I was again able to work at my trade, f - CHARLES BOWMAN, 'F He has mtjsle khpwnl icn\ physicians, withou^ex^ ingany benefit i'roiff their ; prcacfipti^is, month of December last.becnmittg ^nous liiucj, by the regalar but 'Coingatit | j.-.j iqTie>vasjtiduc(id to edmme licit werejiig nftmut SSff Vt n uSt i'ul book, arc tlie following extracts I’^om the ■ ustice, dMhig, .which Al tlme . iv additional legislation upon (many' iff The slilActs dbViitthiedih it. '••fa tlfe present e- ditibn, sujfii alterations as tvere rendered nc-cessa- i-y b^subsequcnt edjtctineiit.s, liave bcou made tlvt additiwafmatteriiftoiqiurated,and.;sevem{ omti- T^. sipps'imtlieibrigimti work sanpJiSd, « . “Mrl’nlces Digest being nSw in gehcral uig. iriljfl ! o» c | 1 e ari> - 5 [ea^ofailikinAifrice excepted) over '< I under W g«||o w .. ,■ f. ' . 5 ( cs 1 n ‘* kinds, under 4 febt square 4- I do over 4 squares - 11 '- . e eetling 130 gallons li.-: ^ merchandize 15 c ^Snum vltte, and all, woods, per ton . - 25 Its per puli- . .1,8 fn) S (,w'V V - hcoIs ’ ( 4 wheels) - 60 in,, 1; . 1 proportion^ the foregoing rates, In (tcknt.- u "?{• ,0 htfopnd under Up name, P lS1’! w/,i I e/i § ’* usually contained, tied in n 0,1 <l , ^arf more than two nights? to Ifrm'WS? ‘ l0 W. M l“”dcd °n Saf fdav—d t, l r even mg immediately preceding I OB dm, Ih. i tf scs tq he removed on the second (, S U j hfrcu fter, or be subject to storage as, pr evtk’ comtTinjjjg more than BOga!-^ [•^^r.molu^, ri p e of - g . n> 25 t|ie-day; Bfb^ ngme in the 9ta'te^iainycSftim that; Ac. IrectlOV's khotdd'bb Jartichlat^ 1116. t%tUoTishould ‘ jt! ; diktbJg<ftshenijatid wheii it ^iglq be doubttul; CotlnlitiP fficRlkUeiWWMotTotf a.Wt" town, tlie- pnst.towjuoitgllt tp l)i;.-mtjj?»»»od. Goimiiittt^s'dfUtqiliicii. 1 • 9!ki v . 4 ;V; , : . ^ '• "/ _V ' * •. toCiipi.miiig. V. .v'. y : - . the six-per eent'i , H, ... OOli.OOO, and loan of ij!7,5<)0;i!tl0,.(hnt bookA.. Will ^openeitfat'tjie 'Treasury iff the .United TStft^ A- LDERMJEN BEfilrich, Mini^Cu] 1% ;» • . j ^iiErirfi./Nn iAfifl. ■■'1.,'." ’aiy... Densler, Millbtljj^lyno. such parts.of said stock as-, shall, op the ., subscription, Rand on.thteTiboks of the . Tin. and on tlio^e of the loan offices, resfiOctivbl^, r _.. suant to'tlie provisions of the . ‘act 'of Congress passed tlie 2oth of May, 1824) entiiledWunlicit to . authorise the Stferefaiy of^hc/'Tlfc9tor}i>.'4o change ti stork bearing an, interest of ope. and t|i , IIll-M.T Wrison.^ '.nii cr.METity, • Jackson,’ Dbnsljr, Miljch. ; LAMPS. .... . . ’ey ■ Cumining, Minis, Wayne. pitatic 0.9CKS. ■ Milieu, Gaudry, Densler. exchasue. • ■ ‘ V' Sliick, Gaudry, •Ilubci'sham. toraeys duly subscribe qnd transfer it to tlic lJnited Sfatcs. r The certificates are to be surrendered at'the time of inuking thfi-subscrijitions. WM. H. CRAWFORI), Secretary of the Treasury. July 27 tlG6 m EHOI.NE8 ANDsFIRE lllfCJtKTS.' Minis, Jaejison, Morrison r.vnuc sales. Harris, Jackson, Cumining. 10ks : • , >Ht»OK8 Wayne, 178 iseptJ8 J. C. HABERSHAM. sary always to lane mofo'thffli an oronmry ctosc ei any cuthd’rtiq, before ;t ivould prddSce the deslr-. oil ('fleet. He, hbA'ever.ieomuiencfcd takifagt'.yo of the pills us directed; every. e ! days, without experiencing uuj coTiventoiK*.', or perceiyiYig afiy ; benefit’ from ,, - thVffl. lie tvhs theq-toeetfd to increase the |'gf.Jj,,,', . w lity wilMJb found tp be 111*0118- will be Fiv.eTIolIurs, payable on dtdivor’y. ”,Any* ' ' irttvcutytsof• mm” ixt'ii i wmm'iiva<lS..n*v ; pt'i-son paying ibf.'twcnty^'Copies'willbeeiitltfedfto>' ,-;f ,u ngToi (w e njy. 1 1 ^ ^o,uiid in that pro portion to r’ra snuRlft' ''-''ftJlil : considerable n Jmb^Subscription paper# wBl.beTUroiQ mV; beneht lrom 1 g sejoT niinsvu yfa^pniidu-1 cbdq'thc doie was' ucco/tiiiigly increased uifftl L te a 8e ;q V e the foi ^ 101*1 six pills cvciV evening; they s.ooii began P MUedeovi le ■ ict t*’4 gpntlirfanv perient laxative.; the dose | ^ ^ pjpRG.lA, Chuthal cut laxative, imeYgr'aflnabmannen in wliicli itibailbebn incroascd?>’audit is;novv fol'fy . u a| «u yn .. l days siliee ii'vbry obstinate and distressing com- vJT tba W ilkini plaint has yielded To tbjs mild plan of .treatment Inis amiiiedTo...t)u m subscriber .doe’s, .therefore;' unsolioRed, Inferior Court ol mbit jahe.orfully Vecdmineud; the anti-dispbptic' 1 s, will . JI I ’fV' cuy. ■ louaty.—W.uer ®Sr» limn co.unty, Spinster; prable the 'Justices.of llie "ium County acting us i>. German Street, Soiithwaj'k. This is to certify,thut my apprentice boy J. Mar* fison, aged IS years,Tins been several years afilic- .teSivflif.tbc'Eings evil, miendod wjiii un exten sive ulceration dyer gip>b"dy, witli oc'ufo pain. In (uaiylast, ! h^srff'3f;J.-Shinn^ Panacea,' eM "* “ which, effected ran now in good _ LJfeX’R RANKKN, Front street, abbve Poplar lane. "y, tltat on the lt>th of April, the m Morrison appeared betore me, ion; do believe the facts, as rtuted and true. _ WflflBLS- ■. itice of tlie Peace, Fliilutleiphia comity, that 1 have been afflicted with rhemna- honliier for three years, from which I Tievedby taking a few bollles ofJ. cag. ” r ’ [ ’• ... . •’•!■ j: JAMI^ DOUGLASS, of tlie’ Court of.Ordinary fyr..letters.of gtjiavdinnsiiip on ' und property .of Elizabeth Joanna , orphan undevelevon years of age. the lauglitor of William C-Yonge, deceased. bldw'thesoai'e.theretpi'e tocite and admonish 3PU "’'- u .wg^i'e;. of,\the' .Buid* ...em^that lrom no otliee treatment nns he expe ricneed such perfect relief. ••• ' " y iflAmiMl^pE: •h'l'ali Frdm the above certificate ho ddqbts can exist orphan to'file tfmir objections; if any tlioy have in the minds of the afflicted, as to the utility and to the granting of letters of guardiooBbipuiorcsnid, ^ : -i.. j K tiiiseity I, ih'the Clerk’s Oliice of the .Court oY Ordinary, on value of tills remedy. Many, persons i aAVkBs vjfini^hai^ieett i^ifercd frolfto.distres-1 or irefore'riiefii'st'lvidriday'lil'Ndve^ibei next, sing dyspetic symt,oms by its Use, It ' is not,re- * * u -— anintnmiilnrl i»c n *»iii»a luit (n tlmco rlkpneue nil- cpmuieuded as a-cure, but to those diseases ap- ttte*ppucaiit. .. 'feRaivQig tqjyspeptic only. ” • f ’Whtnesitthe Roq. Jolm F- Willtuuajapn^onoe^fllit^j pyjfmcnsing Poor-lumsc. up Florida, ■ the celebrated ‘ by John ShitM, . ■ ..list, s •. appointed the suo.-criber idltS vicinity-. The Punacea InCed price of .^2 50 emits dozen. •. . (, C. CUTHBERT, Agent. Chatham’ Superior Court. '• l : X • ,May Term, 1824. . f~i F.ORGE'.Iohnston and others, cininpl liiuints Cff vs 1’etcr Vunburgh Livingston and others, defendants, in equity iii (lie Superior court, of Chatham county, May term, 1824. Itappeuring to ihe'Court.b’y affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harrict^-E. l iving ston, wiio are pai'ties.defendantresfde beyimd tlie state ofGeorgia, and within tiie United Sites on motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered tlmt the jald defendant do respectively appear and an swer thO'complnints bill within four.mouths from lie date of this rule. And is further ordered that this rule be published once a week during four montlisfrom this date in one of the pubiic Gazelles Jufrerii ahpfiy.jmt received per William Wal- Jastlces'oftheliifmior Gomtof said County, this* of this State, lqce’audwr sale by", I iboond day) of October, TS24, •• Extract lVorn the Minntmt. aag 13. LAY &TIRNBRl^-SGN, , q.. q : fe A. B. FANNIN, Clerk*