Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 14, 1824, Image 1

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. • ' No. 189.4 Vol. XXII. ggaaTg-r-T—s THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1824. Lpc OF WHARFAGE, STORAGE, DRAY• ljafUvD' WEIGHING, IN SA VAnNAH. j, Jan. 1824, and now In operation. WHARFAGE. 00 cents. 70 4 cents. 0 4 10 30 30 134 < 20 30 U under 100 tons, per day rtver do* do n ' t l Landing and Shipping Country Pro y 6 rfuce. Laclt barrel or half do Rico Itialc Cotton - - nncknRe 01 indigo ,hopIi«»d °f tobacco lion) feet of Lumber IjOOOstnves JlOlH) shingles |(000 reeds • I heavy wood, sold by the solid It. 374 100 bushels of corn, arid grain ol all kind, In bulk • * jjft hon bushels brae in bulk I cord of wood • « *: ' I coder, Ughtjvood or oilier posU, per .VhnrfaVoTLandingand Shipping ««**• Lrol 5 small size, each • 10 cents, ouojbs. andupwflrd» • *<* 1200 do • • I of oo(r. c,-pimento, sugar, end all Luherbugs of such size, (gruin ex* Kept rdf each • * ,, let grain and salt ... * * * llud' suited pc visionsnnvw store#, bread, apples, cider,tindall Kinfls of bands except dry goqdrjUltf ^ b/iVli)o», and all kinds of ll.juor > i ftldur cxccplcd) dry gnods_ in [casksexceeding 20 gullons, and I Hot-over S3 gallons * . 6 } wine's or Honors and dry goods „ / in c asks under 20 gallons - - I ol dry goods,and (ill kindsofboxes under,-l feet square • j , do do over 4 feet square 0 t soa|Vcumiie?», chomluto, coruiftl^ oil, and boxes o(like size • 2 sugar, cadi * * & s ol corn, par loop. • 35 I, the seine ns boxes. lofosnubUrgs, Russia duck, bagging I cnovds, each . • 2 of liquor or any WiuJ of casks, ax- (feeding 1.% gallons es, loose, per gross • • * kr pots, cucli |lcs obpnus, spades, Sic. each , per lcohusncls - *, s not exceeding 500 Ris. each exceeding (iUO lbs. not exceeding 1200 ll.s. ' . - • •, 1 rxi-ei ding 1200 lbs. ■ • [t.'c ol ell xmds, per coil :i ovens with covers, and fire dogs pjrpair • t * s ol earthenware • • jrse, per It 0 ibs. • - net desk • • * * s, of 2 Alleels' • • .97 j, 6f two wheels 1 * y♦ 25 ■ages, of four wheels • * $1 00 |rs, Windsor midiill sluing chairs, per dozen * * • 12 , per Ion • . * 12 nons under 680 ll-s. c 26 over (WO, not over 1200 lbs _ CO hrnndy, puncheon of ruin, nnd all kinds of liquor in casksexccedingU3, and not exceeding 130 pnlloni • 20 Iron per ton, first ami last week 60 cents, intervening weeks * 25 Every oilier article tame at itt wharfage. WEIGHING. Each bbl. nr hnlfbbi rice • 6 Hhd. of tobucco or sugar • • 15 Puckngc of indigo ... -3 Bute of cotfon • • • 6 Each draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. «1 do do do over 100 lbs. 12A do do heavy goods under 200 l\\ do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAYAUE. For hauling up the Bluff to any port ofthecity, articles not herein enumerated, tor 1600 pounds weight • • -60 cents. Under 1500 lbs and not less than 100 37J do 1000 do do do 600 23 For n 1000 feet of Lumber $1 60 Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Bottles &e. S t IX Groce Porter Bottles I 0 do Wine Pint do 20 barrels Glauber Salts 0 do Copperas 3 do Ground Logwood 3 do Chint do - 2 do Alum 600 Bottles American cold pressed Cnstor Oil 600 bottles West India do for pluntniion use 600 Gullous Winter Sperm Oil of Superior qual- Hy For sale low by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists nnd Druggists Shad's Buildings. aug 13 171 1 60 1 60 8 in ovcrl2U0lhs. - 5*1 Ibouscs . . • v • Is, empty * • - Be, cuch • - lijohns, each - * p and chests of drawers I Wood, per cord - - • , per quintal • • - i of nil descriptions (except in bags) per 100 biisliela powder, in bbls. of 100 lbs. each inhulfhhl?. in kegs of 28 Jbs. or under , window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller - »■ . exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or any kind of merchandize exceeding 63 and not exceeding 130 gullons ... [til tile, per 1000 , per ton , raw or tanned, per 100 loose, per 100 lbs. In bunnies, each lcrs of Merchandize, each | of Potatoes, each f cneh ... . >r Jug*, cuch per dozen [per ton of paint, butter, lard, biscuit, oud such size kegs. . phot and lead over 66 lbs. not over ’ 600 lbs - . liquors of a smaller size than 20 I gallbns [per 100 bushels . , per barrel [ for plastering per 1000 ’• », euch ha, per 100,bushels in ropes, per 100 ropes iiron,(ach I Apples, per 100 jtocs per 100 bushel f °f g«n, brandy, and all kinds of li- [quor, exceeding 63 gallons do. exceeding 130 gullons r casks of wine and other liquor, der excepted) and dry goo* in ,? exceeding 20 gallons nor ex- rl mg 63 gallons i injurs . . . 1 100 bushels Its each ... |s, quern and grind, each Bermuda’, per 100 large mill per pair Blast, and other stones, per ton I under Sou gallons each over 200 do • > . t 2 25 A. 26 2 25 124 <H 3 30 4 10 26 25 124 1 124 25 8 15 Ip each S® 5 1 25 1 2 ,v; 26 124 10 6 6 do 1000 lirioki - do e.ord of wood For every bole of cotton do bbl. of Rice do bhd of Tobacco do bbl of Flour And every other otticle hr the same proportion; for Inditing down the Bluff, or from one whurf to another cxcceding'1500 Ibs • 374 cts. Utuler 1500 und iiotlessthon 100lbs 25 J’or each bale of cotton • 61 v do bbl Rice • • 124 do tiliij Tobacco * 3lij do • bbl Flour • • 6 j Ant! CVgry Other arlick in the tame proportion, . ARRANGEMENT OF MAILS, And regulations for the Post Office, Savan nah, Gm. January 1st, 18124. t, NORTHERN MAIL. “Close every day at 6 a. si. Monday excepted. Due do do do Or. m. do <ib By lhisTou(e, a mail is made up every dtty, ex cept Monday, for Ooosawirutuhie, Pooetuljgo, Ueuufdrt, Jacksonboro’ and Collins’ Cross Roads -nil of which ure closed the previous-evening, at r. *• . ' \ ’ WESTERN MAIL?. Georgia route to Augusta and ilqmburgh, de part itt»4, a. h.ou Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, via. Tucknseeking. Jacksonboro’and Wpynev boro’ to Augnstu and iiumhurgli. Due un Tuesday.^'itursday and Suturduv, at 6 M. 'phe closing of tills mail, to Augusta’ takes place every Tuesday, Thursday,and, nt 8, i*. m> except'the intermediate ofbeus on the route, thccrosingofwhiali takes place at 7, r. m. oil the l ajno evenings. From Waynesboro’, a weekly i nail nejiarts every Monday, at 5, a. w. for Birds- villtf, Louisville, Shoals ot’Ogecchee and Shevir’s Mill to Powclton. Returning due every Sunday evening, Qt Waynesboro’ ana at Savannah every Tticsday, ut 0, r. m. Carolina route to Augusta And Hamburgh, close on Tuesday', ihunday aud Saturday, at 5, a.m. and de|iiu>twitlithe northern moil at 6, a. m. to PuryS' burgh. , Due dh Wednesday, Friday and Sundny, at 6, 9. m. By this route, a .nail is mode up each eve. Ming before its departure for Rabcrtsvlllu, Mat thews Bluff, Lower Three Runs aud Four Mile Branch’. The mail between Charleston and I lam burgh, goes direct through Purysburgh on those days, both up ami down. Separate portmanteaus are provided for tills purpose, at the odices of Charleston und Auguste, which meet ennh other at purysburgh und ore (here shifted, the down to Charleston, the up to Augusta, this supercedes the necessity of bringing that mail to Suvunnah at ull, and thus expedites it twenty-four hours. The .mails for Milledgcville, in Georgia, via Lomburdy, Warrenton, Powelton, Sparta und De- vereaux’s store; also, to Alabama, (except the northern part) rind Mississippi states, and to Che. raw, in South Carolina, via Mount Vintage, Edge fiield, C. 11. Ridge, Lccsville, Lexington, C. II. Columbia nnd Camden, to Cliernw, will close di rect' on the Georgia side, on Stiuday nnd Tuesday, at 7, r. M. und ou the Carolina side on Friday, at 7 r. m. The Athens mail, willalso close direct on Sun day arid Thursday, ut 7 r. m. ou the Georgia side By pits route, packets for the northern part of Ala buma to Muutsvilla, 4’C. and West Tennessee, arc forwarded. The Curnesville mail ,viu Darby’s Douhi e Branch Lincolnian, Goshen, Petersburg!), Cook’s Ofjice aud Elberlon, will close direct on Thursduy, at 7 F. m. on the Georgiu.side. SOUTUF.UN OR DARIEN MAIL. Close on Wednesday nnd Saturday at 6, p. M.> Due on Tuesday and Friday at 7 p. m. By this route the St. Marys mail goes direct on IV’ednes day and is due direct on Tuesday. BIRDSYH.LE MAIL Due every other W'cdncsduy at 0, p. m.—Close every other Thursday, ut 8, a. m. By this route mnilsare made up tor Statesboro’ unu fviiilrny, in Bulloch county, Swancsboro’, in Emanuel, und for Louisville and Greensboro’. The Post-Office is open every day in the week, (Sunduy excepted,) from day fight to 8 r. M. nnd Letters are delivered throughout the day, except from 2 to 3 o’clock, p. m. und during the time of opening and makingup the mails. Persons Wishing to pay postuge when the offiec is shut, can enclose the money with the letter, di rected to “The Post Master,” und those who keep accounts witli the office, and may desire thesume ure requested to suy so on un envelope. When the mails which ure due on Saturday, ar rive (bo late to be delivered that evening, tbe of fice will be kept open on Sunday morning from 8 to 9 o’clock, for the delivery only of the letters received by those mails. The inland postuge of all letters, directed to be sent out of the United States, except to the Catm das, must bo paid when they are left at the office, or they cunnut be forwarded. V Letters must be left at the Post Office with in the time specified, to insure going in the mail of tiie day; ana newspapers half un iiour before that time. As there are several places of the same name in the United Stutes, it is necessary that the directions should be particular; the Stale should Magripsm, Balm of Quito, P URE Calcined Magnesia. Balm of Quito, Peruvian Hark lllells Si Lorillards eut Tobacco Fig Blue, Opium, Arroxv Hoot, fee. fee. i Silver wire Teeth Brushes Just received and for side by LAY fe HENDRICKSON,* _A*o. 1, Shut)* Ruilding.1, CuYncr.of Congrttt and, H’hiiaktr-strccti. 41SO, A fresh supply of Congress spring Water, sep 4 137 ! unSliS ga d |l2s e o ks of ad kinds, under 4 feet square 4 do over 4 squares . - 6 no" 130 gallons li- -i hmxui°f merchandize 18 i ett0 ’ ll 8 num vita;, and aiP - 1 woods, per ton . . ok Ids per pair _ „ 5 8 i 4 /: Vh0els ’ (4 2 vhecls ) • 60 h un or/;!; P TO P°Gton to the foregoing raiet, }ic nark** e . u to he found under its name, U luinp 1,1 wfl ich it is usually contained, ynectiu a ,?diarf more than two nights, to V. or an, lT k * >tor . a & t . unleu l™dcd on Sat- idav in i mtnxn g immediately preceding thi/dati ihl Ck n ,u to be remove d on the second l b lay thereafter, or be subject to storage The Proprietor of the The Temple of Fusliion. H AS the pleasure of informing the public gen. erally, that be still continues to carry on Iris business, No. 220, King street, opposite tbe Farmer’s Hold. Wlgsand brndfiientallluir manufactured on the most improved principles. Patent Elastic Springs, so judiciously arranged that they may defy the most uccute observation to discover the slightest possible sliade in the co lor. Likewise gentlemen's Toiitfers, commonly cal led Scratches, with silver and steel springs,nature being In every ease his only guide. He also lias the pleasure to inform the public that he has become the agent of Thomas Qvirk, Wig-Master of New-York, und will constantly keep for sale his Ludics’ und Gentlemen’s Grecian Cropped Wigs. All orders and measures enclosed to 226 King street, will be attended to with punctuality und despatch. N. B. Just received Ijv the ship Niagara, a gen eral assortment of 11 Alii WORK of the latest fash ion. Gentlemens’ Hair cut ami dressed in roost recent London and Parisian modes. A general assortment of PERFUMERY for sale ut nil times at tbe above establishment.— Those persons residing at a distance who have left orders at this establishment, are hereby infor med, that they ure generally ready for delivery. ' EDWARD CAREY. QjFThe editors of Savannah Kepubllun, Augus ta Chronicle, and Columbia Telescope, arc requs- tud to publish the qjiove once a week for three weeks, and forward their account to No.225 King- street, Charleston, mig 12 163 « > distinguished, arid when it might be doubtful aunties. When letters, ure not lor a post town the nearest post town ought to be mentioned. Committees of Council. EINAKCK. ' A LDERMEN Bulloch, Minis, Cuiuming. jHL STRKKTB AND LANES. - Denslcr, Milieu, Wayne. 1 MARKET, - Morrison, Shick, Gaudry. DRV CULTURE. Waring, BuliOch, Morrison. oltnn STORAGE. - 8 J cenU {0f firing ce * c und for each inter. ■Ega.v* > *' »" Week . . on ^obtaining more than 30gal- ,of ^ r , molasae,, Pi pe of ' gi^ 28 cents. HEALTH and cemetrv, —— Habersham, Jackson, Waring. PUMPS. —— Jackson, Densler, Milleo. LAMPS. — Cumming, Minis, Wayne. PUBLIC DOCKS. -r- Millen, Gaudry, Densler. EXCHANGE. Shick, Gaudry, Habersham. Swaim’s Panacea. 4 FRESH supply just received and for Sale xl LAY ^ 11EN DRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. ALSO, A fresh supply of Seidlitz and SadaPowdcrs ami Saratoga Water, sept 28 192, UN/ VERSIFY OP TIIK STATE OF NEW-YORK. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. City or NEw-YonK, Aug. 2(ith, 1824. T HE College of Physicians and Surgeons will commence their Course of Lectures, for the cnsuing.session, on the first Monday of November next, (tiie 2d,) at th'e College in Baaclay-street. Dr., oh the Theory nr.d Practice of Physic, and Clinical Medicine. Dr. Macnf.vbx, on Chemistry. Dr. MitSiiiell, on Botany and Materia Mtdica. Dr. Post, on Anatomy. • ' Dr. Mott, on Surgery. Dr.* Francis, on Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. — The Board of Trustees hereby make, it known, that, in conformity with the ordinances of the Honorable the Regents of the University, and the laws of the State of New York, every Student is required to attend two full coursesofthe Lectures delivered in this College before he can be admit ted as u candidate for the Doctorate; unless said Student shall have previously attended Lectures in said College prior to the session of 1822-3, or shall huve uttended an entire Course of Lectures deliv ered in some, resppctnble School or University The Candidate must, also, huve studied Medicine three years with some respectable practictioner, have urrlvcd at the age of twenty-one yours, and il is expected that he produce written testimony in relation to those several points. The Matriculation Ticket is five dollars, which entitles the holder totheuseofthe College Library for tin; year. By order, WRIGHT POST, M.D. President. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M.D. Registrar. net 2 1.184 La Fayette Hats. THE subscriber lias just received per ships Cotton Plant,Emperorand oilier arrivals, part of Ills fall supply of Huts • consisting op 4 coses gentlemen's, beaver La Fayette Hots also, , Gentlemen’s fine and super, clastic water proof do custor « do do imitation beaver do do roram do which are offered oh the most accommodating terms for cash-or nriproved paper. J. H. M’KENZIE, ept 21 180 North side MarkeUsquare, Cotton Bagging. ^AA pieces first quality 42 inch Russia hemp JUU Colton Bagging, for sale by SAMUEL WRIGHT, sept ,18 t.179 Hunler't Buildings. Notice. M R. WILLIAM TURNER, having assigned to the subscilbers all his stock in trade, debts, $*e. in behoof of his creditor* generally, it is re quested that those, indebted make immediate pay- .meiff, ami those having claims will please render them to Mr. Thomas Miller, who is appointed their agent to dispose of the stock, which com prises a general assortment of ’ Seasonable Dry Goods, and which will be sold, wholesale or retail at ve ry reduced prices, for casli Only. JAMES M’HENRY, JOHN H. REID, GEORGE UELPH, Assignees of Wm Turner. Monition. In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. $, Calvin Baker, and Moses llerbertt - ) vs. I Schooner MartbgForbcs and | cargo. J To the Marshal of the District of Georgia-* GREETING I— L. 8. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS a libel hath been exhibitedin be- hulfof Calvin Baker and Moses Herbert in the DStrict Court of the United States, for the District of Georgia, alledging and propounding that the schooner Vexation, commanded by one Lee, fitted and sent out by the said libel lants nt the Port of Savannah; to go in search of vessels in distress, did fall in with a certain sclioou- calledtbc Martha Forbes, in it state of groat distress und having no living person on bonrd, la den with u cargo of dry goods, and groceries; which schooner called the Martini Forbes, run on shore on Cumberland Beach, in the District afore said: And whereas it has been ordered, that all persons having or pretending to have, any right, title, or interest, ol, in or to tiie said Schooner, her tackle and nppnrcl, und the cargo laden on board of her, lie cited to he, und ujipcur ut the Court llouseiu the City of Savannah,on tbe twen ty-sixth duy of October, to shew cause, if any they have, or cun, why a decree should not pass us C rayed by the said libel. You are therotore here- y authorized, impowered, and strictly enjoined to cite and admonish all persons, whatever, having, or pretending to have, any right, title, interest, or claim in, or to tbesaid schooner, her tackle, appa rel, and furniture, and the cargo laden ou boaia of her, to be, and appear, at the time und pluce,ulorC' said: and also to uttend unen every aesion and ses sions to be held there ana from there until a defi- nitivesentcnce shall be read and promulgated in the said business inclusively, if any of them shall think it their duty so to do, to hear ulrido by and perform nil and singular such judicial acts as arc necessary and by law required to be dpnc und ex pedited in thejnemises; and further to do and re ceive what unto law andjuBticc shall undappertain, under the pain of the law and contempt thereof, the absence and contumacy of them and every of them in any wise notwithstanding: And whatsoe ver you shall so do in the premises you shall duly certify to the Court aforesaid, at the time and place aforesaid, together with these presents. Witncs the Hon. Jeremiah Ciiyler, Judge of the said Court this first day of October one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four. J. S. PEI.OT, l’roetorpro. lib All parties interested will take due notice. JOHN H. MOREL, m. d. c. net 2 184 r.NOINES and fire buckets. Minis, Jackson, Morrison. PUBLIC SALES. • Harris, Jackson, Cumming. sept 16 HOOKS AND LADDERS, -5 Wayne, Habersham, Shick. M. MYERS, o. c. 178 Treasury Department, JUNE 24th 1824. N OTICE is hereby given to the proprietors of tbe six per cent stock of 1813 loan of $1<>- 000,000, and loan of $7,500,000, that books will be opened at the Treasury of the United States and at the several loan offices, on the first of Ju ly next, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, for receiving subscriptions for sucli parts of said stock us shall, on the duy of subscription, stand on the books of the Treasury, and On those of tbe loon offices respectively, pur suant to the provisions of tbe act of Congress passed tiie 26th of May, 1824, entitled “an act to authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to ex change a stock bearing an interest of one and a half per cent for certain stocks beuring an inter est of six per cent.” The subscription may be made by the nroprie tors of the stock, either in person or by their at torneys duly authorized to subscribe and transfer it to the United States. ( The certificates are to he surrendered at the time of makiiig tiie subscriptions. WM. H. CRAWFORD, Secretary of the Treasury. July 27 1166 BY AUTHORITY. AN ACT. rrtO revive, amend und continue in force an X net entitled uu net, to extend to time of ta. king out grants on surveys made on head right' aud bounty warrants. Be it enacted by tbe Senate nnd House of Re presentutives of the state of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Thnt where any person or lemons huve heretofore hud surveys made on loud rights thereon have not been obtained, it shall and may be lawful for such person or per sons to apply for und obtain such grant or grants, at any time previous to the 25th of October 1824, on payment of tiie usual fees. Sec 2 Ana be it further enacted by the author ity aforesaid, That where any surveys have here tofore been made on head rights or" bounty war rants, and grants thereon have not been obtained, such land shall not be subject to u resurvey un til three months from mid after the person or lemons claiming under the original survey shall invc been notified that such rc-survey is intend ed to bo made, and that in all cases, the persons claiming under the original survey, shall be en titled to ihe preference of making sucli re-sur vey, until the expiration of three months from the time of such notification: and iu the event, of there lining no claimant residing on or near the laud to be thus resurveyed, sucli notice shall be icrfected by giving three months notice by pub ic advertisement, ut the Court House of the county where such lund may lie, uud iu one of the public Gazettes of this State. Sec 3 And be it further enacted, Thut il shall be the duty, of all surveyors who shall make nny such re-survey, to certify on his return to the sur veyor General, that due notice according to the provisions of this act had been given, and no grant obtuined on such re*survcy shall be varied, unless accompanied with such certificate : Pro vided, nothing in this act shall affect the rights of orphuns or persons under the age of 21 years, und that all such persons shall be allowed one year, after they arrive at the age of 21 yearn to take out their grants. Sec 4 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to cause this act to be published in one of the newspapers in Mil- lcdgeville, Augusta and Savannah, once in each month, until tiie expiration of the time appointed by the same for taking out grants. Sec 5 And be it iurtlier cuucted, that all law and parts of laws militating against this act be and tiie same ure hereby repealed. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the house of representatives THOMAS STOCKS, President of tbe Senate. Assented to Dec. 2 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. (EFThe foregoing to be published monthly, uu Nmv novi !>, tin. “ Constitutionalist” and til Now. next, in the “Savunimh Republican.” narch 10 T HE undersigned committee will receive pro posals for keeping iu repair the city Clock, until the flrrtt meeting of Council in January next; proposals for tiie same will be left with either of tbe undersigned. sept 18 179 GEORGE SHICK, J. B. GAUDRY, f. C. HABERSHAM. Anti Dyspeptic Tills. fltEPARED BY II. JAMES, .NEW-YORK. I l OR 20 years past the subscriber has sulfiered continually from a costive habit, .which has been great part of the time accompanied by se vere headache. He has made known his complain: to several eminent physicians, without experionc ing any benefit from their prescriptions. In the month of December lost,becoming seriously nlar- med, by the regular but constant increase of the disorder, lie was induced to commence the use ot the above named pills, which were highly .recom mended as a remedy in iris complaint.—He began to take them with very little confidence as to their efficacy, and under the expectation that he should not be able to give them a fair trial, us iris stomach heretofore, had rejected every kind of medicine Another circumstance which taught him to expect very little benefit, wus that he had found it neces sary always to take more than an ordinary dose t ’ any oathartic, before it wajpld produce the dcsl ed effect. He, however, commenced tgking tw of the pills os directed, every evening for twenty days, without experiencing any considerable in convenience, or perceiving any benefit from them. He wns then directed to iucrease the number, until some degree of napsea was produ ced ; the dose wus accordingly Increaseci until he took six pills every evening; they soon began to act as a gentle and perient laxative; the dose was diminished in the same gradual manner in which it had been increased, aud it is now forty days since a very obstinate and* distressing com plaint has yielded to this mild plan of treatment! The ' subscriber does therefore, unsolicited, most cheerfully recommend the auti-dispeptic pills to those who may have suffered tike himself; and he avails hiufself of this method to assure them, that from no other treatment has he expe rienced such perfect relief. NAHUM RICE. • From the above certificate no doubts can exist in the minds of the affiicted, as to the utility and valae of this remedy. Many persons iu this city and its vicinity have been relieved from distres sing dyspetic symtoms by its use. It is not re commended as a cure, but to those diseases ap pertaining to dyspeptic only. A fresh supply just received per Williqm Wat lace and for stile by LAY & aug 12 163 npril 14 86 Bargains! T HE stock of DRY GOODS, which formerly belonged to Mr. William Turner, is tiowsef- Hug off at prices much under cost npril 16 89 General Drug,Ciiemical&Faniily Medicine Ware House. LAY 4* HENDRICKSON, Wholesale aud Retail Chemists ami Druggist* Xo. 1. Shad’s Buildings, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. H AVE constantly on hand a very general as sortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS AND PAINTS,' PERFUMERY, (^C. (JfC. A great variety of Aputhecaries Glas* Ware *uch ns wide and narrow mouth bottles, from 1 gallon to one ounce,composition aud glass mortars, glass Inmpsund lump glasses, smeltings buttles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries vials white and green Surgeons Instruments—Pocket sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring mid thumb lances, forceps, satalas,- bougies, catheters, scales and weights, (pc. 4*c. Patent Medicines—of cveiy description, viz Seidlitz and Soda Powders, balm of Quito, cal tin ed magnesia, Lees, Audersons, and Hoopers Pills Swuiius Panacea, Bulsain Honey, Batemans am Churches Cough Drop*, Itch ointment, tj-c. All ol'which are ottered for sale on tiie most liberal terms for cush or credit. Qj’L.feH. Having eularged their Establish meet and iiaviug made such arrangements os to be continually receiving a fresh supply of goods, Hatter themselves that none of the kin Jin this city, cau otter greater inducements to dealers. The .Merchant, the Planter, and tbe Piiysiciuo, can hera be supplied with almost every article in the Drug line, as their assortment will be i’oundexteu< site and df tbe best quality, under no considera tion whatever will Ihe sale of impure or adultera ted articles be promoted. The utmost care will be used in the selection of good Medicines und will be sold at a moderate profit. It is upon those principles alone that they will endeavor to secure patronage. All orders promptly executed. The Georgia Patriot, aud Darien Gazette, will please to give this advertisement six insertions end forward their bills for payment, sept 28 182 James Morrison, W ILL be found in future at his office over the counting room of Culvin Baker, ;pt 18 178 H" The Subscriber, AS just finished and offers fur sale, an eight oared CANOE BOAT, 26 feet by 4 feet 3 inches, which he con recommend to those who wish a boat for quick passage. F. E. TEBEAU. july 22 154 PUBLIC NOTARY. T HE subscriber’s health being now sufficient to attend to business, solicits from his friends their patronage iu the notarial business. WM. BELCHER. $ep 18 m179 NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF^fJdE Georgia Justice. I N the press and will be published in October or November next, ut the Recorder Office, a new and eularged edition of the GEORGIA JUSTICE. The improvements iu this very useful book, are briefly noticed in the following extracts from the preface ol the new* edition:— “ Several years have elapsed since the publica tion of the Georgia Justice, during which time there lias been additional legislation upon many of the subjects contained in it. In the present e- Utiion, such alterations as were rendered necessa ry by subsequent enactments, have been made the additional matter iri’eorparated,and several omis sions in the original work supplied. Mr Priuces Digest being now in general use, references thereto have been substituted for those h w ere heretofore made to Marbury 4*. Craw ford’s and Clayton’s Digests, and the auuuat pain phlets containing tiie laws df the state, A copious index tins also been furnished and the work is submitted to the public, under a belief that its acknowledged utility will he fqund to be increas ed by the foregoing circumstances." ILT The price of the book, neatly bound, in calf will, be Five Dollars, payable ou delivery. Any person paying for twenty copies will be entitled to tweoty two, mid In that proportion ifor a smaller number,-—Subscription papers will be furnished to gentlemen who may be willing to take charge ofthein. , *»* The different newspapers in this state, will plegse give tiie foregoing an insertion. Milfedgevtija,, August 30, sept 28 * - -..h . HENDRICKSON, Agnt*. Efl f * EO.RGIA, Chatham County.—-Whereas Mur VX Ilia Wilkins, of Chatham county, Spinster, lias applied to the honorable tiie Justices of the Interior Court of Chatham County acting as a Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship on the person and property of Elizabeth Joanna Yonge un'orphan under eleven ^ears of age, tiie daughter of William C Yonge, deceased. Now these are therefore (o cite and admonish nil persons interested in tiie welfare of the said orphan to file their objections, if any they have *to tiie granting of letters of guardianship aforesaid, in the Clerk’s Office of the Court of Ordinary, pn or before the first Monday in November next, therwise letters of guardianship will be granted the applicant. Witness the hon. John P. Williamson one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County, this second day of October, 1624. S.M.B0ND, c.c.o, 18$ Whole No. it! J. Shinn’s Panacea. T HE subscriber, having discovered the position of Swaim’s celebrated Pui has now a supply on hand for, sale—he has redu ced the price Irom $3 Go to $2 60, or by the do zen $24. H All charitable institutions in the United States, ' and the poor will be supplied groft's. Iftiie citizens of the principal cities and towi ill appoint an agent to order and distribute thi ledicinc to tiie poor, it will be supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for thp cure of the following diseases : Scorfula or King’s Evil. Ul cerated or Putrid Sore Thfoat, long standing Rheumatic affections, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling nnd Diseases of the Bones, and nil cas es generally of an Ulcerous character, und Chro nic Diseases, generally orislng in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or i flections arising therefrom; Uicera in the larynx, < rc. and the dreadful diseases occasioned by a long and excessive use of Mercury, tyc. It is al so used ih Diseases of tiie Liver. CERTIFICATES, I have within the lost two years hod an oppor tunity of seeing several Cases of very inveterate Ulcers, whicli Imving rcsisted previously the re gular modes of treatment, were healed by theuso of Mr. Swaim’s Pannceu, and I do believe, from what 1 have seen, that it will prove un Important remedy in Scrofulous, Venereal nnd Mercurial , discuses. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Profess!* of the Institutes and Practice of Pltycic, in the University of Pennsylvania.* I have employed tiie Panacea ol'Mr. Swium in numerous instunces, within the last three years,' nnd have always found it extremely efficacious especially in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases. 1 have no hesitation in pronouncing it ** Medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to the Uairersity of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Nor. 17, 1823. 9 .■*? Each publisher of a newspaper in the U. Sin tes, is requested to publish this advertisement once n mouth, for one year, aud send th» ir acchants for payment. SHINN'S PANACEA: CERTIFICATES. I have been labouring under a disease for a Ion z time, os swelling in.the bones, loss of appetite, loss of flesh nnd loss of sleep. Noticing an advertise ment of Swaim’s Panned)*, to be a cure for tin; above disease,! got some by paying the cash lor it, and fouud a great benefit by it. But Imviuz no thing but my labor to depend on foha tiring, amd not being able to work for a longtime, got snthjff I plied to him aud stated my case and circumstances and fouud him disposed to benefit me. He gave me thp medicine freely, and saidl might pay for it whenever 1 got able ; and 1 found, by taking the same quantity, as much benefit by it as by Mr. Swaim’s. I have given this certificate for the benefit of others that should stand in need of Shinif s Pana cea, uud cousider it a very valuable medicine. S. STELLER, Duke-street near Front, Northern Liberties. Fhtladdlpbia, April 20, 1824. Philadelphia, April 21, 1324. I certify that I have been for many years affiict ed with rhctiinutism. Above five years ago, I wus attended by n respectuble Physician of this city, who put me under a course of mercurv, since which time 1 have been worse ; my disorder hav- lug been accompanied by severe puiusthrough my whole system. And last winter my right leg was much swelled, amt so much contracted, that 1 could scarcely put ray toes to the ground, and v. as obliged to walk with a crutch. In Februaiy last , I bought some of J. Shinn’s Panacea, nud after-’ taking three bottles, find that I am free from pain, and that my leg is restored to its natural use... 1 am induced to make this public for the benefit of the afflicted,' €HAS, B ARIAS. Malt-Alley, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 17, 1828. * J This will certify that my sou, Jqlin Humes, aged 40 years, was cuufined last winter in the Alms house in this city, with rheumatism in his shoul ders and arms. 1 applied to J. Shinn for some of his Panacea, and obtained one bottle, which en tirely removed his complaint. He has removed to the country, otherwise he would have signed this certificate. her ANN C. * HUMES, mark. - Philadelphia Alms-Ilouse. Philarki.phia, March loth, 1824. I certify, for the benefit of the afflicted,'that t have been, for seven yenrs last past, afflicted with the liver complaint, during which time I have been uttended by several physicians, but received no permanent benefit. Hearing of Mr. Swaim’s Pa nacea, I applied to him for some of it; being poor and unable to pay for it at tbe time, for it at the could not obtain any. I next applied to J. Shinn, and received some of his Panacea,which greatly be- uefilted me. The pain and soreness of my side was removed, and I was again able to work at my trade. CHARLES BOWMAN, German Street, Southwark. This is to certify ,that my apprentice boy J. Mor rison, aged 18 years, hns been several years affiic- ted with the Kiug’s evil, attended with an extes- > sive ulceration over the body, with acute paih. In January last, 1 lieurd of J. N Shinn’s Panacea, and • obtained for him three bottles, which effected an 'i entire and complete cure, and lie. is now in good health, and able to work at his trade. 1 ALEX’R RANKEN, Front street,’above Poplar lane. This is to certify, that oil the 16th of April, the above named John Morrison appeared before me, and on examination, do believe the facts, as rtatefl - in the above certificate, arc just and true. H. PROBASCO, Justice of the Peace, Philadelphia county. I certify, that 1 have been afflicted wilb rheuma tism in my shoulder for three years, from which I have been relieved by taking a few bottles ofJ. Shtiiu's Panacea. JAMES DOUGLASS, of the Moyomensing Pool-house. Just received per ship Florida, the celebrat PANACEA, prepared by John Shinn, Chemi Philadelphia, who has appointed -the subsci agentfor Savunnali andits vicinity. The Pan will be sold at the reduced price of $2 51) cc per bottle, or $24 per dozen. WM.JC. CUTHBERT, Agent. may 25 Chatham Superior Court. May Teius, 1824. G EORGE Johnston and others, complainants vs Peter Yanbnrgh Livingston and others, defendants, in equity in the Superior court, of Chatham county, May term, 1824. ^ It appearing to the Court by affldavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E. Living, Ston, who ore parties defendant reside beyond tlic state ofdeorgia, und within the United Stat'-s on motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that the Said defendant do respectively appear nnd an swer the complaints bill within four months fro in he dale of this rule. And is further ordered that this rule be published once a week during four momhsjrom this date in one of the public Gazettes l Extract from the Minutes. A-B.FANNIN, Clerk- . June 1 134i