Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 16, 1824, Image 1

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SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16, 1824. Whole No. 4512. ^o. 190 Yol. XXII. 4 cent*. 5 4 15 30 30 1*4 20 30 it!"l oi | )*U derB Nil Ada fbl unit,| ipertj . for | H, 3 dill’s] Toi f of) itate ( i alia , iTPS OF WflARFAGE, STORAGE, DRAY- l AaEMD*W£IGMJfq, tN SAVANNAH, L I'stnblisUed, Jan. 1824, end now in operation. i wiiarfagt!. kjscls under 10O tons, per day - 80 cents, i T)n over do. do |l7wr/flge on Landing mid Shipping Country Pro- p 0 , each barrel or half do Rico 1,,1« Cotton - rnekago of Inulgo hogshead of tobacco UiOO feet of Lumber 1000 staves 1000 shingles 1000 reeds lOOfecTof live dak, cedar and other heavy wood, sold by the solid ft 374 JOO bushels of corn, and grain of all kind, in hulk • - *® JOO bushels lime In hulk 3.) cord of Wood * * -*> cedar, lightwood or other posts, per lOtrlogs - , 81 , . Wharfage on landing and Shipping Good*. knehor of a small size, caeli * ? Mnt *' ,lo OOO lbs. and upwards • *•» do 1200 do • * „ Lnvils • * . foe of coffee, pimento, sugar, and all ' other bags of such sine, (gram ex* cented) each • * " Ido, of gram Oltd Kilt ' . * * Parrel *of salted nr' ivisloiM nu^al stores, bread, applos, cider,and alU;tods of barrels except diy goods «td ^ do o^wlnos, and nil kinds of liquor I (cider excepted) drygoods h{ | CDEks exceeding 20 gallons, unu not over 83 gallons • 5 Ido. wines or liquors and dry goods - hi casks under 20 gallons • , of dry goods,ond all kinds of boxes under 4 feet squnre do. do do over 4 feet squnre 0 do. soup, candles, chocolate, cordials, oil, nnd boxes of like size • 2 do. sugar, each • 4 ® blades of corn, per 1000 * - J lilies, the same ns boxes. I olts of osnnliurgs, Itussla duck, bagging cn’ivas, each * • ** Butts of liquor or any kind of casks, ex ceeding 130 gallons * 18 lottles, loose, per gross Butter pots, each lundics of pans, spades, &«. each torn, per lOObiishcls fables not exceeding 500 lbs. each exceeding 600 lbs. not exceeding 12(H) lbs. • - - „ 35 exceeding 1200 lbs. * * 60 bondage of all xmds, per coil • 3 i mp ovens with covers, nnd fire dogs per pair - *. 1 i’-.ates of earthen war*. * • 8 Lheese, per 100 lbs. * - 2 do per cask -, • 4 Chairs, of 2 wheels ml, <1 rl I I aril—• ol ! I it 5*1 id Ml uiilfl i aw dc.wj ■lyttd aj day w execs lsW ,f Alcif r.H nyn \ Ei'sl Kx’rvl h*» W f»i * iiiteiA mi! *4 imra is sulfl ittn tfl 'JeiW\ $ resrx* to M wlioj >e 0‘n is all« said ( cl U |HlU' to d' e , erl: d* 1 ? | m ,tliC!“' 23 23 20 parts, of f.vo wheels .23 Carriage*, of four wheels - §1 00 Chairs, vimborondall sitting choirs, per B dozen ... - 12 C’oals,per ton • • I* Tiinnons under COO lbs. * 25 do. over 600, not over 1200 lbs 60 do. over 1200 ibs. • $1 00 ICambouses ... 25 [Casks, empty ... 2 [Cattle, each • • 25 Jcmijohns, each • • 1 Desks and chests of drawers ■ 10 Fire Wood,tier cord * * 25 I'lsh, pcrouintal - - 2 Drain of nil descriptions (except in bags) per 100 bushels - - 25 Dunpowder, In bbls. of 100 lbs. each 124 do. in half bbls. • <U do. in kegs of 26 Ibs. or under 3 Mass, window, per 100 feet, in propor- 1 tion for smaller - - 4 phds. exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or any kind of merchandize 15 do. exceeding 63- and not exceeding ISO gallons" - - 8 fler.rth'jiln, per lOpO - 25 Ilotnp, per ton - . 50 Slides, raw or tanned, per 100 • 5(> pi ay, loose, per 100-ihs. - - 25 do. in bundles, each - 6 Hampers of Merchandize, each - 6 1 do. ofVotmoes, each - 2 [logs,each - - . rt Inis or Jugs, each per dozen * it [roil, per ton 25 vegs of paint, butter, lard, biscuit, and such size kegs - 1 Ido. shot and lead over 56 lbs. not over I, 600 lbs . |3o. liquors of a smaller size than 20 I gallons no, per 100 bushels v. per barrel ths for plastcringpcr 1000 lies, each • . ions, per 100 bushels io. in l'jpcs, per 100 ropes Is, iron, each to Apples, per 100 tatoes per 100 bushel jesofgin, brandy, and nil kinds oili- f quor, exceeding 63 gallons Ido. • do. exceeding 130gallons ttuortcr casks of wine nnd oilier liquor, (cider excepted) und dry goods in casks exceeding 20 gallons not ex- l ^ceding 63 gallons 'aisins in jars - . . . alt per 100 bushels killchseuch . ,.. . tones, quern and grind, each do Bermuda, per 100 [d° large miil per pnir Im nst J ant * 0 *b c r stones, per ton p Is under 200 gallons each Ido over. 200 do Iotas Settees ' pheep each . . exceptc(l) over. 2 30 4 10 26 25 124 1 124 5 1 25 1 2 25 60 26 . $ 10 0 brand]!, puncheon of rum, and nil kinds of liquor in casks exceeding 63, and not’cxce.edliig 130 gallons - 20 Iron per ton, first and last week 60 cent* intervening weeks * - 25 Every other artiek tame a* its wharfage. WKIOIUNQ. Each bbl, or hnlf lib. rices^ • 6 llhd. of tnlmceo or sugar • «■ 15 Package of indigo f* • . >8 Bale of cotton • - *6 Each draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. 61 do do do over 100 IbB. 121 do do heavy goods under 200 6j do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DBAYAOK. For hauling un the Bluff to nny part oftho city, articles not heroin enumerated, for 1G00 pounds weight - 60 cents. Under 1500 lb* nnd not less than 100 374 do 1000 do do do 600 2.5 l'or a 1000 feet of Lumber *150 do 1000 Bricks - . 1 60 do cord of wood - . 1 50 For every hale of cotton • * 8 do bbl. of Rice - - l8| do hhd of Tobacco • - 374 drt bill of Flour - • 6 j And every oilier article in the same proportion; for hauling down the Bluff, or from one w r hnrf to another exceeding 1500 lb* r Under 1500 and not less than 100 lbs .For onch lmie of cotton do bbl Rice • do hhd Tobacco do bbl Flour . Arvl every other article in Ihc tame proportion. arrangement or mails, [.4/m? regulations for the Post Office, Savan nah, Oeo. January 1st, 1834. NORTHERN MAIL. Close every day nt 6 si. Monday excepted. Due do do do 6 r. m. do do By this route, a mail is made up every day, ex- I Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Bottles &c. ^JlX Groce Porter Bottles k5 6 do Wine Pint do 20 barrel* Glauber Salt* 6 do Copperas 3 do (.round Logwood 3 do Chipt do 2 do Alum 600 Boltlos American cold pressed Cnstor Oil 600 bottles West India do for plantation use 600 (.nitons Winter Sperm Oil 6f Superior qual ity For sale low by LAY fc HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists Shad's Buildings, mig 13 171 , Magnesia, Balm of Quito, Ac. P URE Calcined Magnesia. Balm of Quito, Peruvian Bark Riells fc Lorillards cut Tobncco Fig Blue, Opium, Arrow Root, fcc. &c. Silver wire Teeth Brushes Just received and for sale by LAY &. HENDRICKSON, A'o. 1, Shads Euildiitgi, Corner of Congress and WhUakcr-slretts. ALSO, A fresh supply of Congress spring Water. sop 4 137 mHE undersigned committee will receive pro- JL posals for keeping in repair the city Clock, until the first mccliug of Council in January next; proposals for the same will he left with cither of the undersigned. GEOROE SH1CK, B. O.AUDRY, J. CV HABERSHAM. sept 19 170 UNIVERSITY Register of Debates in Congress. PROSPECTUS. A CCORDIXGto an Intimation heretofore given, there will be published nt the Office of the I **/ i’." 1 7 1 ' 1 *--; l •• «R ,:v,: ,7 ««y. w j National lntotllgenecr, during the next session of Vcept Monday, for CMsnwhutchic, I ucataligo, 1 Congress, and, if encouraged by the approbation I Boaufort, Jacksonboro’ and Collins’ f ross Roads „f t he Public, ut every session thereafter, a RE- | —ull of which are closed the previous evening, at QISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intend- 1 r.n.4 1 ed to comprehend a more full Report of the Speech- VVKSTHRN MAILS. I es on topics of general interest, in each House of Georgia route to Augusta nnd Hnmburgh, dn- I Congress,than has.ever heretofore been publfslicd, I part at 4, a. st. on Monday, Wednesday, nnd I'rl-1 or tlmn enn bn given to the Public through the or day, via. Ttickusceklng,Juckgonboro’and Waynes-1 dinary and limited channel, the colutnnsofanew’S I boro’to Augusta nnd Hamburgh. paper. This compilation will he of the. most au Due on Tifesdny, Thursday nnd Saturday, at 6 I thcntic cast,printed with’great regard to accuracy, . m. The closing of this mail, to Augusta’, tnkes I and in u form for durable preservation. I place every Tuesday, Thursday,and Sunday, ut 8, I This undertaking Is not of courso intended to r. si. except the intermedinte offices on tlic rtutte, substitute or supercede the Reports of Debates for the closing of which tukcsjdnce lit 7, p. m. on the | the National Jiitclligencer, but rather, by with- saine evenings. From 'rniyncshgiV, a weekly draw'ing tlie heavy and extended Reports from its mail departs everv Monday, at 5, a. m. for Birds- columns, to enable the Proprietors ot that Journal villn, Louisville, Shoals otOgeecbce and SheVir’s 1 to furnish, eveiy dny, in a comprehensive form, Mill to Powelton. Returning due every Siftidny I intelligible Reports of tiro Proccciiing'i und Dis- evening, nt tVoynesboro’ anti nt Havnu’nah. every I cussions in tbe duy preceding, on both Houses* | Tuesday, at 6, p. >1. I Tlie “RK<ii?Tru" is nee'essarily un experiment, Caroiitia route to Augusta ond Hamburgh, close,| but it is nn experiment the success of which wo y one who takes nil , ns well asall those | burgh. ♦ . — " I win Due on Wednosdny, Friday nnd Sunday, nt 6, have left’ and lamented the want of a Record of r. m. By tbis roiito, a innil is mnda up each eve-I Debates in Congress, in it convenient form, with I ning beloro its departure for Robertsvillc, Mnt-1 indexes w hich might lead the enquirer to nnv sub thews Blutr, Lower 1'Bree Runs and Four Mile I jeet debated, nail to the name of nny one whocn- I Dranclv The mall bbtwaen Charleston and Hnm-. I gaged in debate. Such a work would lie an clc- I burgh, goes direct through Furysburgh on those mentury book for yi iiBg politicians, and we have days, both up and down. Separate portmnntemis no hesitation in asserting that the possession of arc provided for this purpose, at tlie offices of snclia one, from tlie commencement of the exist- Charleston and Augusta, which meet each other. I ing government to this day, would be of immense | at Furysburgh und'urc there sliit'tcd, the down to vuluctothn nation, were it only to shew what has Charleston, the up to Augusta, this supercedes tiio heretofore been said upon questions which are. necessity of bringing that maij to Burujinali ut ull, continually recurring for discussion, nnd produc- luid thus expedites it twenty-four hours. ing needless consumption of time by supciHlno is TI10 malts for Milledgeviltl, in Georgia, via debate. What is true of the years tliat have past, Lombardy, Warrenton, l’owcltoit, Sparto nhd De- will, as soon ns thev are gone, be equulfy true of veronux’s store; nlio, to Alabama, (except the | those in which we (iv northern part)'ond Mississippi states, nnd to Che- raw, In South Carolina, via Mount Vintage, Edge- fiicld, C. If. Ridgo, Loesville, Lexington,' C. II Columbia und Camden, to Cher 11 w', will close di rect on the Georgia side, on Sunday pad Tuesday,' nt 7, e. st. and on the Carolina side on Friday, at 7 K ; m. The Athens mail, will also close direct on Sun day and Thursday, at 7 »•. m. on the Georgia side By this route, packets for the northern port of Ala tmmn to Huntsville, 4‘C. and,West Tennessee, are I forwarded. The Carncsvllle mail.viaDurby’sDuulilc Branch I Lincolnton, Goshen, Petersburgli, Cook’s Office and Elberton, will close direct on Tliuiuday, at | 7 r. Mi on the Georgia side. SOUTHERN on n.'.RIEN MAIL Close on Wednesday andSnturdny nt (5, r. st.- 7 F. M. or Tin: STATE OF NEW-YORK. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. City op Nbtv-York, Aug. 26th, 1824. T HE College of Physicians and Surgeons will commence their Course of Lectures, for tho ensuing session, on the first Monday of November next, (the 2d,) at the College in Barclay-street. Dr. Hosack, oh the Theory aad Pradicc of Physic,and Clinical Medicine. Dr. Mau.nkvex, oh Chemistry. Dr. Mitcukl/., on Botany and Materia Mcdiea. Dr. Post, on Anatomy. l)r. Mott, on Surgery. Dr. Francis, on Obstetrics and the Diseases of 1 Women and Children. * T/te Board of Trustees hereby tyuke it known, thnt, in conformity with the’ordinances of the Honorable tlie Regents of the University, uml 1 the laws of ihc State of New York, every Student is required to attend two full coursesof the Lectures delivered in this College before he cun lie admit ted ns a candidate for tlie Doctorate; unless said Student shall have previously attended Lectures in said College prior to the session 0(1822-3, or shall have attended an entire Course of Lectures deliv ered in some respectable School or University. The Candidate must, also, have studied Medicine three, years with some respectable praetlctioner, 1 tve arrived ut the age of twenty-one years, and is expected thnt ho produce written testimony in lution to those several points. The Matriculation Ticket is five dollars, which entitles the holder tothcuscofthe College Library for the year. By order, WRIGHT POST, M.D. President. JOHN W. nUNCl'J, M. D. Registrar. oet 2 1.I8* 1(Y AUTllOtlt TY. i_ ““~ La Fayette Hats. THE subscriber lias just received per ships Cotton Plant,Emperorand other 1 arrivals, part of his full supply of Hats CONSISTING OF 4 cases gentlemen’s beaver La Fayette Hats ALSO, Gentlemen’s,fine and super, elastic water proof do pastor do do imitation beaver do do roram do whicli are offered 011 tlie most accommodating tertns for cash or approved paper. .1. H. M'KENZJE, iqit 21 180 North side Market-square. er. Cottmi (JAA pieces first quality 42 inch Russia hemp OvU Cotton Bagging, for sate by — "’Rif sept 18 b AMU EL WRIGHT, 1.179 Hunter's Buildings. Notice. j^JR. WILLIAM TURNER, lmving assigned to AN ACT. rrtO revive, amend and continue in force nn _L net entitled an net, to extend to time of ta king out grants on surveys made on bend rights nd bounty warrants. Be it enacted hy the Senate, nnd Hohao of Re presentatives of the state of Georgin, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the , same, That where nny person or icrsons have heretofore had surveys made on lead rights thereon 'have not been obtained, it shall and muy lie lawful for sUcli person or per sons to apply for and obtain such grunt or grants, nt nny tube previous to tlie 25th of October, IS2 ); on payment of the usual fees. Sec 2 Ami bo it further enacted by tlie author ity aforesaid, That where any surveys have here tofore been made on head rights or bounty war rants, and grants thereon have not been obtained, such land shall not he subject to n rnsurvey un- tjl three months from mid after the person or icrsons claiming under the original survey shall lave been notified that such re-survey is intend ed tb bo made, and tliat in ull cnscs, the persons claiming under the original survey, shall be en titled to the preference of making sucli rc-stir- Vey, until the expiration of three months, from It is not only, therefore, ns a vehicle of present I information, but. nlso ns a book for future reference —asa National Political Repository nnd Texf-Book that wo hope this work will bo both useful rind popular. | From the lowness of tho tubdeription to this work, it will he seen tlmfit is nn part of our cal culation to realize any present profit from it. On the contrary, we shall, in all probability, lose mo jiey by it fora year'or two, hoping that thereafter I its established character will ensure it a sufficient datronage to make it profitable. GALES fc SEATON. Washington, September, 1824. \ CONDITIONS. Tlie publication of GALES St SEATON’S RE GISTfvR OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will coinnwnce aH soon ns the Debates ot onch sue iy 1 . . ... . Due on Tuesday and Friday at 7 r. m. By tills I e.rssive Sessioa"of Congress shall afford mutcriuls route the, St. Moiys mail goes direct on Wednes-! to fill n half sheet, (Hp'agcs.) day und is due direct on Tuesday. I The work will be printod in tho octavo form, on DIRDSVILLE MAIL. I a super royal paper, made for the purpose, nnd on Due everv other Wednesday ntO, f. m.—Close a brevier type,in double columns—each puge com every otherTImrsdny, nt 8, a! m. Bv (his route prising nearly ns.much matter ns one ot the co .....ll.. n«A moilis nn for nfrclmrn’ uml Millrnv. in I II' w'L are » ad P BOJM lain' I 40, under 63 gallons un vs of all kinds, under 4 feci square 4 do do over 4 squares - - , « F iffllffrtSSS exceeding 130 gallons 11- iVonit i° r °m Cr kinds of merchandize 15 e the noi . to he found under its name, i GooJl tn which it is usually contained, e 011 a , u harf more than two nights, to rrdav or U H tk 4 a,ora 8 e landed on Sat- . MclidnlfZ olh i r wring immediately preceding parking 7f, 1 , l UCl c f SM to be removed on the ,won<H pioi'e. f htrcn f l er, or be subject, to storage STORAGE. 8 cents for <ke . v cning week ' vec k nn 4 for each inter- J»tioc per weefc ' . *. . ’ 8 cc, “»‘I tons c ° n taining more than SOgal- molasses, Pipe of ^ HE ,- . . „ .. a y malls are made up for Statesboro’ and Millrny, in Bulloch county, Swanesboro’, in Emanuel, and I for Louisville and Greensboro’. 'flic Post-Ofiico Is open every day in tho week, I (Sunday excepted,) from dny tight to 8 r. m. nnd I Letters arc delivered throughout the day, except from 2 to 3 o’clock, i'. m. uud during the time of opening und nmkingtip the moils. Persons wishing to pay postage when the office is shut, can enclose the money with the letter, di rected to “The Post Master,” nnd llioSe who keep accounts with the office, und may desire the same, are requested to say so on an envelope. When tho mails which are duo on Saturday, ar rive too lute to be delivered that evening, the of fice will lie kept open on Sunduy morning from | 8 to 9 o’clock, for the delivery only of the letters ocelved by those mails. The inland postngcofall letters, directed to he I scut out oftho Unite'!). States, except to tlie Cana das, must bo paid when limy ure left at the office, or they ennunt be forwarded. V* Letters must be left at the Post Office with in tho time specified, to insure going in the mail of (lie day; and newspapers half nn hour before tliat time. As there arc several places of the same I name in the United Stutes, it is necessary tliat the I directions should lie particular; the Slate should bo distinguished, and whcii it might be doubtful, Counties. When letters, are not ior a post town, the nearest post town ought to he mentioned. tlie subscribers ull ids stock in trade, debts, Syc. in behoof of his creditors generally, it is re quested (lint indebted mnkeimmediate pay' incut, mid those having claims will' plcrisc render them to Mr. Thomas Miller, who 1* appointed their agent to dlspcuc of the stock, which com prises a general assortment of Seasonable Dry Goods, and which will be' sold, whoictnle or retail at vc ry reduced prices, for cash only. JAMES M'HENRY, JOHN H. REID, GEORGE RELPH, Assignees of Win Turner, npril 14 86 Bargains! T HE stock of DRY (iOODS, which former! belonged to Mr. William Turner, is liowsei ling oil' at prices much under cost. npril16 88 entitled an act, to extend to time of ta-1 General Drug,Cliemical&Fumify J. Shinn’s Panacea. T HE subscriber, lmving discovered the com position of Swaim’s celebrated Pnnaeca, has now n supply on hand for sale—he lias redd . ced tlie prlco from $3 GO to §2 60, or by tho do Zen jjB4. All charitable institutions in tlie United States, and the poor will be supplied grab's. If the citizens of the principal cities and towns will appoint an agent to order and distribute this Medicine to the poor, it will he supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of tlis following diseases: Scorfula or King’s Evil. Ul cerated or Putrid Soro Throat, long standing Rheumatic uffections, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling and Diseases of the Bones, and nil cas es generally of nn Ulcerous character, nnd Chro nic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or affections arising therefrom; Ulcers in the larynx, tyc. and tlie dreadful diseases occasioned !<v it long and excessive use of Mercury, ^c. It is’ al so used in Diseases of the Liver. CERTIFICATES, I have within the last two years had an oppor tunity of seeing several coses of very inveterato Ulcers, whicli having resisted previously the. re gular inodes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Punaten, and I do believe, from what I have seen, tlmt it will prove an imimriunt remedy In Scrofulous, Venereal and Mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Phyrit, 1(1 the University of Pennsylvania. I Imvc employed the Punucen of Mr.’Stvaim in numerous instances, within the Inst throe years, and have always found It extremely efficacious especially in secondary Syphilis, Qnd Mercurial Diseases. 1 have no hesitation in pronouncing it a Medicine of lucstimablo value. , W. GIBSON, M. 1>. Professor of Surgery to the University'of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Not. 17, 1823. Each publisher of a newspaperin tlie U. Slates, is renuested to publish this advertisement once ir month, for one year, and send their accounts for payment. SHINN'S PANACEA: CERTIFICATES. I have been labouring under a disPHse for along time, as swelling in the bones, loss of appetite, loss of flesh and loss of sleep. Noticing an mlvcrliso- ment of Swaim’s Panacea, to lie n cure for tiio above disease, 1 got some hy paying the cash for it, and found ngreat benefit by ft. B But having no- Patent Medicines—of every Scidlitz and Sodn Powders, buhn of Quito, calcin ed magnesia, Lees, Audersons, and Hoopers Pills, , - •. . , - .... .. , . - | Swaiius Panacea, Balsam Honey, Batemans and he time of such notification: and in the even of Churclies Cougli Drops, Uch ointment, fre- there being no claimant residing on or near the I All pf which arc otiered for sale on the most land to be thus resurveyed, sucli no lee liberal terms for cash or credit, perfected by giving three months notice by pub- a - J > L .x. U . Having enlarged their Establish ic advertisement, nt the Court House ot the 1 ' county wheroaich land may lie,' and in one the public Gazettes of tills Slate. Sec 3 And he it further enacted, Hint it shall I nntl offer sn-ontee inducements to dealers. Tiio Medicine Ware House. LAY if HENDRICKSON, Wholesale and Rctnil Chemists und Druggists .Ye. 1. Shad’s Buildings, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. H AVE constantly ou baud a very general as sortmeut of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS AND PAINTS, PERFUMERY, dye. *$*C. A great variety of Apatliccaries Uluss Ware such as wide and narrow mouth bottles, from J gallon to one ouqce,composition amt glass mortars, glass Ininpsand lamp glasses, smclliiigs bottles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries vials white und green. Surgeons Instruments—Pocket sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring and thumb lunccs, forceps, satalas, I whenever I got able ; and 1 found, liy tnkfn" the bougies, catheters, scales and weights, q-c. $-c. same quantity, os much benefit by it as by Mr. eserlutlon, viz: | Swaim’s. »y l thing but my labor to depend on for a living,' and not being able to work for a long time, got so tlmt 1 was not able to pay for It. Some months after this, I heard of a Mr. Shinn's having-made a Pa nacea, stated to lie the same os Mr. Swaim’s, I’up- plied to him and stated my cose nnd circumstances mid found him disposed to benefit me. He gave me tlie medicine freely, and saidl might puy fork able ; and 1 found, by taking the 1 have given this certificate for the benefit of others that should stand in need of Shinn's Pana cea, and consider it a very valuable mciluJnc. S. STELLER, Dake-street near Front, Northern Liberia ?. Philudiilphia, April 20,1824. Philadelphia, April 21,1624. I certify thnt l have been for many years nfflict* ed with rheumatism. Above five, years ago, I was attended by a respectable Physician oi this b. (he duty of all mnfej-or* who .iiul! jhsho «ny I *Me r0 7ihri'l,7h , e“l-lnnt'i;r 1 '"afta , 'Se"l-l“yirt , ciaB, can I have hewwor.”; wydiwrSer’tM^ vey or (i eii'oral ’ tlmt''S’ - I hero be supplied with almost every article in the | ‘ ’ ' provisions of this net had grant obtained on such re-si unless accompanied with si.cH"ccr(ilieutc : Pro-1 ted nrtidl . s |, e promoted. The inmost care, wilt vjdcd, nothing in tills act shall allcct tho rights of | J( , llS(;( j j u tj,g selection of good Medicines ’and orphans or persons under the iq;e of i.1. years, w ]j| sold at a moderate profit. It is upon these and that nil such persons shall be ulfowed one ljvhie j ple8 alone-thattlmy will endeavor to secure year alter they arrive at the age of 21 yeurs to I patronage. Alt'orders promptly executed. take, out their grants. -I The Georgia Patriot, and Darien Gazette, will Sec 4 And he it lurlher enacted, Tlmt it, shall I .,| uust , ( 0 give this advertisementsix insertionsimd bo the duty of the Governor to cause tins ucHo ,L nvurd tfeltSIr] lie pulilished iiuono ot tho newspapers in Mil- 1 9cpt , 182 Jedgeville, Augustamnd Siyannali, unco in’each * ——' i—* month, until the expiration of-the time appointed •trilSi • payment. obliged to walk" with a crutch. In l’ebrunry last I bought some of J. Shinn’s Panacea, aud after taking three bottles, find that I am free from pain) und that my leg is restored to its natural use. I am induced to make this public for the benefit of tbe afflicted. CHAS.BARLVS. Malt-Alley, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, vlpril 17, 1826. This will certify that rayson, John Humes, nr.ed 40 years, was coufined last winter In the Alms- . .. i JlllllCS MoilisO.l) I-lo years, was couunea iasi winter in tnc Aims-' by tho sumo for uk ng out ^ ' i s. -VTCTlLI. bo found m future at Ins office over house in tills city, with rhctimatisn. in his siim.l- Scc 6 Andlimit tui tlicr enni.ted, that all laws, J \\ the counting room of Calvin Baker. der* nnd arms. 1 applied to J. Shinn for some of and parts of « cl b « sept J8 179 I his Panacea, and obtained one botfl^ whC'h .-u* and the same are it ij J . , . D ' AD »x«c j Tlie Subscriber tirely removed his complaint. He 1ms removed Speaker of tlie house of representatives I yrAS just finished-and offers for sale, an eight I IhUc!eSfifcat^ 1 ol * ,cr " * sc * lc "°u'd have signed ’ r,, '" ,w aW ' va 1 11 oared CANOE BOAT, 25 feet by 4 feet 3 1 lms rt l THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to Dec.2 1823. G. M. TUOUr, Governor. U“The foregoing to be publislicd monthly, un til Now. next, in tlie “ Con3titutiouulist’’ aud “Savannah Republican.” march 10 inches, which lie can .recommend to those who wish a boat for. quick passage. F. E. TEBEAU. July 22 164 PUBLIC NOTARY, T HE subseriber’ being now sufficient I the liver complaint, during which time lhnve been to attend to business, solicits trom his friends attended by several physicians, but received no IBS? ANN C. y. HUMES, mark. Philadelphia Alms-House. Piin.Anr.LrmA, March 10th, 1624. I certify, for the benefit oftho afflicted, thnt l have been, for seven years last past, afflicted with A' Committees of Council. EINANCE. LDERMEN Bulloch, Minis, Gumming. STREETS AND LANES. - Densler, Milieu, Wayne. MARKET, - Morrison, Sliick, Gaudry. DllY CULTURE. Waring, Bulloch, Morrison. limns of the National Intelligencer. It will contnin os full nnd accurate Reports as can bo obtained of nil Debates on main questions nnd of all interesting Debates on incidental ques tions; with an Appendix, containing a list ot the Members of each House, the Yeus und Navs in each lloii sc on questions xylpcli have been tlie subject of Debate, such Documents, connected with tlie subjects of Debate, ns may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to the whole. The Debates of tbe next Session, it is computed, will, with the Appendix, make u volume of five hundred pages, nt least, nnd will be furnished to subscribers through The Post Office, in sheets, ns published, (or reserved nt this Office, at the sub scriber’s option,) at three dollars for the vol ume, be it more or less, to be paid in advance in all cases of transmission beyond the limitsof the city. Tlie sheets will bn transmitted as completed, without regard to nny particular days, os the pub lication must of course be regulated by the prepar ation of the mutter of which it is to be composed. The subscription will in no ease, unless within the city, nnd not then unless specialty indicated, lie understood to extend beyond the volume ac tually paid for in ndvunce. To non-subscribers the price will lie four dol lars, bound in boards, fortiie volume now announc ed. The Debates of the Session of Congress follow ing the next, and of the first Session of every Con gress, will, it is supposed, fill about one thousand pages, or perhaps more, making one very large volume, or two of a handsome size—the first Ses sion of each Congress being ncnrly double the du ration of the second. The price of the Register for tlie first Session of ouch Congress, be its con tents more .or less thnii 1000 pages, will be fixed at five dollars to subscribers, and sixjonon-subscri hers. Oet 12 188 HEALTH AND CEMF.TRY, — Habersham, Jackson, Waring. pumps. —> Jackson, Densler, Millen. I.AMPS. —- Cinnmliig, Minis, Wayne. PUBLIC docks. ^ —ti Milieu, Gaudry, Densler. EXCHANGE. Sliick, Gaudry, Habersham. ENUINES AND FIRE BUCKETS. Minis, Jaokson, Morrison. PUBLIC SALES. sept 16 —- Harris, Jackson, Cumming, HOOKS AND LADDERS, Wnyno, Hnbcrslutm^Slnck, 178 In Admiralty. UNITED STATES DF AMERICA, 7 DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, j Calvin Bailor, and Mosus Herbert J Schooner Mart ha Forbes and , | -kkanition. cargo. ' J To the Marshal of tlic Dulnct of Georgia— GREETING I— L. S. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS a libel hath been exbibitcdin be half of Calvin Dnker and Moses llerbertin tlie District Court of tbe United States, for the District of Georgia; alfodging and propounding tliat the schooner Vexation, commanded by one Lee, fitted und sent out by the said libel lants at tbe Port of Savannah; to go in ifeurch of vcsselsin distress, did full in with a certain schoon er called the Martha Forbes, in a stnte of great \Mstrcfs und lmving no living person on board, la den with a cargo of dry goods, and groceries; which schooner called the Martha Forbes, run on shore on Cumberland Beach, in the District afore said: And whereas it lias been ordered, tliat ai) persons having or pretending to have, any/right, title, or interest, of, in or to tlie said Schooner, her tackle and apparel, and the cargo laden on board of her, be cited to be , and appear at the their patronage in the notarial business. WM. BELCHER. sep 18 m!79 Ten Dollars Reward. R UNAWAY from the subscriber ubout the first of the present month, my mulatto negro wo man PEGGY. She is 26 years of age, ubout 6 feel 6 inches high, square built, when spoken to talks very quick, bends much forwurd when she wulks; she is very artful and sensible, and no doubt will endeavor to pass as a fi’ee woman. The above reward nnd all exponces paid for ber de livery to me in Greensboro’, or $10 if secured in any jail in this state so thnt I can get her. Y. P. KING. \FT The Editors of tho Augusta Chronicle and Savannah Republican, ure requested to give the ubovo two insertions and forwurd their accounts. T- P- K. oct 12 188. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION UF THE Georgia Justice. I N the press and will be published iu October or November next, at the Recorder Office, a new aud enlarged edition of the GEORGIA JUSTICE.. The improvements in this very useful hook, are briefly noticed in the' following extracts from the .. , .. preface of the new edition'? d h,n S s evil, atiended wnl, an oxton- “ Several years have elapsed since the publica- «vo ulceration over the body, will, acute pain. In tion of the Georgia Justice, during which time I b”*N “Gwd ot J. Shinn s P.inticui, and there has been additional legislation upon many I °htained tor himi three bottles, which cflccled an of the subjects contained in it. In the present e- imUre and complete c “ro, and irnis now in good ditiou, such alterations us were rendered neecssa-1 ^ a ^ ° t0 " * vYv'^tVa tvi) y« . permanent benefit. Hearing of Mr. Swaim’s Pa nacea, 1 applied to him for some of it; being poor and unable to pay for it nt the time, for it at the could not obtain nny. 1 next applied to J. Shinn. andrcceivcdsomeofhisPanacea,which greatly be- xiefitted me. The pain nnd soreness of my side was removed, aud I was again abla to work at mv trade. CHARLES BOWMAN, German Street, Southwark. Tills is to certify,that my apprentice boy J. Mon rlson, aged 18 years, has been several years aillic>- .'(fne’s ry by subsequent enactments, have been made the additional matter incorporated,and several omis sions in the original work supplied. “MrPruices Digest being now in general use, references thereto have been substituted for those which wore heretofore made to Murbury Craw ford’s and Clayton’s Digests, and the annual pam phlets containing the laws of the state. A copious index has also been furnished and the work is submitted to tbe public, under a belief that Us acknowledged utility will be found to be increas- Coiirt House in the Cityof SavannahJon the twen-1 ed by the foregoiug circumstances.” ty-sixlh day of October, to shew cause, if any they tCF The price ol tlie book, neatly hound, in calf have, or can, why n decree should not puss us will be Five Dollars, payable on delivery. Any prayed by the said libel. You are therefore here- person paying for twenty copies will be entitled to iy authorized, impowered, and strictly enjoined twenty two, and in that proportion for a smaller to cite and admonish all persons, whatever,having, number.—Subscription papers will be furnished or pretending lo have, any right, title, interest, or to gentlemen who may be willing to tuke charge claim in, or to the said schooner, her tackle, appa- of them. rel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board of V The different newspapers iu this state, will her, to be, and appeal-, ut the time and place,afore-1 P'ease give the toregoing an insertion suid; nnd also to attend upon every sesion and ses- Milledgevilie, August30. sept 28 182 ALEX’RRANKEN,- Front street, above Poplar fone. This is to certify, that on the 16th of April, the abovo mimed John Morrison appeared before me, und on examination, do believe the facts, as rtateil in the above certificate, are just and true. II. PROBASCO, Justice of the Peace, Philadelphia county. I certify, tliat 1 have been afflicted with rheuma tism in my shoulder for ttiree years, from which I have been relieved by taking a few bottles of 3. ■ Shinn’s Panacea. JAMES DOUGLASS, of tlie Moyatnensing Poor-house. Just received per ship Florida, -the celebrated I PANACEA, prepared by John Sbinn, Chemist, Philadelphia, who has appointed tlie subscriber agent for Savannah audits vicinity. The Panacea will be sold at tiie reduced price of $2 60 cents per bottle, or $24 per dozen. f 1 WM. C. CUTIIBF.RT, Agent. may 25 / Chatham Superioi^ Court. Mjjr Term, 1824. G EORGE Jolinston and othefs, complainant 1 ). Vs Peter Vunburglx Livingston and other*, i— *. I,, , . . | me. jiuiauu unu pi«R8f.i ui uiuuuciu ai/uima i ileiendants. in equity iu the Superior court, ot ceive what unto law andjustice shall ondappertain, I Y on g e an orphan undoreleven years of age, the Chatham county, May term, 1324. under tbe puln of the law ana contempt tnereot, 1 Huuglxter of William C Yonge, deceased, It appearing to the Court by affidavit tliat Fc- the absence and contumacy ot them and everv oft j\ 0 \y these are therefore to cite and admonish ter Vanbitrgh Livingston and Harriet F-. Living them in any wiso notwithstanding: And wtratsoe- —..j .. ,l.._ _.i_° . .i_r„..jL,i— ver you sliall so do in the premises you shall duly certify to the Court aforesaid, at the time ac *d | granting of letters of guardianship aforesaid, | motion ot compli place aforesaid, together with these presents. j n the Clerk’s Office of tlie Court of Ordinary, on tho said defemlunt do respectively appear and an- Witnesthe Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge ot the I or beloye the first Monday in November next, o-1 swer the complaints Irll within four months from said Court this first day of October one thousand I tberwise letters of guardianship will be granted to I he date of this rule. And is further ordered (hat eight hundred and twenty-four. I the applicant. ,1 this rule be publislicd once a week tim ing four J. S. FELOT, I \v,tness the lion. John P. Williamson one of the mpnthsfrom this date in one of tlie public Gazettes , . . 1 “fo I Justices of the Inferior Court of said County, this of thri State. All parties interested will take due notice. I aecou d day of October, 1824. Extract from the Minutes. fi. M. BpND.o.c. o. A- B. FANNIN, Cleris, ' 1 S<W* ‘•'.ATv’v - H * iwW'tJtoS ■ . /.If. sions to be held there and from there until a defi nitive sentence shall be read- and promulgated in i ^ £ 0 RG1A, Chatliam County.—Whereas Mar- the said business inclusively, it any of them shall Wilkins, of Chatham county,; Spinster, think it their duty so to do, to hear abide by and | mg a ppij e d t 0 t| le honorable the Justices of tlie norfnvm nt nnd simriitar such tudicml acts as are . ^i...,i _ _ persou *ct,2 1^1 oct 16ft