Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 14, 1824, Image 2

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♦ if*Ql MBn FREDERICK S. FELL, CITY PRINTER. % RVPA ELECTION RETUUVS CONTINUED. m _ %* R.. EIGHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM. APr.n ...six dollars per annum. PAYABLE lit ADVANCE. l'AII/Y 1 COUNTRY mu— CP All news and Row advertisements appear iq; *»- . 1 ' A sm —— THUR tfCtli papers.^o 3Sm 732 785 723 721 721 220 SDAY EVENING, October 14 1824. k CT* From the repor 1212 150 ARD OF HEALTH. le reports of the ward committees, the Board lias again the pleasure of informing its fcl- 1 low citizens that the city continues, under Provi dence, lo be in a very healthy condition, jDeaths in Savannah, for the week ending 12i/i Octo ber, 1824. Of Fever Intermittent and Remittent, 6 1 Affection of Liver, 1 InHaiMlIon, J. Told. » Three, of which were under four years—five be tween 20and 30—and one 70—Four residents and five non-residents#—-Two of the deaths occurred ▼ in the country, one at the hospital, and one on hoard ship Augusta. By order of the Chairman, I. K. TEFFT, Sec’ry. j)fc Savannah, October 13,1824. mill The last Augusta papers announce the arrival of goods in the Steam Boat Georgia, from this, port, whichAvcte only nine tlavt from Atm York. * , GEN. LA FAYETTE in his answer to an 'Ad dress from Chester, Pennsylvania, says v "I must be at Yorktown on the Kith of October. I shall lodge at Chester on Tuesday evening, and 4i -shall pass through Wilmington, Baltimore, Wash iAgton City, and I need not iuform you that 1 con st pass MountVernon wltliout stopping,audfrom ence by Richmond to Yorktown.” *« Roger C. Wxigbtman, Esq. has been elected ay or of the City of Washington, vice Mr. Small- The Election for Members of Congress and Senator and Representatives to the State Legisla ture, took place in Charleston on Monday Rnd Tuesday last—Onthe first day, 1094 votes were * '-a John Montoovery, 1ms been elected Mayer of | Baltimore, by a majority of 644 votes over Mr. 'Johnson. t Messrs Little and Barney, have been elected to Congress by the City and county of Baltimore. Hon. Benjamin IV. Crowmnshielo has been JON^S COUNTY, CONGRESS, Jno. Forsyth, 1 E. F. Tattnall, Alfred CuthbCrt, Chas. E. Haynes, Wiley Thompson, Gcorgo Curcy, [Senator anti Representatives before published.] CHOICE OF ELECTOR^. People, Legislature,* HOUSTON. Senator—Welborn. Representative.—Moreland. - FRANKllN. ' iScnator-^Little. Representatives—Anderson, Ash Martin. 1 • . BIBB. People, Lcgislaturb CLARKE. Meriwether, ’ 335 Forsyth, . 182 Carey, 166 Thompson, 165 Haynes ’ ’160 Tattnall, ' 154 People, 512 Legislature, 176 We have now received rcturqs from forty counties which gi ve 133 votes for E- lectors. Gentlemen who arc well ac qudinted with the politics of the State place them as follows: Fcr Crawford 09 Opposition 27 Doubtful 7 Only seventeen counties^ remain to be heard from which give 38 votes. Cooper, is flow playing his host [ characters, »t the Park Theatre. t Roman , I in him voice and person, hut stiff as usual. He plays Benedict this evolving,to the Bea trice of the diarpiing Miss Kelly, whb'we perceive h cast for the port of Rosinn. Cowel, is said to bo very ill at Philadel phia, ,but not dangerously so, an elevated site neArthe river, ovcflook- ing the„whole area on which tlie fete will [takeplabe. jja*' POLITICAL. Thc.RiehmoiVd Enquirer ofthe Sthinst. | speaking of tfip Presklcntial Election says -Virginia will do her duty—Information Greht preparations ore making at the pours in upon us from all quarters of the Circus, for the Cataract'.of the Gahgcs. I State—WII Crawford will have an over- Plrtnehe, hns dramatised the novel of the Pilot, and it Witt be brought out in a splen did manner^nt the Bark. t =i . Pizarro, is announced for this evening at j “ cun receive only n part'* Chatham Garden. It has been a long * “ whelmingmajority of hor votes. The Portland Argus affirms, that of the 51 votes of New England, Mr Adams that the vote 437 7 a time in preparation, and is gbfc up with new sefenery, decorations, &o. The es tablishment oftwo Theatres in New York, has increased the number of play-going people; both houses arc well attended. Gilfcrf hns leased tho new Theatre building in Albany. Such is the increase of the State, that Albany, Troy, Utica, Saratoga, apd Rochester, will soon have Theatres. ib. OCTOBER, 4. From the East-Tndres.---The Boston of the Portland district “ will be against him, and the probability is there are other districts in the State of Maine whose vote ho cannot obtain.”—The Ver mont Journal declares, that there is in that State “ a growing sentiment in favor of Mr. Craw-ford, and that tho most zealous friends of Mr. Adams, will not deny thero is apparently, a lessening attach ment to his cause InVermont.”—A mem ber of Congress in iho interior of N. York, writes to iiis friend in Massachusetts, that no “well-informed man has any doubts that Palladium.containsi extracts from Calcutta jour 36 votes will be given for Mr Craw- papets received at that port*. The war I ford”—McClure’s letter and the nd enp- betwean the British aqd Burmese contin-1 tandum epistle of the 13, to the contrary ■tied. The powder works at PnpamoW blew up on the 5th of May, and 36 persons were killed. The Cholera Morbus had made its appearance at Bombay. Re ports frohvChittagony state that u Bur mese «rmy of 50,000 men' was collected in that viAinitv. OCTOBER, 5. THE RACES.—A very interesting match race was run yesterday between an Eclipse colt, bred by Mr. Garret Vandcr- vecr, of Flatbush, nndaDuroc colt, bred by Gen. Coles, the particulars of which will be given hereafter*—but it was won by the former in handsome style, particular ly as he carried 131bs. more than his anta gonist NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Subscription.—The London papers no tice a subscription raising among the no- LoujsVille, Kv.Scpt. 11. BATTLE OF THE RIVER RAISIN. We understand from a gentleman of veracity, that a man belonging to Cnpt bility for the relief of a Lord, who, with 1 Hickman’s Company, (name not known,) I l* n.. 1?nn nl* Tmii Itiitniwv NAOO n 11V n nominated for Congress in Essex South Patriot, (Mass.) ' - ‘The Annual Cattle Show, and Exhibition of ' MondfacttJrc?; fee. at Brighton, is to take place on the '20th, and 21st inst. , , The Governor oflllinois has found it necessary to convene a special session ofthe Legislature, to take place on the 15th of November in order to J canvass the votes forXlcctors, the law requiring the returns of votes for Electors to be investiga- ■ted in the same manner as those for Represents E cs to Congress; that U, by the Legislature. But 1 this summons to the Legislature,the State would have lost its vote at the approaching Election. Gen. Alvcar, Minister Plenipotentiary fromBue nps Ayres to the United States, arrived -at Wash, j* fiigton City on the 2d inst. accompanied by Col Yriartc, Secretary of Legation, M. Salazar, the Minister from Colombia, it is .said, has determined to fix his residence at Wash Jngton, and lias taken a house for that purpose | k Capt Banks, arrived at Norfolk from Hnvana infnmnclhal IT. S calm Sshnrlr. (ntlprl from thfll thirteen children, has but an income 200/. per nnuum. It turns out to be Lord Evskinc, formerly Minister to the United States, and who married Miss Cadwallu- dcr, of Philadelphia. It is said that 20, OOOA will be raised. The British Gov eminent we believe, allow pensions to all their ex-mini iters, but, if we are not mis taken, it is after having served abroad for a certain period. Air Erskinc was not long in this country, nor very successful; at all events, it is gratifying to witness the many considerative and liberal acts of the British people towards each other. The E resent Lord Erskine is n highly respecta- le man, but all that has been done and will be done for him, is no more than an act of justice to the memory of his lather, who was a true friend of freedom and all its great attributes.—Nat Ado. Salt.—The Pittsburg Gazette in speak ing of the former scarcity of salt, and con trasting it with the present supply, ob serves:—“ For along time after the first settlement ofthe western co el of salt was considered a i for a good cow. It was brought from Bal timore, or Hagerstown on horseback. Now it is made in abundance in various places in the west, and a bushel docs not cost more than would buy a good quarter Of veal,” Articles of actual necessity, though they may. vary in price, must al ways command a sale. It was a wise provision in our charter, which appropri ates the dtlty on salt to the canal find, and such are the quantities now manufactured, and such will be the immense quantity has arrived at Frankfort, having recently escaped, from the Indians, who took him S rispner at thnt battle, and repots thnt lajor Graves, of Fayette, who was said to be among the slain, is still alive, and n notwithstanding—Tho N. Intelligencer states upon tho best information, that Mr John Scott, re-elected to the H. of R. from Missouri, “ is decidedly in favor of Mr Oluy, should he be presented ai onfi of the threo candidates, \irith a prospect of be ing elected.—If disappointed in this pre fertmeo, he will next bo decidedly in fa vor ofthe election of Mr. Cteuvfotil, A Letter from n higlfly respectable ^ourcc in- the State of South Carolina •'as sures the' Editors -that the Electoral vote of that State is ns yet quitiipncertnm. Mr Crawford will have us large a vote in the Legislature, by whom the Electors arc to be chosen, us either of tho other Candid ate?. Our correspondent names some of the most influential citizens of the State who arc in fnvor of the election of Mg* Crawford, some of whom nre members of the Legislature.—Nat. Int. Who has the lest c/mnec/’V-Tfie Boston Patriot settles this ,qltosttPn, very much to its own satisfaction, in* favour of Mr. Adams. It would be well if the Pat riot could impart n portion ol’ its faith to sonic ofthe. electors who ard pledged tb gun brig Dotterel! imvo au Winslow, ottorcll, and sent to Halifax, I rrived homo excepting Jacob Robert Rumney, and James cmniEiicu^S (BS During the Inst week 1008 bales R 134 of Sea Island Cottons ware e,. . —.were esn.™. Charleston. 104 bales Uplands an a were received during the same period. Woodward, jr. Winslow and Rumne, hire.detained onboard the Dottercll, and Woodward was on board tho Pilgrim, wh«u the rest of tho crews left Halifax. Winslow was confined on board the Dot terel! in irons, accused of having been principal in retaking tho schooner Pilgrim when sho was taken by tho barges of the brig before, and of which vessel he was one of the crew, and owner; and also 6f 1 of but assisting in retaking the schooners Ruby Sugars a-io a 7 l-a a 1 i 12 and Reindeer, which were taken some ' rt * ,, l , ‘ , “ J time since by the barges of said gun brig. . , , . , HAVANA, Octal Our market remains much tho same no ted. The stock of rice is still pretty co,,,- and not much prospeot that prices' will 1 unless fresh supplies kedft back some tlm« Coffee muiiipuns at ?!> 11 11 i.« ac J quality 5 some tri(ling„jjiareols of the n. lmve already reached town, which are t indifferent qnullty, nml vory S m! freight or f or to oct 14 Tho Mobile Market, had not opened »< 1 the 28th ult. Some,fetvL bales had berm J 14 cents to tost tho N. Orleans market U ' BALTIMORE Commercial.—Wo lately to notice tho progressive the trade of Raltimorc the new operating causes of that improve- input, namely, the extensive market opened to us by the independence of South Ameri ca and Mexico, and thejudicious recogni tion o f that independence by the government ofthe. U. States. It is with infinite satis faction that we find it our duty to-day to remark, that since the urticlo on this sub ject to which we allude appeared in the Gazette, circumstances have shewn this trad chip t to. have lost any of its activity, and that it proceeds with a briskness which bespeaks its value and importance. Since the period referred to, vessels haye sailed for* La Guayra, Porto Caveilo, and other ports of Soutli>America, freighted with Hour and different articles of United Sintcs’ produce and maiiufaolure f but, what hns chiefly led to these observations at present, t3 the sailing yesterday for Ui* inn, of one of the finest brigs that ever floated on the waters of the Chesapeake. Tlie Brig Gcorgo Gardnbr, to which wc make allusion, commanded by Captain Davidson-, pad owned by the Messrs. Me- not considered as fixing any price. T HE SI leiryi 33 a 35. JWio-York, Oct. 2—Cotton-—The imp 25th Scut, to the 1st Oct. was f>3 bales. , rlnam via Boston, 93. But little Whs dune 1 ers generally demand half a cent advance] last week’s rates. Sales Were mada yesttJ (54 bales of Louisiana at 10 1-2 cents; andL , I Uplands at 14 cents. Wo do not alter priJ land,(lb.) 13 1-2 1116 cents; Louisiana 13J ■ 1 Tennessee. 13 a 14; Alabama 13 a 141.2, qJ —About 300 bugs Brazils sold at 17 3.4 ^ and a very priino lot of Cuba, brought l’tt« very little in market. Flohr—\ew-Yoib 5 50 a 6 62 i Western 5.62 a 5 76—mlHei] ly stockod. Rick—heavy and little dain/ l ed 3 50 a 4 25. ’ 5,1 T0MC3R 1 freight!^ I soinely nc I steam B01 Oct 14 T IlEt cilth for City I ed nftcr d in cunfor Ext warn ■ PORT OF SAVANNAH. arrived, Sloop John Chevalier, Chevalier, St.; ds with cotton aqd Oranges to Mr Debsot, clot, and the master. Passengers, Mrs Htri * ^ l, Del Bachelbt, Lancaster,<’dot, Debrot and ry* Sloop Mecbanio, Somet-s, FredericIrimI with corb, mjd flour to W Taylor. 1 PolOpBoat Adeline, fin Augusta, wil cotton to G Li Lumdr, Cammingb Gwa: ZICK9, was lauueltcd, as ogr readers pre I Butler ico. WGaston, audDunham StCi already aware, but seventebn dttys ]irevi- * bits t» Saturday last, yet hi that short pe-' riod she \vas.fitlly,rigge^l itnd Ifnpshed in a 'manlier the most substantial, cffifeieHt, pnd .^complete—her caulking <tnd coppering ftccupied only two days, anti ihe xVhole of tlie c 126 SAILED, Sc’irs .Tames Warren, Parker, ProvifaciJ Buraco^,Rt-ud,Wilmington BBilt UP FOR THIS POnT, At Pliiladciphla, 6th inst. ship J French,,to sail 20th inst. At Providence, 23d ult. ship Hazard,Cli sloop Gold Huntress, Currie ARRIVED FROM THIS PORT, At Clmrlcstou, ou Monday, schi- lleufyll ton,. Cltl-, prisoner among the Pottawatamy tribe of ^ that candidate The Hon. Wm> Indians. This man was tvell acquainted with Graves, and frequently saw him a- mong them. He also states, that there are several other persons distributed a- mong the Indians, taken at that battle, whose names wc were not able to obtain. Among them was a man from Shelby county, who belonged to Major Ballard’s company. The respectability ofthe source from whence wc have derived this infor mation, leaves no doubt of its correctness. —The sentleman is now in Frankfort. Morning Post. The new mode of obtaining Water—A correspondent near New Brunswick,N. J. writes thus to the editor of the American Fanner, under date of Sept. 14: “ You have noticed the now mode of obtaining water, by Levi Disbrow. He commenced on my farm about a month since, and I hnvo no doubt of success. You can easily appreciate tlie advantages I'of such a stream of witter on a farm. Mr, Disbrow works nt his own- risk; when water is obtained, I Am to pa) him at the rate of two dollars and a half a foot. If Gray 1ms declared that he had serious doubts of Mr Adam’s election. Those whose faith is not screwed up to the stick ing place, ought not to attempt to trend the waves of the tempestuous sea which lies before them.—Rost. Courier. Why is it, thnt gentlemen who have been members ofCongress within 2() years past, are almost unanimously agreed in saying thnt Mr. Crawford is a person of eminent talents,distinguished attainments, consistent in his principle, of amiable dis position, and of an unexceptionable moral character; whilst nearly all the papers op- poscd'to his election apply to him every disgraceful nnd abusive epithet, represen ting him as destitute of talents and qualifi cations, of integrity and moral priuciplcj and somb even go so far as to say “ lie in more fit for the gallows than tlie presiden cy]” Docs not the difference of opinion between those who nre personally ac quainted with him nnd those editors who know nothing of him deserve a moments consideration?—N. H. Pat. It is ascertained that besides Mr, Jeffer son, Mr Madison and n host of other Cit her filing out, frorti the davpf her launch; together ujth taking on board more than fonr thousand barrels of /?our,-.'ofteusivc necessary storek frfr a long voWga, fuid, clenaiiigDut on Sgtui%ay last, iHcf not oc cupy quite eighteen dqjj’s:—This is highly creditable to the owners, artd also, to the 4ong admitted ability ofthe mechanicsofl oft lie-port oi Baltimore. Blit it ntto«|ejVs *| so , schr. Com.-Perry Sibborn, Ocruci more than this—it proves thnt there qtusfi C\) 2 days, have been an important stimulating cause „ t Ate u ’ sc 4 r °r for.hU r i™».d^.rUrt,,.»I.»« we nre happy to sqy, was a promising jnar-130 hour's. * * . ket, which ha? thus, in a single bottom, CHARLESTON, Oct. 41'.—Arr. on Lfho ship Empress, Sinclair, N. York,( Cl’d, ship Sai-uli Caroline,Candler,li OCT. 13.—Arr. yesterday, schr ~ Snsaal Cleared, sekrs Eliza Jane, Davis, Wei taken from our industrious farmers ft»ur I Jo ijyJ i ^R or > Piyjnouth. .1 .. „ 11 ..1 . . I Thfe-fi-ench brig I.c Bolide, Clcrgo, for thousand barrels of llotu, - I wa* advertised nt'llavra lqth Aiig. to soil! I nniiim.-i.PHia n.., a rni he go t own 200 feet, I must pay him 500 izens there arc more than an hundred ; dollars. One summer of drowth will pay members of Congress desirous that Mr. informs that tlie U. S. schr Shark, sailed from that 1 manufactured and sold, that from this port on the 15th ult on a cruise; and on the same f un d alone, means will be found in fifty tlie expenses—to say nothing of overflow ing your stables, hogpens, stercorary— making duck ponds, and filling reservoirs for cattle.” flay the expedition against the pirates left that har-1 years, to dig another canal from Erie to lor. The U. S. schrs Ferret and Beagle were left et Havana. Hudson along side the present one. In- j deed, such a canal will be necessary—one for boats to enter Lake Erie, and the other Increase of Roman Catholics.—Thirty- five years ago, the number of Roman Catholics, in England, was 69,376; Accounts from Mobile of the 28tb ult. state that the city had been remarkably healthy during the reason—only 23 deaths ofall ages and colors had Occurred since the 12th July. for those coming down to the Hudson. I a t 9ta L tc, ! ,cnt Published six years since, — — ‘they had increased to halt a million. In 4781, there were but three Roman Catli* olic schools of any note in England; at present, there are more than fifty. There is not, at present, sufficient room for all the boats to pass, nnd grent deten tion is experienced at the locks.—ib. Female Physician.—A Pennsylvania Geh. Noble is said to Have forwarded to the Cm-1 paper, called “ the Perry Forrester, makes cinnati Republican a reply to the letter of Ninian Edwards, denying the facts stated by Mr. N. on his examination before the committee of Investi gation at Washington. Upwards of 100 laborers ore said to bq employ ed on the Military works in Newport harhor. There was 33 deaths in Washington City during the month of Sept. FROM THE EAST INDIES. Accounts from Bombay to the 8th of June, have , "been received by an arrival at Boston. Affairs between the British and Burmese re* nrnined as at the previous dates—the former wait- big for the proper season to commence operations, A steam boat is employed among the transports in the expedition against-the Burmese. honorable mention of a “ Doctress wo man,” who some time ago lookup her re sidence in the western part of that county, but has lately changed her head quarters to a farm about six miles from Landis- burgh. On a moderate calculation, it is supposed that she has within the last two weeks, been visited by, and has now un der core, about one thousand patients. At her residence she has in many Respects adopted new regulations. It is new dis covered that site eats and drinks as other people do, though sfie has never been known to sleep; atjiight, sjie boils her me dic'.nes and issues it out to her anxious patients by the gallon, li during the day. A list 0 rartake of her precious draughts, is regu- arly kept, which expedient wil! no doubt lessen her practice, as the people have a The White Mountains.—The Portland Gazetto of about the 24th of last month (September) says—“The cloudless and transparent atmosphere of to-day lias given us a fine view of these grand and majestic elevations. They aro now bc- gining to be clad in their wintry vestments, the snow having already covered them to a considerable extent below their princi pal summits.” A new Post Office has been established in Echo- mpero, Crawford County, in this State. From the Athene Gazette. We understand, from a notice in the The News, ,<hat General Harden intends to make Athens his . future place of residence. Our little community will be proud of that worthy and enlightened citi zen. CHARLESTON, Oct. 12. FROM HAVANA.—By the schooner Susan, Capt Budd, we have Havana pa- pers to the 5th inst. The Widow of Iturbide had been car- Yied to Lousiana from Mexico,in the Amcri- Ciin schooner U. States, which vessel bad sinco arrived at Havana. 203,615 boxes of Sugar, and 523,640 arrohas of Coffee, were exported from Ha vana, from the 1st of January to the 30th September last. 976 vessels entered the Port of Havana, during the same period, viz:—166Span- merebant vessels; 814 Foreign do.;48 Sj-aoiish vessels of war; 39 Porcignfio >al& gallon v &c. of all those who Zimmerman, the unfortunate man who was to have been hangcrl at Orwigs burg on Thursday last, for tlie murder of I gem bly. his daughter, has been reprieved for one ~ month. Demo. Press. natural aversion to doctors' bills.—ib. ,,New-York, Oct. 2 Lieutenant of Gen. Wolfe. Dr. Elihu Tudor, who was a lieutenant in tlie army of Gen. Wolfe, in the celebra ted Irnttle on the heights of Abraham, in 17JJ9, is now living at East Winspf, Oon- FROM BORDEAUX.—Captain Ush- necticut, at the advanced age of 94 years, cr, of the, brig Abepna, informs that on the 13th of August, the Royal Guard pas sed through that place on its Way from Madrid to Paris. Also p'art of the guard of Monsieur. PIRACY.—Wclcajnby the Howard, that the U. S. schooner Weasel the latter end of August, while cruising in pursuit of a piratical boat near Crab Island, tell in' with her full of'arnted men, but she esca ped by landing at tlie. Islapd. The Wea sel’s crew went ashore on the Island, where they discovered a hut filled. With gin, dry goods, &c. The pirates had concealed themselves in tlie hushes; but their boat waB taken by the Weasel to'St. Thomas, and delivered to the American Consul. He is supposed to be the only surviving officer of Gen. Wolfe’s army in Europe or America. He continues to receive a pen sion from the British government. Dr. Tudor grqjjluated at Yale College in l750, and before he entered the army, was a surgeon in the British Navy. YORKTOWN.-—This little town, which has rested in quiet for half a centu ry, is soon again to exhibit a military ar ray, but of a very different character from that which occupied its plains in 1778. Temporary barracks, to accomodate Crawford, rather than any other,individual, should he elected President of tlie U. S. yet the National Journal patronised and partially edited by the U. S. Secretary of State, himself a candidute for the Presi dency, has the indecency lo designate th6 friends of Mr Crawford ns “ the Ultra Faction!!! ” Demo. Press, At a meeting in Newark, N. J. on the 18th September, 43 persons voted to in struct the Delegates to the Stato Conven tion to support Mr Adams, and 32 voted for Mr Crawford. There were no votes for Gen. Jackson.—Wash. Gaz. The address ofthe Clintonian Conven tion at Utica says tht t “ to break down the Caucus System” a concert of uction is essential, and that “ useless distinctions meaning the distinctions of federalist and democrat, “ must give way.”—ib. The Democrats of Plattsburgh N. Y. nt their meeting for appointing delegates to the County Convention, unanimously re solved that they approved of the conduct of Mr. Flugg, their representative to the Legislature. Mr. F. is one of the most active friends of Mr* Crawford in the As- ib. Prospects in Maryland.—Our accounts from a most respectable .source, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, are very grat ifying. In that quarter, we are assured that Mr Adams will not get a single vote that Gen. Jackson, from present appear nnees, may get one, but there is no doubt that Mr Crawford will get two. So much* for the veracity ofthe partizaus of Mr Ad ams, who claim, upon paper, the entire vote of that respectable commonwealth I ib. The Baltimore Patriot labours hard to peovathat Mr Crawford will not obtain the votes of New-York. The friends of Mr Adams begin now to feel the effect of their intrigues. In this statb there arc rio hopes for him; and ifhc drives the election into the house of representatives, as we fear ho will, it is beyond all doubt that Crawford goes in highest, ^Jackson next and Adams lowest; this inevitably must be the case ; nnd then the choice rests be tween Crawford and Jackson. We have Whether is Gin Ram, or Brandy, • the nnst wholesome ?—A question -that iS'<jft<pi asked. We have heard it. defined by hy pothetical reasoning, from the following experiment; A pieco of raw fiver was pur into a glass of giu, another into q glass of rum, and a third into a glass of brandy. That in the gin was, in a gjvep- time, partially decomposed ; that in the ruin,in thesame time,not diminished; and that in brandy was quite dissolved. The argument deduced was, tliat the spirit | in which the liver remained unchanged— amely, rum, was the most wholesome. Now we differ completely in our opinion ; for we know that spirit cannot thus effeet living animal matter; therefore the stom ach cannot, like the piece-of fiver; be dis solved ; and we think that the spiriu^hich decomposedthe animal substance—^tame ly, the brandy, is the most wholesome, be cause it is most likely to dissolve tlie ani mal food in the stomach.—Medical Ad vertiser. nit i’iiot, V tHILAD, Mobile, September 28. The Crops.—Recent advices from the interior of this State, represent tlie Cot- I£ULi)DELFHIA, Oct. 3—Cld. brigiB Thomson, Fisher, South America Bcloij > flays from Trinidad. PtliAf Oct. 4.—Arr. brig Wine, 36 ds lm Trinidad. - Spoko 8e\A S3! Caroline Milden, out 4 ds fm Havana, in lit I in 15 futhoms wtyter. nil well. (;|'d r _l,rigs Edward Thompson,Fislm,!!,l icnj Harp, Shftntdand, Trinidad de Cuba;&f Lahednu Chores, Bulcor, Charleston; jcbrfl Washington, Dawson, Alvarado. NEW YORK, Oct. 4—Cleared John, Taber, Amsterdam; Montano, bin vre. Ar. shin Canada, Rogers, fm Liverpool, I _ t Sept, with dry goods, ana hardware. l| ger, Mr UT5 Cummingof Savannah.—ini with ship Manphestcr lorPhilad. Th* U« South Boston sailed on the 2i*th. The I . tan; fm Aln.ximdrin, witli Baron Sliacklebei Swedish minister oiubbhrd, ar. off Plyiool 24th. ‘ ! Packet ship Venus, Allen, fm London fra Boston, to CosVcs, with logwou es nnd hides, was lost on the Bill of Forties 16th Aijg.—crow suved in the long boat. Br. packet ship Princess Elizabeth, Itoj Falmouth, and 7 days fm Halifax, with mail. Ship Draper, Thorndike, fih Stockholm. Brig Lender, Jones,of Fair Haven,-W ds fl nmn, (Walos.) ( Br. brig Hibernia, Wattcling', 40 ds finDfj Schr Paragon, Belamy, 13 ds fm Mutanr sugar, fee. Left Sept 16. schr MalvoliaJ a) cl fm Savannah, jilst ar. Sept 16, off J fell in with 2 brigs nnd a sloop of war, having 8 launches in tow, with sails sot. 37 iunibiaiis, ns the steam boat had not arriv’d Havana three ds after her time. CamcwlJ convoy of the U. S. schr. Dll V uy Ul DIL v/. VJ, 31/111 . J ' ■ Oot. 6—Arr—The ship Chase, Baxtef,»l ton Crops as having suffered much by the I they sent the bouts in shore. As the rot—that generally through the State, | hoisted “o^colour^.wo where it heretofore promised to be very a- -»«♦»•*—»• - "« bundant, will not yield average crops, and, it is estimated by some, that the produce of this yeur will not greatly exceed that of [ from St. Crojx. tlie last. By the last New-Orleans Paper, it is es timated,that the crops of the present year, (including all thnt will be received from Mississippi, &c.) will exceed the last, by 40000 bules. Jill iJli , .,1 The brig Surah Herrick, Howland, 01 ‘'I ford, 48 days from the Isle of May. The sloop David, Smith, 19 days from * with sugar, muhogany, spice. ^ c. — " nil, Pn K0 MARRIED, In Augusta, by the Rev. Mr- Moderwell, Wm. T. Goui.d, Esq. to Mrs. Anna M‘Kinne, daughter J of James. Gardner, Esq. In Augusta, Mr. Thomas Averell to Miss Har riet L. Cart. In Macon, by E. M'Call, Esq. Mr. James L. Ross, to Miss Amanistta Foaduin. In Providence, R. I. Mr. Benjamin F. Taylor to Miss Jane J. Cushing. ThesToop Huxnll, Potter, 21 ds. from- 15. F. with Deerskins, livq oak, &c. Below last night—The ship Cincinnati!'I London. _ . ...I The brig George, 60 days from Rochelle,^ master. " In the Offing—Several large and i Newport, oct. 2—ci. ship, gm. w Dayton, St. Salvador; brig Fpi’severanwj hope, South Anferica. ., .. L OSTON, Oct. 2—Ar. 1 brig William w| tenburg, 64. n PORTLAND, September 30—Ar. b<' Soule, Fort Royal, n?olasses—-Cl. brip , Matunzas; Pence, Mnr|n£l2 died^, On Sunday lOtli inst. at his residence, Deptford Hill, three miles from this City, NICHOL TURN- BULL, Esq. a native of Smyrna, aged about'se venty yours, during 40 of winch, lie has maintain ed an unblemished reputation in this County—Mr - Turnbull, it is believed, was the first Planter, who cultivated upon a scale for exportation, tfie article of Cotton, now the greatest staple of our State Ui!*"“ During the last war, when tlu^City was threat ened by invasion altho’ from age exempted, by eui to 3000 troops, are to be immediately erec ted on' the field on which the British army lon g endeavoured J.o prevent the election law from active duties, he immediately volunteer ed his skill and services, in throwing up Fortifica tions ; and at the dawi; of day was always seen upon the lines, at the head of his laborers. Free and undisguised in his sentiments, he was ever ready to applaud virtue, and condemn vice; liberal in his views he contemned meanness—Be nevolent in heart, tho friendless stranger never T HE Subscriberaliavingtaken tbutw house, the Georgia Hotel, will.ncco® steady boarders and transient persons, 011 reasonable terms. Their table will w with the best the market affords, and cvi tiqn will be paid to those who may * a with their company. , „ They have also taken the extensive s tiiched to that building, where they can date a large number of horses, either by w or any shorter period. DOPSONfe oct 12 «r!88 Bank ofthe State o SAVANNAH, UthOf IYTOTICE—On Saturday next tlie . IN Bunk will be shut in'order to prepay 1 1( of the Institution for the semi-annual Limi therefore, all notes nnd bill*. ul) surrchdered.-r-The Norfolk Beacon advi- coming to the house, but as it must come By a lqte ( arrival from France, ses those who may repair to Yorktown to silk handkerchiefs have been received, having likenesses of Washington nnd La Fayette on them. Nat. Adv. Green Rroom Intelligence.—The. Balti more Company will open in that city, the night after the Ball given to La Fayette. bear in mind, that if all the houses in the town, were vacated by their tenants, it would not be adequate to the accommo dation of 300 persons. A spacious build ing or amphitheatre, capable of accom modating 1000 ladies, will be erected on there, the active agent in producing the result, will have the weakest vote and poor est chance.—Nat. Adp. A.PORTEF,$7, IP* Customers are requested to h 111 Bank Books to bo written up. OTr; i Lubep, (Maine) Sept. 20.—-The whole of the crews of fishing schoooners Madi son and Pilgrim, captured by the British therotore, all notes anu uhwm* on the 16th and 17th inst. must be taK«‘ | sought charity in vain—His immediate friends.I Friday the 16th. By order, c „|iii -yyilt long remember ills social virtues, and all who have ever known him, will bear testimony to his open and unaffected hospitality. In Greene County, the 21st ult. Mr. Burkett, Da vknpoht, of Cambridge, ,S. C. In Salem, Mass. Mr Thomas C. Cusiiino, aged W), for nearly 37 years the Editor of the Salem i jjianngement oi a xuco ( On board U. 8. brig Spm-k, at Son, MUlriiipmnn, Surunnah," m an'Ovow-i—i 1 ' ', 1 |g?fbfc 1 bu igo, 11agrsategr,. 12 A188 Hituation A'V anted I A PERSON Who is well acquainted xxL management of a Rico ‘ . nnd the p *'iS! Oct IB